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Academic writing - signposting language

This helpguide contains linking words and phrases that can be used in your own writing when
giving examples, writing conclusions, reinforcing, comparing, giving opposing views and more.

This is intended to be a sample list and although the words and phrases are grouped together in
sections their use can be varied so please use a dictionary if you are unsure.

Giving examples
for example in this case to put it another way particularly
for instance in the case of that is to say especially
namely as follows such as including
in other words to illustrate notably


...notably, the influence of the United Nations General Assembly in 1989 on the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child and the Children's Act 1989.

as can be seen to conclude finally in conclusion
as shown above given these points to sum up all things considered
as has been noted for the most part in the final analysis as a result


As a result of this, children and young people are not given complete control but an experience of
independence while retaining the element of parental protection.

in summary to summarise overall to recap
in conclusion therefore in brief
in short on the whole on balance


In brief, limited placement availability, funding, and obviously keeping welfare paramount, mean that it is
not always possible to grant children and young people exactly what they request.

196_1231 September 2017 This leaflet is available in other formats on request.

Similar to

likewise furthermore comparatively equally

moreover as well as correspondingly in a like manner
similarly additionally at the same time


It is often difficult to engage in dialogue with marginalized young people to gain their views, equally, continuity of
relationships is also a proven hindrance as children and young people only learn to trust those with whom they have
built constructive relationships.

Opposite to
on the other hand even so at the same time conversely
although this may be true though then again however
be that as it may on the contrary still nevertheless
in reality in contrast in spite of


In many ways, grounded theory is recognized as being at the far end of the inductive continuum as theories are
actually produced for further work, which is ultimately the aim of this study. In contrast to this, with an ethnographic
or phenomenological approach, the theory is seen as the end-product.


alternatively although to put it more simply however

rather conversely on the other hand
another possibility instead by contrast


On the other hand, children and young people’s competence is promoted when they are able to become
involved in reciprocal interactions with a number of people who play a part in their lives.


furthermore in addition for this reason crucially

what is more above all notwithstanding
in the same way also from this view
moreover with this in mind clearly


It is fair to say that it is more effective for social workers to provide guidance and support to increase engagement
and responsibility, and for this reason, children and young people’s voices and preferences are heard while
continuing to maintain the required element of protection.

196_1231 September 2017 This leaflet is available in other formats on request.


particularly mainly clearly

in particular significantly sheds light on
especially specifically notably


Empowering children may require adults to rethink how they share their power, in particular, to foster a mutual
understanding of children's wishes and feelings and the need to practise in a way that promotes this.


as a result therefore consequently as a consequence

for this reason accordingly because of this
thus henceforth under these circumstances


Accordingly, in contemporary society, the participation rights of children are developing and becoming more widely


at the present time until now the former in recent years

in this instance presently the latter more recently
to begin with in the past at this point in time historically
at the same time previously prior to this
sooner or later the starting point to date


Historically, the view prevailed that in decision-making forums, parents have absolute authority when it came to
matters relating to their children.


because in order to due to therefore

since nevertheless in this sense so


Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to read any text or study regarding children and young people’s
participation and not to come across the term “Gillick Competency”.

196_1231 September 2017 This leaflet is available in other formats on request.


generally speaking as a rule in fact

in most cases for the most part in general
on the whole usually mostly


Effective working, for the most part, depends upon the provision of support available to parents in conferences and
court hearings.


first another also furthermore

second yet another subsequently moreover
third additionally next lastly
to begin with in addition then finally


To begin with, the theme of increasing levels of bureaucracy within social work practice appeared to be a
recurring theme throughout the research, what’s more this administrative burden can be seen to be shifting the
focus away from the traditional hallmarks of the social work profession and finally, the current resources used to
facilitate social work… prove difficult in retaining the element of human value.

Further help

You can get further help with academic writing on Skills Plus at

196_1231 September 2017 This leaflet is available in other formats on request.

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