Assignment 1

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Assignment 1: Signal and Systems (ELE218T)

Dr. Priyanka Kokil

August 21, 2019


1. Determine the fundamental period of the signals

(a) x(t) = 2cos(10t + 1) − sin(4t − 1)
(b) x(t) = 1 + ej4πt/7 − ej2πt/5

2. Let x(t) be a signal with x(t) = 0 for t < 3. For each signal given below, determine the
value of t for which it is guaranteed to be zero.
(a) x(1 − t) (b) x(1 − t) + x(2 − t) (c) x(1 − t)x(2 − t) (d) x(3t)

3. Let x(t) = 2(1 + j)ejπ/4 e(−1+j2π)t . Sketch the following
(a) Re{x(t)}
(b) Im{x(t)}

4. Consider the continuous-time signal

x(t) = δ(t + 2) − δ(t − 2), (1)

Calculate the value of E∞ for the signal

Z t
y(t) = x(τ )dτ (2)

5. For each of the following signals shown below, determine whether it is even, odd, or neither.

6. Consider a periodic signal 

1, 0≤t≤1

x(t) = (3)



with period T = 2. The derivative of this signal is related to the impulse train

g(t) = δ(t − 2k) (4)

with period T = 2. It can be shown that

= A1 g(t − t1 ) + A2 g(t − t2 ). (5)

Determine the values of A1 , t1 , A2 , and t2 .

7. For the continuous-time signal x(t) shown below, sketch the following

(a) x(t − 1) (b) x(2 − t) (c) x(2t + 1) (d) x(4 − t/2) (e) [x(t) + x(−t)]u(t)

8. Determine and sketch the even and odd parts of the signals shown below.

9. Determine whether or not each of the following continuous-time signals is periodic or not. If
the signal is periodic, determine the fundamental period.
(a)x(t) = 3cos(4t + π/3) (b) x(t) = [cos(2t − π/3)]2
(c) x(t) = ej(πt−1) (d) x(t) = n=−∞ e(2t−n)

10. In general, systems may or may not be

(1) Memoryless
(2) Time-invariant
(3) Linear
(4) Causal

(5) stable
Determine which of these properties hold and which do not hold for each of the following continuous-
time systems. justify your answers.
(a)y(t) = x(t − 2) + x(2 − t) (b) y(t) = [cos(3t)]x(t)
R 2t dx(t)
(c) y(t) = −∞ x(τ )dτ (d) y(t) = dt

11. Consider an LTI system whose response to the signal x1 (t) in fig (a) and y1 (t) the output
in fig (b).

Determine and sketch the response of the system to the following inputs.

12. Consider a continuous-time system with input x(t) and output y(t) related by

y(t) = x(sin(t)) (6)

(a) Is this system causal? (b) Is this system linear?

13. A continuous-time linear system S with input x(t) and output y(t) yields the following
input-output pairs
x(t) = ej2t ←→ y(t) = ej3t , (7)

x(t) = e−j2t ←→ y(t) = e−j3t (8)

(a) If x1 (t) = cos(2t), determine the corresponding output y1 (t) for system S.
(b) If x2 (t) = cos(2(t − 1/2)),determine the corresponding output y2 (t) for system S.

14. Let x(t) = cos (ωx (t + τx ) + θx )

Determine the frequency in hertz and the period of x(t) for each of the following three cases
ωx τx θx
i π/3 0 2π
ii 3π/4 1/2 π/4
iii 3/4 1/2 1/4

15. We know the fact that the property of linearity for a system is equivalent to the system
possessing both the additive property and homogeneous property. Determine whether the system
1 d2 x(t)
y(t) = x(t) dt
is additive and/or homogeneous. Justify your answer by providing a proof for each
property if it holds or a counterexample if it does not.

16. Give an example of a time-invariant system and a non-periodic signal x(t) such that the
corresponding output y(t) is periodic.

17. Consider the signals

2πt 16πt
x(t) = cos + 2sin (9)
3 3
y(t) = sinπt (10)

Show that z(t) = x(t)y(t) is periodic, and write z(t) as a linear combination of harmonically related
complex exponentials.That is, find a number T and complex numbers ck such that

ck ejk(2π/T )t
z(t) = (11)

18. For a unit impulse function, show that

δ(2t) = δ(t) (12)

19. Determine the power and energy for the following signals
(a) x(t) = e−4t u(t) (b) x(t) = ej(2t+π/4) (c)x(t) = cos(t)

20. Express the real part of each of the following signals in the form Ae−at cos(ωt + φ), where
A, a, ω, and φ are real numbers with A > 0 and −π < φ < π.

(a) x(t) = −2 (b) x(t) = 2ejπ/4 cos(3t + 2π) (c)x(t) = e−t sin(3t + π)

21. Consider a system S with input x(t) and output y(t). This system is obtained through a
series interconnection of a system S1 followed by a system S2 . The input-output relationship for S1
and S2 are

S1 : y1 (t) = 2x1 (t) + 4x1 (t − 1)

1 (13)
S2 : y2 (t) = x2 (t − 2) + x2 (t − 3)
where x1 (t) and x2 (t) denote the input signals. determine the input -output relationship for the
system S.

22. Show that causality for a continuous-time linear system satisfies,

For any time t0 and any input x(t) such that x(t) = 0 for t < t0 , the corresponding output y(t)
must also be zero for t < t0 .

23. Sketch x(n) = αn for a typical α in the range −1 < α < 0. Assume that α = −e−1 and
define y(t) as y(t) = eβt . Find a complex number β such that y(t), when evaluated at t equal to an
integer n, is described by (−e−1 )n .

24. For y(t) found in Q. 23, find an expression for Re{y(t)} and Im{y(t)}.

The following questions should be solved in MATLAB and C-language.

25. Generate a function with your name to plot unit step, impulse, ramp, signals.

26. Generate a function with your name to plot sinusoidal and exponential signals.

27. Write a program to add sinusoidal and exponential signals, and plot the resultant output.

28. Write a program to multiply sinusoidal and exponential signals, and plot the resultant

29. Write a program to plot the resultant y(t) = u(t) − u(t − 2).

30. Write a program to plot y(t) = cos(3t)e3t + sin(3t)e−3t .

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