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Classroom Connections

This is a fun and engaging activity that gives students practice with
gender pronouns. Have students take turns making a statement about
someone in class but using a pronoun instead of their name. For example,
students might say things like this: He has on red sneakers. I sit behind
her. They went on a date last week. I saw a movie with her. After each
sentence, other class members try to guess who the speaker is talking
about. If they guess right, they earn two points and get to make the
next sentence. Encourage students to use as many different pronouns
as they can. Also, if anyone can stump the entire class, give them
five bonus points toward their score. At the end of the activity, tally
up the points and see who the winner is
The Pronouns Scavenger Hunt
Get those active children moving around the classroom, while teaching
them to recognize the nouns that specific pronouns may replace! Prepare
for this activity by hiding different pictures and nouns around the
classroom. For each round, let the students look for those that match
the pronoun you will mention. For example, if you say "she" for a certain
round, they must only gather pictures of females and nouns that can be
replaced by this particular pronoun, such as "sister" and "waitress". You
may ask them to stick these pictures and nouns on the board under the
corresponding pronoun.
You may want to do this activity by groups too! Assign one pronoun for
each group, so that every group will be looking for and collecting
different pictures and nouns.

The Pronouns Jumping Game

Jumping is a favourite activity for energetic first graders, so this game
will definitely leave them smiling and will make them more eager to
participate. Prepare large mats that you can stick different pronouns on.
This time, you can include other pronouns aside from "he", "she", "it",
and "they". Each group must have a "jumping mat". The players in a group
can take turns. For each turn, write or show a sentence on the board,
with an underlined noun that must be replaced with the correct pronoun.
In just five seconds, the player must then jump on the right pronoun to
earn a point for his group. Let the group’s race to 10 points or any number
of points you wish for them to achieve.

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