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Elisa Esguerra Campus

Gen. Luna St.,Brgy. Bayan – Bayanan, Malabon City
Tel# 932 – 52 – 09
S.Y. 2019 – 2020
2nd Semester



NAME: _____________________________________________________________ GR.&SEC.:_________________ SCORE: _______________


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and understand each question in the given items. Choose and blacken the circle of the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

    1. The following are some of the human behaviors that social sciences study about, EXCEPT:
A. Activities
B. Hopes
C. Money
D. Problems
    2. Why is social sciences vital in the study of society?
A. It is an important grounding on the different aspects of humanity.
B. It deepens understanding on natural environment concerns such as mass, motion,
and energy.
C. It can help explain our immediate experience.
D. It provides evidences for policy and practice on the situations of family planning,
gender equality, children’s right, and among other.
    3. Which of the following is the field of human knowledge that deals on the characteristics of
group life of human being?
A. Humanities
B. Natural Sciences
C. Social Sciences
D. Physical Science
    4. Which of the following best explains economics as a social science?
A. It uses mathematical methods to predict changes.
B. It study about a person’s household management.
C. It analyzes human and his/her behavior as a member of society.
D. It is concerned with human beings and how people organize activities to satisfy their
   5. Which of the following social science disciplines look at how people choose to use
A. Economics
B. Linguistics
C. Geography
D. Sociology
    6. It is the ability of human to use language means __________.
A. Creating expression on spiritual and aesthetic values to discover the meaning of life.
B. Organizing of human activities to satisfy basic material needs.
C. Skills of human being in creating sounds and gestures of speech up to organization
of words, and sentences.
D. Ways to discover when, where, and why human beings have changed in certain
physical features.
    7. Which of the following is not an example of social sciences?
A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. Physics
D. Sociology
    8. It is small-scale interaction and refers to individuals or households as firms interacting in
the market for consumption of goods.
A. Macroeconomics
B. Microeconomics
C. International Theory
D. Economic Theory
    9. What is underwater archaeologist?
A. Investigate past environment.
B. Endeavor to discover and excavate ancient shipwrecks and submerged cities.
C. Scrutinize and interpret the animal remains.
D. Concentrate on the more ancient pre-literate societies.
    10. What social science discipline uses tools of science in finding out what really transpired in
the past?
A. Humanities
B. History
C. Geography
D. Economics

    11. Does of the field of Humanities focus its study on human interest with the scientific ways?
A. Yes, because it systematically collects and studies the data.
B. Yes, because of its pursuit of knowledge and truth of all human creation beyond the
standards of objectivity.
C. No, because it deals with aspects on the emotions and feelings employed to
sharpen its interest.
D. No, because it focuses on the search for solutions to practical problems.
    12. Is defining the problem the most important step in the social research method?
A. Yes, because it carefully defines fundamental issues to investigate.
B. Yes, because it is the first step in social science research.
C. No, because it only provides background and suggest approaches.
D. No, because it only identifies trends, recognizes relationships, and tabulates the
    13. When did social sciences emerge as a discipline in the Philippines?
A. Pre – historical Period
B. Spanish Colonial Period
C. American Colonial Period
D. Japanese Colonial Period
    14. Which of the following scientific knowledge leads in the study of person’s dreams, hopes,
ambitions, activities, and problems?
A. Environmental Science
B. Natural Science
C. Social Science
D. Practical Science
    15. What are the basis of natural science and social science?
A. The basis of natural science is experiential data while social science rely on
experimental data.
B. The basis of natural science is experimental data while social science rely on
experiential data.
C. The basis of social science is academic disciplines while natural science rely on
D. The basis of social science is focuses on environment while natural science rely on
academic disciplines.
    16. These are the following definition of social sciences, EXCEPT:
A. A science which deals with human behavior in its social and cultural aspects.
B. It is the studying society and over the past more than 100 years.
C. Are all academic disciplines which deal with the man in their social context.
D. Deals with the human past and touches the meaning of human being.
    17. What is the difference between natural science and social science?
A. Natural science is characterized by exactness, controlled variables, and
predictability while social science is marked by the opposite – it is spontaneous,
unpredictable or uncontrollable.
B. Natural sciences deal with objects, whereas social sciences with subjects, that is
with human beings.
C. Natural sciences work within a closed systems while social sciences work within an
open system.
D. All of the above.
    18. Which of the following is the correct meaning of pre-history?
A. It is the study of the past principally how it relates to human.
B. It refers to events which occur prior to written record.
C. It describes or narrates and analyzes human activities in the past and the changes
that these had undergone.
D. It is the totality of all past events.
    19. Ms. Cruz described the characteristics of Mt. Everest, Sahara Dessert, and Pacific Ocean.
What discipline of social science did she apply?
A. History
B. Archaeology
C. Geography
D. Anthropology
    20. The Greek father of history who travelled expansively throughout the Mediterranean world,
observing different people and examining the military history of the region, and produce a
narrative compilation of his findings, entitled “History”.
A. Charles Darwin
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Herodotus
    21. Louise is curious about the studying the past human life such as the bones, remains, tools,
and fossils of our ancestors. What field of anthropology is being describe in the situation?
A. Archaeology
B. Anthropology
C. Sociology
D. Ethnology
    22. Leona made some research about the different theories of our existence. Specifically, the
theory of Charles Darwin. What field of anthropology is being describe?
A. Socio-cultural Anthropology
B. Linguistic Anthropology
C. Physical/Biological Anthropology
D. Archaeology
    23. How does anthropology differ from archaeology?
A. Anthropology is the study of mankind while archaeology is the study of culture.
B. Anthropology is the study of production and consumption while archaeology is the
study of artifacts.
C. Archaeology is the study of artifacts while anthropology is the study of all aspects of
human life.
D. None of the above.
    24. If you are going to conduct a study about the earliest form of human sacrifice in America,
what field of anthropology is your focus?
A. Archaeology
B. Cultural Anthropology
C. Linguistic Anthropology
D. Military History
    25. What is the academic discipline that deals with society and relationship among people?
A. Archaeology
B. Humanities
C. Natural Science
D. Social Science
    26. What field of anthropology centers on how human uses language as part of their
A. Archaeology
B. Cultural Anthropology
C. Linguistic Anthropology
D. Physical Anthropology
    27. What discipline in social sciences discussed mainly how can a person budget and allocate
the limited resources that he have?
A. Economics
B. Geography
C. History
D. Psychology
    28. If your main area of study discuss military tactics and strategies, what fields of history is
being discussed?
A. Cultural History
B. Diplomatic History
C. Economic History
D. Military History
    29. The ways of life learned and shared by people in social groups.
A. Culture
B. Traditions
C. Norms
D. Moral
    30. Who is the Father of Evolution?
A. Albert Einstein
B. Thomas Aquinas
C. Charles Darwin
D. Franz Boas

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