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b = 450 mm a
D = 450 mm Vu
Vu = 90 kN b
Hu = 23 kN D/2
a = 300 mm
fck = 30 N/mm2 D
fy = 500 N/mm2
fbr = 13.5 N/mm2
Tc,max = 3.5 N/mm2
Width of corbel b= 450 mm
1) d<=(a/0.6) = 500 mm
2) d = Vu/(Tc,max x b) 57.1 mm
D = 450 mm
d = 425 mm Note: a<d, d=effective depth (refer IS456 2000)
Zu = d - 0.42 xu
The value of xu is obtained by trail and error method to get V uD = 90 kN
xu = 0.092 d
xu zu VuD vu
39.1 408.578 90.7 90 VuD=Vu

Main Steel
Tu =( VuD x a)/ zu
Tu = 66.1 kN
fst = 6908.70 N/mm2
Required Ast = Tu/fst
Ast = 13 mm2
Dia of bar = 16 mm
No of bars = 0.064 Nos

Provide 4 nos of dia 16

Pt,pr = 0.42 Check for pt
0.4 0.42 1.3 Hence ok
Shear Design < <
Tc = 0.450 N/mm2
Tc,max = 3.5 N/mm2
Enhanced shear on account of a<2d
Vuc = Tc x 2d/a
Vuc = 1.28 N/mm2
Vuc,max = 669.375 kN
Minimum Stirrups are sufficient
Dia = 12
Spacing 232 mm Without shear deduction
Also total horizontal stirrups in a distance d/3 from main steel at top shall not be less than Ast/2
Minimum a area of steel = Ast/2 = 6.447154 mm2
Spacing = 84.38 mm < 232 mm
No of stirrups required = 3 Nos
Spread over a distance of d/3 141.6667
Provide spacing = 47.22222 mm
Development length = 50 x dia
= 800 mm
shear capacity
Increased shear strength 1 N/mm2
shear capacity of concrete 244 kN
shear capacity of steel 886 kN
total shear capacity 1130 kN Hence Safe

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