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Valle, Clarisse B.

Sir Don Bernarte

BACR 1- 1N Fundamentals of Human Inquiry

Humanistic view Reality Scientific view

• Emily Rose was incapable of • Emily Rose’s health started • She has a serious medical
eating due to demonic forces, to deteriorate ever since she condition that requires
resulting to her failing health. went out for college and treatment, and her condition
stayed in dorms. rendered her physically and
psychologically incapable of
caring for herself.

• Her body couldn’t withstand • The death of Emily Rose. •Her body was so weak and
the six demons possessing her exhausted because of all the
all at once. stress it went under that her
organs started to fail.

• It was the demon’s way of • The smell of something • Emily was taking
telling her that they were burning and Emily waking up hallucinogens, inducing her
coming to get and possess her at ungodly hours during her mind to conjure up things that
body. times alone. weren’t really there.

• Emily was already possessed • Emily Rose’s body • In a severe of grand mal
and at the mercy of the contortions and limbs locking seizures, a person may lose
demons, twisting and bending in very odd positions. consciousness and suffer
her body to their will. involuntary contractions of the

• It was not Emily who was • Emily Rose used two sets of • The use of voice modulation
speaking that time, but the voices to speak with different to alter her speaking voice and
demons. languages. the influence of her earlier
religious studies.

• She had a talk with the • Emily went outside their • She fainted due to her
higher beings and they asked house and fainted. illness.
her if she wanted to continue
suffering and be the eye-
opener for people that that
there were demons and that
they were real.

• They intend to lock him up • The priest in charge of the •It was right and just in the
and win the case because the exorcism was charged with eyes of the law, because the
people didn’t want to believe negligent homicide because of young girl entrusted him with
Emily Rose’s death was the her death. the responsibility of her health
doing of demons, even and he failed to meet the
preventing him to stand in terms, resulting to her death.
court and recount her story. He also advised her to stop
taking the medicine.

• The priests warned her of the • The lawyer who handles the • Studies say that our bodies
dark and demonic forces case started to wake up at 3 woke up at 3 am because of
surrounding the case even am, paralleled to her client’s our liver that does not have
before they started and they experiences. enough glycogen to produce
may be after her. energy that we need to
function, even while asleep.

•Stigmata. They were • The wounds in Emily’s • The wounds were all self-
patterned with Jesus’s wounds hands and feet. inflicted, and that they were
and suffering. all due to psychosis causing
her to act violent.
It was also because she
grabbed the barb wires outside
their house

• It was because they were • Emily couldn’t leave a stray • It was in her kind and timid
demons and started to follow cat behind and always took nature to bring back poor
her. During her exorcism, the them in with her to their abandoned kittens.
cats even attacked the people home.
witnessing the scene.

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