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University of Warsaw

The University is led by the Rector. Together with the Vice-Rectors, he oversees UW’s administration and finances,
makes key decisions, represents the University externally, and is in charge of the staff as well as undergraduates and

The Senate is the University’s most important governing body. It has the authority to pass documents which are of
key importance to the University, such as bylaws, the mission statement and strategy for development, as set out by
the Rector, financial and investment plans, and course regulations.

Rector of the University of Warsaw

Marcin Pałys is the 44th Rector of the University of Warsaw. 20th April 2016 he was re-elected the UW Rector for
the second term in office. Rector Marcin Pałys is a Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry. He is also Vice-President
of the Conference of Rectors of Universities in Poland. Prior to becoming Rector, Professor Pałys served as Vice-
rector for the Development and Financial Policy from 2008 to 2012, and Vice-Dean for Finances at the Faculty of
Chemistry from 2005 to 2008. As Vice-Rector, Professor Pałys facilitated strategic planning and initiatives such as
development of UW’s Centre of New Technologies and UW’s Biological and Chemical Research Centre. He was also
responsible for the University’s budgetary policy.

Marcin Pałys graduated from the University of Warsaw (M.Sc. in 1987) and received his doctoral degree at the
University of Twente (Enschede, the Netherlands, 1992). He became Professor in 2010. Professor Pałys’s field of
expertise covers inorganic and physical chemistry, in particular: transport phenomena in electrochemical systems,
chemical process modelling and supramolecular systems.

Vice-Rectors of the University of Warsaw

Professor Anna Giza-Poleszczuk, Vice-Rector for Development. Scholar is the only Vice-Rector reelected for the
2016-2020 term. In the previous term Prof. was involved in, among others, the establishment of Digital Economy Lab
and the Digital Humanities Lab. Prof. has been asociated with the Institute of Sociology of the UW where was a
Director for Science and Research (2005-2008). Later on, Prof. was a Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Philosophy and
Sociology of the UW (2008-2012). The research interests of Prof. Anna Giza-Poleszczuk: theorethical sociology.

Professor Jolanta Choińska-Mika, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching. Scholar has been
associated with the Institute of History of the UW where was a Deputy Director for Student affairs (2005-2012).
Since 2008 Prof. has been taking part in the UW Senate Committee for Students, Doctoral Students and Quality
of Teaching. The research interests of Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika: old Polish political culture and the history
of Great Britain.

Professor Maciej Duszczyk, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations. Scholar has been associated with
the Institute of the Social Policy of the UW, where was a Deputy Director for Research and International Programmes.
For 10 years Prof. has been leading the Migration Policy Team in the Centre of Migration Research of the UW. The
research interests of Prof. Maciej Duszczyk: migration policy in Poland and social policy.
Professor Andrzej Tarlecki, Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Financial Policy. Scholar has been associated with
the Institute of Informatics of the UW where was a Director (1996-2005). Since 2008, Prof. was a member of the UW
Senate Committee for Employment Policy. Scientist was also a Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and
Mechanics (2012-2016). The research interests of Prof. Andrzej Tarlecki: mathematical fundamentals of information

Research Centers
Dedicated Research Centers

 Humanities and social sciences

Center for Forensic Science
Centre de Civilisation Francaise et d’Etudes Francophones aupres de l`Universite de Varsovie (FR)
Centre for Europe
Centre for Local Goverment and Development Studies
Centre for Political Analysis
Centre of Migration Research
Digital Economy Lab
Digital Humanities Lab
Institute of Americas and Europe
Centre for Latin-American Studies (ES)
Centre for European Regional and Local Studies
American Studies Centre
Interdisciplinary Centre for Behavioural Genetics
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
The Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Center
The Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies

 Natural Sciences
Biological and Chemical Research Centre
Centre for Environmental Studies
Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology
Centre of New Technologies
Heavy Ion Laboratory
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling

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