Cell Cycle & Cell Division

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1) Cell cycle includes

(1) Duplication of genome (2) Duplication of other cell constituents
(3) Cell division (4) All
2) M Phase of cell cycle starts with
(1) Duplications of DNA (2) Karyokinesis
(3) Cytokinesis (4) Division of chromosomes
3) In animal cell-cycle, centriole duplicates dring
(1) G1 phase (2)G2 phase (3) S-phase (4)M-phase
4) Proteins and RNA synthesis occurs during
(1) S phase and G1 phase (2) G1 and G2 phase (3) G1 and M-phase (4) S and G2 phase
5) Mitotic division is also called equational division because
(1) Chromosome number in daughter cells is same
(2) Chromosome number in daughter cells and parental cell is same
(3) Amount of DNA is same is both the daughter cells
(4) Amount of DNA is same is both daughter and parental cell
6) Condensation of chromosomal material is initiated during
(1) Prophase (2) Metaphase (3) Anaphase (4) Telophase
7) Prophase is chracterised by
(1) Condensation of chromosomal material
(2) Centrioles move towards opposite poles of the cell
(3) Initiation of assembly of mitoticspindle
(4) All
8) Soindle fibres are chemically
(1) Carbohydrates (2)Proteins (3) Proteins and carbohydrates (4) Proteins and fats
9) Kinetochores are disc shaped structures associated
(1) Telomeres (2) Centromeres (3) Chromomeres (4) Secondary constriction
10) Chromatids of each chromosome are separated during
(1) Anaphase (2) Anaphase-I (3) Anaphase-II (4) a and c
11) Chromosomes decondense and lose their individuality during
(1) Prophase (2) Metaphase (3) Anaphase (4)Telophase
12) Cell divisions usually involves
(1) Karyokines followed by cytokinesis (2) Karyokinesis preceded by cytokinesis
(3) Cytokinesis followed by karyokinesis (4) a and c
13) The following stage is incorrect with reference to meiosis
(1) Nucleus divides twice (2) Chromosomes divide twice
(3) Centromere divides once
14) Chromosomes are first visible under light microscope during
(1) Leptotene (2)Zygotene (3) Pachytene (4)Diplotene
15) Bivalents first appear during
(1) Leptotene (2)Zygotene (3) Pachytene (4) Diplotene
16) Diakinesis is mainly characterized by
(1) Synapsis (2) Crossing over (3) Seggregation (4) Terminalization
17) Precursor of cell plate is
(1) Phragmoplast (2) Middle lamellum (3) Primary cell wall (4) Secondary cell well
18) Choose the correct match:
(1) V - shaped I) telocentric chromosome
(2) L – shaped II) metacentric chromosome
(3) J – shaped III) sub-metacentric chromosome
(4) I – shaped IV) acrocentric chromosome
19) Who coined term mitosis:-
1) Flemming 2) Watson 3) Thomson 4) Addison
20) Crossing over takes place in :-
1) Zygotene 2) Pachytene 3) Diplotene 4) Daikinesis
21) Match the column-I with column-II and select the correct answer:-
Column-I Column-II
((1) Pachytene (i) Synizesis
((2) Zygotene (ii) Chiasma visible
((3) Diplotene (iii) Teminalisation
((4) Leptotene (iv) Gene exchange
(E) Diakinesis (v) Synapsis
(1) A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv, E-v
(2) A-iv, B-v, C-ii, D-I, E-iii
(3) A-iii, B-iv, C-v, D-ii, E-i
(4) A-ii, B-ii, C-iv, D-i, E-v
23) In plants, meiosis can be observed in :-
1) Root tip 2) Leaf primordial 3) Sporangia 4) Spores
24) Cell plate which appears during cytokinesis, ultimately transforms in :-
1) Middle lamella 2) Primary wall 3) Sec. eall 4) Plasma membrane
25) Colchicine (C22 H25 O6 N) which prevents spindle formation is chemically a :-
1) Protein 2) Amino acid 3) Alkaloid 4) Glycolipid
26) Synapsis occurs between :-
1) Two homologous chromosomes 2) A male and a female gamete
3) mRNA and ribosomes 4) Spindle fibres and centromere
27) In yeast, duration of cell cycle is about :-
1) 80 minutes 2) 99 minutes 3) 1.30 hrs. 4) 60 minutes

28) Which one of the following is correctly matched?

1) Leptotene – formation of bivalents 2) Diplotene – chiasmata formation
3) Pachytene – chiasmata terminalisation 4) Zygotene – formation of bouquet
29) Arrange the following events of meiosis in the correct sequence
A. Terminalisation of chiasmata
B. Crossing over
C. Synapsis
D. Disjunction of chromosomes
E. Dissolution of synaptonemal complex
The correct sequence is –
1) A  B  C  D  E
2) E  D  C  B  A

3) C  B  D  E  A
4) C  B  E  A  D
30) The membrane surrounding cell vacuole is called
1) tonoplast 2) cell wall 3) plasma memebrane 4) cell membrane
31) Association of a m-RNA with several ribosomes is called
1) Polysome 2) Informosome 3) Both (1) and (2) 4) None of these
32) Prokaryotic ribosomes are :-
1) 50s 2) 60s 3) 70s 4) 80s
32) The significance of meiosis lies in [C.G. PMT 2004]
1) Maintaining constancy in the number of chromosomes in an organism
2) Production of genetic variability in the population of species
3) Reduction of the diploid number of chromosomes
4) All of the above
33) The main function of lysosomes is
1) Digestion 2) Replication 3) Translation 4) Translocation
34) Cell theory was proposed by :-
1) Schleiden and Schwann 2) Watson and Crick
3) Drawin and Wallace 4) Mendel and Morgan
35) Fluid mosaic model was given by :-
1) Knoll and Ruska 2) singer and Ruska 3) Singer and Nicolson 4) bateson and Punnet
36) Ribosomes are associated with :-
1) RNA synthesis 2) Protein synthesis 3) Enzyme mobilization 4) DNA synthesis
37) Who coined the term cell :-
1) Purkinje 2) Robert Brown 3) Robert Hooke 4)Hugo von Mohl
38) Omins cellula e cellulae i.e., new cells arise from pre-existing cells; this statement was given
(1) Schleiden and Schwann (2) Rudolf Virchow
(3) Robert Brown (4) Robert Hooke
39) What is true above genetic material of a prokaryotic cell?
(1) Lacks histones
(2) Not enveloped by nuclear membrane
(3) Composed of a single circular DNA molecule
(4) All of these
40) Glycocalyx (mucilage sheath) of a bacterial cell may occur in the form of a loose sheath called
_________ or it may be thick and tough called __________
(1) capsule, slime layer (2) slime layer, capsule
(3) mesosome, capsule (4) mesosome, slime layer
41) Plant cells differ from animal cells in having
(1) cell wall (2) plastids (3) a large central vacuole (4) all of these
42) Lipids are arranged within the membrane with
(1) polar heads towards inner side and the hydrophobic tails toward outerside
(2) both heads and tails toward outerside
(3) heads toward outerside and tail towards inside
(4) both heads and tails toward innerside
43) Who gave the lamellar or sandwich model of cell membrane?
(1) Singer and Nicolson (2) Danielli and Davson
(3) J. Ribertson (4) None of these
44) Cell membrane is selective permeable. This means that it
(1) allows all materials to pass through (2) allows only water to pass through
(3) allows only certain materials to pass through (4) allows only ions to pass through
45) Which of the following is an energy dependent process?
(1) Facilitated diffusion (2) Active transport
(3) Endosmosis (4) Exosmosis
46) Which organelle is not a part of the endomembrane system?
(1) ER (2) Golgi complex (3) Lysosomes (4) Mitochondria
47) __________ is directly reticulum is the major site for synthesis of __________
(1) proteins (2) lipids (3) carbohydrates (4) vitamins
48) Which of the following cell organelles are named after the name of its discoverer?
(1) ER (2) DNA (3) Golgi bodies (4) Mitochondria
49) Lysosomes are ___________ vesicular structures formed by the process of packaging in the
(1) membrane bound, Golgi apparatus (2) non-membrane bound, Golgi apparatus
(3) membrane bound, ER (4) non-membrane bound, ER
50) Which one is the mis-matched pair?
(1) Largest isolated - Egg of an ostrich single cell
(2) Golgi apparatus - Discovered by Altman
(3) Mitochondria - Name was given by Benda
(4) Lysosomes - Discovered by de Duve
51) Lysosomes are the reservoirs (store houses) of
(1) hydrolytic enzymes (2) oxidative enzymes
(3) secretory glycoproteins (4) RNA and proteins
52) who coined the term mitochondria?
(1) Altman (2) Benda (3) de Duve (4) C. Golgi
53) All plastids have essentially the same structure because
(1) they have to perform the same function
(2) they are localized in the aerial parts of plants
(3) one type of plastid can differentiate into another type of plastid depending upon the cell
(4) all plastids have to store starch, lipids and proteins
54) Which of the following is the following is the correct match?
(1) Amyloplasts – Store carbohydrates (2) Elaioplasts – Store fats and oils
(3) Aleuroplasts – Store proteins (4) All of these
55) Amyloplasts, elaioplasts and aleuroplasts belong to _________ category of plastids.
(1) chloroplasts (2) chromoplasts (3) leucoplasts (4) all of these
56) Select the incorrect pair.
(1) Cell wall - Structural support
(2) Central vacuole - Storage
(3) Amyloplast - Starch storage
(4) Plasmodesmata - Protection
57) In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is present in the
(1) outer membrane (2) inner membrane (3) thylakoids (4) stroma
58) The core of a cilium or flagellum composed of microtubules and their associated proteins is
(1) blepharoplast (2) axoneme (3) microfilament (4) tubulin
59) An organelle with an internal cross-section showing characteristic “9 + 2” array is the
(1) microtubule (2) microfilament (3) cilium or flagellum (4)cytoskeleton
60) The movement of cilia and flagella is due to the presence of
(1) radial spokes (2) central sheath (3) singlet microtubules (4) dyneins
1. Human cells in culture show a cell cycle to be completed in approximately
(1) 42 hours (2) 24 hours (3) 24 minutes (3) 24 seconds
2. Which phase occupies the maximum part of cell cycle?
(1) Mitotic phase (2) Meiotic phase (3) Interphase (4) Cytokinesis
3. A cell cycle includes
(1) interphase and M phase (2) prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase
(3) G1, S and G2 phases (4) karyokinesis and cytokinesis.
4. Synthesis of histone proteins occurs in
(1) G1 phase (2) interphase (3) anaphase (4)G0 phase
5. The cells that do not divide further, exit G1 phase to enter an
inactive stage called ____________ of the cell cycle.
(1) M Stage (2) G2 stage (3) S stage (4) G1 stage
6. Best material for studying mitosis in laboratory is
(1) leaf tip (2) shoot tip (3) root tip (4) gamete
7. Mitotic spindle is mainly composed of ________ proteins
(1) tubulin (2) myosin (3) actin (4) actomyosin
8. Phragmoplast is related to
(1) division of nucleolus (2) cell elongation
(3) cytokinesis (4) assemblage of chromosomes at metaphase
9. Meiosis does not occur in
(1) bacteria (2) cyanobacteria (3) plant cell (4) both ((1) and ((2)
10. in animals meiotic division occurs during gamete formation. This gametic meiosis results in
(1) haplontic life cycle (2) diplontic life cycle
(3) diplohaplontic life cycle (4) none of these
11. A common characteristic feature of plant sieve tube cells and most of mammalian
erythrocytes is
(1) Absence of mitochondria (2) Presence of cell wall
(3) Presence of haemoglobin (4) Absence of mucleus
12. Which one of these is not a eukaryote?
(1) Euglena (2) Anabena (3) Spirogyra (4) Agaricus
13. Which of the following statements is not true for plasma membrane?
(1) It is present in both plant and animal cells
(2) Lipid is present as a bilayer in it
(3) Proteins are present integrated as well as loosely associated with the lipid bilayer
(4) Carbohydrate is never found in it
14. Bacterial flagella are made up of
(1) Protein (2) Amines (3) Lipids (4) Carbohydrates
15. Plant cell may be without
(1) Plastics (2) Vacuoles (3) Centrioles (4) Cell wall
16. Middle lamella mainly contains
(1) Calcium (2) Manganese (3) Sodium (4) Potassium
17. The “power house” of a cell is …………..
(1) Ribosome (2) Golgi complex (3) Mitochondrion (4) Lysosome
18. Plant cell differs from animal cell in having
(1) Mitochondria (2) Ribosomes (3) Golgi bodies (4) Cell wall
19. Rackers are found in
(1) Mitochondria (2) Golgi bodies (3) Nucleus (4) Chromosomes
20. Which one is enzyme bag
(1) Chloroplast (2) Lysosme (3) Mitochondrion (4) E.R.
21. Cell wall consists of
(1) Lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and lipid (2) Lignin, hemicelluloses, pectin and cellulose
(3) Lignin, hemicelluloses, protein and lipid (4) Hemicellulose, cellulose, tubulin and lignin.
22. Amphitrichous flagellation means
(1) Flagella present all over the body (2) Flagella is absent
(3) Flagella present at both the ends (4) Flagella present at one end
23. In 1831, Robert Brown descrbed
(1) Nucleus (2) Cell (3) Nucleolus (4) Dictyosome
24. Which cell organelle is not bound by any membrane?
(1) Endoplasmic reticulum (2) Ribosome (3) Mitochondria (4) Chloroplast
25. Which structure is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic plant cell?
(1) Cell wall (2) Nucleus (3) Chloroplast (4) Mitochondria
26. Plasmodesmata are
(1) Connection between adjacent cells
(2) Lignified cemented layers between cells
(3) Membranes connecting the nucleus with plasmalemma
(4) Locomotory structures
27. Endoplasmic reticulum is in continuation with
(1) Mitochondria (2) Golgi body (3) Nuclear wall (4) Cell wall
28. Which of the following does not contain DNA?
(1) Peroxisome(2) Nucleus (3) Chloroplast (4) Mitochondria
29. During endocytosis
(1) The cell divides its cytoplasm during mitosis
(2) The cell digests itself
(3) The cell engulfs and internalizes materials using its membrane
(4) The cell enables the extracellular digestion of larger molecules
30. Respiratory enzymes are present in which of the following organelles
(1) Chloroplast (2) Lysosome (3) Mitochondria (4) Peroxisome

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