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One manner that the world’s ocean impacts climate and weather is
by playing an vital role in keeping our planet warm. The majority of radiation from
the solar is absorbed by the sea, particularly in tropical waters around the equator,
where the ocean acts like a massive, warmth-retaining solar panel.
Land regions also soak up some sunlight, and the
atmosphere allows to hold warmness that would in any other case quick radiate
into space after sunset. The ocean would not just store solar radiation; it
also enables to distribute warmth around the globe. When water molecules are heated,
they exchange freely with the air in a procedure called evaporation. Ocean water
is continuously evaporating, increasing the temperature and humidity of the
surrounding air to form rain and storms which can be then carried by alternate winds.
In fact, nearly all rain that falls on land begins off inside the ocean. The tropics
are especially rainy due to the fact heat absorption, and thus ocean evaporation, is
highest in this area.

2. Different parts of world receive different amount of sunlight therefore different

regions of world have different climate. Example- equator receives perpendicular
sunrays so the climate is hot and humid in the equator.

3. Weather forecasting is important to plan our daily schedules. Our day to day work
depends on different weather. Knowing weather conditions in advance can also keep
us out of danger. Moreover farmers need to know weather conditions in advance so
that they can plan their work accordingly.

4. The biggest factor in differences in the climate change in the Northern and Southern
hemisphere’s has to do with the distribution of land and water. The Northern
hemisphere has much more land of earth while the southern hemisphere has larger
part of ocean. There is more than one reason why this is important. Firstly, land and
ocean heat and cool at different time rates. Land heats up and cools down much faster
as compared to ocean. Second there are mountains on land that act as physical barriers
to wind flow.

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