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1 Title of Bills they determined were unfair election practices;

hence, the birth of the Fair Election Act.
Girion v COMELEC
Cawaling v COMELEC
Henry Giron and petitioners-in-intervention assail
the constitutionality of Section 12 (Substitution of Two (2) separate petitions challenging the
Candidates) and Section 14 (Repealing Clause) of constitutionality of Republic Act No. 8806which
Republic Act 9006 known as the Fair Election Act. created the City of Sorsogon and the validity of the
plebiscite conducted pursuant thereto.
Giron asserts that the insertion of Sections 12 and
14 in the Fair Election Act violates Section 26 of August 16, 2000, former President Joseph E.
Article 6 of the 1987 Constitution. Estrada signed into law R.A. No. 8806, an “Act
Creating the City of Sorsogon By Merging The
Political ad ban being lifted is the main subject of Municipalities Of Bacon And Sorsogon In The
the Fair Election Act and sections 12 and 14 are not Province Of Sorsogon, And Appropriating Funds
related to it. Section 12 refers to the treatment of Therefor.”
the votes cast for substituted candidates after the
official ballots have been printed, while Section 14 Petitioner submitted petition seeking annulment of
pertains to the repeal of Section 67 (Candidates plebiscite on grounds of:
holding elective office) of Batas Pambansa Blg.
A. The December 16, 2000 plebiscite was
881which concerns the ipso facto (very act)
conducted beyond the required 120-day
resignation of elective officials immediately after
period from the approval of R.A. 8806, in
they file their respective certificates of candidacy
violation of Section 54 thereof
for an office other than that which they are
B. Respondent COMELEC failed to observe
currently holding in a permanent capacity.
the legal requirement of twenty (20) day
Issue extensive information campaign in the
Municipalities of Bacon and Sorsogon
Whether or not the inclusion of Sections 12 and 14 before conducting the plebiscite
in the Fair Election Act violates Section 26 (1),
Article VI of the 1987 Constitution, or the “one Petitioner instituted another petition declaring
subject-one title” rule. enjoin R.A. No. 8806 unconstitutional, contending,
in essence, that:
Constitutional provisions relation to the subject
matter and titles of statutes should not be so A. The creation of Sorsogon City by merging
narrowly construed as to cripple or impede the two municipalities violates Section 450(a)
power of legislation the requirement that the of the Local Government Code of 1991 (in
subject of an act shall be expressed in its title relation to Section 10, Article X of the
should receive a reasonable and not a technical Constitution) which requires that only “a
construction. municipality or a cluster of barangays may
be converted into a component city”
It is enough that the title gives a general object B. R.A. No. 8806 contains two (2) subjects,
which a statute seeks to effect. Mere details need to namely, the (a) creation of the City of
be set forth. Sorsogon and the (b) abolition of the
Municipalities of Bacon and Sorsogon,
Congress did not limit the law to the lifting of the thereby violating the “one subject-one
political ad ban. They found other election bill” rule prescribed by Section 26(1),
practices that they considered inequitable. Some of Article VI of the Constitution.
these practices included the appreciation of the
votes cast in case of a late substitution of Petitioner contends that under Section 450(a) of the
candidates and the ipso facto resignation of certain Code, a component city may be created only by
elective officials upon the filing of their certificates converting “a municipality or a cluster of
of candidacy. Thus, to level the playing field, barangays not by merging two municipalities, as
Congress fashioned a law that would address what what R.A. No. 8806 has done.
the publication, not upon approval making
December 16, 2000 which is within the
120 days of the plebiscite.


(1) WON a component city may be created by Lidasan v COMELEC

merging two municipalities.
(2) WON there exist a “compelling” reason Bara Lidasan was a resident of Parang, Cotabato.
for merging the Municipalities of Bacon Later, Republic Act No. 4790, entitled “An Act
and Sorsogon in order tocreate the City of Creating the Municipality of Dianaton in the
Sorsogon. Province of Lanao del Sur,” was passed. Lidasan
(3) WON R.A. No. 8806 violate the “one however discovered that certain barrios located in
subject-one bill” rule enunciated in Cotabato were included in Dianaton, Lanao Del Sur
Section 26 (1), Article VI of the pursuant to RA 4790. [Remarkably, even the
Constitution Congressman of Cotabato voted in 2avour of RA
(4) WON R.A No 8806 is unconstitutional 4790.] Pursuant to this law, COMELEC proceeded
to establish precincts for voter registration in the
Held said territories of Dianaton. Lidasan then filed a
case to have RA 4790 be nullified for being
1. Yes. Petitioner’s constricted reading of
unconstitutional. He averred that the law did not
Section 450(a) of the Code is erroneous.
clearly indicate in its title that in creating Dianaton,
The phrase “Amunicipality or a cluster of
it would be including in its territory several barrios
barangays may be converted into a
from Cotabato.
component city” is not a criterion but
simply one of the modes by which a city ISSUE: Is RA 4790, which created Dianaton but
may be created. Section 10, Article X of which includes barrios located in another province
the Constitution allows the merger of local – Cotabato – to be spared from attack planted upon
government units to create a province city, the constitutional mandate that “No bill which may
municipality or barangay in accordance be enacted into law shall embrace more than one
with the criteriaestablished by the Code. subject which shall be expressed in the title of the
The creation of an entirely new local bill”?
government unit through a division or a
merger of existing local government HELD: No. The said law is void. The baneful
units is recognized under the Constitution, effect of the defective title here presented is not so
provided that such merger or division shall difficult to perceive. Such title did not inform the
comply with the requirements prescribed members of Congress as to the full impact of the
by the Code law; it did not apprise the people in the towns of
2. Compelling reason for merging is a Buldon and Parang in Cotabato and in the province
question on wisdom which the judiciary of Cotabato itself that part of their territory is being
can’t answer. taken away from their towns and province and
3. There is only one subject embraced in the added to the adjacent Province of Lanao del Sur; it
title of the law, that is, the creation of the kept the public in the dark as to what towns and
City of Sorsogon. The abolition/cessation provinces were actually affected by the bill that
of the corporate existence of the even a Congressman from Cotabato voted for it
Municipalities of Bacon and Sorsogon due only to find out later on that it is to the prejudice of
to their merger is not a subject separate his own province. These are the pressures which
and distinct from the creation of Sorsogon heavily weigh against the constitutionality of RA
City. Such abolition/cessation was but the 4790.
logical, natural and inevitable
consequence of the merger. 1.7 Steps in the passage of a bill into law
4. Publication was completed on September
1, 2000 compared to approval on August 1.7.1 Formalities
16, 2000. The plebiscite is scheduled after
Datu Michael Abas Kida v. Senate of the 1. YES, the 1987 Constitution mandates the
Philippines synchronization of elections.

1. THE FACTS While the Constitution does not expressly state that
Congress has to synchronize national and local
Several laws pertaining to the Autonomous Region elections, the clear intent towards this objective can
in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) were enacted by be gleaned from the Transitory Provisions (Article
Congress. Republic Act (RA) No. 6734 is the XVIII) of the Constitution, which show the extent
organic act that established the ARMM and to which the Constitutional Commission, by
scheduled the first regular elections for the ARMM deliberately making adjustments to the terms of the
regional officials. RA No. 9054 amended the incumbent officials, sought to attain
ARMM Charter and reset the regular elections for synchronization of elections. The Constitutional
the ARMM regional officials to the second Commission exchanges, read with the provisions of
Monday of September 2001. RA No. 9140 further the Transitory Provisions of the Constitution, all
reset the first regular elections to November 26, serve as patent indicators of the constitutional
2001. RA No. 9333 reset for the third time the mandate to hold synchronized national and local
ARMM regional elections to the 2nd Monday of elections, starting the second Monday of May 1992
August 2005 and on the same date every 3 years and for all the following elections.
In this case, the ARMM elections, although called
Pursuant to RA No. 9333, the next ARMM regional “regional” elections, should be included among the
elections should have been held on August 8, 2011. elections to be synchronized as it is a “local”
COMELEC had begun preparations for these election based on the wording and structure of the
elections and had accepted certificates of Constitution.
candidacies for the various regional offices to be
elected. But on June 30, 2011, RA No. 10153 was Thus, it is clear from the foregoing that the 1987
enacted, resetting the next ARMM regular elections Constitution mandates the synchronization of
to May 2013 to coincide with the regular national elections, including the ARMM elections.
and local elections of the country.
2. NO, the passage of RA No. 10153 DOES NOT
In these consolidated petitions filed directly with violate the three-readings-on-separate-days
the Supreme Court, the petitioners assailed the requirement in Section 26(2), Article VI of the
constitutionality of RA No. 10153. 1987 Constitution.

The general rule that before bills passed by either

the House or the Senate can become laws they must
II. THE ISSUES: pass through three readings on separate days, is
subject to the EXCEPTION when the President
1. Does the 1987 Constitution mandate the
certifies to the necessity of the bill’s immediate
synchronization of elections [including the ARMM
enactment. The Court, in Tolentino v. Secretary of
Finance, explained the effect of the President’s
2. Does the passage of RA No. 10153 violate the certification of necessity in the following manner:
three-readings-on-separate-days rule under Section
The presidential certification dispensed with the
26(2), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution?
requirement not only of printing but also that of
3. Is the grant [to the President] of the power to reading the bill on separate days. The phrase
appoint OICs constitutional? “except when the President certifies to the
necessity of its immediate enactment, etc.” in Art.
III. THE RULING VI, Section 26[2] qualifies the two stated
conditions before a bill can become a law: [i] the
[The Supreme Court] DISMISSED the petitions bill has passed three readings on separate days and
and UPHELD the constitutionality of RA No. [ii] it has been printed in its final form and
10153 in toto.] distributed three days before it is finally approved.
In the present case, the records show that the way that would effectively extend the term of the
President wrote to the Speaker of the House of incumbents. Indeed, if acts that cannot be legally
Representatives to certify the necessity of the done directly can be done indirectly, then all laws
immediate enactment of a law synchronizing the would be illusory. Congress cannot also create a
ARMM elections with the national and local new term and effectively appoint the occupant of
elections. Following our Tolentino ruling, the the position for the new term. This is effectively an
President’s certification exempted both the House act of appointment by Congress and an
and the Senate from having to comply with the unconstitutional intrusion into the constitutional
three separate readings requirement. appointment power of the President. Hence,
holdover – whichever way it is viewed – is a
3. YES, the grant [to the President] of the power constitutionally infirm option that Congress could
to appoint OICs in the ARMM is constitutional not have undertaken.

[During the oral arguments, the Court identified the Even assuming that holdover is constitutionally
three options open to Congress in order to resolve permissible, and there had been statutory basis for
the problem on who should sit as ARMM officials it (namely Section 7, Article VII of RA No. 9054)
in the interim [in order to achieve synchronization in the past, we have to remember that the rule of
in the 2013 elections]: (1) allow the [incumbent] holdover can only apply as an available option
elective officials in the ARMM to remain in office where no express or implied legislative intent to the
in a hold over capacity until those elected in the contrary exists; it cannot apply where such contrary
synchronized elections assume office; (2) hold intent is evident.
special elections in the ARMM, with the terms of
those elected to expire when those elected in the Congress, in passing RA No. 10153, made it
[2013] synchronized elections assume office; or (3) explicitly clear that it had the intention of
authorize the President to appoint OICs, [their suppressing the holdover rule that prevailed under
respective terms to last also until those elected in RA No. 9054 by completely removing this
the 2013 synchronized elections assume office.] provision. The deletion is a policy decision that is
wholly within the discretion of Congress to make in
3.1. 1st option: Holdover is unconstitutional since the exercise of its plenary legislative powers; this
it would extend the terms of office of the Court cannot pass upon questions of wisdom,
incumbent ARMM officials justice or expediency of legislation, except where
an attendant unconstitutionality or grave abuse of
We rule out the [hold over] option since it violates
discretion results.
Section 8, Article X of the Constitution. This
provision states: 3.2. 2nd option: Calling special elections is
unconstitutional since COMELEC, on its own, has
Section 8. The term of office of elective local
no authority to order special elections.
officials, except barangay officials, which shall be
determined by law, shall be three years and no such The power to fix the date of elections is essentially
official shall serve for more than three consecutive legislative in nature. [N]o elections may be held on
terms. [emphases ours] any other date for the positions of President, Vice
President, Members of Congress and local officials,
Since elective ARMM officials are local officials,
except when so provided by another Act of
they are covered and bound by the three-year term
Congress, or upon orders of a body or officer to
limit prescribed by the Constitution; they cannot
whom Congress may have delegated either the
extend their term through a holdover. Xxx.
power or the authority to ascertain or fill in the
If it will be claimed that the holdover period is details in the execution of that power.
effectively another term mandated by Congress, the
Notably, Congress has acted on the ARMM
net result is for Congress to create a new term and
elections by postponing the scheduled August 2011
to appoint the occupant for the new term. This view
elections and setting another date – May 13, 2011 –
– like the extension of the elective term – is
for regional elections synchronized with the
constitutionally infirm because Congress cannot do
presidential, congressional and other local
indirectly what it cannot do directly, i.e., to act in a
elections. By so doing, Congress itself has made a
policy decision in the exercise of its legislative Section 16. The President shall nominate and, with
wisdom that it shall not call special elections as an the consent of the Commission on Appointments,
adjustment measure in synchronizing the ARMM appoint the heads of the executive departments,
elections with the other elections. ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls or
officers of the armed forces from the rank of
After Congress has so acted, neither the Executive colonel or naval captain, and other officers whose
nor the Judiciary can act to the contrary by ordering appointments are vested in him in this Constitution.
special elections instead at the call of the He shall also appoint all other officers of the
COMELEC. This Court, particularly, cannot make Government whose appointments are not otherwise
this call without thereby supplanting the legislative provided for by law, and those whom he may be
decision and effectively legislating. To be sure, the authorized by law to appoint. The Congress may,
Court is not without the power to declare an act of by law, vest the appointment of other officers lower
Congress null and void for being unconstitutional in rank in the President alone, in the courts, or in
or for having been exercised in grave abuse of the heads of departments, agencies, commissions,
discretion. But our power rests on very narrow or boards. [emphasis ours]
ground and is merely to annul a contravening act of
Congress; it is not to supplant the decision of This provision classifies into four groups the
Congress nor to mandate what Congress itself officers that the President can appoint. These are:
should have done in the exercise of its legislative
powers. First, the heads of the executive departments;
ambassadors; other public ministers and consuls;
Thus, in the same way that the term of elective officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
ARMM officials cannot be extended through a from the rank of colonel or naval captain; and other
holdover, the term cannot be shortened by putting officers whose appointments are vested in the
an expiration date earlier than the three (3) years President in this Constitution;
that the Constitution itself commands. This is what
will happen – a term of less than two years – if a Second, all other officers of the government whose
call for special elections shall prevail. In sum, appointments are not otherwise provided for by
while synchronization is achieved, the result is at law;
the cost of a violation of an express provision of the
Third, those whom the President may be authorized
by law to appoint; and
3.3. 3rd option: Grant to the President of the
Fourth, officers lower in rank whose appointments
power to appoint ARMM OICs in the interim is
the Congress may by law vest in the President
The above considerations leave only Congress’
Since the President’s authority to appoint OICs
chosen interim measure – RA No. 10153 and the
emanates from RA No. 10153, it falls under the
appointment by the President of OICs to govern the
third group of officials that the President can
ARMM during the pre-synchronization period
appoint pursuant to Section 16, Article VII of the
pursuant to Sections 3, 4 and 5 of this law – as the
Constitution. Thus, the assailed law facially rests
only measure that Congress can make. This choice
on clear constitutional basis.
itself, however, should be examined for any
attendant constitutional infirmity. If at all, the gravest challenge posed by the
petitions to the authority to appoint OICs under
At the outset, the power to appoint is essentially
Section 3 of RA No. 10153 is the assertion that the
executive in nature, and the limitations on or
Constitution requires that the ARMM executive
qualifications to the exercise of this power should
and legislative officials to be “elective and
be strictly construed; these limitations or
representative of the constituent political units.”
qualifications must be clearly stated in order to be
This requirement indeed is an express limitation
recognized. The appointing power is embodied in
whose non-observance in the assailed law leaves
Section 16, Article VII of the Constitution, which
the appointment of OICs constitutionally defective.
After fully examining the issue, we hold that this note that Tolentino and co-petitioner Raul Roco
alleged constitutional problem is more apparent even signed the said Senate Bill.)
than real and becomes very real only if RA No.
10153 were to be mistakenly read as a law that ISSUE: Whether or not the EVAT law is
changes the elective and representative character of procedurally infirm.
ARMM positions. RA No. 10153, however, does
HELD: No. By a 9-6 vote, the Supreme Court
not in any way amend what the organic law of the
rejected the challenge, holding that such
ARMM (RA No. 9054) sets outs in terms of
consolidation was consistent with the power of the
structure of governance. What RA No. 10153 in
Senate to propose or concur with amendments to
fact only does is to “appoint officers-in-charge for
the version originated in the HoR. What the
the Office of the Regional Governor, Regional Vice
Constitution simply means, according to the 9
Governor and Members of the Regional Legislative
justices, is that the initiative must come from the
Assembly who shall perform the functions
HoR. Note also that there were several instances
pertaining to the said offices until the officials duly
before where Senate passed its own version rather
elected in the May 2013 elections shall have
than having the HoR version as far as revenue and
qualified and assumed office.” This power is far
other such bills are concerned. This practice of
different from appointing elective ARMM officials
amendment by substitution has always been
for the abbreviated term ending on the assumption
accepted. The proposition of Tolentino concerns a
to office of the officials elected in the May 2013
mere matter of form. There is no showing that it
would make a significant difference if Senate were
[T]he legal reality is that RA No. 10153 did not to adopt his over what has been done.
amend RA No. 9054. RA No. 10153, in fact,
PHILJA v Prado
provides only for synchronization of elections and
for the interim measures that must in the Section 35 of Republic Act No. 7354 authorized
meanwhile prevail. And this is how RA No. 10153 the Philippine Postal Corporation (PPC) to
should be read – in the manner it was written and withdraw franking privileges from certain
based on its unambiguous facial terms. Aside from government agencies. Franking privilege is a
its order for synchronization, it is purely and privilege granted to certain agencies to make use of
simply an interim measure responding to the the Philippine postal service free of charge.
adjustments that the synchronization requires.
In 1992, a study came about where it was
Tolentino v Secretary of Finance determined that the bulk of the expenditure of the
postal service comes from the judiciary’s use of the
Arturo Tolentino et al are questioning the
postal service (issuance of court processes). Hence,
constitutionality of RA 7716 otherwise known as
the postal service recommended that the franking
the Expanded Value Added Tax (EVAT) Law.
privilege be withdrawn from the judiciary. AS a
Tolentino averred that this revenue bill did not
result, the PPC issued a circular withdrawing the
exclusively originate from the House of
said franking privilege.
Representatives as required by Section 24, Article 6
of the Constitution. Even though RA 7716 The Philippine Judges Association (PJA) assailed
originated as HB 11197 and that it passed the 3 the circular and questioned the validity of Section
readings in the HoR, the same did not complete the 35 of RA 7354. PJA claimed that the said provision
3 readings in Senate for after the 1st reading it was is violative of the equal protection clause.
referred to the Senate Ways & Means Committee
thereafter Senate passed its own version known as ISSUE: Whether or not the withdrawal of the
Senate Bill 1630. Tolentino averred that what franking privilege from the judiciary is valid.
Senate could have done is amend HB 11197 by
striking out its text and substituting it with the text HELD: No. The Supreme Court ruled that there is
of SB 1630 in that way “the bill remains a House a violation of the equal protection clause. The
Bill and the Senate version just becomes the text judiciary needs the franking privilege so badly as it
(only the text) of the HB”. (It’s ironic however to is vital to its operation. Evident to that need is the
high expense allotted to the judiciary’s franking
needs. The Postmaster cannot be sustained in Network, Inc. (CBN) and Montserrat Broadcasting
contending that the removal of the franking System Inc. They operate and own television
privilege from the judiciary is in order to cut (channel 9) and radio stations in the Philippines.
expenditure. This is untenable for if the Postmaster They were summoned by Brigido Valencia, then
would intend to cut expenditure by removing the Secretary of Communications, for operating even
franking privilege of the judiciary, then they should after their permit has expired. Valencia claimed
have removed the franking privilege all at once that because of CBN’s continued operation sans
from all the other departments. If the problem is the license and their continuing operation had caused
loss of revenues from the franking privilege, the damages to his department.
remedy is to withdraw it altogether from all
agencies of the government, including those who ISSUE: Whether or not Valencia is entitled to
do not need it. The problem is not solved by claim for damages.
retaining it for some and withdrawing it from
HELD: The SC ruled in the negative. Valencia
others, especially where there is no substantial
failed to show that any right of his has been
distinction between those 7avoured, which may or
violated by the refusal of CBN to cease operation.
may not need it at all, and the Judiciary, which
Further, the SC noted that as the records show, the
definitely needs it. The problem is not solved by
appropriation to operate the Philippine
violating the Constitution.
Broadcasting Service as approved by Congress and
The equal protection clause does not require the incorporated in the 1962-1963 Budget of the
universal application of the laws on all persons or Republic of the Philippines does not allow
things without distinction (it is true that the appropriations for TV stations particularly in
postmaster withdraw the franking privileges from Luzon. Hence, since there was no appropriation
other agencies of the government but still, the allotted then there can be no damage; and if there
judiciary is different because its operation largely are expenditures made by Valencia’s department
relies on the mailing of court processes). This they are in fact in violation of the law and they
might in fact sometimes result in unequal cannot claim damages therefrom. And even if it is
protection, as where, for example, a law prohibiting shown that the then president vetoed this provision
mature books to all persons, regardless of age, of the Budget Act, such veto is illegal because he
would benefit the morals of the youth but violate may not legally veto a condition attached to an
the liberty of adults. What the clause requires is appropriation or item in the appropriation bill.
equality among equals as determined according to a
Note: This ruling, that the executive’s veto power
valid classification. By classification is meant the
does not carry with it the power to strike out
grouping of persons or things similar to each other
conditions or restrictions, has been adhered to in
in certain particulars and different from all others in
subsequent cases. If the veto is unconstitutional, it
these same particulars.
follows that the same produced no effect
In lumping the Judiciary with the other offices from whatsoever; and the restriction imposed by the
which the franking privilege has been withdrawn, appropriation bill, therefore, remains.
Sec 35 has placed the courts of justice in a category
Abakado Guro Party list v. Purisima
to which it does not belong. If it recognizes the
need of the President of the Philippines and the Petitioners seeks to prevent respondents from
members of Congress for the franking privilege, implementing and enforcing Republic Act (RA)
there is no reason why it should not recognize a 9335. R.A. 9335 was enacted to optimize the
similar and in fact greater need on the part of the revenue-generation capability and collection of the
Judiciary for such privilege. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau
of Customs (BOC). The law intends to encourage
1.7.2 Approval of Bills BIR and BOC officials and employees to exceed
their revenue targets by providing a system of
Bolinao Electronics v. Velencia
rewards and sanctions through the creation of a
Bolinao Electronics Corporation was the co-owner Rewards and Incentives Fund (Fund) and a
and a co-petitioner of Chronicle Broadcasting Revenue Performance Evaluation Board (Board). It
covers all officials and employees of the BIR and
the BOC with at least six months of service, of the BIR and the BOC violates the constitutional
regardless of employment status. guarantee of equal protection.

Petitioners, invoking their right as taxpayers filed Whether or not there was an unduly delegation of
this petition challenging the constitutionality of RA power to fix revenue targets to the President.
9335, a tax reform legislation. They contend that,
by establishing a system of rewards and incentives, Whether or not the doctrine of separation of powers
the law “transforms the officials and employees of has been violated in the creation of a congressional
the BIR and the BOC into mercenaries and bounty oversight committee.
hunters” as they will do their best only in
consideration of such rewards. Thus, the system of
rewards and incentives invites corruption and The Court referred to the ruling of Victoriano v.
undermines the constitutionally mandated duty of Elizalde Rope Workers’ Union, which states that
these officials and employees to serve the people “the guaranty of equal protection of the laws is not
with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and a guaranty of equality in the application of the laws
efficiency. upon all citizens of the State.
Petitioners also claim that limiting the scope of the The equal protection of the laws clause of the
system of rewards and incentives only to officials Constitution allows classification. Classification in
and employees of the BIR and the BOC violates the law, as in the other departments of knowledge or
constitutional guarantee of equal protection. There practice, is the grouping of things in speculation or
is no valid basis for classification or distinction as practice because they agree with one another in
to why such a system should not apply to officials certain particulars. A law is not invalid because of
and employees of all other government agencies. simple inequality. The very idea of classification is
that of inequality, so that it goes without saying that
In addition, petitioners assert that the law unduly
the mere fact of inequality in no manner determines
delegates the power to fix revenue targets to the
the matter of constitutionality.
President as it lacks a sufficient standard on that
matter. While Section 7(b) and (c) of RA 9335 The Court has held that the standard is satisfied if
provides that BIR and BOC officials may be the classification or distinction is based on a
dismissed from the service if their revenue reasonable foundation or rational basis and is not
collections fall short of the target by at least 7.5%, palpably arbitrary. “
the law does not, however, fix the revenue targets
to be achieved. Instead, the fixing of revenue To determine the validity of delegation of
targets has been delegated to the President without legislative power, it needs the following: (1) the
sufficient standards. It will therefore be easy for the completeness test and (2) the sufficient standard
President to fix an unrealistic and unattainable test. A law is complete when it sets forth therein
target in order to dismiss BIR or BOC personnel. the policy to be executed, carried out or
implemented by the delegate. It lays down a
Finally, petitioners assail the creation of a sufficient standard when it provides adequate
congressional oversight committee on the ground guidelines or limitations in the law to map out the
that it violates the doctrine of separation of powers. boundaries of the delegate’s authority and prevent
While the legislative function is deemed the delegation from running riot. To be sufficient,
accomplished and completed upon the enactment the standard must specify the limits of the
and approval of the law, the creation of the delegate’s authority, announce the legislative
congressional oversight committee permits policy and identify the conditions under which it is
legislative participation in the implementation and to be implemented.
enforcement of the law.
Based from the ruling under Macalintal v.
Issues: Commission on Elections, it is clear that
congressional oversight is not unconstitutional per
Whether or not the scope of the system of rewards
se, meaning, it neither necessarily constitutes an
and incentives limitation to officials and employees
encroachment on the executive power to implement
laws nor undermines the constitutional separation IRR. From then on, it became functus officio and
of powers. Rather, it is integral to the checks and ceased to exist. Hence, the issue of its alleged
balances inherent in a democratic system of encroachment on the executive function of
government. It may in fact even enhance the implementing and enforcing the law may be
separation of powers as it prevents the over- considered moot and academic.
accumulation of power in the executive branch. Enrolled Bill Theory
Casco Phil. Chemical Co., Inc. v. Gimenez
The equal protection clause recognizes a valid
classification, that is, a classification that has a Casco Philippine Chemical Co., Inc. (Casco) was
reasonable foundation or rational basis and not engaged in the production of synthetic resin glues
arbitrary.22 With respect to RA 9335, its expressed used primarily in the production of plywood. The
public policy is the optimization of the revenue- main components of the said glue are urea and
generation capability and collection of the BIR and formaldehyde which are both being imported
the BOC.23 Since the subject of the law is the abroad. Pursuant to a Central Bank circular, Casco
revenue- generation capability and collection of the paid the required margin fee for its imported urea
BIR and the BOC, the incentives and/or sanctions and formaldehyde. Casco however paid in protest
provided in the law should logically pertain to the as it maintained that urea and formaldehyde are tax
said agencies. Moreover, the law concerns only the exempt transactions. The Central Bank agreed and
BIR and the BOC because they have the common it issued vouchers for refund. The said vouchers
distinct primary function of generating revenues for were submitted to Pedro Gimenez, the then Auditor
the national government through the collection of General, who denied the tax refund. Gimenez
taxes, customs duties, fees and charges. maintained that urea and formaldehyde, as two
separate and distinct components are not tax
Both the BIR and the BOC principally perform the exempt; that what is tax exempt is urea
special function of being the instrumentalities formaldehyde (the synthetic resin formed by
through which the State exercises one of its great combining urea and formaldehyde). Gimenez cited
inherent functions – taxation. Indubitably, such the provision of Sec. 2, par 18 of Republic Act No.
substantial distinction is germane and intimately 2609 which provides:
related to the purpose of the law. Hence, the
classification and treatment accorded to the BIR The margin established by the Monetary Board
and the BOC under R.A. 9335 fully satisfy the pursuant to the provision of section one hereof shall
demands of equal protection. not be imposed upon the sale of foreign exchange
for the importation of the following:
R.A. 9335 adequately states the policy and
standards to guide the President in fixing revenue “XVIII. Urea formaldehyde for the manufacture of
targets and the implementing agencies in carrying plywood and hardboard when imported by and for
out the provisions of the law under Sec 2 and 4 of the exclusive use of end-users.
the said Act. Moreover, the Court has recognized
the following as sufficient standards: “public Casco however averred that the term “urea
interest,” “justice and equity,” “public convenience formaldehyde” appearing in this provision should
and welfare” and “simplicity, economy and be construed as “urea and formaldehyde”. It further
welfare.”33 In this case, the declared policy of contends that the bill approved in Congress
optimization of the revenue-generation capability contained the copulative conjunction “and”
and collection of the BIR and the BOC is infused between the terms “urea” and, “formaldehyde”, and
with public interest. that the members of Congress intended to exempt
“urea” and “formaldehyde” separately as essential
The court declined jurisdiction on this case. The elements in the manufacture of the synthetic resin
Joint Congressional Oversight Committee in RA glue called “urea formaldehyde”, not the latter a
9335 was created for the purpose of approving the finished product, citing in support of this view the
implementing rules and regulations (IRR) statements made on the floor of the Senate, during
formulated by the DOF, DBM, NEDA, BIR, BOC the consideration of the bill before said House, by
and CSC. On May 22, 2006, it approved the said members thereof.
minimum educational and civil service eligibility
requirements for the said position.” Instead, Subido
The enrolled bill however used the term “urea certified other persons as qualified for the post.
formaldehyde” Subido invoked Section 10 of the Police Act of
1966, which Section reads:
ISSUE: Whether or not the term “urea
formaldehyde” should be construed as “urea and Minimum qualification for appointment as Chief of
formaldehyde”. Police Agency. – No person may be appointed
chief of a city police agency unless he holds a
HELD: No. Urea formaldehyde is not a chemical
bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution of
solution. It is the synthetic resin formed as a
learning and has served either in the Armed Forces
condensation product from definite proportions of
of the Philippines or the National Bureau of
urea and formaldehyde under certain conditions
Investigation, or has served as chief of police with
relating to temperature, acidity, and time of
exemplary record, or has served in the police
reaction. “Urea formaldehyde” is clearly a finished
department of any city with rank of captain or its
product, which is patently distinct and different
equivalent therein for at least three years; or any
from “urea” and “formaldehyde”, as separate
high school graduate who has served as officer in
articles used in the manufacture of the synthetic
the Armed Forces for at least eight years with the
resin known as “urea formaldehyde”.
rank of captain and/or higher.
The opinions or statements of any member of
Nowhere in the above provision is it provided that
Congress during the deliberation of the said
a person “who has served the police department of
law/bill do not represent the entirety of the
a city …” can be qualified for said office. Morales
Congress itself. What is printed in the enrolled bill
however argued that when the said act was being
would be conclusive upon the courts. The enrolled
deliberated upon, the approved version was
bill — which uses the term “urea formaldehyde”
actually the following:
instead of “urea and formaldehyde” — is
conclusive upon the courts as regards the tenor of No person may be appointed chief of a city police
the measure passed by Congress and approved by agency unless he holds a bachelor’s degree and has
the President. If there has been any mistake in the served either in the Armed Forces of the
printing of the bill before it was certified by the Philippines or the National Bureau of Investigation
officers of Congress and approved by the Executive or police department of any city and has held the
— on which the SC cannot speculate, without rank of captain or its equivalent therein for at least
jeopardizing the principle of separation of powers three years or any high school graduate who has
and undermining one of the cornerstones of our served the police department of a city or who has
democratic system — the remedy is by amendment served as officer of the Armed Forces for at least 8
or curative legislation, not by judicial decree. years with the rank of captain and/or higher.

Morales v. Subido Morales argued that the above version was the one
which was actually approved by Congress but
Enrique Morales has served as captain in the police
when the bill emerged from the conference
department of a city for at least three years but does
committee the only change made in the provision
not possess a bachelor’s degree. Morales was the
was the insertion of the phrase “or has served as
chief of detective bureau of the Manila Police
chief of police with exemplary record.” Morales
Department and holds the rank of lieutenant
went on to support his case by producing copies of
colonel. He began his career in 1934 as patrolman
certified photostatic copy of a memorandum which
and gradually rose to his present position. Upon the
according to him was signed by an employee in the
resignation of the former Chief, Morales was
Senate bill division, and can be found attached to
designated acting chief of police of Manila and, at
the page proofs of the then bill being deliberated
the same time, given a provisional appointment to
the same position by the mayor of Manila.
Abelardo Subido, Commissioner of Civil Service,
approved the designation of Morales as acting chief
but rejected his appointment for “failure to meet the
ISSUE: Whether or not the SC must look upon the Representatives and by the Senate on November
history of the bill, thereby inquiring upon the 21, 1996. The enrolled bill was signed into law by
journals, to look searchingly into the matter. President Fidel V. Ramos on November 22, 1996.

HELD: No. The enrolled Act in the office of the Issue: Whether R.A. No. 8240 is null and void
legislative secretary of the President of the because it was passed in violation of the rules of
Philippines shows that Section 10 is exactly as it is the House;
in the statute as officially published in slip form by
the Bureau of Printing. The SC cannot go behind Whether the certification of Speaker De Venecia
the enrolled Act to discover what really happened. that the law was properly passed is false and
The respect due to the other branches of the spurious;
Government demands that the SC act upon the faith
Whether the Chair, in the process of submitting and
and credit of what the officers of the said branches
certifying the law violated House Rules; and
attest to as the official acts of their respective
departments. Otherwise the SC would be cast in the Whether a certiorari/prohibition will be granted.
unenviable and unwanted role of a sleuth trying to
determine what actually did happen in the labyrinth Held: After considering the arguments of the
of lawmaking, with consequent impairment of the parties, the Court finds no ground for holding that
integrity of the legislative process. Congress committed a grave abuse of discretion in
enacting R.A. No. 8240. This case is therefore
The SC is not of course to be understood as holding dismissed.
that in all cases the journals must yield to the
enrolled bill. To be sure there are certain matters Ratio: To disregard the "enrolled bill" rule in such
which the Constitution expressly requires must be cases would be to disregard the respect due the
entered on the journal of each house. To what other two departments of our government. It would
extent the validity of a legislative act may be be an unwarranted invasion of the prerogative of a
affected by a failure to have such matters entered coequal department for this Court either to set aside
on the journal, is a question which the SC can a legislative action as void because the Court thinks
decide upon but is not currently being confronted in the House has disregarded its own rules of
the case at bar hence the SC does not now decide. procedure, or to allow those defeated in the
All the SC holds is that with respect to matters not political arena to seek a rematch in the judicial
expressly required to be entered on the journal, the forum when petitioners can find their remedy in
enrolled bill prevails in the event of any that department itself. The Court has not been
discrepancy. invested with a roving commission to inquire into
complaints, real or imagined, of legislative
Arroyo v. De Venecia skullduggery. It would be acting in excess of its
power and would itself be guilty of grave abuse of
Facts: Petitioners are members of the House of
its discretion were it to do so. The suggestion made
Representatives. They brought this suit against
in a case may instead appropriately be made here:
respondents charging violation of the rules of the
petitioners can seek the enactment of a new law or
House which petitioners claim are "constitutionally
the repeal or amendment of R.A. No. 8240. In the
mandated" so that their violation is tantamount to a
absence of anything to the contrary, the Court must
violation of the Constitution.
assume that Congress or any House thereof acted in
In the course of his interpellation, Rep. Arroyo the good faith belief that its conduct was permitted
announced that he was going to raise a question on by its rules, and deference rather than disrespect is
the quorum, although until the end of his due the judgment of that body.
interpellation he never did. Journal Entry Rule
On the same day, the bill was signed by the
Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Astorga v. Villegas
President of the Senate and certified by the
In 1964, Antonio Villegas (then Mayor of Manila)
respective secretaries of both Houses of Congress
issued circulars to the department heads and chiefs
as having been finally passed by the House of
of offices of the city government as well as to the ISSUE: Whether or not RA 4065 was validly
owners, operators and/or managers of business enacted.
establishments in Manila to disregard the
provisions of Republic Act No. 4065. He likewise HELD: No. The journal of the proceedings of each
issued an order to the Chief of Police to recall five House of Congress is no ordinary record. The
members of the city police force who had been Constitution requires it. While it is true that the
assigned to then Vice-Mayor Herminio Astorga journal is not authenticated and is subject to the
(assigned under authority of RA 4065). risks of misprinting and other errors, the journal
can be looked upon in this case. The SC is merely
Astorga reacted against the steps carried out by asked to inquire whether the text of House Bill No.
Villegas. He then filed a petition for “Mandamus, 9266 signed by the President was the same text
Injunction and/or Prohibition with Preliminary passed by both Houses of Congress. Under the
Mandatory and Prohibitory Injunction” to compel specific facts and circumstances of this case, the
Villegas et al and the members of the municipal SC can do this and resort to the Senate journal for
board to comply with the provisions of RA 4065 the purpose. The journal discloses that substantial
(filed with the SC). In his defense, Villegas denied and lengthy amendments were introduced on the
recognition of RA 4065 (An Act Defining the floor and approved by the Senate but were not
Powers, Rights and Duties of the Vice-Mayor of incorporated in the printed text sent to the President
the City of Manila) because the said law was and signed by him. Note however that the SC is not
considered to have never been enacted. When the asked to incorporate such amendments into the
this said “law” passed the 3rd reading in the lower alleged law but only to declare that the bill was not
house as House Bill No. 9266, it was sent to the duly enacted and therefore did not become law. As
Senate which referred it to the Committee on done by both the President of the Senate and the
Provinces and Municipal Governments and Cities Chief Executive, when they withdrew their
headed by then Senator Roxas. Some minor signatures therein, the SC also declares that the bill
amendments were made before the bill was referred intended to be as it is supposed to be was never
back to the Senate floor for deliberations. During made into law. To perpetuate that error by
such deliberations, Sen. Tolentino made significant disregarding such rectification and holding that the
amendments which were subsequently approved by erroneous bill has become law would be to sacrifice
the Senate. The bill was then sent back to the lower truth to fiction and bring about mischievous
house and was thereafter approved by the latter. consequences not intended by the law-making
The bill was sent to the President for approval and body.
it became RA 4065. It was later found out however
that the copy signed by the Senate President, sent to D. Ordinance
the lower house for approval and sent to the
President for signing was the wrong version. It was Legaspi v. City of Cebu
in fact the version that had no amendments thereto.
It was not the version as amended by Tolentino and
as validly approved by the Senate. Due to this fact, On January 27, 1997 the Sangguniang Panlungsod
the Senate president and the President of the of the City of Cebu enacted Ordinance No. 1664 to
Philippines withdrew and invalidated their authorize the traffic enforcers of Cebu City to
signatures that they affixed on the said law. immobilize any motor vehicle violating the parking
restrictions and prohibitions defined in the Traffic
Astorga maintains that the RA is still valid and
Code of Cebu City.
binding and that the withdrawal of the concerned
signatures does not invalidate the statute. Astorga On July 29, 1997, Atty. Bienvenido Jaban
further maintains that the attestation of the (Jaban,Sr.) and his son Atty. Bienvenido Douglas
presiding officers of Congress is conclusive proof Luke Bradbury Jaban (Jaban,Jr.) brought suit in the
of a bill’s due enactment. RTC against the City of Cebu, then represented by
Hon. Alvin Garcia, its City Mayor, the
Sangguniang Panlungsod of Cebu City and its
Presiding Officer, Hon. Renato V. Osme, and the
chairman and operatives or officers of the City
Traffic Operations Management (CITOM),seeking Upon the denial of their respective motions for
the declaration of Ordinance No. 1644 as reconsideration the Jabans and Legaspi came to the
unconstitutional for being in violation of due Court via separate petitions for review on certiorari.
process and for being contrary to law, and The appeals were consolidated.
ISSUE: Whether or not Ordinance No. 1664 is
Their complaint alleged that on June 23, 1997, valid and constitutional.
Jaban Sr. had properly parked his car in a paying
parking area on Manalili Street, Cebu City to get HELD: The Court of Appeals decision is sustained.
certain records and documents from his office and
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - Tests for a valid
after less than 10 minutes, he had found his car
being immobilized by a steel clamp. His car was
impounded for three days, and was informed at the In City of Manila v. Laguio, Jr., G.R. No. 118127,
office of the CITOM that he had first to pay April 12, 2005the Court restates the tests of a valid
P4,200.00 as a fine to the City Treasurer of Cebu ordinance thusly:
City for the release of his car but such imposition
the fine was without any court hearing and without The tests of a valid ordinance are well established.
due process of law. He was also compelled to A long line of decisions has held that for an
payP1,500.00 (itemized as P500.00 for the ordinance to be valid, it must not only be within the
clamping andP1,000.00 for the violation) without corporate powers of the local government unit to
any court hearing and final judgment; enact and must be passed according to the
procedure prescribed by law, it must also conform
That on May 19, 1997, Jaban, Jr. parked his car in a to the following substantive requirements: (1) must
very secluded place where there was no sign not contravene the Constitution or any statute; (2)
prohibiting parking; that his car was immobilized must not be unfair or oppressive;(3) must not be
by CITOM operative and that he was compelled to partial or discriminatory; (4) must not prohibit but
pay the total sum ofP1,400.00 for the release of his may regulate trade; (5) must be general and
car without a court hearing and a final judgment consistent with public policy; and (6) must not be
rendered by a court of justice. unreasonable.
On August 11, 1997, Valentino Legaspi (Legaspi) As jurisprudence indicates, the tests are divided
likewise sued in the RTC the City of Cebu, into the formal (i.e., whether the ordinance was
demanded the delivery of personal property, enacted within the corporate powers of the LGU,
declaration of nullity of theTraffic Code of Cebu and whether it was passed in accordance with the
City, and damages. procedure prescribed by law), and the substantive
(i.e., involving inherent merit, like the conformity
He averred that on the morning of July 29, 1997, he
of the ordinance with the limitations under the
had left his car occupying a portion of the sidewalk
Constitution and the statutes, as well as with the
and the street outside the gate of his house to make
requirements of fairness and reason, and its
way for the vehicle of theanayexterminator, upon
consistency with public policy).
returning outside, his car was towed by the group
even if it was not obstructing the flow of traffic. Court cogently observed that police power is
lodged primarily in the National Legislature. It
The cases were consolidated. The RTC rendered its
cannot be exercised by any group or body of
decision declaring Ordinance No. 1664 as null and
individuals not possessing legislative power. The
National Legislature, however, may delegate this
The City of Cebu and its co-defendants appealed to power to the President and administrative boards as
the CA. The CA reversed the decision of the RTC well as the lawmaking bodies of municipal
declaring the Ordinance No. 1664 valid. corporations or local government units. Once
delegated, the agents can exercise only such
legislative powers as are conferred on them by the
national lawmaking body. (emphasis supplied)
In the present case, delegated police power was Identification Reference System” was issued by
exercised by the LGU of the City of Cebu. President Fidel Ramos on 12 December 1996.
Senator Blas Ople filed a petition to invalidate the
The CA opined, and correctly so, that vesting cities said order for violating the right to privacy. He
like the City of Cebu with the legislative power to contends that the order must be invalidated on two
enact traffic rules and regulations was expressly constitutional grounds, (1) that it is a usurpation of
done through Section 458 of the LGC, and also the power to legislate; and (2) that it intrudes the
generally by virtue of the General Welfare Clause citizen’s right to privacy.
embodied in Section 16 of the LGC.
Issue: Whether or not Senator Ople has standing to
The police power granted to local government units maintain suit?
must always be exercised with utmost observance
of the rights of the people to due process and equal Decision: Petitioner, Senator Ople is a
protection of the law. Such power cannot be distinguished member of the Senate. As a Senator,
exercised whimsically, arbitrarily or despotically as petitioner is possessed of the requisite standing to
its exercise is subject to a qualification, limitation bring suit raising the issue that the issue of
or restriction demanded by the respect and regard Administrative Order No 308 is a usurpation of
due to the prescription of the fundamental law, legislative power. Ople’s concern that the
particularly those forming part of the Bill of Rights. Executive branch not to trespass on the lawmaking
Individual rights, it bears emphasis, may be domain of Congress is understandable. The
adversely affected only to the extent that may fairly blurring demarcation line between the power of
be required by the legitimate demands of public legislature to make laws and the power of executive
interest or public welfare. Due process requires the to execute laws will disturb their delicate balance
intrinsic validity of the law in interfering with the and cannot be allowed.
rights of the person to his life, liberty and property.
F. Administrative Rules and Regulations
Judged according to the foregoing enunciation of
the guaranty of due process of law, the contentions
of the petitioners cannot be sustained. Even under
strict scrutiny review, Ordinance No. 1664 met the
substantive tests of validity and constitutionality by
its conformity with the limitations under the
Constitution and the statutes, as well as with the
requirements of fairness and reason, and its
consistency with public policy.

The subject of Ordinance No. 1664 is to ensure "a

smooth flow of vehicular traffic in all the streets in
the City of Cebu at all times".

To reiterate, the clamping of the illegally parked

vehicles was a fair and reasonable way to enforce
the ordinance against its transgressors; otherwise,
the transgressors would evade liability by simply
driving away.


Presidential Issuance

Ople vs Ruben Torres

Facts: Administrative Order No 308, otherwise

known as “Adoption of a National Computerized

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