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Accounting Information System to the larger system of which it is a part.

CHAPTER 1 Likewise, a subsystem is called a system when

OVERVIEW OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION it is the focus of attention.
SYSTEMS 4. PURPOSE - system must serve at least one
Organization is divided into three management purpose, but it may serve several.
Operations management is directly responsible SYSTEM DECOMPOSITION. Decomposition is
for controlling day-to-day operations. the process of dividing the system into smaller
Middle management is accountable for the subsystem parts.
short-term planning and coordination of SUBSYSTEM INTERDEPENDENCY. A system’s
activities necessary to accomplish ability to achieve its goal depends on the
organizational objectives. effective functioning and harmonious
Top management is responsible for longer-term interaction of its subsystems.
planning and setting organizational objectives Information system is the set of formal
procedures by which data are collected,
processed into information, and distributed to
Information flows in two directions within the
organization: horizontally and vertically.
A transaction as an event that affects or is of
1. Horizontal flow supports operations-level
interest to the organization and is processed by
tasks with highly detailed information about the
its information system as a unit of work.
many business transactions affecting the firm.
A financial transaction is an economic event
2. Vertical flow distributes information
that affects the assets and equities of the
downward from senior managers to junior
organization, is reflected in its accounts, and is
managers and operations personnel.
measured in monetary terms.
Management uses this information to support
its various planning and control functions. Nonfinancial transactions are events that do
not meet the narrow definition of a financial
External users of information fall into two
AIS subsystems process financial transactions
groups: trading partners and stakeholders.
and nonfinancial transactions that directly
Stakeholders are entities outside (or inside) the
affect the processing of financial transactions.
organization with a direct or indirect interest in
the firm.
AIS is composed of three major subsystems:
(1) the transaction processing system (TPS),
SYSTEM is a group of two or more interrelated
which supports daily business operations with
components or subsystems that serve a
numerous reports, documents, and messages
common purpose.
for users throughout the organization
Elements of a System
(2) the general ledger/financial reporting
1. MULTIPLE COMPONENTS – a system must
system (GL/FRS), which produces the
contain more than one part.
traditional financial statements, such as the
2. RELATEDNESS - a common purpose relates income statement, balance sheet, statement of
the multiple parts of the system. cash flows, tax returns, and other reports
3. SYSTEM VERSUS SUBSYSTEM - A system is required by law;
called a subsystem when it is viewed in relation
(3) the management reporting system (MRS), •External financial transactions are the most
which provides internal management with common source of data for most organizations
special-purpose financial reports and •Data collection is the first operational stage in
information needed for decision making such as the information system. The objective is to
budgets, variance reports, and responsibility ensure that event data entering the system are
reports valid, complete, and free from material errors.
•The management information system (MIS) Most important stage in the system.
processes nonfinancial transactions that are not •Data processing- Once collected, data usually
normally processed by traditional AIS. require processing to produce information.
•Summaries of transaction cycle activity are •Database is the physical repository for financial
processed by the General Ledger System to and nonfinancial data.
update the general ledger control accounts. THE LEVELS IN DATA HIERARCHY:
•The FRS measures and reports the status of 1. DATA ATTRIBUTE. most elemental piece of
financial resources and the changes in those potentially useful data in the database. A logical
resources. The FRS communicates this and relevant characteristic of an entity about
information primarily to external users. which the firm captures data.
•Management Reporting System provides the 2. RECORD. a complete set of attributes for a
internal financial information needed to single occurrence within an entity class.
manage a business.
3. FILES. a complete set of records of an
identical class.
Elements of the General Model: •Information generation is the process of
end users, data sources, data collection, data compiling, arranging, formatting, and
processing, database management, information presenting information to users.
generation, and feedback. Useful information has the following
End users fall into two general groups: external 1. RELEVANCE. The contents of a report or
and internal. document must serve a purpose.
•External users include creditors, stockholders, 2. TIMELINESS. The age of information is a
potential investors, regulatory agencies. critical factor in determining its usefulness.
•Internal users include management at every 3. ACCURACY. Information must be free from
level of the organization, as well as operations material errors
personnel. 4. COMPLETENESS. No piece of information
•Data are facts, which may or may not be essential to a decision or task should be missing.
processed (edited, summarized, or refined) and 5. SUMMARIZATION. Information should be
have no direct effect on the user. aggregated in accordance with the user’s needs.
•Information causes the user to take an action •Feedback is a form of output that is sent back
that he or she otherwise could not, or would to the system as a source of data.
not, have taken. Information is often defined
simply as processed data.
•Data sources are financial transactions that
enter the information system from both
internal and external sources.
Information System Objectives: • Production planning involves scheduling the
1. To support the stewardship function of flow of materials, labor, and machinery to
management. efficiently meet production needs.
2. To support management decision making. • Quality control monitors the manufacturing
3. To support the firm’s day-to-day operations. process at various points to ensure that the
finished products meet the firm’s quality
•System development life cycle - formal
process of frequently changing needs engage in
in-house development • Maintenance keeps the firm’s machinery and
other manufacturing facilities in running order.
Three basic types of commercial software:
1. Turnkey systems are completely finished and •Marketing function deals with the strategic
tested systems that are ready for problems of product promotion, advertising,
implementation. Typically, they are general- and market research.
purpose systems or systems customized to a • Distribution is the activity of getting the
specific industry. product to the customer after the sale.
2. Backbone systems consist of a basic system • Competent and reliable employees are a
structure on which to build. A compromise valuable resource to a business.
between a custom system and a turnkey • Finance function manages the financial
system. resources of the firm through banking and
3. Vendor-supported systems are custom (or treasury activities.
customized) systems that client organizations •Accounting function manages the financial
purchase commercially rather than develop in- information resource of the firm.
house. • The value of information to a user is
•Organizational Structure reflects the determined by its RELIABILITY.
distribution of responsibility, authority, and • Accounting Independence - accounting
accountability throughout the organization. activities must be separate and independent of
•BUSINESS SEGMENTS promote internal the functional areas that maintain custody of
efficiencies through the specialization of labor physical resources.
and cost-effective resource allocations. • Centralized Data Processing - all data
•Materials management is to plan and control processing is performed by one or more large
the materials inventory of the company computers housed at a central site that serve
Materials management has three sub users throughout the organization.
functions: •Database administrator is responsible for the
1. Purchasing is responsible for ordering security and integrity of the database.
inventory from vendors. •Data processing group manages the computer
2. Receiving is the task of accepting the resources used to perform the day-to-day
inventory previously ordered by purchasing. processing of transactions.
3. Stores takes physical custody of the inventory • Data library is a room often adjacent to the
received. computer center.
• Production activities occur in the conversion • Systems development is responsible for
cycle in which raw materials, labor, and plant analyzing user needs and for designing new
assets are used to create finished products. systems to satisfy those needs.
• Distributed Data Processing involves • Economic agents are individuals and
reorganizing the IT function into small departments that participate in an economic
information processing units (IPUs) that are event. They are parties both inside and outside
distributed to end users and placed under their the organization with discretionary power to
control. use or dispose of economic resources.
DISADVANTAGES OF DISTRIBUTED DATE •Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems is
PROCESSING: an information system model that enables an
1. Mismanagement of organization-wide organization to automate and integrate its key
resources. business processes.
2. Hardware and software incompatibility. The Role of the Accountant:
3. Redundant tasks. 1. ACCOUNTANTS AS USERS
4. Consolidating incompatible activities. 2. ACCOUNTANTS AS SYSTEM DESIGNERS
5. Hiring qualified professionals. 3. ACCOUNTANTS AS SYSTEM AUDITORS
6. Lack of standards. •Auditing is a form of independent attestation
ADVANTAGES OF DDP: performed by an expert—the auditor—who
expresses an opinion about the fairness of a
1. Cost reductions.
company’s financial statements.
2. Improved user satisfaction.
•Assurance services are professional services,
3. Backup.
including the attest function, that are designed
• Manual process model is the oldest and most to improve the quality of information, both
traditional form of accounting systems. financial and nonfinancial, used by decision
• Flat-file model describes an environment in makers.
which individual data files are not related to •IT auditing is usually performed as part of a
other files. End users in this environment own broader financial audit.
their data files rather than share them with
•Internal auditing is an appraisal function
other users.
housed within the organization.
•Three significant problems in the flat-file
environment: data storage, data updating, and
currency of information
• Database management system is a special
•The Expenditure Cycle is the acquisition of
software system that is programmed to know
materials, property, and labor in exchange for
which data elements each user is authorized to
• Purchases/accounts payable system - this
• Flat-file and early database systems are called
system recognizes the need to acquire physical
traditional systems.
inventory (such as raw materials) and places an
• THE REA MODEL is an accounting framework
order with the vendor.
for modeling an organization’s critical
• Cash disbursements system - when the
resources, events, and agents (REA) and the
obligation created in the purchases system is
relationships between them.
due, the cash disbursements system authorizes
• Resources are the assets of the organization.
the payment, disburses the funds to the vendor,
• Economic events are phenomena that affect and records the transaction by reducing the
changes in resources. cash and accounts payable accounts.
• Payroll system collects labor usage data for • The general ledger (GL) summarizes the
each employee, computes the payroll, and activity for each of the organization’s accounts.
disburses paychecks to the employees. • Subsidiary ledgers are kept in various
• Fixed asset system processes transactions accounting departments of the firm, including
pertaining to the acquisition, maintenance, and inventory, accounts payable, payroll, and
disposal of its fixed assets. accounts receivable.
• Production system involves the planning, • Audit trail is use for tracing transactions from
scheduling, and control of the physical product source documents to the financial statements.
through the manufacturing process. • A master file generally contains account data.
• Cost accounting system monitors the flow of • A transaction file is a temporary file of
cost information related to production. transaction records used to change or update
• The Conversion Cycle include the readying of data in a master file.
products and services for market and the • A reference file stores data that are used as
allocation of resources. standards for processing transactions.
•Revenue cycle, which involves processing cash • An archive file contains records of past
sales, credit sales, and the receipt of cash transactions that are retained for future
following a credit sale. reference.
• Sales order processing. The majority of • Data flow diagram (DFD) uses symbols to
business sales are made on credit and involve represent the entities, processes, data flows,
tasks such as preparing sales orders, etc. and data stores that pertain to a system.
• Cash receipts processing includes collecting • Entity relationship (ER) diagram is a
cash, depositing cash in the bank, and recording documentation technique used to represent the
these events in the accounts. relationship between entities.
• Document provides evidence of an economic • The degree of the relationship, called
event and may be used to initiate transaction CARDINALITY, is the numeric mapping between
processing. entity instances.
• Source documents are used to capture and • Data model is the blueprint for what
formalize transaction data that the transaction ultimately will become the physical database.
cycle needs for processing. • A system flowchart is the graphical
• Product documents are the result of representation of the physical relationships
transaction processing rather than the among key elements of a system.
triggering mechanism for the process. • Batch processing permits the efficient
• Turnaround documents are product management of a large volume of transactions.
documents of one system that become source • Batch is a group of similar transactions that
documents for another system. are accumulated over time and then processed
• A journal is a record of a chronological entry. together.
• Register is often used to denote certain types • Record layout diagrams are used to reveal the
of special journals. internal structure of the records that constitute
• Firms use the general journal to record a file or database table.
nonrecurring, infrequent, and dissimilar • Batch systems assemble transactions into
transactions. groups for processing. Under this approach,
• A ledger is a book of accounts. there is always a time lag between the point at
which an economic event occurs and the point • Virtual storage access method (VSAM)
at which it is reflected in the firm’s accounts. structure is used for very large files that require
• Real-time systems process transactions routine batch processing and a moderate
individually at the moment the event occurs. degree of individual record processing.
• Sequential codes represent items in some • A hashing structure employs an algorithm
sequential order (ascending or descending). that converts the primary key of a record
• Block codes is a variation on sequential directly into a storage address.
coding. This approach can be used to represent • Physical address pointer contains the actual
whole classes of items by restricting each class disk storage location (cylinder, surface, and
to a specific range within the coding scheme. record number) that the disk controller needs.
• Group codes are used to represent complex • Each program in a batch system is called a
items or events involving two or more pieces of run.
related data.
• Alphabetic codes are used for many of the
same purposes as numeric codes. Alphabetic
characters may be assigned sequentially (in
alphabetic order) or may be used in block and
group coding techniques.
• Mnemonic codes are alphabetic characters in
the form of acronyms and other combinations
that convey meaning.
• Data structures constitute the physical and
logical arrangement of data in files and
• Organization refers to the way records are
physically arranged on the secondary storage
• The access method is the technique used to
locate records and to navigate through the
database or file.
• The flat-file approach is a single-view model
that characterizes legacy systems.
• Sequential files are simple and easy to
• Direct access structures store data at a
unique location, known as an address, on a hard
disk or floppy disk.
• An indexed structure is so named because, in
addition to the actual data file, there exists a
separate index that is itself a file of record

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