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Having completion of Johari exercise what I discovered is that my limited talk with people make
them feel that I am reticent.Maybe because of such impression on people sometimes I feel they
hesitate to ask me something which I could provide say, my belief on some topic or any kind of
services.As it is one of the essential qualities of a nurse to be amicable to people, as and strategy
what I will do, In order to remove such perception on people about me that I am modest, start a
conversation with people and show them I am approachable.I believe this will enhance my
participation in group works too.

2.what surprises to me by the interview is that here we apply different way to seek for the
information than the way I previously used to I .had gone through the education system on which
most of the answers to the question was directly be obtained either from the books or from the
teacher. But the case is quite different here. As she clarifies me that different practical issues that we
don’t find in the course book could be effectively be solved with the help of peers, family, and even
patients and I am thinking of applying such strategy during my time on this university.

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