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FEE (Advanced) 2019, Paper 1 JEE (ADVANCED) 2019 PAPER 1 PART-I PHYSICS SECTION 4 (Maximum Marks: 12) This section contains FOUR (04) questions. Each question has FOUR options. ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer. For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer. Answer ta each question will be evaluated according tothe following marking scheme: Full Marks +3. IFONLY the correct option is chosen; Zero Marks. 10 If none of the options is chosen (1. the question is unanswered); Negative Marks - -1 Inall other cases, Q.1 Consider a spherical gaseous cloud of mass density p(r) in free space where r is the radial distance from its center. The gaseous cloud is made of particles of equal mass m moving in circular orbits about the common center with the same kinetic energy K. The force acting on the particles is their mutual gravitational force. If p(r) is constant in time, the pa number density n(r) = p(r)/m is [G is universal gravitational constant] AW natae Oss Onin Oar Q2 A thin spherical insulating shell of radius R carries a uniformly distributed charge such that the potential at its surface is Vj. A hole with a small area @47R? (« « 1) is made on the shell without affecting the rest of the shell. Which one of the following statements is correct? (A) The potential at the center of the shell is reduced by 2eVy (B) The magnitude of electric field at the center of the shell is reduced by 2 (©) The ratio of the potential at the center of the shell to that of the point at 2R from center 1a towards the hole will be (D) The magnitude of electric field at a point, located on a line passing through the hole and shell’s center, on a distance 2R from the center of the spherical shell will be we reduced by $2 SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 Q3 Q4 A current carrying wire heats a metal rod. ‘The wire provides a constant power (P) to the rod. The metal rod is enclosed in an insulated container. It is observed that the temperature (Z) in the metal rod changes with time (t) as TO) =T(1 + Be), where fi is a constant with appropriate dimension while Tp is a constant with dimension of temperature. The heat capacity of the metal is, AP(r(O=To)* APr(e)—To)* apr To}* sO) (aa 3) aaF Oa Oo) pag In a radioactive sample, {3K nuclei either decay into stable $Ca nuclei with decay constant 4.5 x 10!” per year or into stable {247 nuclei with decay constant 0.5 x 10" per year. Given that in this sample all the stable 49Ca and 49Ar nuclei are produced by the 43K nuclei only. In time t x 10° years, if the ratio of the sum of stable $3Ca and 48Ar nuclei to the radioactive {$K nuclei is 99, the value of t will be, (Given: In10 = (A) LIS (B)9.2 (C23 (D) 46 EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 1 ‘SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 32) This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE ofthese four options) stare) corect answers). For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (all the correct answer(s) Answer to each question wil be evaluated according tothe flowing marking scheme: Full Marks +4 Int (al he comec option(s fae) chosen Parial Marks > +3 Ifal the four options are crrectbut ONLY three options are chosen; Paria Marks - +2 If three or more options are corect but ONLY two options are chosen and bth of which are comrect Parial Marks: +1 Iftwo or more options are corect but ONLY one option is chosen and itis a caect option; Zero Marks > 0 fone ofthe options chosen (.e. the question is unanswered) Negative Marks ; 1 nal olher cases. For example, ina question, (A), (B) and (D) are the ONLY three options coresponding to correct answers, then choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (D) wil get +4 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (8) wil get +2 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (D) wil get #2 marks; choosing ONLY (B) and (0) wil get +2 marks, choosing ONLY (A) wil get+1 mark, choosing ONLY (B) wil get +1 mark; choosing ONLY (D) wil get +1 mark choosing no option (2 the question is unanswered) wil get O marks, and choosing any other combination of options will get ~1 mark FEE (Advanced) 2019, Qs Paes | A cylindrical capillary tube of 0.2 mm radius is made by joining two capillaries T1 and T2 of different materials having water contact angles of 0° and 60°, respectively. The capillary tube is dipped vertically in water in two different configurations, case I and II as shown in figure. Which of the following option(s) is(are) correct? [Surface tension of water = 0.075 Nim, density of water = 1000 kg/m’, take g = 10 m/s] 12 1 Case T Case 11 | m1 12 (A) The correetion in the height of water column raised in the tube, due to weight of water contained in the meniscus, will be different for both cases. (B) For case I, if the capillary joint is 5 em above the water surface, the height of water column raised in the tube will be 3.73 cm. (Neglect the weight of the water in the meniscus) (C) For case I, if the joint is kept at 8 em above the water surface, the height of water column in the tube will be 7.5 om. (Neglect the weight of the water in the meniscus) (D) For case I, if the capillary joint is 5 cm above the water surface, the height of water column raised in the tube will be more than 8.75 em, (Neglect the weight of the water in the meniscus) JRE (Advanced) 2019, Paper Q6 A conducting wire of parabolic shape, initially y = x?, is moving with velocity G a non-uniform magnetic field B = By ( +) jk as shown in figure. IfV), By, L and f are positive constants and Ad is the potential difference developed between the ends of the wire, then the correct statement(s) is/are: if ® = Voi in cn (A) [Ab] = ZB oVol. for B= 0 (B) [Ab] = SBoV9L for B = (C) |Ag| remains the same if the parabolic wire is replaced by a straight wire, y =x initially, of length ¥2L (D) [4d] is proportional to the length of the wire projected on the y-axis. BE (Advances) 2019, Paper 1 Q7 Q8 In the circuit shown, initially there is no charge on capacitors and keys S; and S2 are open. The values of the capacitors are C, = 10 UF, Cz = 30 pF and C; = C, = 80 uF. a sv Pil 300 {| & C G G not 02 lov Which of the statement(s) is/are correct? 100.2 (A) At time t = 0, the key S; is closed, the instantaneous current in the closed circuit will be 25 mA. (B) Itkey Sis kept elosed for long time such that eapacitors are fully charged, the voltage across the capacitor C; will be 4 V. (C) The key $1 is kept closed for long time such that capacitors are fully charged. Now key Sz is closed, at this time, the instantaneous current across 30 (2 resistor (between points Pand Q) will be 0.2 A (round off to 1* decimal place). (D) Ikey $1 is kept closed for long time such that capacitors are fully charged, the voltage difference between points P and Q will be 10 V. A charged shell of radius R carries a total charge Q. Given ® as the flux of electric field through a closed cylindrical surface of height h, radius r and with its center same as that of the shell. Here, center of the eylinder is a point on the axis of the cylinder which is equidistant from its top and bottom surfaces, Which of the following option(s) is‘are correct? [e, is the permittivity of free space] (A) Ih > 2K and r > R then & = Q/e, (B) fh < 8R/S and r = 3R/5 then > =0 (C)Ifh > 2R and r = 3R/5 then © = Q/Se, (D) Ih > 2K and r = 48/5 then © = Q/Se, SBE (Advanced) 2019 Paper 1 Q9 One mole of a monatomic ideal gas goes through a thermodynamic cycle, as shown in the volume versus temperature (V-7') diagram, The correct statement(s) is/are: [ Ris the gas constant] TQ 1 MT? My (A) Work done in this thermodynamic cycle (1+ 2 + 3+ 4 1)is [WI = 2RT) (B) The above thermodynamic cycle exhibits only isochoric and adiabatic processes. (C) The ratio of heat transfer during processes 1+ 2 and 2 > 3 is (D) The ratio of heat transfer during processes 1 > 2 and 3 > 4 is FEE (Advanced) 2019 Pye) Quo Qu Qi ‘A thin convex lens is made of two materials with refractive indices my and ng, as shown in figure, The radius of curvature of the left and right spherical surfaces are equal. f is the focal length of the lens when 7 = my =n. The focal length is f + Af when 7 =m and nz =n + An. Assuming An « (n— 1) and 1 0 D) The relation between = and & remains unchanged if both the convex surfaces are replaced by concave surfaces of the same radius of curvature Let us consider a system of units in which mass and angular momentum ere dimensionless, If length has dimension of L, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (A) The dimension of linear momentum is 7+ (B) The dimension of energy is L-? (C) The dimension of force is L-? (D) The dimension of power is LS Two identical moving coil galvanometers have 10 resistance and full scale deflection at 2 fA current. One of them is converted into a voltmeter of 100 mV full scale reading and the other into an Ammeter of ImA full scale current using appropriate resistors, These are then used to measure the voltage and current in the Ohm’s law experiment with R = 1000 Q resistor by using an ideal cell, Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct’ (A) The resistance of the Voltmeter will be 100 k2 (B) The resistance of the Ammeter will be 0.02 0 (round off to 2" decimal place) (©) The measured value of R will be 978 0 < R < 982.0 (D) If the ideal cell is replaced by a cell having internal resistance of 5 then the measured value of R will be more than 1000 0 FEE (Advanced) 2019, Paper 1 SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 18) + This section contains SIX (06) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. + For each question, enter the comect numerical value ofthe answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad inthe place designated to enter the answer. Ifthe numerical value has more than two decimal places, the value to TWO decimal places + Answer to each question wil be evaluated according to the folloing marking scheme: FullMarks —: +3. IFONLY the correct numerical vale is entered, ZeroMarks <0 Inalloter cases. Q.13__ A particle is moved along a path AB-BC-CD-DE-EF-FA, as shown in figure, in presence of a force F = (ayt + 2axf) N, where x and y are in meter and @ = —1 Nm. The work done onthe particle by this force F will be __ Joule. y 1.0 Qu4 A block of weight 100 N is suspended by copper and steel wires of same cross sectional area 0.5 em? and, length v3 m and 1 m, respectively. Their other ends are fixed on a ceiling as shown in figure. The angles subtended by copper and steel wires with ceiling are 30° and 60°, respectively. If elongation in copper wire is (Alc) and elongation in steel wire is (Als), then the ratio 7m fete [Young’s modulus for copper and steel are 110" Nim? and 210"! Nim’, respectively. Steel wire Copper wire Im Block SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 Qus Q16 Qi7 A train $1, moving with a uniform velocity of 108 km/h, approaches another train S2 standing on a platform. An observer © moves with a uniform velocity of 36 kmv/h towards $2, as shown in figure, Both the trains are blowing whistles of same frequency 120 Hz When O is 600 m away from $2 and distance between $1 and S2 is 800 m, the number of beats heard by O is [Speed of the sound = 330 m/s] 108 km/h $2 SI 800 m_ 600 m leo 36 kn A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C has spacing d between two plates having area A ‘The region between the plates is filled with NV dielectric layers, parallel to its plates, each with thickness 6 = ©. The dielectric constant of the m" layer is Ky, = K (1+). For a very large N (> 104), the capacitance C is a (4) . The value of ce will be [eo is the permittivity of free space] A liquid at 30°C is poured very slowly into a Calorimeter that is at temperature of 110°C. ‘The boiling temperature of the liquid is 80°C. It is found that the first 5 gm of the liquid completely evaporates. After pouring another 80 gm of the liquid the equilibrium temperature is found to be 50°C. The ratio of the Latent heat of the liquid to its specific heat will be °C, [Neglect the heat exchange with surrounding] JEE (Advaneod) 2019 Paper Q18 A planar structure of length L and width 17’ is made of two different optical media of reffactive indices n, = 1.5 and nz = 144 as shown in figure. If L > W, a ray entering from end AB will emerge from end CD only if the total internal reflection condition is met inside the structure. For L 6m, if the incident angle @ is varied, the maximum time taken bya ray to exit the plane CD is t x 10-° s, where t is [ Speed of light ¢ = 3 x 10° m/s} Thy Air JE (Adeanced) 2019) Paper JEE (ADVANCED) 2019 PAPER 1 PART-II CHEMISTRY ‘SECTION 4 (Maximum Marke: 42) ‘This section contains FOUR (04) questions. Each question has FOUR options. ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer. ‘Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks +3 ONLY the correct option is chosen; Zero Marks 10. if none of the options és chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered) Negative Marks : 1 In all other cases. QI The green colour produced in the borax bead test of a chromium(III) salt is due to (A) Cr(BO2)s B) CABO» (©) Cn0s cB Q2 Calamine, malachite, magnetite and eryolite, respectively, are (A) Zn8O4, CuCOs, FerOs, AIF (B) Zn804, CuOH, Fes, NasAlPs (©) ZnCOs, CuCOyCUOH,, FesOs, NasAll’s ()ZnCOs, CuCOs, Fe:Os, NasAlF's Q3 Molar conductivity (Am) of aqueous solution of sodium stearate, which behaves as a strong, electrolyte, is recorded at varying concentrations (¢) of sodium stearate. Which one of the following plots provides the correct representation of micelle formation in the solution? (critical micelle concentration (CMC) is marked with an arrow in the figures) (A) @B) oa ? An UN Ye —_ © ) a Ne A \Z4 t ae ve ve IEE (Advanced) 2019, Q4 The correct order of acid strength of the following carboxylic acids is o 2 oO —; Seo woX Ph wey OH aa OH O° m 1 " v (A) I> > T>1V (B) I> >> Iv (Q) I> m> > IV (D) W>1>1V> IL EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 1 ‘SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 32) ‘This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. + Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE ofthese four opon(s)is{are) corectanswer(). + For each question, choose the option(s) coresponting o (all) the correct answers). + Answer to each question will be evaluated according othe following marking scheme: Full Marks: 44 tony (al) the comect option(s s(are) chosen; Partial Marks +3 Ifallthe four options are corect but ONLY three options are chosen; Partial Maths: +2 Ifthree or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen and bath of which are comect, Partial Marks +1 Iftwo or more optons are correct but ONLY one opions chosen and itis acorect option; ZeroMarks 0 none ofthe options is chosen (. the question is unanswered); Negative Marks —1 In all other cases. + For example, ina question, if (A), (B) and (D) are the ONLY three options carespanding to correct answers, then choosing ONLY (A), (8) and (0) wil gt +4 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (8) wil get +2 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (0) wil get #2 marks; choosing ONLY (8) aed (0) will get #2 marks, choosing ONLY (A) wil get +4 mark; choosing ONLY (8) wil get +1 mark, ‘choosing ONLY (0) wil get +1 mark, choosing no option (.¢. the question is uranswered) will get 0 marks, and choosing any other combination of options will get ~1 mark Q5 A tin chloride Q undergoes the following reactions (not balanced) Qrcrox Q+MaN>¥ Q+CuCh > Z + CuCl X is a monoanion having pyramidal geometry. Both Y and Z are neutral compounds. Choose the correct option(s) (A) The central atom in X is sp* hybridized (B) There is a coordinate bond in Y (C) The oxidation state of the central atom in Z, is +2 (D) The central atom in Z; has one lone pair of electrons SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 Q6 Q7 Qs Qo Fusion of MnO; with KOH in presence of O; produces a salt W. Alkaline solution of W upon clectroly ion yields another salt X. The manganese containing ions present in W and X, respectively, are Y and Z. Correct statement(s) is(are) (A) In aqueous acidic solution, Y undergoes disproportionation reaction to give Z and MnO; (B) Both ¥ and Z are coloured and have tetrahedral shape (C) Y is diamagnetic in nature while Z is paramagnetic (D) In both Y and Z, z-bonding occurs between p-orbitals of oxygen and d-orbitals of manganese Choose the reaction(s) from the following options, for whi equal to the standard enthalpy of formation. the standard enthalpy of reaction is (A) 2h (g) + 02(g) + 2H20 (B) 2C(g) + 3Ha(g) > CoHe(g) ()30,@) + 05(8) () JSe(8) + O2() +802 (¢) Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct regarding the root mean square speed (Uns) and average translational kinetic energy (é) of a molecule in a gas at equilibrium ? (A) Ume is doubled when its temperature is increased four times (B) &x is doubled when its temperature is increased four times (C) wat a given temperature does not depend on its molecular mass (D) Uns is inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular mass Each of the following options contains a set of four molecules. Identify the option(s) where all four molecules possess permanent dipole moment at room temperature. (A) BeCh, COs, BCh, CHC (B) NOz. NHs, POCL, CHCl (C) BP, On, SFe, XePs (D) SO>, CoHisC, HaSe, BrFs SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 Qu0 Qu In the decay sequence, 2gu SS 23gmn 3 2gtpa Sg SS 2agrh X1/¥a)N5 aNd X,_ are partioles/radiation emitted by the respective isotopes. The correct option(s) is(are) (A) x, will defleot towards negatively charged plate (B) x2 is 6 (©) xa is pray (D) Z is an isotope of uranium ‘Which of the following statements) is(are) true? (A) Monosaccharides cannot be hydrolysed to give polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones (B) Oxidation of glucose with bromine water gives glutamic acid (©) Hydrolysis of sucrose gives destrorotatory glucose and Inevorotatory fructose (D) The two six-membered cyelic hemiacetal forms of D-(+)-glucose are called anomers SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 U2 Choose the correct option(s) for the following set of reactions Cthyo VMeMGBr — g —_conc. HCI é ii) H,0 (major) 20% HPO,, 360 K HBr, benzoyl peroxide T R u 1) Br, hv a (major) (major) (major) a) ®) CHs Hy Br H3C, Br CHs a cl s T u s © ©) HG Cl CH CHs HaQ, Br Br Br FEE (Advanced) 2019, Paper 1 nut + This section contains SIX (06) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE, + For each question, enter the corect numerical value ofthe answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual places, truncatelround-off the value to TWO decimal places. * Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks +3 IFONLY the correct numerical value is entered; Zero Marks 0 Inall other cases. SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 18) meric Keypad inthe place designated to enter the answer. I the numerical value has more than two decimal Q3 Qua Qs Qs Quy Among B3Hs, ByNaHs, N20, N:Oz, [28:03 and H,8;0s, the total number of molecules containing covalent bond between two atoms of the same kind is, At 143 K, the reaction of XeF« with O.F: produces a xenon compound Y. The total number of lone pair(s) of electrons present on the whole molecule of Y is, For the following reaction, the equilibrium constant Ke at 298 K is 1.6 » 10", Fe (ag) +S? (ag) —= FeS () ‘When equal volumes of 0.06 M_ Fe**(ag) and 0.2M_S* (ag) solutions are mixed, the equilibrium concentration of Fe (ag) is found to be V » 10 On dissolving 0.5 g of a non-volatile non-ionic solute to 39 g of benzene, its vapor pressure decreases from 650 mm Hg to 640 mm Hg, The depression of freezing point of benzene (in K) (Given data: Molar mass and the molal freezing point depression constant of benzene arc 78 mot and 5.12 K kg mol", respectively) Consider the kinetic data given in the following table for the reaction A+ B + C —> Product. Experiment No, TAT TB] 1c] Rate of reaction (mol dv) (mol dmv) (mol daw (mol dns") 1 02 O1 01 6.0 10" 2 02 02 on 6.0» 10 3 0.2 on 02. 1.2% 10" 4 03 ol O1 9.0 10 The rate of the reaction for [A] = 0.15 mol dar, [B] = 0.25 mol dm* and [C] = 0.15 mol dm* is found to be Y « 10 mol dm?s", The value of Y is SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 Q.18 Schemes 1 and 2 describe the conversion of P to Q and R to §, respectively. Scheme 3 describes the synthesis of T from Q and 8. The total number of Br atoms ina molecule of Tis Scheme 1: i) Bra (excess), HO NH) li) NaNOz, HCI, 273 K ill) CUCN/KCN a iW) HeO*. 4 eniete v) SOCI2, pyridine 7 Scheme 2: i) Oleum C mu i D (major) iv) Bra, CSp, 273 K ‘Scheme 3: 3 I) NaOH ie ia (major) FEE (Advanced) 2019, Paper 1 JEE (ADVANCED) 2019 PAPER 1 PART-II MATHEMATICS ‘SECTION 4 (Maximum Marks: 12) ‘This section contains FOUR (04) questions. Each question has FOUR options, ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer. For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer. Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme Full Marks +3 IF ONLY the correct option is chosen; Zero Marks If none of the options is chosen (ic. the question is unanswered) Negative Marks ° —1_Inall other cases. Q2 Let $ be the set of all complex numbers z satisfying lz — 2 + i] = V5. If the complex mumber Zo is 1 Temi fs themaximum ofthe set ta Ze s}jtnen the principal argument of = = ® ® 1" 3n Ak —= > > eS 5 (1D) — “™ -5 ® 5 © 5 » F Lat sin’ sin?@] _ a 14026 costa |= EAM where @ = @(8) and f = (8) are real numbers, and / is the 2 x 2 identity matrix. If @ isthe minimum of the set {c(9): @ € [0,27)} and 6" is the minimum of the set {8(@): @ € [0,27)}.. then the value of @* +f" is 37 16 31 16 29 16 7 D) © -% “w ®) © Aline y = mx-+ 1 interscots the circle (x — 3)? + ( +2)? = 25 at the points P and Q. If the midpoint of the line segment PQ has x-coordinate —=, then which one ofthe following options is correct? (A) -3sm<-1 «© (B) 2 (C) 16log.2-6 (D) Blog, 2— EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 1 Qs ‘SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 02) This section contains EIGHT (08) questions Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) s(are) comect answers) Far each question, choose the options) corresponding to (ll) the corectanswer(). Answer to each question wl ie evaluated! according to the following marking scheme Full Marks +4 If ony (all the correct opion(s) is(are) chosen, Partial Marks: +3 {fall the four options are corect but ONLY three options are chosen; Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options ae correct but ONLY two options are chosen and both of which are comect Partial Marks = +1 Iftwo or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and itis a cortect option; Zero Marks 0. fnone ofthe options is chosen (ie. the question is unanswered} Negative Marks: ~1 Inall other cases. For example, in a question, i (8), (B) and (D) ate the ONLY three opfions crresponding to correct answers, then choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (0) will get +4 marks, choosing ONLY (A) and (B) wil get +2 marks, choosing ONLY (A) and (0) wil get +2 marks; choosing ONLY (B) and (0) wil get +2 marks, choosing ONLY (A) wil gt +1 mark; choosing ONLY (8) will get+1 mark; choosing ONLY (0) wil get +4 mark, choosing no option (i. the question is unanswered) wil get O marks, and choosing any other combination of options wil get —1 mark Let wand i be the roots of x? — x 0, with > f.. For all positive integers n, define pr a, =——, n21 « by=1 and by=Gnatana, N22 ‘Then which of the following options is/are corrent? (A) ay tay bay bob dy = yyy — 1 foralln> 1 ®B) SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 Q6 Q7r Let 01 a 1 1-1 M=|1 2 3] and adjM [s i 3b -§ 3 -1 where @ and b are real numbers. Which of the following options is/are correct? @ shb=3 (B) @djM)-! + adj Mt = —M (Cc) det(adj M*) = 81 @ 1 () IM | [x mena— ey 3 yl Is There are three bags By, B and Bs. The bag By contains 5 red and 5 green balls, By contains 3 red and 5 green balls, and B3 contains 5 red and 3 green balls. Bags By. By and By have probabilities 3 3 4 Tae 7g tM 7p APestively of being chosen, A bag is selected al random and a ball is chosen at random from the bag. Then which of the following options is/are correst? 3 (A) Probability thatthe chosen ball is green, given that the selected bag is Bs, equals 39 (B) Probability that the chosen ball is green equals = 5 (©) Probability that the selected bag is Bs, given thatthe chosen ball is green, oquals 3 (D) Probability that the selected bag is By and the chosen ball is green equals: SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 Qs Qo Ina non-right-angled triangle APQR, let p, q,7* denote the lengths of the sides opposite to the angles at P,Q,R respectively. The median from R meets the side PQ at S, the perpendicular from P meets the side QR at F, and RS and PE intersect at 0. If p= V3. q=1, and the radius of the circumeircle of the APQR equals 1, then which of the following options is/are correct? (A) Length of RS = (B) Area of ASOE = (C) Length of O£ ©) Radius of incirele of APQR R,: rectangle of largest area, with sides parallel to the axes, inseribed in Ey; Es ellipse = + 5 = 1 of largest area inscribed in Ry_1, 2 > 1s Ry rectangle of largest arca, with sides parallel to the axes, inscribed in Ey, n> 1 ‘Then which of the following options is/are correct? (A) The eccentricities of Eyg and Fyy ate NOT equal ¥ ®) Y Carea of R,,) < 24, for each positive integer N & 1 (©) The length of latus rectum of Ey Is = v5 (D) The distance of a focus from the centre in Eis SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 1 Quo Qu Let f:R > R be given by x8 + 5x +1003 +1007 43x41, x <0; woxtl O 0.1f AP(1;3) 0 AP(2; 5) 0 AP(3;7) = AP(a;d) then a +d equals QS Let Sbethe sample space of all 3 x 3 matrices with entries from the set {0,1}. Let the events Ey and E, be given by E,={AES : deta = 0} and E, = {AES + sum of entries of Ais 7}. If a matrix is chosen at random from S, then the conditional probability P(E,|E,) equals Q16 Let the point B be the reflection of the point A(2, 3) with respect to the line 8x — 6y — 23 = 0. Let T'4 and Pg be cireles of radii 2 and 1 with centres A and B respectively. Let T bea common tangent to the circles I, and Tp such that both the circles are on the same side of 7. If C is the point of intersection of 7’and the line passing through A and B, then the length of the line segment AC is__ Paper 1 EE Advanced) 2019 Qu7 it aa 2 i ca w_ J Gd +esx)@ — cos2x) -is then 27 F equals Q.8 Three lines are given by #=ah aver #=u(+), weER and # =v(i4j+h), veR atthe points A, B and C respectively. Ifthe area of the Let the lines cut the plane x Fy +2 = triangle ABC is A then the value of (6A)? equals

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