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Lecture 13

Interviewing and Following up

- Mr. Vu Tuan Anh, CMA, MSA
- Nguyen Duc Tri Anh, M.Econ
Introduction about me
Nguyen Duc Tri Anh
• Bachelor of Science degree, Management Information Systems (MIS) at
University of Arkansas, U.S.A. in 2015.
- frequently in Dean and Chancellor’s lists
- graduated in top 10% of class 2015.
• Master in Economics at Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), University
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Toulouse I Capitole, France.

- Non-resident tuition scholarship recipient (University of Arkansas)
- Jean-Jacques Laffont scholarship for Master & Doctoral students (TSE)

• Featured in 2014-2015 scholarship recipient booklet of MIS department, Sam

Walton College, UofA & online 18th edition of TSE Magazine (TSEMag)
So, you want
to get your
dream job?
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Chapter 13, Slide 3

Types of Employment Interviews

To weed out
unqualified candidates.
Often conducted by
telephone or online.
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To learn whether a
Hiring/ candidate is a good fit for
placement the organization. Usually
conducted in person.
Chapter 14, Slide 4
Types of Employment Interviews

▪ One-on-one
▪ Panel
▪ Group
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placement ▪ Sequential
▪ Stress
▪ Online

Chapter 14, Slide 5

Interview Success

Before During After

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the the the

interview interview interview

Chapter 14, Slide 6

Professional Phone Techniques

Before During After

▪ Remember that anytime the phone rings,

it could be a potential employer.
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▪ Create a concise, professional outgoing

message in your own voice; include your
full name.
▪ Beware of answering cell calls.

Chapter 14, Slide 7

An Impressive First Conversation

Before During After

Keep the following near your phone:

1. Your résumé
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2. List of applied positions

3. List of references
4. Calendar
5. Notepad & pen

Chapter 14, Slide 8

An Impressive First Conversation

Before During After

▪ Treat any call from an

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employer like an interview.

▪ Be prepared for a
screening interview.

Chapter 14, Slide 9

An Impressive First Conversation

Before During After

▪ Take good notes.

▪ Get accurate directions.
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▪ Verify spelling of
interviewer’s name.
▪ Before you hang up,
reconfirm interview date & time.

Chapter 14, Slide 10

Researching the Company

Before During After

▪ Never enter an interview cold!

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▪ Learn all you can about the target

▪ Employers are impressed
by candidates who have
done their homework.

Chapter 14, Slide 11

Researching the Company

What should you look for?

Field, service, or Mission and goals Size/Geographic
product Location(s)
Number of employees Customers Competitors
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Culture Management Names of leaders

History Reputation in Financial condition
Strengths and Recent news articles Future plans

Chapter 14, Slide 12

Researching the Company

Where should you look?

Company’s Web site General Web search Library

Annual reports Catalogs or brochures Current employees

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Blogs/Social Network Newspaper articles Informal visit


Chapter 14, Slide 13

Prepare and Practice

Before During After

▪ How do your qualifications fit the job

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▪ Rehearse success stories.

▪ Practice answers to typical interview Q’s.

Chapter 14, Slide 14

Typical interview Questions.
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Typical interview Questions.
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Typical interview Questions.
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Typical interview Questions.
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Typical interview Questions.
Why do you want to work here?
- What the organization actually does?

- Organization’s culture.
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- Recent successes & challenges they face.

- Philosophy & mission behind the organization.

- Training & development they offer.

Prepare and Practice

Before During After

▪ Clean up any digital dirt.

▪ Decide how to dress professionally.
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▪ Gather items to bring:

Copies of your résumé
Reference list
Notebook and pen
Work samples
Chapter 14, Slide 20

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