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No Italian wedding or celebration would be complete without the rhythmic song and dance
of the tarantella. It is the most popular of all the Italian songs and it is even considered by
many as the song of Italy. The song is both lively and graceful and the dance is one of
light and quick steps mixed with passionate gestures. Its origin dates back to the Middles
Ages and traces of a similar song can even be found in Magna Graecia.

Legend states that between the 15th and 17th centuries an epidemic of tarantism swept
through the town of Taranto in southern Italy. This was as a result of being bit by the
poisonous tarantula spider. The victim, which is referred to as the tarantata, was almost
always a woman but never a high ranking lady or one of an aristocratic upbringing. Once
bitten the tarantata would fall into a trance that could only be cured by frenzied dancing.
People would surround the victim while musicians would play mandolins, guitars and
tambourines in search of the correct rhythm. Each beat would have a different effect on
the tarantata causing various movements and gestures. Once the correct rhythm was
found it was almost certain that the tarantata was cured.

As legends have it there always seems to be more than one version. Another version
states that a woman who was depressed and frustrated from the subordinate lifestyle
would fall into a trance that could only be cured by music and dance. This normally lasted
three days and during that time the tarantata would be the center of attention, which in
turn would cure them of their frustrations and depressions.

Of these two variations that most popular is the one in which the victim is bitten by the
poisonous tarantula. This is why the tarantella is sometimes referred to as the dance of
the spider.

I had the opportunity to attend the St. Rocco festival that is held every year in Pittsburgh,
PA. The festival is located behind St. Raphael's school in Morningside. During the festival
the folk group "I Paesani" performed a number of dances. Below is the group dancing the
Tarantella Calabrese.
No. 8 skipping steps backward.
1. 8 skipping steps advancing
A skipping step is a hop preceded by a step, or a step and hop
danced staccato . . . Eight Measures.
No. Stationary step.
2. Step on right, cross left raised in front, hop on right,
Count 1 and 2.
Step on left, cross right raised in front, hop on left,
Count 3 and 4.
Four hops on right leg, turning to right, left raised,
Count 1, 2, 3, 4.
Repeat these stationary steps commencing with the left
foot . . . . . . . . Eight Measures.
No. Step on right, point left front.
3. Step on left, point right front.
Half turning to face partner . . Two Measures.
No. Join right hands,
4. Circle about each other to original places with 16 skipping
steps to be executed in a very romping manner.
separate and end side by side . Eight Measures.
8 backward skipping steps . . Four Measures
No. Repetition of No. 2.
6. Step on right, cross and raise left, hop on right,
Count 1 and 2.
Step on left, cross and raise right, hop on left,
Count 3 and 4.
Four hops on right leg turning to the right
Count 1, 2, 3, 4.
Repeat with left . . . . . Eight Measures.
No. Advancing obliquely to right, hop on left foot, and at same time
7. point right toe to the left toe,
Count 1.
Hop on left and at the same time point right heel with toe raised
to the left toe,
Count 2.
Repeat this until 16 counts have been made. Right hand on
hip, left hand raised over head.
Eight Measures.
No. Transfer weight to right leg, raising the left behind, eight hops
8. on right leg turning rapidly to the right. Right arm extended in
front and left arm extended to the rear at the height of the
shoulders. Stop abruptly–pause an instant–take hands–and run
off . . . . . . Six Measures.


The Tarantella Dance music is probably the most recognized song of all the Italian folklore
It literally means "tarantula" because the dance is done buy everyone in a great big circle
going clockwise, until the music in the set changes, becomes faster, then they quickly
change the direction to counterclockwise, this continues several times and is fun to see
who keeps up. It is generally played with a strong mandolin (Italian guitar) presence, yet
each region has its own version.
You can see this dance at authentic Italian weddings, is often the theme song of many
restaurants and pizzerias, can even be heard in The Godfather movie and the CBS sitcom
"That's Life".

The traditional costume for tarantella is called a 'flamenco costume'. There are at least fifty
different styles of this costume, and are usually worn by a woman. The flamenco dresses are long
and are constructed with lots of ruffles and layers. They are also made out of different colorful
material, depending on the style.
History of Tarantella
It is considered unlucky to dance the Tarantella alone so it is often danced by couples or by two
women. The dance itself was used to cure the poison from the bite of the spider. Town folks
would play music and the afflicted person would dance non-stop to avoid succumbing to the
What is the Tarantella dance?
Tarantella is an alternate Italian form of the word tarantula. The tarantella is mainly an Italian
country partner dance, which features numerous twirls and spins. Though the dance is partnered,
many of the steps are danced away from each other, and steps together are often taken with the
partners side to side instead of face to face.

1. Where can be found the middle and traces of the song?
A.Italy B.Magna Graecia C.Middle ages
2. What is the exact centuries when the epidemic of tarantism swept the rown of
taranto italy? A.15th and 14th centuries B.16th and 17th centuries C. None of the above
3 and 4. What will make the italian celebration completed? -song & -dance of tarantella
5. When the people soround the victim musician played what? A.Viola B.Piano
1. How many skipping steps you do backward?
A.6 B.8 C.7
2. How many skipping steps to be executed in romping manner?
A.16 B.12 C.8
Tarantella music:
1. What is the most recognized song in Italy? -Tarantella song
2 tarantella comes from word? -Tarantula
3. What is the mandolin means? - Italian guitar
4. Where the Italian usually present this dance? - Wedding dance
5. A theme song sually played in restaurants and pizzerias? -Tarantella music

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