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Spatially-Combined Multisine Transmitter for

Wireless Power Transmission

Alírio Soares Boaventura and Nuno Borges Carvalho
Departamento de Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática, Instituto de Telecomunicações,
Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro 3810-193, Portugal

Abstract — High PAPR signals such as multisines have been PAPR signals. However, the high PAPR scheme is only
used to increase the RF-DC conversion efficiency in WPT
systems. Considerable work has been dedicated to the receiver effective if the high PAPR waveform actually reaches
side, namely to investigate the efficiency enhancement in RF-DC the receiver. This fact imposes the use of an improved
converters excited with such signals. However, less attention has
been paid to the transmitter side. In this paper, we propose the transmitter architecture that is able to transmit the high
use of spatial power combining technique for use in WPT, to PAPR signal without clipping it. Moreover, the
efficiently generate/radiate a high PAPR multisine signal. amplification of high PAPR signals is critical.
Index Terms— Wireless Power Transmission, High PAPR While high PAPR is the preferable characteristic that
Signals, Multisine, Space Power Combining.
makes multisine signals beneficial on the receiver side,
I. INTRODUCTION this same characteristic is a drawback on the transmitter
side. Thus, improved architectures for high PAPR
Recently, there has been a growing interest in signal transmission is a must. Concerning multisine signals, it
waveform design to increase the efficiency of WPT should be noted that the high PAPR characteristic is due
(Wireless Power Transmission) systems. The use of high to the combination of the multisine subcarriers.
PAPR (Peak-to-Average Power Ratio) signals has been Considering this fact, we propose an efficient multisine
proposed as a way of increasing the energy transfer generation/transmission approach based on spatial power
efficiency and extending the system coverage range. combining: In such architecture the multisine subcarriers
Briefly, as previously demonstrated in [1], high PAPR are amplified and transmitted separately and they will be
signals are able to excite the RF-DC converter devices in combined in free space. Therefore, no especial
a more efficient way, forcing them to generate much challenges will be posed to the power amplification
more DC power. An application of this concept can be stage.
found in [2] where a high PAPR signal was used for
reducing the average radiated power while keeping the
same communication distance of an RFID reader. This
was done by switching the carrier on and off with a given II.SPATIAL POWER COMBINING: SPATIALLY-COMBINED
duty cycle. High PAPR UWB (Ultra Wide Band) signals MULTISINES
were also proposed in [3] and [4] for efficient low power Power combining is a technique commonly used in
transmission. Following the same reasoning of using millimeter-wave technology to achieve moderate to high
high PAPR signals, chaotic signals were also proposed in power levels [10]. Traditional approach consists of
[5]. Multisine signals (commonly used in Orthogonal splitting the input signal into N branches, amplifying
Frequency Division Multiplex - OFDM systems) have them and combining them again to obtain an amplified
been explored for use in WPT. In [6] and [7], the reading version of the input signal. Since splitting and combining
range of UHF RFID tags was extended by using a are implemented by transmission line circuits, this
multisine scheme. In [3] the non-linear behavior of RF- approach becomes inefficient as the number of branches
DC converters was investigated. In such study a increases. This is due to the losses in the line and
mathematical model and description were presented to combining structures. Spatial power combining was
explain the efficiency enhancement of Schottky diode proposed to do the same job with higher efficiency and
detectors when excited with high PAPR signals. In the theoretically with no limitation in the number of
experiments conducted in [8] and [9], a multisine front- branches [10]. This is achieved by passively combining
end was integrated in a commercial RFID reader in order the signal components in free space. Spatially combined
to extend its reading range. power sources can be implemented as array of oscillators
in which the coupling between adjacent elements allows
Although considerable research has been devoted to
for frequency and phase locking [11]. In this paper, we
the receiver side of the power transfer chain, rather less
propose the use of spatially-combined high PAPR
attention has been paid to the transmitter side. So far,
multisine signals for WPT. Figure 1a) depicts the
investigations have been confined to the study of
proposed system composed of N=2n+1 synchronized
(receiver) RF-DC conversion efficiency when using high

‹,((( 21
transmitters that generate a multisine E-field through III. PRELIMINARY RESULTS
space power combining. Assuming far-field observation In order to provide a first validation of the proposed
[11] and considering a small spacing between adjacent transmitter scheme two experiments have been
elements, the total E-field at distance r is given by: conducted. In the first one a three tone multisine signal is
generated and measured (at the receiver) using the setup
( , , )= ( ) + + shown in Fig. 2a). Three transmitter antennas are fed
with 13dBm of average power at 887.5MHz, 890MHz
(1) and 892.5MHz respectively. The spatially-combined
signal is received at 1.14m by a fourth antenna. The
where k is the propagation constant, ωi and ϕi are the received signal spectrum with three frequency
frequency and phase of each signal source, Ei is the components is depicted in Fig. 2a). In Fig. 2b) it can be
amplitude of each E-field component and Gi(θ) is the observed the time domain waveform with high PAPR
gain of each antenna. value. This high PAPR value will increase the efficiency
In order to achieve a multisine E-field with maximum of the RF-DC converter. Moreover, the PAPR (and
PAPR the conditions of equally-spaced frequencies (ωi= consequently the efficiency) increases as the number of
ω0 + iΔω) and locked phases (ϕi+1 – ϕi = Δϕ) must be met tones in the multisine is increased [1].
[1][11]. If the oscillators were coupled then the constant In the second experiment, a dipole receiver antenna is
phase progression condition would be automatically placed between two transmitters (Fig. 3a). In order to
enforced by an injection-lock mechanism [11]. However, compare with the single carrier case, a 5-stage voltage
in this work we are using non-coupled sources, so the multiplier is connected to the receiver antenna and the
phase locking is externally imposed by a 10MHz DC is measured. Fist, one of the antennas is fed with a
reference signal. single carrier at 879MHz with power PCW and second the
two transmitter antennas are fed with two subcarriers at
d d 878MHz and 880MHz, each with power P2T=PCW-3dB.
... ...
Synchronized sources
3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$

x-n(t) x-n+1(t) x0(t) xn-1(t) xn(t)

...Ref ...

3$ Transmitter antennas

Receiver antenna

3$ 3$



Fig. 1 a) Synchronized single carrier transmitters. If the carriers are equally

spaced then a high PAPR E-field will be generated, b) an alternative
configuration in which the receiver is placed in between the transmitters.


Table 1 shows the preliminary results obtained in the
second experiment. In the two tone case the average
input power of each antenna is the same as the average
power used in the single carrier experiment. This is done
by setting each subcarrier power to half power of the
single carrier (P2T=PCW-3dB). The DC voltages in the
table are measured at the output of a 5-stage voltage
multiplier (connected to the receiver antenna) at a
510KΩ load. As can be seen, in most cases the collected
DC voltage is higher for the two tone case even
considering the same average power being radiated.
However, the obtained gains are not so expressive. This
(c) may be due two reasons: first, a multisine with only two
Fig. 2a) Setup used to generate/radiate a three tone multisine signal. b) tones is used which does not provide a very high PAPR.
signal spectrum received at the receiver antenna. The three frequency
components combined in free space can be observed. c) high PAPR waveform In order to obtain higher gains a higher order multisine
measured in the time using a high speed RF oscilloscope. should be used. Second, in this setup the two transmitter
antennas are directly looking to each other which may
degrade the gain with respect to the receiver antenna due
to the loading effect of the antennas. The antennas
loading effect is observed in table 2. Referring to Fig.3,
table 2 shows the transmission coefficient (S31) between
the receiver and one of the transmitter antennas with and
without the second transmitter antenna in place.
Reflection coefficients (S11 and S33) are also presented.
2 As can be seen the transmission coefficient is degraded
3 r when the second antenna (acting as a parasitic load) is in
place. Other antenna configurations should be tested in
1 r order to minimize such effect and optimize the energy
transfer efficiency gain.
Dipole receiver antenna
S-param Only one TX Two TX
(dB) antenna antennas
|S31| -24.5 -25.5
Fig. 3 Setup used to compare two tone and single carrier results. r = 35cm. |S11| -32.8 -32.2
|S33| -24.4 -22.8
Table 2. System parameters with and without the second
transmitter antenna in place.
(dBm) (Volt) (dBm) (Volt)
10.7 1.090 7.7 1.090 IV. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
11.7 1.288 8.7 2.293
12.7 1.501 9.7 1.509
Spatial power combining is a suitable approach to
13.7 1.726 10.7 1.762 efficiently deliver a high PAPR signal which is able to
14.7 1.940 11.7 2.056 boost the RF-DC conversion efficiency of RF-DC
15.7 2.203 12.7 2.381 converter circuits. Several benefits can be achieved: no
16.7 2.480 13.7 2.731 need to amplify high PAPR signals (only single sub-
Table 1. DC voltage at the rectifier output for single carrier carriers need to be amplified. This will avoid clipping,
and two tone signal. distortion, spectrum regrowth and efficiency degradation
that otherwise would appear in high PAPR multisine
amplification. Since the total power is spitted by N
branches, the amplification process is much more
relaxed. Sub-carriers are passively combined in free
space, avoiding combining losses. A major drawback
may be the use of several power amplifier stages and
antennas, nevertheless, such transmitter can be

efficiently implemented as an array of coupled [7] M.S. Trotter, G.D. Durgin “Survey of Range Improvement
oscillators. of Commercial RFID Tags With Power Optimized
Further work is needed to explore other antenna Waveforms”, IEEE International Conference on RFID,
configurations and also to evaluate higher order 2010.
[8] Alírio Soares Boaventura and Nuno Borges Carvalho,
multisine transmitters (with more than two sub-carriers).
“Enhanced front-end to Extend Reading Range of
Such higher order transmitters are capable of providing Commercial RFID Readers Using Efficient Multisine
much higher RF-DC conversion efficiency gain. Signals”, IMS2012 - International Microwave
Moreover, since the phase synchronization is critical in Symposium, Montréal, Canada, June 2012.
more than two tones signals, more work is needed to [9] Alírio Soares Boaventura and Nuno B. Carvalho,
evaluate the impact of the phase synchronization on the “Extending Reading Range of Commercial RFID
collected DC power. Future work will also address array Readers”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
of coupled oscillators to efficiently implement the Techniques.
proposed spatially-combined multisine Transmitter. [10]J. Harvey, E.R. Brown, D.B. Rutledge, R.A. York,
“Spatial Power Combining for High Power
Transmitters”, IEEE Microwave Magazine, December
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [11]R. A. York, R. Compton, “Coupled-Oscillator Arrays for
Millimeter-Wave Power-Combining and Mode-Locking”,
IEEE International Microwave Symposium, California
The authors would like to thank Portuguese Science USA, 1992.
and Technology Foundation (FCT) for the financial [12]C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis Design, 3th
support provided under Project PTDC/EEA- Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
TEL/099646/2008 TACCS and for the doctoral
scholarship SFRH/ BD/ 80615/ 2011.
Thanks also to Ricardo Fernandes from University of
Aveiro and Hugo Mostardinha from Institute of
Teleccomunications - Aveiro.

[1] Alírio Soares Boaventura and Nuno Borges Carvalho
“Maximizing DC Power in Energy Harvesting Circuits
Using Multisine Excitation”, IMS2011 - International
Microwave Symposium, Baltimore, USA, June, 2011.
[2] Hisanori Matsumoto and Ken Takei, “An Experimental
Study of Passive UHF RFID System with Longer
Communication Range”, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific
Microwave Conference 2007.
[3] Chun-Chih Lo, Yu-Lin Yang, Chi-Lin Tsai, Chieh-Sen
Lee, and Chin-Lung, Yang, “Novel Wireless Impulsive
Power Transmission to Enhace the Convertion Efficiency
for Low Input Power” , Microwave Workshop Series on
Innovative Wireless Power Tansmission, 2011
[4] Yu-Lin Yang, Chin-Lung Yang, Chi-Lin Tsai, and Chieh-
Sen Lee, “Efficiency Improvement of the Impulsive
Wireless Power Transmission”, Microwave Workshop
Series on Innovative Wireless Power Tansmission, 2011.
[5] A. Collado, A. Georgiadis, "Improving Wireless Power
Transmission Efficiency Using Chaotic Waveforms," in
Proc. IEEE MTT-S IMS 2012, Montreal, 17-22 June
[6] M. S. Trotter, J. D. Griffin and G. D. Durgin “Power-
Optimized Waveforms for Improving the Range and
Reliability of RFID Systems”, IEEE International
Conference on RFID, 2009.


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