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(P) = Named Player(s) Missions are listed alphabetically.

Mission rewards may or may not be scaled to a player's net

Duke Mission Name Objective Easy $
Introduction: Duke Complete 10 Duke contracts 250000
Show Some Muscle Attack (P) 1500
Battering Ram Attack (P) 3 times 2500
New Kid on the Block Defeat any 5 players 3000
Against the Odds Defeat 2 (P) 5K
A Good Day to Get Hard Achieve a killstreak of 10
A Kimpossible Task Defeat (P) using only melee and temp weapons
An Honorary Degree Defeat (P) without using any guns 3.5K
A Problem at the Tracks Defeat 3 (P) without using guns 9K
Army of One Attack (P) 3 times as normal, with mask, with different mask
A Thor Loser Use aDuke's
Buy hammer
fruitcake, and hit
use cake 15 different
frosting body parts
& lock-picking kits from
inventory sent by Duke, then send special fruitcake to any player
Bakeout Breakout in jail. Player does not actually receive the item.

Bare Knuckle Defeat (P) with no weapons or armour equipped

Batshit Crazy Inflict aprox 17k, 45K damage using Duke's Bat
Big Tub of Muscle Defeat (P)
Obtain afrodespite their gargantuan
comb/edvd/laptop, strength
place in empty box, giftwrap, send
Birthday Surprise to Duke
Bonnie & Clyde Defeat (P) and spouse of (P) 4K
Bountiful Claim 2,3, or 5 bounties
Bounty on the Mutiny Bounty (P) and wait for bounty to be fulfilled 7K
Bring It! Defeat Duke within 7 days of activating this mission.
Candy from Babies Collect $150k or $250k in bounties
Charity Work Mug 2 (P)
Cracking Up Defeat & Interrogate (P) to find the code for Duke's safe
Critical Education Achieve 8 critical hits
Cut Them Down to Size Defeat someone your level or higher
Put a bounty on (P), wait for it to be claimed, attack the person
Dirty Little Secret 646K-676K
who claimed the bounty
Double Jeopardy Put a bounty on someone, then defeat them.
Drug Problem Defeat 4-7 (P)
Emotional Debt Hit (P) with tear gas or pepper spray 4.5K
Estranged Injure one of (P) legs 3K
Family Ties Hospitalize (P) 3 times 8K
Field Trip Win $1k, $10k, $100k or 10M on 3 named Casino Games 5K
Fireworks Expend 500, 1000, 1500, 2500 rounds of ammo 16K
Forgotten Bills Defeat (P) 3K
Frenzy Defeat any 5, 7, 11, 11, or 15 players 10K
Get Things Jumping Cause 2k, 8k, 30k dmg, receive 1k, 4k, 15k ?
Graffiti Hit (P) with pepper spray 4K
Guardian Defeat (P) 3.5K

Hammer Time Defeat (P) using only a hammer

Hands Of Defeat 3-5 (P) 10K
Hare, Meet Tortoise Defeat (P) despite their lightening fast speed
Hide and Seek Defeat correct (P) of 4 players, clues given 4K
Hiding in Plain View Travel to (country) and defeat (P) 11.5K
High Fliers Defeat 3 (P) in 3 foreign (country)
Hobgoblin Defeat a player of your choice 5 times
Immovable Object Defeat (P) despite their impenetrable defense
Inside Job Attack someone and secrete the Taser into or onto them
Keeping Up Appearances Successfully mug (P) then give everything you mugged back to
Kiss of Death Defeat (P) and use only the kiss option 24K
Lack of Awareness Defeat (P) 3K
Lost and Found Put (P) in hospital for 12 hours 9K
Loud and Clear Use 5,7 or 11 explosive grenades
Loyal Customer Defeat (P)
Make it Slow Defeat (P) in no fewer than 13 turns in a single attack
Marriage Counselling Defeat the spouse of (P) 3K
Massacrist Defeat (P)
Meeting the Challenge Mug people for a listed total amount. 0
Motivator Lose or stalemate to (P)
No Man is an Island Mug at least 2 of 3 (P) 7.5K
No Second Chances Defeat (P) on first attempt
Out of the Frying Pan Use Felovax while in jail, Zylkene while in hospital
Painleth Dentitht Defeat (P) with a baseball bat
Party Tricks Defeat (P) despite their nimble dexterity
Pass the Word Send (P) a mail message with keyword included 4.5K
Peak Experience Defeat (P) despite their high level
Proof of the Pudding Acquire a named gun, shoot (P) with it, send it to (P)
Rabbit Response Defeat 3 (P) within 30 minutes, 20, 20, 15, and 10 14K-36K
Reconstruction Equip kitchen knife/leather gloves, defeat (P) then dump both items.
Red Faced Defeat (P) using a trout as finishing hit
Rising Costs Hit (P) with a brick 4K
Rolling in It Mug (P) 0
Safari Travel to South Africa and defeat (P) with a rifle 12K
Scammer Defeat (P) 0
Buy a gun from item market or bazaar, use gun on any 3, 6 players,
Sellout Slayer sell gun in item market or bazaar
Sending a Message Defeat (P) 2.5K
Sleep Aid Defeat (P)
Some People Send any item (found in the dump) as a parcel to (P) 4K
Standard Routine Defeat (P) with a clubbed weapon, fists or kick 3500
Stomach Upset Injure (P) stomach 3.5K-68K
Search the dump for any previously owned item and defeat the
Swan Step Too Far previous owner
The Executive Game Defeat (P) using only fists or kick 6K
The Tattoo Artist Defeat (P) using only a slashing weapon
Three-Peat Defeat any 3 players by leave 1, mug 1, hosp 1
Training Day Spend 250e, 500e, 750e, 1000e, 1250e gym training 0
Tree Huggers Defeat 6-8 (P)
Undercutters Defeat 3 (P) 8K
Unwanted Attention Hospitalize 4 (P) 10K
Withdrawal Injure (P) both arms
Wrath of Duke Defeat 3 (P)
ot be scaled to a player's networth (not proven yet). Updated by Madame_Tussaud [191408] Jan 11, 2020
Creds Med $ Creds Hard $ Creds Very Hard $ Creds Expert $ Creds
9 10K 14-22 20K 21 40K 32 80K 34-45
88K 36-50
12K-24K 12-13 48K-64K 21-28
6 7K-32K 6-21 14K 13 64K 24-32
16 18K-64K 16-36 36K 25-37 56 144K 85
44K 27 88K 44-51
96K 57
5K-96K 9-45

44K 28 88K 43 136K-176K 57-97

96K 37-54
20K 18 48K 21-29
74k 27 2.596M 60 1.096-1.1M 53-60
8 40K 26-28 40K 22-24
0 28 0 43 0 67-97
8-14 28K 18-27 752K 40

0 37 0 49-85
0 9 0 21 0 29-48
44k 24-28 88K 39-54
128K-152K 52-82
250K 150
34-41 536K-772K 42-57
40K 26-30
30K 21-32 72K 38 114K-144K 63-85
5 9K 8 18K 18 36K 18 48K 21-26
6-30 12K 14 24K 32 48K-88K 32-47
9 16K 14 32K 32 184K 74-96
8 10K 12 20K 18 80K 60
16 32K 26 64K 36-54 232K-256K 81-121
4 6K 9 12K 13 24K 16-17 48K 20-26
16 20K 16-25 40K 25 80K 56 136K-168K 70-85
? 38K 25-37 120K-152K 50-66
4-7 8K 7-10 16K 10 32K 24 48K 21-28
4-6 7K 6 14K 9 28K 20 48K-56K 14-28

20K-44K 14-21 80K-88K 45-54

12-18 20K 18-27 40K 27-40 80K-160K 57-71
10K 8 12K-20K 12-16 24K 15-18 24K-48K 16-28
9 8K 14 16K 21 48K 20-23
12-18 23K-84K 18-47 168K 68-81
60K 45 240K-308K 101-168
125K 60-90
20K 12 40K 18-28 24K-48K 18-29
24K 14-18 48K 20
0 20-27
15 24K 15 48K 25
4-6 6K-24K 6-14 12K 13 48K 20-29
10-15 18K 15 36K-96K 23-53 114K-192K 52-109
17K 22 34K 28 136K 53-63
12K 9-13 48K 20-30
72K 42 104K-144K 40-82
4 6K 10 12K 10-16 48K-56K 26-36
5K 6-9 10K-24K 13-15 40K-48K 20-30
14 0 14 0 21 0 0 48-85
17K 8-12 34K-68K 18-43
9-14 15K 14 30K 21-32 64K-120K 35-72
10K 8-12 20K 12-18 40K 18 88K 52-54
18K-56K 18-43
8K 8-12 16K 18 64K-112K 42-66
20K 12 40K 28 48K-80K 22-30
4-7 9K-60K 10-35
24K 16-24 72K-96K 31-54
56K 20-27
17-22 28K 26-39 56K 59 112K 89 72K-224K 28-133
72K-96K 31-37
60K 43 120K 48-71
7 8K 7-10 16K 10 64K-96K 36-54
4-6 0 6-9 0 9-13 0 21-30
20 24K 30 48K-132K 30-75
4-6 0 9 0 9-15 0 19 0 26-30
136K 56-70
6 5K 9 10K 9 40K-48K 20-25
10K 13 40K-48K 20-30
8 8K-60K 8-41
4-6 ? ? 52K 28 52K 37 104K 42-60
8-39 136K 72

48K 20-25
7-10 12K 10 24K 16 48K 36 96K 50-56
80K 32-41
75K 40-60
14 0 21 0 21 0 32 0 69-81
32K 24-36 64K 36 128K 81 152K 61-85
9-14 16K 14-21 32K 21-32 104K-128K 46-72
11-16 20K 25 40K 37 136K-160K 56-65
14K 16 56K-176K 54-97
20K 25 40K 25-37 120K 54-71
ssaud [191408] Jan 11, 2020
Suggested Tips
Protégé Honor Bar

Buying 10 defends works just as well as doing the attacks yourself.

Guns don't have to be uneqipped.
Guns don't have to be uneqipped. Tested Feb 2018
Unequip your guns.
Duke sends you 2 random masks to wear.
There are approximately 20-30 different body parts in Torn people.
Uneqip everything and fight only with fists or kicks. Residual temps from previous fight not
Duke sends you the bat Penelope, best to chain with.

Cash prize is usually the average market price of the item

Cash prize is still

Requirement calculated
to Unlock based
Expert on old Jump
Missions. bounty
in system.
when heCannot claim 5-6
gets looted yourtimes
own.a day, do not
have to land finishing hit.

Can take 5 times to get target to talk. Contents of the safe will vary.
A critical hit mod can help with this.
Requirement to Unlock Very Hard Missions
Cash prize is still calculated based on old bounty system. If the claimer is anonymous, their ID #
still shows up in the mission screen.
You cannot claim your own bounties.

Easy = HL, C & R, Med = S, BJ, K, Vhard= K, HL, R or BJ, Expert = C, BJ, HL
Suggestion: Use a minigun with lots of ammo and chain because ChedburnTest100 is nerfed.

Equip pepper spray temp item. If you miss, must retry mission.

Dual Hammers don't count, don't have to unequip other gear, non damaging temps ARE allowed,
ie: stat booster, smoke, flash

Other people with same mission can also attack target.

Other people with same mission can also attack target.
Requirement to Unlock Hard Missions

Duke sends you an Item. A secrete option shows up below leave/mug/hosp

A kiss option shows up below leave/mug/hosp

Takes at minimum 3 attacks, unless player has max merits/faction perks.

Grenades must be a type that causes damage.

Survive for at least 13 turns then defeat the target

Amount varies. You could offer mug protection service to make this faster.

Get help if needed.

Duke sends you the items needed
Using any other weapon results in failure.

Needs to be at least a paragraph. Tip: Copy and send the mission text.

You don't have to send the exact same gun you used to attack with, just same type.
Make sure they're all out of hosp, activate mission and line them all up to attack
Don't have to actually use the kitchen knife.

If the brick misses, you will have to retry this mission.

Accept contract, equip rifle, buy abundant ammo, use ONLY the rifle

Does not matter if the gun is primary or secondary.

Search the dump, and if it's junk, box it up and send it to the target.
Non damaging temps ARE allowed, ie: stat booster, smoke, flash
Easiest with a pillow.
You can keep searching till you find an item previously owned by someone you can actually
Unequip all weapons.
Equip only a slashing weapon, armor can remain equipped.
Requirement to Unlock Medium Missions

Can be easier with a pillow.

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