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NAME: _______________________________________________ SECTION:________________DATE:________________

TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. Use CAPITAL LETTERS.

__________1. What system of human body that serves as the main processing center.
A. Cardiovascular System B. Digestive System C. Muscular System D. Nervous System
__________2. Which of the following is the function of somatic nervous system?
A. it is activated when the body is in dynamic role or stress.
B. it is associated with the voluntary control of body movements.
C. serves as a channel for signals between brain and the rest of the body.
D. it maintains body functions and restores the body to normal or relaxed mode.
__________3. Which of the following is NOT included on the main parts of the brain.
A. brain stem B. Cerebellum C. Cerebrum D. pons
__________4. Which of the following is the function of Penis?
A. it prodiuces sperm cells B. holds the testis C. produce egg cell D. deposits sperms into vagina
__________5. What hormone is responsible in the production of milk?
A. growth hormone B. insulin C. Oxytocin D.Prolactin
__________6. Determine the complementary strand of CATGCTACTGGC.
__________7. Identify the amino acids carried by the sets of codon CAU-CGC-UAG
A. histidine-arginine-stop codon C. serine-isoleucine-tyrosine
B. leucine-glutamine-serine D. valine-alanine-phylalanine
__________8. A mutation is a change in the base sequence of DNA, which of the following abnormalities is caused by the
deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 5?
A. Cri du chat B. Down Syndrome C. Edward’s Syndrome D. Jacobsen Syndrome
__________9. This type of abnormality is also called terminal 11q which has a bleeding disorder called Paris-Trousseau.
A. Cri du chat B. Down Syndrome C. Edward’s Syndrome D. Jacobsen Syndrome
__________10. Which of the following statements best explains the Theory of Natural Selection?
A. acquired characteristics of parents can be passed on to offsprings
B. organisms develop desirable structures to suirvive in a given environment
C. organs that are not used may disappear, while organs that are constantly used ay develop
D. in nature, the organism with desirable characteristics may survive, while those with weaker traits may not
__________11. Which pairs of animals show a correct example of homologous strucrtures?
A. fingers of human and arm of starfish C. tongue of frog and proboscis of mosquito
B. flipper of whale and forelimb of cat D. wings of butterfly and wings of bat
__________12. What type of population growth is shown in the graph?
A. exponential growth
B. logistic growth
C. normal growth
D. none of the abpve
__________13. Which of the following causes a decreasing wildlife population in the most of the places in our country?
A. loss of limiting factor B. loss of habitat C. loss of carrying capacity D. loss of natural disturbances
__________14. Which of the following define direct economic value of a specie?
A. if their products are sources of food, medicine, clothing, shelter and energy
B. if there are benefits produced by organism without using them
C. a lot species provide visual or artistic enjoyment
D. none of the above
__________15. What can be suggested on river ecosystem dumped with garbage from illegal settlers and toxic wastes form
A. There should be daily collection of garbage to prevent people in throwing their garbage in the river
B. proper segragation on garbage must be established; 3R’s ,must be implemented
C. illegal settlers must be proivided relocation site for river widening and dredging
D. all of the above
for numbers 16-17 Identify which gland in the endocrine system is involved in each dysfunction.
__________16. Onanay suffered dwarfism as evidenced by small in height.
A. adrenal gland B. pancreas C. pituitary gland D. Thyroid gland
__________17. Yaoming was one of the tallest players in basketball history and suffered gigantism
A. adrenal gland B. pancreas C. pituitary gland D. Thyroid gland
__________18. Jody is suffering from an ache on her stomach, upon assessment you found out that Jody has her menstrual
period and this can be explain through feedback mechanism. Which of the following can describe feedback mechanism?
A. it is the process through which the level of one substance influences the level of another substance.
B. high levels of one hormone may inhibit the production of another hormone.
C. affects the production of hormones in the menstrual cycle.
D. all of the above
__________19. Neurons have the ability to carry signals or impulses. a nerve impulse is an electrochemical gradient moving
along a neuron. A stimulus is any factor in the environment that may induce a nerve imulse that iniates physiological anmd
behavioral changes and this reaction to a condition or stimulus is called RESPONSE.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. None of the above
__________20. The following is the base sequences on one strand of a DNA molecule: A A T G C C A G T G G T
If the strand is replicated, which of the following is the complementary strand that is produced?
A. T C G T C C G T C T A G C. T T A C G G T C A C C A
B. A G C A G G C A G G G T D. UC G U C C U C U A G A
__________21. Predict what will happen if your Peripheral Nervous System would not function
A. There will be numbness and paralysis on the lower extremeties of the body.
B. The channelling of signals stops therefore the responses on the stimulus will also be altered.
C. Homeostasis would not be possible and so feedback mechanisms would not also take place.
D. all of the above
__________22. The the function of messenger RNA is to carry the duplicated base sequence in DNA in the cytoplasm while
transfer RNA is?
A. supplies Amino Acids to the ribosome to be assembled as protein
B. brings infoirmation from the DNAin the nucleus to the protein manufactutring area
C. ho;ld tightly into the mRNA using its information to assemble the amino acids in correct order.
D. none of the above
__________23. Which of the following situations and statements show the importance and relevance of genetic engineering
A. DNA fingerprinting used to identify persons responsible for crimes and provide evidence for identity of dead persons
B. creation of genetically modified crops that are resistant to pesticides
C. to bacteria that can clean oil spill
D. all of the above
__________24. Which of the following is true about the evidences from Embyronic development?
A. Embryonic development include stages such as blastula, gastrula and organogenesis
B. The embryonic development of fishes, lizards and birds are NOT similar to humans during first stage of develoipment
C. species that are closely related exhibit dissmilar embryonic development and anatomical structures based on
research and studies
D. all of the above
__________25. Greater biodiveristy promotes a more stable ecosystem. Which of the following situations below may greatly
affect the biodiversity?
A. The recent bushfires in Australia that engulf most of its forest
B. The deforestation that is a pressing issue on our environment nowadays
C. The pyroclastic materials that circulates all over the wolrd form the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo
D. all of the above

TEST II. TRUE OR FALSE. Encircle T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong.
T F 26. If calcitonin is for the storage of calcium in the bones; insulin is for the regulation of sugar in the blood.
T F 27. If pituitary gland is for ADH; adrenal glan is for adrenaline
T F 28. The Pituitary gland controls and starts the mentsrual cycle
T F 29. On average, an ovary releases only one egg every 28 days
T F 30. Homeostasis is the state reached when each part of the body funcstions in equilibrium with other parts.
T F 31. messenger RNA carries the Amino Acid which is being bonded to tranfser RNA
T F 32. ERA is the largest division of Geologic Time Scale
T F 33. Divergent evolution is the splitting of an ancestral population into two or more subpopulations that are
geographically isolated from one another.
T F 34. Emigration occurs when a population approaches its carrying capacity and individual organisms leave and go to a
new area where they can find enough resources for survival and reproduction.
T F 35. Density –independent limiting factors that can stop a population from growing can be such things as natural

TEST III. ANALOGY. Write what is being asked. Write your answer on the space provided.
36. male: sperm cell; female: _______________________
37. somatic nervous system: voluntary movements; ________________________: involuntary movements
38. Testes: Testosterone; Ovaries: _______________________
39. glucagon: increase sugar content; __________________________ : decrease sugar content
40. if ATG:TAC; CGC: ______________________
41. chromosomes involvement: Translocation: 2; Deletion: _______________________
42. Jurassic: Dinasaurs; Triassic: ______________________
43. Theory of Use and Disuse: organs not in sue will disappear while organs in use will develop; Theory of
44. cold places: polar bear; ______________________: giraffe
45. Environmental issues: farmlands: Housing projects; ________________________: technopark
TEST IV. IDENTIFICATION. identify what is being asked.

for item 46-47. Illustrate or draw 2 of the chromosomal mutations using models.

48. give one example of homologous structure. ______________________________________

49. what is the carrying capacity of species 5 population on the graph? _______________________________

50. Create your own slogan in taking good care of our environment. (one sentence only)

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