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~iR~ <t-.... ~ Ii l-YearNo.ll

~"lh hon - ".hn.l~ .,., jilIn n/I.. "l-I'"*' .<J.t-~'f 'I.'I"'It-I\.!'f 6'1"1111.11 ADDIS ABABA _24tb August, 1995
f ,MHI .,.... ~I'":y. I"'lIe fL'f. ,"fl-t~·l- rOl"!

h'P~ "''PC Ilifliifft ~.I"'. Proclamation No. 1111995
V"'6119" I>"'I.1h "'>t>t"", Tourism Commission Establishment
M'~ ..................... ....................................... 1'" ~$
Proclamation ................................................ Page 78

I.'I'~ "''PC !li/I~fft

V.,,61l9" I>"'I.'I\111\"'Iot>t9" VIP"! h'l'~
V'~61l9" h"l'l\1'l "'Iltlt9" M"Al, Ifo:' o001'N j

(lh,l>tA:.I' "J.&-~'I! "'f'II&-/\.t'l! 6TlIlI.11 ,),1 WHEREAS, it is found necessary to establish the
ool"1l"t ~1't1\':l1i !i) ""...d· V"'I.h·N\1l> ;l.....!l:/!\ " Tourism Commission;
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
ii' I......" C~I\ 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
1-U 1.'1')5 "V.,,6119" 1>"'1.111 '7>t?l"'Lf I.'I'~ "''PC Hil
liifft" 1-1111- II.m+/\ 1-'f~/!\ , I. Short Title
This Proclamation may be cited as the " Tourism Com­
~. oo>tot?" mission Establishment Proclamation No. 11 / 1995."
Ii, f-l;61'?" \1"7,111 (\II~U O:>'~ "1''''I.1I~'' M·~qll 2. Establishment
f"'l.m':') &-0-1 f!l'lI VJ..f.&-l!, ""1"/"'''' 001"61 11."1­ I) The Tourism Commission (hereinafter referred to as
V''l' OILV M'~ 1->t"'''.'1./!\ , " the Commission") is hereby established as an
autonomous public institution of the Federal Gover­
I· h"'l.'I\~ 1-m6H 1I''U/I-l'C'1' 9"hC 11."1- 1-1f<;/!\" nment.
2) The Commission shall be accountable to the
r' '1'<; onI".IX 11.•.,. Council of Ministers.
vh"'l.lh· '1'<; ""l"U 11.•.,. 01.... 0 1.00 f.1f<;", ' 3. Head Office
The head office of the Commission shall be in Addis

Inu~ }t.w'­ l ! ".~6'l-..'J,~tlJ ;r..., .... j'1f.?j: !

Umt Price Negant G.P.O.Bol( 80,001
Negarit Gazeta - No. II - 24· August 1995 - Page 79

4. Objective
f~"t1i~ 'W"/ '~6119" ~1~.M.4'" )'1't~lIC "'I1:t.., The objecti ve of the Commission shall be to promote
, and develop tourism.
5. Powers and Duties ofthe Commission
/i' f~"t1i~ 1".:>."'1<; '~"lqC
~"t'fi~ f"th'I-/\"} 1"':>'",')<; ""lqC"f' )!.<;''I-;l'':>' j
The Commissiun shall have lht! fulluwing puwt:rs amI
6' fU16'~') f"'6119" ;"11..11.'0 ",.,.':j' ,fll:>lf.:>. I
11."''''1:9'' O!"t-~)!. 00'1'/1-') )!.h;l"'·~,:>, I 1) to initiate the country's tourism policies and laws and.
g. fV'6'~ f"'6M' ooM~'f' (I'I-11W'-:;' ), 1't;l'w",
upon approval, follow up their implementation;
2) to publicize the country's resources of tourist attractions
.fl.C:>':>' 1
to tourists;
r' f'''6o-)' h,.:>..,h··)· ),')'tM.4. Yflt.;l·;l·,:>, , hh')1: 3) to encourage the development of tourist facilities;
O~)!, Olf~ h':>'h-'f' .,.h'l' 1.,,:>,"/11"-1' 1I"t1lm- m)!.9" license and supervise establishments of tourist facilities
0_1" qhUlI,H' h"t~l/:'<;' f'MM' h'NIII-'} II"". which provide tourist facilities in the territories of more
'~*""f' r.:>."'~ 0'1':>'>1' MIA h~':>' 0"''' ~':>'1'lIm than one Regional Governments or which are operated
Oh'I"~C "':P1: )!.lIalA , )!."''''mt-.:>. 1 by foreign investors;
g' f'Mh'} h1Nlh·'} II"", ,,·*.,.':j·1 )'.t.~' )!.oo1:q.:>., 4) to set the standards of establishments of tourist
Ii' M1J16'" "'6119" oot.lfl"':j·1 )!.IIOM':>' 1 lm<; facilities;
:j>t-':>" .fllt-'"#..:>. ! 5) to collect, compile and disseminate infonnation on the
country's tourism;
j;. "'6119" ~h Olf~ 'J-o':\,,':j. hh':>'':>' ""h'~~1:C"f 9"hc<;
6) to give assistance and advice to Regional Governments
1::><;: )!.II "'.:>. I with regard to matters relating to tourism;
'f,- flJ1/."'1 f'M1I9" o1:"} 1I"'I4-m1 f"tt.'<;' 'I'<;.,.':j·1 7) to undertake studies with a view to enhancing the
f~,£~':>' j ),') Y.hh"'~ 'I. ~'" "'IIV.:>.mo;' '~*"'-:;'1 deVelopment of tourism in the country and establish
.1'*"""':>' ; training institutions as may be necessary .
;S. f')lIt.~· qho.~· )!.If'''':>' , .,..:>. )!''I''I'~':>' , Oho~ 8) to own property, enter into contracts, sue and be sued in
)!'M.:>. , )!.hM':>' ! its own name;
ii· 'i~"'I"'1 h"Yh"'K9" f"tt.'<;' <\,h--:;' 1'"lqC'-:;"1 lh~' 9) to perfonn such other duties as are conducive for the
attainment of its objective.
6. Organization of the Commission
'I' f~"t1i~ hoIi9"
The Commission shall have:
~"t'fi~ I
1) a Commissioner and Ot.;puty Commissioner appoin ~
~. OOO1"1I"'} f"tll'- 1.')1: ~"t1i~C<; 1.11: 9"h'}':>' ted by the Government, and
~"t1i~c 1),<; 2) the necessary staff.
~. hilA,.It"l.,W- lPt--f'''l'1"" I
7. Powers and Duties of the Commissioner
)!.<;''1-;1-':>' "
1) The Commissioner shall be the chief executive of the
'j,- M ~"t1i~'I- 1"':>''''')<; ""IIIC Commission and, as such, shall direct and administer
~. ~"t'fi~'I- f~"t1i~ '1'<; I"t- M"'K"t Ooolf1 fl'''t the activities of the Commission.
2) Without limiting the generality stated in sub~Article
1i~'II"t-l"'f' )!.oot-.:>. 1 fh"·Jl1:t-.:>. ,
(1) of this Article the Commissioner shall:
~, Y!lu h ')"'K' 'Io-h h')"'K' (6) hm,4>~)!. M:>,C (a) exercise the powers and duties of the Commis­
)"I)'." ·mO'" If':" ~"t1i~~. 1 sion specified in Article 5 of this Proclamation;
v) OtlU h'l'~ 1.1"'>1' Ii f'~OOhh'~"'1 f~"t'fi~') (b) employ and administeremloyees ofthe
1".:>."'1<; ""lqC I"t-~)!' Y"'~':>' I sion in accordance with the Federal civil service
h) 0&"Y.6·1I· ffl.ii.:>. IIciih "'"I
on ,Pt.,} f~"t
'fi~'1 IVt-""'H' )!."''I't-.:>. , YM·~1:t-.:>. ,
(c) prepare the work programme and budget of the
m) f~"t1i~1 fl"t- TC'.,t-9"<; O),:'} YII:>lf.:>. 1 Commission and implement same upon ap~
fl."'''' )'.'9" 01"t- ~)!. Y"'~':>' , proval;
(d) effect expenditure in accordance with the ap~
00) h~"t1i~ O'~"''''Y.h')· O),:'}<; frt- TC'.,t-9"
proved budget and work programme of the
oo,Pt.,)· ,11111 m.... y)'.C:>':>' I
IV) ~"t1i~ h~h'~'i' w,,:"':j·:>C O"7.!Y.c:>'fru­ (e) represent the Commission in all its dealings with
.,TH'y.':j· v·h· ~"t1i~1 )!.wM.:>. ! third parties;
t.) MI'''t1i~ fl"t· )'Hh,4>1I. 6TC')' ""Cq.:>. " (f) submit reports on the activities of the Commi s ~
[. ""t'fi~'I- h~"t1i~ fJut- :j>.:>.'I'~:<; O"7.!ht.':>"1 sion.
oom") p'b\.1fJ1'1 ·'·"lfl?111hA.A l\\l"Y.1h· 1\."..:,-. 3) The Commissioner may delegate part of his powers and
;>~t,l"':j·'" IVt-"·7f~·· Om-hM' II..YM ·~':>'<;: duties to the other officirus and emloyees of the
)!.':j.~.:>. "
Commission to the extent necessary for the efficiency
of the Commission.
;S, 0),:')'
8. Budget
f~"t'fi~ 0),:')' 0""')·,1"')' )!.",·>. " The budget of the Commission shall be allocated by the
Negarit Gazela - No. II - 24lh August 1995 - Page 80

ii ' f'£"I{lO'''I"lofl'} 9. Books of Accounts

j;. ""'1.'~). f·/·":l.~·~· H1M ~' fIT), f'£'111 ""'I"I{l'}
I) The Commission shall keep complete and accurate
I'I"'A "
books of accounts.
g. f~"'1.1i). f'£"I{l '''''I"lil'}''' nll{l ~h ~~J'.:r· n'l' ......
1>-'t·~c w"." ),c~· n"'1.~I'·Y:r ... 1>-'t.~C"'.f- nfQuu'l,
2) The Commission's books of accounts and fina ncial
documents shall be audited annually by the Auditor
~oPl.uut-ft· ::
General or by auditors designated by him.

I' f·/·l'jl m"1 10. Repeal

The Ethiopian Tourism Commission Establishment
fh_-H-kY -"t119" ~"'1.-~'} ·Y'J!'J!"YJ h'l'~ o/!'l'C ii['ii'~! Proclamation No. I 8211980 is hereby repealed.
Iii\:ij'g nrlU h'l'~ -1·1iil'A "
II. Transfer of Rights and Obligations
The rights and obligations of the Ethiopian Tourism
fJ..-H-k_f -/'t119" ""Y:~-' UD{l:/-r, "11.:1-1""1' nll_u Commission are hereby transferred to the Commis­
h'l'~ M''''1.-~). -1'~AJ_'l'A " sion.
12_ Effective Date
This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 24th day
of August. 1995.
I'U h'P~ h~.M. 1'5 .,,-, W[ -it'!, Q.9'" "f.9"C" fO'o'
I'IT"A" Done al Addis Ababa, this 24th day of August, 1995.




fJ..·H-ky J.l.t-~'l-'tq·ht-Il.Y'f. tTilll.h


111.:)'')', MI'" "',.,."!! J::C~T :H-ou ~


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