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wo days after an attack on

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78
T Nankana Sahib Gurdwara
in Pakistan’s Punjab province DJDLQVWP\YLVLRQVD\V,PUDQ
by a Muslim mob, a Sikh
everal students, including minority community member ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 Breaking his silence on the
Jawaharlal Nehru University’s
Union (JNUSU) pres-
Ravinder Singh was on Sunday
murdered in Peshawar by an akistan Prime Minister
incident, Khan said that there
is a “major difference between
ident Aishe Ghosh, general sec-
retary Satish Chandra and teach-
“unidentified” gunman,
leading to a strong protest
P Imran Khan on Sunday
condemned the recent inci-
the condemnable Nankana
incident and the ongoing
ers, were injured after a violent from India which condemned dent of vandalism attacks across India
clash broke out between JNUSU the “targeted killing” of the at the Nankana on Muslims and
and Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi young Sikh man. Sahib, saying it other minorities”.
Parishad (ABVP) members on The Ministry of External goes against his “The former is
the campus on Sunday. Affairs (MEA) said Pakistan “vision” and the against my vision &
The clash took place during should stop “prevaricating” Government will will find zero toler-
a public meeting organised by and take immediate action to show “zero toler- ance & protection
the JNU Teachers’ Association apprehend and give exemplary ance” against those from the govt incl
(JNUTA). Sources said the vio- punishment to the perpetrators involved in it. police & judiciary
lence started around 5 pm of the crime. Gurdwara (sic),” he tweeted,
near Sabarmati tea point in the Union Minister Harsimrat Nankana Sahib, also known as referring to the Nankana Sahib
campus, where there had been Kaur Badal condemned the Gurdwara Janam Asthan, is a incident. Khan claimed that
minor clashes over the issue of killing and tweeted, “A day after site near Lahore where the first Prime Minister Narendra
semester registration under mob attacked our holy shrine Guru of Sikhs, Guru Nanak, Modi’s “vision supports
the revised rules. #GurdwaraNankanaSahib, this was born. According to media minorities oppression and the
Violence broke out as ?^[XRT\T]Pc9=DRP\_dbX]=Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPh ?C8 brutal murder of Sikh youth in reports, a violent mob had targeted attacks against
masked men armed with sticks Peshawar shows the extent of attacked the Gurdwara and Muslims.” He also alleged that
attacked students and teachers members attacked students injuring a student from JNU’s persecution minorities face in pelted it with stones on Friday. the Indian police, supported
and damaged property on the who were peacefully protesting Centre of Social Medicine and Pak. I urge PM @naren- A team of police had to inter- by the Government, are lead-
campus, prompting the admin- against massive fee hike in Community Health,” said dramodi ji to imm take up the vene briskly to control the sit- ing attacks against Muslims.
istration to call in police. <PbZTS\XbRaTP]cbPa\TSfXcWbcXRZba^P\Pa^d]SRP\_dbPc9=DX]=Tf3T[WX JNU. “On Saturday, a mob led JNUSU in a statement. issue with @ImranKhanPTI & uation. Continued on Page 4
JNUSU said many students ^]Bd]SPh ?C8 by Ritwik Raj who is council- JNU Professor Sucherta ensure the safety of Sikh
were injured in stone pelting by lor from School of International Sen was thrashed and was brethren there.” Pakhtunkhwa and was in to the perpetrators of the crime.
ABVP members. The Left- controlled JNUSU and the “Around 25 students have been Studies belonging to ABVP taken to AIIMS for the treat- Punjab Chief Minister Peshawar for shopping ahead of “India strongly condemns
ABVP blamed each other for seriously injured in this attack attacked students. Then they ment, said students. Several Captain Amarinder Singh also his planned wedding. His the targeted killing of minori-
F70CCA8664A43 the violence that continued and there is no information as attacked JNUSU president and photos and videos of the inci- tweeted, “Shocked & anguished Peshawar visit came soon after ty Sikh community member in
C742;0B74B. for nearly two hours.
The ABVP alleged that its
to the whereabouts of 11 stu-
dents. Masked goons of Left
general secretary Aishe and
Satish, and other students.
dents were doing rounds on
social media. In a video, Aishe
over killing of Sikh youth
Ravinder Singh in Pakistan,
he returned home from his
Malaysia visit. After killing
Peshawar that follows the
recent despicable vandalism
R EXbdP[b^U_a^UdbT[hQ[TTSX]V members were "brutally" entered the JNU today and beat Dripta’s, a 1st year MA student, — who suffered a head injury coming on heels of Nankana him, the murderer made a and desecration of the holy
VXa[bcdST]cbP]SX]YdaTS attacked by students affiliated up the students who went for leg was broken due to ABVP — said she was attacked by Sahib Attack. Imran Khan govt phone call to Ravinder’s fami- Gurdwara Sri Janam Asthan at
cTPRWTabbW^^ZcWT]PcX^] to Left student organisations registration,” the outfit said. violence. Today they shame- goons wearing masks. must ensure thorough investi- ly, a media report said quoting Nankana Sahib and the unre-
R <X]^aR[PbWTbfTaTaT_^acTS^] SFI, AISA and the DSF. JNUSU alleged that ABVP lessly attacked students again Continued on Page 4 gation and strict punishment the Peshawar police. solved case of abduction, forced
5aXSPhfWT]X]P]PccT\_cc^ for the culprits. This is the time “India strongly condemns conversion and marriage of a
aTbcaXRcbcdST]cbUa^\VTccX]V CWTeX^[T]RT^]9=D 1adcP[PccPRZ^]9=DbcdST]cb FTbca^]V[hR^]ST\] 8cXbP_[P]]TS 7^aaXUhX]VX\PVTbUa^\9=D¯cWT to act on what you preach.” the targeted killing of minority Sikh girl Jagjit Kaur,” the MEA
aTVXbcTaTSU^a]TfbT\TbcTa RP\_dbXbf^aaXb^\T P]ScTPRWTabQh\PbZTScWdVb QadcP[Xchd][TPbWTS PccPRZQhcW^bTX] _[PRT8Z]^faT\T\QTafPb^]TU^a The incident involving Sikh community member in said. It said the Government of
b^\TbcdST]cbP[[TVTS[hQPaVTS P]Sd]U^acd]PcT8 cWPcWPb[TUc\P]hbTaX^db[h PVPX]bcbcdST]cb _^fTafWXRWXb UXTaRTSTQPcTb^_X]X^]bQdc]TeTa killing of 25-year-old Sikh man Peshawar that follows the recent Pakistan should act in defence
X]c^cWTa^^\dbTSc^_a^eXST R^]ST\]Xc8P__TP[ X]YdaTSXbbW^RZX]VCWT cTPRWTabX]9=D=^ PUaPXS^UcWT eX^[T]RT8d]T`dXe^RP[[hR^]ST\]cWT comes two days after a mob despicable vandalism and dese- of their own minorities instead
_^fTac^FX5XR^]]TRcX^]c^ bcdST]cbc^\PX]cPX]cWT UPbRXbcbX]R^]ca^[^U^da]PcX^] f^aSbT]^dVWc^ aTbXbcP]RT_a^eXSTS TeT]cb^Uc^SPhCWXb6^ecaTVPaS[Tbb attacked, desecrated and van- cration of the holy Gurdwara Sri of “preaching sermons” about
T]cXaTRP\_dbP]SbWdcXcS^f] SXV]Xch^Ud]XeTabXchP]S PaTPUaPXS^UcWTe^XRTb^U^da STbRaXQTbdRWWTX]^db QhcWT9=Dc^Xcb ^UfWPcWPbQTT]bPXSX]cWT_PbcUTf dalised the most revered gur- Janam Asthan at Nankana Sahib it to other countries. India had
R CWT_a^cTbcX]VbcdST]cb _TPRT^]RP\_db QaPeTbcdST]cbC^SPhbeX^[T]RT PRcb0bWP\T^]^da 7X]SdcePPVT]SP fTTZbfP]cbd]XeTabXcXTbc^QTbPUT dwara at Nankana Sahib. The and the unresolved case of on Friday strongly condemned
R[PX\TScWPcbc^__X]VcWT A0<4B7?>:7A8H0; X]9=DXbPaTU[TRcX^]^UcWPcUTPa ST\^RaPRh B8C0A0< b_PRTbU^aP[[bcdST]cb victim Ravinder Singh was the abduction, forced conversion vandalism at the revered
aTVXbcaPcX^]_a^RTbbfPb ³=8B70=: A07D;60=378 <0<0C010=4A944 H427DAH =8A<0;0B8C70A0<0= brother of Public News anchor and marriage of a Sikh girl Jagjit Gurdwara Nankana Sahib in
Harmeet Singh. He was shot Kaur,” the MEA said. The Pakistan and called upon the

dead in Peshawar by an Ministry of External Affairs neighbouring country to take
unidentified man, according to (MEA) said Pakistan should immediate steps to ensure the
media reports. stop “prevaricating” and take safety and security of the Sikh
R 2PbTb^U\X]^abRdUU[Tb
cWThfX[[]^c[^bT Ravinder was a resident of
Shangla district at Khyber
immediate action to apprehend
and give exemplary punishment
community there.
Continued on Page 4

P[[TVPcX^]fTaT\TcQhR^d]cTa ?=BQ =4F34;78 that it belonged to his party and
P[[TVPcX^]bQh01E? not to Netflix. The party later
nion Home Minister Amit held a press conference to slam
20?BD;4 U Shah on Sunday accused
Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi
those spreading confusion over
it. The CAA seeks to grant cit-
and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra of izenship to Hindus, Sikhs,
8=50=C340C7B0C instigating “riots” by “mislead- Buddhists, Christians, Jains and
6D97>B?8C0;8=342 ing” people on the Citizenship Parsis who had arrived in India
0W\TSPQPS)0b\P]hPb (Amendment) Act and by December 31, 2014 from
X]UP]cbSXTSPcPRXeX[W^b_XcP[X] sought to reassure Muslims, Pakistan, Afghanistan and
6dYPaPc³bAPYZ^cSXbcaXRcX] saying the law has no provision Bangladesh due to religious
3TRT\QTa[PbchTPaP]^UUXRXP[ about taking away citizenship persecution.
bPXSCWXbR^\TbPVPX]bccWT of minorities. While the Modi
QPRZSa^_^U STPcWbaT_^acTS BJP launched a ‘Jan Jagran’ Government has asserted that
PcPW^b_XcP[X]APYPbcWP] (public awareness) campaign to it has so far not discussed the
contact three crore families to D]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTa0\XcBWPWSdaX]VS^^ac^S^^aRP\_PXV]^]200Pc;PY_Pc proposal for National Register
F>=´CC0:42708A<0=B78? counter the Opposition’s cam- =PVPaX]=Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPh ?C8 of Citizens, NDA ally JD (U)
>5C0C0B>=B) 2HADB paign against the CAA and general secretary Pavan Varma
=Tf3T[WX) 2hadb<Xbcah^] inform the masses about its fea- door campaign, Shah visited seek people’s support on the has asked party president and
Bd]SPhbPXSWTfX[[]^ccPZTd_ tures. While Shah led the drive homes in Lajpat Nagar here amended Citizenship Act, and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish
cWTRWPXa\P]bWX_^UCPcPB^]b in the national Capital, other and talked to people about the asserted that it has undertaken Kumar to categorically reject
^aQTR^\TSXaTRc^a^UP]hCPcP top party leaders like Rajnath benefits of the amended citi- a positive exercise to spread the “divisive CAA-NPR-NRC
6a^d_R^\_P]hQdc_dabdTP[[ Singh, JP Nadda and Nitin zenship law. He also distributed awareness about the law. The scheme”, saying this has “nefar-
^_cX^]bc^_a^cTRcBWP_^^aYX Gadkari were in different parts literature on the subject and number, however, led to some ious agenda to divide India and
?P[[^]YX6a^d_³baXVWcbPb of the country as part of the urged them to go through it. controversy. Shah clarified that create a great deal of unneces-
\X]^aXchbcPZTW^[STaX]R[dSX]VP campaign, which will end on The ruling party also rumours were being spread sary social turbulence”. BXZW_a^cTbcTabbcP\_^]PQda]X]VTUUXVh^U?PZXbcP]?aX\T<X]XbcTa8\aP]:WP]SdaX]VP_a^cTbcPVPX]bccWTP[[TVTS
bTPcPccWTCPcPB^]b³1^PaS January 15. As part of door to launched a toll free number to about the number and noted Continued on Page 4 eP]SP[Xb\P]Sbc^]X]V^UcWT=P]ZP]PBPWXQX]7hSTaPQPS^]Bd]SPh 0?

0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 The bone mass loss due to cer and heart disease.
the oxidative stress and inflam- The WHO also points out ?C8Q F0B78=6C>=

L iving in polluted cities is

harmful for health. Earlier
mation was caused by the toxic
particulate matters, said the
that every day around 93 per
cent of the world’s children resident Donald Trump has
several studies have shown air
pollution causes a range of
study led by Otavio T Ranzani,
from Barcelona Institute for
under the age of 15 years (1.8
billion children) breathe air
P warned Iran that the US has
identified 52 possible targets in
medical issues such as lung Global Health, Barcelona, that is so polluted it puts their the country and will hit it hard- X]aTVX^])9PXbWP]ZPa
cancer, stroke, heart diseases, Spain. Osteoporosis is a health health and development at seri- er than ever before if Tehran,
asthma, dementia, depression condition that weakens bones, ous risk. Tragically, many of which has vowed “severe New Delhi: Amid spiralling
et al. Now, a new study has making them fragile and more them die: WHO estimates that revenge”, carries out any attack US-Iran tensions over the
warned that inhalation of toxic likely to break. in 2016, 600,000 children died against America to avenge the killing of Iranian military
airborne particles emitted by The researchers took mea- from acute lower respiratory killing of top military com- commander Qasem
diesel and petrol vehicles can surements of PM2.5 and black infections caused by polluted air. mander Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani, External Affairs
weaken bones and speed up the carbon in the atmosphere in A recent report by the Maj Gen Soleimani, 62, Minister S Jaishankar on
ageing process. each village. Total 28 villages global health agency notes that the head of Iran’s elite al-Quds Sunday had a conversation
Researchers came to this were studied. PM2.5 is the when pregnant women are force and architect of its region- with his Iranian counter-
disturbing conclusion after finest type of particulate mat- exposed to polluted air, they are al security apparatus, was killed part Javad Zarif and said
studying the health of nearly ter, while black carbon is a larg- more likely to give birth pre- when a US drone fired missiles India remained deeply con-
4,000 residents from 28 villages er toxin. Both come mainly Research, Hyderabad and ciated with lower levels of bone carbon saw bone density shrink maturely, and have small, low into a convoy that was leaving cerned about the levels of
just outside the city of from petrol and diesel vehicle Bharati Kulkarni from mass. For ever y 3ug/m3 by -1.13g in the spine and - birth-weight children. “Air pol- the Baghdad International tension in the region.
Hyderabad, in southern India. exhausts. Analysis revealed Department of Non-commu- increase in fine particulate 0.35g in the hip, said Ranzani lution also impacts neurode- Airport early on Friday. The Jaishankar noted that devel-
The researchers, whose average PM2.5 exposure was 33 nicable Disease Epidemiology, matter, there was a decrease of adding that “this study con- velopment and cognitive abil- strike also killed the deputy opments have taken a “very
study is published in the JAMA micrograms per metre cubed London School of Hygiene and -0.57g of bone mass in the tributes to the limited and ity and can trigger asthma, and chief of Iraq’s powerful Hashed serious turn”.
Network Open journal (ug/m3) — far above the max- Tropical Medicine, London. spine and -0.13g in the hip, said inconclusive literature on air childhood cancer. Children al-Shaabi paramilitary force. The External Affairs
observed that those who inhaled imum 10ug/m3 levels recom- The researchers had cross- the study titled ‘Association of pollution and bone health.” who have been exposed to Soleimani’s killing was the Minister also discussed
more toxic airborne particles mended by the World Health referenced pollution levels with Ambient and Household Air According to the WHO, air high levels of air pollution most dramatic escalation yet in the tense situation with
had less bone mass in their Organisation (WHO), said the X-rays measuring bone mass in Pollution With Bone Mineral pollution causes an estimated may be at greater risk for spiralling tensions between Omani Foreign Minister
spines and hips. Household air researchers Carles Milà from participant’s lower back and Content Among Adults in Peri- seven million premature deaths chronic diseases such as car- Iran and the US. Yusuf Alawi.
pollution did not have a clear National Institute of Nutrition, hip. Results showed that expo- urban South India’. a year worldwide — one third diovascular disease later in Continued on Page 4 Detailed report on P5
association with bone mass. Indian Council of Medical sure to air pollution were asso- An increase of 1ug/m3 of of deaths from stroke, lung can- life,” said the report. Related reports on P12
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! RP_XcP[!

New Delhi: Union HRD
Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal
'Nishank' urged JNU students
to maintain dignity of the uni-
versity and peace on the cam-
pus, as his ministry sought an
immediate report from the reg-
istrar Pramod Kumar on the
violence that erupted there on
Sunday night.
"The violence on JNU cam-
pus is worrisome and unfortu-
nate. I condemn it. I appeal stu-
dents to maintain the dignity of 0eXTf^UeP]SP[XbTS9=DRP\_db^]Bd]SPh ?C8
university and peace on cam-
pus," Nishank tweeted. to the ministry's notice that a on Sunday night as masked 9=DbcdST]cb_a^cTbcPc3T[WX?^[XRT7TPS`dPacTabPUcTab^\T\PbZTS\XbRaTP]cbPccPRZTScWT\^]9=DRP\_db^]Bd]SPh ?C8
Asserting that acts of vio- group of masked people entered men armed with sticks attacked
lence and anarchy will not be the JNU campus on Sunday, students and teachers and dam-
tolerated, the ministry said a
group of “masked” people had
threw stones, damaged prop-
erty and attacked students.
aged property on the campus,
prompting the administration +RUULI\LQJDJDLQVWWUDGLWLRQ #&`W`fc^V^SVcd AVRTV
dVcZ`fd]jZ_[fcVU"" cVde`cVU`_
entered the campus and "This is very unfortunate to call in police.
attacked students.
"We have sought an imme-
and highly condemnable, such
acts of violence and anarchy will
Many were injured and
admitted to the All India VD\6LWKDUDPDQ-DLVKDQNDU
diate report from JNU vice
chancellor on the violence on
not be tolerated,” the official
Institute of Medical Sciences.
JNU Students' Union president New Delhi: Union Finance Minister ^ZddZ_XdRjd23GA TR^afddRjd
New Delhi: The ABVP on Sunday alleged that its 5V]YZA`]ZTV
campus. We have also spoken “Police has been called by Aishe Ghosh suffered a head Nirmala Sitharaman and External
to JNU VC and Delhi police to JNU administration to main- injury. The Left-controlled Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar - both
ensure peace is maintained on tain law and order situation in JNUSU and the ABVP blamed alumni - on Sunday condemned the members, including its JNU unit secretary, were
campus," an HRD Ministry JNU,” the official added. each other for the violence that violence in the Jawaharlal Nehru attacked by members of the Left-backed students'
official told PTI. Violence broke out at continued for nearly two University in which several students outfits and 11 of the RSS-affiliated outfit's mem-
The official said it has come Jawaharlal Nehru University hours. PTI and teachers were injured when the bers were missing.
masked assailants with iron and Violence broke out at Jawaharlal Nehru
wooden rods attacked them. University on Sunday night as masked men armed
"Horrifying images from JNU- with sticks attacked students and teachers and
the place I know and remember was damaged property on the campus, prompting the
one for fierce debates and opinions administration to call in police. New Delhi: Peace has been
but never violence. I unequivocally The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad restored in the Jawaharlal Nehru
condemn the events of today. This (ABVP) alleged that its members were "brutally" University after masked men
government, regardless of what has Jawaharal Nehru University Students attacked by students affiliated to Left student armed with sticks attacked stu-
been said the past few weeks, wants Union (JNUSU), including President organisations SFI, AISA and the DSF. dents and teachers, and dam-
universities to be safe spaces for all Aishe Ghosh - who was reportedly hit "Around 25 students have been seriously aged property on the campus,
students," Sitharaman, who did her over the eye with an iron rod, injured in this attack and there is no information prompting the administration to
MPhil from JNU, said in a tweet. received severe injuries. They accused as to the whereabouts of 11 students," the outfit call in police that conducted a
Jaishankar, who has an MA in RSS' student wing Akhil Bharatiya said. "Masked goons of Left entered the Jawaharlal flag march, an officer said.
Political Science and an MPhil and Vidhyarthi Parishad (ABVP) for the Nehru University today and beat up the students "We were informed that
PhD in International Relations from rampant violence in the campus. who went for registration." there was a clash between two
JNU, also took to Twitter to express Hostel rooms, and lobbies were "The JNU students affiliated to ABVP were groups of students. The JNU
his reaction. vandalised during the assault while brutally attacked," it said. administration sought police
"Have seen pictures of what is several vehicles standing on roads According to the ABVP, its JNU unit secre- assistance from us in writing,"
happening in JNU. Condemn the vio- were damaged by the unidentified tary and its last year's JNUSU presidential can- Joint Commissioner of Police
lence unequivocally. This is com- miscreants. didate, Manish Jangid, was "severely injured (his (New Delhi) Anand Mohan
pletely against the tradition and cul- The situation turned violent after hand is fractured). Many students have suffered said.
ture of the university," he tweeted. masked goons attacked a peace head injuries and a few students are still missing". Deputy Commissioner of
The remarks of the two Ministers march being carried out by teachers The Left-controlled JNUSU and the ABVP Police (Southwest) said private
came after violence swept the JNU on and students against the violence in blamed each other for the violence that contin- and public vehicles were dam-
Sunday evening as several masked campus. ued for nearly two hours. aged.
individuals, both male and female, Earlier, the ABVP had accused JNU Students' Union president Aishe Ghosh "After we received written
thrashed students, including girls, Left inclined students of vandalising suffered a head injury. The JNU administration request from the JNU adminis-
?^[XRT\T]Pc9=DPUcTab^\T\PbZTS and teachers inside the varsity cam- the Periyar hostel and severely injur- said "masked miscreants armed with sticks were tration, we entered the campus
\XbRaTP]cbeP]SP[XbTSRP\_dbX]=Tf pus with wooden and metal rods. ing various students present inside roaming around, damaging property and attack- and restored peace. Legal action
3T[WX^]Bd]SPh ?C8 Two officer-bearers of the the hostel. IANS ing people". PTI will be taken," he said. PTI

factory in Anaj Mandi area of
north Delhi, leaving 43 labour-
residential areas across the
national Capital are ticking
the Chief Fire Officer, DFS,
the fire department had issued
The Pioneer he had been
working in a denim factory in
Q =4F34;78 ers dead and many others bombs and inviting incidents. only 2372 'No Objection the Bawana area for last five
injured. The fire broke out in These lives could have been Certificates' issued till date for years. "I work and earn Rs
ational Capital was kept the second floor of the four- saved had the Delhi Municipal hotels and industrial purpose. 4,000 per month. This inci-

N on its toes as devastat-

ing fire incidents kept
on taking place unabated in the
storey building in the early
hours and 30 fire tenders were
pressed into service.
Corporation authorities and
other agencies acted timely,
learning from the unfortunate
However, a senior
Municipal Corporation offi-
cial said that they have been
dent is shocking for us and I
agree there is no provision for
us to escape if there is some
year just gone by. The New Year On August 6, 2019, five Uphaar fire tragedy, which carrying out sealing action tragedy or a fire incident but
2020 too started on an ominous people were killed and 11 claimed 59 lives on June 13, against such units as per for living we have work," he
note as a blaze in a battery and injured in a massive fire at 1997. instructions of the Supreme said.
inverter manufacturing unit Zakir Nagar area, in Delhi. Sources in the civic bodies Court, adding that many units Venting his anger over
in Nangloi, consumed the life According to the fire depart- disclosed that these industries were either found closed or promises by local leaders for
of a young fireman Amit AP]YP]3X\aX ment, information regarding are illegal not only because they vacant after a notice to that developing facilities and bet-
Balyan. 2019 witnessed over a the incident was received at run from unauthorised areas, effect had been served. ter working conditions for
dozen infernos which claimed at Karol Bagh, Zakir Nagar, around 2.30 am, following but also because they do not But is this a reality, as them, Rajendra, who works in
scores of precious human lives. Sudarshan Park and Anaj which eight fire tenders were have the licence to operate. "It claimed by Municipal a factory situated at a narrow
The most deadly was the fire in Mandi in National Capital did rushed to the spot. The fire is totally up to the enforcement Corporation. The Pioneer the and congested lane of
Anaj Mandi in the Walled City not have any 'No Objection occurred in a four-storey res- agencies to keep track of the visited Sudrahsan Park in Jangpura said that leaders talk
area that took away 43 poor Certificate' (NOC) issued from idential building due to short polluting factories operating West Delhi's Moti Nagar area about development but the
labourers. Every time political Delhi Fire Services (DFS) circuit in electric metres, from residential areas," a source where seven people died after ground reality is just the
leadership and the bureaucra- department. which was doused by 5.25 declared. a gas compressor blast and opposite.
cy have been found wanting as Just after the tragedies, the AM. According to sources, there people there blamed civic "We have a family to run.
corrective measures that were favourite pastime of passing the On February 12, 2019, a are more than 45,000 illegal authorities for the havoc in the Children to teach and a house
promised to prevent such bucks begins; DFS blames civic massive fire swept through a manufacturing units operating area. rent to pay so why would I not
tragedies from happening, authorities while civic author- four-floor hotel in central in Moti Nagar, Kirti Nagar, Harish Saini a resident of work, knowing that there is
remained only on papers. Even ities blame Delhi government. Delhi's Karol Bagh, killing at Ramesh Nagar, Jangpura, Sudarshan Park area told The risk to my life. Leaders come
if some measure were put in But the core of the issue least 17 guests, including a Najafgarh and Mansarovar Pioneer that this is not the and shed tears, announce
action but that was not enough remains the same, the illegal child and two people who Garden, all in west Delhi, only illegal unit in the area. compensations but nothing
to make Delhi a safe city for the factories in residential complex jumped off the building in a Bhogal, Ashram, Mahipalpur, Basai Dara Pur — cramped, happens on the ground. So
poor dwellers. The Pioneer and hotels without 'NOC' and desperate bid to save them- Maharani Bagh and Jangpura dirty and jumbled — at what if seven lives were lost,
looks back on fire incidents that safety equipments continues to selves. The blaze, in which 35 in south Delhi, Gandhi Nagar, Sudarshan Park area in Moti people will forget it after
were reported in 2019 and run abated, risking lives of people were injured, started in Jheel, Shastri Nagar, Kailash Nagar has several small illegal sometime and things will be
also delve into the factors that several innocent people work- the second floor of the Arpit Nagar, Jafrabad and Shahdara factory in two or four-stroyed back to square one," Rajendra
were responsible for deaths ing and living there. These Palace Hotel in the heart of the in east Delhi; and Sadar houses running just stone's said.
caused by fire. tragedies are grim reminder national capital around 3.30 Bazaar, Chandni Chowk, throw away distance from The DFS in year 2019
Several unauthorised that civic agencies don't learn AM, trapping many guests Malkaganj, Ballimaran, Lal zonal office of South Delhi recorded more than 22,840
colonies across the city, avail- lessons from past tragedies as who were deep in sleep. Kuan and Kashmere Gate in Municipal C orporation incidents of fire in which
ability of cheap labour and use they wait for another to hap- On January 5, 2019 seven north Delhi. (SDMC). there were deaths and injuries
of residential buildings for pen. people died after a ceiling fan Other areas includes Karol "We don't have any other in over 2,372 incidents. The
commercial purposes are few of On December 23, 2019, a parts manufacturing unit run- Bagh, Patel Nagar, Anand option other than to work total incidents of fire in 2019
the many factors which lure massive fire ripped through a ning illegally in a two-storey Parbat, Rohtak Road, Rajinder here. At least we are able to get may be less compared to the
owners to establish illegal fac- three-storey residential-cum- building in Delhi's Moti Nagar Nagar, Old Rajinder Nagar in one square meal for our fam- previous year, but the number
tories. The year 2019, saw five commercial building in outer area collapsed following an central Delhi, Shahdara, GT ily," said Ajit Kumar, who of casualties has increased in
major fire tragedies claiming 81 Delhi's Kirari area, killing at explosion in the gas compres- Road, Babarpur and Vishwas hails from Etawah in Uttar the city. Further 65-75 per
lives in national Capital. Irony least nine people, including sor. Nagar in northeast Delhi, and Pradesh and is working at cent of incidents of fire occur
is that the fire incidents which three children. And these are not one-off Burari and Jagatpuri in north- Sudarshan Park in a shoe fac- in buildings that house both
occurred in illegal manufac- On December 8, 2019, a incident as many areas where west Delhi. tory. residential and commercial
turing units and hotel located massive fire ripped through a illegal factories operating in According to Atul Garg, Farhan, a worker, told units.



=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! RP_XcP["

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 dence that the BJP will come to a wave of protests against the crowd in chanting "Jai Sri Ram"
power in Delhi under the lead- contentious law since it was and dubbed Modi as "Bharat ka
ar of words broke out ership of Prime Minister passed in December. laal (son of India) who abro-
W between the BJP presi-
dent Amit Shah and Delhi
Narendra Modi. The BJP has
been out of power in Delhi
Shah visited homes in Lajpat
Nagar and talked to people
gated Article 370, paved way
for construction of Ram tem-
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal since 1998. "He promised 20 about the benefits of the amend- ple and provided ownership in
after the former accused the colleges, I cannot see any even ed citizenship law. He also dis- unauthorised colonies in Delhi
Chief Minister of misleading with binoculars. He promised tributed literature on the subject as wished by the people.
people with a host of promis- 5,000 schools but they are not and urged them to go through it. Verma invited the BJP
es. He also sought to know visible even with spectacles," The BJP has launched a 'Jan president to address the booth
whether the AAP Government Shah said and asked party Jagran' (public awareness) cam- level workers, introducing him
has completed any of the workers to ensure that the BJP paign to contact three crore fam- as the man "who delivered
promised work in the last five stages a comeback in Delhi ilies to counter the opposition's what he promised" and under
years. after a gap of 20 years. campaign against the CAA and whose leadership the BJP won
Reacting to the charges, Asking whether the AAP inform the masses about its 2019 Lok Sabha polls.
Kejriwal said Shah said noth- government has completed any features. The event is a public BJP working president JP
ing other than to "abuse" him. work during its tenure, the BJP awareness campaign to apprise Nadda said that BJP will
Kejriwal said the Home president listed the works done people about the outcome of the achieve its target in Assembly
Minister Amit Shah choose to by the Centre for Delhi in the revocation of Article 370. polls through dedication and
"abuse" him instead of talking last five years. Listing various works done hard work of its workers.
about development and point- Urging party workers to by Modi government in Delhi The convention was attend-
ing out shortcomings of the undertake door-to-door cam- including construction of east- ed by Union ministers and
AAP-led Government at a rally. paign to take the BJP's message ern and western peripheral Assembly poll incharges Prakash
"I heard the entire speech to the people, Shah said he will expressways to reduce pollu- Javadekar, Hardeep Puri and
of the Home Minister, Amit himself take part in 'mohalla tion, expansion of Delhi Metro, Nityanand Rai, Delhi BJP pres-
Shah ji. I thought he would sabha' campaign in the nation- property registries in unau- ident Manoj Tiwari, Union min-
point out the shortcomings of al capital. thorised colonies and redevel- ister Harsh Vardhan, BJP MPs
our work and talk about the 7^\T<X]XbcTa0\XcBWPW7PaSTT_BX]VW?daXP]S=XchP]P]SAPX3T[WX19?_aTbXST]c<P]^YCXfPaXD]X^]<X]XbcTa7PabWEPaSWP]19?<?AP\TbW1XSWdaXP]S^cWTa The Home Minister also opment of slums, Shah hit out Ramesh Bidhuri, Meenakshi
development of Delhi. He did [TPSTabSdaX]VQ^^cW[TeT[f^aZTabaP[[h^]Bd]SPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa led the party's door-to-door 10- at the Kejriwal government Lekhi, Gautam Gambhi, Hans
not say anything else except day campaign to spread aware- for falling short of fulfilling his Raj Hans senior party leader
abusing me," he said in a tweet. next five years," Kejriwal said. power in Delhi five years back the tukde tukde" gang by not Nehru University Students ness about the Citizenship promises on various fronts. Vijay Malhotra, party vice pres-
"If they (BJP) have sug- Addressing a BJP's booth- by misleading people with a giving sanction to prosecute Union (JNUSU), in the JNU (Amendment) Act with top Speaking immediately ident Shyam Jaju, election com-
gestions for Delhi, then tell and level workers' rally, Shah host of promises. He also Kanhaiya Kumar, the former sedition case. party leaders reaching out to before Shah, party's West Delhi mittee convener Tarun Chugh
we will implement them in the alleged that Kejriwal came to accused Kejriwal of "favouring president of the Jawaharlal Shah also exuded confi- people across the country, amid MP Parvesh Verma led the among others.

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 in the bigger hospitals in and medicines free, the turnout The mohalla clinics, porta
elhi Chief Minister Arvind
Delhi," he added.
The chief Minister said
of patients has now doubled to
six Crores annually.
cabin alike settlement are being
set up in about 50 to 60 sqm HPSOR\HHV&KLHI6HFUHWDU\
D Kejriwal, along with
Health Minister Satyendar Jain,
that the government has faced
so many difficulties to expand
"Government hospitals are
being closed down and the
built-up area, in a plot of about
100 to 150 sqm in a semi-per- BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 payment of wages to contractual
inaugurated 152 Mohalla this initiative in these years. standard of government dis- manent structure built with employees of the Delhi govern-
Clinics (MC) at Pitampura on "The files were pending for one pensaries is deteriorating in modern technology and the lat- elhi Chief Secretary Vijay ment.
Sunday. With inauguration of
these new clinics, the total
to two years. Then the Supreme
Court judgment came in
other states across the country.
There you may see broken
est design economically made.
The Clinics (Rented) are being
D Kumar Dev has written to
heads of departments in the
In the letter, Dev said it had
been observed that some
number of mohalla clinics between and it eased the walls, the absence of doctors set up in rented premises with a Delhi Government, warning departments and organisations
across the city has risen to 450. process of opening new and staff and people losing minimum of 40 sq. meter built- them against any delay in pay- under the Delhi government
"We targeted 1,000 Mohalla Mohalla Clinics. Now we made trust. But in Delhi, across the up area and at least one Toilet. ment of salaries to contractual were defaulting in implement-
clinics in Delhi. Due to admin- 450 Mohalla Clinics function- city, Mohalla Clinics are being These clinics operated in employees. ing these directions.
istrative reasons, work in this al. In the coming three-four opened, and Air Conditioned shift basis from 8.00 am to In his letter, the chief sec- "All concerned HODs are
regard could resume just three- months, more clinics will be hospitals are being built. In 02.00 pm for normal Aam retary said non-compliance of directed to scrupulously follow
four months ago resume at an opened and I hope that the tar- Delhi, people's trust in the Aadmi Mohalla Clinic the order would be viewed seri- the instructions in letter and
accelerated speed. Within the get of 1,000 Mohalla clinics will Public healthcare system has (AAMC); Double Shift: 7:00 ously and appropriate action spirit and send certificate on or
next three-four months, be achieved in Delhi", he said. been multiplied," said the cm. am to 7:00 pm. The people get taken against the defaulting before 20th day of each month.
remaining Mohalla Clinics will As per the officials, about The AAP government is treatment for basic health officers. "Any lapse in this regard
be inaugurated", said the chief 3T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTaP[^]VfXcW7TP[cW<X]XbcTaBPcThT]SPa9PX]X]PdVdaPcTb two Crore OPD patients and also expecting that the devel- issues such as cough, fever Heads of departments are shall be viewed seriously and
minister. <^WP[[P2[X]XRPc?XcP\_daP^]Bd]SPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ conducted 18 Lakhs tests until opment of this primary health and cold and they are provid- required to send a certificate by appropriate action shall be taken
"When we came to power November 2019. Earlier, the care will find a place in Guinness ed with generic medicines as the 20th of every month saying against the defaulting officers in
in 2015, we observed that there was difficult for accessing these ized that if we start smaller clin- number of patients in Delhi World Records and Limca Book per Essential Drug List (EDL) all contractual employees have a time-bound manner," he said.
is no lack of big hospitals in hospitals for treatment of small ics in nearby locations, people government hospitals was three of Records. "If people are happy, of 125 medicine of AAMC been paid due wages pertaining The chief secretary said
Delhi. In Delhi, we have bigger illnesses like cold, cough, and can access the service of doc- Crores annually. Since AAP led I would be happy. It is Guinness through a pharmacy manage- to the previous month. that sometimes delays can be
hospitals like AIIMS, LNJP, fever and so on. Due to this, tors and avail medicines and government made hospitals World Records for me. I don't ment protocol. It further pro- The Labour Department caused for want of requisite con-
GB Pant, GTB, and Safdarjung. these hospitals used to experi- treatment without traveling a better in terms of infrastructure require anything more than vides about 212 diagnostic had also recently asked other currence from the Finance
But for the common people, it ence a huge rush. So we real- lot. Also, it will reduce the rush and cleanliness, and treatment that", said Kejriwal. tests. departments to ensure timely- Department.

08<C>140<>=6C>? 8=F>A;3
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 cial session of the Delhi
Assembly to clear its stand on
yeing on the Delhi's CAA and the police attack on
E Assembly elections, the
Delhi Congress on Sunday said
students of the Jamia Millia
University for protesting against
NEW DELHI: Aiming to be ter. The government also video content about the inhab- that if the Congress is voted to the act.
among the top-10 zoos in the wants the Delhi zoo to be itants of the zoo. power in Delhi, it will not Highlighting the differ-
world, the National Zoological among the top 10 across the "Visitors spend a large implement the National ences between NPR of 2010 and
Park in Delhi has planned to world. Virtual reality and a part of their time in the zoo Population Register (NPR), the NPR of 2020, Maken said
introduce virtual reality tech- mobile application are steps in locating the animals, finding National Register of Citizens that the Modi Government has
nology allowing visitors to that direction, he said. the right direction etcetera. (NRC) and the Citizenship added six new illegal clauses
"get closer" to animals and a Range Officer Saurabh Many a time, they go back Amendment Act (CAA). now. "The BJP Government
GPS-based mobile applica- Vashishtha said, "The tech- with not-so-good experience. The Chairman of the has added six new questions to
tion to make zoo visits more nology will change people's The mobile application will set Manifesto Committee moved a the NPR that is violation of
engaging and informative. perspective. It will allow visi- it right. resolution in the first meeting Article 14 in the Constitution,"
Virtual reality headsets tors to interact with animals "Download the applica- of the Manifesto Committee he said.
will allow visitors to see the without disturbing them. It tion and put on your head- that was adopted unanimous- The NPR requires people to
animals up-close. People will will be an exhilarating adven- phones, it will be that simple. ly by the party on Sunday. declare the "date and place of
find themselves standing next ture." Using beacon technology, the Addressing the media, birth of both parents" for the
to a tiger, hugging a deer or With the GPS-based app will tell visitors what's on Delhi Congress President first time. In the last NPR, data
caressing an elephant, Delhi mobile application and their left, right, and ahead. On Subhash Chopra hit out at BJP- was collected on 15 criteria.
Zoo Director Suneesh Buxy Bluetooth beacons, visits to the reaching the enclosure, it will ruled centre, saying that it has This time data on 21 points will
said. zoo will become more engag- provide all information relat- raised such issues just before the be collected," he said, adding
"They will be able to see a ing and educative. At present, ed to the animal — its habitat, Delhi Assembly election to that in this NPR, a person like
lion hunting and playing in boards placed outside every food, behaviour and others," divert people's attention from me might have a problem- if a
front of them and not just sit- enclosure carry only limited Buxy said. pressing issues like economic person like me is asked where
ting under a tree." information in the form of text The ideas have been dis- distress, price rise and unem- your father and mother were
Top zoos around the world and pictures. The mobile cussed and tenders will be ployment. born; my parents were born in
have turned to technology to application will engage visitors floated within the next three Chopra also demanded the Pakistan. Where will I get their 3T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTa0aeX]S:TYaXfP[bWPaTbPRPZTfXcW3T[WX3T_dch2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P]XbWBXb^SXP^]cWT^RPbbX^]^U[PccTa´b
make visitors' experience bet- with text, pictures, audio and months, he said. Delhi Government to call a spe- details," Maken asked? QXacWSPhX]=Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPh ?C8

2T]caTBcPcT]TTSR^\_TcXcX^]R^^aSX]PcX^]U^ab\^^cWbTaeXRTST[XeTah 7P]bR^]ST\]bZX[[X]V^UBXZWh^dcW
BC055A4?>AC4AQ Healthcare schemes are better Delhi is the only city in
=4F34;78 than Centre's Ayushman Bharat India that provides 24X7
Scheme. "We amazingly trans- power supply and free or high-
mphasising the need of formed the public healthcare ly subsidized electricity to
E Centre-State coordination
to smoothen the effective
system in Delhi. Earlier people
had to spend their entire sav-
every household, he said.
"When we formed our
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Pakistan's Peshawar.
The Ministry of External
delivery of Government ser- ings and sell their properties to Government in 2015, only 58 ondemning the attack on Affairs (MEA) said Pakistan
vices and schemes to the peo-
ple, Delhi Chief Minister
save their lives in case of any
kind of serious illness," he said,
per cent of Delhi had water
pipelines installed, and now
C Nankana Sahib Gurdwara
and violence against Sikhs in
should stop "prevaricating" and
take immediate action to
Arvind Kejriwal said that there adding that the healthcare around 93 per cent of Delhi has Pakistan, Bharatiya Janata Party apprehend and give exemplary
should be competition as well infrastructure in Delhi's water pipelines installed. (BJP), Member of Parliament punishment to the perpetrators
as coordination between the Government hospitals has been Within a year, the remaining (MP), Hans Raj Hans on of the crime.
Governments. significantly improved. seven per cent of households Sunday urged Pakistan Prime "India strongly condemns
Speaking at his sixth town "People can avail of treat- will have piped water connec- Minister Imran Khan to ensure the targeted killing of minori-
hall meeting at the Delhi ment, surgery and various tests tions. We aim to provide 24 safety of minorities. Hans also ty Sikh community member in
Technological University free of cost. Delhi Government hours clean water to every expressed grief over the killing promised to facilitate pilgrims Peshawar that follows the
Campus on Sunday, he said gives support up to C15 Lakh household in Delhi", he said. of a Sikh youth in Peshawar. of the faith, according to media recent despicable vandalism
that if we are providing free to get treatment for severe ill- Kejriwal further said that "There should not be dou- reports. and desecration of the holy
electricity to the people of ness at private hospitals in the annual budget of the Delhi ble standards in the words and "The incidents of attack on Gurdwara Sri Janam Asthan at
Delhi, the Central Government Delhi", he added. government has doubled from deeds of the Pakistan govern- Nankana Sahib and violence Nankana Sahib and the unre-
as well as other State Outlining the achieve- C30,000 Cr in 2015 to C60,000 ment. As a singer and artiste, I against Sikhs are against the solved case of abduction, forced
Governments should compet- ments of his Governmnet in Cr in 2019. It is because of the just want to remind Imran tenets of Guru Nanak Dev conversion and marriage of a
itively implement such a path- last five years, he said "our increased trust of the taxpay- Khan he had termed Nankana who spread the message of Sikh girl Jagjit Kaur," the MEA
breaking scheme in the entire Government launched a new ers as they realised that this sahib as 'Makkah' of Sikh com- humanity. I just want to appeal said.
country and if Haryana or scheme 'Farishte Dilli Ke' to honest Government will utilize munity and that he should to Khan to ensure that Sikhs A mob had on Friday
Maharashtra Government Delhi, Centre and State trucks per day in Delhi and help the accident victims in the tax money for developing stick to the same spirit of and other minorities in his reportedly attacked Gurdwara
implements a scheme to Governments should collabo- significantly reduced pollu- Delhi. "The Delhi Government infrastructure facilities for its respect to other religion," said country have a safe and peace- Nankana Sahib where Sikhism
immensely benefit the people, rate. I wish to acknowledge tion in Delhi," he added. invites the people of Delhi to people as we did in the educa- Hans. ful life," Hans said. founder Guru Nanak Dev was
the same should be adopted that the union Government While presenting the be a Farishte in the lives of the tion and health sectors. In September, Khan had India on Sunday strongly born. Reports suggested that
and implemented in Delhi as constructed the East-West achievements of his govern- accident victims. Nearly 1000 The Chief Minister also termed Kartarpur "Madina" condemned the "targeted hundreds of angry residents at
per the requirement. peripheral way that removed ment in the last five years, he lives have been saved due to answered many questions and Nankana Sahib "Makkah" killing" of a minority Sikh Nankana Sahib pelted the Sikh
"To reduce pollution in the entry of 30-40 thousand reiterated that Delhi's this scheme", he added. asked by public in the event. of the Sikh community and community member in pilgrims with stones.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! ]PcX^]#

9=D0CC02:2>=34<=0C8>= BTeTaTSWTPS
9>daVR\de` GY\\cU^TD=3 HTRWdahb[P\b
5V]YZ4A>92 dUQ]d_4U\XY bPhbPccPRZb
LQ$08DIWHU Mumbai: Mumbai Police have
recovered a severed head near

a railway track here, five days

after the torso of a woman was

?C8 Q =4F34;78 found in suburban Vidyavihar,
an official said on Sunday.
Kolkata: Within hours of (former Railway Minister) PI(M) general secretary Acting on a tip-off, the
masked mob attacking the pres-
tigious Jawaharlal Nehru
Dinesh Trivedi with MPs Sajda
Ahmed, Manas Bhunia, Vivek
C Sitaram Yechur y on
Sunday blamed the ABVP for
?C8 Q 0;860A7D? dents of the Jawaharlal Nehru
University (JNU).
police searched Santacruz-
Chembur Link Road (SCLR)
University campus injuring Gupta to show solidarity with the violence that broke out in rotests were held at the In a statement, the AMU and found the chopped head,
New Delhi: Union
Home Minister Amit
dozens of students and teaching
faculty members Bengal Chief
the JNU students.”
Another senior TMC leader
Jawaharlal Nehru University
and alleged that the attacks
P Aligarh Muslim University
(AMU) in Uttar Pradesh late
Teachers' Association
(AMUTA) condemned the vio-
suspected to have been thrown
from a bridge, near the railway
Shah spoke to Delhi Minister Mamata Banerjee on and Bengal Education Minister were “planned” by those in on Sunday night against the lence. AMUTA secretar y track in the area late Saturday
Police Commissioner Sunday raised her voice against Partho Chatterjee condemning power. violence at the JNU campus in Najmul Islam urged the Chief night, he said.
Amulya Patnaik about the “brutality” perpetrated on the attack said students move- Members of JNU Students' Delhi. Justice of India to take suo “The severed head was
the situation at JNU and students saying such an act ments did take place in Jadavpur Union and ABVP clashed on A spokesperson of protest- motu cognizance of the found near the rail track below
ordered an inquiry by a brought shame to the democ- University in Kolkata “but never the campus Sunday evening, ing students said that a march “unprecedented situation aris- the SCLR bridge. Since the
senior police officer into ratic history of the country. were any criminals allowed to sources said, adding it hap- was held in the night to ing from Sunday's assault on place is not so far from where
the violence that broke Condemning the atrocious enter the campus like this. It is pened during a public meeting express solidarity with the stu- JNU students and teachers”. the woman's torso was earlier
out on Sunday night, attack on the students she said, for the Government to explain organised by the JNU Teachers' recovered, we suspect that the

officials said. “We strongly condemn the bru- such attacks.” Association. head may be of the deceased,”
The Home tality unleashed against stu- Former CPI(M) MP Samik The students' union the official said.
Minister's office tweeted, the Delhi Police Commissioner dents/teachers in JNU. No Lahiri attacked the BJP claimed that its president Aishe It was sent to Rajawadi
“Union Home Minister has and enquired about the vio- words enough to describe such Government saying “it for Ghosh and many other stu- Hospital for an examination,

spoken to Delhi police com- lence at JNU,” an official said. heinous acts,” adding “a shame Prime Minister Narendra Modi dents were injured in stone- the official said, adding that a
missioner over JNU violence Shah is also believed to on our democracy.” and Home Minister Amit Shah pelting by ABVP members. DNA test would also be con-
and instructed him to take have directed the police com- The Chief Minister imme- to answer about the kind of But the RSS-backed stu- ducted to find out if it belonged
necessary action.” missioner to take all possible diately decided to send a democracy they have unleashed dents' organisation alleged that to the killed woman. “We will
“The noble Minister has steps to ensure peace at JNU. “Trinamool delegation led by in India. PNS its members were brutally ?C8Q <D<108 who attacked them. send the head for DNA testing
also ordered an inquiry to be Violence broke out at JNU attacked by Left-affiliated stu- “The violence and brutal- as it is suspected to be of the
carried out by a joint CP-level on Sunday night after masked dent outfits and 25 of them Shiv Sena leader and ity faced by students, while woman whose torso was found
officer and asked for a report
as soon as possible,” it said.
men armed with sticks attacked
students and teachers and dam- ARhRcTR]]dReeRT\µf_UV^`TcReZT were injured. “Reports coming
from JNU point to a collusion
Maharashtra cabinet minister
Aaditya Thackeray condemned
protesting, is worrisome. Be it
Jamia, be it JNU. Students
earlier,” Deputy Commissioner
of Police (Zone 5) Niyati
The Ministry of Home aged property on the campus, <d\QPX) =2?RWXTUBWPaPS?PfPa _[P]]TSPccPRZ8bca^]V[h between the administration the attack on students and mustn't face brutal Thakar told PTI. The torso was
Affairs also sought a report prompting the administration ^]Bd]SPhR^]ST\]TScWTPccPRZ R^]ST\]cWXbd]ST\^RaPcXRPRc^U and goons of ABVP to inflict teachers at Jawaharlal Nehru force! Let them be!,” he tweet- found on December 30 on
from the Delhi Police about the to call in police. At least 18 ^]bcdST]cb^U9PfPWPa[P[=TWad eP]SP[Xb\P]SeX^[T]RT±?PfPa violence on students and teach- University in Delhi on Sunday ed. “These goons must face Kirod Road in Vidyavihar area.
situation prevailing in the pres- people were injured and admit- D]XeTabXchX]3T[WXRP[[X]VXcP] cfTTcTS°DbT^UeX^[T]c\TP]bc^ ers. It is a planned attack by evening. Thackeray, who han- action. They must be brought The next day, two chopped legs,
tigious institution and the steps ted to the All India Institute of °d]ST\^RaPcXRPRc±± bd__aTbbST\^RaPcXReP[dTbP]S those in power, which is afraid dles the Youth Affairs portfo- to time-bound wrapped in a rexin sheet, were
taken to restore peace. “The Medical Sciences 9=DbcdST]cbP]S_a^UTbb^abfTaT cW^dVWcfX[[]TeTabdRRTTS±WT of the resistance provided by lio among others, demanded and swift justice,” he further found dumped in a dustbin in
Home Minister has spoken to (AIIMS). PTI bdQYTRcTSc^PR^fPaS[hQdc PSSTS ?C8 JNU to its Hindutva agenda. stern action against the “goons” said. suburban Ghatkopar. PTI

The Opposition has also come
out strongly against the Pakistan 6^ec\d[[b[TP]Ta
authorities for failing to prevent the
From Page 1 from her home last August. attack. “The attack on Nankana
caXSX\T]bX^]P[Tg_TSXcX^]Ua^\<d\QPX The External Affairs Ministry
said members of the minority Sikh
Addressing a meeting of Delhi
BJP workers in New Delhi, Union
Sahab is reprehensible and must be
condemned unequivocally. Bigotry

community in Pakistan have been Home Minister Amit Shah attacked is a dangerous, age-old poison that
subjected to acts of violence at the Pakistan for “terrorising” Sikhs as he knows no borders. Love + Mutual
holy city of Nankana Sahib, the referred to a recent attack on Respect + Understanding is its only
birthplace of Guru Nanak Dev. Gurdwara Nankana Sahib by a vio- known antidote,” Congress leader
The MEA said these reprehen- lent mob in Pakistan and asked Rahul Gandhi tweeted on Saturday.
sible actions followed the forcible Opposition leaders to open their eyes Jammu & Kashmir-based All ?C8Q =4F34;78 China, the SSB mans the 1,751
abduction and conversion of a Sikh to atrocities against minorities in the Parties Sikh Coordination km front with Nepal and
girl who was kidnapped from her neighbouring country. Committee chairman Jagmohan he Government is working another 699-km border with
home in the city of Nankana Sahib
in August last year.
“This is an answer to all those
opposing the CAA. Tell me if these
Singh Raina said in a statement on
Sunday condemned the attack on
T on an ambitious proposal
to transform various paramil-
A few discussions have
According to media reports, a Sikhs who were attacked the other Nankana Sahib Gurudwara in itary forces into leaner and taken place on the subject but
mob attack took place at the shrine day in Gurdwara Nankana Sahib will Pakistan and demanded compact fighting units by merits have to be analysed
where the Sikhism founder Guru not come to India, then where they an immediate probe to fix respon- undertaking probable steps before going ahead with the
Nanak Dev was born. will go?” he asked. sibility. like merging and rotating older merger of these two forces as
Reports suggested that hun- The CAA seeks to grant citi- “Some elements in Pakistan troops amongst them, against the post Kargil war pol-
E0S\0YXc:d\Pa5>2X]2FTbcU[PVVX]V^UUcWTHPRWcX]VTg_TSXcX^]Pc=PeP[3^RZhPaS<d\QPX dreds of angry Muslims pelted the zenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, want to give trouble to minorities informed officials said. icy decision to have 'one force
Sikh pilgrims visiting Nankana Sahib Christians, Jains and Parsis who had including Sikhs. An immediate They said a special com- for one border', another official
with stones on Friday. The mob was arrived in India by December 31, probe would fix the responsibility mittee of senior Central Armed said.
led by the family of a man who had 2014 from Pakistan, Afghanistan and following which action can be taken Police Forces (CAPF) officers Both the forces are just
allegedly abducted a Sikh teenager Bangladesh due to religious perse- against the culprits,” and Union Home Ministry under one lakh personnel in
brass has been constituted to strength and have their unique
deliberate on the issue and culture and regimentation.

AP6P?aXhP]ZP Shah said Opposition parties have

become habituated to the “politics of
opposition and vote bank” and
the Bihar Chief Minister, Varma
expressed his surprise at the “uni-
lateral” announcement of Bihar
present a final report to the
Ministry by the middle of this
More discussions are in the off-
ing and nothing has been
finalised, officials said.
From Page 1 referred to their stand against mea- Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi, One of the proposals that Another proposal in the
Addressing a meeting of BJP sures like the law against triple talaq who is from the BJP, that the is being discussed by the com- discussion stage is the
workers in Delhi, Shah attacked among Muslim men and nullifica- National Population Register (NPR) mittee of the Directors General merging of country's largest
Pakistan for “terrorising” Sikhs as he tion of Article 370. exercise will be carried out in the (DsG) and Special Secretary paramilitary force CRPF with
referred to a recent attack on They also opposed construction State between May 15 and 28 despite (internal security) in the the counter-terror commandos
Gurdwara Nankana Sahib by a vio- of Ram temple in Ayodhya, Shah Kumar’s stand against the National Ministry of Home Affairs is to force, NSG.
CWTHPRWcfXcW]PeP[cTP\bPX[b^dc^U=PeP[3^RZhPaS<d\QPX lent mob in Pakistan and asked said. Register of Citizens (NRC). The JD merge some forces to make The two forces are very
Opposition leaders to open their eyes Congress leader Rajeev Satav hit (U) leader has been critical of his them leaner, fighting fit and different from each other but
C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 Arnala fort, Northernmost fort of to atrocities against minorities in the back at Shah over his allegation that party’s decision to support the task-oriented for a specific the discussion is to possibly
Maharashtra to Sindhudurg fort, the neighbouring country. Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Citizenship (Amendment) Bill in border guarding role or a spe- have a single command for the
he Indian Navy on Sunday southernmost fort of Maharashtra, “This is an answer to all those Priyanka Gandhi Vadra instigated Parliament, and it has now become cialised counter-terrorist two forces, officials said.
T launched an expedition, aimed at
promoting the maritime heritage of
covering more than 555 km. Enroute,
the teams will touch Kanhoji Angre
opposing the CAA. Tell me if these
Sikhs who were attacked the other
riots by misleading people over the
amended Citizenship Act, as he
a law following its passage in both
It is being discussed if the
While the CRPF is the
lead force for maintenance of
India and spread awareness about (Khanderi), Revdanda, Korlai, Murud- day in Gurdwara Nankana Sahib will raked up the BJP leader’s internment JD (U) vice president Prashant two border guarding forces, law and order, anti-Naxal oper-
Coastal Security amongst the coastal Janjira, Raigad, Suvarnadurg, Jaigad, not come to India, then where they due to his alleged involvement in a Kishor has also spoken strongly Indo-Tibetan Border Police ations and counter-insurgency,
communities in Maharashtra, from the Ratnadurg, Purnagad, Vijaydurg and will go?” he asked. criminal case. Shah was later dis- against the CAA and said this, in and the Sashastra Seema Bal the NSG is the premier feder-
Naval Dockyard in south Mumbai. Devgad forts. “I want to tell brothers and sis- charged from the case. The entire combination with the NRC, can (SSB), could be merged to cre- al strike force for counter-ter-
Vice Adm Ajit Kumar, PVSM, The teams will also visit various ters from the minority that none of country knows which party runs the turn into a “lethal combo in the ate a uniform unit to guard the ror and counter-hijack opera-
AVSM, VSM, ADC, the Flag Officer schools and local establishments to them can lose their citizenship “vote for riots factory”, Satav said. hands of the Government to sys- entire eastern land tions.
Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval interact with locals and students. Along because the CAA has no provision Noting that vulgar claims are tematically discriminate and even border along countries like The sheer core competen-
Command flagged off the tri-dimen- these routes, the teams will undertake about taking it away,” Shah said. also being made, such as people can prosecute people based on religion.” China and Nepal, a senior offi- cies of these two forces can be
sional expedition consisting of yacht- community interaction, Swachhta Shah also claimed that Congress speak to lonely girls by dialing this In his letter, Varma said the cial told PTI. blended to achieve the target of
ing, running and cycling teams of 50 Abhiyan and awareness campaigns general secretary Priyanka Gandhi number, BJP spokesperson Sambit CAA-NRC combine is a direct At present, their task is sep- having a single force to combat
naval personnel along three different amongst the locals, especially the fish- Vadra extended her support to riot- Patra said the exercise should not be attempt to divide Hindus and arate. While the ITBP terror and hijack incidents and
axes. ing communities, school and college ers by saying that she will visit reduced to ridicule. Muslims, and to create social insta- guards the 3,488-km Line of Maoist and insurgency threats,
The expedition extends from students, NCC and NSS cadets. houses of those who carried out riots. Meanwhile, in an open letter to bility. Actual Control (LAC) with they said.

FX[[WXc$!b_^cbXUh^dbcaXZT EP]SP[Xb\ there.

Shiromani Gurdwara
Parbhandhak Committee

From Page 1 (SGPC), the apex body which
India has strongly con- manages Sikh shrines in India,
demned vandalism at the said it will send a four-member
revered Gurdwara and called delegation to Pakistan to take
upon the Pakistan Government stock of the situation and urged
From Page 1 Iranian culture, and those targets, breaches of int’l law in Friday’s cow- to take immediate steps to the Pakistan Government to
On Saturday night, Trump and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY ardly assassinations, @realdon- ensure the safety and security of take stringent action against the
warned that the US will target 52 FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA aldtrump threatens to commit again the Sikh community there. culprits who attacked the gur-
sites in Iran some of which are “at a wants no more threats!” Trump new breaches of JUS COGENS; On Saturday, Indian lead- dwara — one of the holiest sites
very high level and important to Iran said. Targeting cultural sites is a WAR ers cutting across party lines in Sikhism.
and the Iranian culture” if the Islamic Within 10 hours, Trump issued CRIME; Whether kicking or scream- and various outfits condemned Pakistan’s Foreign Office
republic attacks American personnel another warning and said the US ing, end of US malign presence in the mob attack on the historic on Friday rejected the media
or assets. would hit Iran harder than ever West Asia has begun (sic),” Zarif Gurdwara, terming it as “cow- reports that the Gurdwara
“Iran is talking very boldly about before if Tehran retaliates. “They tweeted, referring to the principles ardly” and “shameful”. Nanakana Sahib was desecrat-
targeting certain USA assets as (Iran) attacked us, & we hit back. If which form the norms of interna- Hundreds of protesters ed in a mob attack, saying the
revenge for our ridding the world of they attack again, which I would tional law. thronged the streets near the birthplace of founder of
their terrorist leader who had just strongly advise them not to do, we “Those masquerading as diplo- Pakistan High Commission in Sikhism remains “untouched
killed an American, & badly wound- will hit them harder than they have mats and those who shamelessly sat New Delhi demanding and undamaged” and the
ed many others, not to mention all ever been hit before!” Trump said in to identify Iranian cultural & civil- that Islamabad provide ade- “claims of destruction” of one
of the people he had killed over his a past-mid night tweet amidst ian targets should not even bother to quate security to Sikh shrines of the holiest Sikh shrines are
lifetime, including recently hun- remarks of retaliation coming from open a law dictionary,” the top and community members “false”.
dreds of Iranian protesters,” Trump Tehran. Iranian diplomat said.
tweeted. “The US just spent Two Trillion Soleimani was widely seen as the
“He was already attacking our
Embassy, and preparing for addi-
tional hits in other locations. Iran has
Dollars on Military Equipment. We
are the biggest and by far the BEST
in the World! If Iran attacks an
second most powerful figure in Iran
behind the Supreme Leader
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. His Quds
FX]jWRTV to maintain law and order.
This is the moment to remain
calm and alert.”
been nothing but problems for many American Base, or any American, we Force, an elite unit of the Iranian From Page 1 Late night, a plice officer
years,” he said. will be sending some of that brand Revolutionary Guards, reported JNU Registrar Pramod said peace was restored in the
“Let this serve as a WARNING new beautiful equipment their directly to the Ayatollah Khamenei Kumar said, “There is a law and JNU after masked men armed
that if Iran strikes any Americans, or way...And without hesitation!” and he was hailed as a heroic nation- order situation on the JNU with sticks attacked students
American assets, we have targeted 52 Trump said in another tweet. al figure. campus. Masked miscreants and teachers, and damaged
Iranian sites (representing the 52 Responding to Trump’s remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei has vowed armed with sticks roamed property on the campus,
American hostages taken by Iran Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif a revenge against the killing of his around, damaging property prompting the administration
many years ago), some at a very high said targeting cultural sites was a ‘war general, saying “severe revenge awaits and attacking people. The JNU to call in police that conduct-
level & important to Iran & the crime’. “Having committed grave the criminals” behind the attack. administration called the police ed a flag march.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! ]PcX^]$

:_UZRUVVa]jT`_TVc_VU ;438;;D<8=0C4B8=380
! #Sb_bUcdbUUd\YWXdcY^cdQ\\UTY^VYfUibc
RS`feFD:cR_+;RZdYR_\Rc ,PSDFWLQJ statement here on Sunday from
the Energy Efficiency Services
In fact, accelerating adop-
tion of Energy Efficiency (EE)
?=BQ =4F34;78
CWTR^]eTabPcX^] RYHUFURUH Limited (EESL), a joint venture
of PSUs under the Union
technologies, and LED lighting
in particular, have been iden-
mid escalating US-Iran Power Ministry. tified as key elements in achiev-
A tensions over the killing of
Iranian military commander
R^\TbcWaTTSPhbPUcTa ESSL has been given the
mandate to implement the
ing the ambitious commit-
ments under the Paris
Qasem Soleimani, External 8aP]bc^_\X[XcPah ?=BQ =4F34;78 LED Street Lighting National Agreement and transitioning to
Affairs Minister S Jaishankar R^\\P]STaB^[TX\P]X Programme (SLNP), the a low carbon global economy.
on Sunday talked to his Iranian oing its bit to help mitigate world's largest streetlight Lighting accounts for near-
counterpart Javad Zarif and fPbZX[[TSX]PDBbcaXZT D climate change, India, in replacement programme and ly 6% of global CO2 emissions.
said India remained deeply X]1PVWSPS the last five years has installed The Unnat Jyoti by Affordable A global switch to energy effi-
concerned about the levels of over 1.03 crore smart environ- LEDs for All (UJALA), which cient light emitting diode
tension in the region. ment-friendly light emitting is also the world's largest (LED) technology could save
The External Affairs killed in a US strike in Baghdad into a convoy that was leaving diode (LED) streetlights till domestic lighting project. over 1,400 million tons of CO2
Minister noted that the devel- on Friday. the Baghdad International date, enabling an estimated "Energy efficiency is vital and avoid the construction of
opments have taken a very US President Donald Airport early on Friday. The energy savings of 6.97 billion for India's efforts in mitigating 1,250 power stations, as per
serious turn. Trump has warned Iran that the strike also killed the deputy kWh anually and an estimated climate change and achieving various global studies.
"Just concluded a conver- US has identified 52 possible chief of Iraq's powerful Hashed greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- a sustainable future. These pro- Saurabh Kumar said that
sation with FM @JZarif of targets in the country and will al-Shaabi paramilitary force. sion reduction of 4.80 million grammes exemplify the UJALA project brought the
Iran. Noted that developments hit it harder than ever before if Soleimani's killing was the tCO2 annually. Government's vision for a New market transformation in ener-
have taken a very serious turn. Tehran, which has vowed most dramatic escalation yet in Similarly, over 36.13 crore India, and the empowerment of gy efficiency sector. Prices of electricity bills while also al streetlights in India with
India remains deeply con- "severe revenge", carries out any spiralling tensions between LED bulbs have been distrib- every citizen, said Saurabh LED bulbs being distributed enabling them to access better smart LEDs under the SLNP by
cerned about the levels of ten- attack against America to Iran and the US and is esti- uted across the country, result- Kumar, Managing Director, under UJALA programme brightness in homes. With the March 2020. This will enable
sion. We agreed to remain in avenge the killing of Soleimani. mated to be more dangerous in ing in estimated energy savings ESSL about the progress of the have fallen to one-tenth of average household electricity peak demand reduction of
touch," Jaishankar tweeted. Maj Gen Soleimani, 62, recent past since he was an uni- of 46.92 billion kWh per year, two energy efficient schemes their rates in 2015 from Rs 310 bills down by 15 per cent, the about 1500 MW, annual ener-
The conversation between the head of Iran's elite al-Quds formed general unlike Al avoided peak demand of 9,394 which completes five years on to Rs 38 in 2018. annual energy saving is equiva- gy savings of 9 billion kWh,
the two leaders comes three force and architect of its region- Qaeda's Osama bin Laden and MW, and an estimated GHG Sunday since their launch on The switch from inefficient lent to a week's average earning. and reduction in 6.2 Million
days after Iran's top military al security apparatus, was killed ISIS' Abu Bakr al-Baghdaid, emission reduction of 38 mil- January 5th 2015 by Prime incandescent bulbs to LEDs is Now the ESSL is aiming to tons of CO2 per year, said a
commander Soleimani was when a US drone fired missiles both of whom were known ter- lion t CO2 annually, said a Minister Narendra Modi. helping families reduce their replace 1.34 crore convention- statement here.

<>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D

A sinister plot to target senior

BSF officer, posted in the
bid to target the BSF officer.
According to official
sources, "an IED fitted parcel,
with explosive material was dif-
?C8Q =4F34;78 The first working day of within the SC/ST community
Samba sector of Jammu fron- ^eTa_PaRT[ fused by the bomb disposal the new year is also likely to from reservation benefits to a
tier, was foiled with the timely
detection of a parcel bomb late
Q^\QP[^]V squad late sunday evening in
Samba". W ith the reopening of the
Supreme Court on
have a mention of the petition
filed by Tata Sons Private
7-judge bench for a review.
The apex court will keep an
Sunday evening. fXcW^cWTa Senior Superintendent of Monday after winter vacation, Limited (TSPL) challenging eye on air pollution matter in
According to official Police, Samba and DIG, all eyes will be on the adjudi- the December 18 decision of which the court has been pass-
sources, "a motorcycle borne \PcTaXP[c^cWT Jammu-Kathua range also vis- cation of contentious issues NCLAT restoring Cyrus Mistry ing slew of directions from time
youth had delivered a parcel,
meant for deputy commandant
_^[XRT ited the BSF unit late sunday
evening to ascertain the details.
including controversial
Citizenship (Amendment) Act
as the executive chairman of
the group and saying the ver-
to time.
On January 21, a five-
of 173 Batallion, at the sentry PdcW^aXcXTb BSF authorities have hand- and abrogation of provisions of dict had "undermined corpo- judge Constitution bench head-
gate of a BSF unit in Samba sec- ed over the parcel bomb along Article 370 of the Constitution. rate democracy" and the ed by Justices N V Ramana is
tor on Saturday evening". tacted but when he clarified he with other material to the The year 2020 will also "rights" of its board of directors. likely to resume hearing on a
For some unknown rea- was not expecting any delivery, police authorities for carrying witness the apex court consti- The top court will also batch of petitions challenging
sons the packet could not be the BSF officers suspected out further investigations in the tuting a seven-judge take up the contentious issue of Centre's August last year deci-
delivered to the officer con- some foul play. case. Constitution bench to examine whether the creamy layer con- sion to abrogate provisions of
cerned on Saturday. Following the standard The BSF authorities are the issue of entry of women of cept should apply to Scheduled Article 370, which gave special
On Sunday evening, BSF operating procedure, the local also looking at the footage of all ages into the hill shrine of Castes and Scheduled Tribes status to the erstwhile state of
jawans reported the issue of unit officers contacted local the CCTV camera to ascertain historic Sabarimala temple, while giving them reservation Jammu and Kashmir.
non delivery of a parcel, to be police and bomb disposal the identity of the parcel carri- which was referred by a five- in promotions. The top court had on
delivered to a deputy com- squad. er who had actually delivered judge bench for fixing para- In December 2019, the December 12 indicated that it
mandant. The technical persons, after the parcel at the sentry gate of meters to deal with alleged dis- Centre had urged the Supreme may consider the question of
On learning the details, the carefully examining the parcel, the BSF unit late Saturday crimination against Muslim Court to refer its 2018 verdict referring the issue of challenge
deputy commandant was con- defused the same and foiled a evening. and Parsi women. excluding the creamy layer to the abrogation of provi-

?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX\TTcbeTcTaP]19?[TPSTa<da[X<P]^WPa9^bWX^]WXb'%cWQXacWSPh ?C8

>eTa  PS^_cTSRWX[SaT]aTcda]TS 7XVWTbc]d\QTa


c^RWX[SRPaTX]bcXcdcX^]bX][Pbc$hTPab aTcda]TSX]
! # $
?C8Q =4F34;78 expresses a desire to come
back to the institution," he
ver 1,100 children adopt- said.
O ed across the country have
been returned to child care
The official also stressed on
the need to build social infra-
institutions by their adoptive structure at the ground level.
parents in the last five years, "Each state is supposed to have
according to the nodal adop- state social welfare board but
tion body CARA. these have become defunct in
Most of the children were most of the states, if these
returned due to adjustment infrastructures are energised
issues which is seen mainly in and put in place then service
case of older children (over 8 returned by adoptive parents, He further said that in can be delivered but that is yet
years of age), according to a the data showed. many cases it is seen that chil- to be made operational on
senior Central Adoption In 2018-19, a total of 133 dren have developed a strong ground," he said.
Resource Authority official. out of 4027 children were bonding with their caretaker at He said CARA, the nodal
According to information returned by adoptive parents, child care institutions due to body of adoption, is conduct-
accessed by PTI through an the data showed. which it becomes very difficult ing a study to look at ways to
RTI, the highest number of The CARA official said for them to leave them and prevent it.
children were returned in 2014- about half of the older children move into a family. Among states, the highest
15. A total of 387 out of a total who are adopted are returned The official said that fam- number of children were
of 4,362 adopted children by parents due to "adjustment ilies also need to be prepared returned in the last five years
were returned in 2014-15 while issues". for taking care of the children. from Maharashtra at 273 fol-
in 2015-16 a total of 236 out of He stressed on the need to "Even the parents have to lowed by Madhya Pradesh at
a total of 3,677 adopted chil- prepare children in childcare be counselled and prepared. 92, Odisha at 88, and
dren were returned by adop- institutions so that they are able The parents think that as soon Karnataka at 60, the data
tive parents, the RTI data to adjust with their families. as they bring a child they showed.
showed. "At child care institutions, would put him in an age spe- Dr Nimish G Desai, direc-
In 2016-17, a total of 195 children are groomed in a dif- cific class and the child should tor of the Institute of Human
out of 3,788 adopted children ferent way. They have to be start putting in effort due to Behaviour and Allied Sciences,
were returned while in 2017-18 prepared and counselled to which the child feels he was said this experience can be
a total of 153 out of a total of stay and adjust with families," better off there at the CCI with "very traumatic" for the adopt-
3927 adopted children were he said. his or her friends and he ed children.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! &,7,=(16+,3 $0(1'0(17 $&7 ]PcX^]%

?C8 Q =4F34;78 and strengthening the idea of India to which, I
?C8 Q ;D2:=>F Accusing the Yogi
Adityanath led Government
know, you yourself are committed. The politics ahujan Samaj Party chief of jailing anti-Citizenship

J D(U) general secretary Pavan Varma on Sunday

asked party president and Bihar Chief Minister
of principle cannot be sacrificed at the altar of
short term political gain,” Varma said in the let-
B Mayawati on Sunday
asked the Uttar Pradesh gov-
Amendment Act protesters
without any proper investiga-
Nitish Kumar to categorically reject the “divisive ter. ernment to seek apology from tion, she asked them to seek
CAA-NPR-NRC scheme”, saying this has “nefar- The JD(U) leader has been critical of his the public for putting anti-cit- an apology from the public.
ious agenda to divide India and create a great deal party's decision to support the Citizenship izenship law protesters behind Her statement comes in
of unnecessary social turbulence”. (Amendment) Bill in Parliament, and it has now bars without thorough inves- the backdrop of a local court
In an open letter to Kumar, Varma expressed become a law following its passage in both Houses. tigation. granting bail on Saturday to
his surprise at the “unilateral” announcement of Protests have occurred in different parts of She dubbed it as “highly social activist Sadaf Jafar and
Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi, who the country against the law, which seeks to give shameful and condemnable”. former IPS officer SR
is from the BJP, that the National Population citizenship to minorities from Pakistan, “In Uttar Pradesh, espe- Darapuri, besides 13 others
Register exercise will be carried out in the state Afghanistan and Bangladesh who had arrived in cially in Bijnor, Sambhal, arrested in connection with
between May 15-28 despite Kumar's stand against India due to religious persecution by December Meerut, Muzzafarnagar, anti-CAA protests in
the National Register of Citizens. 31, 2014. Firozabad and other districts, Lucknow.
“...In consonance with your own publicly stat- JD(U) vice president Prashant Kishor has also innocent people have been Mayawati also demanded
ed views, and long established secular vision, may spoken strongly against the CAA and said this, sent to jail for protesting financial assistance to those
I request you now to take a principled stand in combination with the NRC, can turn into a against the CAA/NRC with- killed in the protests.
against the CAA-NPR-NRC scheme, and reject “lethal combo in the hands of the Government out an investigation. This Officials maintain that 19
its nefarious agenda to divide India to systematically discriminate and even prosecute issue has also been raised by persons died in clashes during
and create a great deal of unnecessary social tur- people based on religion.” the media and is highly the widespread protests across
bulence. In his letter, Varma said the CAA-NRC com- shameful and condemnable,” the state in December, though
“A clear cut public statement by you to this bine is a direct attempt to divide Hindus and the BSP national president opposition parties claim a ?a^cTbcTabW^[S_[PRPaSP]SaPXbTb[^VP]bSdaX]VP_a^cTbcPVPX]bccWT2XcXiT]bWX_0\T]S\T]c0Rc200=PcX^]P[ATVXbcTa^U
effect would be a major step towards preserving Muslims, and to create social instability. said in a tweet in Hindi. higher toll. 2XcXiT]bWX_=A2P]S=PcX^]P[?^_d[PcX^]ATVXbcTa=?AX]1T]VP[dad^]Bd]SPh ?C8

>__RaTPcX]VR^]UdbX^]^] 3TPcWbSdaX]VP]cX200_a^cTbcbX]D?
0RcP\^]V<db[X\b^dc RPdbTSQh_^[XRTQd[[Tcb)0ZWX[TbW
?C8Q ;D2:=>F tion. “In a village, who has
He said families of all those papers...From where will I
amajwadi Party president killed during protests should be bring date of birth paper of my

?C8Q 14=60;DAD
S favour of the CAA.
Akhilesh Yadav on Sunday
alleged that all deaths during
given adequate compensation.
The UP police initially
mother. Government wants
the people to only search for
The party has plans to reach out anti-CAA protests in Uttar claimed that none of the deaths papers and not do daily chores,”
arnataka Chief Minister BS to three crore people across the Pradesh were caused by police was caused by police firing, but he lamented.
K Yediyurappa on Sunday chal-
lenged Opposition leaders to prove
country and 30 lakh houses in the
state, he added.
bullets and said the BJP's
campaign in support of the Act
subsequently admitted some
casualties in police bullets
He said his party will resort
to “Satyagrah” by not filling the
that the Citizenship Amendment Amid growing opposition and was to “mislead” people. when cops fired in “self form.
Act will have its ill-effects on the protests, the BJP on Friday had Yadav, who visited the res- defence”. Noting that people of all
Muslim community, as he accused announced that it will be launching idence of Mohammad Wakil Officials have put the death walks, castes and religions were
them ofattempting to create confu- a mega door- to-door campaign in killed during an anti-CAA toll at 19 in widespread clash- coming out against CAA and
sion out of “malice.” favour of CAA across the country on protest in the state capital, es in the state, though the NPR, Yadav said, “The BJP
“There will not be any ill-effects January 5. said, “He (Wakil) was not opposition parties claimed a knows its decision is wrong and
on our Muslim brothers of the coun- Reiterating that the act will in no involved in the agitation. The higher figure. against the Constitution.”
try because of the Citizenship way affect Indian Muslims, Government should probe as to Yadav asked the Asked to comment on the
Amendment Act. During Jawarharlal Yediyurappa challenged opposition whose bullet hit him. They Government that if it wanted to BJP's campaign in support of
Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv leaders to prove to the people of the (police) have the post-mortem make someone from another the Citizenship Amendment
Gandhi's (former PMs from country that the law will affect the report now.” country its citizen, then why Act, he said it was to “mislead”
Congress party) time also there was community. “All the deaths during the has it not given this “right” to people.
consensus on it,” Yediyurappa “We will also be visiting places agitation in the State were Muslims. “The BJP is misleading the
said. where Muslim community resides in caused by police bullets,” he “This is because you (BJP) people. What will they tell the
He said out of malice an attempt large numbers and try to create claimed. want to divide the society and people now? They could not
is being made to create confusion awareness among everyone. We don't Yadav also demanded play politics. Every Indian is convince us in Parliament.
among Muslim brethren and that is have any difference towards Hindu, compensation, house and job against CAA and NCR. When Now, they have come out to
the reason the BJP had decided to Muslim or Christian, we will inform for Wakil's family, currently liv- Aaadhaar has all information mislead the people,” he
?T^_[TcPZT_PacX]PaP[[hX]bd__^ac^U2XcXiT]bWX_0\T]S\T]c0Rc200X]B^[P_da^]Bd]SPh ?C8 conduct door-to-door campaignsin facts to everyone, he added. ing in a rented accommoda- why NPR?” he posed. said.

200bTRdaXchd__TS 7_bQ[X`ebd_S\UQbT_eRdc B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0

n a counter-drive against
tion it is in fact a positive Act
that will complete the work left
undone by the post
dalism and using physical force
to stop and scare our workers
away. They attacked and van-
designs they really have,” said
Bengal Minister Jyotipriya
?C8Q 14=60;DAD Gorakhpur/Moradabad (UP):
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister
Gorakhpur in eastern Uttar
Pradesh, Adityanath walked
On his way
Kaif-ul-Wara's shop from the
to Ilaunched
anti-CAA campaign
by the Opposition
Independence Governments
and their leaders,” a senior
dalized our party offices. But
we will not get
“Interpreting the massive
turnout in Mamata Banerjee’s
arnataka Rural Yogi Adityanath met Muslim down to the shop Haji Gorakhnath temple, of which parties the Bengal unit of BJP State BJP leader said adding intimidated by their strong mass rallies against the CAA
K Development Minister K S
Eshwarappa has received threat
community members in
Gorakhpur on Sunday to dis-
Chaudhari Kaif-ul-Wara and
handed him a booklet on the
he is the head priest,
Adityanath met many Muslim
has launched a massive door-
to-door campaign to hammer
“the people are now convinced
that the TMC is falsely gener-
arm tactic.”
The ruling Trinamool
we can say that BJP will be
wiped out in the
calls asking him to stop issuing pel doubts about the law which he said was meant to community members. home the utility of the ating a fear psychosis among Congress too went about col- coming elections,” the Minister
statements on Article 370 and Citizenship (Amendment) Act give citizenship to persecuted He explained to them that Citizenship Amendment Act the masses.” lecting signatures from people said.
CAA, following which and said the move was in line people. it was a law to give citizenship. and drive away the alleged State BJP president Dilip to register their complaints Meanwhile, the Left Front
security for him has been with India's tradition of giving “This is a booklet about “Those who did not have citi- misgivings regarding the Ghosh said his party members against the controversial laws. and the Congress which have
tightened. shelter to persecuted CAA, read it and all doubts will zenship and are living in India, amended citizenship were getting massive response “Let the BJP go house to house, jointly called a general strike
The threat calls were people. be cleared. I thought of this law gives them citizenship,” laws. from the citizens who want the let them go room to room but against a host of issues includ-
received on Friday, police Adityanath's deputy beginning the awareness cam- he said. “Senior State leaders like Act to be thoroughly imple- they will not succeed mislead- ing CAA-NRC have warned
said.Speaking to reporters in Keshav Prasad Maurya, who paign from here,” he told Kaif- “It is the tradition of India BJP general secretary Rahul mented in all parts of the State. ing the people about the true the Chief Minister against any
Shivamogga on Sunday, took part in a similar drive in ul-Wara. to give shelter to persecuted Sinha on Sunday went house to “Our people have been visiting nature of t he CAA which is in bid to foil the bandh.
Eshwarappa quoted the caller Moradabad, hit out at the Kaifulwara promised to people and Prime Minister house to clear the air on CAA,” houses and the people are giv- fact a poison sweet laced with “If the Chief Minister is
as having said, “You are talking opposition parties, saying they create awareness about CAA Narendra Modi brought CAA party sources said adding sim- ing overwhelming response to poison being offered to the genuinely against the CAA
too much about article 370 and were trying to misguide the and requested the Chief to give citizenship to such peo- ilar campaigns were also being the changed laws. people,” said TMC’s Kalyan and if her public rallies are not
CAA, if you don't stop public against the citizenship Minister to release people with ple,” Adityanath said. carried out in districts of North “In East and West Banerjee. a public pretense then she will
in 48 hours, we know what to law to create unrest in the no criminal background who He said it was not meant to and South Bengal. Midnapore we have been par- “The people initially were not use force to thwart the
do.” state. were holding protests against take away anyone's citizenship, “Contrary to the general ticularly receiving good carried away by their commu- strike — which she has been
He said he did not want to The Bharatiya Janata Party the CAA and the proposed but the Congress, Samajwadi perception fanned by the TMC, response from the people,” he nal campaigns which gave doing for the past so many
go into the details and would (BJP) on Sunday launched a countrywide National Register Party and its allies are “unfor- Congress and the Left that said adding the “popular them 18 seats in the parlia- years to gag the working class
inform officials, based on 10-day nationwide campaign in of Citizens (NRC) in tunately” trying to mislead CAA is a mischievous device to response in receiving the BJP mentary elections but the CAA people’s voices,” said CPI(M)
which they will take action support of the law. Gorakhpur on December 20, people by spreading victimize the Muslim popula- cadres was so much that the has proved how dangerous the Legislature Party leader Sujan
against the culprits. In his home turf saying children make mistakes. confusion and violence. PTI tion and the non-BJP popula- TMC goons resorted to van- BJP is and what dangerous Chakrabarty.

W %-3
Lucknow: Union Minister and senior BJP ?C8Q <D<108 Shah was in Rajasthan to address a rally,
leader Rajnath Singh on Sunday said people but he did not even mention offering cit-
should not have any misconception about the ajasthan Chief Minister Ashok izenship to them,” he said.
amended citizenship law.
On a day's visit to his Lok Sabha con-
R Gehlot on Sunday ridiculed the
BJP's door-to-door awareness
“It means they are not serious
about their own law,” he said.
stituency, Singh visited the residence of Justice campaign about the merits of the A country formed on the basis of
Khem Karan here to mobilise support for the Citizenship (Amendment) Act. religion does not remain stable, he said.
Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). If the controversial legislation — “Pakistan was founded on the basis
“Our party has decided to give a message which offers citizenship to non-Muslim of Islam. Why did Pakistan split into two
to the people that they should not have any mis- refugees from Pakistan, Afghanistan and countries during Prime Minister Indira
conceptions about CAA. The Indian culture Bangladesh — had any merit, such a Gandhi's time? Because it was formed
teaches us 'Sarvdharma Sambhav' and a campaign would not have been neces- on the basis of religion, you have seen
Hindustani cannot discriminate on lines of caste sary, he said, speaking to reporters here. what it leads to,” he said.
and religion,” he said. “There was a time when Prime Gehlot also alleged that the BJP's
His visit comes days after widespread vio- Minister Narendra Modi delivered “hidden agenda” was to turn India into
lence during protests against the law, which offi- `Mann Ki Baat' (his monthly radio talk), a “Hindu Rashtra”.
cials said left 19 persons dead. and the entire country listened to him. There were once secessionist ten-
The message of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' “And now for the CAA, party lead- dencies in Tamil Nadu and Punjab, he
(the world is one family) had gone from India ers and ministers are forced to go from said, adding “how many countries you
to the entire world, Singh said, adding “Indian door to door to convince people. It is a want to make out of India?”
cultural values cannot by violated by our party.” laughable situation,” the senior Congress The Rajasthan CM also demanded
The Defence Minister also circulated pam- leader said. that the government bring out a white
phlets on the CAA and requested the media and “Had the Act been good, they paper on the state of economy.
party workers to go through them. would not have been forced to go door- “The economy has been crippled
Asked by mediapersons about the National to-door,” he said. because of the Centre's policies. Former
Register of Citizens, he said the exercise was on In the BJP-ruled Assam, 19 lakh economic adviser Arvind Subramanian
in Assam on the directives of the Supreme Court people were found to have no docu- and former RBI governor Raghuram
and not on the Centre's initiative. mentary proof of citizenship and 16 lakh Rajan have already expressed concerns
“NRC is going on only in Assam and work of them were Hindu, Gehlot said, ask- about the economy,” he said.
has been completed to some extent. It is going ing why the Government was not giv- “Most of the economic indicators
on there on SC directives. There is no order of ing citizenship to them through the new are going down...But instead of focus-
government in this regard. Prime Minister law. “There are some 10,000 people in ing on it, the Centre is diverting atten-
Narendra Modi has clarified it,” Singh Rajasthan who need citizenship. The tion to the Citizenship Act and National
said. PTI other day Union home minister Amit Register of Citizens,” he said. ?a^cTbcTab_PacXRX_PcTX]PaP[[hPVPX]bc2XcXiT]bWX_0\T]S\T]c0Rc200X]6dfPWPcX^]Bd]SPh ?C8
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! ]PcX^]&


C=A067D=0C70 Q <D<108 man in the State Cabinet and Command Area estranged nephew of late BJP Maharashtra Congress
Eknath Shinde, whose name Development. leader Gopinathrao Munde, president and senior minister '=2?F0;:B0F0HF8C7:4H?>AC5>;8>B;8:47><458=0=242>>?4A0C8>=F0C4AA4B>DA24B
n the much-delayed alloca- had been discussed in the state In what is being seen as a has been given relatively low- Balasaheb Thorat has been ADA0;34E4;>?<4=C7>DB8=6
I tion of portfolios carried out
by Maharashtra Chief Minister
political circles as a chief min-
isterial candidate before
shrewd move, Sr Pawar has
hand-picked his loyalist
key portfolio of social justice
and special assistance, while
given the important Revenue
portfolio, while late Chief '2>=6A4BBB4CC;4B3>F=5>AA4E4=D4?F3B0=B?D1;82D=34AC0:8=6B
Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday, Uddhav assumed the office, has Minister Anil Deshmukh from low-profile Balasaheb Patil has Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh’s 'B4=064CBB><4F70CA0F340;<0=064BC>B42DA4DA10=34E4;>?<4=C06A82D;CDA4
the Nationalist Congress Party been given the key Urban Vidarbha. Deshmukh, who was been vested with co-operation son Amit Deshmukh has been 8=3DBCA84B
(NCP) walked away with plum Development and Public a minister of state in the Shiv and Marketing portfolios. vested with the portfolios of
portfolios like Home, Finance, Works Department (Public Sena-BJP Government in the NCP’s national spokesper- Medical Education and '<E06>EC0A278C42CB70A03?0F0A<0=064BC>2>A=4A?;D<?>AC5>;8>B5>A=2?
Co-operation, Water Undertakings) portfolios. Shiv nineties, later served as both as son Nawab Malik has been Cultural Affairs. '=2?B34?DCH27845<8=8BC4A098C?0F0A8B=4F<07058=0=24<8=8BC4A
Resources, Rural Development Sena’s senior-most leader a Minister of State and Cabinet vested with Minority The Congress’ two women
and Housing, while the Subhash Desai has been hand- Minister in the Congress-NCP Development, Aukaf, Skill Cabinet Minister Yashomati '0=8;34B7<D:7>5=2?8B=4F7><4<8=8BC4A
Congress managed to land ed Industries, Mining and Government between 2001 and Development and Thakur qnd Varsha Gaikwad
only a couple of important Marathi Language portfolios. 2014. Enterpreneurship portfolios. have been given Women &
Ministries like Revenue and NCP chief Sharad Pawar, Elected to the State The second-run NCP lead- Child Development and School '038CH0C702:4A0H70=3434=E8A>=<4=CC>DA8B<?A>C>2>;<8=8BCA84B
Public Works Department who played a key role in cob- Assembly from Katol con- ers like Rajesh Tope and Education portfolios respec-
(Excluding Public bling the Sena-NCP-Congress stituency in Nagpur district, Rajendras Shingne have been tively. 'B4=0B=D<14ACF><0=64CBDA10=34E4;>?<4=C
Undertakings). front managed to corner a Deshmukh is understood to given portfolios like Public Former leader of the '4G2<B4=8>A2>=6A4BB;4034A0B7>:270E0=E4BC43F8C7?F3?>AC5>;8>
The Shiv Sena, which is the maximum of high-profile port- have been vested with the Health & Family Welfare and Opposition in the Assembly
principal ruling party in the folios for his party, in the port- Home portfolio to deal with Food & Drug Administration and Congress leader from '=2?BC0C4?A4B834=CBA?0F0A2>=5830=C90H0=C?0C8;64CBF0C4AA4B>DA24B<8=8BCAH
three-party Maha Vikas Aghadi folio distribution that saw a lot former Chief Minister and respectively. Chandrapur in Vidarbha
(MVS) Government, some- of hard-bargaining among the senior BJP leader Devendra On the Congress front, region Vijay Wadettiwar has '=2?B8=5;D4=C80;<0=277060=17D910;68E4=5>>328E8;BD??;84B
what got a raw deal in the port- three constituents in the MVA Fadnavis, who is also from senior Congress leader Ashok been given OBC, Khar land 'BC0C42>=6?A4B834=C10;0B0741C7>A0C8B=4FA4E4=D4<8=8BC4A
folio distribution exercise that and lobbying among the min- Nagpur and held the Home Chavan, who had resigned as development, Relief and
look six-long days since isters in the three parties. Ministry in the previous BJP- the Chief Minister on Rehabilitation, while another
Uddhav Thackeray expanded Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Shiv Sena Government. November 9, 2010 following the senior Congress leader KC — Soil & Water Conservation. Yadravkar (Independent MLA) Home (Urban), while another
his Cabinet, as it got very few Pawar, who was initially tipped The NCP’s other influential expose of the Adarsh society Padvi has been vested with Congress: Sunil Kedar – — Public Health, FDA, etc. Mminister of State Vishwajit P.
key portfolios like Urban to be Home Minister, has leaders like Dilip Walse-Patil, scam, has returned to the State Tribal development. Animal Husbandry, Dairy NCP’s Dattatray Bharne Kadam has been vested with
Development, Public Works ( instead personally chosen the Jitendra Awhad and Hasan Cabinet after a gap of more than The other portfolio alloca- Development, Sports & Youth has been made Minister of Agriculture, Cooperation, scial
Public Undertakings), Finance and Planning portfo- Mushrif have been given State nine years. He has been vested tions made included: Shiv Sena: Welfare and Aslam R. Shaikh – State for Public Works (exclud- Justice and other portfolios.
Agriculture and Industries. lios –the two Ministries that Sr Excise & Labour, Housing and with the Public Works Dadaji D. Bhuse — Agriculture, Textiles, Fisheries and Ports ing Public Undertakings), It may be recalled that on
While Uddhav Thackeray Pawar’s confidant and State Rural Development Ministries Department (excluding Public Uday Samant — Higher & Development. Forests, etc., while other min- November 28, Uddhav
retained portfolios like General NCP president Jayant Patil held respectively. Sr Pawar’s anoth- Undertakings). Technical Education, Sanjay Among the 10 Ministers of isters of state from the Sharad Thackeray had been sworn
Administration, Information earlier. er confidant Chhagan Bhujbal, The Congress high com- D. Rathod — Forest, Disaster State (MoS) are: Shiv Sena’s Pawar-led party are: Sanjay into office as the Chief Minister
Technology, Law and Judiciary, In place of the Finance who was in the past a deputy mand’s decision to vest Chavan Management, R&R, Gulabrao Abdul Sattar Nabi who has Bansode — Environment, along with six Maha Vikas
Information and Public and Planning portfolios that he chief minister in the previous with PWD portfolio has rubbed Patil — Water Supply & been given Revenue & Rural Water Supply & Sanitation, Aghadi (MVS) Ministers —
Relations, he assigned his had held in the past and present Congress-NCP Government, senior party leader from Sanitation, Sandipanrao Development, Shamburaj Desai etc., Prajakt Tanpure — Urban Eknath Shinde, Subhash Desai
Cabinet minister-son Aditya nine consecutive State budgets has been assigned relatively Vidarbha Nitin Raut, who ini- Bhumre – Employment — Home (Rural), Omprakash Development, Energy, etc., and (both from the Shiv Sena),
Thackeray the portfolios of in the previous Congress-NCP insignificant portfolios of Food, tially held that portfolio, the Guarantee & Horticulture, Anil alias Bachu Kadu — Water Aditi S. Tatkare — Industries, Jayant Patil, Chhagan Bhujbal
Environment, Tourism and Government, Jayant Patil has Civil Supplies and Consumer wrong way. Raut has now been Parab — Transport & Resources, Command Area Tourism, etc. (both from the NCP),
Protocol. been given Water Resources Protection. assigned relatively lesser sig- Parliamentar y Affairs, Development, School Congress’s Satej Patil has Balasaheb Thorat and Nitin
Shiv Sena’s number two (Known popularly as Irrigation) Dhananjay Munde, nificant portfolio of Energy. Shankarrao Gadakh (KSK Part) Education, etc., and Rajendra been made Minister of State for Raut (both from the Congress).

?=B Q :>;:0C0 questioned the lackadaisical approach Ahmedabad: After reports one of the reasons for higher cent of 415 infants admitted.
of the BJP-run Railway about deaths of over 100 chil- number of deaths in December As many as 91 and 74
ne of the three people injured in Ministr y in providing public dren at a State-run hospital in and added that overall infant infants died in the hospital in
O the station building collapse at
Burdwan on Saturday evening died in
“They were involved in decorat-
Rajasthan's Kota shocked the
country, data shows that 111
mortality had declined in
October and November, 18.4
and 16.4 per cent of the total
the wee hours of Sunday, Eastern ing and beautifying the premises infants died at a civil hospital Of the 388 infants admit- number of infants admitted,
Railways sources said. when the accident occurred. It only in Gujarat's Rajkot district in ted to the Pandit Deendayal respectively.
The man was among a dozen of proves that this Government is only December. Upadhyay General Hospital in Sharing the figures, Patel
people who were standing near the superficial in its ways. A high level Further, in Ahmedabad Rajkot in December last year, said that notwithstanding the
porch of the colonial structure when committee should be instituted to look civil hospital, 88 infants died 111, or 28 per cent, died. higher number of deaths in
a part of it caved in. While some of the into fact,” Bengal Minister Swapan last month, it showed. As many as 87 and 71 December, the infant mortali-
injured were released after first aid two Debnath said. Confronted by reporters over infants died in October and ty in the state had dropped over
persons were admitted to the CPI(M)’s Sujan Chakrabarty said, the issue in Vadodara, Gujarat November last year, which was two decades, from 62 per 1,000
Burdwan Medical College and “the Railways are only interested in Chief Minister Vijay Rupani 19.3 and 15.5 per cent of the in 1997 to 30 in 2017, with fur-
Hospital. increasing fare and not taking inter- walked away, without giving infants admitted to the hospi- ther drop recorded in 2018 and
One of them died on the small est in other things.” any reply. tal's Sick Newborn Care Unit 2019. West Bengal, Karnataka,
hours of Sunday. He is yet to be iden- A three-member committee has In Ahmedabad, Health (SNCU), respectively, the data Jharkhand and Telangana have
tified sources said. been formed to conduct an inquiry Minister Nitin Patel, who showed. At Ahmedabad civil higher infant mortality rate
Meanwhile both the Trinamool into the cause of the incident, the shared the shocking data, said hospital, 88 infants died in than Gujarat, as per the Centre's
0aX]VP]aT[XVX^dbRTaT\^]hQTX]V_TaU^a\TSPc5XeT6PaST]X]<d\QPX^]Bd]SPh ?C8 Congress and the Left Front have spokesperson added. cold weather in December was December, which was 21.2 per 2017 data, he said. PTI

0[TacP[^]V8]SXP=T_P[ >]TSTRPST^U>\Pa0QSd[[PWX]_^[XcXRb
Q^aSTaPUcTaX]_dcb^U <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D Abdullah experienced many
ups and down in his 'tumul-
hustings in December
choose to continue his friend-
ship and alliance with youth

cTaa^aXbcb_aTbT]RTX]D? O
n January 5, 2009 when tuous' political career. The National congress leader Rahul Gandhi.
Omar Abdullah had taken He faced first litmus test Conference tally He also lost a perception
oath of office he not only when under his watch the State declined from 28 seats it war when he locked horns
became the youngest Chief witnessed prolonged cycle of won in 2008 to 15 in with Prime Minister Narendra
Basti (UP): Two suspected affiliated to. Minister of Jammu & Kashmir violence between 2009 (in the 2014. The party not only Modi after propagating anoth-
ISIS terrorists have entered Previously, they were spot- but also remained focal point aftermath of Shopian rape and lost sizeable chunk of er lofty idea of reviving the
Uttar Pradesh, following which ted in West Bengals' Siliguri of media attention. murder case) and 2010. Over seats but its total vote posts of sadr-e-riyasat (presi-
a high alert has been sounded and are suspected to be asso- Close family friends, indus- 100 protesters were killed in share also witnessed dent) and Prime Minister for
along the India-Nepal border ciated with the ISIS. Police try captains, bollywood celebri- sporadic incidents of stone steep decline. Jammu & Kashmir.
in Maharajganj, Kushinagar have launched a massive man- ties and even political adver- pelting and several hundred As President of the A decade later, Omar
and Siddharth Nagar districts, hunt to nab them, officials saries had converged in the were put behind bars to restore party and head of the Abdullah is struggling to spend
a top police official said on said. newly opened Zorawar Singh normalcy on ground zero. alliance Government time, all alone in his own com-
Sunday. India and Nepal share a Auditorium of Jammu univer- Security forces had to Omar failed to fulfil the pany.Since August 5, 2019 he is
“It has come to the fore that 1,751-km-long porous fron- sity to witness historic oath tak- resort to use to 'pellet' guns for promise of restoration under preventive political
two wanted terrorists Abdul tier which has reportedly been ing ceremony. the first time to control the autonomy which detention.
Samad and Iliyas can escape to used by Pakistani elements Former Chief Minister and rampaging mob on the streets remained high point of Barring close family mem-
Nepal from Uttar Pradesh,” IG and terrorists in the past. A his father Dr Farooq Abdullah of Srinagar especially in volatile NC’s election manifestos bers, no other visitors are
(Basti range) Ashutosh Kumar number of such operatives had even dedicated a famous downtown areas. 3a5Pa^^`0QSd[[PW^UUTaX]VbfTTcbc^WXbb^]>\Pa0QSd[[PW <^WXc:P]SWPaXk?X^]TTa since Indra — Sheikh allowed to meet him. Since
said. have been nabbed by Indian song, “Papa Kahtain hain bada During his term in office, Accord. August 5, only once a delega-
The alert was sounded border guarding agencies. naam karega” to his dutiful son Omar even attempted to scale Unified command. Union gov- report card was dotted with Sitting in the Opposition, tion of party leaders led by his
after the intelligence input was Uttar Pradesh shares a while wishing him all the luck down the foot prints of the ernment at the helm of affairs, dark spots and was not 'impres- Omar competed with the arch close aide and provincial
received, he said. The IG said 599.3-km-long open border for the most difficult job. Indian army and revoke Armed kept him in the 'waiting' mode. sive'. rival, Peoples Democratic Party President, Jammu DS Rana
photographs of the two have with Nepal, touching seven While occupying the 'hot Forces Special Powers Act After promising 'moon' to the After completing his six (PDP) and also flirted with the called on him for about 30
been widely circulated so that districts - Pilibhit, Lakhimpur seat' and running an alliance (AFSPA) from peaceful dis- people of the state Omar could year long term in office when idea of promoting 'soft sepa- minutes in the first week of
they could be identified. Kheri, Bahraich, Sravasti, Government with the Congress tricts of the region but failed to not do much to buy back Omar Abdullah went to the ratism' to woo electorate. With October 2019. No other meet-
The officer said he was not Balrampur, Sidhharthnagar party in the erstwhile state of assert his authority even while power projects from NHPC. As electorate to seek reelection he BJP acquiring centre stage in ing with the party leaders fruc-
aware which outfit they were and Maharajganj. PTI Jammu & Kashmir, Omar chairing meetings of the his innings came to an end his faced crushing defeat at the the national politics, Omar tified since then.

2[PbbXR2PaAP[[hX]:^[ZPcP^]Bd]SPh\^a]X]V ?C8

:D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 on New Year day by announcing They have succeeded in send- importance attached by the worldwide economic growth,”
about the country’s manned Space ing unmanned mission to the Government of India to the oper- Naidu had said.
ations carried out by the institute. The brief given to NIOT is to
the observation made by Prime
Narendra Modi during
speech at the inaugural
mission (Gaganyaan),
Chandrayaan-3 and other inter
–planetary explorations.
depth of the Indian Ocean as early
as 2009 as part of the Samudrayaan
“NIOT is working on almost all
aspects of the six priority pillars of
mine and bring out the vast
deposits of cobalt, nickel, man-
ceremony of the 107th Indian Even as Prime Minister Modi The NIOT scientists had con- blue economy — Fisheries and ganese and copper present in the
Science Congress at Bangalore was delivering his speech at the ISC ducted a successful but silent Aquaculture; Renewable Ocean Central Indian Ocean Region in
last Friday is any indication, , a group of scientists and engineers Samudrayaan on April 13, 2009 Energy; Seaports and Shipping; the form of polymetallic nodules
Chennai is set to emerge as the in the National Institute of Ocean itself by planting the national tri- Offshore Hydrocarbons and at a depth of 6000 meters.
country’s hub for deep sea missions Technology, Chennai, an elite insti- colour on the seabed at a depth of Seabed Minerals; Marine A Manned Submersible vehi-
akin to its feats in Space explo- tution under the Ministry of Earth 3000 meters using ROSUB-6000, Biotechnology, Research and cle which can reach the 6000
rations. While ISRO has started Sciences were busy in perfecting a Remotely Operated Vehicle for Development and Tourism,” he had meter depth is getting readied in
training astronauts for space far- the nuances of Samudrayaan (the deep sea exploration. said. India’s top priority is to the laboratories of NIOT at
ing, the country’s aquanauts are deep sea manned mission) for “It was a successful mission exploit offshore hydrocarbons and Chennai. Simultaneously, a mis-
being trained for deep sea exploring and exploiting the hith- and we proved the capability of seabed minerals whoich would sion is on to train the country’s
missions. erto unmeasured deep sea marine ROSUB in exploring ocean depths. elevate the country to a super eco- aquanauts (the ocean equivalent of
“We have to replicate the wealth. The machine has the potential to nomic entity, a NIOT veteran had those known as astronauts). If
achievements made by the coun- “We hope to perfect the first go up to 6000 meters but we want pointed out. everything proceeds as planned,
try’s scientists in Space explo- ever manned mission to deep sea to reach that depth in stages,” Dr “While oceans already account the sea craft carrying three aqua-
ration in ocean too. The seas by 2022. The Samudrayaan has G A Ramadass, chief scientist, had for significant trade and com- nauts will touch the ocean bed by
remain unexplored and untapped many constraints and hence the told The Pioneer while declaring merce in the fields of shipping, off- 2022 and they will be back with the
for want of technology,” the Prime progress is slow though steady,” the details of the mission. shore oil and gas, fishing, under- first consignment of polymetallic
Minister had said at Bangalore on said Dr Atmanand, director , Vice President M Venkiah sea cables, and tourism, the emerg- nodules.
Friday. NIOT Chennai. For Dr Atmanand Naidu while addressing the scien- ing industries such as aquaculture, Who knows, in another cou-
Interestingly, Modi began his and his team of researchers, the tists of NIOT during its silver marine biotechnology, ocean ener- ple of years, India will emerge as
speech from where Dr K Sivan, bottom of the ocean is not a jubilee celebrations in gy and sea-bed mining have the an exporter of copper, cobalt,
chairman, Space Commission, left strange domain. November last had referred to the potential to create jobs and spur nickel, manganese etc.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!!

UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa

RI,UDQ·VPRVWSRZHUIXOPHQDQGLWVPRVWVHD could disown its ethos of inclu-
sivity and subscribe to alien
IXOO\E\WKH86·SROLWLFDODQGPLOLWDU\FRPPDQG for making feel everyone at
home no matter what the short-
8QOLNHVRPHRQHOLNH2VDPDELQ/DGHQZKR comings, simply because it was
ZDVNLOOHGE\7UXPS·VSUHGHFHVVRU%DUDFN not like China. “Even there, the
B9>;E 67>B7 the tourist districts but within
A Mahal had said that your pres-
ence at the monument was
enough to make the whole world
your kin. No matter what the
asymmetry of cultures, the pristine symme-
try of the structure and its elevated conscious-
ness by the banks of the Yamuna seem to clear
ence,” said one of the travellers.
Another cancelled his visit to
Varanasi and decided to return
to Delhi the next morning.
Others cut short their trips fol-
lowing travel advisories from
their countries. Cancellations
LQ%DJKGDGZDVDWWDFNHGE\6KLDPLOLWDQWVLQWKHJXLVHRISURWHVWHUVDIHZGD\V all the cobwebs of our minds into an incred- are bad news for hoteliers during
DJR6ROHLPDQLZDVWKHPDQEHKLQGDORWRI$PHULFD·VWURXEOHVLQWKHUHJLRQ ible whiteness of perfection. The Taj has with- the busiest time of the year.
stood many assaults in its time — physical, Worst, European travellers, who
%HVLGHVKHKDGLUULWDWHGDQGDWWDFNHGRWKHUVDVZHOO+LVKDQGVZHUHEHKLQG cultural and ideological. Now it has even learnt have been born of the colonial
ILHOGDFWLRQVVXFKDVWKHDWWDFNVRQWKH6DXGL$UDELDQUHILQHU\VLWHVLQ<HPHQ to live in splendid isolation like its creator and legacy and have an unexplained
DQGWKHIRUPDWLRQRIWKHQHEXORXVDOOLDQFHEHWZHHQ7XUNH\,UDQDQG0DOD\VLD Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, held captive by happy feeling about coming to
the circumstances of our time. India and embracing it with its
+RZHYHUDFFRUGLQJWRVRPHUHDVRQHGDQDO\VWV6ROHLPDQL·VYLROHQWGHDWKLVD I happened to be in Agra over the warts and eccentricities, are going
LPEHFLOHVZKRGRQRWWKLQNRIWKHFRQVHTXHQFHVRIWKHLUDFWLRQV+HWKRXJKW chance, it being the celebratory time of the the India in their genes is not the
year when a record number of tourists con- India today. Much like author
KHNQHZKRZIDU,UDQ·VHQHPLHVZRXOGSXVKWKHERXQGDULHVDOWKRXJKKHGLGJHW gregate for a pilgrimage of sorts to witness the William Dalrymple, who had
KLVFDOFXODWLRQVZURQJDWWLPHV2QHRIWKRVHPLVFDOFXODWLRQVFRVWKLPKLVOLIH world’s wonder but perhaps for the first time never thought of leaving India
:KDWGRHVWKLVPHDQIRU,QGLDDFRXQWU\WKDWKDVEHHQWU\LQJWREDODQFHLWV felt unwelcome in a city under siege. The but is wondering whether he
administration, fearing tension following should die here or not.
UHODWLRQVKLSZLWKERWK,UDQDQGWKH86"7KH([WHUQDO$IIDLUV0LQLVWU\SXWRXWD the protests over the Government’s new iden- Dangerously, some even asked if
UHDVRQHGDQGVHQVLEOHVWDWHPHQWDVNLQJWKH86DQG,UDQWRH[HUFLVH´UHVWUDLQWµ tity-based and divisive policies, had ensured the clampdown had anything to
LQRUGHUWRDYRLGGHVWDELOLVLQJWKHUHJLRQEXWLWLVWKH3HWUROHXP0LQLVWU\WKDW a virtual lockdown with internet shutdowns, do with eroding Mughal legacies
VKRXOGEHSHWULILHGLQFDVHWKHFRQIOLFWHVFDODWHV,I1DUHQGUD0RGL·VHFRQRPLF restricted entry, limited mobile telephony, bar- and their significance. Nobody
ricaded localities and chaperoned access. Agra dare ask an Indian this question
WHDPVKRXOGEHJUDWHIXOIRUDQ\WKLQJLWLVWKHUHODWLYHFDOPLQIXHOSULFHVRYHUWKH has not just been any other tourist town; it but seen in the context of Chief
SDVWVL[\HDUVZKLFKKDVDOORZHGKLPWRLPSRVHKLJKWD[HVRQSHWURODQGGLHVHO has been the crown of India’s Golden Triangle, Minister Yogi Adiyanath’s earli-
ZLWKRXWWRRPDQ\FRPSODLQWVIURPWKHSXEOLFDWODUJH%XWZLWKSULFHVRISHWURO our most popular circuit, where heritage is liv- of them told us that the admin- meant fewer battery-operated iffs but even encouraging tourists er statement that the Taj was not
ing, the entirety of its local economy and iden- istration had really nothing to fear carts and buses were available for to stay an extra day with compli- that important a monument,
DWWKHSXPSDOUHDG\UHDFKLQJWKHCPDUNKRZPXFKPRUHFDQWKHFRQVXPHUV tity geared around its sense of hospitality. as no rioting of consequence had ferrying visitors, most of whom mentary benefits to ensure occu- one can understand why it is
WDNH"6XUHO\VRPHDQJHUDURXQGWKH&LWL]HQVKLS$PHQGPHQW$FW &$$ DQGWKH While the Taj has been the pivot of the tourist taken place in the city. Neither were left waiting endlessly. And pancy figures. Understandable as being raised in the first place.
1DWLRQDO5HJLVWHURI&LWL]HQV 15& LVEHLQJIXHOOHGE\WKHFXUUHQWHFRQRPLFVLW economy, the attention span it commands has would it be as even the most ghet- as the fog rushed in from the internet blackouts had meant a 60 No regime, no matter what
seldom extended to other structures. Over toised Muslim had been tamed edges post-sunset, the Taj tourist per cent drop in December its colour of politics, can disregard
XDWLRQLQWKHFRXQWU\ZLWKMREFUHDWLRQEHLQJQRWVXIILFLHQWHQRXJK&DQWKH,QGLDQ long years, successive Governments, culture into submission by the brutal face complex crawled with military bookings, according to operators. the economic value of the Taj.
HFRQRP\DIIRUGDQRLOVKRFNULJKWQRZ"8QOLNHO\:LWK,QGLD·VUHODWLRQVQRPRUH czars and tour operators have painstakingly of organised repression and ran- police. Café El Clasico, which Over 200,000 domestic and inter- Especially, when Prime Minister
EHLQJOLPLWHGWRRLOHVFDODWLQJWHQVLRQVPD\HYHQKXUWLWVDPELWLRXVSODQVWRGHYHO worked on “Taj by moonlight” sightings, cul- dom pick-ups of innocents, sim- serves light bites and beams national tourists had either can- Narendra Modi himself has
tural soirees, art walks, crafts workshops on ply because they “looked” suspi- European football alongside, was celled or postponed their trip to pitched tourism as the key
RSWKHQHZRFHDQLFSRUWLQ&KDEDKDUDNH\WUDQVSRUWDQGWUDGHFRUULGRUZLWK pietra dura (the inlay work used in the mon- cious. In fact, they did not want empty. We were the third or the Taj in the last fortnight of growth driver of a slowing econ-
$IJKDQLVWDQDQG&HQWUDO$VLD:LOO6ROHLPDQL·VGHDWKOHDGWRDZDU",UDQ·VVXSUHPH ument) Mughal spas and a host of other expe- any activist to take up their fourth visitor group it had got that 2019. omy. Government records show
OHDGHU$\DWROODK.KDPHLQLKDVDOUHDG\VDLGWKDW7HKUDQZLOOUHWDOLDWH$QGLWZRXOG rientials to hold the tourist. Though middle cause, fearing a hitback. But the day. The internet shutdown The arrogance of power and that Mughal era monuments
India sleeps early, the tourist enclaves have fear psychosis and aura of a police meant no online bookings or machismo may seem the new attract the highest number of
GRVRDWDVXLWDEOHWLPHDQGSODFHRILWVFKRLFH$OWKRXJKWKHWRSJHQHUDO·VHOLP always bustled with life and danced to an state was chillier than the transactions could go through, no normal but international trav- tourists and the Taj Mahal gen-
LQDWLRQKDVFRPHDVDKXJHVHWEDFNIRU,UDQWRGD\LWLVVWLOOYHU\PXFKFDSDEOH eclectic vibe. The jackboots not only destroyed December cold, the face of the aggregator service, be it of food ellers, who are our actual brand erates the maximum revenue. It
RIOHDGLQJDZDUDJDLQVW$PHULFDKRZVRHYHUDV\PPHWULFDO6KRXOGWKLVKDS that spirit but years of hard work to make the policeman more ominous with or transport, was operable, no ambassadors, have clearly been attracts over 6.5 million tourists
tourist stay in the city and not run after the the temporary power he had apps were serviceable and no shocked by the new idea of every year, generating nearly $14
SHQKRVWLOLWLHVEHWZHHQWKH86DQG,UDQDUHERXQGWRVSHOOWXUPRLOLQWKHHQWLUH customary ritual of a day trip. been given to intimidate people, video chats were possible. Agra India as opposed to the one million annually from entrance
*XOIUHJLRQDQGOHDGWRDPDMRUFRQIODJUDWLRQ%RWKWKH86DQG,UDQDUHWRJRWR The desolateness echoed everywhere. who wouldn’t have noticed him that weekend had stranded depicted in guidebooks. Many fees. And spends on its mainte-
SROOVVRRQ$IXOOVFDOHFRQIOLFWVKRXOGQRWEHFRPHWKHLQIOLFWLQJSRLQWIRUHLWKHU Shops in the Taj complex itself downed shut- otherwise. The friendly tourist tourists on the move, who com- were cautious about talking, fear- nance have remained almost the
ters as many of their owners could not make police shut shop earlier than pletely rely on online reservations ing they would be unnecessari- same in the Modi years because
WRZLQRYHUWKHSHRSOH$OVRGHVSLWHKLVGHPLVHPD\EHWKHJURZQXSVFDQ it past “troublesome” localities without being usual, handing over charge to the and forward linkages to plan their ly harassed or sent back. of its economic and metaphori-
FRPHWRWKHWDEOHDQGGHHVFDODWHWKHVLWXDWLRQ asked why they needed to move outdoors in special personnel on the ground. holidays. Hotels were no better. Everybody was aware about the cal value. But has the venom of
the first place. The little that did open for busi- The unsaid dystopian future was The broadband worked late deportation of the German politics stained its walls deeper

ness wound up early because the business was suddenly all too palpable. evening at some properties in fits IITian and the Norwegian stu- this time? Politicians would tell
not worth the establishment cost; there It all began with the site. and starts, with ridiculously low dent for sympathising with and you otherwise but the truth
weren’t enough tourists going around. On Much time was lost because of speeds. Cable TV was down, too, extending moral support to the emerged at the twilight hour. As
Christmas day, the Taj had the highest num- the elaborate entrance drill and where available, offered you protesters. Their concerns are the Taj darkened its silhouette
7KHVLHJHRI1DQNDQD6DKLEH[SRVHG,PUDQ.KDQ¶V ber of visitors this season, which was dismal- through circuitous pathways and more free-to-air entertainment deeply problematic for us because with the receding light of day, a
ly low, less than half of what the monument one-man pass-throughs — channels than credible news. for the first time they felt there small temple behind it on the
PRWLYDWHGFKDPSLRQVKLSRIWKH6LNKFDXVH gets on that day every year. Tourist operators something which was most Why would anybody want news were no shared values of democ- river bank came alive with bells

DNLVWDQL3ULPH0LQLVWHU,PUDQ.KDQKDV have been conservative in estimating a 40 per inconvenient to the elderly and on a holiday? Apart from “our” racy here anymore. Those drawn and fire rituals. The birds came
cent drop in business. But unofficially, fear- the wheelchair-bound — and kind. What about telemedicine by the mysticism of the Orient home to roost on the domes,
WR JLYH XS KLV EOXQGHURXV ZD\V LI KH ing stricter gag orders, they tell you that busi- being herded by the sternest networks and online referrals at wondered how India, as an lulled by the dulcet beats. The
ZDQWVWRFRQYLQFHWKHZRUOGRIKLVFUHG ness has fallen by 80 per cent, the food busi- minders. The Taj terrace had hospitals then? Or even hotels ancient civilisation that had Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb can still
LELOLW\:KLOH´FKDPSLRQLQJWKHFDXVHµRIPLQRUL ness being hit the most severely. Cafes, proud- more security personnel than themselves, which were off the absorbed millennial layers of withstand a rough tide or two.
ly displaying free wi-fi, an attraction for young tourists, who were being escort- grid for prime bookings? Agra influences through the Silk and (The writer is Associate
WLHVLQ,QGLDDQGXVLQJDQROGYLGHRIURPDQRWK travellers on the move, looked bleak. Many ed in batches. Low turnouts hotels were not only lowering tar- Spice routes but still held its own, Editor, The Pioneer)
\XSS[T^aSTabcT_bd_P]S ca^[[TSQTRPdbT8S^]^cVXeT ^daX\PVTfXcW?PZXbcP]³bX] WXbbXRZ_PbbX^]
Those at the helm of affairs
ing the severity of the tragedy by

Sir — The devastating fires that referring to laxities in another
O\EHFRPLQJLWVVSRNHVPDQ have engulfed parts of Australia 3TRT\QTa"2WXTU^U3TUT]RTBcPUU23B6T]1X_X] party’s regime.
provide a glimpse of the new nor- APfPc³b_aX^aXchbW^d[SQTc^U^bcTaR^[[TRcXeTSTRX Azhar A Khan
Government’s response to the 0Xa5^aRTP]ScWT=PehXbPVXVP]cXRcPbZcWPccWT]Tf GQ[Ue`SQ\\
LQ3DNLVWDQKDVFRPHGRZQIURPLQWRDGLVPDOLQ particular. There was a huge QTcWTb^[TSTRXSTaX]RWP[ZX]V^dcP\X[XcPahbcaPcTVh Sir — This refers to the editor-
%XWGULYHQE\DQDQWL,QGLDGHVLJQLWGLGWU\WRSODFDWH6LNKVZRUOGZLGHZLWKWKH backlash for he was holidaying in _a^RdaX]V\X[XcPahT`dX_\T]cP]SX\_PacX]V\X[XcPahcaPX] ial, “Children of a lesser God”
Hawaii while the fires burned out X]V4UUXRXT]RhX]\X[XcPahTg_T]SXcdaTXbPSPd]cX]VcPbZ S^dbPSeP]cPVT^Uf^aZX]VX]cP]ST\bW^d[S]^cQT[^bc (January 4). The death of over
.DUWDUSXUFRUULGRUDQGE\UHYLYLQJWKHFHQWUDOLW\RI1DQNDQD6DKLE6RWKHYDQ of control back home. And now, WTWPbc^Ud[UX[>]T\PhaTRP[[cWPccWTRaTPcX^]^UcWT U^a fP]c ^U Tg_TaXT]RT >] cWT ^cWTa WP]S Xc Xb cWT 100 children at the Government-
GDOLVPRIDQJU\SURWHVWHUVRYHUWKHZHHNHQGZDVWKHSURYHUELDOVSDQQHULQWKH in a damage-control exercise, he _^bcWPbQTT]SdTbX]RTcWT:PaVX[fPa<P]hR^\\Xc 6^eTa]\T]cb cPbZ c^ T]bdaT cWPc cWTaT³b ]^ TV^ fPa run JK Lon Hospital in Kota,
ZRUNV1RWRQO\KDYHPDQ\,QWHU6HUYLFHV,QWHOOLJHQFH ,6, JHQHUDOVLQFOXGLQJ has been visiting the fire-ravaged cTTbc^^WPeTaTR^\\T]STScWTP__^X]c\T]c^UP23B QTcfTT]cWT23BP]ScWTaTb_TRcXeTbTaeXRTRWXTUbCWT Rajasthan, points to a deeper cri-
villages, shaking hands with angry fW^R^d[SPRcPbPQaXSVTQTcfTT]cWTcWaTTSTUT]RT 23B\dbcQTPRR^\\^SPcTSfXcW^dcadUU[X]VcWTUTPcW sis in the healthcare system.
WKHIRUPHUFKLHI+DPLG*XORSHQO\VXSSRUWHGWKH.KDOLVWDQPRYHPHQWVHYHU and desperate residents. U^aRTb Tab^UcWTcWaTTRWXTUb8cXbX\_TaPcXeTU^aP[[\X[XcPah^UUX Both the primary as well as sec-
DFWLYLWLHVLQ&DQDGD(XURSHWKH86WKH8.DQG0DOD\VLD1RWVXUSULVLQJO\VHY way to greet people and is consid- QPc TUUTRcXeT]Tbb CWPc bPXS Xc Xb P UPRc cWPc cWT cWaTT 6P]P_PcWX1WPc need to be upgraded. Hospitals
ered to be a sign of peace. STUT]RTU^aRTbWPeTP[fPhbPRcTSX]Xb^[PcX^]CWTcaT\T] 0Z^[P need to be equipped with better
WURXEOHRQ,QGLDQVRLOWKH,6,KDVDOVREHHQWDUJHWWLQJDQGUHZDUGLQJFULPHV\Q bolise change and hope. The staff so that the first response to
1SdbUc`_^cYR\i off case wherein hundreds of critical cases like these is ade-
Korean leader Kim Jong-un and and forcing them to shake hands. infants succumbed to death quate. The Government must get
RQWKHLUVRFLDOPHGLDSODWIRUPV,QIDFWVKHGGLQJDOOSUHWHQVLRQVGXULQJWKHRSHQ South Korean President Moon Realistically, this is an assault and owing to systemic negligence. It to the root o the problem and
LQJRIWKH.DUWDUSXUFRUULGRU3DNLVWDQ·V0LQLVWU\RI,QIRUPDWLRQDQG%URDGFDVWLQJ Jae-in marked a milestone in a certainly offensive. There have Sir — This refers to the editor- is a pity that we are addicted to use the Kota tragedy to bring
KDGUHOHDVHGDPXVLFYLGHRGLVSOD\LQJSRVWHUVRI.KDOLVWDQLVHSDUDWLVWOHDGHUV rapid rapprochement after been plenty of reports about his ial, “Children of a lesser God” get wise only when incidents like more reforms and improve the
LQWKHEDFNJURXQG%XWUHSRUWVRIIRUFHGFRQYHUVLRQVDQGWKHGZLQGOLQJ6LNKSRS months of global fears about a lack of empathy. We should (January 4). Former South these happen and several lives overall heath scenario of the
nuclear conflict. always greet people with a hand- African President Nelson are lost. To make matters worse, country.
XODWLRQLQ3DNLVWDQKDYHH[SRVHG.KDQ·VGXSOLFLW\8QDEOHWRGUXPXSPXFKVXS Prime Minister Morrison, shake or its cultural equivalent Mandela had said, “There can be instead of looking for a perma- Ramesh G Jethwani
SRUWDWWKH81*$DIWHUWKHDEURJDWLRQRI$UWLFOHLQ-DPPXDQG.DVKPLUKH too, has met many people with a and if it is declined, accept that no keener revelation of a soci- nent remedy with a view to Bengaluru
QRZVWDQGVHYHQPRUHH[SRVHGDQGULGLFXOHG+RSHIXOO\6LNKVDFURVVWKHZRUOG handshake but some refused to do and move on. ety’s soul than the way in which averting a repeat, authorities
so for various reasons. The prob- Dennis Fitzgerald it treats its children.” The JK Lon get embroiled in a blame game BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
ZLOOVHHWKURXJK3DNLVWDQ·VQHIDULRXVGHVLJQIRUZKDWLWUHDOO\LV lem probably with him is that he Australia Hospital incident is not a one- of sorts. [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!!

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°08<8<?A4B834=C °19?=8I0<0103<?
0B03D338=>F08B8 370A<0?DA80AE8=3

F9>1IC89< 60DC0<
t is a chilly January morning and with the
I clock showing 5.30 am, Delhi is still dark and
the Air Quality Index (AQI) is still severely
poor. Sunlight finds it hard to penetrate a thick
blanket of life-threatening smog. Visibility is
RUJDLQ,WLVPRUHWKDQWKDW,WLVWKHHQGSXUVXHGE\PDQ\PLQGV try lobbyists from the automobile to the hydro- >5C74<4CA>
chokes and shivers. The demagogues who want- =443C>3>
GLDPRQGPLQLQJ7KHPHVVDJHZDVVLPSOHWKDWWKRVHZKREX\WKHVH ed to punish farmers lie exposed as the night dew <D27<>A4F4
PRYLHPDGHDQ\GHQWRQWKHRYHUDOODWWUDFWLRQRIWKHEXVLQHVVRU ly increasing consumption of fossil fuels and prof- ?DA270B4B8=
intentionally. F0H
Cars not farmers have darkened Delhi-
HYHQFLQHPDWLFKHOSWRFRQWDLQWKHSUREOHPEHFDXVHDWOHDVWVRPH ing by farmers is an episodic source of pollution, B8=60?>A470E4
WKLQJLVEHLQJVHWLQPRWLRQWRGRVR8QIRUWXQDWHO\HWKLFVLQHQWHU social media and opinion makers left no stone 3>=48=>A34A Haus Khas. You could be dead in the role to play in the huge environmental send food to the city. But, nevertheless,
SULVHLVDYHU\OLPLWHGGRPDLQHYHQLQEXVLQHVVVFKRROV7KHHPSKD unturned to berate farmers for choking Delhi- C>1A8=63>F= latter location if you’re not extra cau- mess that we humans have created. we can ease this burden and reduce our
VLVVHHPVWREHPRUHRQSURSHUERRNNHHSLQJLQWHJULW\RIGRFXPHQ NCR and darkening our skies. They effectively C748A?>;;DC8>= tious. This needs to change and the We need a holistic consumer cen- dependency on food grown outside the
WDWLRQDQGVLPSOHPRUDOLW\RIWUXWKIXOQHVVDQGPRUH7KHUHFDQEHQRWK deflected attention from more serious polluters ;4E4;B1DC0 more we pedal, the faster it will come. tric solution. For each person, we need city.
LQJZURQJZLWKWKDW+RZHYHUWKHUHDUHRWKHUFRUHLVVXHV,WGRHVQ·W — cars and construction activities. ;0A64A?A>1;4< This is the first positive step we all can to first follow a three-step principle, a Change is coming to Delhi as
KDSSHQRQO\LQGLDPRQGV,WKDVWRGRZLWKPDWWHUVELJDQGVPDOO As we continue to asphyxiate long after the ;>><B take this New Year. Ditch the car, try a “Plastic Satyagraha,” — refuse, reduce urban gardening is proliferating around
LQFOXGLQJFKLOGODERXU7KHUHZDVDQHZVSDSHUUHSRUWRIFU\VWDOVFRORQLV crop residue burning season is over, the truth is cycle, even if once a week, for what is and reuse. We can refuse each time we the national Capital. City dwellers are
out. Cars are the major source of pollution. But D=033A4BB43¯ at stake is not just our air, it’s our sun- are given plastics. One simple way is leasing land collectively around
the lobbyists don’t care for the real pollution. shine. tearing off all the packaging material at Gurugram and spending their week-
VKRZVSHUKDSVWKHODUJHVWFU\VWDOH[SRLQWKHZRUOG$YHU\ODUJH When India buys lesser cars, they term it as bad 30A:4=43BD= Plastic Satyagarha — Refuse, the shop you buy it from. Carry min- ends working on the farms and help-
VSHFLHVRIEXVLQHVVPHQIURPQHZDJHHQWKXVLDVWVWRPDMRUZKROH economic growth. And what does the 85H>D5;H8=C> reduce and reuse: While the Narendra imal or no plastic home. Next would be ing grow their own vegetables.
VDOHUVZRXOGQXPEHUDPRQJVWWKHFXVWRPHUVDQGWKHUHDUHQRSUL]HV Government do? The Odd-Even vehicle C7420?8C0;>=0 Modi Government’s move to ban sin- to reduce the use of plastic, or at least Rooftop gardening is another
IRUJXHVVLQJWKDWWKH86DQG(XURSHGRPLQDWHWKHXVHUV7KH\LQFOXGH rationing scheme of the Arvind Kejriwal-led BD==H30H8CB gle use plastic is commendable, the root try and replace each plastic item you use activity which finds much resonance
HYHU\WKLQJIURPPXVHXPVWRFU\VWDOKHDOHUV\RJDFHQWUHVWRZHOO Delhi Government did well to keep a few cars 70A3C><8BB of the problem is not extirpated. The with some natural alternative and last with young professionals in Indian
QHVVUHWDLOHUV7KLVLVDVSHFLILFIDOORXWRIWKHZHOOQHVVIHYHUZKLFK off the Capital’s roads but this was not a perma- C74C782:B<>6 problem of plastic is entwined with the try and reuse the plastic you have. cities. But to make this into a large
KDVVZHSWWKHZRUOG*RWRDQ\FLW\RUDVSLULQJFLW\DQGRQHEXVL nent solution. 4=E4;>?8=6C74 profits of the petrochemical industry If we don’t act now the “trash movement the municipal bodies or city
QHVVZKLFKLVRQWKHXSWDNHLVWKDWRIFU\VWDOVDQGJHPV7KHUHLV The expansion of the metro system is a great 28CH4E4=0C and I doubt there will be any decrease mountains of Delhi” will be higher than administration can step in and help
QRWKLQJZURQJZLWKWKDW7KHRQO\WKLQJLVWKDWLQDZRUOGZKHUHVR step forward but we need to do much more. We in profits or production of plastic in its the historic and iconic Qutub Minar convert some parts of public parks as
have to restrict taxis in the city and also heavi- !544CC74 various forms unless the demand soon. organic horticulture zones. These zones
ly tax new car purchases in the Delhi-NCR plummets. Don’t buy it, try and grow it: will become carbon sinks and also
SULVHWKDWEHLQJVRFLDOPHGLDIULHQGO\OXEULFDWHVEXVLQHVV$HVWKHWLFV region, just the way progressive places like 8C70A34A5>A As plastic doesn’t only come in sin- Delhi is the top destination for thou- attract local residents to pay the city to
FRPELQHGZLWKFRVPLFVSLULWXDOLW\LVDKHDG\FRFNWDLO+HDOLQJFU\V Singapore have done in order to bring down their ?DA4BD=;867C gle use form, but in myriad forms start- sands of trucks each day carrying dif- grow their own vegetables and herbs.
WDOVDUHDJUHDWUDJHDQGZKHQDQ\WKLQJEHFRPHVVXFKDWUHQGSDV pollution levels. But a larger problem looms C>A4027DB8C ing from the phones to clothes to the ferent types of fruits, vegetables and so This encourages public participation
VLRQVWKHOLNHRIZKLFKFDQRQO\EHVHOHFWLYHO\GLVFXVVHGHQWHUWKH unaddressed — Delhi’s darkened Sun. If you fly 8B70A<5D;5>A toothbrush, comb and food packaging on. Whether it is the Azadpur Mandi and also gives a chance for urbanites to
VFHQH7RGD\WKHUHLVDFU\VWDOIRUHYHU\RFFDVLRQ7KHFHOHEULWLHV into the Capital on a sunny day, it’s hard to miss DB0=3>DA material. The irony, despite the ban on or other smaller wholesale vegetable learn about horticulture. As a big
WKHFROOHFWRUVWKHLQYHVWRUVDUHDOOLQWRLW the thick smog enveloping the city even at 20,000 ?;0=CB0B plastic, our landfills are filled with more markets, the transportation of food for bonus this may also generate addition-
3UHGLFWDEO\WKHFRQFHSWRIDPELHQWHQHUJ\HQWHUVWKHVFHQH<HW feet. The smog is making it harder for pure sun- BD=;867C8B of the material than ever before. Plastic Delhiites has a heavy carbon footprint. al revenue for the municipal bodies.
WKHIDWHRIPLQHUVRIFU\VWDOVHYHQLQWKHDJHRIURVHTXDUW]UHPLQG light to reach us. It is harmful for us and our A45A02C43>55 producing giants like Coca-Cola and If you look closer, the whole system of This 2020, no matter if you live in
HGRQHRIVFHQHVIURPWKH%ORRG'LDPRQG7KHUHLVDOPRVWDFRQ plants as sunlight is refracted off smog particles. PepsiCo continue to pump plastics into production that gets food to Delhi is Delhi or Chennai, try your hand at gar-
However, just taxing cars won’t be enough. B<>6?0AC82;4B the country through their bottles and extremely degrading. dening. It doesn’t matter if you grow a
We need to create an alternative, carbon-free and packaging materials. It’s about time the From the growing stage, our food herb or a pumpkin, the trick is don’t buy
HVIURPWKHPRVWREYLRXVWRPRUHVXEWOHRQHVDUHDGLPHDGR]HQ safe transportation system. There is a need to look Modi Government took a bolder step is dozed with chemicals and then everything, try growing something
+RZHYHUWKHUHDSSHDUWREHYHU\IHZDSSO\LQJVFUXWLQ\WRWKHFU\V at cities like Copenhagen and so on and incen- based on the “polluter pays principle” sometimes kept in cold storage and this year. This is the only way we will
WDOLQGXVWU\7KHUHLVQRFHUWLILFDWLRQRIIDLUWUDGHLQFU\VWDOV7UDQVSDUHQF\ tivise cyclists by building separate cycle tracks and make these corporations liable for finally trucked to a wholesale vegetable reduce our carbon footprint and give
VFKHPHVWKHOLNHVRIZKLFKDUHWKHUHIRUJROGDQGGLDPRQGDUH\HW and infrastructure so more people can be linked our overflowing landfills and contam- market near you. Try and imagine each future generations a fighting chance at
WRHQWHUWKHFU\VWDOLQGXVWU\LQDQ\VLJQLILFDQWZD\3HUKDSVRQHGD\ to the metro system in a few pedals from work inated ground water. India needs to tax step and the kind of pollution each stage survival. It is time that we took some
PDQDJHPHQWH[SHUWVZLOOZDNHXSWRWKHVRUU\VWDWHRIDIIDLUVDQG or home. them while at the same time ban plas- causes. responsibility for our actions and
WKHGHVSLFDEOHFRQGLWLRQVRIVRPHRIWKHSRRUHVWRIWKHSRRULQYROYHG Currently Delhi doesn’t even have one ded- tic packaging. The food laws need to be Social media has ample videos impact on the environment and
LQWKHPLQLQJIRUFU\VWDOV3HUKDSVWKH\ZLOOPDNHDQLVVXHRIPDW icated corridor for cyclists, although Delhi has re-imagined to curb the menace of showcasing adulterations in our food. stopped waiting for the Government to
WHUVRIKXPDQGLJQLW\DQGVRXQGZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQVLIQRWRIWHUUL hundreds of thousands who use the cycle every- micro-plastics in our food and water But this is a necessary evil, as Delhi, do something.
EOHEXVLQHVVSUDFWLFHV+RSHWKDWGD\FRPHVVRRQ day to work or for chores. The policymakers that are not just harming our health and much like other cities, cannot be self- (The writer is Programme Director
should understand there is a stark difference in the health of our children but are also sufficient in food supply and we need for Policy and Outreach at the National
7KHZULWHULVDZHOONQRZQPDQDJHPHQWFRQVXOWDQW cycling to Parliament and cycling in areas like hurting hapless animals who have no to depend on villages and the trucks to Seed Association of India)

Fareed Zakaria (quoting the renowned Between 1404 and 1504, dozens of 1927. It did not carry the death sen- ing life imprisonment for those found demanded that a Bill be tabled to add
South Asian Islamic scholar Maulana alleged “heretics” were killed for blas- tence. In 1947, when Pakistan came guilty of “defiling the Muslim holy the death penalty to the blasphemy law.
Wahiddudin Khan) points out in an phemy. The 13th century blasphemy into being, it adopted the 1927 law. It texts.” A year after the 1985 election, In the “debate” that ensued, only an
article, “Nowhere does the Quran law in France was finally repealed carried a one-year prison sentence or in which only pro-Zia parties and indi- MNA from Jhang, Arif Khan, plead-
prescribe the punishment of lashes, or almost 500 years after it was first a fine. Pakistan thus became the sec- viduals took part, a new Parliament ed that patience be exhibited to pass a 020;2D;0C43
death, or any other physical punish-
enforced. It was cancelled in 1791 soon
after a revolution toppled the French
ond Muslim country to have a blasphe-
my law. Libya adopted one in 1953 and
came into being, led by Prime Minister
Muhammad Khan Junejo. Zia encour-
Bill prescribing the death sentence. But
his voice was drowned out by those <>E41HCAD<?
Yet, a detailed 2017 report by the monarchy and established a secular Indonesia in 1965. None carried the aged the Parliament to legislate laws who claimed that “divine displeasure DB?aTbXST]cCad\_WPb
United States Commission on nationalist republic in France. England’s death sentence. that would “truly turn Pakistan into an awaited those who would oppose the PQP]S^]TScWTcaPSXcX^]P[
International Religious Freedom placed 15th century blasphemy law was made However, the situation began to Islamic state.” Bill.” Ironically, the situation seemed to ]PcX^]P[bTRdaXchSTRXbX^]
>1455= ?0A0270 Iran and Pakistan as the top two coun- part of the British Common Law in the mutate rather drastically when Shia Human rights activist and lawyer, have spiralled out of control for the
he regime of 13th century king tries whose blasphemy laws severely 17th century, but without the death clerics came on top during the 1979 the late Asma Jahangir then delivered Junejo regime because some ministers \PZX]V_a^RTbbTbP]ScWT

T of France, Louis IX, formulated

and imposed what are consid-
ered to be the first formal laws that pre-
deviated from recognised internation-
al human rights principles. The report
studied 71 countries where some form
penalty. In 1949, a British judge ruled
that the law was a “dead letter” and “not
required anymore.”
revolution in Iran. The new Islamic
regime enacted stern blasphemy laws,
making Iran only the second Muslim-
a scathing speech at a Women’s Action
Forum (WAF) seminar in Islamabad
in which she asked why the ulema
tried to stall the Bill. But they couldn’t
and it was passed into a law which
many experts believe is highly vague.
scribed punishments for those found of blasphemy laws exist. It then inves- It is interesting to note that vari- majority country to prescribe the (Muslim scholars) were being turned For example, a Multan court <PhQTfXcWP]
to have committed blasphemy. The tigated the severity of these laws and ous forms of blasphemy laws were death penalty for blasphemy after into a political class. A member of the recently sentenced a professor to death
punishments included the mutilation prepared a list. The top two names on enacted in Europe between the 13th Saudi Arabia. Pakistan would become Jamaat-i-Islami Liaqat Baloch and for committing blasphemy, whereas the X\_TPRW\T]ccaXP[P]S
of the tongue and the lips. Historian the list were of Iran and Pakistan. and 19th centuries, but no such law was the third and Taliban-ruled another member of Zia’s Parliament, Islamabad High Court rejected a peti- T[TRcX^][^^\X]VCad\_
Nora Berend writes in her book At the According to the report, the blas- ever adopted by a Muslim-ruled region. Afghanistan, the fourth. In Pakistan, Nisar Fatima, took slight at Jahangir’s tion against Prime Minister Imran cW^dVWccWPccWTT[X\X]PcX^]
Gate of Christendom that Louis IX phemy laws of these two countries were The first Muslim-majority region to the intransigent military regime of criticism and demanded that WAF be Khan (for allegedly committing blas- ^UPDBT]T\hf^d[SWT[_
largely used his blasphemy laws against also more likely to be misused and/or prescribe the death sentence for blas- General Zia that had come to power banned.Fatima then accused Jahangir phemy) when the court noted that “reli- WXbRPdbTFWPcTeTacWT
Jews and Muslims and against his encourage vigilante violence. To under- phemy was Saudi Arabia, when that in July 1977, upped the ante in 1980 of using inappropriate language for gion was a private matter.”
Christian opponents. He also ordered stand how this happened, it is impor- country came into being in 1932. when it added two more years of Islam. A former justice of the Zia From 1947 until 1985, just 14 peo- \^cXeTWXbd]V^eTa]PQ[T
the burning of dozens of copies of the tant to investigate how the idea of the In South Asia, the idea of the blas- imprisonment to the 1927 law. In regime’s Federal Shariat Court, Aftab ple were charged under the blasphemy X]bcX]RcbWPeTcPZT]cWTDB
Talmud — the central text of Rabbinic blasphemy law evolved in Europe, phemy law was introduced by British response to Iran’s increasing Hussain, disagreed. He told reporters law that carried a one-year sentence. P]ScWT<XSS[T4PbcX]c^
Judaism — after claiming its contents where it had originated. After 13th cen- colonialists. It was first codified in India “Islamisation”, Saudi Arabia began to that he found nothing objectionable in After 1986, when the death penal- SP]VTa^dbP]Sd]RWPacTS
were “blasphemous.” tury France, blasphemy laws also in 1860 and then, as tensions and vio- further beef up its blasphemy laws. The Jahangir’s speech. But Fatima contin- ty was added, over 1,500 people have
There was no concept of such a law appeared in England in the 15th cen- lence between Muslims, Sikhs and Zia regime followed suit when, in 1982, ued to demand action. With a few of been charged. fPcTab
in the Muslim world at the time. As tury during the reign of King Henry IX. Hindus increased, it was expanded in it further expanded the law by prescrib- her colleagues in the Parliament, she (Courtesy: Dawn) CWT6dPaSXP] TSXc^aXP[
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! \^]Th 

AVec`]UZVdV]acZTVd 2hadb<Xbcah)F^]ccPZTd_RWPXa\P]bWX_^UCPcPB^]b 80=BQ =4F34;78 for minority stakeholders".

"The question in these legal
n a major turn in the Tata- proceedings is whether oppres-
Mistry saga, Cyrus Mistry on sive actions of a majority that
Sunday said that he would not stifles minority shareholders is
take up the chairmanship of beyond reproach and outside
Tata Sons or become director judicial oversight," he added.
DBBCA8:4A>8;B of any Tata Group company but
pursue all options to protect the
Mistry said that the found-
ing fathers of the Tata Group
80=BQ <D<108

Shapoorji Pallonji Group's had laid a strong ethical foun- ata Consultancy Services

?C8Q =4F34;78
rights as minority stakeholder,
including a seat at the Tata
dation that cared for all stake-
holders and the relationship
T (TCS) has filed an appeal
in the Supreme Court against
Sons' Board. between the Tata Group and the NCLAT judgement direct-
etrol and diesel prices rose He said that his decision the Shapoorji Pallonji Group is ing reinstatement of Cyrus
P for the fourth straight day
on Sunday as global oil prices
has been made in the interests
of the Tata Group, "whose
one spanning multiple decades
that was built on common
Pallonji Mistry as Director of
the Company.
jumped after the US killed a top interests are far more important agreement and mutual faith. "The company has on
Iranian general, fanning fresh then the interests of any indi- "Former Tata leaders January 3 filed an appeal
fears of conflict in the crude- vidual". worked together with the before the Supreme Court
rich Middle East. "To dispel the misinfor- minority partner to create value against the judgement of
Retail pump price of petrol but even domestic crude oil - per cent, a spike in oil prices mation campaign being con- for all stakeholders." NCLAT dated December 18,
was hiked by 9 paise per litre which forms the raw material poses significant risk as it will ducted, I intend to make it clear The statement comes just directing reinstatement of
and that of diesel by 11 paise, for making petrol, diesel and not just stoke inflation but that despite the NCLAT order days after Tata Sons and it Cyrus Pallonji Mistry as
according to a price notification other petroleum products - is also lead to higher outgo on in my favour, I will not be pur- Chairman Emeritus Ratan Tata Director of the Company for
of State-owned fuel retailers. priced according to interna- Government subsidies on suing the Executive moved the Supreme Court the rest of the tenure," said
Petrol in Delhi now costs tional benchmarks. cooking fuel. Chairmanship of Tata Sons, or challenging the National TCS in a regulatory filing on
C75.54 per litre - the highest in Middle East accounts for "Nowhere in the world has Directorship of TCS, Tata Company Law Appellate Saturday. Tata Sons. reluctance to timely and
more than a year, while a litre more than two-thirds of the seen any supply being stopped Teleservices or Tata Industries. Tribunal's December verdict Last month, NCLAT had The former Tata Sons meaningfully disassociate
of diesel comes for C68.51. country's oil imports, with Iraq because of US strikes. Oil con- "I will however vigorously which ordered the reinstate- restored Mistry as executive chief moved the Supreme himself from his family busi-
While global stock markets and Saudi Arabia being the top tinues to flow as normal," an pursue all options to protect our ment of Mistr y as the chairman of Tata Sons and Court in his personal capac- ness after he became the
were mixed following the US suppliers. official said. rights as a minority sharehold- Chairman of Tata Sons. ruled that appointment of N ity, a day after Tata Sons Chairman of Tata Sons and
killing of Qasem Soleimani, oil Even though import basket Sunday's price increase is er, including that of resuming Ratan Tata, in the petition Chandrasekaran was "illegal". moved the apex court chal- address any conflict in this
prices jumped more than 3 per has been sought to be diversi- the fourth straight day of retail the thirty year history of a seat filed in the top court on In response to this decision, lenging the National regard, which was a condition
cent on Friday. Oil markets will fied with oil being contracted prices going up. Since January at the Board of Tata Sons and the January 3, had said that that the Tata Sons moved the apex Company Law Appellate precedent to his appointment
reopen on Monday after the from nations such as US, pric- 2, petrol price has increased by incorporation of the highest appellate tribunal's verdict was court. Tribunal's (NCLAT) as Chairman of Tata Sons,"
weekend break. The killing of ing in all the regions is governed 38 paise per litre while diesel standards of corporate gover- "erroneous" and it "pulled Besides, Ratan Tata had December 18 judgement. Ratan Tata's petition said.
Soleimani represents "a signif- by international benchmarks rates have gone up 55 paise. nance and transparency at Tata down" the governance and cor- on Friday moved the Supreme Ratan Tata in his petition The petition said that
icant spike in geopolitical risks and rates went up everywhere Prices were unchanged Sons," he said, in a statement. porate structure of the group. Court in his personal capac- to the top court mentioned Mistry's leadership lacked on
and could lead to a direct con- following Friday's strikes. over the new year. Rates of To recent media reports On Mistry's replacement as ity challenging the NCLAT's that disassociation from his various fronts and in the
frontation between the US and Officials said there is no petrol have been on the attributed to Ratan Tata and the Chairman of Tata Sons, he verdict reinstating Cyrus family business, the Shapoorji months before his replace-
Iran," Oxford Economics said immediate threat of any supply upswing since December 26 others questioning the NCLAT told the apex court in his peti- Mistr y as Tata Sons Pallonji Group, was a pre- ment the relationship between
in a commentary. disruption to India and the and that of diesel since judgment ahead of an hearing tion that the relationship Chairman, alleging that in condition for Mistr y's him and Tata Trusts became
India is 84 per cent depen- only impact would be felt in November 29, 2019. Diesel in the Supreme Court, he con- between Mistry and Tata Trusts an instance of conflict of appointment as Tata Sons discordant. Tata also said that
dant on imports to meet its oil prices. prices have increased by C2.78 tended these "profess an inter- had become discordant and it interest, Mistry was reluctant Chairman. Tata Trusts strongly felt that
needs and any spike in global For an economy that is per litre over this period while pretation of corporate democ- was felt by Tata Trusts that he to disassociate himself from "Amongst the various Mistry could not provide
prices has a direct bearing on struggling to recover from a petrol has become costlier by racy as being one of brute could not provide robust lead- his family business even after fronts where Cyrus Mistry's robust leadership to Tata Sons
its economy. Not just imports six-year low growth rate of 4.5 91 paise. majoritarianism with no rights ership to Tata Sons in future. he became the chairman of leadership was lacking was his in future.


VPX]fWT]DB PSSaTbbXbbdTbfXcW^dcfPXcX]V
W^]RW^bSXUUTa ?C8Q =4F34;78

he Government on Sunday
 #Q]X]! ()AT_^ac
80=BQ =4FH>A: T said eight States, including
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh,
usiness leaders take up more Punjab and Karnataka, have
B social responsibility pro-
jects when they disagree with
finalised action plan for agri-
culture export policy which
?C8Q =4F34;78 cent drop in deals, the report
White House, reveals a study. aims to double such exports.
Liberal CEOs invested more
in socially conscious activities,
"The Agri Export Policy
was announced last year with
Icentnvestments in Indian tech-
enabled start-ups grew 18 per
to $14 billion (about
In Asia, funding
dropped by 56 per cent to
$ 83 billion in 2019 from $158
like diversity initiatives and envi- an objective of doubling the C99,400 crore) in 2019, with billion in the previous
ronment conservation, when export and ensuring doubling Delhi-NCR and Bengaluru year.
they felt those values were threat- of farmers' income. Many States accounting for a lion's share of HexGn analysed over
ened, found the researchers. have nominated nodal agency plan which included all essen- The roadmap for cluster the funds, a report by research 60,000 deals and 1 million
"Republican Presidents
aren't as interested in those
and nodal officer.
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh,
tial components like produc-
tion clusters, capacity building,
development in the clusters
notified under AEP was pre-
and consulting firm HexGn
data points for the report.
Delhi-NCR attracted $7.4
6BCR^[[TRcX^] challenges. Without waiting
for the Budget, we are taking
values, so business leaders think, Kerala, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu, infrastructure and logistics and pared to address the identified India has performed better billion in funding, while WPbV^]TPQ^eT the steps," the Minister said at
'we need to do more to promote Assam, Punjab and Karnataka research and development and interventions during the clus- both in the number of deals as Bengaluru-based start-ups a press conference here.
and protect these values'," said have finalised the State Action budget requirements for the ter visits. well as funding in value terms received $4.4 billion in 2019, it C [PZWRa^aT_Ta Stating that the Centre
Nara Jeong, Assistant Professor
of Management at San
Plan and other States are at dif-
ferent stages of finalisation of
implementation of AEP, it said.
Several rounds of discus-
"As a result of cluster vis-
its by APEDA, the cluster level
with companies like Oyo,
Paytm, Ola Electric, Udaan,
E-commerce has custom-
\^]cW does not differentiate between
BJP ruled States and non-BJP
Francisco State University in US. the action plan," the Ministry sions were held with the committee has been constitut- Bounce and Delhiver y arily been the sector to attract ruled States, she said that dues
When business leaders of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Agriculture and ed in the states viz. Potato in raising large rounds, the report the most funding in India and ?C8Q 908?DA of States were not being held
shared same political beliefs as said in a statement. Farmers' Welfare, Department Punjab, isabgol in Rajasthan, said. in 2019 too, it continued its back by the Centre, and funds
President, support for socially The Agricultural and of Animal Husbandr y & pomegranate, orange and "While the number of strong march and attracted inance Minister Nirmala were being given as per the rec-
conscious initiatives declined.
For left-leaning CEOs,
Processed Food Products
Export Development Authority
Dairying, Ministry of Food
Processing Industries and other
grapes in Maharashtra and
banana in Tamil Nadu," the
startup deals in India fell by
only 15 per cent (down 27 per
$2.2 billion in funding, the
report added.
F Sitharaman on Sunday said
the Centre has taken steps to
ommendation of 14th Finance
more likely to engage in social- (APEDA) has been adopting a agencies for seeking inputs for statement said. cent globally and in Asia), Transportation and logis- address the challenges faced by "The GST collection has
ly responsible activities, those focused approach for ensuring formulating a strategy to APEDA organised a num- funding in value terms in star- tics start-ups attracted funding various sectors without waiting gone above C1 lakh crore per
efforts declined by an average greater involvement of the State increase exports and address ber of seminars and meetings tups rose by 18 per cent (com- of over $2.4 billion. for the Budget. month. It will remain good in
of 18 per cent, Jeong said. Governments for effective the existing bottlenecks in the for the implementation of AEP pared to a 22 per cent decline While fintech companies She also said that GST col- the days to come," Sitharaman
Business leaders with same implementation of Agri Export trade. throughout the year. globally and 56 per cent fall in raised over $4.1 billion, given lection, which crossed C1 lakh said.
political orientation as Policy (AEP). State level monitoring A Memorandum of Asia)," it added. the considerable potential of crore per month mark during She also said that credit
President might have an expec- Throughout the year committees have been formed Understanding was signed with Globally, the total funding the sector and thrust the last two months, will was made available to people
tation that Govt "will deliver on APEDA held a series of meet- in many of the States. Cluster the National Cooperative for technology start-ups is esti- towards transparency remain "good" in coming through non-banking financial
social values they hold dear," ings with State Government visits have been made by Development Corporation to mated to have dipped by 22 per and digital payments days."The Government has companies and banks during
said the study published in officials and other stakeholders APEDA nodal officers to the include co-operatives for active cent to $293 billion from $375 from the Indian Government, been regularly taking steps to the festive season of Navratri
journal Management Decision. for preparation of State action product clusters, it added. role in AEP. billion in 2018, with a 27 per it noted. help sectors which are facing and Diwali.


80=BQ <D<108 and will respond "very fast
and very hard" to any reprisal
Manufacturing PMI rose to
52.7 in December from 51.2 in
?C8Q =4F34;78 Q 0b_Ta6^ecSPcP^][h'#caPSTab Tg_^acb)584>
ith the US killing of the from Tehran. November. he National Pension P]SbT[UT\_[^hTS_Tab^]bUa^\ ?C8Q =4F34;78
W top Iran commander
Qasem Soleimani tensions in
Oil and gold prices had
already surged on Friday after
Further, the gross GST col-
lection in December 2019
T Scheme for Traders and
Self-Employed Persons has
3T[WXWPeTaTVXbcTaTSU^abRWT\T urther escalation in the ten-
the Middle East have reignited reports surfaced of the General announced last week, grew by failed to gain traction as only F sion between the US and
and any further development
on this front would be the most
being killed in Iraq, and both
the Sensex and Nifty50, along
8.92 per cent year-on-year to
1.03 lakh crore, although
about 25,000 persons have
opted for the scheme as against
Q $(_Tab^]bUa^\:TaP[P$#Ua^\ Iran will have implications on
India's exports to the Persian
importact factor for the Indian with global indices, tumbled remaining below the target of the government's target to 7X\PRWP[?aPSTbW!(Ua^\9: Gulf nation, apex exporters
equity market, along with its during the day. C1.10 lakh crore set by the enrol 50 lakh by March-end. body FIEO said on Sunday.
global conterparts, in the com- The same nervousness and Government. As per Government data, P]Scf^Ua^\6^PWPeTaTVXbcTaTS Federation of Indian
ing week. concern is likely to follow in the This growth in GST col- only 84 traders and self- Export Organisations (FIEO)
Iran has vowed to take coming week. lection is also likely to boost employed persons from Delhi Director General Ajay Sahai
"tough" revenge and global "Escalation between US market sentiments, analysts have registered for the scheme Q =^^]TWPbaTVXbcTaTSU^abRWT\T said so far exporters have not
leaders have raised concerns and Iran, will add crude prices said, along with the so far, while 59 persons from X];PZbWPSfTT_P]S<Xi^aP\ flagged any concerns related
over the the incident and its and geopolitical tensions Government's latest announce- Kerala, 54 from Himachal with exports to Iran. "However,
eventualities. US President impacting the performance in ment of a C102 lakh crore Pradesh, 29 from Jammu and if the tensions will continue, it
Donald Trump, on the other the short-term," said Vinod infrastructure pipeline. Kashmir and two from Goa The Government launched years of paying premium will may have affect on India's
hand, has warned Iran that he Nair of Geojit Financial "Few positive domestic have registered. the scheme, entailing monthly hardly have any value. Why exports to Iran," he said.
has identified 52 Iranian targets Services. data, like improvement in GST No one has registered for minimum assured pension of have traders aged between 40 He added that due to exist-
Siddhartha Khemka, Head revenue and India factory pro- the scheme in Lakshadweep C3,000 for the entry age group and 55 years been kept out of ing trade sanctions on Iran,
of Retail Research at Motilal duction to 7-month high, has and Mizoram. of 18-40 years after attaining the scheme? The Government Iranian shipping lines are only
Oswal Financial Services said: brought a broad-based rally," Uttar Pradesh has the high- the age of 60 years, with effect can increase premium for this taking Indian consignments
"Markets could be volatile Nair said. est number of registrations from July 22, 2019. age group (40-55) instead of to that country.
going ahead due to risk of pos- He added that the global with 6,765 persons, followed by Under the scheme, the depriving them of the scheme's Tensions between Iran and
sible retaliation from Iran." market may also trade in the Andhra Pradesh (4,781), Government makes matching benefits. These are two big the US increased after an
However, there are also positive in anticipation of Gujarat (2,915), Maharashtra contribution in the subscribers' drawbacks," Khandelwal told American drone strike killed
some positive global and improvement in economy and (632), Bihar (583), Rajasthan account. PTI. top Iranian general Qasem
domestic factors which are uptick in steel prices post the (549), Tamil Nadu (309), Commenting on the luke- He said the traders' body Soleimani last week. Iran is a
likely to provide support to the announcement of US-China Madhya Pradesh (305) and warm response to the scheme, had suggested to the govern- key trading partner of India. Its
market in the coming days, first phase deal to be signed on West Bengal (234). Confederation of All India ment that a provident fund like major exports to India are oil,
including the Trump's recent January 15. The National Pension Traders (CAIT) Secretary provision be made whereby a fertilisers and chemicals, while
announcement to sign the first Another major factor for Scheme for Traders and Self General Praveen Khandelwal fund is created out of the total it imports cereals, tea, coffee,
phase of the US-China trade the domestic market senti- Employed Persons (Pradhan said the entry age and the pre- tax paid by a trader throughout basmati rice, spices and organ-
deal. ments in the coming week Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan- mium for the scheme should be his/her life, out of which every ic chemicals, among others.
In a major sign of improve- would be the corporate earning dhan Yojana) is a voluntary and raised to encourage more trader can be paid monthly India's exports to the Persian
ment in the manufacturing results for the quarter-ending contribution based central sec- traders to join the scheme. pension upon attaining the Gulf nation in 2018-19 were
segment, the IHS Markit India December, analysts added. tor scheme. "C3,000 to be given after 30 age of 60. worth USD 3.51 billion.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! Ud]Sb
Scheme NAV 1Yr% Sundaram Select Small Cap 15.50 16.39 IDFC Large Cap Fund-Reg(G) 34.09 12.51 Edelweiss Mid Cap Fund-Reg(G) 27.26 8.02 HDFC Capital Builder Value Fund(G) 288.47 2.58
Kotak World Gold Fund(G) 10.90 37.11 Series-III-Reg(G) ICICI Pru Smallcap Fund(G) 26.28 12.50 ICICI Pru Bharat Consumption 10.45 7.95 Aditya Birla SL Resurgent 9.64 2.55
ICICI Pru US Bluechip Equity 32.31 36.91 IDBI Banking & Financial Services 11.48 16.31 ICICI Pru Growth Fund-2(DP) 12.82 12.46 Fund-4-(G) India Fund-5-Reg(G)
Fund(G) Fund-Reg(G) Franklin India Focused Equity 42.49 12.43 L&T Business Cycle Fund-Reg(G) 15.71 7.93 IDFC Equity Opportunity-5-Reg(G) 10.11 2.43
Franklin India Feeder - Franklin 35.09 35.81 Sundaram Select Small Cap 10.54 16.28 Fund(G) Franklin India Opportunities Fund(G)73.97 7.86 Templeton India Value Fund(G) 246.48 2.42
U.S. Opportunities Fund(G) Series-VI-Reg(G) DSP A.C.E. Fund-Sr 2-Reg(G) 10.67 12.42 ICICI Pru Value Fund-16(G) 11.27 7.85 Nippon India Capital Builder 7.99 2.38
Nippon India US Equity Opp 17.59 34.68 Sundaram Select Small Cap 15.52 16.26 DSP 3Y Close Ended Equity 16.13 12.41 IDBI Equity Advantage Fund-Reg(G) 28.13 7.82 Fund-IV-B(G)
Fund(G) Series-IV-Reg(G) Fund-Reg(G) UTI India Consumer Fund-Reg(G) 27.07 7.68 L&T Midcap Fund-Reg(G) 134.22 2.31
DSP World Gold Fund-Reg(G) 14.80 33.39 BNP Paribas Long Term Equity 41.44 16.24 Axis Midcap Fund-Reg(G) 39.65 12.39 Nippon India India Opp 11.04 7.62 Sundaram Mid Cap Fund(G) 465.42 2.22
Franklin Asian Equity Fund(G) 25.04 32.77 Fund(G) Kotak India Growth Fund-Sr 7(G) 10.97 12.32 Fund-Sr-A(G) ICICI Pru Midcap Fund(G) 95.77 2.17
Principal Global Opportunities 32.79 32.27 PGIM India Large Cap Fund(G) 179.47 16.23 SBI Equity Opp Fund-Sr IV-Reg(G) 16.12 12.31 SBI Magnum Global Fund-Reg(G) 178.46 7.54 SBI Healthcare Opp Fund-Reg(G) 120.16 2.05
Fund(G) Sundaram Select Small Cap 10.79 16.22 SBI Equity Opp Fund-Sr I-Reg(G) 16.87 12.22 L&T Tax Advt Fund-Reg(G) 55.89 7.52 UTI Mid Cap Fund-Reg(G) 100.97 1.89
PGIM India Global Equity Opp 20.89 32.22 Series-V-Reg(G) Aditya Birla SL Digital India Fund(G) 55.59 12.21 L&T India Value Fund-Reg(G) 36.46 7.44 SBI Contra Fund-Reg(G) 105.65 1.81
Fund(G) Tata Nifty ETF 123.87 16.14 Canara Rob Equity Tax Saver 68.52 12.20 ICICI Pru Value Fund-10(G) 11.97 7.35 UTI LT Adv Fund-IV(G) 10.34 1.38
Kotak US Equity Fund(G) 18.53 28.59 Mirae Asset Nifty 50 ETF 123.92 16.13 Fund-Reg(G) ICICI Pru Nifty Low Vol 30 ETF 92.05 7.26 Baroda Mid-cap Fund(G) 8.83 1.03
DSP US Flexible Equity 28.13 28.23 UTI Focussed Equity Fund-I(G) 14.65 16.03 Tata Value Fund-Sr-2-Reg(G) 10.15 12.18 L&T Equity Fund-Reg(G) 83.81 7.17 SBI Consumption Opp Fund-Reg(G) 116.61 1.02
Fund-Reg(G) HDFC Nifty 50 ETF 1283.3316.00 Tata Value Fund-Sr-1-Reg(G) 10.49 12.17 Baroda ELSS 96(G) 44.96 7.10 Nippon India Power & Infra Fund(G) 96.44 0.98
Sundaram Fin Serv Opp Fund(G) 48.45 27.52 Aditya Birla SL India 91.61 15.99 DSP Midcap Fund-Reg(G) 57.89 12.10 Aditya Birla SL Tax Relief '96(ELSS 32.43 7.03 ICICI Pru Bharat Consumption 9.76 0.93
Tata Banking & Financial Services 21.57 27.49 GenNext Fund(G) PGIM India Diversified Equity 14.00 12.00 U/S 80C of IT ACT)(G) Fund-2-(G)
Fund-Reg(G) Axis Nifty ETF 1260.6815.96 Fund-Reg(G) Aditya Birla SL Tax Relief '96(G) 32.43 7.03 L&T Emerging Opp Fund-I-Reg(D) 9.46 0.73
Edelweiss Emerging Markets Opp 14.26 26.96 Tata Large & Mid Cap Fund(G) 220.71 15.82 Axis Capital Builder Fund-1-Reg(G) 10.99 11.91 SBI Magnum TaxGain'93-Reg(G) 145.06 7.01 Sundaram Emerging Small 9.53 0.65
Eq. Offshore Fund-Reg(G) UTI Nifty Index Fund-Reg(G) 80.26 15.81 JM Core 11 Fund(G) 9.35 11.88 Invesco India Smallcap Fund-Reg(G) 11.00 7.00 Cap-Sr-IV-Reg(G)
Kotak Global Emerging Mkt 17.48 25.28 Tata India Tax Savings Fund-Reg(G) 19.36 15.75 UTI MEPUS 112.69 11.73 Kotak India Growth Fund-Sr 4(G) 9.61 6.88 UTI LT Adv Fund-V(G) 9.50 0.52
Fund(G) SBI Magnum Comma Fund-Reg(G) 38.75 15.66 ICICI Pru Value Fund-11(G) 13.17 11.61 Kotak Infra & Eco Reform Fund(G) 20.25 6.87 Aditya Birla SL Resurgent India 9.74 0.31
Aditya Birla SL Intl. Equity 23.95 25.19 Parag Parikh Long Term Equity 26.94 15.66 Kotak Emerging Equity Fund(G) 40.97 11.56 Edelweiss ETF - Nifty 100 Quality 30 287.25 6.76 Fund-4-Reg(G)
ICICI Pru S&P BSE 500 ETF 160.83 11.42 Invesco India Multicap Fund(G) 48.74 6.75 Nippon India Small Cap Fund(G) 39.52 0.26
ICICI Pru LT Equity Fund 394.88 11.39 HDFC Focused 30 Fund(G) 78.21 6.71 Tata India Consumer Fund-Reg(G) 17.26 0.23
(Tax Saving)(G) Principal Dividend Yield Fund(G) 54.52 6.69 L&T Infrastructure Fund-Reg(G) 15.52 0.13
ICICI Pru NV20 ETF 57.70 11.37 HDFC TaxSaver(G) 522.71 6.69 Aditya Birla SL Infrastructure 30.39 0.07
Invesco India Tax Plan(G) 53.75 11.33 Aditya Birla SL MNC Fund-Reg(G) 786.68 6.68 Fund(G)
Aditya Birla SL Equity Advantage 426.40 11.33 ICICI Pru Value Fund-13(D) 10.80 6.61 Sundaram Emerging Small 9.19 0.02
Fund(G) IDFC Core Equity Fund-Reg(G) 46.07 6.47 Cap-Sr-III-Reg(G)
PGIM India Large Cap 13.13 11.27 Aditya Birla SL Dividend 164.76 6.43 Sundaram Value Fund-VII-Reg(G) 8.65 -0.18
Fund-2-Reg(G) Yield Fund(G) UTI MNC Fund-Reg(G) 196.84 -0.18
Aditya Birla SL Equity Fund(G) 766.12 11.26 DSP Equal Nifty 50 Fund-Reg(G) 9.97 6.26 IDBI Midcap Fund(G) 10.46 -0.29
ICICI Pru Bharat Consumption 11.31 11.21 JM Large Cap Fund(G) 68.39 6.22 ICICI Pru Dividend Yield Equity 16.18 -0.31
Fund-5-(G) Invesco India Midcap Fund(G) 50.48 6.21 Fund(G)
Mirae Asset Great Consumer 37.36 11.02 ICICI Pru Infrastructure Fund(G) 51.01 6.05 SBI-ETF Sensex Next 50 322.71 -0.33
Fund-Reg(G) UTI Dividend Yield Fund-Reg(G) 66.20 6.03 Aditya Birla SL Midcap Fund(G) 278.99 -0.47
Motilal Oswal Midcap 30 26.70 10.91 Principal Multi Cap Growth Fund(G) 144.92 6.01 IDFC Infrastructure Fund-Reg(G) 14.33 -0.49
Fund-Reg(G) L&T Emerging Opp Fund-II-Reg(D) 10.28 5.98 HDFC Infrastructure Fund(G) 15.64 -0.49
Aditya Birla SL Intl. Equity Fund-B(G)19.37 10.89 Franklin India Equity Fund(G) 595.91 5.87 Sundaram Emerging Small 9.66 -0.56
Edelweiss Long Term Equity 48.56 10.84 Principal Nifty 100 Equal Weight 72.81 5.74 Cap-Sr-V-Reg(G)
Fund (Tax Savings)-Reg(G) Fund(G) Aditya Birla SL Mfg. Equity 12.93 -1.15
Fund-A(G) Fund-Reg(G) Edelweiss Tax Advantage 42.25 10.83 Franklin India Prima Fund(G) 970.41 5.66 Fund-Reg(G)
Invesco India Feeder - Invesco 14.18 24.85 IDFC Nifty ETF 126.37 15.66 Fund-Reg(G) Tata Infrastructure Fund-Reg(G) 55.61 5.66 Sundaram Emerging Small 8.40 -1.26
Global Equity Income Fund(G) BNP Paribas Multi Cap Fund(G) 50.92 15.64 Canara Rob Emerg Equities 97.25 10.64 Sundaram Emerging Small 10.76 5.52 Cap-Sr-II-Reg(G)
Baroda Banking & Fin Serv Fund(G) 26.06 23.98 L&T India Large Cap Fund-Reg(G) 29.05 15.64 Fund-Reg(G) Cap-Sr-VII-Reg(G) IDFC Equity Opportunity-4-Reg(G) 7.54 -1.57
SBI Tax Advantage Fund-III-Reg(G) 28.24 23.75 Kotak Equity Opp Fund(G) 129.28 15.63 Baroda Multi Cap Fund(G) 100.85 10.63 ICICI Pru FMCG Fund(G) 246.71 5.31 IDBI Small Cap Fund(G) 9.16 -2.24
Edelweiss Eur Dynamic Equity 12.00 23.54 HDFC Index Fund-NIFTY 50 Plan(G)111.67 15.53 PGIM India LT Equity Fund-Reg(G) 14.80 10.61 ICICI Pru Bharat Consumption 10.56 5.28 Sundaram Emerging Small 8.09 -2.53
Off-shr Fund-Reg(G) IDFC Nifty Fund-Reg(G) 25.36 15.38 ICICI Pru Value Fund-14(G) 11.13 10.53 Fund-1-(G) Cap-Sr-I-Reg(G)
ICICI Pru Global Stable Equity 17.06 23.18 ICICI Pru Nifty Index Fund(G) 118.53 15.37 Axis Emerging Opp Fund-1-Reg(G) 13.17 10.30 Canara Rob Infrastructure 45.03 5.26 Franklin India Smaller Cos Fund(G) 50.72 -2.80
Fund(FOF)(G) Tata Index Fund-Nifty Plan(G) 74.11 15.35 Aditya Birla SL Frontline Equity 234.17 10.28 Fund-Reg(G) IDFC Sterling Value Fund-Reg(G) 48.26 -3.03
DSP World Mining Fund-Reg(G) 9.18 23.12 Kotak Tax Saver Fund(G) 47.21 15.34 Fund(G) Sundaram Emerging Small 10.87 5.25 UTI LT Adv Fund-VII(G) 8.55 -3.13
Nippon India Japan Equity Fund(G) 14.31 23.11 Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund-Reg(G) 54.54 15.26 HDFC Top 100 Fund(G) 503.98 10.19 Cap-Sr-VI-Reg(G) Sundaram Small Cap Fund(G) 77.29 -3.27
Invesco India Financial Services 63.85 23.05 Motilal Oswal Long Term Equity 18.81 15.17 IDFC Focused Equity Fund-Reg(G) 38.42 10.18 Franklin India Equity Advantage 80.63 5.24 Sundaram Value Fund-IX-Reg(G) 8.84 -3.96
Fund(G) Fund-Reg(G) Edelweiss Multi-Cap Fund-Reg(G) 15.13 10.09 Fund(G) Sundaram Value Fund-X-Reg(G) 8.80 -4.14
Aditya Birla SL Global Emerging 14.32 22.92 L&T Focused Equity Fund-Reg(G) 11.59 15.15 Aditya Birla SL Resurgent India 12.52 10.02 Tata Ethical Fund-Reg(G) 161.73 5.12 UTI LT Adv Fund-VI(G) 8.17 -5.01
Opp Fund(G) SBI Nifty Index Fund-Reg(G) 105.17 15.08 Fund-2-Reg(G) Nippon India Tax Saver (ELSS) 56.29 5.09 Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 12.57 -5.25
Sundaram Services Fund-Reg(G) 12.60 22.50 SBI LT Advantage Fund-III-Reg(G) 14.08 15.00 Nippon India Large Cap Fund(G) 35.97 9.97 Fund(G) IX-Reg(G)
PGIM India Euro Equity Fund(G) 14.87 22.09 BNP Paribas Focused 25 Equity 10.33 14.91 ICICI Pru Growth Fund-3(DP) 10.86 9.92 HDFC Equity Opp Fund-Sr 10.55 5.07 Nippon India Capital Builder 7.52 -5.34
SBI Banking & Financial Services 20.06 21.84 Fund-Reg(G) Tata Digital India Fund-Reg(G) 15.39 9.90 2-1126D-May 2017(1)-Reg(G) Fund-IV-D(G)
Fund-Reg(G) Nippon India Index Fund - Nifty 20.47 14.86 Sundaram TOP 100-Sr VI-Reg(G) 12.94 9.73 IDFC Tax Advt(ELSS) Fund-Reg(G) 55.55 4.99 Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 12.63 -5.35
Aditya Birla SL Global Real Estate 21.16 21.07 Plan(G) ICICI Pru Value Fund-8(D) 11.18 9.72 Nippon India Multi Cap Fund(G) 98.65 4.98 VIII-Reg(G)
Fund(G) IDBI Nifty Index Fund(G) 22.57 14.85 Sundaram TOP 100-Sr VII-Reg(G) 12.71 9.65 PGIM India Midcap Opp 18.36 4.91 UTI Transportation & Logistics 93.70 -5.40
DSP Focus Fund-Reg(G) 25.93 20.87 Aditya Birla SL Index Fund-Reg(G) 120.04 14.85 DSP India T.I.G.E.R Fund-Reg(G) 93.34 9.63 Fund-Reg(G) Fund-Reg(G)
SBI Tax advantage Fund-II(G) 40.51 20.83 Kotak India Growth Fund-Sr 5(G) 10.51 14.80 Tata Mid Cap Growth Fund(G) 142.85 9.63 Sundaram Smart NIFTY 100 Eq 11.97 4.89 L&T Emerging Businesses 23.23 -5.45
Sundaram Global Brand Fund(G) 18.30 20.33 ICICI Pru Value Fund-18(G) 12.22 14.74 ICICI Pru Value Fund-17(G) 10.88 9.57 Weight Fund-Reg(G) Fund-Reg(G)
BNP Paribas India Consumption 12.90 19.97 JM Value Fund(G) 33.74 14.65 Sundaram LT Tax Adv Fund-Sr 15.36 9.50 UTI Core Equity Fund-Reg(G) 62.59 4.79 Sundaram LT Tax Adv Fund-Sr 9.23 -5.91
Fund-Reg(G) SBI LT Advantage Fund-V-Reg(G) 10.81 14.56 II-Reg(G) Sundaram Infra Advantage Fund(G) 31.94 4.78 IV-Reg(G)
Motilal Oswal Focused 25 24.44 19.95 IDBI India Top 100 Equity Fund(G) 25.90 14.55 Nippon India Focused Equity 48.17 9.49 Principal Tax Savings Fund 209.03 4.57 Sundaram LT Tax Adv Fund-Sr 7.94 -6.07
Fund-Reg(G) Kotak Standard Multicap Fund(G) 37.64 14.54 Fund(G) ICICI Pru Technology Fund(G) 59.12 4.49 III-Reg(G)
Axis Bluechip Fund-Reg(G) 32.02 19.52 Franklin India Index Fund-NSE 96.68 14.54 Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 27.05 9.47 Sundaram Rural and Consumption 42.32 4.47 Aditya Birla SL Resurgent India 7.93 -6.60
Edelweiss ETF - Nifty Bank 3267.5519.48 Nifty(G) Fund-Reg(G)
DSP World Agriculture Fund-Reg(G) 17.48 19.44 SBI LT Advantage Fund-II-Reg(G) 14.53 14.52 UTI Infrastructure Fund-Reg(G) 54.23 9.46
Sundaram Multi Cap Fund-Sr 11.23 19.19 Baroda Large Cap Fund(G) 15.39 14.25 SBI Large & Midcap Fund-Reg(G) 230.97 9.43
II-Reg(G) UTI Focussed Equity Fund-V(G) 10.26 14.21 IDFC Multi Cap Fund-Reg(G) 96.49 9.37
BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund(G) 97.85 18.85 SBI Technology Opp Fund-Reg(G) 68.16 14.18 DSP Healthcare Fund-Reg(G) 11.00 9.37
Sundaram Multi Cap Fund-Sr 11.25 18.70 ICICI Pru LT Wealth Enhancement 11.54 14.14 Sundaram Value Fund-III-Reg(G) 17.37 9.24
I-Reg(G) Fund(G) Axis Emerging Opp Fund-2-Reg(G) 12.65 9.24
JM Multicap Fund(G) 34.90 18.67 SBI LT Advantage Fund-VI-Reg(G) 11.22 14.14 HDFC Growth Opp Fund-Reg(G) 117.05 9.24
DSP Equity Fund-Reg(G) 42.85 18.45 Tata Large Cap Fund(G) 231.64 14.09 HDFC Equity Fund(G) 678.50 9.23
DSP World Energy Fund-Reg(G) 13.92 18.39 ICICI Pru Growth Fund-1(DP) 12.01 14.06 Nippon India Growth Fund(G) 1152.76 9.16
DSP Global Allocation Fund-Reg(G) 13.53 18.29 SBI BlueChip Fund-Reg(G) 41.70 14.03 ICICI Pru Exports & Services 58.73 9.10
Axis Growth Opp Fund-Reg(G) 11.93 18.24 Aditya Birla SL Focused Equity 63.21 14.03 Fund(G)
Aditya Birla SL Sensex ETF 388.01 18.09 Fund(G) Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund(G) 108.46 9.05
Axis Multicap Fund-Reg(G) 12.73 18.09 Principal Focused Multicap Fund(G) 69.26 13.95 Nippon India Vision Fund(G) 546.77 9.04
Mirae Asset Emerging 58.23 18.08 Canara Rob Equity Diver 142.05 13.91 DSP Natural Res & New Energy 33.04 9.02
Bluechip-Reg(G) Fund-Reg(G) Fund-Reg(G)
Canara Rob Bluechip Equity 27.29 18.04 Edelweiss Large Cap Fund(G) 37.83 13.91 Sundaram Value Fund-II-Reg(G) 16.68 8.97
Fund-Reg(G) UTI Focussed Equity Fund-VI(G) 10.72 13.86 Nippon India Capital Builder 10.25 8.95
Invesco India Feeder - Invesco 11.31 18.02 Tata Resources & Energy 15.12 13.85 Fund-IV-A(G)
Pan European Equity Fund-Reg(G) Fund-Reg(G) ICICI Pru Multicap Fund(G) 301.55 8.88 Fund(G) Fund-7-Reg(G)
HDFC Sensex ETF 4363.0417.99 DSP Equity Opportunities 235.61 13.82 Invesco India Infrastructure Fund(G) 17.69 8.86 ICICI Pru Manufacture in India 10.46 4.39 HDFC Small Cap Fund-Reg(G) 39.31 -6.80
DSP Top 100 Equity Fund-Reg(G) 227.01 17.92 Fund-Reg(G) SBI PSU Fund-Reg(G) 10.51 8.85 Fund(G) Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 12.25 -7.00
IDFC Sensex ETF 427.97 17.74 SBI LT Advantage Fund-I-Reg(G) 14.04 13.79 Mirae Asset Healthcare Fund-Reg(G) 11.06 8.80 UTI-Nifty Next 50 ETF 292.81 4.31 X-Reg(G)
SBI Focused Equity Fund-Reg(G) 153.72 17.55 Canara Rob Consumer Trends 42.36 13.72 IDBI Dividend Yield Fund-Reg(G) 10.90 8.78 ICICI Pru Bharat Consumption 10.60 4.23 Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 8.94 -7.08
Mirae Asset Tax Saver Fund-Reg(G) 19.23 17.55 Fund-Reg(G) IDBI Diversified Equity Fund(G) 22.30 8.78 Fund-3-(G) XII-Reg(G)
HDFC Index Fund-Sensex(G) 368.65 17.52 UTI Banking and Financial 103.71 13.55 Nippon India Consumption Fund(G) 67.99 8.78 Principal Personal Tax saver Fund 195.52 4.22 Nippon India Capital Builder 7.23 -7.16
Tata Index Fund-Sensex Plan(G) 102.29 17.32 Services Fund-Reg(G) Invesco India Contra Fund(G) 49.51 8.77 IDBI Long Term Value Fund-Reg(G) 10.50 4.17 Fund-IV-C(G)
DSP Tax Saver Fund-Reg(G) 51.99 17.27 IDFC Equity Opportunity-6-Reg(G) 10.85 13.49 IDBI Focused 30 Equity Fund-Reg(G) 10.22 8.72 Nippon India Pharma Fund(G) 153.61 4.02 Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 9.28 -7.24
SBI Magnum Equity ESG 113.98 17.16 Franklin India Technology Fund(G) 167.89 13.48 ICICI Pru Large & Mid Cap Fund(G) 334.34 8.69 Tata Small Cap Fund-Reg(G) 10.69 3.98 XI-Reg(G)
Fund-Reg(G) UTI Equity Fund-Reg(G) 152.60 13.47 Sundaram Diversified Equity(G) 103.34 8.66 DSP Small Cap Fund-Reg(G) 54.75 3.93 Aditya Birla SL Pure Value Fund(G) 47.18 -7.50
Aditya Birla SL CEF-Global 25.30 17.07 SBI Infrastructure Fund-Reg(G) 15.99 13.39 L&T Large and Midcap Fund-Reg(G) 48.74 8.63 Aditya Birla SL Nifty Next 50 ETF 287.03 3.93 Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 8.22 -7.55
Agri-Reg(G) SBI Magnum Multicap Fund-Reg(G) 51.45 13.34 Nippon India Value Fund(G) 75.94 8.57 ICICI Pru Value Discovery Fund(G) 143.42 3.52 XIV-Reg(G)
ICICI Pru Sensex Index Fund(G) 12.89 17.00 Invesco India PSU Equity Fund(G) 18.70 13.13 BNP Paribas Mid Cap Fund(G) 33.36 8.50 ICICI Pru Nifty Next 50 ETF 28.73 3.49 Aditya Birla SL Small Cap Fund(G) 31.25 -8.23
Aditya Birla SL Banking & 31.57 16.97 Kotak India EQ Contra Fund(G) 55.53 13.04 Tata Equity P/E Fund(G) 138.98 8.49 ICICI Pru Focused Equity Fund(G) 29.39 3.45 Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 8.02 -9.07
Financial Services Fund-Reg(G) Invesco India Growth Opp Fund(G) 36.43 13.03 ICICI Pru Value Fund-15(G) 11.17 8.45 UTI Nifty Next 50 Index 10.15 3.39 XV-Reg(G)
Axis Focused 25 Fund-Reg(G) 30.78 16.95 Sundaram Large and Mid Cap 36.95 12.96 Kotak Small Cap Fund(G) 74.47 8.36 Fund-Reg(G) Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 7.54 -9.11
Kotak Bluechip Fund(G) 254.07 16.90 Fund(G) SBI Small Cap Fund-Reg(G) 54.28 8.35 UTI Healthcare Fund-Reg(G) 85.82 3.38 XVI-Reg(G)
Sundaram Select Focus(G) 193.89 16.78 UTI Value Opp Fund-Reg(G) 64.90 12.85 Tata India Pharma & Healthcare 9.31 8.27 Sundaram Value Fund-VIII-Reg(G) 10.89 3.23 Sundaram LT Micro Cap Tax Adv 7.84 -9.77
JM Tax Gain Fund(G) 18.46 16.74 Edelweiss Large & Mid Cap 33.22 12.76 Fund-Reg(G) Aditya Birla SL Resurgent India 11.84 3.23 Fund-Sr V-Reg(G)
ICICI Pru Banking & Fin Serv 70.38 16.64 Fund-Reg(G) Templeton India Equity Income 46.96 8.23 Fund-3-Reg(G) Sundaram LT Micro Cap Tax 7.99 -9.88
Fund(G) UTI Mastershare-Reg(G) 129.45 12.76 Fund(G) UTI LT Adv Fund-III(G) 13.54 3.12 Adv Fund-Sr IV-Reg(G)
Axis Long Term Equity Fund-Reg(G) 49.35 16.62 UTI LT Equity Fund 92.73 12.63 Sundaram LT Tax Adv Fund-Sr 14.08 8.17 ICICI Pru Nifty Next 50 Index 25.22 3.03 Sundaram LT Micro Cap Tax 9.34 -10.05
Nippon India Index Fund - 20.38 16.61 (Tax Saving)-Reg(G) I-Reg(G) Fund(G) Adv Fund-Sr III-Reg(G)
Sensex Plan(G) Nippon India Banking Fund(G) 295.77 12.61 Franklin Build India Fund(G) 42.24 8.16 SBI Magnum Midcap Fund-Reg(G) 72.29 2.92 Sundaram Select Micro Cap-Series 7.11 -10.11
SBI LT Advantage Fund-IV-Reg(G) 14.29 16.52 ICICI Pru Bluechip Fund(G) 44.65 12.58 Nippon India Quant Fund(G) 25.99 8.13 IDBI Nifty Junior Index Fund(G) 21.47 2.91 XVII-Reg(G)
Axis Capital Builder Fund-4-Reg(G) 11.65 16.50 Invesco India Largecap Fund(G) 30.07 12.58 Franklin India Bluechip Fund(G) 474.48 8.11 HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities 54.06 2.59 Sundaram LT Micro Cap Tax Adv 7.35 -10.52
UTI Focussed Equity Fund-IV(G) 10.56 16.49 DSP A.C.E. Fund-Sr 1-Reg(G) 10.75 12.51 Franklin India Taxshield(G) 579.67 8.11 Fund(G) Fund-Sr VI-Reg(G)
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! f^a[S !

Washington: Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo said Sunday that
any target the US military may
strike in Iran, in the event Iran
retaliates against America for Tehran: Mourners flooded the Baghdad airport, shocking the if the country attacks American
killing its most powerful gen- Iranian cities of Ahvaz and Islamic republic. He was 62. personnel or assets. AFP
eral, would be legal under the Mashhad on Sunday, weeping The attack was ordered by
laws of armed conflict. and beating their chests in President Donald Trump, who
Pompeo was asked on homage to top general Qasem said the Quds commander had 8A0=20=24;BB>;48<0=8
ABC's "This Week" about Soleimani who was killed in a been planning an "imminent" 24A4<>=H8=C47A0=
President Donald Trump's US strike in Baghdad. attack on US diplomats and 05C4A7D64CDA=>DC
assertion Saturday on Twitter "Death to America," they forces in Iraq. 8=B42>=328CH
that the United States has 52 chanted as they packed Ahvaz's In the face of growing Iraqi
Iranian targets in its sights, streets and a long bridge span- anger over the strike, the coun- CTWaP]) 8aP]WPbRP]RT[[TSPCTWaP]
"some at a very high level & ning a river in the southwestern try's parliament was expected to RTaT\^]h^]Bd]SPh]XVWcc^
important to Iran & the Iranian gested the US Strike in city to receive the casket con- vote Sunday on whether to oust W^]^dab[PX]VT]TaP[@PbT\
culture." Baghdad that killed Iranian taining Soleimani's remains. the roughly 5,200 American B^[TX\P]XSdTc^P]^eTafWT[\X]V
The laws of armed conflict Gen Qassem Soleimani was an As Shiite chants resonated in troops in Iraq. cda]^dcQh\^da]TabX]bTR^]SRXch
prohibit the deliberate target- example of the new strategy. the air, people held portraits of Soleimani's assassination <PbWWPScWTATe^[dcX^]Pah
ing of cultural sites under most "We're going to respond the man seen as a hero of the ratcheted up tensions between 6dPaSbbPXS2^]bXSTaX]VcWT
circumstances. against the actual decision- 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war and for arch-enemies Tehran and V[^aX^dbX]cT]bTP]S\X[[X^]\P]
"Every target that we strike makers, the people who are spearheading Iran's Middle East Washington and sparked fears of _aTbT]RT^UcWTaTe^[dcX^]Pah
will be a lawful target, and it causing this threat from the operations as commander of the a new Middle East war. _T^_[T^U<PbWWPSX]cWT
will be a target designed with Islamic Republic of Iran," Revolutionary Guards' Quds Iran's supreme leader RTaT\^]hc^QXSUPaTfT[[c^8b[P\
a singular mission — defend- Pompeo said. Force. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed P]S8aP]bVaTPcVT]TaP[@PbT\
ing and protecting America," In Baghdad on Sunday, the In the northeastern city of "severe revenge" and declared B^[TX\P]XP]SbX]RTcWT_a^VaP\Xb
Pompeo said. US coalition combating the Mashhad, scores took to streets three days of mourning. bcX[[R^]cX]dX]V8cXb]^c_^bbXQ[T
He also said the Trump Islamic State group in Iraq and around the Imam Reza shrine But Trump warned late c^W^[ScWTTeT]cX]CTWaP]cWT
administration has abandoned Syria announced that it has and, addressing the US, chant- Saturday that America was tar- 6dPaSbbPXSCWTbcPcT\T]cRP[[TS
the previous US administra- "paused" training of Iraqi secu- ed "Be afraid of your own shad- geting 52 sites "important to Iran ^]_T^_[Tc^PccT]SPRTaT\^]h
tion's focus on countering rity forces in order to focus on ow". Soleimani was killed in a & Iranian culture" and would hit bRWTSd[TSc^cPZT_[PRTPcCTWaP] 2^UUX]b^U6T]@PbbT\B^[TX\P]XP]SWXbR^\aPSTbfW^fTaTZX[[TSX]8aP`QhPDBSa^]TbcaXZTPaTRPaaXTS^]PcadRZ
Iranian proxy groups and sug- protecting coalition personnel. US drone strike Friday near them "very fast and very hard" D]XeTabXch^]<^]SPh 05? bdaa^d]STSQh\^da]TabSdaX]VPUd]TaP[_a^RTbbX^]X]cWTRXch^U<PbWWPS8aP]^]Bd]SPh 0?

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia was not
consulted by its ally Washington
In a separate phone call with
Iraq's Prime Minister Adel
republic attacks American per-
sonnel or assets.
9bQ^gXY\U_^X_\YTQi Beirut: Iraq's parliament has
voted to expel the US military FDe`SV^Z]ZeRcj+4??
over a US drone strike that killed Abdel Mahdi, Saudi Crown Saudi Arabia and the United London: Britain's Prime key shipment corridor for world from the country.
a top Iranian general, an official Prince Mohammed bin Salman Arab Emirates, both allies of Minister Boris Johnson is due to oil supplies. Jeremy Corbyn, Lawmakers voted Sunday Tehran: The military adviser to It would try to "devise a
said Sunday, as the kingdom stressed "the need to make Washington, are also vulnerable return Sunday to the UK, where the outgoing leader of the oppo- in favour of a resolution that Iran's supreme leader said the response in a way that would
sought to defuse soaring region- efforts to calm the situation to Iranian counter strikes, ana- he faces criticism for not cutting sition Labour party, said Johnson calls for ending foreign military Islamic republic's response to a both make the enemy regret"
al tensions. and de-escalate tensions", the lysts say. A string of attacks short his holiday to deal with "should have immediately cut presence in the country. The US strike that killed one of the the assassination and "not bring
Saudi Arabia is vulnerable to official Saudi Press Agency blamed on Iran has caused anx- soaring Mideast tensions. short his holiday to deal with an resolution's main aim is to get country's top commanders will the Iranian nation to a war".
possible Iranian reprisals after reported. The crown prince has iety in recent months as Riyadh Johnson, who celebrated issue that could have grave con- the US to withdraw some 5,000 be military, CNN reported In his interview with CNN,
Tehran vowed "revenge" fol- instructed Prince Khalid bin and Washington deliberated the New Year on the Caribbean sequences for the UK and the US troops present in different Sunday. Dehghan said: "It was America
lowing the strike on Friday that Salman, his younger brother over how to react. private island of Mustique after world." parts of Iraq. Supreme leader Ayatollah that has started the war.
killed powerful commander and deputy defence minister, to In particular, devastating leading his Conservative Party In an op-ed in The The vote comes two days Ali Khamenei vowed "severe Therefore, they should accept
Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad. travel to Washington and strikes against Saudi oil instal- to a strong majority in the Observer, Labour's foreign pol- after a US airstrike killed revenge" after a US drone strike appropriate reactions to their
"The kingdom of Saudi London in the next few days to lations last September led December 12 election, has been icy spokeswoman Emily Iranian Gen. Qassem Friday in Baghdad killed actions." "The only thing that
Arabia was not consulted urge restraint, the pan-Arab Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to adopt silent over the US slaying Friday Thornberry, who is in the race Soleimani inside Iraq, dramat- Qasem Soleimani, the power- can end this period of war is for
regarding the US strike," a Saudi Asharq al-Awsat newspaper a more conciliatory approach of Iranian Gen. Qassem to take over from Corbyn, said ically increasing regional ten- ful commander of the the Americans to receive a
official told AFP, requesting reported. Prince Khalid will aimed at avoiding confrontation Soleimani in a drone strike. she was astonished Johnson sions. Revolutionary Guards' Quds blow that is equal to the blow
anonymity. meet White House and US with Tehran. Soleimani's death stoked hadn't said anything 48 hours The Iraqi resolution specif- Force foreign operations arm. they have inflicted," said the
"In light of the rapid devel- defence officials, the paper said, Analysts warn that pro-Iran fears that heightened world ten- after the strike and wondered if ically calls for ending an agree- "The response for sure will former Iranian defence minis-
opments, the kingdom stresses citing unnamed sources. groups have the capacity to sions could spiral into war after he was afraid of angering US ment in which Washington be military and against military ter.
the importance of exercising The killing of Soleimani, carry out attacks on US bases in Iran threatened revenge against President Donald Trump, who sent troops to Iraq more than sites," Brigadier General In a statement on Friday,
restraint to guard against all acts seen as the second most pow- Gulf states as well as against the US, which has sent 3,000 ordered the slaying. four years ago to help in the Hossein Dehghan told CNN in Iran's Supreme National
that may lead to escalation, erful man in Iran, is the most shipping in the Strait of Hormuz more soldiers to Kuwait. Ed Davey, the leader of a fight against the Islamic State Farsi, according to a translation Security Council said the
with severe consequences," the dramatic escalation yet in spi- — the strategic waterway that British Foreign Secretary smaller party, the Liberal group. by the US news network. Islamic republic would retali-
official added. ralling tensions between Tehran could close at will. Dominic Raab has defended Democrats, tweeted that The resolution was backed In a televised news confer- ate in the "right time and place"
Saudi Arabia's foreign min- Washington and Tehran and has "Expect Iranian reprisals Johnson, saying the two have Johnson's silence was “deafen- by most Shiite members of par- ence on Sunday, foreign min- for Soleimani's assassination.
istry made a similar call for prompted fears of a major con- (directly or through partner been in constant contact during ing.” Raab, appearing Sunday liament, who hold a majority of istr y spokesman Abbas Iran-US tensions have esca-
restraint at the weekend and flagration in the Middle East. groups in Iraq, Lebanon or else- this time. The British govern- morning on British news seats. Mousavi said "Iran is not seek- lated sharply since 2018 when
King Salman emphasised the US President Donald where) to target US partners in ment has upgraded its travel shows, dismissed the criticism, Many Sunni and Kurdish ing a war but is ready for any President Donald Trump with-
need for measures to defuse ten- Trump, who ordered the drone the region including Saudi warning for the Middle East and telling Sky News that “the legislators did not show up for situation". drew America from a landmark
sions in a phone call on Saturday strike, has warned that Arabia," said Thomas Juneau, an dispatched two warships to whole government is working the session, apparently Mousavi said the final deci- nuclear agreement and reim-
with Iraqi President Barham Washington will hit Iran "very assistant professor at the escort UK-flagged ships passing closely together. We're very because they oppose abolish- sion would be made by "the posed crippling sanctions on
Saleh. fast and very hard" if the Islamic University of Ottawa. AFP through the Strait of Hormuz, a clear on strategy.” AP ing the deal. AP system's leadership". the Islamic republic. AFP

058A4 C> 3>DB4 S2^^[X]VcT\_TaPcdaTbP]S

fTaTPRcXeTX]cWTbcPcT%#^U Hong Kong: Petrol bombs
cWT\d]R^]ca^[[TS were hurled at a Hong Kong
SCWTUXaTbWPeTZX[[TSPc[TPbc police station and dozens of
!#_T^_[TX]R[dSX]VP#& people were arrested Sunday
hTPa^[S\P]fW^SXTS following a march against so-
BPcdaSPh]XVWcfWX[TcahX]Vc^ called parallel trading near the
STUT]SPUaXT]SbW^\TUa^\ Chinese border.
T]Ra^PRWX]VU[P\Tb=TPa[h The Democratic Party said
!W^\TbWPeTQTT] about 10,000 people marched
STbca^hTS peacefully in Sheung Shui dis-
trict, but violence erupted after
S8]=TfB^dcWFP[TbP[^]TcWT police ordered protesters to
UXaTbWPeTZX[[TS]TPa[h$ disperse.
\X[[X^]QXaSbaT_cX[TbP]S Several petrol bombs were
\P\\P[bBhS]ThD]XeTabXch thrown at the Sheung Shui
TR^[^VXbc2WaXb3XRZ\P]c^[S police station, about 1.5 kilo- BW^_R[TaZbfPcRWPb_a^cTbcTabVPcWTaSdaX]VPST\^]bcaPcX^]PVPX]bc_PaP[[T[
cWTBhS]Th<^a]X]V7TaP[S metres (a mile) from where the caPSTabfW^QdhV^^SbX]7^]V:^]Vc^aTbT[[X]\PX][P]S2WX]PX]BWTd]VBWdX
SBRXT]cXbcbbPhcWTaTb]^ rally took place. ]TPacWT2WX]TbTQ^aSTaX]7^]V:^]V^]Bd]SPh 0?
S^dQc\P]\PSTV[^QP[ The Sunday protest comes
fPa\X]VWPb_[PhTSP\PY^a during a period of heightened from Beijing has raged for mainlanders cross the
a^[TX]UTTSX]VcWTUXaTb anti-mainland sentiment in nearly seven months. border every day to bulk-
P[^]VfXcWUPRc^ab[XZTeTah Hong Kong, where a pro- The marchers were buy goods such as infant for-
SahQadbWP]ScaTTbP]S democracy movement protesting against parallel trad- mula to sell at a profit in
5XaTUXVWcTabdbTbaPZTbc^QPcc[TPUXaT]TPa1daaX[[;PZT^]Bd]SPh 0? bca^]VfX]Sb demanding greater freedoms ing, which sees thousands of China. AFP


TjSVcReeRT\ "%\Z]]VUZ_
Nairobi: Somalia's al-Shabab The US Africa Command were heard at around 5:30 am
extremist group attacked a mil- confirmed the attack on Camp from the direction of the airstrip. Dhaka: An arrest warrant was Farmers Bank including its ex- cal spotlight over two years
itary base used by US and Simba in Lamu county. The scene, now secured, Vienna: Austria's foreign min- issued against Bangladesh's first managing director. after he was forced to quit amid
Kenyan troops in coastal Kenya Spokesman Col. indicated that al-Shabab likely istry has been targeted by a "seri- Hindu chief justice Surendra The ACC in its charge- a row with the government. 05?Q >D0603>D6>D
early on Sunday, destroying US Christopher Karns called al- entered “to conduct targeted ous cyber attack", officials said, Kumar Sinha on charges of sheet described all the 11 to be The ACC earlier said if
aircraft and vehicles, Kenyan Shabab's claims, including that attacks," the report said. warning another country could embezzling 40 million taka, "fugitives". It alleged that Sinha required it would quiz Sinha by even children and four
authorities said.
Kenya's military said the
its attack inflicted severe casu-
alties, “grossly exaggerated."
According to another inter-
nal report seen by the AP,
be responsible.
The attack, which began
court officials said on Sunday.
Sinha, 68, who lives in the
and 10 others embezzling 40
million taka from Farmers
bringing him back home but
"interrogation is not a manda-
women were among 14
killed when a roadside
pre-dawn assault was repulsed There was no report of US dated Friday, a villager that day Saturday, was continuing on US, has been described as a Bank, which was later renamed tory provision for investiga- bomb blew up their bus in
and at least four attackers were or Kenyan deaths. said he had spotted 11 sus- Sunday and "experts say it could "fugitive" by the Anti- as Padma Bank Limited, Pal tions". northwestern Burkina Faso,
killed. The camp, established more pected al-Shabab members last several days," a foreign min- Corruption Commission said. In his autobiography "A the government said.
It was the first known al- than a decade ago, has under entering Lamu's Boni forest, istry spokesman told AFP. (ACC) in its charge-sheet. The development came Broken Dream: Rule of Law, "The provisional toll is 14
Shabab attack against US forces 100 US personnel, according to which the extremists have used The interior and foreign Judge KM Emrul Kayesh of nearly three months after the Human Rights and dead," a statement said, adding
inside Kenya, a key base for Pentagon figures. as a hideout. ministries issued a statement Dhaka's Senior Special Judges' ACC said it found evidence of Democracy", Sinha said he was that 19 more people were hurt,
fighting one of the world's A US flag-raising there in The report said Kenyan about the attack which started Court took cognizance of the fraud involving transactions of forced to resign in 2017 intim- three of them seriously in
most resilient extremist orga- August signalled its change authorities did not find them. shortly before 11.00 pm (2200 graft charges brought against 40 million taka borrowed with idation and threats, drawing a Saturday's blast.
nizations. “from tactical to enduring Al-Shabab's claim of GMT) on Saturday. Sinha and 10 others by the fake documents by two busi- sharp reaction from Prime The explosion happened in
A plume of black smoke operations," the Air Force said responsibility said Sunday's "Due to the gravity and ACC. nessmen from the bank while Minister Sheikh Hasina who Sourou province near the Mali
rose above the base near the at the time. attack destroyed US equipment nature of the attack, it cannot be "The judge ordered his the amount was deposited in accused some anti-government border as students returned to
border with Somalia, where al- An internal Kenyan police including aircraft and vehicles, excluded that it is a targeted (Sinha's) arrest along with 10 Sinha's account. newspapers of backing him. school after the Christmas hol-
Shabab is based. report seen by the AP said two and it posted photos of blazing attack by a state actor," the others as the ACC accused Sinha, who is said to have In a media interview after idays, a security source said.
Residents said a car bomb fixed-wing aircraft, a US Cessna aircraft it asserted were from the statement said. him of misappropriating and sought asylum in the US, served the book launch in "The vehicle hit a home-
had exploded. and a Kenyan one, were attack. "In the past, other European laundering about 4 crore taka as the 21st Chief Justice of Washington, Sinha urged India made bomb on the Toeni-
Lamu county commission- destroyed along with two US A second al-Shabab claim countries have been the target of (USD 471,993) in 2016," pub- Bangladesh from January, 2015 to support the rule of law and Tougan road," the source
er Irungu Macharia told The helicopters and multiple US issued hours later asserted similar attacks. Immediate mea- lic prosecutor Taposh Kumar to November, 2017. democracy in Bangladesh, call- told AFP. "The Government
Associated Press that five sus- vehicles at the Manda Bay mil- that "ïntense close-quarters sures have been taken and a Pal told reporters. The case came days after ing the incumbent Awami strongly condemns this cow-
pects were arrested and were itary airstrip. combat" against US forces "coordination committee" set The rest of the accused are Sinha's newly-launched autobi- League Government as a "auto- ardly and barbaric act," the
being interrogated. The report said explosions continued. AP up, the statement said. AFP former senior officials of ography brought him in politi- cratic" one. PTI statement said.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!!
eXePRXch "

he Golden Globes, known as their symbolic steps but also as an appetiser.
T the “party of the year,” is
going with a meatless menu for
something that guests could
The HFPA has partnered
with Icelandic Glacial, a natural-
its 77th annual awards show. Matthew Morgan, execu- ly alkaline and sustainably-
Guests will be served a 100 tive chef at The Beverly Hilton, sourced natural spring water.
per cent plant-based meal just 7KH*ROGHQ*OREHVZLOOVHUYHSODQWEDVHGPHDOVDWLWV called the menu change initial- The water will be served in glass

ahead of the showtime Sunday.
The initiative is being taken to WKDZDUGVFHUHPRQ\WRUDLVHHQYLURQPHQWDODZDUHQHVV ly surprising. But he ultimately
understood that it would send
bottles to eliminate plastic waste
in the ballroom and red carpet,

raise environmental awareness
about food consumption and
DERXWIRRGFRQVXPSWLRQDQGZDVWH across a positive message. “It was
a little shocking when it was first
which is reused at other events
throughout the year.
waste. some initial push back about mentioned because of being Soria called the food “excel-
0Rc^aE83H010;0=fP]cbQXVVTa “If there’s a way we can, not changing the menu just about very close to the actual Globes lent” after a recent taste-testing
^_T]X]VbU^aWTaUX[\bcWP]cWTUX[\ change the world, but save the two weeks before the show but and having already decided on session. Morgan said making the
X]Sdbcah³b\P[Tbd_TabcPab planet, maybe we can get the the hotel eventually agreed on a menu,” he said. “But once we change wasn’t too difficult and
Golden Globes to send a signal the new menu. thought about it and the mes- added that the first course was
°8fP]cQXVVTa^_T]X]VbcWP]cWT and draw attention to the issue “People were basically say- sage that it sent, we were really already vegan and the main
\P[Tbd_TabcPab±bWT[PdVWTSP]S about climate change,” Lorenzo ing it’s too late, we’re ready excited about it! That’s some- course was a vegan alternate in
PSSTS°8P\VaTTSh8cWX]ZXc³bP Soria, president, Hollywood with all the orders, the holidays thing I stand behind myself.” which they enhanced the dish-
eTahX]cTaTbcX]VcX\Tc^QTX]7X]SX Foreign Press Association, said. and all that,” he said. “But after Items on the main entree es to add some “pop and colour
RX]T\P8aTP[[h[^^ZU^afPaSc^cWXb He added, “The food we eat, the we began discussions, meeting include king oyster mushrooms to the plate.”
way we grow the food we eat, the for one or two days, they (the scallops and wild mushroom The annual awards cere-
STRPST0bPUT\P[TPRc^aPc# 8P\ way we dispose of the food is hotel) accepted the change com- risotto, along with roasted baby mony will air from The Beverly
P\PiTSfXcWcWTZX]S^U one of the large contributors to pletely. They started to experi- purple and green Brussels Hilton in B everly Hills,
a^[TbP]SUX[\b8P\QTX]V the climate crisis.” ment with how to do plant- sprouts and carrots. A chilled California.
^UUTaTS± Soria said that there was based meals that was not just golden beet soup will be served °0?
UT\P[TPRc^abbWTWPb respect its audience and have something
[^^ZTSd_c^X]7X]SX 5^aUX[\\PZTa to say and generate a conversation at the
RX]T\PEXShPbPXS end of the day because now, he feels, the
°8³eTP[fPhb[^^ZTS :0=D147;UX[\b audience has matured and is accepting
more complex narratives easily. Behl
BWTfPb^]T^UcWT bW^d[SaTb_TRccWT points out, “The grand 80s and the 90s
failed our commercial cinema as they did-
PdSXT]RTP]SRaTPcTP n’t reflect the society. As a result, they did-
n’t mean anything to anyone at that time.
bRPaTSc^Tg_aTbbWTa b_PRTU^acWT\c^ Before that, the Bollywood of the 60s and
the 70s was still doing very relevant work.
^Ua^[TbbWT_XRZTS `dTbcX^]P]STeT] From Guru Dutt, Raj Kapoor, Hrishikesh
Mukherjee to Shyam Benegal, they made
BaXSTeXWPbWPSP Tg_[^aTP]bfTab films that had as much to say as much as
they entertained.”
cWT\bT[eTb7XbbW^ac Looking at the current trend in
Bollywood, there has been a streak of
7Ta]Tgc UX[\1X]]d:PBP_]P biopics over the last five years, which has
also become one of the favourite gen-
aT[TPbTb^]<Ph' X]XcXPcTbPR^]eTabPcX^] res. However, Behl doesn’t have a very
high opinion on this trend. He says, “It
is incorrect to call them biopics. They
are more of a hagiography. This streak
³FTVXeT is more of a substitute of Marvel-like
SXUUTaT]cZX]Sb 1h0HDB78 B70A<0 superheroes in India because we don’t
have any traditional superheroes here.”

^Ud_QaX]VX]V And what about the theme of real-
c^cWTb^]P]S ism that is taking rounds in the Hindi
cWTSPdVWcTa film industry? The director feels that
most of the social issue films are just

public service advertisements. “I find a
Q^hbW^fc^ total lack of nuance and complexity in
PRRT_caTYTRcX^];PcTa them. I don’t think that most of them
are interested in exploring the issue
Xccda]bX]c^TV^8]\^bc beyond just preaching. For me, it is not
RPbTb^UPRXSeX^[T]RT what cinema is for. We all know what
cWTQ^hWPbUPRTSfXcW they are saying at the end of the day.
They are just repeating the kahavatein.
aTYTRcX^]Ua^\cWTVXa[ he cyclical pattern of patriarchy is brother-in-law. Many years salise your experiences to al. Having said that, such films are a fair But where is the conversation around
T a globally recognised social condi-
tion. And evidently, a highly flawed
phenomenon. One might even go a step
later, Binnu leaves home. At
a party, he sleeps with his
boss’ daughter, whom he falls
make them larger so that
they don’t just stay restrict-
ed to your personal life.” He
rebellion and an initiative to structure
such a thing that is defunct and clearly
doesn’t work. So there is a need to have
that issue?”
Well, Behl is someone who would
make a film that has enough space for
forward and think of it as a social disor- in love with but things don’t believes that Binnu Ka Sapna a nuanced debate about it,” says Behl, the audience to walk out with certain
_PaT]cb]TTSc^S^cWPc der. In almost every other home in the go as planned. He leaves the is a film that will be relevant whose debut feature Titli has won eight questions and have the rest of the con-
1^hb]TTSc^[TPa]c^ country, this cycle is justified and nor- town, engaging in another even after decades because it international awards including the NET- versation with themselves rather than
malised. The real impact of being witness romance in another city. But tries to explore the impact of PAC and the Best First Foreign Film someone passively telling them that this
PRRT_c³]^´U^aP] to the cycle, unfortunately, comes a full something is not quite right. anger and violence on an (2015) from the French Syndicate of is the lie and that is the truth. “Films
P]bfTaP]SaTP[XbTfWh circle when children who grow up in such Slowly, a strange paranoia individual as well as society. Cinema Critics. should leave enough space for the audi-
R^]bT]cXbX\_^acP]c´ an environment, enter adulthood. begins to engulf his being. “It will help us reflect on the way we live So what influences have shaped him ence to come and interact. It must not
°EXZaP]c<PbbTh Filmmaker Kanu Behl’s short film Binnu Behl says that Binnu Ka Sapna delves our lives today,” adds he. The film, pro- to question the pattern of patriarchy close all doors by giving a particular
Ka Sapna talks about the journey of one deep into a malignant mindset, trying to duced by Terribly Tiny Talkies and because even Titli dealt with a similar solution. Someone shouting or giving a
such young man, initiating a larger con- bare the ticking time bombs around us Colosceum Media, shows a harrowing issue. He says, “Thematically, I think they solution explicitly for people is almost
5X[\\PZTa0=DA06:0B7H0? versation about the need to introspect. and illuminate the wicks that light them. transformation of a victim into an attack- are two completely different pieces propagandist. That is the power of cin-
WPbRP[[TScWT?<=PaT]SaP<^SX The story revolves around Binnu, The 32-minute narrative is his attempt to er, with society only serving as a catalyst. exploring different sides of the psycho- ema that people connect in an ideal sce-
V^eTa]\T]cTV^XbcXR who carries multiple lives that he has wit- understand the anger within. He shares, The filmmaker believes that patri- logical spectrum. Titli was more about nario, which leaves them moved not just
nessed in his mind. His dreams get fil- “I went through a period where I raged archy is a disorder as it establishes the secularity and how patterns travel with- by the story or the plot but by what they
P]S°X[[XcTaPcT± tered and nightmares remain unshed. An and destroyed everything in my path. supremacy of one gender over the other. in a family.” notice that leaves them questioning the
8]WXbaTRT]c uneasy cycle of violence bursts beneath Irretrievably, irrevocably. Where did the “It resonates with the capitalist structure, According to him, it is really impor- lives that they live. And that is where the
CfXccTa_^bc0]daPV the surface. Will it drench everyone roots of that anger lie? Did the anger root much like taking control over what tant for a film to not be a sermon. He change begins — with questions that are
fa^cTX]7X]SX around him? Binnu has grown up strug- from a focal core or was it a constantly belongs to the other. Even the institution doesn’t think films are meant to be some- raised while you watch a piece of art and
°CWT200201Xb]^c gling with the echoes of the sound of his mutating unrecognisable beast? Its con- of marriage in India has been subsumed one’s observation. “Generally it’s like... then every individual going back and
father slapping his mother, the first one sequences and ripples, either way, rested with patriarchy, so much that one gen- someone who knows everything about finding answers for themselves,” says he.
V^X]VP]hfWTaT8cXb being 25 years ago, when she merely on my individual doorstep. That’s how it der is only suppressing the other. In that life and they are now trying to tell you,” (The film streams on MUBI India till
X\_^bbXQ[TU^acWT\ emerged from the same room as her began. In such times, you try to univer- sense, patriarchy is clearly dysfunction- says he. For him, a film should always January 22.)
F 4 1 1 4 3
^UeXRc^ahP]SSTUTPcBdRWXbcWTXa 90<C0A0°
Qda]TSc^PbWTb<^SXRP]]TeTa A group of small-
QTfa^]V1TRPdbTX[[XcTaPcT_T^ town young men run
_[TPaT[XZTcWPc± a lucrative phishing
operation, until a cor-
0UTfSPhbPV^:PbWhP_WPS rupt politician wants
RP[[TS?<<^SXP]°daQP]=PiX± in on their scheme
^]b^RXP[\TSXP and a cop wants to
fight it. Starring Amit
Sial, Dibyendu
3fPh]TcaPX]b Bhattacharya and
Aksha Pardhasany,
U^a1[PRZ0SP\ season 1 releases on
Januar y 10 on
0Rc^a3F0H=49>7=B>=XbbTcc^ Netflix.
X]cWTUX[\1[PRZ0SP\ ?>;824
9^W]b^]PZPCWTA^RZWPb Doctors Owen
bcPacTScaPX]X]VU^acWTbd_TaWTa^ Maestro and Lola
UX[\fWXRW_a^\XbTbb^\TWXVW Spratt leave Children’s
_^fTaTSPRcX^]P]S268 Hospital and join a
aPii\PcPii secret arm of the
CDC to investigate
CWTPRc^aP[b^_^bc 0Rc^abBWaPSSWP:P_^^a and destroy a deadly
TSPR^d_[T^Ub]P_b P]SEPad]3WPfP]bfXa[ global virus. Starring
Ua^\WXb_aT_PaPcX^]^] cfXa[P]SbWPZTP[TVX] Erinn Hayes, Rob
b^RXP[\TSXP _TaUTRc[hRW^aT^VaP_WTS Huebel and Malin
P]SR^^aSX]PcTSSP]RT Akerman, season 1
1[PRZ0SP\Xb \^eTbfWX[T_a^\^cX]VcWT releases on January
cWTPaRW]T\TbXb cWXaSb^]V8[[TVP[FTP_^] 10 on Netflix.
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WXbc^ah^UWXb QTPcCWTPRc^ab[^^ZTS follows the ups
^f]0[cW^dVW UPQd[^dbX]cWTXaUd]Zh and downs of
Navarro College’s
SXcX^]P[[hQTT]PeX[ R^\Uh_P]cbCWTh
cheer squad as
[PX]9^W]b^]XbbT[[ bW^fRPbTSb^\T^UcWT they work to win
X]VWX\PbPWTa^ SP]RTbcT_bcWPccWTh a coveted
CWTUX[\aT[TPbTb^] _TaU^a\TSX]cWTb^]VPc national title.
3TRT\QTa!! ?W^c^)?P]ZPY:d\Pa
Season 1 releases
!!  on January 8 on
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eXePRXchj\X]Sb_PRTl #

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ooking at the current global political scenario,
ss Ghat Antar Baag Bagiche, are L the demand for harmony between various

I words evocative of the exceptional

oeuvre of Haku Shah, a celebrated
Gandhian artist, art historian, photog-
communities, castes, regional linguistic and
other inter-caste groups, is on the top of every
nation’s agenda. People are also aware that the
rapher, crafts archivist and polemicist, absence of harmony leads to waste of energy,
who is the subject of an ongoing exhi- money and time as efforts are made to prevent
bition at the Kiran Nadar Museum of worsening of relations between various antago-
Art. His death at the age of 84, after a nistic groups or restore normalcy in law and order
long illness on March 21 last year, has
stirred renewed interest in his art prac-
2T]caP[c^70:DB707³beXbX^]PaTT]SdaX]V6P]SWXP]XSTPbcWPc_^fTaTScWT8]SXP] if there are clashes between various communities
or groups.
tice. His approach predates most of the
contemporary theoretical lenses and
X]ST_T]ST]RTPbfT[[PbX]cTa]PcX^]P[aTbXbcP]RT\^eT\T]cbbPhbBD90C0 ?A0B03 Our soci-
etal structure
the razzmatazz of fleeting zeitgeist is so clearly
movements. Central to his vision are the human dignity of the creators and the Hoffmann, Frei Otto and others. Shah up a Crafts Village in Udaipur. knit today that
enduring Gandhian ideas and values that eloquence of the forms they developed thrived in this house of creativity. His own art practice was insepara- a disturbance
powered the Indian independence move- as objects, functional and symbolic”. As a teacher, Shah mentored gen- ble from his political beliefs. It was also caused by one
ment, the civil rights movement in the Shah’s exhibition of clay objects, Form erations of students at the National powered by a refined Sufi poetic sen- factor in one
US, the Solidarity Movement in Poland, and Many Forms of Mother Clay, curat- Institute of Design, taught at the School sibility reflected in a small body of work sector, sets
the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, ed for the Crafts Museum in Delhi pio- of Architecture and joined the emanating from his collaboration with waves of dis-
the anti-Apartheid movement in South neered some of the best indigenous cura- University of California in the spring of Shubha Mudgal in an exhibition called turbance in
Africa and several other political and torial practices as he did his collabora- 1991 to teach a studio course in Textiles Haman Hai Ishq (love is all there is). other sectors
human rights movements across the tive 1968 exhibition with art historian Dr and Design as a distinguished Regents’ One also sees his effortless creativity at of the society
world. Stella Kramrisch named Art of Unknown professor. He was a conscientious work in playful experiments with hand- also. An act of
The retrospective, with its display of India at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. researcher and authored several books made paper called Kalamkhush (the dishar mony,
terracotta figurines, is a celebratory Mentored in equal parts by artist- and monographs on folk and tribal art, paper that delights the pen). The most wrought by
homage to his passion for collecting and pedagogue KG Subramanyan, Sankho deconstructing the semiotics of rites and resonant work displayed in this unfor- science, tech-
presenting traditional rural and tribal Chaudhuri and NS Bendre at the Faculty rituals embedded in nature and earth gettable retrospective is from the nology, educa-
craftsmanship. His life was a crusade for of Fine Arts in Baroda, Shah’s love for with eminent scholars like Eberhard Gandhi series, where he has used the tion, art or reli-
placing India’s economy at the corner- rural and tribal art forms received fillip Fischer, Stella Kramrisch, Joan Erikson semiotics of Gandhian objects to engage gious worship,
stone of its development strategy. In the during his association with Pupul Jayakar and Charles and Ray Eames. His book with important political and ethical in fact by any
words of Kapila Vatsyayan, his eye was at the Weavers’ Service Centre, Bombay on Votive Terracottas of Gujarat is questions, creating a space for aspect of the
discerning, his taste impeccable, and his with which she was closely connected. amongst his most compelling work Satyagraha:the wilful, peaceful, break- society’s life
respect for the creators of art exemplary. Seeing his interest in indigenous tradi- together with his monograph on Temple ing of laws that are unjust, the most can disturb
“I watched him, both as an artist and a tions, she encouraged him to move as Tents for the Mother Goddesses in powerful weapon of dissent in a non- harmony. The
collector, and knew that, despite the chal- research assistant to the National complex built by Le Corbusier in Paldi, Gujarat. One of his most seminal con- violent struggle. forces of disturbance in turn will affect various
lenges and temptations of professional Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. At driven by the ideas of luminaries like tributions was in establishing an ethno- (A former civil servant, Sujata fields. Disharmony in the form of environmen-
curatorship, here was a man committed that point it was called the National Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ernst graphic Tribal Museum at the Gujarat Prasad is an author, art columnist and tal degradation is the best example of recent times.
to the “earth” and soil of these creations, Design Institute, located in the museum Scheidegger, Hans Gugelot, Armin Vidyapith in Ahmedabad. He also set craft crusader.) It is, therefore, essential that all types of institu-
tions and all aspects of an organised society

should work together to create holistic harmo-
nother growing season is Don’t worry about the adults. ny, else an incongruous step by one or a desyn-
A building momentum with
the 2020 seed catalogs and gar-
You want to go after the eggs
before they develop into juvenile
chronised way by another can disturb the sys-
deners are drafting plans for new leaf cutters. Most eggs are on the Research has proved that education is one of
harvests. There’s such a thing as underside of leaves. Use soapy the most important sectors which can contribute
being too enthusiastic, though,
especially among novices. BcPacX]Vc^^[PaVTXbcWT\^bcR^\\^]\XbcPZT\PSTQhUXabccX\TVPaST]Tab7TaTPaTPUTfcX_bU^acWT\ water and picking or simply
remove the infested leaves,”
a lot to the well-being and smooth functioning
of the society. To create a healthy and prosper-
Beginners can achieve their Murphy said. Weeds compete ous society, in which there is social, political and
best planting results by thinking through and greatly inhibits with your plants for nutrients economic justice, education is essential to
small. “Starting too large is the growth,” she added. Squeeze the and water. Get rid of them enlighten the people on the need to inculcate
most common mistake made by soil gently in your hand. If it before they go to seed. Mulching human values and divine qualities in their life.
first-time gardeners,” said Barbara crumbles a bit when squeezed, retains soil moisture, cools the Currently, this element is neglected in education,
Murphy, a Master Gardener coor- it’s ready for use. “It can take a ground and smothers weeds. as a result of which many highly educated peo-
dinator and horticulturist with long time to get good soil tex- Use natural and free materials ple do not know how to live a peaceful life and
University of Maine Cooperative ture, and just minutes to destroy like shredded leaves, newspaper, face their problems.
Extension for 23 years. it if you work it while it’s too grass clippings and sawdust that It is also found that the present education sys-
“Limit yourself to 10 feet by wet,” Lerner said. also enrich the soil over time. tem does not cultivate the qualities of tolerance,
10 feet. If you grow frustrated Also try to eliminate or ease up self-control, humility, service and co-operation
because of too many things hap- SKeep records on the pesticides. Chemicals for the well being of society and responsibility for
pening the first year, there’s a good “You can learn a lot by don’t discriminate. They kill the one’s own actions. Also, students are not taught
chance you won’t feel like garden- recording things. What worked beneficial insects along with to value simplicity, honesty, justice, non-violence
ing for a second. You can always and what didn’t. Put those the bad. and fair play. The result is that even after spend-
expand as your skills develop,” lessons to use the following ing so many years in schools, colleges and uni-
says she. year,” Lerner said. For vegetable S Avoid overcrowding and versities, there is often a lack of gentleness, nobil-
gardens, choose easy-to-grow recruit pollinators ity, sincerity, humanism and an inspiring goal. The
SOther tips that beginners can plants like leaf lettuce, carrots, Avoid overcrowding that society, therefore, may have many educated
start thinking about now: zucchini, potatoes, green beans stresses plants, invites disease people yet there may be commotion in legisla-
and radishes. Leave more chal- and reduces yields. And recruit tive bodies, disregard for law, criminal tenden-
Find the right location lenging plants like cauliflower, pollinators by adding clumps of cies and unsocial habits.
You need 12 to 16 hours of melons, celery and broccoli for pollen-rich blooms (think daisy- Therefore, education would fulfill its noble
sun per day for a vegetable garden, another season. like coneflowers, sunflowers, objective if it imparts such values that create har-
Murphy said. Ornamental gar- asters) to a vegetable mix monious personality and helps to maintain har-
dens aren’t as fussy. Gardens also SGood soil preparation Lerner, an Extension horticul- wet. Soil structures will compact SDeal quickly with insects enhances pollination and boosts mony in the society. It will also lead to a harmo-
need a convenient water source “It is important to success, turist with Purdue University. and get tight. That makes it “Make regular visits to your harvests. nious relationship of man with nature, environ-
and rich, well-drained soils. but be patient,” said Rosie “Don’t force the soil when it’s tough for water and air to move garden to check for plant pests. °0? ment and self.


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spanyol’s Wu Lei became the first

E Chinese footballer to score

against Barcelona on Saturday
and has revealed how the goal that
05?Q BH3=4H
went viral was planned while he was
warming up. S tefanos Tsitsipas whipped an
error-strewn Alexander T]ScXc[TSa^dVWc
Wu earned Espanyol a dramatic Zverev to win the battle of the
2-2 draw at the RCDE Stadium after big guns at the ATP Cup on
he fired in an 88th-minute equaliser Sunday, inflicting a second suc-
to salvage a point in the all-Catalan cessive defeat on the German in
clash of La Liga’s top against bottom. his warm-up for the Australian
The 28-year-old drove decisively Open.
past Barcelona’s stand-in goalkeeper On day three of the inaugur-
Neto and into the far corner but his al 24-nation team event in
goal owed much to a brilliant reverse Sydney, Brisbane and Perth,
pass too, executed by his team-mate world number 11 David Goffin
Matias Vargas. was another loser, along with
4b_P]h^[´bFd;TXRT[TQaPcTbPUcTabR^aX]VWXbbXST´bbTR^]SV^P[PVPX]bc1PaRT[^]PSdaX]V;P;XVP\PcRWPcA234 bcPSXd\^]BPcdaSPh ;P;XVPCfXccTa
Both players had been intro- Italy’s Fabio Fognini, ranked
duced by new coach Abelardo state-run China Global Television Espanyol from Shanghai SIPG end of last season, playing 21 times get the victory because we are gain- one place below him.
Fernandez in the second half and Wu Network (CGTN) said. in January last year and after and scoring four goals. ing momentum. Greek star Tsitsipas, who 05?Q 3>70
said after the match that Vargas had The 28-year-old Wu “single-hand- finishing top scorer in the This term, he has been even “We thank all the fans who sup- won the 2019 season-ending
predicted he would give him a chance. edly revitalised Espanyol” against the Chinese Super League, he more effective, scoring six goals in ported us because they give us unity. ATP Finals in London and is
“I am very happy, not just because
I scored but because of that assist,” Wu
Spanish champions, CGTN continued.
“A new chapter in history has been
said he wanted to prove the
country’s players could deliv-
28 appearances in all competi-
tions, despite Espanyol’s poor
We are all a family together.”
China’s new coach Li Tie will
now ranked six, was in a differ-
ent league to Zverev, who only
Shistan Wawrinka hopes
the Qatar Open ends
worrying title drought
told Espanyol TV. opened,” it added. “For Wu, it was a er at the highest level. form that has them languishing at also hope Wu's form can help rescue began hitting balls a week ago although the fanfare sur-
“When we were warming up, night that will live long in the mem- “Pressure is my driving the bottom of the La Liga table. the country’s hopes of reaching the after an off-season curtailed by rounding the newly-creat-
Matias told me he was going to put me ory.” force, it’s what pushes me for- Yet Abelardo’s appointment seems 2022 World Cup in Qatar. They sit a lucrative exhibition tour. ed ATP Cup more than
in with a through ball. After 10 min- State news agency Xinhua said ward,” he said last year. to have revitalised the team and Wu second in their qualifying group after The lacklustre German 10,000km away in
utes he played one to me and I Wu’s dramatic leveller from a narrow “I want to show fans around the believes their stirring performance four games, eight points behind world number seven sent down Australia means his efforts
scored.” angle “sparked a wave of praise from world that there are players in China against Barcelona can now be a turn- Syria. 10 double faults and made just this week may struggle to
Chinese media on Sunday media and fans in China”. who can shine in the best leagues in ing-point in their fight against relega- “He is currently the only Chinese 45 percent of his first serves, a register barely a blip on the
declared the strike as heralding “a new Wu joined in the celebrations by the world.” tion. player in one of the five major foot- worrying sign ahead of the global tennis radar.
chapter” in Chinese football while one writing on Weibo: “Wonderful night, He has stayed true to his word and “After the game in the dressing ball leagues,” said Li Tie in his first opening Grand Slam of the The 34-year-old
related hashtag generated 370 million a new year, a good start.” more than justified his modest trans- room, you could see everyone’s con- press conference in charge on year. Wawrinka, a three-time
views on social media platform Weibo. fer fee of 2 million euros. fidence was up,” Wu said. Sunday. He lost to Australia’s Alex de major winner, is top seed
“Wu has now become the first CHINESE MARADONA After making his debut at the start “It feels like we are going to “I watched the game last night Minaur in his opening match on in Doha which boasts a
Chinese player to score against The forward, dubbed the “Chinese of February, Wu missed only one change the whole dynamic this year. and this (goal) is really something that Friday, throwing away a one-set respectable $1.4 million
Barcelona in all competitions ever,” Maradona” as a youngster, joined game for his new club through to the Hopefully in the next game we can brings honour to Chinese football.” lead. prize fund.
“I worked very hard for this Wawrinka has not

;\_``[YTc :^^`SZ]V¶dU`fS]Vd_ReTY]ReVhZ_
win, I found solutions, found my won a title since pocketing
rhythm and my pace and knew the 16th of his career on
what I was doing on court,” said the Geneva clay in 2017.
impressive 21-year-old Tsitsipas His last outdoor hard
after his 6-1, 6-4 court trophy was in 2016

walloping in when he captured his third
05?Q A><4 minutes for the promoted side. level terms from the penalty Brisbane. and most recent Grand
The 29-year-old pulled spot on 42 minutes. The Boris Slam at the US Open.
ario Balotelli warded off clear of Luiz Felipe to volley in Lazio dominated the sec- Becker-cap- Wawrinka, runner-up
05?Q ;8E4A?>>; the insults from travelling his first home goal for Brescia ond half with Immobile bring- t a i n e d to Andy Murray in Doha
Lazio fans to strike the first goal and first of the decade. ing his league tally to 19 goals Germans have in 2008 and a quarter-
iverpool inflicted fresh misery on Merseyside of the decade in Italy but the He also scored the first goal connecting with a Caicedo now won one of finalist 12 months ago,
L rivals Everton as a superb strike from
teenager Curtis Jones sealed a 1-0 win in the FA
title-chasers hit back with a
Ciro Immobile double to
of the previous decade in
January 2010 with
cross to fire in the injury time
their opening ties, while Greece
has lost both of theirs.
will face French veteran
Jeremy Chardy or a qual-
Cup third round on Sunday. snatch a late win at ten- Inter Milan. It was the 12th time this The Grigor Dimitrov-led ifier in his opening match
Jones’second half curler sent Anfield in man Brescia on Sunday. Balotelli was tar- season that the team have Bulgaria won their second tie in in the Qatari capital.
ecstasy as the club’s youth academy graduates hand- Simone Inzaghi’s side geted by insulting scored a late winner. a row, beating Moldova 2-1, to
ed Everton an embarrassing derby defeat. stretched their winning chants from Lazio fans Inzaghi meanwhile equals be in a commanding position in his second big scalp after upset-
The 18-year-old Liverpool-born midfielder was mak- streak to nine consecutive with the referee inter- Sven Goran Eriksson’s record of Group C, while Australia also ting American John Isner in his
ing only his fifth appearance and his memorable match win- league games and with a rupting the game in nine consecutive league wins made it two-out-of-two in first match on Friday.
ner was his first senior goal. game in hand are three the first half and an set in the 1998-99 season. Group F with De Minaur again Ruud, whose father
Jones is the youngest goalscorer for Liverpool in a points behind leaders Inter announcement made “We will try to continue on fire in their 3-0 sweep of Christian is Norway’s captain,
Merseyside derby since Robbie Fowler. Milan and Juventus who play that play would be suspended like this. We absolutely Canada. won 6-2, 6-2, although it wasn’t
Without a win over their rivals in any competition since today. if they continued. want to hit the Belgium’s Goffin saved five enough to prevent Norway los-
2010 and thrashed 5-2 at Anfield in the Premier League ear- Immobile struck the win- Brescia fans tried to drown Champions League,” said match points against Dan Evans, ing 2-1 to Italy.
lier this season, Everton will feel the pain from this defeat ner after 91 minutes having also out the insults with whistles and Inzaghi, whose side but it was too little, too late as he Mercurial Australian Nick
against their under-strength neighbours for some while. converted from the penalty cheering which Balotelli defeated Juventus to lift crashed 6-4, 6-4 in Sydney for Kyrgios pulled out of his coun-
Hit by injuries that left him with 12 fit senior outfield spot before the break. applauded. the Italian SuperCup trophy one of the biggest wins of the try’s tie against Canada just
players, Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp had made nine changes, Felipe Caicedo had the ball Relegation-threatened last month. Briton’s career. hours before it started with
selecting Nat Phillips, 22, and teenage trio Neco Williams, in the back of the net early for Brescia were hit after Andrea Inter Milan recommence Jamie Murray and Joe back soreness.
Harvey Elliott and Jones. Lazio off an Immobile cross but Cistana was sent off for a sec- the title battle with Juventus Salisbury won the deciding dou- But John Millman seamless-
In contrast, Everton manager Carlo Ancelotti made just it was ruled offside. ond yellow card after bringing today, with both sides level on bles to secure the tie for Britain ly stepped in to stun Felix
two changes, fielding a strong team as the visitors chased But Italian international down Caicedo just before the 42 points after 17 games. 2-1. Auger-Aliassime in straight sets
a first win at Anfield since 1999. Balotelli picked up where he left break. Antonio Conte’s side trav- Fognini was beaten by before De Minaur again showed
Liverpool’s injury problems mounted within 10 min- off before the winter break And Serie A top scorer el to Napoli with Juventus at emerging Norwegian 21-year- the fighting qualities for which
utes when James Milner limped off to be replaced by anoth- opening the scoring after 18 Immobile pulled Lazio back on home against Cagliari. 2Xa^8\\^QX[TRT[TQaPcTbPUcTabR^aX]V 0? old Casper Ruud, who claimed he is renowned.
er teenager Yasser Larouci.

Svitolina on right path for Slam glory

Ancelotti’s side threatened early on when Dominic
Calvert-Lewin’s strike was pushed away from Adrian, who
then repelled Mason Holgate's header and Richarlison’s shot.
Liverpool’s youngsters had been thrashed by Aston Villa
while the senior stars were away at the Club World Cup in
But they acquitted themselves much better this time and
Japan striker Takumi Minamino, making his debut after join-
ing from Salzburg, glanced a header narrowly off-target 05?Q 1A8B10=4
before Divock Origi’s low drive was brilliantly saved by
Jordan Pickford. orld number one Ash
Jones’ moment of magic came in the 71st minute when
he played a chipped pass to Origi, took the return ball and
W Barty will donate all
her winnings from this
curled a stunning effort into the top corner. week’s Brisbane
International to the Red
B?DAB74;3 Cross to help the victims of
Elsewhere on Sunday, Lucas Moura kept Tottenham’s Australia’s bushfire crisis.
FA Cup hopes alive with the equaliser in their 1-1 draw at Barty revealed on
second tier Middlesbrough, while Callum Hudson-Odoi got ATP[:PbW\Xa52X]hT[[^fP]S<^Wd]1PVP]_[PhTaX]PRcX^]SdaX]V8;TPVdT\PcRWX]BaX]PVPa ?C8 Sunday that she had
back in the groove as Chelsea cruised to a 2-0 win over already donated Aus

Nottingham Forest. $30,000 to the Royal
Woodgate was on course to dent Tottenham’s bid to end Society for the Prevention
that wretched run when Ashley Fletcher put Middlesbrough of Cruelty to Animals
ahead in the second half at the Riverside Stadium. (RSPCA) to help with
But Brazilian winger Lucas headed the equaliser to send ?C8Q BA8=060A ground because of bitting cold, but the harsh injured wildlife, after seeing ed to do more and will give
the tie to a replay in north London later in January. weather conditions failed to stop the visitors the effects of the fires back her Brisbane winnings —
At Stamford Bridge, there were signs that Hudson-Odoi here was bone-chilling cold. Then there from showing their skills. in November. potentially US$250,000 —
might be emerging from his sophomore slump. T was a Real Kashmir outfit used to such
extreme conditions but Mohun Bagan still,
The green and maroons had the lion’s
share of possession and more shots on target
4[X]PBeXc^[X]PX]PUX[T_XRcdaT 4[X]PCfXccTa But she has now decid- to the Red Cross.

making light of both, won their I-League but the home side had more attempts and five 05?Q 1A8B10=4 ning 13 titles on the WTA tour, decider at November’s WTA
match 2-0 here on Sunday. more corners in a game which could have gone until 2019 she had never reached Finals, where she fell to world
After a barren first half, Joseba Beitia (71st either way. lina Svitolina believes the the semi-final stage at a Grand number one Ashleigh Barty, she
minute) and Nongdamba Naorem
(73rd) scored for the Kolkata
Mohun Bagan have 10 points
from five games, while Kashmir
E progress she made in 2019 will
help her achieve her ultimate goal
However, last year she made
also failed to win a title for the first
time since 2012.
giants in a span of two minutes, dropped to eighth spot with five of becoming the first Ukranian the semi-finals at both Wimbledon “I think maybe 2019 was
shattering the hopes of home points from four games. woman to win a Grand Slam sin- and the US Open and she said this tough because there were more sad
fans. Mohun Bagan coach Vicuna gles title. showed she was on the right path. moments, I would say. But also, it’s
It was a chilly morning, with the temper- expressed his joy and said, “We won against Speaking ahead of the season- “Making semi-finals definite- tough to really understand what’s
ature dipping to 1 degree, but 11,500 Kashmiri a tough opponent, but it was not out best opening Brisbane International, ly brought me the belief that I going on because the year is very
spectators still enthusiastically watched the match. Real Kashmir were going with their set the 25-year-old insisted she is could take one step further,” she long,” she said.
game against one of India’s biggest and old- piece, but we played better football against ready to take the next step after said. “You have to lose almost every
est clubs. Churchill brothers. promising so much over the past “I had the chance to play on single week, so you have to take lots
For tickets, they queued up since 9 o’clock “Today we played good football, and five years. the biggest stages and that gave me of positives somehow, and that’s, I
in the morning, but quite a few of them still copped with the difficulties of conditions.” Svitolina has long been tout- lots of confidence at that particu- think, what I learned from the past
could not make it to the ground. Such was the The Mariners will next host Indian ed as a future major champion, but lar point.” year, that you have to stay really
2dacXb9^]TbP]SCPZd\X<X]P\X]^QTU^aTcWTbcPac^U502d_cWXaSa^d]S craze. Arrows on January 9 while the Snow Leopards despite reaching a career-high Svitolina had a mixed year in positive in even bad moments
VP\TPVPX]bc4eTac^]Pc0]UXT[S ;528]bcPVaP\ The game started at 11.30 am at the TRC will host Punjab FC one day later. world ranking of three and win- 2019. Although she also made the and try to move forward.”
=4F34;78k<>=30H k90=D0AH %!! b_^ac %

05?Q 20?4C>F=

gritty 85 not out from opener Dom Sibley ground down

A South Africa's bowlers as England took control on the
third day of the second Test against South Africa at
Sibley, playing in only his fourth Test, came in during
the morning session after James Anderson had picked up
the last two South African wickets to finish with 5-40 and
give England a first innings lead of 46.
By the close, Sibley was still there and England had
reached 218 for four, stretching their overall lead to 264.
Sibley's 85, his first Test half-century, came off a
painstaking 222 balls in just under six hours and includ-
ed 13 boundaries.
It was slow going but it consolidated England's advan-
tage after Anderson and Ben Stokes combined to secure
an important first innings lead.
Anderson completed his 28th Test five-wicket haul -
an England record - and Stokes
caught last man Anrich Nortje C_edX1VbYSQfc 5^W\Q^T
CWTUXabcC!8QTcfTT]8]SXPP]SBaX;P]ZPfPbRP[[TS^UUfXcW^dcPQP[[QTX]VQ^f[TSSdTc^fTc^dcUXT[SRPdbTSQhPb_T[[^UWTPehaPX]YdbcPUcTacWTc^bbX]6dfPWPcX^]Bd]SPh ?C8
to set an England Test record of <YfUVb_]"* `]9CD

Aussies on course of clean sweep

five catches by a fielder. D@?JD:I?6EH@C<
Zak Crawley made a
streaky 25 when England started their second innings, with
Sibley making only three in an opening stand of 28, before
the day settled into a battle of attrition.
Sibley and Joe Denly (31) used up 33 overs in adding
73 for the second wicket before Denly hooked
Nortje to fine leg.
England captain Joe Root was more
;h^]QPVbUXeTPb1PVVh6aTT]bcPZT!#"ad][TPSPVPX]bcCaP]bCPb\P]aXeP[bPccWTT]S^UcWXaSSPh_[Ph aggressive as he and Sibley added 116 for the
third wicket.
Root made 61 off 98 balls before
05?Q BH3=4H ing with a charmed knock of when he was caught by Travis series for the Kiwis, better- while attempting a sec- being caught at slip off Dwaine
52. Head at deep midwicket only ing the 71 overs they faced in ond run. Pretorius shortly before the close.
ustralia took a com- “We’re in a very good to be recalled when James the second innings of the Lyon grabbed two The ball that got Root was an
A manding 243-run lead
over plucky New Zealand in
position here,” said Lyon,
who has now taken a career
Pattinson was found to have
over-stepped for a no-ball.
second Test in Melbourne.
The Black Caps lost
key wickets in the morn-
ing session, removing
exception in deviating from a
crack outside off stump that
the third Test in Sydney on 385 Test wickets. Phillips hit a cracking three wickets in the middle Melbourne Test centurion was far more of a factor on
Sunday, looking set for a “A lot of work to do in pull shot off Pat Cummins to session with the experienced Tom Blundell and recalled the first two days.
clean sweep of the series. the morning and we have to raise his debut half-century Ross Taylor out lbw to Jeet Raval. Dom Bess, who
The Australians dis- see what lead we the batsmen before Cummins got him Cummins for 22 in the sec- Raval, who was dropped suffered a golden duck
missed the Black Caps for want to get to. two balls later, ripping ond over after lunch. after twin batting failures as in the first innings,
251 to lead by 203 runs on “It is pretty special to play through his defences to take Taylor remains 20 runs an opener in the first Test in came in as night-
the first innings before bat- here in front of your home off-stump for 52. away from becoming the Perth, batted positively at watchman and sur-
ting a second time in a bid to crowd, in front of your fam- Lyon bowled Will highest-scoring New number three before he was vived until the last
build an overwhelming total ily and friends. Nice to go up Somerville and Neil Wagner Zealand batsman in Tests, leg before wicket to Lyon for ball of the day when
with two days remaining. on the honours board.” for ducks and fast bowler behind Stephen Fleming 31 off 58 balls. he was adjudged to
At stumps on day three, Phillips, who only flew in Matt Henry came out to bat (7,172). Tom Latham was out have gloved a bounc-
the hosts were 40 without loss on the eve of the Test as cover despite fracturing his left Wicketkeeper BJ two balls later in the next er from Nortje to
with David Warner on 23 for a team weakened by a hand earlier in the match. Watling chopped a wide over from Cummins, done wicketkeeper Quinton
and Joe Burns not out 16, and virus outbreak, was dropped Henry ducked out of Starc delivery on to his by a fuller delivery and chip- de Kock, thus collecting
were expected to bat on for twice and given a reprieve the way of a couple of stumps for nine off 30 balls ping straight to Starc at mid- a 'pair'.
some time on the fourth when caught off a no-ball. Mitchell Starc thunderbolts to put his team under more on. Those two late wick-
day. Lyon put down the two directed at his body before he pressure. The new skipper, ets marked the high point
Off-spinner Nathan caught-and-bowled chances was stumped off Lyon’s bowl- Colin de Grandhomme deputising for the sidelined of the day for the toiling
Lyon captured five for 68 to when Phillips was on two ing to end the New Zealand was needlessly run out for 20, Kane Williamson, was South Africans who will be
lead the Australian bowling and 17. innings. taking on Matthew Wade’s denied a deserved half-cen- wary of the potential damage
attack, with Kiwi Test debu- The Kiwi batsman It was the longest throw from the deep to tury on 49 in his 133-ball that Stokes and Jos Buttler could
?Pc2d\\X]bRT[TQaPcTbcWTfXRZTc^UA^bbCPh[^a 0? tant Glenn Phillips top-scor- dodged another bullet on 28 innings of a disastrous lost wicketkeeper Tim Paine vigil. inflict on Monday.

Karachi: 1P]V[PSTbW WPb PVaTTS c^ _[Ph ^]T CTbc X]
2PacTaWXcb% 8]TeTa[^bc\hbfX]V)8aUP]?PcWP]
?C8Q <D<108 runs and 28 wickets).
fPb aTYTRcTS Qh cWT ?21 0 ?PZXbcP] 2aXRZTc 1^PaS
He also praised his former
ormer India pacer Irfan captains Sourav Ganguly,
1P]V[PSTbW 2aXRZTc 1^PaS 121 _a^_^bP[ \PZX]V Xc
?C8Q 27A8BC27DA27 F Pathan on Sunday said he
never lost his swing, contrary
Rahul Dravid and Anil
ew Zealand batsman Leo Carter to the general perception at that “When I came into the
121 fP]cb ?PZXbcP] c^ _[Ph P CTbc X] 1P]V[PSTbW X]
aTcda] cWT ^UUXRXP[ bPXS 1P]V[PSTbW Xb SdT c^ c^da N on Sunday emulated the likes of
Ravi Shastri and Yuvraj Singh when
time, and added blaming then
coach Greg Chappell for his
Indian team, Ganguly knew I
could do well with the new ball
?PZXbcP]Ua^\9P]dPah 'c^_[Phcf^CTbcbP]ScWaTT
C! 8]cTa]PcX^]P[b Qdc cWT c^da Xb bcX[[ d]RTacPX] PUcTa he entered the history books by downfall was a cover-up. in Australia. He eventually
121^UUXRXP[bbPXScWPccWThfX[[Ydbc_[PhcWTC!bTaXTb becoming the seventh cricketer in the Pathan, 35, announced his gave me the confidence. I think
cWTaTP]S]^ccWTCTbcb world to hit six sixes in an over. retirement here on Saturday, that was the start,” he said.
Carter achieved the feat during his saying “most players start their “When Dravid became the
STOINIS FINED FOR MAKING PERSONAL ABUSE side Canterbury Kings’ win over India career at 27-28 but I captain, he utilised my poten-
Melbourne: <T[Q^da]T BcPab P[[a^d]STa <PaRdb Northern Knights in New Zealand’s ended up playing my last game tial one step ahead. (He) used
Bc^X]XbWPbQTT]UX]TSU^a\PZX]VP_Tab^]P[PQdbTPc domestic Twenty20 tournament Super at that stage”. me higher in the batting order
<T[Q^da]TAT]TVPSTb_PRTa:P]TAXRWPaSb^]SdaX]VP Smash. Pathan was 27 when he (when) besides bowling with
The 25-year-old left-handed bats- ;T^2PacTaX]PUX[T_XRcdaT 822 made his final appearance in the new ball,” he said.
1XV 1PbW ;TPVdT 11; R^]cTbc Pc cWT <T[Q^da]T
2aXRZTc6a^d]S<26Bc^X]XbWPbQTT]RWPaVTSfXcWP man smashed left-arm spinner Anton Sobers, Shastri, Herschelle Gibbs, 2012. There was also a time made that Irfan lost his swing, your job. I remember getting “Anil bhai was the kind of
[TeT[ ! QaTPRW ^U cWT 2aXRZTc 0dbcaP[XP 20 2^ST ^U Devcich six times over the Hagley Yuvraj, Worcestershire’s Ross Whiteley when there was speculation people need to understand, dropped after winning the senior I was lucky to have
2^]SdRc U^a _Tab^]P[ PQdbT P]S fPb UX]TS 0&$ Oval boundary during his stunning and Afghanistan’s Hazratullah Zazai. over the left-arm pacer’s inten- that you are not going to get the game in Sri Lanka in 2008, who alongside Sachin paaji
Bc^X]Xb[PcTaP_^[^VXbTSU^aWXbQTWPeX^daP]SbPXS)°8 unbeaten knock of 70 off just 29 balls Carter also became only the tion to play all three formats. same kind of swing that you get gets dropped after winning (Tendulkar), who always gave
V^cRPdVWcX]cWT\^\T]cP]Sc^^ZXcc^^UPa±°8aTP[XbTS to seal a seven-wicket win for his side fourth batsman to achieve the feat in “All these in 10 overs.. I was still getting the game for the country with- me the right advice.
X\\TSXPcT[h 8 fPb X] cWT fa^]V P]S 8 P_^[^VXbTS c^ while chasing an imposing 220. T20 cricket in both domestic and discussions…people talking the swing,” Pathan said. out any reason?” he ques- “His leadership was out-
:P]T P]S c^ cWT d\_XaTb 8 SXS cWT fa^]V cWX]V P]S Overall, Carter is the seventh play- international level. about Greg Chappell they are “People talk about my per- tioned. standing. He is matured in
PRRT_caTb_^]bXQX[XchU^a\hPRcX^]bCWTbcP]SPaSbPaT er in world cricket to record the feat The other batsmen to achieve the just covering up. (The discus- formance, but my job was dif- Pathan featured in 29 Tests handling tough situations and
cWTaT U^a P aTPb^] P]S 8 PRRT_c cWT _T]P[ch± cWT P[[ across all formats in both domestic feat in T20s include India’s Yuvraj sion that) Irfan was not inter- ferent. I was given job to con- (1105 runs and 100 wickets), he showed that during the
a^d]STafPb`d^cTSPbbPhX]VQhRaXRZTcR^\Pd and international level. He entered the (2007), Whitely (2017) and Zazai ested, it was coming from tain because I was bowling first 120 ODIs (1544 runs and 173 Monkeygate episode,” he
elite list that includes the likes of Gary (2018). somewhere. All the aura they change. I had been told this is wickets) and 24 T20Is (172 signed off.
Vasco: 0[[ 8]SXP 5^^cQP[[ 5TSTaPcX^]b STeT[^_\T]cP[

bXST8]SXP]0aa^fb_[PhTS^dcP  SaPffXcW=4A>20
52X]cWT8;TPVdTWTaT^]Bd]SPhBdbWX[<TXcTXVPeT ?C8Q <>70;8
?PacP_ BX]VW T`dP[XbTS U^a cWT W^bcb cWaTT \X]dcTb itish Rana made a gritty 92 before
QTU^aT cWT T]S ^U UXabc WP[U 0aa^fb WTPS R^PRW
BWP]\dVP\ ET]ZPcTbW aTcPX]TS cWT \PY^aXch ^U WXb
N pacers reduced Punjab to 44 for
four in their second innings to put Delhi
_aTeX^db[X]Td_fXcW^][hcf^RWP]VTbX]cWTU^a\^U in a strong position on day three of their 2x6) gave the team a solid start and the 33 overnight, added only three runs to
0\P] 2WTcaX b[^ccX]V X]c^ cWT Ua^]c cWaTT PWTPS ^U Ranji Trophy match here on Sunday. visitors were racing towards the target his score before being bowled by
7Pa\P]_aTTcBX]VWP]S1XZPbWHd\]P\bcPacX]VPccWT Not many gave Delhi a chance as they were 77/0 at lunch. Pandey.
QPRZX]_[PRT^UBPdaPQW<TWTa7^_X]VU^aPaT_TPc^U against table leaders Punjab going into However, post lunch offie Shashank There was brief resistance from the
cWTXa bcT[[Pa _TaU^a\P]RT PVPX]bc 2WdaRWX[[ 1a^cWTab the match but the Dhruv Shorey-led Attarde (4-52) pegged back the visitors lower-order but eventually Maharashtra
R^PRW ET]ZPcTbW bcdRZ c^ WXb caXTS P]S cTbcTS #"" squad has upped its game. by taking wickets. were bundled out in 48.1 overs.
U^a\PcX^]PccWTCX[PZ<PXSP]=4A>20WTPSR^PRW6XUc After Shorey’s 96 on day two, Rana But Shreyas Gopal (5 not out) and
APXZWP] ^] cWT ^cWTa WP]S ^_cTS U^a P #!" (92 off 189) batted sensibly alongside B R Sharath (4 not out) took the side BIHAR BEAT MIZORAM
U^a\PcX^] Jonty Sidhu (41) to take Delhi past home without any further damage. ?0C=0) Medium pacer Abhijeet Saket
Punjab’s first innings score of 313. Earlier, resuming the day on 109/5, produced a magical spell during which
ONYEKURU JOIN GALATASARAY ON LOAN Lalit Yadav (39) also made a crucial left-arm pacer Prateek Jain (4-11) he dismissed seven batsmen without
Monaco: <^]PR^b TgRXcX]V h^d]V =XVTaXP] bcaXZTa lower-order contribution as Delhi grabbed all the wickets in the morning conceding a single run to fashion
7T]ah>]hTZdadXbc^b_T]ScWTaTbc^UcWTbTPb^]^] ended their first innings at 339. session as he ran through the Mumbai’s Bihar’s six-wicket win over Mizoram in
[^P] Pc 6P[PcPbPaPh cWT ;XVdT  R[dQ P]]^d]RTS ^] After a spirited showing with the lower order. a plate group match.
Bd]SPh8cfX[[QTcWT!!hTPa^[SbbTR^]S[^P]b_T[[X] bat, pacers extended Delhi’s advantage, Meanwhile in Vadodara, Baroda Saket eventually ended the match
CdaZThPbWTbW^]TU^a6P[PcPbPaPh[PbcbTPb^]fWT]WT especially the young Simarjeet Singh thrashed Railways by 99 runs. with his career-best figures of 7/12 as
fPbbcX[[Pc4]V[XbWR[dQ4eTac^]7TbR^aTS #V^P[bX] who continues to impress in his second Bihar completed the win inside three
"$P__TPaP]RTbU^a6P[PcPbPaPhfW^fT]c^]c^fX]cWT first-class season. SERVICES GAIN BONUS days.
CdaZXbW RWP\_X^]bWX_ <^]PR^ fW^ bXV]TS cWT He removed Sanvir Singh (11) =4F 34;78) Medium-pacers Diwesh Mizoram opener C Lalrinsanga’s (0)
=XVTaXP]U^a &\X[[X^]Tda^bSdaX]VcWTbd\\TaWPeT before removing the in-form Gurkeerat Pathania and Sachidanand Pandey took first-over dismissal marked the begin-
]^c X]R[dSTS P] ²^_cX^] c^ Qdh R[PdbT X] cWT [^P] Singh Mann (15). five wickets each as Services thrashed ning of Saket’s electrifying spell. Four
bdVVTbcX]VcWPc>]hTZdadaT\PX]bP_Pac^UcWTXa[^]V Opener Shubman Gill (4), who Maharashtra by an innings and 94 runs Mizoram batsmen could not even open
cTa\bcaPcTVh courted controversy in the first innings, in a Group C match. their account.
failed for the second time in the game. Resuming at their overnight score Taruwar Kohli soon followed suit
MAGUIRE FACES RACE TO BE FIT FOR DERBY The India batsman was dismissed by of 93 for five, Maharashtra’s second with a first-ball duck in the the 24-year-
Manchester: <P]RWTbcTaD]XcTS\P]PVTa>[T6d]]Pa Subodh Bhati in the third over. innings folded for just 147. old’s second over. Lalhruaizela (1),
B^[bZYPTabPhb7Paah<PVdXaTUPRTbPaPRTc^_a^eTWXb Punjab captain and first innings’ The visitors lost Naushad S Shaikh Lalhmangaiha (3) , Lalruatdika (0),
UXc]Tbb X] cX\T U^a cWT ;TPVdT 2d_ bT\XUX]P[ UXabc [TV top-scorer Mandeep Singh was in the (41) for the addition of just one run Pratik Desai (0) and G Lalbiakvela (0)
PVPX]bc<P]RWTbcTa2Xchc^\^aa^f<PVdXaTP__TPaTS middle on 8 when stumps were drawn. when Pandey (5/56) induced an edge, were Saket’s other victims.
c^QT[X\_X]VU^[[^fX]VPUXabcWP[URWP[[T]VT^]0SP\P Punjab lead by just 18 runs going into taken by wicket-keeper Nakul Verma. His efforts helped Bihar bundle out
CaP^aT SdaX]V D]XcTSb  SaPf fXcW F^[eTb Qdc cWT day four. 1T]VP[_PRTa8bWP]?^aT[RT[TQaPcTbPUcTacPZX]VfXRZTc^U6dYPaPcRP_cPX]?PacWXe?PcT[X]AP]YX ?C8 Opener Murtaza Trunkwala, who Mizoram for 68 in their second innings,
RT]caTQPRZ TeT]cdP[[h R^\_[TcTS cWT ( \X]dcTb inside two-and-half days. win against Mumbai since the 2013-14 had retired hurt on Saturday returned setting Bihar a 185 run target.
B^[bZYPTaPS\XccTSWTR^]bXSTaTScPZX]V<PVdXaT^UUPc KARNATAKA THRASH MUMBAI This was Mumbai’s second consec- season. to the crease but didn’t last long, falling In reply, Bihar cruised to the target
WP[UcX\TP]SfWT]PbZTSfWTcWTacWTSTUT]STaf^d[S <D<108)Putting up an all-round show, utive loss at home, following their Chasing 126 for an outright win, to Pathania (5/49) for 9 after hitting two in 33.4 overs with opener Indrajit
QT UXc U^a cWT UXabc [TV PVPX]bc 2Xch Pc >[S CaPUU^aS WT Karnataka defeated Mumbai by 5 wick- defeat against Railways. Karnataka openers R Samarth (34; boundaries. Kumar (98 not out) and Babul Kumar
aT_[XTS)°8S^]cZ]^f± 064=284B ets in their Elite Group B game at BKC, It is also Karnataka’s fourth outright 2x4) and Devdutt Padikkal (50; 5x4, Vishant More, who was batting on (61) hitting comfortable half centuries.

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