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Macy Lynn Rogers

Indianapolis, IN | 812-239-5140 | ​

Fundraiser | Communicator | Collaborator | Team Builder | Organizer | Advocate

Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy​ - BA in Philanthropic Studies
O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs​ - Certificate Nonprofit Management
Graduation December 2019
The Fund Raising Schoo​l - Spring 2020 pursuing Certificate in Fund Raising Management
GPA 3.75​ | Dean’s List all 7 semesters
Recipient of the IUPUI Top 100 Students Award ​| Spring 2019
Out of 22,000 undergraduates.the award is based on scholastic achievement, participation in
co-curricular activities and service to the community.
Eugene & Beulah Chanley Cox Scholar
IUPUI Dr. PM Rooney Leadership in Philanthropy Award

Relevant Experience

IUPUI Student Foundation, Jagathon: IUPUI’s Dance Marathon

President April 2019 - Present
● Supervise the Jagathon Presidential Board, VP of External Relations, VP of Finance, VP
of Membership, VP of Operations
● Manage 25 member Executive Board
● Lead strategic planning and operational execution that resulted in raising over
● Develop content through Salesforce for digital marketing automation emails and analyze
Director of In-Kind Partnerships April 2018 - 2019
● Secured in-kind partnerships for the Jagathon 2018-2019 year
● Secured in-kind partnerships for the Jagathon capstone event, providing food for over
1,500 attendees
● Collaborated with the Indianapolis community including restaurants and corporate

Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Marketing & Communications Associate January 2019 - Present
● Create marketing materials and promotional items
● Built 2019 Commencement materials including “Meet the Grads” packet and
Commencement program
● Track media hits for school researchers and perform media analytics
● Assist with monthly newsletters
Gleaners Food Bank of Indianapolis ​August 2018 - December 2018
Grants & Foundation Relations Intern
● Conducted prospect research
● Researched grant proposals
● Built master grant narrative encompassing year-in-review information
● Prepared and submitted grant proposals
● Trained in eTapestry database

Wheeler Mission Ministries of Central Indiana May 2018 - July 2018

Engagement & Development Intern
● Advised donor profiles
● Engaged with local churches through advocacy and collaboration
● Stewarded donors after special events

● Ronald McDonald House Charities Indianapolis | Volunteer
● DAR Good Citizen Award
● Sam H. Jones ServceCorp Scholar
○ Jaguar in the Streets Coordinator
○ Facilitator team-builder exercises
○ Campus-wide volunteer days
● Riley 500
○ Of over 17,000 Riley Dance Marathon students in the state of Indiana, I was one
of the 500 highest fundraising students.

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