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Study guide for Math 10 Extended - Regina Kim

FINAL EXAM : June 20th​ Thursday 12:25 - 2:15 PM @ Community Room, Lower Commons

Unit Lesson Content

Unit 1 A : Quadratic Standard form : ​ax² + bx + c [​a ​≠ 0​]

Expressions -
Quadratic standard form ax² : quadratic term
Quandary bx : linear term
c : constant term

*binomial : two terms

*trinomial : three terms

To multiply linear expressions

- Distributive property

Expand : remove the parentheses by carrying out operations and simplifying

Special products
● Perfect square trinomial
- (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²
- (a - b)² = a² - 2ab + b²

● Difference of squares
(a + b)​⋅​(a - b) = a² - b²

B : Quadratic Factor : rewrite an expression as a product of prime factors

Expressions - *prime : expression can only be divided by itself or 1
factored form
Must know the structure of the expression in order to factor
*structure : the composition of an expression
- GCF : Greatest Common Factor
Always look for a GCF before other methods
ab + ac = a​⋅​(b+c)

- Difference of Squares
When factoring a binomial which is a perfect square minus another perfect
a² - b² = (a + b)​⋅​(a - b)

- Simple Trinomial
When the leading coefficient is 1
Find two numbers whose product is equal to the last term & Find two numbers
whose sum is equal to the middle term

x² + (a+b)x + ab = (x + a)​⋅(x + b)
x² - (a+b)x + ab = (x - a)​⋅(x - b)
x² + (a-b)x - ab = (x + a)​⋅(x - b)

- Perfect Square Trinomial

= a trinomial which is formed by multiplying a binomial by itself

a² + 2ab + b² = (a + b)²
a² - 2ab + b² = (a - b)²

- Complicated Trinomial
When the leading coefficient is NOT 1

- Grouping
When factoring a polynomial with more than 3 terms
ab + ac + bd + cd = (b + c)​⋅(a + d)

Always make sure you factor completely. i.e. All the factors are PRIME.

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Answer Key

C : Quadratic Zero Product Principle : If you multiply two or more factors together and their product is
Equations & 0, one or more of the factors must be 0.
The Zero
Solve : finding the value(s) of the variable that mae the relationship true

Steps of solving Quadratic Equations

1. Make one side equal to 0
2. Rewrite in factored form
3. Apply the zero product principle
4. Solve for the variable
5. Check by substituting solutions into original equation

*danger zone
- Dividing by a variable : DON’T DO THIS. You will lose a root.

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Answer Key

D : Problem Steps
Solving 1. Understand the problem
Define the variable clearly to represent the unknown quantities (Let x = ?)

2. Represent the key relationship

In words or visually using diagram

3. Mathematize the relationship

Set up the equation(s)

4. Do the math
Apply the KAPs and PEQs
Expanding and Factoring

5. Check if the answer makes sense

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Test Answer Key

E : Quadratic Completed Square Form : a (x - h)​² + k

Expressions -
Completed Case #1 : a = 1
Square Form
x² + bx + c + ㅁ - ㅁ WHERE ㅁ = (½ ​⋅middle term) ​²;
(add and subtract the same number = changing nothing)
= (x² + bx + ㅁ) + c - ㅁ
= ​(x - h)​² + k

Case #2 : a ​≠​ 1
Factor out the ‘a’ value from the first two terms and then complete the square.

F : Quadratic Square Root Principle : If x² = A, then x = ​± √A
Equations &
The Square This is needed when the equation cannot be solved by factoring.
Root Principle
Solve by completing the square means complete the square first and then apply the
square root principle.

G : The
Formula &

We can use this formula to generate the solutions for any quadratic equation in standard
form.This formula tells us what are the solutions that make a​x² + bx + c = 0 true.

Nature of roots
- Real or Non-real
- Rational or Irrational
- Unique or Repeated

To determine the nature of roots of quadratic equations, we need the value of​ ​the
discriminant (Δ) = b​² - 4ac

● If Δ > 0
Two real unique solutions
Rational only if Δ is a perfect square number

● If Δ = 0
Real rational repeated solutions

● If Δ < 0
NO real solution → two complex conjugate roots

H : Quadratic a​x² + bx + c > 0 or ​a​x² + bx + c < 0

Steps for solving algebraically

1. Factor the quadratic expression

2. Find the critical values

values that make the factors equal to 0
ex) (x-3) : critical value = 3

3. Sign analysis
Make regions on number line based on the critical values
Do factors result in positive or negative

4. Determine where the quadratic expression is positive or negative and answer

the question

Steps for solving graphically

1. Draw a sketch of the parabola

2. Determine where the parabola is positive or negative
3. Answer the question

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Answer Key

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Unit TEST Answer Key

Unit 2 A : Functional Function : correspondence/matching/mapping between a set of inputs and a set of

Foundations outputs, in which every input is mapped to the one and only output according to some
What Goes kind of rule
Up …
f(x) = y
Domain = a set of inputs
Range = a set of outputs

How to represent functions

- Verbal
- Graphical
- Algebraic - equations
- Numerical - mapping diagram / table of values

Main types of functions

- Linear : f(x) = ax + b
- Exponential : f(x) = ab​ˣ
- Quadratic : f(x) = a​x² + bx + c

B : Getting Quadratic Function : the highest degree of all terms is 2

Started with - U-shaped graph which is called a parabola
Quadratic - Vertex : highest or lowest point of the parabola
- Axis of symmetry : x = #; the vertical line that divides the parabola in half
- Open up : the leading coefficient is positive; vertex is the lowest point = minimum
- Open down : the leading coefficient is negative; vertex is the highest point =
- End behavior : as x ​→​ ​± ∞, y ​→​ ∞ or -∞
a description of what happens to the outputs as the inputs become infinitely
positive or infinitely negative
- Y-intercept : when x=0 (the point where the graph of a function crosses the
- X-intercept : when y=0 (the point(s) where the graph of a function crosses the
- Leading coefficient = steepness factor = vertical stretch ​≠ slope

C: Tables :​ The second differences are constant

Quadratic Graphs : There is a vertex and line of symmetry
The rate of change is NOT constant, creating a parabola
from tables
and graphs

D : Quadratic Completed square form = Vertex form

Functions - f(x) = a (x - h)​² + k [​a ​≠ 0​]
Square Form
Vertex : (h , k)
Axis of symmetry : x = h

This form can be used when we want an accurate sketch (at least three points including
vertex) of a quadratic function.
1. Find the vertex and axis of symmetry
2. Find the y-intercept by plugging in x=0
3. Find the reflection of y-intercept using the axis of symmetry

The completed square form also tells us the transformations that are required to get from
the parent function to the new function
a = vertical stretch by a factor of “a”
reflection across the x-axis if “a” is negative
h = horizontal shift
k = vertical shift

E : Quadratic Factored form = Intercept form

Functions - f(x) = a (x - p)​⋅(x - q)​ [ ​a ​≠ 0 ​]
Axis of symmetry : x = (p+q)/2
the average of x-values

X-intercepts : (p , 0) & (q , 0)

To find x-intercepts, let y = 0

0 = a (x - p)​⋅(x - q)
(x - p) = 0 or (x - q) = 0 due to Zero Product Principle
Thus, p = 0 or q = 0

If there is only one x-intercept,

The quadratic function has repeated roots
→ x-intercept = vertex

In inequalities,
Critical values = X-intercepts
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Answer Key

F : Quadratic f(x) = a​x² + bx + c [ ​a ​≠ 0 ​]

Functions -
Standard Y-intercept : (0 , c)
Axis of symmetry : x = - b / 2a

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TEST Answer Key

G : Modeling *GDC
the World
around us

Real World #1: Motion Problems

h(t) = ½ g​⋅​t ​² + V​0​t + h​0
t : time
g : gravitational acceleration
V​0 ​: initial vertical speed
h​0 ​: initial height = y-intercept

Real World #2: Area Problems - Fence surrounding all four sides OR Fence only needs
to surround three sides
- Draw a sketch of the rectangle and define variables accordingly
- Create an area function and use area function as required to answer the
Real World #3: Revenue and Profit Problems
In business “how can we make the most profit?”

- Unit price : price per item that a business determines

- Unit cost : cost of producing one item
- Revenue : total income without considering cost

- Total revenue
= (unit price)​⋅(quantity of items sold)

- Total production cost

= (unit cost) ​⋅(quantity of items sold)

- Profit
= (total revenue) - (total production cost)

G Quiz Blank Copy

Answer Key

Unit 3 A: Gauss’s Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Imaginary → every polynomial equation of degree “n” has n(#) roots
Getting to numbers
the Root of ex) f(x) = x​² + 1 must have 2 roots
It But according to its graph, it does not have real root
It is because the function is located at wrong dimension.
  The missing dimension is composed of numbers that are named “imaginary.”

Complex plane : extension of number line that includes imaginary numbers vertically

i = ​√-1
i​ ​² = -1

Multiplying by imaginary numbers is equivalent to rotating 90 degrees in a

counterclockwise direction
B : Complex
numbers Complex number : z = a + bi
Real part : Re (z) = a
Imaginary part : Im (z) = b

- Absolute value (Modulus)

= distance from the origin
lzl = ​√(​a​² + ​b​²​)
→ pythagorean theorem

- Midpoint
Zm ( (​a​1​+​ a​
​ 2​)/2 , ​(​b​1​+​ b​
​ 2​)/2 )
→ Zm (average of the real parts, average of imaginary parts)

- Add, Subtract, Multiply

Using distributive, associative, commutative properties

→ ​√-k = √k ​⋅​ √-1

= i √k

C : Solving Nature of solutions depend on Δ = b​² - 4ac

over the ● If Δ > 0
Complex Two real unique solutions
● If Δ = 0
Real rational repeated solutions


Two complex conjugate roots
*conjugate : two identical complex numbers having opposite sign for imaginary part but
same sign for real part
→ z = a + bi & z* = a - bi

Methods for solving is same

- Complete the square
- Quadratic formula
over the

How about trinomials?

1. Complete the square
2. Use i​²​ to make it difference of squares

Important theorems
● Fundamental theorem of algebra
A polynomial of degree “n” produces “n” solutions
since it can be expressed as product of “n” factors

● Conjugate root theorem

The complex roots of a polynomial equation with real coefficient occur in
conjugate pairs

E : Roots a​x² + bx + c = 0 Roots : r​1​ & ​ r​​ 2

Coefficients ​ [​ -b + ​√(​b² -4ac) ] / 2a
r​1 =​ ​ [​ -b - ​√(​b² -4ac) ] / 2a
r​2 =​

● Sum of Roots : r​1​ + ​ r​​ 2 =​

​ ​ - b / a

[ -b + ​√(​b² -4ac) ] / 2a + ​ [​ -b - ​√(​b² -4ac) ] / 2a = - 2b / 2a

● Product of Roots : r​1​ ⋅​ ​ ​ r​​ 2 ​ = c / a

[​ -b + ​√(​b² -4ac) ] / 2a ​⋅​ ​ [​ -b - ​√(​b² -4ac) ] / 2a = (b² - b² + 4ac) / 4a²

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TEST Answer Key

Unit 4 A : Key ● Congruent : ​≅

Geometric ● Similar : ~
How Tall is Facts ● Parallel : ​∥
That ? ● Transversal

  Use the key geometric facts to justify your reasoning.

● Linear pair = Supplementary (add up to 180)

● Complementary angles (add up to 90)
● Opposite/Vertical angles (congruent)
● Alternate interior angles
If parallel lines are cut by transversal, alternate interior angles are equal in measure
● Same side interior angles
If parallel lines are cut by transversal, same side interior angles are supplementary
● Corresponding angles
If parallel lines are cut by transversal, corresponding angles are equal in measure.
● Triangle sum theorem (add up to 180)
● Angles at a point sum to 360
● Angle addition postulate
● Exterior angle of a triangle
= two opposite interior angles

B: Congruent : two geometric figures have exact same size and same shape
and S = side, A = angle
Congruency ● SSS
Postulates ● SAS

NOT congruent

C : Similarity Similar : two geometric figures have the same shape, but not same size
Similarity ● AA
Postulates ● SSS

In similar triangles, the corresponding angles are congruent, while corresponding side
lengths are proportional.

D: ● Sine​ θ​ = opposite / hypotenuse

Incredibly ● Cosine​ θ​ = adjacent /hypotenuse
Useful ● Tangent​ θ = opposite /adjacent
Complementary angles
sin (​θ​) = cos (90 -​ θ​)
cos (​θ​) = sin (90 -​ θ​)

In similar right triangles,

use trig ratios to solve for unknown length.

*GDC : [mode] change radian to degree

E : Trig
Ratio of
30 45 60
sin 1/2 √2/2 √3/2

cos √3/2 √2/2 1/2

tan 1/√3 1 √3

45-45-90 : isosceles Δ
30-60-90 : half of equilateral Δ
As the angle increases, length of the adjacent side decreases, while length of the
opposite side increases.

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Answer Key

F : Finding Inverse trig ratios

Angles ● sin​-1
If opposite side and hypotenuse in a right triangle are given, use arcsin

● cos​-1
If adjacent side and hypotenuse in a right triangle are given, use arccos

● tan​-1
If opposite side and adjacent side in a right triangle are given, use arctan

G : Problem ● If horizontal lines are parallel, angle of depression and angle of elevation are
Solving congruent as the alternate interior angles.

● Slope = tan ​θ
Adjacent = run = Δ x
Opposite = rise = Δ y
Slope = rise/run = opp/adj = tangent

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TEST Answer Key

Unit 5 A : Area of a Area of Δ = ½ ​⋅​(side 1) ​⋅ ​(side 2) ⋅​ ​(sine of the included angle)

From A

B : The Law ● Law of Sines : sin A / a = sin B / b = sin C / c

of Sines and
● Law of Cosines : c ² = a ² + b ² - 2​⋅a⋅b⋅cos C

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Answer Key

C : The Sine f(x) = sin x ​f(x) = cos x

and Cosine
Domain : X​∈​R
Range : y​∈​[-1,1]
sin ​θ = y coordinate
cos θ = x coordinate

If radius of circle is not 1,

sin ​θ = y / r
cos θ = x / r
Triangles are AA similar so the ratios of the lengths are same.

Reference angle : drop height to X axis

Angle family - depends on reference angle

● 30 degree
30​°​, 150​°​, 210​°​, 330​°
● 45 degree
45​°​, 135​°​, 225​°​, 315​°
● 60 degree
60​°​, 120​°​, 240​°​, 300​°

The same family angles have same sine/cosine but different signs (+/-) depend on the

● Quadrantal angles

D : Going ● Coterminal angles :

Beyond 0-360 angles that share the same terminal ray
→ they have same reference angle and are in same quadrant
= they have same sine & cosine and same signs (+ / -)

● Negative angles : rotating clockwise

1. Find reference angle
2. Figure out the signs (+ / -)

E : Modeling Domain : X​∈​R

with Sine and Range : y​∈​[-1,1]
Cosine Max : 1
Min : -1
Midline : y = 0
Period : 360​°
→ amount of x values required for a pattern to repeat itself

Amplitude : 1
→ distance from the midline to the max/min
= radius

Parent Sine Function

Parent Cosine Function

* Height-Time function problem

→ H (t) = radius ⋅ sin (angular velocity ⋅t) + radius + min

Angular velocity = 360​°​ / seconds required for one rotation

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Answer Key

F : Oblique If the lengths of two sides and a measure of non-included angle is given (SSA) ​→ NOT
Triangles and congruent → more than one possible triangle = Ambiguous case
How to solve ambiguous case ?

- Law of Sines
sin ​θ = sin (180 - θ )
Two possible angles from one sin value
because linear pairs have same reference angle

- Law of Cosines
The equation is quadratic → GDC : plysmlt 2
Change the equation into standard form
0 = ​a​x² + bx + c​ → Poly Root Finder
Plug in : a into a2, b into a1, c into a0
→ two roots are the two possible solutions
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TEST Answer Key

Unit 6 A:
Chances to Probability

B : Two way

C : Venn
D : Tree

E : Rules of

Study Planner​ :
Make your study plan and follow it to be more organized while you prepare for the final exam!
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Week 1 Study unit Take Study unit Take Study Take Take unit
1 quizzes of 2 quizzes of unit 3 quizzes of tests of unit
unit 1 and unit 2 and unit 3 and 1,2,3 and
correct correct correct correct them
them them them

Week 2 Study unit Take Study unit Take Study Take Take unit
4 quizzes of 5 quizzes on unit 6 quizzes on tests of unit
unit 4 and unit 5 and unit 6 and 4,5,6 and
correct correct correct correct them
them them them

Week 3 Go over Study for Go over MATH

the Wednes the TEST
questions day’s test summary
you got notes of
wrong in (Science) each unit
and tests

Make your own

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3 MATH

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