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1. Create a python project, name it "Second Exam".

2. Make sure to follow the following rules:

- Close the schoology, hence no other websites are opened during the examination
- Only .pdf file and your eclipse should be running programs
- No FD and HD or any portable device attached to your machine
- No notebooks
- No Opening of CP
- No roaming around
- No talking to seatmates, of course to yourself. 
- Not allowed to go outside once the exam has started.
- If there is question, raise your arms (so I can see u clearly).

3. Failure to follow, will be marked as zero or 0. Yes, 0.

4. Questions?


1. The student is given 1:20 minutes in solving the problems written in a python language. 

2. For every rejected submitted solution, a deduction of 10 points to student’s total score. 

3. Student caught talking to seatmates or any means of unnecessary actions (like cheating)

 during the examination will be deducted 50 points to his total score. 

4. Student will not be entertained 20 minutes before deadly time. 

Program Rubric
Problem Scenario:

The University of Mindanao has proven its service towards quality and open access to education.
In fact, UM was recognized globally for its transformative education with its banner program
“Diamonds in the rough” which aimed to transmute every UMYong and Minyang from nobody
to somebody who will ultimately shine bright like a diamond through democratizing access to
education and commitment to nurturing after graduation. One of the major changes implemented
is in the calculation of grade as per CHED (Commission on higher education), ISO and other
organizations for standardizations memorandum. This gives the students a privilege to access
their grading sheets and able to calculate on their own. However, there has no application ever
created to address that concern. With this the University of Mindanao is asking for a help from
the CCE programmer students. The task in particular is to create a very simple application that
reads student’s grade sheet and generate pertinent reports which are used for evaluation and


0 ≤ Grade ≤ 100. But -1 stops the loop.


Display each information [row] with Average Grade, Point Grade, Letter Grade, and Remarks.
Kindly follow the following process or calculations:

• Average Grade is the sum of all of the numbers in a list divided by the number of items
in that list.
• Point Grade is calculated as ((100-Average Grade) +10)/10.
• Remarks. See table as shown below:

Average Point grade Remarks

Below 0 0.00 No such grade
Below 50 9.00 Dropped
Below 75 5.00 Failed
Below 80 (as is the point grade value) Passed – Satisfactory
Below 85 (as is the point grade value) Passed – Good
Below 90 (as is the point grade value) Passed – Average
Below 100 (as is the point grade value) Passed – Very Good
100 (as is the point grade value) Passed – Excellent
Not between 0 and 100 Out of range or Invalid
1. Test Case 1 : Stop at negative -1 and calculate the Average and Point Grade. 50 pts

2. Test Case 2 : Stop at negative -1 and calculate the Average, Point Grade and display
remarks. 80pts.

3. Test Case 3 : Accepts grade not in range but does not include in the calculation and
continue to process. Stops at -1 and calculate the Average, Point Grade and display
remarks. 100pts.

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