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Structural and spectroscopic

characterization of bismuth-ferrites
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2166, 020017 (2019);
Published Online: 25 October 2019

S. R. Dhanya, Soumya G. Nair, Jyotirmayee Satapathy, and N. Pavan Kumar


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AIP Conference Proceedings 2166, 020017 (2019); 2166, 020017

© 2019 Author(s).
Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization of
S R Dhanya1a, Soumya G Nair1, Jyotirmayee Satapathy1,
N Pavan Kumar2
1Department of Physics, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, India.
2Advanced Magnetics Group, Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, DRDO, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad, India.
Corresponding author:

Abstract. BiFeO3 based materials are currently one of the most studied multiferroics due to their possible applications
at room temperature. In this study two sets of BFO are synthesized at different sintering temperatures i.e. BFO-1 and
BFO-2, synthesized at a calcination temperature of 650ͼ c and sintering temperature of 750ͼ C and 820ͼ C
respectively. The structural characterization is studied using XRD. BFO-2 which is sintered at a temperature of
820ͼ C shows much better properties as well as rhombohedral structure in comparison to the hexagonal counterpart in
case of BFO-1. In addition to this the spectroscopic diagnosis using FTIR and Raman spectroscopic techniques are
also highlighted here.

Perovskite multiferroic materials and related compositions are widely investigated by material science
researchers because of their multiferroic, photocatalytic and magnetic properties which are found to be useful for
applications in thin-film capacitors, non-volatile memories, nonlinear optics and photo electrochemical cells. One
of the such multiferroics which exhibit simultaneous coexistence of ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic ordering
in perovskite structure is bismuth ferrite (BFO/BiFeO3), which has attracted much attention since 1960[1]. The
room temperature phase of BiFeO3 is classed as rhombohedral that belongs to the space group R3C. BFO has
been found to exhibit both ferroelectric (Tc≈830°C) and G-type antiferromagnetic (TN≈ 370°C) properties above
room temperature simultaneously[2].
In our present work, BFO nano particles have been synthesised in solid-state reaction route and
characterization was done by XRD. Spectroscopic characterization has been studies using FTIR and Raman
spectroscopic techniques. While X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a successful tool for the analysis of phase and
structural properties at room temperature, Raman scattering is also a proven technique to obtain information
about local structures, bonds and similar characteristics within the materials [1]. S. Pillai et al studied about
Raman spectra where they obtained Raman peaks whose positions were analogous to the natural frequency of
Raman active modes for R3C structured BiFeO3 compound. They observed 4 A1 and 6E modes which clearly
indicated that the single phase or pure BiFeO3formation without any parasitic phases present. They attributed the
slight shift in the peak positions to the sample preparation conditions because the peak position of Raman
vibration modes depends on oxygen stoichiometry and internal strain within the sample [3]. S. Chaturvedi et al
studied two samples of BFO; they did not observed any kind of structural transition in their samples, but the
Raman spectra of both samples showed some variations in the vibration modes around 70 cm-1 to 300 cm-1 and
425 cm-1 to 700 cm-1 regions [4].
Similarly, FTIR also further confirms the phase and purity of the sample extensively. H. Maleki et al studied
about the FT-IR spectrum of the synthesized BFO nanoparticle in the range of 400-4000 cm-1, whose analysis
confirms the creation of perovskite structure in the sample [5]. M. Muneeswaran et al synthesised nanosized
BiFeO3 powder whose FT-IR spectra revealed that absorption bands at 555 and 445 cm-1 are due to the
stretching vibration of Fe-O and the bending vibration of O-Fe-O bond respectively [6].
The XRD results, Raman and FTIR spectroscopic studies carried out on the synthesized BFO samples are

International Conference on Inventive Material Science Applications

AIP Conf. Proc. 2166, 020017-1–020017-7;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1911-7/$30.00

presented in the subsequent paragraphs with a detailed experimental procedure of synthesis.

We used conventional solid-state reaction method for the preparation of BiFeO3 ceramics. Stoichiometric
proportions of high purity Bi2O3 and Fe2O3 compounds were taken as starting materials. They were mixed in a
mortar to form fine powder by manually grinding for 6 hours. Two sets of samples (BFO-1 and BFO-2) were
prepared. The sample powder, BFO-1 thus obtained was calcined at a temperature of 650°C for 4 hrs and then
pressed into pellets, which were then sintered at a temperature of 750°C for 2 hrs and gradually cooled to room
temperature. Whereas, the sample BFO-2 prepared in the same manner was calcined at a temperature of 650°C
for 2 hrs, pressed into pellets and the sintered at a temperature of 820°C. This is to ensure the effect of sintering
in the structural phase formation.
The XRD of the powdered sample after calcinations and sintering were obtained. FTIR and Raman spectrum
of the sintered BFO were carried out. All these studies are made in room temperature.


XRD analysis
Fig (1a) shows the XRD pattern of the synthesized BFO-1 powder calcined at a temperature of 650ͼ C and Fig (1b)
that of BFO-1 sintered at a temperature of 750ͼ C. Fig (1c) shows that for BFO-2 powder calcined at a temperature
of 650ͼ C and sintered at 820ͼ C. The diffraction pattern was recorded at room temperature and atmospheric
pressure. It can be clearly seen that the XRD pattern is dominated by diffraction peaks from bismuth ferrite which
agrees with the JCPDS data and earlier reported ones. Usually, BFO is formed with some secondary phases present
along with the pure ones. It can be seen that as the temperature increases XRD peaks have become prominent and
the secondary phases have reduced. Further structural analysis carried out by calculating the lattice parameters
which is shown in table 1, 2 and 3. Table 1 shows the lattice parameters calculated for the calcined BFO whereas
table 2 for sintered BFO at 750ͼ C (BFO-1) and table 3 for 820ͼ C sintering temperature (BFO-2) Bismuth ferrite
generally crystallizes in the perovskite type structure (α-BiFeO3) with rhombohedral space group R3C. However, it
can be seen from the representation of cell parameters (table 1) for BFO-1 calcined at a temperature of 650ͼ C that,
the prepared sample is having hexagonal structure. The cell parameters (table 2) for BFO-1 sintered at a
temperature of 750ͼ C indicate that, it also has hexagonal structure.Whereas BFO-2 (Fig.1c) renders a much single
phase dominated peaks comparatively with fine structure. XRD pattern of sintered BFO-2 confirmed the pure BFO
spectra (JCPDS card number 01-073-0548).The doublet peaks 104 and 110 at 2θ=31.634 and 31.82 are the
characteristics of pure BFO. These doublet peaks of highest intensity (104 and110) are the signature of a
rhombohedral phase (R3C space group)[7].

We also calculated FWHM for both samples after calcination and sintering and calculated the corresponding particle
size using Debye Schrerrer formula (D=0.9λ/βcosθ), where λ=0.154nm, Cu-Kα line used for X-rays, β= FWHM and
θ=diffraction angle. The particle size is shown in table 4. It can be seen that as the sintering temperature increases,
intensity of diffraction peak increases and FWHM decreases which leads to an increase in crystalline size. This
explains the enhanced grain growth and better crystallinity of the sample with higher annealing temperature.
Average crystallite size of the pure BFO sample is estimated from dominant 110 peak is 8.2Å and 15.59A0
corresponding to the sintering temperatures 7500C and 8200C respectively. As the temperature increases, intensity
of diffraction peak increases and FWHM decreases which leads to an increase in crystallite size.

(a) (b)


FIGURE 1.(a) BFO-1 calcined at a temperature of 650ͼ C and (b) BFO-1 sintered at a temperature of 750ͼ C, (c) BFO-2
calcined at a temperature of 650ͼ C and sintered at a temperature of 820ͼ C

TABLE 1. Lattice parameters of BFO calcined at 650ͼ C

Parameter Value sigma 95% conf
a 4.16133 0.00038 0.00104
b 4.29410 0.00054 0.00151
c 13.95562 0.00207 0.00574
Cell volume 249.3753 0.0322 0.0890
Distortion value(c/a) 3.353644

TABLE 2. Lattice parameters of BFO-1 sintered at 750ͼ C
Parameter Value sigma 95% conf
a 5.49444 0.00077 0.00333
b 12.03507 0.00269 0.01161
c 314.6490 0.0516 0.2230
Cell volume 2.19041 0.00077 0.00333
Distortion value(c/a) 5.49444

TABLE 3. Lattice parameters of BFO-2 sintered at 850ͼ C

Parameter Value sigma 95% conf
a 5.52939 0.00198 0.00484
b 5.58371 0.00230 0.00562
c 13.86008 0.00123 0.00301
α 90.48662 0.01952 0.04777
β 89.57751 0.01675 0.04098
γ 119.61029 0.02433 0.05952
Cell volume 372.0234 0.1876 0.4589
Distortion value(c/a) 2.50662

TABLE 4. FWHM and particle size of BFO-1 and BFO-2

Sample FWHM Particle size
BFO-Calcination@650 C 0.26562 5.08Å
BFO-1-Sintering@750oC 0.16396 8.2Å
BFO-2- Sintering@820oC 0.08657 15.59Å

FT-IR analysis
Infrared spectroscopy is used specially to study the molecular bonding in a material. FTIR contains peak
which corresponds to the vibrational frequency of atomic bonds. This helps to identify the bonds present in a
material. Figure (2a) the FTIR plot of the BFO sample prepared by solid state route process, which is calcined at
650 0C and sintered at 750 0C. The peaks at the position of 520, 566 and 577 cm-1 are due to the stretching and
bending vibrations of the Fe-O [3]. In FeO6 octahedron, stretching vibration of Fe-O shows a peak at 520 cm-1.
Out of phase vibrations of oxygen atoms occurs at 577cm-1 perpendicular to the [111] plane of the rhombohedral
BFO. Due to the high crystalline phase,pure BFO has an Fe-O absorption peak at 810cm-1. The metal oxygen
bonds confirm the formation of perovskite structure. The IR peak below 1000 cm-1, that is 810 cm-1 shows Bi-O
vibration. The band at 1070 and 1077 cm-1 can be attributed to the vibration of Bi-O bond [4]. From this FTIR
spectrum it can be seen that for the BFO sintered at 820 0C, at 1073 cm-1 transmittance is less, which means
more absorbance has occurred compared to the same sample calcined at 650 0C. As the temperature increased,
grain growth also increased. The vibrational frequency is determined by the equation v=1/2πc √(k⁄μ) for Fe-O
bond. The relation in between force constant(k) and average Fe-O bond length(r) is k-17/r^3 . In table 5b, the
types vibrations responsible in BFO giving rise to the FTIR spectrum is tabulated.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 2: (a) FTIR spectra of BFO and (b)Raman spectra of BFO

TABLE 5a. FTIR details of BFO-1

Composition Wave number Effective mass Force constant Fe-O bond length
BFO sintered at 7500C 520 2.065 2.024 2.033
TABLE 5b. FTIR details of BFO-2
Functional group Type of vibration Characteristic Intensity
C-Br Stretching 500-600 strong
C-H Bending 675-1000 strong
C-O Stretching 1087-1124 strong

Raman Spectrum analysis

The Raman spectrum of BFO-1 is shown in the figure 5b which shows some changes in the vibrational
modes in 100cm-1 to 2500 cm-1. Raman spectroscopy is a very good method for calculating atomic displacements
and also fundamental phonon modes. This will give information about the lattice properties and structural phase
transitions. In the group theory, there exist 13 Raman active modes which are predicted for space group of R3c
and rhombohedrally distorted structure. For pure BFO samples 4A1 and 5E models are observed at
131,168,212,488,272,345,416,532 and 590 cm-1, which is in good agreement with the literature. The A1-1, A1-2,
A1-3, E-1 and E-2 modes are associated with Bi-O covalent bond whereas higher frequency E modes (>400 cm-
1) are assigned to Fe-O bonds. Frequencies of Raman modes depend on the ionic masses and force constant. The
Raman modes are listed in the table 6. In order to compare, the Raman modes for BFO single crystals from the
literature are given [5]. In BFO lattice, the Bi atoms contribute the low frequency modes below 167 cm-1. Fe
atoms take part in the modes between intensities above 262 cm-1, which get decreased. We can also notice the
broadening and shifting of modes. This shows that oxygen vacancies are formed in the system that cause the
distortion of the lattice. This will also lead to the distortion of BFO lattice. Raman peaks are affected by grain
sizes, impurities, lattice distortion, strain and also defects. The FWHM value is inversely proportional to the
phonon lifetime. As the FWHM value is increased, life time decreases. This is because of smaller grain sizes and
the lowered defects like oxygen vacancies. Raman shift and shorter phonon life times attributed to anharmonic
interactions among Bi-O and Fe-O bonds in the distorted oxygen octahedron. This will results in the reduction of

cation defects and oxygen vaccancies[12].

Two samples of bismuth ferrite powder were prepared by solid state reaction method, both at same
calcination temperature (650ͼ C) but with different sintering temperature (750ͼ C and 820ͼ C). The structural
analysis was done via XRD patterns. Higher sintering temperature of 820ͼ C showed better XRD pattern than at
820ͼ C and rhombohedral structure formation unlike to the hexagonal structure formation at 750ͼ C. Extensive
spectroscopic analysis towards the structural characterization of BFO has also been an important part of the
study. FTIR and Raman spectrum obtained for BFO at room temperature have been analysed here. All these
results have close agreement with the earlier reported ones. And it’s concluded that sintering temperature of
820ͼ C is best suited for BFO synthesis.

TABLE 6. Raman Modes of BFO-1

Raman Modes BFO (reference) BFO calcined at 650ͼͼ C BFO sintered
at 750ͼͼ C
A1-1 147,131 128 140
A1-2 176,168 195
A1-3 227,212
A1-4 490,488
E 265,272 250
E 279 277
E 351,345
E 375
E 437,416 418
E 473,488
E 525,532 520 516
E 577,590

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