Yanfly - Ods (Recovered) - Yanfly

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Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.

https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
<<CORE ENGINE >> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/09/yep-1-core-engine/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Price: x> Changes Price of Object to x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Max Item: x> Changes the Max # of Items to x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Initial Level: x> Changes the Initial Level of an Actor to x Actor x
<Max Level: x> Changes the Max Level of an Actor to x Actor x
<Learn at Level: x> Class Learns Skill at Level x Skill x
<stat: x> Changes specific enemy stat to x Enemy x
<exp: x> Changes amount of EXP of enemy to x Enemy x
GainGold <x> Party Gains x Amount of Gold Plugin Command x
LoseGold <x> Party Loses x Amount of Gold Plugin Command x
<<CLASS CHANGE CORE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/27/yep-32-class-change-core/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Unlock Class: x> Unlocks Class x Actor x
<Unlock Class x,x,x> Unlocks Multiple Classes Actor x
<Unlock Class: x to y> Unlock All Classes between x and y Actor x
<Class x Character: filename y> When Actor is Class x, its sprite is set to “filename” and index y Actor x
<Class x Face: filename y> When Actor is Class x, its face is set to “filename” and index y Actor x
<Class x Battler: filename> When Actor is Class x, its battler is set to “filename” Actor x
<Icon: x> Changes Class Icon to x Class x
<Help Description> Text </Help Description> Sets the help description for Class to “Text” Class x
<Level Unlock Requirements>
Class x: Level y Sets the class x to be unlocked at level y Class x
</Level Unlock Requirements>
OpenClass Opens the Class Change Screen Plugin Command x
ShowClass Shows the Class Option in the Main Menu Plugin Command x
HideClass Hides the Class Option in the Main Menu Plugin Command x
EnableClass This enables the Class Option Plugin Command x
DisableClass This disables the Class Option Plugin Command x
UnlockClass x y This will unlock class y for actor x Plugin Command x
RemoveClass x y This will remove class y from actor x Plugin Command x
UnlockClassAll x This will add class x from all actors Plugin Command x
RemoveClassAll x This will remove class x from all actors Plugin Command x
<<SUBCLASS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/29/yep-34-subclass/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Subclass: x> Sets Actors subclass to x Actor x
<Restrict Class: x> Actor can not switch to Class x Actor x
<Restrict Class: x,x,x> Actor can no switch to Classes Actor x
<Restrict Class: x to y> Actor can not switch to any Class between x and y Actor x
<Restrict Subclass: x> Actor can not switch to Subclass x Actor x
<Restrict Subclass: x,x,x> Actor can not use Subclasses Actor x
<Restrict Subclass: x to y> Actor can not use any subclass between x and y Actor x
<Primary Only> This class can only be a primary Class Class x
<Subclass Only> This class can only be a Subclass Class x
<Subclass x Combo Name: text> If this class has the Subclass X equipped, the displayed class name will be “text” Class x
<Require Class: x> This Skill/Item can only be used by class x Skill, Item x x
<Require Class: x,x,x> This Skill/Item can only be used by classes listed Skill, Item x x
<Require Class: x to y> This Skill/Item can only be used by classes between x and y Skill, Item x x
ShowSubclass Shows the Subclass menu in the Class Change Menu Plugin Command x
HideSubclass Hides the Subclass menu in the Class Change Menu Plugin Command x
EnableSubclass Enables the Subclass menu in the Class Change Menu Plugin Command x
DisableSubclass Disables the Subclass menu in the Class Change Menu Plugin Command x
ChangeSubclass x y Change Actor x to Subclass y Plugin Command x
<<EXTRA PARAMETER FORMULA>> http://yanfly.moe/2016/02/12/yep-69-extra-parameter-formula/

Battle Plugins
<<BATTLE ENGINE CORE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/10/yep-3-battle-engine-core/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Cast Animation: x> Sets Skill Cast Animation to Animation x Skill x
<Reflect Animation ID: x> Changes the Users Reflect Animation to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Sprite Cannot Move> Prevents Battle Sprite From Moving Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
setBattleSys DTB,ATB,CTB Sets the battle type to Default, Active or Charged, Respectively Plugin Command x
<<ANIMATED SIDEVIEW ENEMIES>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/13/yep-44-animated-sideview-enemies/ x x x x x x x x x x x
Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
<Breathing> Enables the Enemy Sprite “breathing” Enemy x
<No Breathing> Disables the Enemy Sprite “breathing” Enemy x
<Breathing Speed: x> Enables how many frames for a full breath Enemy x
<Breathing Rate X: x.y> Sets the breathing rate for the X changes (0.0 through 1.0) Enemy x
<Breathing Rate Y: x.y> Sets the breathing rate for the Y changes (0.0 through 1.0) Enemy x
<Floating> Sets the Enemy to be Floating Enemy x
<Floating Speed: x> Sets the Number of Frames the enemy Floats Enemy x
<Floating Height: x> Sets how high the enemy is floating Enemy x
<Scale Sprite: x%> Scales the enemy sprite by X% Enemy x
<Scale Sprite Width: x%> Scales the Enemy sprite horizontally by x% Enemy x
<Scale Sprite Height: x%> Scales the Enemy sprite vertically by x% Enemy x
<Sideview Battler: filename> Sets Enemy's battler sprite to “filename” Enemy x
<Sideview Anchor X: y.z> Sets the anchor for the Sideview x cords Enemy x
<Sideview Anchor Y: y.z> Sets the anchor for the Sideview y cords Enemy x
<Sideview Width: x> Sets the width of the Sideview battler (if custom) Enemy x
<Sideview Height: x> Sets the height of the Sideview battler (if custom) Enemy x
<Sideview Collapse> When enemy dies battler will disappear Enemy x
<Sideview No Collapse> When enemy dies it will leave a corpse Enemy x
<Sideview Frame Speed: x> Sets the frame speed for the sideview battler (lower is faster) Enemy x
<Sideview Attack Motion: swing> Sets the basic attack of the enemy to use “Swing” Enemy x
<Sideview Attack Motion: thrust> Sets the basic attack of the enemy to use “Thrust” Enemy x
<Sideview Attack Motion: missile> Sets the basic attack of the enemy to use “Missile” Enemy x
<Sideview Weapon: x> Sets the weapon of the enemy based on the sideview weapon Enemy x
<Sideview Weapon: x, y, z> x is sideview weapon sprite, y is motion, z is animation Enemy x
<Sideview Idle Motion: x> Sets the Battles Idle Animation Enemy x
<Sideview Damage Motion: x> Sets the Battlers Damaged Animation Enemy x
<Sideview Evade Motion: x> Sets the Battlers Evade Animation Enemy x
<Sideview Escape Motion: x> Sets the Battlers Escape Animation Enemy x
<Sideview Guard Motion: x> Sets the Battlers Guard Animation Enemy x
<Sideview Abnormal Motion: x> Sets the Battlers Abnormal Animation Enemy x
<Sideview Sleep Motion: x> Sets the Battlers Sleep Animation Enemy x
<Sideview Dying Motion: x> Sets the Battlers Dying Animation Enemy x
<Sideview Show Shadow> Shows The Battlers Shadow Enemy x
<Sideview Hide Shadow> Hides The Battlers Shadow Enemy x
<Sideview Shadow Width: x%> Scales The Enemy's Shadow Width by x% Enemy x
<Sideview Shadow Height: x%> Scales The Enemy's Shadow Height by x% Enemy x
<Hide Sideview Weapon> Hides Enemys Sideview Weapon Enemy x
<<BATTLE SYSTEM: ACTIVE TURN BATTLE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/06/yep-24-battle-system-active-turn-battle/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<ATB Help> text </ATB Help> This will set skill or items help to display “text” when using ATB Skill, Item x x
<ATB Speed: x> This will set the ATB speed to x Skill, Item x x
<ATB Speed: x%> This will set the ATB speed to x% of the gauge Skill, Item x x
<ATB Speed: +x> This will increase the speed of the ATB gauge by x Skill, Item x x
<ATB Speed: +x%> This will increase the speed of the ATB gauge by x% Skill, Item x x
<ATB Charge: x> This will set the ATB charge speed to x Skill, Item x x
<ATB Charge: x%> This will set the ATB charge speed to x% of the gauge Skill, Item x x
<ATB Charge: +x> This will increase the ATB charge speed by x Skill, Item x x
<ATB Charge: +x%> This will increase the ATB charge speed by x% Skill, Item x x
<ATB Gauge: x> This will set the speed of the whole ATB to x Skill, Item x x
<ATB Gauge: x%> This will set the speed of the whole ATB to x% of the gauge Skill, Item x x
<ATB Gauge: +x> This will increase the speed of the whole ATB gauge by x Skill, Item x x
<ATB Gauge: +x%> This will increase the speed of the whole ATB gauge by x% Skill, Item x x
<After ATB: x> This will set the ATB to x after use Skill, Item x x
<After ATB: x%> This will set the ATB to x% after use Skill, Item x x
<ATB Interrupt> This will interrupt the targets ATB Skill, Item x x
<ATB Interrupt: x%> This will interrupt the targets atb (x is the percent to succeed) Skill, Item x x
<ATB Start: +x> This will set the starting ATB for the Actor to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<ATB Start: +x%> This will set the starting ATB for the Actor to x% of the gauge Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<ATB Turn: +x> This will set the ATB to x after each turn Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<ATB Turn: +x%> This will set the ATB to x% of the gauge after each turn Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<<VISUAL ATB GAUGE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/22/yep-31-visual-atb-gauge/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Show ATB Gauge> This will either show the enemys ATB gauge Enemy x
<Hide ATB Gauge> This will hide the enemys ATB gauge Enemy x
<ATB Gauge Width: x> This will determine how wide the enemys ATB gauge is Enemy x
<<BATTLE SYSTEM: CHARGE TURN BATTLE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/05/yep-38-battle-system-charge-turn-battle/ x x x x x x x x x x x
Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
<CTB Icon: x> This will change the Icon in the CTB to x Actor, Enemy x x
<CTB Border Color: x> This will change the border color of the CTB to x Actor, Enemy x x
<CTB Background Color: x> This will change the background color of the CTB icon to x Actor, Enemy x x
<CTB Help> text text </CTB Help> This will change the help text of object while battle mode is CTB Skill, Item x x
<CTB Speed: x> Sets the CTB speed to x Skill, Item x x
<CTB Speed: +x> Increases the CTB speed to x Skill, Item x x
<CTB Speed: +x%> Increases the CTB speed to x% Skill, Item x x
<CTB Order: +x> This will either increase or decrease targets order in CTB Skill, Item x x
<After CTB: x> After action target will have x added to charge Skill, Item x x
<CTB Start: +x> At the start of the battle targets charge is set to x Skill, Item x x
<CTB Turn: +x> After each turn targets charge is increase by x Skill, Item x x
<<VISUAL HP GAUGE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/21/yep-30-visual-hp-gauges/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Show HP Gauge> <Hide HP Gauge> This will either display or hide enemies HP Gauge Class, Enemy x x
<HP Gauge Height: x> Determines HP Gauges Height Class, Enemy x x
<HP Gauge Width: x> Determines HP Gauges Width Class, Enemy x x
<HP Gauge Back Color: x> Changes HP Gauges Back Color to x (text color) Class, Enemy x x
<HP Gauge Color 1: x> Sets HP Gauge 1 Color to x (text color) Class, Enemy x x
<HP Gauge Color 2: x> Sets HP Gauge 2 Color to x (text color) Class, Enemy x x
<<BUFFS AND STATES CORE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/25/yep-50-buffs-states-core/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Max stat Buff: +x> This determines the max number of times a stat can be buffed to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Max stat Debuff: +x> This determines the max number of times a stat can be debuffed to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<stat Buff Turns: +x> This will incerase or decrease the amount of turns a buff lasts by x Skill, Item x x
<stat Debuff Turns: +x> This will incerase or decrease the amount of turns a debuff lasts by x Skill, Item x x
<Show Turns> This will show the remaining number of turns on a state State x
<Hide Turns> This will hide the remaining number of turns on a state State x
<Turn Font Size: x> This will change the Turn Font Size to x State x
<Turn Buffer X: +x> Adjust the horizontal position of the Turn Count by X State x
<Turn Buffer Y: +x> Adjust the vertical positon of the Turn Count by X State x
<Turn Color: x> This changes the Turn Count Text Color to x State x
<Reapply Ignore Turns> If State is reapplied turn account is ignored State x
<Reapply Reset Turns> If State is reapplied, turn count is reset State x
<Reapply Add Turns> If State is reapplied, turn count is added together State x
<State x Turns: +y> This will increase/decrease state x duration by y number of turns Skill, Item x x
<Show State Turns> If enemy is selected will show state turn remaining Enemy x
<Hide State Turns> If enemy is selected will hide state turn remaining Enemy
<<DAMAGE CORE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/07/yep-25-damage-core/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Bypass Damage Cap> This will cause object to bypass damage limit Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State, Skill, Item x x x x x x x x
<Damage Cap: x> <Heal Cap: x> This will set the skill/item to have skill/damage cap Skill, Item x x
<<ARMOR SCALING>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/28/yep-33-armor-scaling/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Armor Reduction: x> This will reduce the targets Armor level by x Skill, Item x x
<Armor Reduction: x%> This will reduce the targets Armor level by x% Skill, Item x x
<Armor Penetration: x%> This will reduce targets Armor level by x% Skill, Item x x
<Armor Penetration: x> This will reduce targets Armor level by x Skill, Item x x
<Bypass Armor Scaling> This object bypass's the armor scaling script Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Physical Armor Reduction: x> Causes target to lose x of physical armor Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Magical Armor Reduction: x> Causes target to lose x of magical armor Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Certain Armor Reduction: x> Causes target to lose x of certain hit armor Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Physical Armor Reduction: x%> Causes target to lose x% of physical armor Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Magical Armor Reduction: x%> Causes target to lose x% of magical armor Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Certain Armor Reduction: x%> Causes target to lose x% of certain hit armor Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<<CRITICAL CONTROL>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/08/yep-26-critical-control/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Critical Rate: x%> Changes the Object to have a critical rate of X percent Skill, Item x x
<Critical Multiplier: x%> Changes the Object to have a critical damage multiplier of X percent Skill, Item x x
<Flat Critical: x% stat> Increases Objects Critical Rate by x% of “stat” Skill, Item x x
<Critical Multiplier: +x%> Increases/Decreases the Damage of a Critical Hit by x% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Flat Critical: +x> Increases/Decreases the critical damage by x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Certain Hit Critical Rate: +x%> Increases/Decreases the Critical Chance of Certain Hit Attacks by x% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Physical Critical Rate: +x%> Increases/Decreases the Critical Chance of Physical Attacks by x% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Magical Critical Rate: +x%> Increases/Decreases the Critical Chance of Magical Attacks by x% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<<EXTRA ENEMY DROPS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/19/yep-47-extra-enemy-drops/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Item x: y%> This will change enemy to have y% chance to drop item id x Enemy x
<Weapon x: y%> This will change enemy to have y% chance to drop weapon id x Enemy x
Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
<Armor x: y%> This will change enemy to have y% chance to drop armor id x Enemy x
<<LIFE STEAL>> http://yanfly.moe/2016/02/19/yep-71-life-steal-rpg-maker-mv/

<<TAUNT>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/31/yep-23-taunt/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Physical Taunt> Any Skill/Item set as physical must target Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Magical Taunt> Any Skill/Item set as magical must target Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Certain Taunt> Any Skill/Item set as certain hit must target Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Null Physical Taunt> Will remove the physical taunt effect Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Null Magical Taunt> Will remove the magical taunt effect Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Null Certain Taunt> Will remove the certain hit taunt effect Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Ignore Physical Taunt> Is able to ignore physical taunt effect Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Ignore Magical Taunt> Is able to ignore magical taunt effect Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Ignore Certain Taunt> Is able to ignore certain hit taunt effect Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Bypass Taunt> Is able to bypass all taunt effects Skill, Item x x
<<VICTORY AFTERMATH>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/13/yep-7-victory-aftermath/ x x x x x x x x x x x
DisableVictoryAftermath Disables the Victory Aftermath sequence Plugin Command x
EnableVictoryAftermath Enables the Victory Aftermath sequence Plugin Command x
DisableVictoryMusic Disables the Victory Aftermath music Plugin Command x
EnableVictoryMusic Enables the Victory Aftermath music Plugin Command x

Item Plugins
<<ITEM CORE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/16/yep-11-item-core/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Random Variance: x> Offset stats of item by x% Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Not Independent item> Sets an item to be non-independent Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Priority Name> Sets the Items Priority Name Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
EnableVarianceStock Causes all items to lose variance Plugin Command x
DisableVarianceStock Causes all items to regain variance Plugin Command x
<<ITEM SYNTHESIS>> http://yanfly.moe/2016/01/15/yep-58-item-synthesis/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Item Recipe: x> This will allow Item recipe x to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Item Recipe: x, x, x> This will allow Item recipe x to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Item Recipe: x to y> This will allow Item recipe x to y to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Weapon Recipe: x> This will allow Weapon recipe x to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Weapon Recipe: x, x, x> This will allow Weapon recipe x to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Weapon Recipe: x to y> This will allow Weapon recipe x to y to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Armor Recipe: x> This will allow Armor recipe x to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Armor Recipe: x, x, x> This will allow Armor recipe x to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Armor Recipe: x to y> This will allow Armor recipe x to y to be visible Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Mask Name: x> This will change the item name in the synthesis menu to x Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Synthesis Ingredients>
This will list the ingredients required for specific item Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
</Synthesis Ingredients>
OpenSynthesis This will open the synthesis menu Plugin Command x
ShowSynthesis This will show the synthesis menu in the main menu Plugin Command x
HideSynthesis This will hide the synthesis menu in the main menu Plugin Command x
EnableSynthesis This will enable the synthesis menu Plugin Command x
DisableSynthesis This will disable the synthesis menu Plugin Command x
<<ITEM UPGRADE SLOTS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/16/yep-12-item-upgrade-slots/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Upgrade Slots: x> Determines the number of slots the object will have Weapon, Armor x x
<Slot Variance: x> Determines the number of slot variance the object will have Weapon, Armor x x
<Upgrade Sound: filename> Determines the sound played when an item is upgraded Weapon, Armor x x
<Upgrade Effect>
effect This are the changes applied to the item upgrade Item x
</Upgrade Effect>
<Upgrade Weapon Type: x> This will allow item to upgrade weapon types x Item x
<Upgrade Weapon Type: x, x, x> This will allow item to upgrade weapon types x Item x
<Upgrade Weapon Type: x through y> This will allow item to upgrade weapon types x to y Item x
<Upgrade Armor Type: x> This will allow item to upgrade armor types x Item x
Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
<Upgrade Armor Type: x, x, x> This will allow item to upgrade armor types x Item x
<Upgrade Armor Type: x through y> This will allow item to upgrade armor types x to y Item x
ShowItemUpgrade Shows the Item Upgrade Screen Plugin Command x
HideItemUpgrade Hides the Item Upgrade Screen Plugin Command x
DisableItemUpgrade Disables the Item Upgrade Screen in the item menu Plugin Command x
EnableItemUpgrade Enables the Item Upgrade Screen in the item menu Plugin Command x
<<SHOP MENU CORE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/16/yep-12-item-upgrade-slots/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Price: x> Sets the buying price of object to x Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Sell Price: x> Sets the selling price of object to x Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Cannot Sell> Item can not be sold Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Can Sell> Item can be sold Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<<MORE CURRENCIES>> http://yanfly.moe/2016/01/22/yep-060-more-currencies/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Variable x Buy Price: y> This sets the objects buy price to cost y amount of variable x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Variable x Sell Price: y> This sets the objects sell price to cost y amount of variable x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Item x Buy Price: y> This sets the objects buy price to cost y amount item x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Item x Sell Price: y> This sets the objects sell price to cost y amount of item x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Weapon x Buy Price: y> This sets the objects buy price to cost y amount of weapon x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Weapon x Sell Price: y> This sets the objects sell price to cost y amount of weapon x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Armor x Buy Price: y> This sets the objects buy price to cost y amount of armor x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Armor x Sell Price: y> This sets the objects sell price to cost y amount of armor x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x
<Proxy Buy: x> This sets the item to be a proxy buy of object x Weapon, Armor, Item x x x

Skill Plugins
<<SKILL CORE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/13/yep-8-skill-core/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<HP Cost: x> This will cause skill to cost x amount of hp Skill x
<HP Cost: x%> This will cause skill to cost x% amount of hp Skill x
<MP Cost: x> This will cause skill to cost x amount of mp Skill x
<MP Cost: x%> This will cause skill to cost x% amount of mp Skill x
<TP Cost: x> This will cause skill to cost x amount of tp Skill x
<TP Cost: x%> This will cause skill to cost x% amount of tp Skill x
<Hide in Battle> This will hide the skill when in battle Skill x
<Hide in Field> this will hide the skill when in the field Skill x
<Hide if Learned Skill: x> Will disable if skill x is learned Skill x
<Hide if Learned Skill: x, x, x> Will disable if any of the skills are learned Skill x
<Hide if Learned Skill: x to y> Will disabled if any skill from x to y is learned Skill x
<Swap Gauge x: y> This will change gauge x with gauge y (1HP 2MP 3TP) Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x
<<LIMITED SKILL USES>> http://yanfly.moe/2016/01/09/yep-56-limited-skill-uses/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Unlimited Use> This will make a skill have unlimited uses Skill x
<Limit Uses: x> This will make a skill usable x number of times Skill x
<Recover All Uses> This allows a skill to recover uses Skill x
<Not Recover All Uses> This stops a skill from recovering uses Skill x
<Victory Uses Recover: x> When user wins a battle, skill gains x uses back Skill x
<Escape uses Recover: x> When user flees a battle, skill gains x uses back Skill x
<Lose Uses Recover: x> When user loses a battle, skill gains x uses back Skill x
<After Battle Uses Recover: x> When user ends a battle, skill gains x uses back Skill x
<Global Limited Uses: +x> This will add x back to all charged skills Skill, Item x x
<SType x Limited Uses: +y> This will add y back to all charged skills of x type Skill, Item x x
<Skill x Limited Uses: +y> This will add y back to skill id x Skill, Item x x
<Global Use Max: +x> This will increase/decrease the charge count of all skills by x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<SType x Use Max: +y> This will increase/decrease the amount of all charge skills of type y by x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Skill x Use Max: +y> This will increase/decrease the amount of charges of skill x by y amount Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<<SKILL COOLDOWNS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/14/yep-9-skill-cooldowns/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Cooldown: x> Will force skill to have x number of turns cooldown Skill x
<After Battle Cooldown: +x> After battle increase/decrease the number of turns on cooldown Skill x
<Cooldown Steps: x> After x number of steps reduce the cooldown of skill by 1 Skill x
<Skill x Cooldown: y> After skill is used skill x will be all cooldown for y number of turns Skill x
<SType x Cooldown: y> After skill is used all skills under skill type x will be all cooldown for y turns Skill x
<Global Cooldown: x> When skill is used, all skills will be on cooldown for X number of turns Skill x
<Bypass Cooldown> Skill bypasses all cooldown restrictions Skill x
<Skill x Cooldown: +y> Target hit by this skill will have skill x reduced/increase cooldown by y turns Skill, Item x x
<SType x Cooldown: +y> Target hit by this skill will have skill type x reduced/increase cooldown by y turns Skill, Item x x
<Global Cooldown: +x> Target hit by this skill will have global cooldown reduced/increase cooldown by y turns Skill, Item x x
Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
<Skill x Cooldown Duration: y%> Makes skill x have a cooldown duration increased/decreased by y% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<SType x Cooldown Duration: y%> Makes skill type x have a cooldown duration increased/decreased by y% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Global Cooldown Duration: x%> All skills have their cooldown duration increased/decreased duration by y% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Skill x Cooldown Rate: y%> Makes skill x have a cooldown rate increased/decreased by y% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<SType x Cooldown Rate: y%> Makes skill type x have a cooldown rate increased/decreased by y% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Global Cooldown Rate: x%> All skills have their cooldown rate increased/decreased duration by y% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Skill x Cooldown: +y> If skill x is used, it will have its cooldown increased/decreased by y Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<SType x Cooldown: +y> If skill type x is used, it will have its cooldown increased/decreased by y Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Global Cooldown: +x> If any skill is used, its cooldown will be increased/decreased by x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Skill x Warmup: +y> At the start of battle skill x will have its cooldown increased/decreased by y Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<SType x Warmup: +y> At the start of battle skill type x will have its cooldown increased/decreased by y Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Global Warmup: +x> At the start of battle, all skills will have their cooldown increased/decreased by x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<<SKILL COST ITEMS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/12/yep-43-skill-cost-items/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Item x Cost y> When skill is used, costs y number of x item Skill x
<Weapon x Cost y> When skill is used, costs y number of x weapon Skill x
<Armor x Cost y> When skill is used, costs y number of x armor Skill x
<Item Cost: x y> x can be replaced with the item name, y being the amount Skill x
<Swap Gauge x: Item y> Will swap gauge x and display quantity of item y Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x
<Swap Gauge x: Weapon y> Will swap gauge x and display quantity of weapon y Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x
<Swap Gauge x: Armor y> Will swap gauge x and display quantity of armor y Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x
<Item x Cost: +y> This will cause skill to have increased/decreased cost of item x by y amount Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Weapon x Cost: +y> This will cause skill to have increased/decreased cost of weapon x by y amount Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Armor x Cost: +y> This will cause skill to have increased/decreased cost of armor x by y amount Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Item x Cost: y%> This will cause skill to have increased/decreased cost of item x by y% amount Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Weapon x Cost: y%> This will cause skill to have increased/decreased cost of weapon x by y% amount Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Armor x Cost: y%> This will cause skill to have increased/decreased cost of armor x by y% amount Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Replace Type x Cost: Type y> This will repleace the cost of item/weapon/armor x with id y Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x
<Item Gauge Color 1: x> This will change the color of the item gauge to color x Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Item Gauge Color 2: x> This will change the color of the item gauge to color x Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Item Gauge Text: x> This will change the text of the item gauge to x Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<Item Gauge Text Color: x> This will change the text color of the item gauge to x Item, Weapon, Armor x x x
<<INSTANT CAST>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/30/yep-22-instant-cast-2/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Instant> This skill or item will become instant Skill, Item x x
<Instant Skill: x> This will cause skill x to become instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Instant Skill: x,x,x> This will cause skill x to become instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Instant Skill: x to y> This will cause skills x to y to become instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Cancel Instant Skill: x> This will cause skill x to not be instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Cancel Instant Skill: x, x, x> This will cause skill x to not be instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Cancel Instant Skill: x to y> This will cause skills x to y to not be instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Cancel Instant Item: x> This will cause item x to not be instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Cancel Instant Item: x, x, x> This will cause item x to not be instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Cancel Instant item: x to y> This will cause items x to y to not be instant Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<<SKILL LEARN SYSTEM>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/14/yep-28-skill-learn-system/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Learn Skill: x> Enable Class to learn skill x Class x
<Learn Skill: x, x, x> Enable Class to learn skill x Class x
<Learn Skill: x to y> Enable Class to learn skills x to y Class x
<Learn Cost: x Gold> Set skill to have a learn cost of x Gold Skill x
<Learn Cost: x JP> Set skill to have a learn cost of x JP Skill x
<Learn Cost>
Item x: y
Weapon x: y Set the learn cost of skill to item x and y amount or weapon x and y amount or armor x and y amount Skill x
Armor x: y
</Learn Cost>
<Learn Require Level: x> Skill requires Actors level to be x or greater to learn Skill x
<Learn Require Skill: x> In order to learn skill, actor must learn skill x Skill x
<Learn Require Skill: x, x, x> In order to learn skill, actor must learn all skill x Skill x
<Learn Require Skill: x to y> In order to learn skill, actor must learn all skills between skill x and y Skill x
<Learn Require Switch: x> In order for actor to learn skill switch x must be on Skill x
<Learn Require Switch: x, x, x> In order for actor to learn skill all switches x must be on Skill x
<Learn Require Switch: x to y> In order for actor to learn skill all switches x to y must be on Skill x

Equip Plugins
<<EQUIP CORE>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/15/yep-10-equip-core/ x x x x x x x x x x x
Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
<Equip Slot: x> This changes the actors equipment slots Class x
<Equip Slot: x, x, x> This changes the actors equipment slots Class x
<Equip Slot>
string This changes the actors equipment slots Class x
</Equip Slot>
<stat +x> This changes the stat gain on a specific stat Weapon, Armor x x
<<WEAPON ANIMATION>> http://yanfly.moe/2016/01/28/yep-63-weapon-animation/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Weapon Image: x> This will determine the weapon image Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Weapon Image: filename> This will determine the weapon image as filename Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Weapon Motion: thrust> This will force the weapon to have Thrust animation Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Weapon Motion: swing> This will force the weapon to have Swing animation Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Weapon Motion: missile> This will force the weapon to have Missle animation Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Weapon Hue: x> This will change the weapons hue to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Weapon Animation: x> This willl change the attack animation to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<<WEAPON UNLEASH>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/26/yep-51-weapon-unleash/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Replace Attack: x> Will replace Attack with Skill ID x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Replace Guard: x> Will Replace Guard with Skill ID x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Weapon Unleash: +x%> Increase/Decrease Weapon Unleash by x% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Weapon Unleash x: +y%> Changes Weapon unleash rate of skill x by y% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Guard Unleash: +x%> Changes Guard unleash rate of skill x by y% Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Command Text: x> Changes the Text of the unlease to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Attack Text: x> Changes the Text of Attack Unleash to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Guard Text: x> Changes Text of Guard Unleash to x Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x

Status Menu Plugin

<<ACTOR VARIABLES>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/10/yep-41-actor-variables/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Column x Variables: y> This will display variable y in column x in the status menu Actor x
<Column x Variables: y, y, y> This will display variables y in column x in the status menu Actor x
<Column x Variables: y to z> This will display variables y to z in column x in the status menu Actor x
<<PROFILE STATUS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/20/yep-48-profile-status-page/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Profile Text>
text Inserts profile text in the status menu with “text” Actor x
</Profile Text>
<Profile Image: filename> Replaces profile picture in status with “filename” Actor x
<Profile Image Align: Left> Aligns the Profile Image to the Left Actor x
<Profile Image Align: Center> Aligns the Profile Image to the Center Actor x
<Profile Image Align: Right> Aligns the Profile Image to the Right Actor x
ClearProfileText x Clears the profile text of actor x Plugin Command x
AddProfileText x “text” This will add line of “text” to actor id x Plugin Command x
ProfileTextLine x y text This will add line of “text” to line x to actor y Plugin Command x
ProfileImage x filename This will change the profile picture of actor x to filename Plugin Command x
ProfileImageAlign x align This will alight profile picture of actor x to align in “align” direction Plugin Command x

Game Play Plugins

<<AUTO PASSIVE STATES>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/17/yep-13-auto-passive-states/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Passive State: x> This will allow actor or weapon/armor to have passive state x Actor,Class, Skills, Weapon, Armor, Enemy x x x x x x
<Passive State: x, x, x> This will allow actor or weapon/armor to have passive states x Actor,Class, Skills, Weapon, Armor, Enemy x x x x x x
<Passive State: x to y> This will allow actor or weapon/armor to have passive state x to y Actor,Class, Skills, Weapon, Armor, Enemy x x x x x x
<Passive Condition: HP Above x%> If the user of this state has HP below x% the state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: HP Below x%> If the user of this state has HP above x% the state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: MP Above x%> If the user of this state has MP above x% the state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: MP Below x%> If the user of this state has MP below x% the state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: Stat Above x> If the users “stat” is above x then the state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: Stat Below x> If the users “stat” is below x then the state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: Switch x ON> If Switch x is turned ON then the passive state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: Switch x OFF> If Switch x is turned OFF then the passive state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: Variable x Above y> If variable x is above value y then the state becomes active State x
<Passive Condition: Variable x Below y> If variable x is below value y then the state becomes active State x
<<ENEMY LEVELS>> http://yanfly.moe/2016/01/29/yep-64-enemy-levels/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Show Level> This will show the Enemies Level in battle Enemy x
<Hide Level> This will hide the Enemies Level in battle Enemy x
<Minimum Level: x> This will set the minimum level to x Enemy x
<Maximum Level: x> This will set the maximum level to x Enemy x
Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
<Static Level: x> This will set the static level to x Enemy x
<Starting Level Type: x> This will set how the level is determined Enemy x
<Positive Level Fluctuation: x> Will allow enemies level to flucuate postivily by up to x Enemy x
<Negative Level Fluctuation: x> Will allow enemies level to flucuate netgativly by up to x Enemy x
<Level Fluctuation: x> This sets both postive and negative level flucation Enemy x
<stat Rate: +x% per level> This forces "stat" to change by x% per level Enemy x
<stat Rate: -x% per level> This forces "stat" to change by x% per level Enemy x
<stat Rate: +x.y per level> This forces "stat" to change by x.y per level Enemy x
<stat Rate: -x.y per level> This forces "stat" to change by x.y per level Enemy x
<stat Flat: +x per level> This forces "stat" to change by x per level Enemy x
<stat Flat: -x per level> This forces "stat" to change by x per level Enemy x
<stat Flat: +x.y per level> This forces "stat" to change by x.y per level Enemy x
<stat Flat: -x.y per level> This forces "stat" to change by x.y per level Enemy x
<Resist Level Change> This will not allow level to be changed Enemy x
<Skill x Require Level: y> This will require enemy to be level y to use skill x Enemy x
<Reset Enemy Level> This will reset enemy level to normal Skill, Item x x
<Change Enemy Level: +x> This will change enemy level by x (positive or negative) Skill, Item x x
<<ENHANCED TP>> http://yanfly.moe/2016/01/08/yep-55-enhanced-tp/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<TP Mode: x> This is the sets default TP mode an actor is in to x Actor x
<Unlock TP Mode: x> This will allow TP mode x to be learned Actor, Skill, Item x x x
<Unlock TP Mode: x, x, x> This will allow TP mode x to be learned Actor, Skill, Item x x x
<Unlock TP Mode: x to y> This will allow TP modes x to y to be learned Actor, Skill, Item x x x
<Learn Unlock TP Mode: x> When skill is learned, TP mode x is unlocked Skill x
<Learn Unlock TP Mode: x, x, x> When skill is learned, TP mode x is unlocked Skill x
<Learn Unlock TP Mode: x to y> When skill is learned, TP modes x to y is unlocked Skill x
ShowTpMode This will show the TP mode in the menu Plugin Command x
HideTpMode This will hide the TP mode in the menu Plugin Command x
EnableTpMode This will enable the TP mode Plugin Command x
DisableTpMode This will disable the TP mode Plugin Command x
ChangeTpMode Actor x to y Change the TP mode of actor x to TP mode y Plugin Command x
ChangeTpMode Party x to y Change the TP mode of party member x to TP mode y Plugin Command x
UnlockTpMode Actor x Mode y Unlocks TP mode y for actor x Plugin Command x
UnlockTpMode Party 4 Mode 8 Unlocks TP mode y for party member x Plugin Command x
RemoveTpMode Actor 1 Mode 9 Removes TP mode y for actor x Plugin Command x
RemoveTpMode Party 2 Mode 10 Removes TP mode y for party member x Plugin Command x
UnlockAllTpModes Actor x Unlocks All TP modes for actor x Plugin Command x
UnlockAllTpModes Party x Unlocks All TP modes for party member x Plugin Command x
RemoveAllTpModes Actor x Removes All TP modes for actor x Plugin Command x
RemoveAllTpModes Party x Removes All TP modes for party member x Plugin Command x
<<JOB POINTS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/13/yep-27-job-points/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Starting JP: x> Actors Starting JP amount is x Actor x
<Class x Starting JP: y> if Actor is class x, then starting JP is y Actor x
<JP Rate: x%> increases/decreases the rate of JP gain by x% Actor x x x
<JP Gain: x> Actor using skill or item will gain x amount of JP Skill, Item x x
<Target JP Gain: x> This makes the target affected by skill or item gains x JP Skill, Item
<JP Rate: x%> Increases or decreases the rate of JP Class, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x
<JP: x> Amount of JP awarded by an enemy Enemy x
gainJp x y Gives actor x with y amount of JP Plugin Command x
gainJp x y z Gives actor x using class z with y amount of JP Plugin Command x
loseJp x y Removes actor x with y amount of JP Plugin Command x
loseJp x y z Removes actor x using class z with y amount of JP Plugin Command x
setJp x y Set actor x Jp amount to Y Plugin Command x
setJp x y z Set actor x using class z Jp amount to Y Plugin Command x
<<PARTY SYSTEM>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/20/yep-29-party-system/ x x x x x x x x x x x
OpenPartyMenu Opens Party Menu in the Field Plugin Command x
ShowBattleFormation Shows Formation Command in Battle Plugin Command x
HideBattleFormation Hides Formation Command in Battle Plugin Command x
EnableBattleFormation Enables Formation Command in Battle Plugin Command x
DisableBattleFormation Disables Formation Command in Battle Plugin Command x
LockActor x Locks Actor x to the party Plugin Command x
LockActor x,x,x Locks Actor x,x,x to the party Plugin Command x
UnlockActor x Unlocks Actor x to the party Plugin Command x
Yanfly Website -------------> http://yanfly.moe/ https://goo.gl/YI3Ucy Filter will only work with a LOCALLY DOWNLOADED spreadsheet, google docs wont let me allow you guys to filter :(
If you wish to download the spread sheet and have some form of excel/open office viewer
Updated as of 2/8/16 Core Plugins To Download the spreadsheet, go to File, then Save As, To filter, click the filter by the column then click "Filter by cell not empty"
Plugin Effect Where to Use Actor Class Weapon Armor Skill Item Enemy State
Plugin CommandMap Event
UnlockActor x,x,x Unlocks Actor x,x,x to the party Plugin Command x
RequireActor x Requires Actor x to be in the party Plugin Command x
RequireActor x,x,x Requires Actor x,x,x to be in the party Plugin Command x
UnrequireActor x Unrequires Actor x to be in the party Plugin Command x
UnrequireActor x,x,x Unrequires Actor x,x,x to be in the party Plugin Command x
<<ROW FORMATION>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/11/20/yep-29-party-system/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Default Row: x> This will default actor or enemy to row x Actor, Enemy x x
<Row Lock> This will lock object into current row Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x x x x x
<Not Row Lock> This will remove the row lock Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State x x
<Row Only: x> This can only be used from row x Skill, Item x x
<Row Only: x, x, x> This can only be used from row x Skill, Item x x
<Row Only: x to y> This can only be used from row x to y Skill, Item x x
<Change Target Row: x> This will change target to row x Skill, Item x x
<Push Back Target Row: x> This will push target back x number of rows Skill, Item x x
<Pull Forward Target Row: x> This will pull target forward x number of rows Skill, Item x x
<Change User Row: x> This will change user to row x Skill, Item x x
<Push Back User Row: x> This will push self back x number of rows Skill, Item x x
<Pull Forward User Row: x> This will pull self forward x number of rows Skill, Item x x

Utility Plugins
<<EVENT MINI LABEL>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/08/yep-40-event-mini-label/ x x x x x x x x x x x
HideMiniLabel Hides all event mini labels Plugin Command x
ShowMiniLabel Shows all event mini labels Plugin Command x
<<EXTERNAL LINKS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/25/yep-021-external-links/ x x x x x x x x x x x
OpenNewTab http://www.google.com/ Opens a new tab with said website Plugin Command x
OpenNewWindow http://www.google.com/ Opens a new window with said website Plugin Command x
<<MAP GOLD WINDOW>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/03/yep-36-map-gold-window/ x x x x x x x x x x x
OpenMapGoldWindow Opens the Map Gold Window Plugin Command x
CloseMapGoldWindow Closes the Map Gold Window Plugin Command x
Moves the Map Gold Window to position x
MapGoldWindowPosition x Plugin Command x
<<REGION BATTLEBACK>> x x x x x x x x x x x
<Region x Battleback1: filename> Changes Battle back of Region x to "filename" Map x
<Region x Battleback2: filename> Changes Battle back of Region x to "filename" Map x
<<REGION EVENTS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/19/yep-17-region-events/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Region x Event: y> If player steps on region x common event y will run Map x
<<SAVE EVENT LOCATIONS>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/21/yep-19-save-event-locations/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Save Event Locations> This will cause either all map events or specific events location to be saved Map, Event x x
ResetAllEventLocations Resets all Event Locations Plugin Command x
<<STOP MAP MOVEMENT>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/01/yep-35-stop-map-movement/ x x x x x x x x x x x
StopEventMovement Stop all Events from moving Plugin Command x
AllowEventMovement Allows all Events to move Plugin Command x
StopPlayerMovement Stops players movement Plugin Command x
AllowPlayerMovement Allows players movement Plugin Command x
<<SWAP ENEMIES>> http://yanfly.moe/2015/12/17/yep-45-swap-enemies/ x x x x x x x x x x x
<Swap: x, x, x> Will Swap this Enemy with ID X Enemy x
<Swap: x to y> Will Swap this Enemy with IDs X to Y Enemy x

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