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Unique Notes Physics 1" Year


Unique Notes Physics 1* Year



1.9: Show that the famous "Einstein equation" E = mc is dimensionally
consistent. Data: Given equation is E = mc To Determine: Equation is
dimensionally consistent. Solution: Since E = mc? where c is velocity of
light Dimensions of energy are that of work. Therefore dimensions of L.H.S.
E = [ML?T?) Dimensions of R.H.S. = [mc?] = [M(LT')?1 Hence
Dimensions of LHS = dimensions of RHS ie. (MLTI So above equation is
dimensionally correct. 1.10:Suppose, we are told that the acceleration of a
particle moving in a circle of radius r with uniform speed v is proportional to
some power of r, say r', and some power of v, say ", determine the powers
of r and v?
11101034 Data: Radius of circle = Uniform linear speed = v Acceleration = a
Power of r=n Power of v= m To Calculate
n= ?, m = ? Solution: Formula:
ак Рум
a = constant r" v" ------------- (1) Using dimensional notation
[LT?) = constant x [L" x (LT)"
[LT? = constant x Ln+mTM Comparing Power on both sides
m+n=1 ..... (2) and -m=-2 .............. (3) From Eq. (3)
m=2 Put the value of m in eq. (2).
2 + n = 1, (n=-1|
How many 01. What is the vector quantity? How is it represented?
11102001 Ans. Vectors: Definition:
“Those physical quantities, which require both magnitude and direction for their
complete description are called vectors.”
For example, velocity, acceleration, Force etc.
The vectors are denoted by bold face characters such as, A, d, r, v, the magnitude of a
vector d is d' (light face)
Graphically, a vector is represented by a directed line segment with an arrow head at its
one end. While length of the line segment represents the magnitude of the vector
according to the chosen scale. Q2. What is meant by Rectangular Co-ordinate System
or Cartesian Co-ordinate System?
11102002 Ans. Rectangular Coordinate System:
Two lines drawn at right angle to each other are known as coordinate axes and their point of
intersection is called as origin. This system of coordinate axes is called Cartesian or rectangular
coordinate system.
In this system one line is named as x-axis and other line is named as y-axis. The x-axis
is taken as horizontal axis with +ve direction to the right side while y-axis is taken as
vertical axis with +ve direction upward.
P(a,b) The direction of a vector in a plane is required by the angle which the
representative line of vector makes with positive x-axis in the anti clockwise direction as
shown in fig. The point P has coordinates (a,b). This notation means that if we start at
origin, we can reach point P by moving "a" unit, along positive x-axis and "b" units along
positive y-axis.

The direction of a vector in space is denoted by another axis which is at

right angle to x-axis and y-axis. This 3 axis is named as zaxis.


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