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GROUP 10 Allago, Arzadon, Kagimori, Palma

Noli Me Tangere was a novel composed by none other than Jose Rizal when he was abroad as
part of his fulfillment to achieve alongside with Paciano. Whereas initially, the novel’s social implication is
to pin down the social cancers (as what Rizal denotes) in an attempt in curing the state of the Philippines
at that time from an impending social and moral decay. The moment his novel was disseminated in the
country, there was also an uprising in reactions regarding to his craft. Most of which friars were the ones
leading into the seizing of Noli, even Senator Fernando Vida dishonored Noli because of its satirical
content. On the other hand, it was also supported by numerous people and surprisingly a priest who
solemnly swore to take the book in an objective perspective. Father Vicente Garcia, a notable doctor in
theology must consider Noli as “a literary work and not a doctrinal one” (Schumacher,1887) and that
“what is being attacked is not the Catholic doctrine but the abuses of the indulgences”. Because of this
initial defense, it fueled him [Rizal] even more to perpetuate a start of revolution in the country. It can be
inferred that Rizal’s duty is slowly beginning to become a reality. A vision of one day liberating the Filipinos
from overall enslavement. By doing so, he took his attack mentally against the Spaniards. Raising
consciousness towards people and stirring their hearts even of the people involved. To use the enemy to
become the enemy of his enemy.

Simply, Rizal and his novels became the catalyst of Social Awakening among the Filipinos, by using
such knowledge in his field of expertise [writing] such as using satire subtly and brilliantly, creating
memorable identities which Rizal referred to as social cancers, codes and conventions all throughout the
novel that helped identify the sufferings and the problem and the society and lastly, by just simply using
words that paved way for the awakening of the impeding power of the Filipinos to long for freedom and
independence. Filipinos began their movement which is known as the propaganda movement, this
movement showed the awakening of the National Consciousness of the Filipino and how Rizal’s novel
shaped the Filipinos, they became more knowledgeable as to how to fight for their freedom and to fight
against the Spaniards, by the call for a non-violent revolution that called for freedom and independence
from the Spaniards, it was a peaceful campaign that just wants the equality between the Spaniards and
the Filipinos.

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