BBA Business Information System Module 4 System Development PDF

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Marketing Management

Unit No. 3 – Management Information System

Design Approach

Faculty Name : Dr.Shalaka.

1. System Analysis and Design
2. Life cycle Approach
3. System Development Models -Prototyping,Waterfall
Life Cycle Approach

System development process consist of following phases :

1. Investigation
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Coding and Testing
5. Implementation
6. Maintenance

System Investigation:
i. Problem definition
ii. Feasibility study

Problem definition : First responsibility of a system analyst is to prepare a written

statement of the objectives and scope of the problem.

e.g. 1. The existing system has security issues.

2. The desired information is not produced by the system.
3. Problem of Accuracy and reliability.
4. Existing system is not economical.
5. The existing system is slow.

Feasibility Study :
-Feasibility study is undertaken to know whether the problem is worth solving.
-Feasibility study is undertaken to know the likelihood of the system being useful to
the organisation.

The feasibility of a proposed system can be assessed in terms of four major

categories :

Organizational Feasibility : The extent to which the proposed IS supports the

objectives of the organization’s strategic plan for information system.

Economic Feasibility : Cost and returns are evaluated to know whether returns
justify the investment in the system project.

Technical Feasibility : Determines whether reliable hardware and software capable
of meeting the needs of the proposed system can be acquired by the organization.

Operational Feasibility : The willingness and ability of the management, employees,

customers, suppliers etc. to operate, use and support a proposed system.

Legal Feasibility : checks whether the proposed system abides all the laws and
regulations of the land.

Schedule Feasibility : checks the probability of completing the system in the time
allowed for its development.

Methods of Preliminary Investigation : Reviewing documents, interviewing selected


System Analysis :

-Analysis is a detailed study of various operations involved in the system along with
its boundaries.

-The objective of Analysis phase is to determine what must be done to solve the

- The result of analysis is a set of requirements of a proposed information system.

System Design :

-System Analysis describes WHAT should be done to solve the problem of the
information system. System design specifies HOW the system will accomplish this
-Design refers to preparing the blue prints of the proposed Information system with
all the technical specifications.
-System Design should give stress on 3 activities:
-i. User Interface
-Ii. Data design
-Iii. Process design

User Interface design – this activity focuses on designing the interactions between
the end users and computer systems.

Data Design – this activity focuses on design of the logical structure of database and
files to be used by the proposed information system.

Process Design – this activity focuses on the design of the software resources, that is
programs and procedures needed by the proposed information system.

Result of the system design phase is, the system design must specify what type of
hardware resources, software resources (programs and procedures) and people
resources(end users and staff) will be needed by the proposed system.

Coding & Testing :

-Once the system specifications are understood, the system is physically created.

- The required programs are coded, debugged and documented.

- The system should be tested with some test data to ensure its accuracy and

Implementation :

The system implementation stage involves hardware and software acquisition, site
preparation, installation of the system and user training

Maintenance :

-System maintenance involves the monitoring, evaluating and modifying of a system

to make desirable or necessary improvements.
-The system analyst should be open in taking changes as his or her responsibility so
as to keep the system functioning.

Waterfall Model

- The Waterfall model states that the phases are organised in a Linear Order.

- The output of one phase becomes the input for the next phase.



Coding & Testing


Prototyping Model

-In the prototyping approach, a prototype of the system is developed , instead of the
complete system.

-This model advocates the development of a throw-away prototype to be given to

the user to help understand his/her requirements.

Steps in developing the prototyping model :

1. Identify the user’s basic information requirements.
2. Develop the initial prototype system.
3. Use of the prototype system to refine the user’s requirements.
4. Revise and enhance the prototype system.

User Evaluation

Analysis Design Prototype building

Engineer the
Refine Prototype User Evaluation

Advantages of Prototyping model:
1. Ability to try out ideas without incurring large costs.
2. Lower overall development costs when requirement change frequently.
3. The ability to get a functioning system into the hands of the user quickly.

Thank You

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