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1st- Time Pair Type- 1,2,3

2nd- Processing Type/Time Type Class- V_T554S_F

3rd- Time Event Type-

4TH – Time Type, Processing Type- T555Y

Create a time type and processing type for each time pair entry in the TIP.

Function TYPES reads the time pairs and references them with customer-defined settings in T555Y
and the modifier set by MODIF T to create the time types and processing types.

Function TYPES along with T555Y use the following inputs to create time types for each PS Grouping,
Time Type Determination Group.

Processing type/time type class associated to the time type as assigned by the attendance type from

Pair type/attendance status assigned to the time pair.

All of these inputs are referenced against T555Y and a processing type, (i.e. S = planned work, M =
overtime) and time type are generated and stored in table TIP.




Time Wage Type Selection Table, T510S. The table is called using function GWT, generate wage

GWT can be called for specific processing classes and the outputs can be stored in either the daily
time wage types table, DZL, or the daily overtime wage types table, ZML.

Table T510S can seem complicated to read but it allows for a very flexible method of time wage type
generation in a variety of circumstances

The time wage type selection rule group as set by MODIF W=

The day grouping as set by MODIF D= or DAYMO

Time Events Infotype (2011)


In the SAP system, time events are saved time postings (such as clock-ins and -outs or start
and end of work) that employees have made at an external time recording system.
Employees normally post these times at the time recording terminal. If an employee has
forgotten to clock in or out or if an entry is incorrect, you can use the Time Events infotype
to create, correct, or delete the time events manually.


You require this infotype only if you valuate employees’ time data using time evaluation.

You should manually maintain time events only if you have received a message to that
effect in time evaluation. It may be that time evaluation automatically enters missing
postings. The system determines the missing times on the basis of the employee’s planned
working times.

If you use the Clock-In/Out Corrections Employee Self-Service application in your company,
your employees can use the weekly overview graphic to correct errors by themselves that
occurred due to incorrect entries at the time recording terminal. For more information, see
Clock-In/Out Corrections .


Time events can only be recorded for employees who take part in time evaluation.
This must be specified in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007). The employee
must also be assigned an authorization for the required time event types in the Time
Recording Information infotype (0050). Time event types can be clock-in/out times
for normal attendances, off-site work, and so on.

The time events displayed in the infotype are stored in the TEVEN database table,
not directly in the infotype itself. The infotype is therefore only a user interface for
maintaining the database table.

In the Day assignment field, you can set a previous day indicatorto specify whether
the work should be assigned to the work schedule of the current or the previous day.

The system sets the indicator automatically if the time events are joined in pairs
during time evaluation.The following indicators are used in the infotype to denote
the assignment:

=The event was assigned to the current day.

<The event was assigned to the previous day.

You can override this automatic assignment by entering one of the following:

+The event should be assigned to the current day.

– The event should be assigned to the previous day.

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