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Activity 1 can give off much heat with only a slight decrease in its

1. Fill a small glass jar all the way to the top with water. temperature. This allows large bodies of water to help
2. What do you think would happen if you were to add moderate the temperature on earth.
twenty-five centavo coins to it?
3. Try adding coins one at a time. What happens to the Property to changing climate and the capacity of bodies
water in the cup? of water to act as temperature buffer:
4. How many coins can you add without causing the
water to overflow? In summer months this means that water must absorb a
great deal of energy in the form of heat from the
Activity 2 sun in order for the temperature to increase. Since most
1. Take some water with a straw and put a few drops on bodies of water are large enough not to be significantly
plastic sheet. affected by the heat from the sun, water provides an
(a) What is the shape of the drop? almost constant temperature for the plants and animals
(b) Move a drop around with your straw. Does the drop living there.
change? It takes about 4.5 times greater amount of energy to
2. Move one of the drops close to another one with heat up water than an equal amount of land.
your straw. What happens when two drops meet? Hence, large bodies of water heat up and cool down
3. Put a small amount of one of the solids (salt, pepper, more slowly than adjacent land masses.
sugar, talcum powder) on one of the drops. Does the
shape change? • The boiling point of water unusually high.
4. Try this again with the other solids. Many compounds similar in mass to water have much
lower boiling points. The strong intermolecular forces in
Activity 3 water allow it to be a liquid at a large range of
1. Put some water in your cup. temperatures.
2. Sprinkle black pepper all over the surface. What does
the pepper do? Record your observations.
3. Add a drop of dish soap to the water. What does the
pepper do? Record your observations.

The Unique Properties of Water

• Water is a good solvent.
A unique property of water is its ability to dissolve a
large variety of chemical substances. It dissolves salts
and other ionic compounds, as well as polar covalent
compounds such as alcohols and organic substances
that are capable of forming hydrogen bonds with water.
Gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide will dissolve in
water meaning that some animals do not need to
breathe air in order to respire but they must still be able
to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. Water is
sometimes called the universal solvent because it can
dissolve so many things. In the plot on the top, the broken lines direct one to the
estimated boiling points of HF, H2O and NH3 if H-
Plants are able to absorb nutrient ions dissolved in bonding was not present in these three
water. substances.

Figure 14. Boiling points of Group 14-17 hydrides. The dotted lines
Issues can be caused however by the ease of which
direct to the boiling points of H2O, HF, and NH3 in the absence of H-
pollutants from farming and industrial plants are bonding.
Small water bodies drying up:
• Water has a high specific heat. Small water bodies like ponds are at risk of drying up in
Specific heat is the amount of heat or energy needed to the summer. But since the amount of energy
raise the temperature of one gram of a required to vaporize or evaporate water is so high, this
substance by 1oC. The specific heat of water is 1 is not expected to happen quickly.
calorie/g-oC (4.18 J/g-oC), one of the highest for many
liquids. • Solid water is less dense, and in fact floats on liquid
Water can absorb a large amount of heat even if its Unlike all other liquids, the molecules in solid water are
temperature rises only slightly. To raise the actually farther apart than they are in liquid water.
temperature of water, the intermolecular hydrogen When solid water forms, the hydrogen bonds result in a
bonds should break. The converse is also true; water very open structure with unoccupied spaces, causing

the solid to occupy a larger volume than the liquid. This
makes ice less dense than liquid water, causing ice to
float on water.

Figure 15. The structure of ice.

The survival of aquatic organisms in temperate

countries: Table 5. Formula Masses and Boiling Points for Selected Compounds.
Water bodies freeze from the top down. If ice is not
able to float, the water bodies would freeze from top
to bottom, and aquatic life will be killed. Because ice
floats, aquatic organisms survive under the surface, Intermolecular Forces of
which remain liquid. The ice surface also acts as an
insulating layer protecting the water beneath from
Liquids and Solids; Solids and
further freezing, and maintains a temperature adequate their Properties
for survival. Without this feature, there would be no
aquatic life in temperate and Polar Regions. Fluid
A gas or a liquid; a substance that can flow.
• Why is it necessary for birds to have a
Crystal or crystalline solid
natural coat of wax on their feathers?
• Why is the application of wax in surfaces A solid material whose components, such as atoms,
considered as a protection of the molecules or ions, are arranged in a highly
surface? ordered microscopic structure.
• How does the use of soap and
detergents affect the surface tension of
An atom or group of atoms that has a net positive or
At 50. ° C the vapor pressure of ethanol is 0.30 atm, negative charge.
acetic acid is 0.08 atm, water is 0.12 atm, and acetone is
0.84 atm. Ionic crystal
A. Arrange these substances in order of increasing rates A solid that consists of positively and negatively charged
of evaporation. ions held together by electrostatic
B. Arrange these substances in order of increasing forces.
boiling point temperature.
C. Arrange these substances in order of increasing Electrostatic bonding
intermolecular forces. The attraction between oppositely charged ions in a
chemical compound.

Ionic bond
The electrostatic force that holds ions together in an
ionic compound.

Network solid or covalent network crystal

A solid that may be a chemical compound (or element)
in which atoms are bonded by covalent bonds in a
continuous network extending throughout the material.

Molecular crystal
A solid composed of molecules held together by van der
Waals forces (dispersion force, dipoledipole
attraction, hydrogen bonding).
Covalent bond ice and sodium chloride (NaCl), copper sulfate (CuSO4),
A bond in which one or more pairs of electrons are diamond, graphite, and sugar (C12H22O11). The ordered
shared by two atoms. arrangement of their units maximizes the space they
occupy and are essentially incompressible.
Dispersion forces Amorphous solids have a random orientation of
Interactions that are the result from temporary dipole particles. Examples of amorphous solids are glass,
moments induced in ordinarily nonpolar plastic, coal, and rubber. They are considered super-
molecules. cooled liquids where molecules are arranged in a
Dipole-dipole forces manner similar to the liquid state.
Attractive forces between polar molecules (molecules More than 90% of naturally occurring and artificially
that possess permanent dipole prepared solids are crystalline. Minerals, sand, clay,
moments). limestone, metals, alloys, carbon (diamond and
graphite), salts (e.g. NaCl and MgSO4), all have
Hydrogen bond crystalline
A special type of dipole-dipole interaction between the structures. They have structures formed by repeating
hydrogen atom in a polar bond such as N‒H, three dimensional patterns of atoms, ions, or
O‒H, or F‒H, and any of the electronegative atoms O, N,
The repetition of structural units of the substance over
or F. long atomic distances is referred to as long-range order.
Amorphous solids (e.g. glass), like liquids, do not have
Crystal lattice long range order, but may have a limited,
The regular repeating structure of a crystalline solid. localized order in their structures.

Unit cell
The smallest subunit of a crystal lattice that can be
repeated over and over to make the entire crystal.
What is a solid?
How is a solid described in terms of the Kinetic
Molecular Theory?
a. Average kinetic energy Figure 1. Crystalline and amorphous quartz
b. Distance among particles
c. Arrangement/order of particles 2. Behavior when heated
d. Attractive forces between particles The presence or absence of long-range order in the
Describe the properties of a solid as a result of the structure of solids results in a
behavior of its particles: difference in the behavior of the solid when heated.
a. Volume/Shape The structures of crystalline solids are built from
b. Density repeating units called crystal lattices.
c. Compressibility The surroundings of particles in the structure are
d. Motion of molecules uniform, and the attractive forces
e. Rate of diffusion experienced by the particles are of similar types and
strength. These attractive forces
are broken by the same amount of energy, and thus,
A. What are the two general types of solids? crystals become liquids at a
What features can be used to distinguish a crystalline specific temperature (i.e. the melting point). At this
solid from an amorphous solid? temperature, physical properties of
Solids can be categorized into two groups: the the crystalline solids change sharply.
crystalline solids and the amorphous solids. The
differences in properties of these two groups of solids
arise from the presence or absence of long range order
arrangements of the particles in the solid.
1. Arrangement of particles
The components of a solid can be arranged in two
general ways: they can form a regular repeating
Figure 2. Examples of crystalline solids
three-dimensional structure called a crystal lattice, thus
Amorphous solids soften gradually when they are
producing a crystalline solid, or they can aggregate with
heated. They tend to melt over a wide range of
no particular long range order, and form an amorphous
temperature. This behavior is a result of the variation in
solid (from the Greek ámorphos, meaning
the arrangement of particles in their structures, causing
some parts of the solid to melt ahead of other
Crystalline solids are arranged in fixed geometric
patterns or lattices. Examples of crystalline solids are
A stream of X-rays directed at a crystal diffracts and
scatters as it encounters atoms. The scattered rays
interfere with each other and produce a pattern of
spots of different intensities that can be recorded on
film, such as that shown in the figure below. X-ray
diffraction has provided much of our knowledge about
crystal structure. Below is an image of a diffraction
Figure 3. Examples of noncrystalline solids pattern produced by an 8 keV electron beam incident
on a graphite crystal.
Properties of Liquid and Intermolecular Forces

The properties of liquids that were observed are Figure 5. An X-ray diffraction
consequences of the interactions of particles that pattern of a graphite crystal.
make up the liquid.

B. What is the distinguishing feature of crystalline

solids? How are the structures of crystals
determined? C. What are the four types of crystals? What form of
unit particles makes up each type of crystal?
The Crystal Lattice What forces bind the unit particles of each type of
Crystalline solids are characterized by a regular crystal? What are the properties of each type
repeating structure called the crystal lattice. of crystal?
The four types of crystals differ in the kind of particles
that make up the crystal and the attractive forces
that hold these particles together.

Ask the learners to enumerate the properties of metals.
Guide the learners on how to make inferences
about the arrangement of atoms in the metallic crystal
that are consistent with the properties they listed. The
table below gives a sample of the output of the activity.
Metallic crystals are made of atoms that readily lose
electrons to form positive ions (cations), but no
atoms in the crystal would readily gain electrons. The
metal atoms give up their electrons to the whole
crystal, creating a structure made up of an orderly
arrangement of cations surrounded by delocalized
• Cane stalks are shredded and squeezed to extract its natural juice,
which is boiled unt i l i t thi c kens and mol a s ses - electrons that move around the crystal. The crystal is
rich sugar crystals begin to settle. The molasses-rich crystals are sent held together by electrostatic interactions between the
to a rapidly spinning centrifuge to remove molasses and leave pure, cations and delocalized electron. These interactions are
naturally white sugar crystals. The sugar crystals are then dried. called metallic bonds. This model of metallic bonding is
called the “sea of electrons” model.
• Amethyst is formed in silica-rich liquids deposited in gas cavities of
lava that occur in crystalline masses. Such cavities occur in the
earth's crust for several reasons such as gas bubbling in circular
cavities or filling of veins.

• Uric acid is the byproduct of protein digestion, and among healthy

individuals, it is removed from the blood stream and excreted by the
kidneys. Excess uric acid is deposited in the joints in crystal form
and creates a painful arthritic condition known as gout.
Figure 6. Positive ions
• Snow is formed when temperatures are low and there is moisture - surrounded by delocalized
in the form of tiny ice crystals - in the atmosphere.
When these tiny ice crystals collide they stick together in clouds to
become snowflakes. If enough ice crystals stick together, they'll
become heavy enough to fall to the ground.
• This model is able to explain
many physical properties of
X-ray Diffraction is a technique used to determine the metals, such as their high melting points, malleability,
atomic and molecular structure of a crystal, ductility, thermal and electrical conductivity, and luster.
wherein atoms cause a beams of incident X-rays to
diffract into many specific directions.
Explanation of properties: The energy needed to break the crystal of ionic
• High melting point – a large amount of energy is substances will depend on the magnitude of charges on
needed to melt the crystal since the forces of the ions (the 2+ and 2- ions attract each other stronger
attraction to be broken are numerous and extend in MgO than 1+ and 1- in NaCl), and the sizes of the ions
throughout the crystal. (attractions are less between the bigger ions in RbI and
• Dense – atoms are packed closely together. Metals as such less heat energy is needed to separate them
exhibit close-packing structures, a most than the smaller ions in NaCl).
economical way by which atoms utilize space. Ionic substances can conduct electricity in the liquid or
• Electrical conductivity – then delocalized electrons molten state or when dissolved in water,
move throughout the crystal. indicating that in these states, charged particles are able
• Thermal or heat conductor – the delocalized electrons to move and carry electricity. However, the solid state
collide with each other as they move is generally nonconducting since the ions are in fixed
through the crystal, and it is through these collisions positions in the crystal lattice and are unable to move
that kinetic energy is transferred. from one point to another.
• Malleability/ductility – when stress is applied to the Ionic crystals are brittle, and would shatter into small
metal, the metal cations shift in position, pieces when deformed or when pressure is applied
but the mobile electrons simply follow the movement of on the crystal. The shifting of ions cause repulsions
the cations. The attractive forces between particles of like charges.
between cations and mobile electrons are not broken.
• Luster – the motion and collisions of electrons allow it
to gain and lose energy, some of these
in the form of emitted light that is observed as luster.

Ask the learners to enumerate the properties of ionic
compounds Guide the learners on how to make Figure 8. Shifting of ions cause repulsions in ionic crystal
inferences about the arrangement of particles in the
ionic crystal that are consistent with the properties they 3. MOLECULAR CRYSTALS
listed. The table below gives a sample of the output of Similar to the starting activity in the discussion of the
the activity. two earlier types of crystals, ask the students to list
the properties of molecular crystals, and infer from
these the arrangements and attractive forces that hold
the particles in the crystal.
Molecular crystals are made of atoms, such as in noble
gases, or molecules, such as in sugar, C12H22O11,
iodine, I2, and naphthalene, C10H8. The atoms or
molecules are held together by a mix of hydrogen
bonding/ dipole-dipole and dispersion forces, and these
are the attractive forces that are broken when the
Ionic crystals are made of ions (cations and anions). crystal melts. Hence, most molecular crystals have
These ions form strong electrostatic interactions relatively low melting points.
that hold the crystal lattice together. The electrostatic
attractions are numerous and extend throughout the
crystal since each ion is surrounded by several ions of
opposite charge, making ionic crystals hard and of high
melting points. The figure below shows a model of NaCl
crystal, where one Na+ ion is surrounded by six Clions,
and a Cl- ion is likewise surrounded by six Na+ ions.
The valence electrons of molecular substances are used
in bonding, and cannot move about the crystal
structure. Hence, the crystals are nonconducting. The
absence of any mobile particles make molecular crystals
unable to transmit heat fast. The crystals are brittle
because the attractive forces that hold the molecules in
the crystal are highly directional and a shift in positions
of the molecules would break them.

Figure 7 . Sodium ion, Na+ and chloride ion, Cl- at lattice

points of NaCl crystal

Show illustrations of the structure of diamond and
Figure 9. Arrangement graphite. Ask the students to spot any difference in
of water molecules in the bonding behavior of the carbon atoms in the two
ice crystal forms. They should notice that in graphite, each carbon
atom is bonded to only three other carbon atoms, while
in diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four
others. In addition, graphite is made up of layers of
rings of carbon atoms. The broken lines connecting the
layers are weak dispersion forces.
Using diamond and silicon dioxide as examples, ask the
learners to list properties of covalent network
crystals, and infer from these the structure of the
Covalent network crystals are made of atoms in which
each atom is covalently bonded to its nearest
neighbors. The atoms can be made of one type of atom
(e.g. Cdiamond and Cgraphite) or can be made of different Figure 10. Two allotropes of carbon: graphite and
atoms (e.g. SiO2 and BN). In a network solid, there are diamond
no individual molecules and the entire crystal may be
considered one very large molecule. Formulas for Each carbon atom has four valence electrons, making it
network solids, like those for ionic compounds, are capable of forming four single covalent bonds
simple ratios of the component atoms represented by a with other atoms, like in diamond. In graphite, only
formula unit. three of these four valence electrons are used for
The valence electrons of the atoms in the crystal are all bonding, leaving the fourth electron free. Every carbon
used to form covalent bonds. Because there are atom in graphite has an extra electron that can move
no delocalized electrons, covalent network solids do not about the layer, allowing graphite to conduct electricity.
conduct electricity. Covalent bonds are the only type The layers in graphite are held by weak intermolecular
of attractive force between atoms in the network solid. forces, and with sufficient pressure, the layers can
Rearranging or breaking of covalent bonds requires slide past one another. When one uses a pencil to write,
large amounts of energy; therefore, covalent network layers of graphite are transferred to the paper as one
solids have high melting points. Covalent bonds are presses the pencil down on the paper.
extremely strong, so covalent network solids are very
hard. Generally, these solids are insoluble in water due
to the difficulty of solvating very large molecules.
Diamond is the hardest material known, while cubic
boron nitride (BN) is the second-hardest. Silicon carbide
(SiC) is very structurally complex and has at least 70
crystalline forms.

Diamonds are an example of a covalent network solid in

which atoms are covalently bonded with each
other. They tend to be hard and have high melting
Silicon dioxide, SiO2 is an example of a covalent network
solid in which atoms are covalently bonded to
each other. Notice that each silicon atom is bridged to
its neighbors by an oxygen atom.
Graphite, an allotrope of carbon, differs in properties
from other network solids. It is soft and is used as a
solid lubricant. It is also a good conductor of electricity,
indicating the presence of charged particles that move
through the crystal.

Intermolecular Forces of Liquids and What phase(s) of matter exist in the following images?

Solids; Phase Changes

Fluid-A gas or a liquid; a substance that can flow.

Phase-A homogeneous part of a system in contact with

other parts of the system, but separated by
well-defined boundaries. Pan of boiling water

Solid-A phase of matter with definite shape and volume.

Liquid-A phase of matter with definite volume but no

definite shape.

Gas-A phase of matter with no definite shape or volume

of its own. Glass of ice water

Intermolecular forces
Intermolecular forces are attractive forces between

Phase changes
Transformations of matter from one phase to another.
Solid iodine subliming in a
test tube
A phase change from solid to liquid.
Figure 1: Examples of phase changes
Give other examples of phase changes that they have
A phase change from liquid to gas.
What causes the phase change in matter?
A phase change from solid to gas.
Phase changes are transformations of matter from one
physical state to another. They occur when energy
A phase change from gas to liquid.
(usually in the form of heat) is added or removed from a
substance. They are characterized by changes in
molecular order; molecules in the solid phase have the
A phase change from liquid to solid.
greatest order, while those in the gas phase have the
greatest randomness or disorder.
What changes in molecular order occur during phase
A phase change from gas to solid.
The figure below illustrates the difference in molecular
Exothermic process
order of a substance in the solid, liquid and gaseous
Process that gives off or release heat to the

Endothermic process
Process that absorbs heat from the surroundings.

Specific heat of a substance

The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of
1 gram of a substance by 1 OC.

What makes a gas different from a liquid or solid?

Why are some substances gases at room temperature,
while others are not?
How does the intermolecular force of attraction in a
substance relate to its phase?

Figure 2. Molecular order in solid, liquid and gas

The next figure shown below summarizes the types of Figure 4: Heating curve
phase changes.
• The change from solid to liquid is melting, liquid to gas The change in temperature of a substance as it is being
is vaporization, and solid to gas is heated can be shown in a graph called the
sublimation. These changes take place when heat is heating curve, such as the figure shown in the previous
absorbed (heat gained). They are page. The heating curve is a plot of
endothermic processes. temperature and heat added to the substance. Often,
• The reverse change from gas to liquid is condensation, time is used instead of heat added in the
gas to solid is deposition, and liquid abscissa, because it is assumed that heat is uniformly
to solid is freezing. These changes give off heat (heat added per unit time.
lost) and are exothermic processes.

Figure 5. Cooling curve

In both the heating and cooling curves, there are certain

portions where the temperature changes as heat is
being added or removed, and portions where the
Figure 3: The different changes in state that matter temperature remains constant even if heat is being
undergoes added or removed. What is happening at these
How does a change in energy affect phase changes?
Phase changes occur when heat is added or removed 1. When heat change is accompanied by a change in
from a substance. temperature, a change in kinetic energies of the
When a substance is heated, the added energy is used particles in the substance is occurring. The particles are
by the substance in either of two ways: either moving faster or slowing down.
a. The added heat increases the kinetic energy of the
particles and the particles move faster. The increase 2. When temperature remains constant during heat
in kinetic energy is accompanied by an increase in change, the particles move at the same speed. The
temperature. heat added or removed is involved in breaking or
b. The added heat is used to break attractive forces forming attractive forces. A phase change occurs at
between particles. There is no observed increase in this temperature: solid melts or liquid freezes at the
temperature when this happens. Often a change in the melting point,which is also the freezing point; liquid
physical appearance of the substance is boils, or gas condenses at the boiling point, which is also
observed, such as a phase change. the condensation point.
Conversely, the removal or release of heat results in During phase changes, two physical states of the
two ways: substance exist at the same time. When addition or
a. A decrease in kinetic energy of the particles. The removal of heat is stopped at this temperature, the two
motion of the particles slow down. A decrease in physical states will interconvert from one state to the
temperature is observed. other, and will be at equilibrium.
b. Forces of attraction are formed, and a phase change
may occur. No change in temperature is observed. MELTING AND FREEZING: SOLID- LIQUID EQUILIBRIUM
When a solid is heated, its temperature increases until it
reaches its melting point. At this temperature, the
average kinetic energy of the molecules has become
sufficiently large to begin overcoming the
forces that hold the molecules of a solid state together.
The heat absorbed is used to break apart more and
more of the molecules in the solid. The transformation
of solid to liquid is called melting, and the reverse
process is called freezing.
• During the transition, the average kinetic energy of
the molecules does not change, so the temperature

stays constant. The melting point of a solid or the • If heat is removed from a liquid at a steady rate, its
freezing point of a liquid is the temperature at which temperature should decrease until the freezing point
solid and liquid phases coexist in equilibrium. is reached. As the solid is being formed, heat is given off
• Melting points are distinct for each substance. It is by the system, as attractive forces form and become
dependent on the strength of attractive forces that stronger between particles. Even if heat is being
hold the particles in the solid. The stronger the removed, the temperature of the system remains
attractive forces that hold the particles in the solid, the constant over the freezing period.
higher is the melting point of the substance. • After all the liquid has frozen, the temperature of the
• The melting (or freezing) point of a substance when solid drops.
the external pressure is 1 atm pressure is called its • The heat change (q) for a given sample during freezing
normal melting (or freezing) point. For water, this is 0oC. or melting may be calculated using the following
• At 0OC and 1 atm, the dynamic equilibrium for water equation: is given by
and ice is represented by:
ice ⇋ water

A practical illustration of this dynamic equilibrium is BOILING AND CONDENSING: LIQUID-VAPOR

provided by a glass of ice water. As the ice cube melts to EQUILIBRIUM
form water, some of the water between ice cubes may In the liquid phase, there are still attractions among its
freeze, thus joining the cubes together. particles. The particles are still in contact with each
• When heat is added to this system at equilibrium, ice other but are not locked into fixed positions and are
will continue to melt until all have been free to move past each other. Although they lack the
transformed to the liquid state. The amount of heat total freedom of gaseous molecules, these molecules
needed to convert the solid to the liquid state at the are in constant motion.
melting point is called the heat of fusion of the • When a liquid is heated, its temperature increases as
substance. the kinetic energy of the molecules increases.
When the molecules have sufficient energy to escape
MOLAR HEAT OF FUSION AND MELTING POINT from the surface, a phase change occurs.
Heat of fusion is an extensive property. The actual Evaporation or vaporization is the process in which a
amount of energy involved in the transformation of a liquid is transformed into a gas. The temperature
substance from solid to liquid is dependent on the at which this occurs is the boiling point of the
amount of sample used. Thus, this property is often substance. While the liquid vaporizes, the temperature
expressed in terms of molar quantities of sample. remains constant.
• The boiling point is a characteristic of each substance,
Molar heat of fusion (ΔHfus) is the energy required and is dependent on the strength of attractive
to melt 1 mole of a solid. forces that hold the particles or molecules in the liquid
• For water, the molar heat of fusion is 6.01 kJ / mol. state. It is also dependent on the external or
and its vaporization is 40.7 kJ/mol. If the heat input is atmospheric pressure. The boiling point of a liquid at 1
constant, a longer period is needed for one mole of atm pressure is called its normal boiling point.
water to evaporate than the time needed for the ice For water, this is at 100oC.
to melt. An 18-gram sample of ice at 0oC will need 6.01 • The reverse of vaporization or boiling is called
kJ of energy to be completely transformed into condensation, the change from the gas phase to the
liquid water, still at 0oC. liquid phase. Condensation occurs because a molecule
• Like melting points, heats of fusion are influenced by strikes the liquid surface and becomes trapped
the strength of attractive forces that exist between by intermolecular forces in the liquid. This process
particles in the solid. The stronger the attractive forces occurs at the same temperature when the liquid
that hold the particles of the solid together, the vaporizes into the gaseous state. The boiling point can
larger is the heat of fusion. thus be also called condensation point (dew
• The molar heat of fusion is equal to the amount of point), and occur at the same temperature.
energy released when one mole or 18 grams of liquid • At the boiling point, both liquid and gaseous states of
water at 0oC freezes to ice, still at 0oC. the substance are present, and the
transformations of liquid to gas and gas to liquid
happen at the same time.
• At 100 OC and 1 atm, the dynamic equilibrium for
water and steam is represented by
water ⇋ steam
As heat is absorbed, some water will boil off but the
temperature remains at 100 OC (373.15 K) until all
the liquid has vaporized. The amount of heat absorbed
Cooling a substance has the opposite effect of heating by the sample as the liquid transforms into gas is called
it, as can be seen from the cooling curve. heat of vaporization.

When all of the sample has turned into gas, further Solid ⇋ vapor
heating will cause the temperature of the gas to
Molar heat of sublimation (ΔHsub) of a substance is the
MOLAR HEAT OF VAPORIZATION (ΔHvap) AND BOILING amount of energy that must be added to a mole of
POINT solid at constant pressure to turn it directly into a gas,
The heat of vaporization is an extensive property and is without passing through the liquid phase. This enthalpy
thus dependent on the amount of sample undergoing change associated with sublimation is always greater
phase change. Hence, published quantities of heats of than that of vaporization even if both sublimation and
vaporization specify the amount of substance, and is evaporation involve changing a substance into its
often expressed as molar heat of vaporization. gaseous state because in sublimation, the starting
Molar heat of vaporization (ΔHvap) is defined as the physical state of the substance is the solid state, which
energy (usually in kilojoules) required to vaporize 1 is lower in energy than the liquid state where
mole of a liquid at a given temperature, usually, at the vaporization starts. , Sublimation requires that all the
boiling point. The molar heat of vaporization of water at forces are broken between the molecules (or other
100oC is 40.8 kJ/mol. species, such as ions) in the solid as the solid is
converted into a gas. A comparison of the magnitudes
of these thermochemical quantities can be seen from
the heating curve shown below.

Both the boiling point and molar heat of vaporization of

a substance are influenced by the strength of attractive
forces that hold the particles in the liquid state. This can
be seen from the table given below.
• The boiling point is related to molar heat of
vaporization: the higher ΔHvap , the higher the boiling
point, as shown in the table:
Figure 7 . Heating curve showing relative amounts of
SOLID-VAPOR EQUILIBRIUM heats of fusion, vaporization and sublimation
In a solid, the particles may be in fixed positions, but
they are able to vibrate in place and with increasing The molar heat of sublimation is generally expressed as
intensity as temperature increases. When particles are Hsub in units of Joules per mole. The sum of the heat
able to acquire enough energy to break attractive forces of fusion and the heat of vaporization can give a good
with adjacent particles, the energetic particles may estimate of the heat of sublimation of a substance.
move into the gaseous state. This phase change is called
sublimation. One of the most familiar examples of HEAT CHANGE WITH CHANGE IN TEMPERATURE
sublimation is that of dry ice. The figure below shows When a system contains only one phase (solid, liquid, or
iodine subliming into a purple gas. gas), the temperature will change when it receives
Sublimation is the process in which molecules go energy during heating or when energy is removed
directly from solid into vapor phase. The reverse during cooling. The amount of heat received or
process is called deposition, where molecules make a removed from the sample to effect a given change in
transition directly from vapor to solid. The process may temperature can be calculated using the specific heat of
be represented by the following equilibrium: the substance. This is the amount of heat needed to
raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1OC.
It is also equal to the amount of heat lo0st by 1 gram of
substance when its temperature drops by 1oC. The
specific heat of a substance differs for the solid, liquid,
and gaseous states Water as an example, has the
following specific heat at different phases:
H2O(l) = 4.18 J / g OC
H2O(s) = 2.06 J / g OC
H2O(g) = 2.02 J / g OC
Figure. 6 Sublimation of solid iodine in the bottom of The heat change (q) for this process is given by:
the tube produces a purple gas that subsequently q = m S ΔT
deposits as solid iodine on the colder part of the tube where m = mass of sample in grams
above. S = specific heat of the sample in the appropriate
physical state
T = change in temperature The curve on a phase diagram which represents the
Sample Problem: transition between the gaseous and liquid states.
You found a piece of copper metal weighing 3.10 g Sublimation (or deposition) curve
imbedded in an ice block. How much heat is absorbed The curve on a phase diagram which represents the
by the piece of metal as it warms in your hand from the transition between the gaseous and solid states.
temperature of the ice block at 1.5 oC to your body Triple point
temperature of 37.0 oC? The specific heat of copper is The point on a phase diagram at which the three states
0.385 J/g-oC. Assume that the metal is pure copper. of matter coexist.
Critical point
q = m S ΔT The point in temperature and pressure on a phase
= (3.10 g)(0.385 J/g-oC)(37.0 oC – 1.5 oC) diagram where the liquid and gaseous phases of a
= 42.4 J substance merge together into a single phase. The
temperature and pressure corresponding to this
PROBLEMS INVOLVING CHANGES OF STATE are known as the critical temperature and critical
Use the following examples to show how to deal with pressure.
problems involving changes of state. Normal melting and boiling points
Melting and boiling points when the pressure is 1 atm.
Sample Problem 1: How much energy is required to
change 2600 gram of ice at 0°C into water at the same How can this effect be achieved using CO2 or dry ice?

Sample Problem 2: How much energy is required to

change 2600 gram of water at 100°C into steam at the
same temperature?

Sample Problem 3: Calculate the amount of energy (in

kJ) needed to heat 346 gram of liquid water from 0 OC
to 182 OC. Assume that the specific heat of water is
4.184 J/g OC over the entire liquid range and the specific
heat of steam is 1.99 J/g OC.
Figure 1: Stage light effects as dry ice sublimes
Intermolecular Forces of Liquids and Solids; Phase
Diagrams What does LPG stand for? How can a gas be liquefied?
Fluid What conditions are needed to convert a gas into a
A gas or a liquid; a substance that can flow. liquid?
A phase of matter with definite shape and volume. What is a phase diagram?
Liquid A phase diagram is a graphical representation of the
A phase of matter with definite volume but no definite physical states of a substance under different conditions
shape. of temperature and pressure. It gives the possible
Gas combinations of pressure and temperature at which
A phase of matter with no definite shape or volume of certain physical state or states a substance would be
its own. observed. Each substance has its own phase diagram. A
Vapor typical phase diagram is shown below.
A gaseous substance that exists naturally as a liquid or
solid at normal temperature.
A phase change from solid to liquid.
A phase change from liquid to gas.
A phase change from solid to gas.
A phase change from gas to liquid.
A phase change from liquid to solid.
A phase change from gas to solid.
Melting (or freezing) curve What are the features of a phase diagram?
The curve on a phase diagram which represents the
transition between the liquid and solid states.
Vaporization (or condensation) curve
Phase diagrams are plots of pressure (usually in
atmospheres) versus temperature (usually in degrees
Celsius or Kelvin). The diagram is divided into three
areas: solid, liquid and gaseous states. The boundary
between the
liquid and gaseous regions stop at point C, the critical
temperature for the substance.

A. The Three Areas

The three areas are marked solid, liquid, and vapor.
Under a set of conditions in the diagram, a substance
can exist in a solid, liquid, or vapor (gas) phase. The Figure 4: The freezing (or melting) curve
labels on the graph represent the stable states of a
system in equilibrium. 2. The blue line divides the liquid and gas phases, and
Suppose a pure substance is found at three different represents vaporization (liquid to gas) and
sets of conditions of temperature and pressure condensation (gas to liquid) points.
corresponding to A, B, and C as shown in the following Vaporization (or condensation) curve – the curve on a
diagram: phase diagram which represents the transition
between gaseous and liquid states. It shows the effect
of pressure on the boiling point of the liquid. Anywhere
along this line, there will be equilibrium between the
liquid and the vapor.

Figure 3: Phase diagram with three sets of conditions

Under the set of conditions at A in the diagram, the
substance would be a solid as it falls into that
area of the phase diagram. At B, it would be a liquid;
and at C, it would be a vapor (gas). Figure 5: The vaporization or condensation curve

B. Three Lines (Curves) 3. The red line divides the solid and gas phases, and
The lines that serve as boundaries between physical represents sublimation (solid to gas) and deposition
states represent the combinations of pressures (gas to solid) points.
and temperatures at which two phases can exist in
equilibrium. In other words, these lines define Sublimation (or deposition) curve – the curve on a
phase change points. phase diagram which represents the
1. The green line divides the solid and liquid phases, and transition between gaseous and solid states. It
represents melting (solid to liquid) and represents the effect of increased temperature
freezing (liquid to solid) points. on a solid at a very low constant pressure, lower than
Melting (or freezing) curve – the curve on a phase the triple point.
diagram which represents the transition
between liquid and solid states. It shows the effect of
pressure on the melting point of the
solid. Anywhere on this line, there is equilibrium
between the solid and the liquid.

Figure 6: Sublimation or deposition curve.

C. Two Important Points
There are two important points on the diagram, the
triple point and the critical point.

The triple point

The triple point is the combination of pressure and
temperature at which all three phases of matter are at
equilibrium. It is the point on a phase diagram at which
the three states of matter coexist. The lines that
represent the conditions of solid-liquid, liquid-vapor,
and solid-vapor equilibrium meet at the triple point
It is a unique combination of temperature and pressure
where all three phases are in equilibrium
together. Figure 8: Locating the normal melting point and
normal boiling point T
The critical point
These can be found from the phase diagram by drawing
The critical point terminates the liquid/gas phase line. It
a line across pressure at 1 atm.
is the set of temperature and pressure on a phase
diagram where the liquid and gaseous phases of a
How does the phase diagram of water look like?
substance merge together into a single phase. Beyond
the temperature of the critical point, the merged single
The Phase Diagram for Water
phase is known as a supercritical fluid.
The temperature and pressure corresponding to this are
There is only one difference between the phase diagram
known as the critical temperature and critical
for water and the other phase diagrams
discussed. The solid-liquid equilibrium line (the melting
point curve) slopes backwards rather than forwards.
If the pressure on a gas (vapor) is increased at a
temperature lower than the critical temperature, the
For water, the melting point gets lower at higher
liquid vapor equilibrium line will eventually be crossed
pressures. This is because solid ice is less dense than
and the vapor will condense to give a liquid.
liquid water. This phenomenon is caused by the crystal
structure of the solid phase. In the solid forms of water
and some other substances, the molecules crystallize in
a lattice with greater average space between molecules,
thus resulting in a solid occupying a larger volume and
consequently with a lower density than the liquid.
When it melts, the liquid water formed occupies a
smaller volume
ice ⇋ water

An increase in pressure will move the above equilibrium

to the side with the smaller volume. Liquid
water is produced. To make the liquid water freeze
again at this higher pressure, the temperature should
Figure 7: Temperature and pressure values at the be reduced. Higher pressures mean lower melting
critical point (freezing) points.

How is the normal melting and boiling points

determined in a phase diagram?
The normal melting and boiling points are those when
the pressure is 1 atmosphere.

Figure 9: Phase diagram for H2O
Figure 10: Phase diagrams for CO2
Identifying data from the phase diagram of water
Notice that the triple point for water occurs at a very PRACTICE (10 MINS)
low pressure, 0.006 atm and at 273.2 K temperature. Interpreting a Phase Diagram
Refer to the following phase diagram of a certain
Also notice that the critical temperature is 647 K substance to answer the following questions.
(374°C). It would be impossible to convert water from a
gas to a liquid by compressing it above this
temperature. The critical pressure is 218 atm.
The normal melting and boiling points of water are
found in exactly the same way as we have already
discussed - by determining where the 1 atm pressure
line crosses the solid-liquid, and then the liquid-vapor
equilibrium lines.

The normal melting point of water is 273 K (0 oC), and its

normal boiling point is 373 K (100 oC).

How does the phase diagram for carbon dioxide look 1. In what phase is the substance at 50 °C and 1 atm
like? pressure?
2. At what pressure and temperature conditions will all
The Phase Diagram for Carbon Dioxide three phases of the substance be present?
3. What is the normal melting point of the substance?
The only thing special about this phase diagram is the
position of the triple point, which is well above 4. What phase(s) will exist at 1 atm and 70 °C?
atmospheric pressure. It is impossible to get any liquid
carbon dioxide at pressures less than 5.2 atmospheres. ENRICHMENT (10 MINS)
At 1 atm pressure, carbon dioxide will sublime at a Constructing a Phase Diagram
temperature of 197.5 K (-75.5 °C). This is the reason Visualize a substance with the following points on the
why solid carbon dioxide is often known as "dry ice." phase diagram: a triple point at 0.05 atm and 150 K; a
There is no liquid carbon dioxide under normal normal melting point at 175 K; a normal boiling point at
conditions - only the solid or the vapor. 350 K; and a critical point at 2.0 atm and 450 K. The
solid liquid line is “normal” (meaning positive sloping).
For this, complete the following:
1. Roughly sketch the phase diagram, using units of
atmosphere and Kelvin. Label the area 1, 2, and 3, and
points T and C on the diagram.
2. Describe what one would see at pressures and
temperatures above 2.0 atm and 450 K.
3. Describe the phase changes from 50 K to 250 K at 1.5
4. What exists in a system that is at 1 atm and 350 K?
5. What exists in a system that is at 1 atm and 175 K?


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