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‘SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 2~ itet = isiet THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA Purchasing/Property Records/Warehouse ‘817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 Kissimmee «Florida 34744-4492 Phone: 407-870-4630 « Fax: 407-870-8616 * yivw.osce0\a.ki2 flus ‘Superintendent of Schools. Joy Wheoer Miheel A Grego, £4. 407-3900505, Julus Melender fors225113 Cingy Lou Haris 407-832-3999 Devi tone, Vice Chair 079332700 John texay, chair 407-557-4056 December 2, 2009 Mr. John Jarvis, Jr ‘Music Man 2309 N. Dixie Hwy West Paim Beach, FL 33407 RE: Bid # SDOC-10-B-041-KB/LK, Musical Instruments For Schools, Dear Mr. Jarvis: ‘The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on December 1, 2009, voted ‘0 award items on the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: ‘Atlantic Strings, Ine. Cascio Interstate Music Music Man Washington Music Center National Educational Music Co, (NEMC) Wenger Corporation ‘You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: wnmw.osceola.12.fus/depts/purchasing/pages/bidresults asp. This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as heeded ‘Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Kathy Brown ~ Senior Buyer at 407-870-4626. | Of ery! L. Olson, CPPO, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse cerely, BOARD. CLOIk Attachment DEC 1 2009 cc! Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer APPROVED “Student Achievement Our Number One Priory Ditictwee Accradaton by te Souiem Assocaten of Coleges end Schcis ‘Sohool Distt Main Omcw: 817 Bil Beck Bouvard “Ketsimmee “Porte 24744-2192 “Phone 407-4600 -worw.oscooia k2fhus ‘Anu Oppertunty Ray ‘SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Disece 1 Ditiet2— District 3~ Distt 5 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA Purchasing/Property Records/Warehouse {817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000+ Kissimmee + Florida 34740-4492 Phone: 407-870-4630 * Fax: 407-870-4616 + www.osc2olo.k12.f. Superintendent of Schools. say whet Michel A. Grego, £80. “407-390-0505, Julius elena ‘ors225113 iy Lou Harig 407 822.3099 Davis Stone, vie Osie 407.933.2700 John Mckay, chaie 07957-4056 December 2, 200 Mr. Allen Gatchell Allantic Strings, Inc. 1379 W. New Haven Ave, Melbourne, FL 32904 RE: Bid # SDOC-10-8-041-KB/LK, Musical Instruments For Schools, Dear Mr. Gatchelt ‘The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on December 1, 2009, voted to award items on the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Atlantic Strings, Inc Cascio Interstate Music Music Man ‘Washington Music Center National Educational Music Co. (NEMC) Wenger Corporation You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: www.osceola k12 flus/depts/purchasina/pagesibidresults. as; This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed Should you have any questions, please feel free to cali Kathy Brown — Senior Buyer at 407-870-4626. Bi Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLOM Attachment cc: Dr Michael A. Grego, Superintendent ‘William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer ‘Student Achievement Our Number One Proryy Distrito Acre by the Souhe Associaton of Categes and Schools Schoo! Piste Main Once: 817 Bt Bech Baulrars = Klsinmee "Fon 347%a-#492 Phone’ #07 870.4600 - yoy osceola.k12 us ‘An Ea Oportnty Agency ‘SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Datrct pisret 3 — isin piace s— THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA Purchasing/Property Records/Warehouse £817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 - Kissimmee « Florida 34744-4482 Phone: 407-870-4630 * Fax: 407-870-0616 * wu.oeceolo.k12 flue ‘Superintendent of schools Jey Wheeler ‘Michael A. Grego, 4.0. 407-290-0505 Julius Melendes 4978225113 ‘indy Lou Haig 407 832.3989 David Stone, Vie Chair 407.933.2700 John Moca, chaie 107.957.4056 December 2, 2009 Ms. Katie Meyer Cascio Interstae Music 13819 W. National Ave. New Berlin, WI 53151 RE: Bid # SDOC-10-B-041-KB/LK, Musical Instruments For Schools. Dear Ms. Meyer: The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on December 1, 2009, voted to award items on the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/eompanies: Atlantic Strings, Ine. Cascio Interstate Music Music Man Washington Music Center National Educational Music Co. (NEMC) Wenger Corporation ‘You may view the tab sheet for this bid at www. osceola,k12,fus/depts/purchasina/pages/bidresults.asp. This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed ‘Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Kathy Brown ~ Senior Buyer at 407-870-4626, . ey FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO Attachment cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent William Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer ‘Suuident Achievement Our Numbar One Prony Dlsctnde Aceretaton ay be Sub Assocation of Call ‘Sohool Dsiet ain Ofc: 817 Bil Back Boulevard "Kisbmmee “Fowda “24744-4492 “Phone” 407-570-4600 wovw.oseeols.K12 lus ‘Anal Opportunity Asner SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS District 1— isict 2 = Distiet 3— Distet THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA Purchasing/Property Records/Warehouse 817 Bill eck Boulevard, Building 2000 Kissimmee + Florida 34744-4492 Phone: 407-870-4630 * Fax: 407-870-4616 * www.0sceola.k12.flus Superintendent of Schools Jay Wheeler “Michal A. Grego, £00. 407290.0505 Jullus Melendez 4079225113 Cindy Lou Hatig 107-832-2099 David Stone, Vie Chair 207-933-2700 Joh Mekay, Chair December 2, 2008 Mr. Raymond Benedetto National Educational Music Co. 1181 Rt22 East ‘Mountainside, NJ 07092 RE: Bid # SDOC-10-8-041-KB/LK, Musical Instruments For Schools. Dear Mr. Benedetto: ‘The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on December 1, 2009, voted to award items on the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: ‘Atlantic Strings, Inc. Cascio Interstate Music Music Man ‘Washington Music Center National Educational Music Co. (NEMC) Wenger Corporation ‘You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: www.osceola.k12 flus/depts sing/pages/bidresults as; This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed es needed ‘Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Kathy Brown ~ Senior Buyer at 407-870-4626. Sincerely, ‘Olson, CPPO, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLO ‘Attachment cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent Wiliam Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer ‘Suident Achievement Our Number One Prony DistctndeAcereataton bye Souom Acsocaton of Calleges end Schoos ‘Scheel Oita Mein Ofce: 17 Bl Bock Boulevard“ Rissinmee “Flovida "38744-4492 “Phone s07-B704600 - wow osceola k*2ihus Anza OppcuntyZenay THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA Purchasing/Property Records/Warehouse ‘817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Building 2000 Kissimmee - Florida 34740-2492 Phone: 407-870-4630 * Fax: 407-870-4616 + wuw.osc20la.ki2.flue ‘SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Distt 1 Jay Whee 407-290-0505 Distct 2 Jule Melendes District 3 Cindy Lou Harti 207-832-3999 District 4~ Dav Stone, Viee Chair 207-933.2700 Distt S~ Jobe Mekay, chai 207-957-4056 "Michael A. Greg, £80. December 2, 2009 Mr. Dennis Parker ‘Washington Music Center, Inc. 411151 Veirs Mills Road ‘Wheaton, MD 20902 RE: Bid # SDOC-10-8-041-KBILK, Musical Instruments For Schools, Dear Mr. Parker: ‘The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on December 1, 2009, voted to award items on the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Atlantic Strings, Inc, Cascio Interstate Music ‘Music Man Washington Music Center National Educational Music Co. (NEMC) Wenger Corporation You may view the tab sheet for this bid at nw. osceola.k12.fus/deots/purchasing/pages/bidresults. as ‘This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation. Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed, ‘Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Kathy Brown ~ Senior Buyer at 407-870-4626 Sincerely, Cen L. Ob66n, CPPO, C.P-M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse cLOmb Attachment cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent Wiliam Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer ‘Student Achievement Our Number One Priority Distictnce Accretion by be Souliem Associaton of Caleges ard Schoks ‘School set Wan Ofcw: 877 Bi Beck Baulevard“Kiusinmee “Fite 24744.2692 "Phone. 407-870.4600 -ynry osceola k/2fLue ‘aul Oppenunty Ago) SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Dist 1 say Whesler Detrict2— ulus Melender Districts Cindy Lou Honig Disvet4— david Stove, Vice Chat THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA Purchasing/Property Records/Warehouse 817 Bill eck Boulevard, Building 2000 - Kissimmee + Florida 34744-4492 Phone: 407-870-4630 * Fox: 407-870-4616 ~ www.osceola.k12.flus ‘Superintendent of Schools Michael A Grego, £40. 4407-390.0505 4079225113, 407-933-2700 Diet S— John mekay, Chale 807-957-4056 December 2, 2009 Ms, Cathy Schieffer Wenger Corporation 555 Park Drive ‘Owatonna, MN 55060 RE: Bid # SDOC-10-8-041-KB/LK, Musical instruments For Schools. Dear Ms. Schieffer: ‘The School Board of Osceola County, Florida, meeting in official session on December 4, 2008, voted to award items on the above mentioned solicitation to the following company/companies: Atlantic Strings, Inc. Cascio Interstate Music ‘Music Man ‘Washington Music Center National Educational Music Co. (NEMC) Wenger Corporation ‘You may view the tab sheet for this bid at: womw.osceola 12, fus/depts/purchasing/pages/bidresults. as This letter is ONLY notification of award of the solicitation, Purchase Orders shall be placed as needed. ‘Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Kathy Brown ~ Senior Buyer at 407-870-4526. ‘Sincerely, Ish, CPP, C.P.M., CPM, FCCN Director of Purchasing and Warehouse CLOkb Attachment cc: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Superintendent Wiliam Collins, Chief Business and Finance Officer ‘Student Achievament~ Our Number One Distictwce Accredtabon by be Souter Assozatn of Colleges ard Schocls ‘Sonol ont Man Ofice: 817 eh BeckBevlvard “Kesimmee “Forte “24744-4992 “Phone: #07-8704600 yon. osceoia ki2fhus ‘Ane Oporuity Agency

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