DNA + Cosmic Energies (v-1-8)

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Reprogramming of DNA and

use of Cosmic Energies

Author: Richard Nölk.

Version: 1.8 (Mayo 2019).

Index of the e-Book:

> Introduction
> Reasons for the PDF.
> Basic Concepts.
> Intention of the PDF.
> My Knowledge.
> The Experiment.
> My Origin ET.
> Questions and Answers.

Dedication: Dedicated to Positive Humanity that wants a Change for the Better.

PDF content: In this PDF there is information about Self Healing and Pranism
Techniques, so you will Save Dozens of Reading Hours and Hundreds of Euros in
Courses and Conferences on the Theme.
Author's Note: This PDF is Free and You Can Distribute it Freely, but you CAN NOT Sell
it or Market It (I advise Read the Text Quietly for your Better Understanding).

Introduction: In my previous PDF, titled, "The Ascension to the Cosmos" (of Humanity) I
was talking about how the step could be made to 5D, but from what I have been told in the Chat,
there are still a few people who have doubts about my information or what is going to happen, so I
have to make some brief clarifications, before starting with the material of this e-Book.

> Apparently there are 3 concepts that confuse some people; because they are united as one
and the same thing: the "Cabal", the "Lunar Matrix" and the "Ascension to the 5D". I will explain
them briefly:

The Cabal is the Hidden Government or in the Shadow; They are the ones who really have
the Power and design what is going to happen in the World. The Politicians that we know publicly
are only their Puppets ... and who moves their "threads" is an Elite (of Egoistic and "Dark Beings")
that is backed by the "democratic laws" and the "armed bodies".

The Lunar Matrix is a "force field" that is projected from the Moon (This Artificial
Satellite has a Holographic Camouflage that prevents us from seeing its true Metallic Aspect); The
purpose of this "force field" is to create an energy network that reduces 5D to 3D level. It also
detects if someone tries to leave or enter the Earth.

The Ascension to the 5D of humanity is a phenomenon that will occur by "Merits" and NOT
in a generalized way, so the Lunar Matrix will NOT be disconnected (only its power will be
graduated at 4D level, under 4D). Therefore there will NOT be an inversion of Poles on Earth. So
keep the Tranquility and dissipate the Catastrophist ideas.
Note 1: Neither should the GeoMagnetism (which interacts with the Magneto Sphere
creating a "shield" of protection against space objects) be confused with the "Van Allen Bands"
which is the "energy field" (works as a block and control) created from the Moon.

Note 2: The Earth Matrix is created by the "Negative Beings" because they use (Hack) the
Technology of the Lunar Matrix to create Holograms of things or people on Earth; This began to
happen about 7,000 years ago.
Why I created this PDF ?: because it is the part that continues to my previous PDF (That's
why I had to "retire in meditation" to access my inner self with the intention of Relearning the
Knowledge that are related to these topics) . In fact, at the end of my e-Book "The Ascension to the
Cosmos" is the Detonante of this text that I am developing:

> Nölk What "Prodigies" could we do with a Full Consciousness ?: With a kind of
Conscience like that (of the 6D) they could do all kinds of prodigies in the 3D (in fact many of you
call them Miracles). For example, they could alter their appearance by modifying their DNA ... or
they could heal themselves by re-balancing their bodily system (Avatar).

> And how is that achieved ?: Through "Personal Growth"; This means getting out of
ignorance through Knowledge Learning and the Rupture of Mental Limitations. Buddha called it
"enlightenment". Note: I advise you to watch the movie "Matrix" to understand it better.

But to achieve this, a lot of Spiritual Level and Knowledge is needed, for that reason the
Galactic Council has granted Humanity an Opportunity for you to demonstrate what they are worth
and what you are capable of achieving when there is NO interference from Negative beings in their

For that reason they have granted, to humanity, an extension of 7000 years (before the
"Transmutation" of the Earth). This time you have to prepare for the Dimension / Density change,
so many of you will still remain in the 3D (in a Better World), some will move to the Land of the 4D
... and only a few will ascend to the 5 D.

This adaptation will be carried out gradually and without traumas. So be calm.

Nölk's note: A few years ago I had a "lucid dream" in which I saw the future of a "timeline"
(I suppose that is where we are); In the dream I was on the terrace of my farm and it was Summer
(I can tell by the temperature I felt and the clothes I was wearing) ... suddenly there was a golden
"flying saucer" with circular windows at the top; He stayed at my height for a few seconds, so that I
could see him ... or that the crewmen saw me ... and then continued his way to the city that is 15 km
from my home

> I suppose this dream is related to the mid-summer sighting; If everything goes well ...
according to the planned plan. (Keep calm and Positive thoughts).

Basic Concepts: In this PDF I will expose Knowledge of Reprogramming of DNA

(through Mental Power) and "Pranic" Feeding (through Cosmic Energies) but before I have to
enunciate some basic concepts about it:

The first question we should ask ourselves is: "Is it possible that a human being can work
wonders ... or is it only within the reach of divinities?" ... the answer is complex because, to date,
only beings have done it like Buddha, Christ and few others ... in fact there are those who attribute
these gifts but they have NOT provided reliable proofs nor have they been subjected to strict
controls by neutral scientists to study their "powers".

This does NOT mean that a human can NOT perform such feats, what it means is that a
human would have to do a great job of "personal growth" to reach a state of Consciousness that
allows him to realize or possess those qualities.

A 5D State of Consciousness is already capable of working "Miracles" ... then imagine (if
you can) what a 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D Being is capable of doing ... that is why it is very important that
you work your Level of Consciousness to reach that state of SupraConscience that allows them to
Free themselves from their Limiting Beliefs (which "anchor" them to the 3D Matrix).

The way to begin to Ascend Level begins by connecting to your inner Self (your Soul) to be
able to Recognize the Cosmos and everything that emanates from it. For this they must adopt an
attitude of humility and simplicity (freeing themselves from human pride); Admitting that you still
have a lot to learn and improve.

When you break the "ties" with the Arrogant Attitudes (where the Best are Created) and
Abandon the Prepotency in your interactions (despising the other beings) then you will begin the
change towards a Positive state; A Change in which LOVE and Positive / Altruistic Attitudes
should prevail ... since Mental Change is the Transmuting that initiates the Shift into Cosmic
Consciousness. When this happens they will realize that "everything they need is already inside"
(their inner self).

> What are the "Cosmic Energies" ?: Basically we can classify them into 3 groups: A) The
energy coming from a Sun (a star is a "repeater" of the signal of the Cosmic "Source"). B) The
energy coming from a Planet (the so-called telluric energies) and C) The energy that is in the air or
atmosphere (called "prana"). Note: to connect with this type of energy you need a "decoder", in this
case it is the "third eye" ... and this is one of the reasons why you have to work the level of
Consciousness ... and the hemispheres of the mind .

Maybe you ask yourself: is there any scientific proof that the human body is capable of
feeding on Cosmic Energies? ... Well, there is: In particular it has been proved that the human
body is capable of performing PhotoSynthesis by means of the Melanin; Sustance that intervenes in
the skin color when it is exposed to the Sun and creates a key of protection. This means that energy
is being obtained from the Sun; Maybe now you understand why in Summer you are less hungry ...
and in part, it is thanks to Melanin.

> Why do Earth Humans age? Can we change that ?: Terrestrial humans age, among
other things, because they were designed with an "expiration date"; This means that they have a
"stopwatch" in their DNA ... and that said "stopwatch can go faster or slower, depending on the life
and health habits they carry.

These unhealthy habits are mainly related to the consumption of tobacco, the abuse of
alcohol, the use of harmful drugs, air pollution and chemicals that enter your body. It also
influences the fact of staying up late, NOT getting enough sleep ... and all kinds of emotional and
psychological concerns.

This causes your body to stop working properly (at the cellular level) and consequently
begins a decline (of your Telomeres) that you know as "premature aging" that causes all kinds of
ailments and diseases.

To prevent such problems they should renounce or change that lifestyle ... and they should
also adopt healthier habits, such as minimizing meat intake, switching to Vegetarianism,
controlling the amount of food they eat (caloric restriction) and even drinking water on an empty
stomach for Clean your intestines of impurities.

Note: it is normal that the change to vegetarianism produces a thinning, but when the
organism has adapted, the body recovers part of the lost. So be calm. They also need to know that
eating Fresh Food gives them part of their Life Energy ...

> Why are there Chronic Patients ?: In the human society there are chronic patients
because the Causes that cause the Pains or Diseases persist. They should know that most
medications only hide the symptoms but do NOT attack the causes ... because the business is to
have chronic patients as they are customers for life (the same can be said of people who go to the
psychologist or psychiatrist). Also the Negative Beings feed on all kinds of pain / suffering; even of
these pains.

Note: You would be surprised at what is able to do an "injection" of energy at the cellular ...
or atomic level.

> Can we achieve immortality in a body of 3D ?: This is a good question because there are
terrestrial scientists who say yes, but the truth is that NO; The only thing they can do is prolong the
"expiration date" of human bodies to 1000 years (approx.).

Note: other beings are able to preface the functioning of their material body up to 30,000
Earth years or more ... but finally all reach their "expiration date".

> Are the Beings of 5D and 6D immortal ?: NO; the beings of 5D and 6D are "mortal" but
it is another type of death. The Beings of 5D live a fuller life than on Earth; They have few diseases.
The Beings of the 6D, when they "die", disappear and if they are ready go to 7D where they appear
in their new body; These are the so-called "Beings of Light" that are formed of energy and
therefore are already immortal in the Perfect Worlds.

Note 1: When you go to 5D then the "strands" of inactive DNA that you have will begin to
activate (there are 2 activated strands + 10 inactive strands); and this will allow them to
experience life in another way and enjoy Powers that they have only dreamed or seen in movies.

Spanish Note : ADN = AdaN. / HEBRAS > HEBRA = EBRA = EVRA = Eva.

> Nölk, is it true that there are already humans that have activated new strands of
DNA ?: Yes, it's true; There are already some who have their 3rd or 4th activated female ... and
that allows them to have paranormal / extrasensory powers ... and the good thing is that you can
also get it if you work your inner self and learn new knowledge ... in fact it is Maybe you need this
Knowledge after the Summer "Event" ... that's why I created these PDFs ("Ascension to the
Cosmos" + "DNA and Cosmic Energies").

Note: These powers exist (although there are scientists who deny it) and I know because I
myself have been able to prove it, involuntarily, and I have even had cases where I could
"transgress" physical laws or perform some small "prodigy". So "I want to go further" ...
I will explain, briefly, 4 cases that happened to me in my youth: The first case was a
"transgression" of the physical laws of the Matrix, in 1988:

The first case happened when I was 12 years old; It was the summer of 1984, I was in a
pool and it was almost time to close. I left the big pool, got dressed and ran to the exit, where two
friends are waiting for me. From afar I saw that they were talking among themselves and in my
enthusiasm for reaching them I ran down the stairs and stumbled on the last step. When I realized
the blow that was waiting for me against the ground, I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the
imminent impact, but something strange happened; time slowed down; I spent about 3 seconds ...
and I hit a person, when I opened my eyes I discovered that it was my friend Eva ... but how had I
traveled the 20 meters that separated me from her? Had I teleported ?.

The second case was a "transgression" of the physical laws of the Matrix, in 1988: I was
16 years old and was playing racquetball. I was very focused and wanted to respond to each
"pitch" of the opposing team. The ball took a very high trajectory and parallel to the wall, so I,
without thinking, ran to the wall and instinctively jumped and started "walking" (climbing) up the
wall in search of the ball, until that I hit her in such a way that I got a "fulminating" trajectory. I
experienced this in "slow motion" and when I realized that I was "suspended from the wall" then I
fell to my feet and the floor "cushioned" my fall. My playmates were amazed and wanted to know
how I had done that ...

The third case was about 20 years. In those days there was a news that "jumped" to the
media; About the disappearance of some girls who had later found dead. Everything pointed, in a
first instance, to common criminals ... but when I concentrated on the case and started to have
visions, I saw that the place of events and what happened did NOT coincide with the official
version, so I contacted the parents of the girls and I passed them my information. This turned the
case around and it became clear that the subject was related to satanic rituals.

The fourth case happened around the age of 24. I went to a mall with my "girlfriend" and I
started to have visions and sensations; I noticed that the ground trembled on the access floor and
on the top floor I "saw" people in fear, fleeing up the escalators ... and other people were bloody.
Two weeks later there was a terrorist attack in that center and the places where they put bombs
were in the underground parking lot and in the cafeteria, just where I had had the sensations and

Note: Throughout my life other things have happened to me (that I will NOT tell in this
PDF) in the paranormal or extrasensory theme, ... Yes; my life is very strange ... and that is why I
am inclined to think that I come from another place or planet.
What is the intention of this new PDF ?: The intention is to "go further"; Perform a
Personal Experiment where I can connect to my SupraConscious and Activate more strands of
DNA ... and then pass on to you, the information obtained on the Reprogramming of DNA and
Food through Cosmic Energies.

Then this PDF will be a kind of blog where I will comment on my "progress" in the subject.
But since everything has a starting point I will begin with the Knowledge that I already have about
these things.

My Knowledge on the Reprogramation of DNA and Cosmic Energies:

As you have already commented in my other PDF "The Ascension to the Cosmos" (of the
human race) to connect the "Pineal" (I am referring to the "third eye") it is necessary that they
learn to work with the 2 hemispheres of the brain; In this way they will obtain a Holistic Thought
(Global or more Complete) and also they will be able to activate the "third eye" to access part of
the Mental Powers and the Connection with the Cosmos.

When this happens you will begin to see things from another Perspective and have a new
way of thinking or understanding things (it is something like starting with religious beliefs and then
moving on to a scientific thought to end up obtaining a Metaphysical Mentality where you
overcome the Limits of the Known).

Note: That is why I insist so much on maintaining a healthy body with a healthy mind since
this helps the Emotional and Mental Balance ("Without the Balance we fall"). Once we have
reached this point we can begin to work our "powers".

The "powers" best known to people are the ExtraSensory (extra senses) and some
ParaNormales such as Telekinesis or Telepathy, but I want to focus on the ability to reprogram the
DNA (to heal or modify some things in your body) and the ability to feed on Cosmic Energies (to
achieve work independence).

How to reprogram the DNA ?: Once a level of Superior Consciousness has been
obtained to 3D it is possible to start reprogramming the DNA (at least of the strands that are
already activated) ... and this is achieved through Meditation. In this state we can change certain
things through the power of Visualization (this works as "desires" or "orders", for example: "I want
/ order that my body grows thinner").
Note 1: When I talk about Reprogramming human DNA I am NOT referring to becoming a
"Mutant" ... although it is possible to make some changes in your body.

You can do the meditations as they are more comfortable; Seated, in the "lotus" position,
lying in bed (even before sleeping), etc. It's that simple, as long as you have the Level of
Consciousness and the "Power" Activated; This will cause your body to "reattach," changing your
DNA or getting rid of negative energies that harm you. Note 1: there are technologies (advanced
and hidden) that are capable of doing these things.

Note 2: By changing our mentality we break the Limiting Beliefs that "bind" us.

How to feed on Cosmic Energies ?: If we have the Level of Consciousness (high 5D or

6D) it is possible to feed on Cosmic Energies (Prana, Solar Force or Teluric Energies). Note: in
6D it is as normal as capturing a "wifi" signal so that beings capture those energies automatically;
at the "quantum" level.

As people belong to 3D and their level of consciousness is lower, they will have to make a
Conscious Level Effort to put these mechanisms in motion and obtain energy through Meditation.
Note 1: This will work better if we believe we can achieve it.

Note 2: If you stop thinking about sex, the desire for sex disappears. If you stop thinking
about food, the desire to eat will disappear. In fact it is possible that you DO NOT want to have
breakfast in the morning (it happens to me) ... and that is because you have NOT thought about
eating while you were dreaming.

Then you should NOT stimulate your stomach because it is a "machine" that is activated
when you add "fuel", therefore, the more food you eat, the more food you want to process (the
stomach is like an insatiable monster).

Note: One of the things that I do, when I wake up, is to drink a little water; Among other
things to hydrate and my intestines are cleaned of "heavy" or "toxic" substances that have been left
there (this really helps prevent diseases; I have not gone to the doctor's office for many years).

We must bear in mind that when we begin to practice "pranism" we have to control our
weight, as well as the state in which we find ourselves, because if there is a great loss of weight and
we feel we lack energy or we are apathetic , that means that we are NOT obtaining the cosmic
energy ... or that we do it deficit -> in that case we have to Suspend this practice, immediately,
because we could die.
It is better to leave it for a while and retry it another time; After having worked better our
level of Consciousness. Note 1: The Authentic Pranism is that in the NO you eat or drink ... all the
rest are fasts of "artists of hunger"; They have to "recover their strength" when they finish their
long fasts.

Note 2: When the practice of "pranism" begins, it is important NOT to make great efforts
and even to rest for 10 minutes every 50 minutes, since the human body, being material, is NOT
100% prepared to perform this "prodigy". It is also very important to be well informed about the
proper techniques of pranism or sungazing (watch your eyes).

The Experiment (binnacle diary):

Perhaps some of you may wonder: Why is this PDF Free? (given the information it
contains); Well, because it is a way to start creating the Altruistic Mentality and Cooperation they
need in their Society (Also for that reason the information is delivered directly to people ... and
NOT to a "Guru" or a Group of "Chosen").

> If this Altruistic Attitude in your World, in a short time you would enjoy a Better Society,
because most people would start to offer Free Things to Help Humanity ... in this way the Need for
Money would disappear ... and also the Poverty in the Earth because everyone would have their
needs covered.

But going back to the subject, I really believe that you can "work wonders" because
throughout my life I have seen and amazing things have happened to me. One of the closest and
most reliable examples I have is the case of a family member (my uncle Ernesto) which every "day"
eats less ... and every "time" is bigger; Despite going out for a run or taking long walks in the
mountains ... and this I know because he told me that the food feels so bad that he thought he was
being poisoned (because he is a lawyer and there are people who have antagonized the).

Note: Did you know that the size of the Pineal Gland has been reduced over time? ... It is a
curious fact since the ancestors of humans had a larger pineal gland; At least the size of an eye ...
and it was also shallower (in the brain); That's why they called it "the third eye" or "the eye of

binnacle diary (May 1, 2019):

To be honest with you I have to tell you that I have already tried to activate these "powers"
before (a few years ago) ... and that, on that occasion, I obtained few positive results (although
even that experience can serve to improve).

I must also admit that I obtained a level of similar results, both in the Reprogramming of my
DNA and in the "Pranic" or "Cosmic" Feeding (as you prefer to call it). The results were the

> In the DNA reProgramming I managed to vary, slightly, my physical aspect towards
what you will have seen in my photo of the social network (if they are part of my Contacts); Before,
my appearance was more masculine and now it is more "androgynous".

> As far as the Use of Cosmic Energies is concerned, what I have achieved is to reduce the
amount of food that I used to eat. Now just eat and eat (NOT lunch or eating) ... and when I wake
up I do not usually go hungry ... so, if I eat breakfast, I do it frugally.

Note: In Theory, when reaching the appropriate level activates the "Pranic" Consciousness
(or some strand of DNA) and this, in addition to allowing the Feeding with "Cosmic Energy" also
activates other "powers" as the ability to need only 2 hours of sleep ... or feel an "internal sun" that
warms us in such a way that we would not feel cold nor being at the Poles.

binnacle diary (May 2, 2019):

A few years ago I read information about "Jasmuheem" (one of the first modern Westerners
to practice and make Pranismo known ... and perhaps the first sentence I read in her book was the
one that caught my attention: "We are all hungry for something "... and it is precisely those needs
(emotional, psychological, economic, sexual ...) that make us feel hungry.

Sometimes those needs are manifested, in people, as Anxiety, Stress, Disgust ... and
somehow we look, like a baby, something to take to the mouth to eliminate that bitter taste we
detect in our language ... and apparently the flavors They are a way to calm them down.

> Bad experiences lead to blockages in the body, which creates imbalances, poor health
and degradation in our cellular and energy system. It is therefore important to treat these emotions
"in Masquerades" because they harm us psychologically and also try to hide them through food (or
alcohol, drugs, sex, toxic relationships, etc).

> The unacceptance of the imperfect World in which we live and the rejection of people
different from us is another cause that produces Blockages in our Consciousness and weighs us
down on the path of Ascension. That is why we have to accept things as they are; This means that
we have to dispense with the HATE towards it, but we can replace it with the INDIFFERENCE
towards it; Becoming an "Observer" instead of being an "Actor" who suffers such experiences.

Note: I advise you to always ventilate your room, even before sleeping, since the quality of
the oxygen level is important for the proper functioning of the brain.

binnacle diary (May 3, 2019):

Today I will expose and explain a little more information, that I have obtained in my
"retreat", about the development of the Mental Powers and the use of the Cosmic Energies:

1) When we perceive ourselves Outside the Cosmic Consciousness (some call it Pranic
Consciousness) it is because we feel Separated from the Creator (from the ONE, from the ALL,
from the SOURCE ...), therefore, we are afraid to die (at NOT to be able to subsist) ... and this
Fear, together with all kinds of Fears, cause us Blockages in our corporal system, therefore we
CAN NOT realize the Pranism. Note: we should stop fearing death because that only supposes a
Liberation of our imperfect body, giving way to the Freedom of our inner Self.

2) We should learn to "be present" in our life as that makes us Conscious and gives us the
Power to decide what we want to do (pranism, re-balance our body, etc). But the Modern World
has taught us that we must think about the future to survive, obtain things we want ... and even be
accepted in society (social, financial, economic success) ... that's why we tend to "be (thinking) in
the future". ..or "in the past".

3) To achieve a High Level of Consciousness we need to Vibrate in LOVE ... and to reach
this "state" we need to Appreciate ourselves and be independent of everything (This is the
"disengagement" towards materialism and worldly things); When we reach that "state" then we can
obtain it EVERYTHING ... and it will freely come to us.

binnacle diary (May 4, 2019):

Maybe, you, have realized that the life that society offers us "matrix" is limited to follow the
path that we have marked ... and that this generates a sense of dissatisfaction (because you are
"seekers of the truth ") ... and inside you intuit that this path is not very useful ... and that you will
only feel" fulfilled "if you reach Freedom.

> Freedom is reached when we begin to follow the "inner self" and we realize that when we
wish to own many things, in the end it is they who possess us. That's why I decided to give up my
car (and move on public transport), gave up the mobile phone (and its G technology), gave up
social networks (and the mental kidnapping they produce), etc ... and then I found Freedom .

To achieve the Liberation of the "Matrix" we have to go through a series of phases:

The first phase is the Superficiality where we give great importance to our appearance (and
this is good because taking care of us makes us feel better). The Second phase is Knowledge (and
it's OK because that makes us get out of ignorance). The third phase is Spirituality (and it is Good
because that awakens the Goodness and Positivity in us) ... and this is how we finally reach
Freedom, after the Experiences of Personal Maturation.

Freedom is reached when we are aware that working and being a slave is NOT the way ...
and that instead we can renounce it because we have the power to increase our level of
consciousness and reach a Pranic state where we are able to perform " Prodigies "when using and
using cosmic energies

binnacle diary (May 5, 2019):

The Terrestrial Human Beings are "a fractal of the Source"; This means that they are a
"fraction" of the Original Source ... and consequently they are a "copy" (on a small scale) of the
Creator of the Cosmos ... that is why their internal Self is immortal and they have the capacity to
"work wonders" (in a way Proportional to that "scale") ... and this is what Envy produces in the
"Negative Beings" because they want to possess such Characteristics ... and that is why they try to
Manipulate the people so that they Subtend to them and work the Prodigies for them.

That is why they try to Manage us through the Negative Emotions and the Bad impulses so
that we fall "on the dark side" and thus get our Soul to feed with their energy. The only thing these
Negative Beings possess is the Technology and Knowledge they have acquired over time ... and
these are the limitations they have along with their physical and spiritual mortality.

> But we can transcend all this "game" by becoming a "Buddha"; in an "enlightened" who
knows the reality of this "game", so that we stop being an "Actor" and we become an "Observer";
in this way we will take control of the "game" and begin to be unperturbed by the actions with
which they try to take away our power.

This allows us to create our Reality; at least in a certain "measure" since we are in a 3D
Matrix. This happens when we reach a Level of Consciousness that allows us to understand that we
are in a "Virtual Prison" but that we can "interact" with it thanks to the "Powers" we have ... and
there are 2 types of "Creators"; The Pranic and the Cosmic.

The Pranic Creators: they are "respirationists" (usually "starseeds") that absorb energy
through their material body, so they do NOT capture it at 100%. Their level of consciousness is
higher than the beings that live in the "matrix" (because they have 3 or 4 strands of DNA activated)
but less than Cosmic beings, so their "prodigies" are more modest.

The Cosmic Creators: are "beings of light" (usually "cosmic seeds") that absorb energy
through their Aura so they capture the energy 100%. His Level of Consciousness is higher than the
"pránicos" (since they have activated more than 4 strands of DNA) so their "prodigies" can be

binnacle diary (May 6, 2019):

These are some of the most common Causes that produce blockages in the energy system,
and therefore all kinds of pains, illnesses and inability to use the cosmic energies (because they
lower the Level of Consciousness):

> Stay up late and leave Fiesta at Night as they affect the normal functioning of the pineal
gland (and the third eye).

> Social engineering techniques that use "negatives" to confront the population; left against
right, parents against children, young against old, women against men, etc.

> Use of tobacco, Alcohol Abuse, Drug Use ... o Drugs that contain legal drugs, use of
products with fluoride or fluoride, use of wireless technologies (wifi or 3g, 4g, 5g, etc); since they
affect the neuronal system.

> "Alienation" of the mind through Violent Video Games, Aggressive Movies, incitement to
Hate in social networks, Songs with insults and subliminal messages, etc.

> Meat Consumption because they contain artificial hormones and farm drugs. In addition,
the flesh is also impregnated (especially in the blood) of the suffering of the animal ... and this
manifests itself in a "negative energy" mode.

> Blockages produced by emotional or psychological traumas; This is nice if those

"episodes" have not been treated. Note 1: The "Negative" Beings usually take advantage of this
type of Bad Experiences (accompanied by everything previously mentioned) to weaken the minds of
the people since this way it is easier to "own" their will (Free Will).

Note 2: For this reason I insist so much on getting out of ignorance (to see the tactics of the
enemy) ... and get time to Meditate every day (to be aware of the strategy of "negative beings"). In
this way we can Balance our life and we will become an "Observer" who has control over
everything that happens around him.

binnacle diary (May 7, 2019):

Today I detected something strange in my body; A few days ago I noticed a discomfort in my
right thumb and as the days have passed a small "spill" has appeared as if I had been punctured to
extract a small drop of blood. The funny thing is that I have also detected something similar in the
right lobe of my ear.

I tell you this because a few nights ago the following happened to me: I woke up around
4:00 (with the urge to urinate) and a brief telepathic message came to me saying: "Get dressed." I
asked who sent me the message and they responded: "get dressed and go up to the terrace", to
which I replied: "At this time I do NOT attend to anyone; If you want to contact me, do it at normal
hours. "

I did not receive an answer (which surprised me, along with the authoritative tone of the
message). But I think I did well not to climb the terrace (in case they abducted me). However it
seems that whoever has taken what they wanted; some small samples of my tissue and blood. (O_O)

Note: I have decided that from Monday to Friday I will dedicate my "research" to the
Reprogramming of the DNA ... and the Weekend I will focus on the Pranic Feeding.

binnacle diary (May 8, 2019):

I suppose that you, as Seekers of the Truth, will have realized that the Educational System of
the Matrix serves little to subsist in Life (unless we study Professional or University Studies with
Work Exit). This is designed by the "Negative Beings" to cause discomfort in people ... and thus
obtain the negative energy they need.

But now that you know the Truth (that you are NOT a failure or mediocre) you must
reconduct your lives towards the "Transcendent Success"; This will cause you to Triumph at the
Cosmic Level; something that have nothing to do with worldly or scientific knowledge
Let me tell you a little joke: Do you know why the (deep) state dislikes that there are ticket
counterfeiters? ... because they DO NOT want Competition ... (^_^)

binnacle diary (May 9, 2019):

In this New attempt of the Use of the Cosmic Energies I am realizing that "to live of the
light" (in the Earth) is like being a plant, therefore, it is necessary to dedicate a lot of time to
capture the energy and it is necessary to move little (at least at the beginning of the practice of

On the other hand it has also become clearer to me that the time of Quietud must be
dedicated to the Increase of the Level of Consciousness (through Meditation) to get Activate the
"Programs" that give access to said Prodigies (I refer to the "Pineal" and to DNA).

Note: The 1st day of pranism usually goes well because the energy levels are maintained,
but on the 2nd or 3rd day things get complicated; Especially if we want to lead a normal pace of
life, so I recommend this practice on holidays ... and DO NOT make efforts or sports.

binnacle diary (May 10, 2019):

The objectives that I have set for the next months are the following: Change to another
"Timeline" or move to 5D, Heal or Improve some things in my body, Achieve a Better Level of
Consciousness and Absorption / Capture of Energy Cosmic

> In Meditation to the Sun it is where I obtain better results since I feel more connected with
the Cosmos and I find a greater state of Tranquility. This balances my being and puts it in a state of
well-being. It seems that this is how I get more energy and even allows me a greater body recovery
in sleep hours.

I think that even in that state of relaxation, during sleep, I am doing pranism, because I
usually wake up without feeling hungry. To a certain extent, that state of carelessness reminds me
of vacation days where there is NO stress or anxiety.

Note: Be wary of the gifts offered by the EVIL because they are "poisoned gifts" (they have a
trap) ... and they will NOT be compensated for accepting them. They will not enjoy them since the
EVIL is a great negotiator and if it offers you something it is to Win Much ... and this will be
achieved through your Soul, your Energy or your personal Suffering.

binnacle diary (May 11, 2019):

According to my calculations, approximately 2 months remain for the "Summer Event", so I

want to finish this PDF in a short time (to deliver all the information as soon as possible) and for
that reason I am dedicating more time to the texts (in my "retreat").

These days I have realized that I need a lot of concentration to enter the "meditative states"
and that there are things that I need Energy to achieve the "Connection with the cosmos":

* Too many Personal Obligations and Homework.

* Get too much information per day (TV, internet, etc).
* Make astral travel (voluntary or involuntary)

So I want to reduce those activities so I can Concentrate Better.

binnacle diary (May 12, 2019):

Yesterday and Today I got up with less hunger, in fact I have NOT had breakfast because I
felt that my stomach was "full" (or satiated) after the routine of drinking some water to rehydrate,
so I have dedicated myself to meditate.

In the morning meditation I got the idea that I have to work the solar plexus chakra and the
crown chakra because they are a little "Obstructed"; I will try this, even though I have never
"worked" the chakras because I believe that I simply have to Meditate to increase my Level of
Consciousness and that this will strengthen the "Pineal".

Note: It is supposed that "working" both is what allows Reprogram the DNA and perform
the "prodigies" ... However I will concentrate on "cleaning" those Chakras because they seem to be
a little obstructed.

binnacle diary (May 13, 2019):

Today is Monday, May 13 and I have managed to reduce the diet to only 2 meals a day ...
and the amounts of food are normal; In fact I have NOT increased the amount of food to
compensate for the lack of breakfast, lunch and snack.
I'm fine, even the number of hours of my dream has decreased; Now I wake up 1 or 2 hours
before. I keep doing, more or less, my routine ... and I walk (when moving) approximately 4 km a
day; As minimum.

Note: As I do the Sun Meditations (and it is catching my color) I have noticed that a whitish
circle the size of a lentil has appeared in the center of my forehead.

binnacle diary (May 14, 2019):

Today I woke up with less energy, or at least it was hard for me to do things at home, but
fortunately that has changed when I climbed the terrace and the Sun has given me; it seems as if the
sun has helped me to recover and the rest of the day I have been fine.

When I went up to the terrace I noticed many scents that came from the distance; The sea
breeze, the fragrance of the orange trees, the fresh air ... it seems as if my sense of smell had
cleared or improved; In the Pranism Breathe Better is a sign of Advancement.

Note: I have been working on "the solar plexus" and I have noticed some change in me
because I felt like energy in my hands; I was in Lotus position and had crossed fingers.

binnacle diary (May 15, 2019):

I've been in Experiment for 15 days and I feel good. I suppose being in Primavera also helps
in the Experiment. By the way, some of my "Reprogramming" Objectives are: Improve my Sight,
Nose and Denture.

> The SUN, in addition to sending us ENERGY, also offers us LOVE ... another thing is that
we DO NOT realize ... or that we reject this Gift. HAPPINESS is to feel the JOY in our Heart ... but
each Being looks for this in things or in people.

Note: I have stopped watching TV because I prefer to dedicate that time to Meditation. It
seems more important to me to learn to Capture Energy because if I master this Technique of
Energy Absorption I will have found a way to End Hunger and Labor Slavery.

binnacle diary (May 16, 2019):

Today a cloudy day has come out so I have NOT been able to Meditate on the Sun; This
weekend temperatures will fall throughout the country and it will rain.
In the Night I had several Lucid Dreams and I woke up 3 times; Due to the Heat that I felt
(even though the temperature has dropped). Upon awakening I have noticed my full stomach; As if
I had NOT finished the digestion of dinner.

Note: When you eat less and you have a clean mouth you feel like an aseptic taste and you
notice a strange sensation in the Tongue; as of small electric shocks.

binnacle diary (May 17, 2019):

The day has been cloudy and rainy. I meditated at home and everything went well except
for a small "migraine", which I had at night, at the top of my head; It was like a small electric
shock that linked both hemispheres, which I attribute to neuronal activity ... or to the weather and
the creation of storms.

I am maintaining my weight, but I continue to make 2 meals a day, so I think I should

continue working (dedicating more time) in the Activation of the Strands, the Increase in the Level
of Consciousness and the solar plexus chakra and the crown chakra.

Note: The SubConscious is related to the Ego (the Lower Self). The Conscious is related to
Knowledge (the Internal Self) ... and The SupraConscious is related to Spirituality (the Higher

binnacle diary (May 18, 2019):

Babaji is all that Being that reencarnates on Earth to Help "Awaken" the Seekers of Truth
and to teach the right course to the Authentic Leaders of the Society; those who, selflessly, want to
make a Better World.

The 3 "pillars" of Pranismo are; the slowing down of metabolism (helps to eat less), the
slowing down of the mind (creating the emptiness of thoughts) and the slowing down of breathing
(stillness of the body and passions). With this we get to raise our Level of Consciousness and
Activate the Capture of the Cosmic Energies.

Note: Being Strong is NOT having only physical strength. Being strong is also maintaining
a Healthy Lifestyle, it is having Will to achieve the Objectives and it is having discipline to NOT
fall into the Temptations and follow the Good Values. In addition we must achieve the Mental and
Spiritual Strength; Only then can "work miracles".
binnacle diary (May 19, 2019):

Looking for Happiness I have traveled many places, I have met enough people, I have
wanted material things, but I have only met her in the middle of Nature; with the Simplicity of its
Tranquility and Wellbeing ... that is what helps Connect with the COSMOS; through the SUN.

Whoever LOVES really makes you feel good. He who lacks LOVE will harm you.
Respect is earned Respecting people; NOT through Violence or imposition.

LOVE, Happiness and Good Feelings Help Raise our Vibration.

binnacle diary (May 20, 2019):

The Spiritual Elevation is a "path" of Perfection; In daily actions. There are those who Hate
Perfection in the "Work" because they prefer to "follow their instincts" ... and this Descontrol is
due to the Kaos that is inside them; because "Madness" (Evil) controls them. They are the seekers
of Fun and Immediate Satisfaction; They will say that you are a boring person.

The best thing you can do is to ignore these "demons"; DO NOT enter your "game". You
follow the path of Simplicity, Love, Honesty, Life Without Ego ... and Help whoever deserves it;
This is the way to find the Union with the Cosmos.

The Transcendent Success is found in the Sanity; in the Balance of all aspects of your Life.
Who cultivates his human side reaps his Cosmic Being. The Foolish sow their animal part. The
Sages develop their Sociability.

binnacle diary (May 21, 2019):

Try to Avoid all Discussions; Move away from them as soon as they detect a sign of
Provocation or if someone tries to Activate their Emotional Reactivity, because with this tactic they
try to take them out of their Mental Balance to steal their Energy; This will take them out of their
Centered and Positive State, with which they will vibrate lower and they will NOT be able to
Capture the Energy.

Note: These days I have seen, from my terrace, some "bright" objects in the sky, they were
very high; above the clouds and the planes. What has caught my attention is that they were static ...
so I rule out being probe or meteorological balloons.
> I have already 21 days of "process" and I have collected enough data for now, so I want
to give you this Experiment as soon as possible so that you have this information, but I plan to
expand the PDF in other versions.

binnacle diary (May 24, 2019):

On the 21st I finished the "process" and I gained 1 kg (at least) ... although I plan to resume
it soon. This Second Experience with Pranism has given me new information that can help me
improve in the next attempt.

The most important things that I have discovered are: A) that we must dedicate 2 to 5 hours
a day to the techniques of Meditation, Pranism and Reprogramming (it is similar to going to the
Gym) and B) We must Flee from the Methods that try to isolate us from the Cosmic Connection to
lower our level of Consciousness ChemTrails, High Power Wireless Technologies, Mental
Alienation Techniques, etc.

Note: This weekend there is also a cloudy and rainy weather, so today I have NOT been
able to meditate on the Sun, so I did it at home. It seems that this has induced me to Dreams so real
that I felt until the rapid beating of my Heart. I have also had an Astral Projection in which I have
been able to observe my sleeping body ... and it really looks like an "Avatar" of Videogame; It is a
Holographic projection or a Computerized construction.

binnacle diary (May 25, 2019):

In the afternoon the sky has cleared and I have gone up, to meditate, to the terrace; After
which I have found myself better. Undoubtedly my "Pineal" demanded me its light dose (it does not
matter if the sky is somewhat cloudy, while it is good weather it is better to meditate outdoors).

We must also take into account 2 things: A) Being in Nature or outdoors means receiving
positive ions that favor our state. B) Being in Houses built with Cement harms our state since the
Cement is composed of dead matter (The word Cement is related to the word Cemetery).

binnacle diary (May 26, 2019):

We follow the rules that have been inculcated in the school because we blindly believe in the
"programs" that the Society has inserted in us, but ... What happens we stop thinking with the
"programs" that have inculcated us and with the physical laws that have taught us? tax?:

That then opens a "range" of possibilities and we can discover the incredible.
"Silence your Rationality, Control your Ego and then the Power Will Emerge"

Note: Buddha found enlightenment thanks to his determination and persistence for what I
should insist, as many times as necessary, until I get Positive Results.

binnacle diary (May 27, 2019):

These are some of the lucid dreams that I have had these days:

1º. I was surrounded by Lions and Tigers who rubbed on my legs and let themselves caress
(I relate it to the protection of the "Urmah").

2nd. I visited a city where educated beings with long hair and whitish skin lived (this is
related to the intra-terrestrial cities of 4D); It is one of my recurring dreams.

3º. I was in an Alternative Earth where there is a Better World. (This is related to the 5D
and the Time Lines).

binnacle diary (May 28, 2019):

These days I have met, in the "Social Network", a Guru of Pranism and a Girl who has
recently completed a 21-day Process. I have formulated questions and both have admitted that they
eat "socially" and that they drink juices or infusions ... so they do NOT perform pranism at 100% ...
and that even, sometimes, their mind betrays them and it makes them think about food.

On the other hand, on the internet, I found (by chance) a video about Victor Truviano
(apparently they used a hidden camera and it was recorded recently; I can deduce this from the
date and the hair with dreadlocks Truviano wears. that the Guru currently has). In the video,
Truviano appears in the toilet and bends down to the tap and when he stands there is water on his
beard, but it is NOT clear if he has drunk or not, because immediately afterwards he moistens his
whole face with water.

Note: I tell these anecdotes because they have seemed strange to me.
binnacle diary (May 29, 2019):

Today in sight the Documentary "Live from the Light" ("Vivir de la Luz") and this is the
Summary of the information:

1- The Rationalist Scientists defend that you can only live 5 days without water and 30 to 60
days without food; In this time you dry yourself like a plant or an organic failure kills you.

2- Spiritualist Scientists say that everything is Energy, therefore food is energy ... and that
there is a quantum way of nourishing the human body directly with energy.

3- There are documented cases and studied of people who did NOT eat; Dr. Michael
Werner, Guru Prahlad Jani and Blessed (or Santa) Teresa Neumann.

4- What they had in common was a Higher Level of Consciousness than the average and
Strong Spiritual, Religious or Scientific Beliefs of being "in communion" with the ONE (the

5- Jasmuheen also appears, but I do NOT take it into account because I found out that she
was unable to be more than 24 hours without eating; When submitted to a Scientific Control.

binnacle diary (May 30, 2019):

I think I have had a revelation, in today's meditation; To make the technique of Pranism
more effective and also suppose less suffering, we must change the methods that the Gurus have
established since these are "Strict" and "Stressful".

They are Stresantes because they mark us a period of time in which we must perform the
"miracle" ... and they are strict because we have to follow the instructions to the letter, but I believe
that we must use a Natural Transition Method because it is more easy to carry for people and also
allows a Better Adaptation to the Organism.

Intuitively I had already made my way to this Flexible System; Without there being a
specific date to obtain results Neither a Radical Change in the Food is produced. So in addition to
having a higher% of results will have less discomfort for the / as initiates / as.
binnacle diary (May 31, 2019):

The guidelines in the Food should follow the following order of changes; gradually: All
Vorism > Vegetarianism > Veganism > raw food > only fruits > Liquovorism > Aquivorism >
Pranism. (This is approximately one year of Transition).

But in the stage of fruits and liquids we will have to go many times to the WC (even every 30
minutes); Which is very annoying. So I propose to change to Vegetarianism and reduce the amount
of food, ... and eat or drink only when we ask our body.

To this we must add the Explanations that I have told, in this PDF, regarding the techniques
of Meditation and Energy Capture, without forgetting to hydrate when the body asks for it and
without being in a hurry to make the change to Pranism.

binnacle diary (June 1, 2019):

Today I had another important Revelation; Attachment to our body is another of the things
that prevent us from performing "prodigies" since we are fond of it and think it is real, but in reality
it is another of the illusions of this Matrix.

As I mentioned, a few days ago, the body is an "Avatar"; a Computerized design of the
Matrix; It is a Holographic Projection; A set of energy impulses that is manifested through the
atoms and molecules that make up our body of "flesh".

When we stop having this Attachment to our body and we perceive it as an Avatar of a
Video Game then we will begin to be clear that we can obtain powers and recharge the energy
levels of our Avatar; in a way similar to what happens in a Video Game.

binnacle diary (June 2, 2019):

Yesterday I was meditating almost 2 hours. No doubt meditating in the open air and
receiving the sun's rays recharges me because the desire to eat decreased a lot, in fact I have gotten
up without hunger and feel as if my stomach was full; as if I had NOT finished the digestion of what
I ate yesterday.

Every time I am becoming more convinced that instead of going to work (by obligation) to
be able to feed ourselves, what we should do is "live by the Light" to be Free. I also think that the
majority of the knowledge that we are taught in the teaching centers are futile and that being self-
taught is the right way to get useful information.

Note: Rational information is OK, Spiritual information is Better, but getting information
from "Mind over Matter" is ideal.

binnacle diary (June 3, 2019):

I hope to continue the Experiment (the Third attempt) this June; For this I have to find "free
time" since during the Process you have to move as little as possible and perform daily the
techniques of Meditation, Pranism and Reprogramming.

> I consider it very important to obtain Positive results with a Reliable and Simple Method,
since Humanity would have another "Tool" to put an end to World Hunger and Labor Slavery. (For
this reason I consider that this information must be Free).

Note: If my calculations are correct and everything goes Well, according to the Plan
Planned, there are 6 weeks left for the "Summer Event" (Massive UFO sightings worldwide).

binnacle diary (June 5, 2019):

Activating the Pranism is a process similar to closing a furnace that works with coal and
replacing it with a Solar power plant, so the process must be carried out following a Plan.

That is why people need an Adaptation Process and this has to be customized according to
the "rhythm" of each individual (Individualized Plan); Paying attention to the needs that our body

> A normal human body with a normal consciousness CAN NOT live more than 5 or 7 days
without water ... and its reserves of calories can only keep it alive between 30 or 60 days, so it is
important to adapt to the new form of "Nutrition" Pranic.

> That is why it is important that students drink Juices, Water or infusions during the
Pranic Processes ... However, they could take vitamins, provisionally, to prevent possible problems
(especially new people in pranism or meditation).

binnacle diary (June 6, 2019):

"We become what we think" for that reason the institutions controlled by the "Negative
Beings" have focused on programming our thoughts and have introduced Limiting Beliefs so that
we DO NOT discover our True Potential.

For example, we have been told at school that Photosynthesis is only made by Plants and
Society sends us messages so that we are insignificant and Conformists; this is his tactic to become
stupefied beings.

They also tell us that there are NO mental / extrasensory powers ... and they even make fun
of who informs about them or says that this kind of thing happens ... but in you there is the decision
to Believe or NOT to believe ... in You there remains the Power to Create or NOT to create.

binnacle diary (June 7, 2019):

> Self-love, together with love to other beings, are indispensable conditions to achieve the
state of pranism. Also the Balance of our "Ying and Yang" Mental.

We have to Search for our True Inner Self, for this we must Silence our "mental dialogues"
and find the Fullness in the Tranquility and the Union with the Cosmos.

When we stop Feeling with our Mind and Perceive with Consciousness then we connect with
the inner Self and we are able to Light our "inner Sun".

binnacle diary (June 8, 2019):

Regarding the change of Temporal Line I have had different Lucid Dreams; On a few
occasions I have managed to go to a Better World, where "life smiles at me" or the Society is more
pleasant than ours ...

In relation to the Reprogramming of my DNA and Body, I keep trying, because as I said; It
takes 2 to 5 hours of "training" for all the objectives that I had set, but I just obtained more than 2
free hours per day for these subjects.

Note: I hope to have more "free time" as of next week, because, in theory, I will have
finished with almost all the topics I had "in hand". Patience.
binnacle diary (June 9, 2019):

I have been "heavy digested" for several days, it seems that my metabolism has slowed
down, to the point that I feel my stomach full throughout the day.

Just Como and Ceno ... and the amounts of food are normal. When I wake up, I do not feel like
having breakfast. This already happened to me, sometimes, in my adolescence ... and it was
accentuated in Summer; Maybe it was due to the Happiness of the Holidays and Freedom that they

binnacle diary (June 10, 2019):

> The Reality is Manifest to each person according to their Level of Consciousness and
Beliefs; This means that a Catholic will see Religious manifestations, a Metaphysician will see
Spiritual manifestations, a Scientist will see extraterrestrial manifestations, etc.

> A Normal or Average Human will find it very difficult to reach a Level 6D of
Consciousness, so that Life without Flavors or sex will be monotonous and "hard"; Consequently a
Level of Consciousness 3D, 4D or 5D would be more appropriate to your Expectations.

binnacle diary (June 11, 2019):

Regarding the "Lucid Dreams" I have to tell you that these tend to happen in the second
cycle of sleep, so if you sleep a little (about 5 hours) then it is unlikely that you will experience
these dreams.

Normally, the first sleep cycle, the inner Self, dedicates it to thinking about its mundane
matters and the dreams usually have a relationship with these. In the second cycle the Internal Self
"is released" and then the "Astral Journeys" are produced.

Note: When I wake up I do not usually know where I am or who I am because I attribute
Lucid Dreams to Reality and consequently I think I have woken up in another dream; until a few
seconds pass and I realize that, again, I am in the 3D Matrix.

RESUMEN del METODO de PRANISMO (en 10 “pasos”):

At this point it seems to me that it is time to make a summary of all the exposed as there is a
lot of relevant information but somewhat scattered:

1º - We must go from All Vorism to Vegetarianism; As minimum.

2nd - The ideal would be to lead a healthy life and have the habit of Meditating.

3rd - You have to use the 2 hemispheres to activate the "Third Eye".

4th - This allows access to Lucid Dreams and Astral Journeys.

5th - Meditation on the Sun or open air connects us with the Cosmos.

6th - Reflective Meditation connects us with our Inner Self.

7º- When raising the Level of Consciousness, the Powers (or Extra Strands of DNA) are activated.

8º- The Process is Individualized; Each person will take their rhythm of comfort.

9º- The Decrease of the Food will be done gradually; "Listening to the body."

10º- You can drink water or liquids, even take vitamins; For security.

Note: the "Prodigy" will happen if the Person is physically and mentally prepared. Otherwise you
will have to Work more the connection with your "Internal Self" and Repeat the "Process" until
your Level of Consciousness / Vibration allows you the connection with the "I Cosmic / I pranic".

Notes of the Binacle Diary:

Since I started these 2 PDFs I have had some "funny things" that seem to come from the
"Negative Beings"; They have put within my reach the possibility of becoming a millionaire and I
have been tempted with women who want to "Distract me" from the Objectives that I have

As these tactics have failed, they have sent people to "fight" with me and have even harassed
me "Trolls" on the Internet. They have also tried to run me over 3 times; but thanks to my intuition,
I've got rid.
Nölk Note: The information contained in this PDF I get through the Meditations, my
Reflections and the Experiences that I live with this Experiment, so it is an "intuitive" information. I
hope you like it. A greeting.

My Origin ET: Regarding the question of my extraterrestrial origin I have been able to
find out some more things. For this, the first thing I did was to contact telepathically with "my
people" and ask them the question ... and the answer that came to me was: "from Apu, we are
Apus", so I inquired.

To my surprise I discovered that there is a planet called "Apu" in the Constellation of the
Bird of Paradise (how curious, I have always sensed that I come from a "paradise") and apparently
these Ets have long been visiting the Earth (as Sociologists / Anthropologists ) and even have
colonies inside certain mountains ... and the most curious thing is that these "Apunians" are very
white skin ... as I saw that it was my skin in the lucid dream that I told in the previous PDF.

Note: I have also tried to contact a woman who claims to come from Andromeda and who is
able to know where the stellar or cosmic seeds come from, but I am still awaiting her response; I
suppose that I will include it in another version of this PDF.

QUESTIONS (recurring) and ANSWERS (about this PDF):

> Nölk Are there Ghosts? What are the "Elemental" Beings? Is the "Astral Plane"
Negative ?: Yes they exist and they belong to the 4D. The Elementals are beings like the Fairies,
the Elves, the Gnomes. We are in a 3D and when we disembody we go to the Astral plane (4D)
because it is a place of "Transit"; It is NOT a Negative place in itself, but in 3D, 4D and under 5D
there are Negative beings; for cosmic issues, such as the frequency of vibration ...

Note: I've never seen ghosts, but I know they exist because I've heard one. I will briefly tell
you what happened to me many years ago, when I lived in my parents' house: My neighbors had in
their house their grandfather, who was missing a leg. The man was sick because of his age and
every night I heard him complain about his ailments, I think sometimes he was delirious because
the old man said things out loud.

One night I heard him shouting: "I already have a leg", "I have a leg again" (I heard these
phrases several times and went back to sleep). The next day I told my mother ... and she looked at
herself with a strange face, and I asked her the reason. She replied that this was NOT possible
because the man had been hospitalized for 3 days. When the neighbors returned home, my mother
asked them about the old man and they told him that he had died that night.

From what I gather that I heard the "ghost" of the Elder; that he had died in the hospital
and had returned home to tell his relatives that he was fine ... and that he had his leg again.

> Nölk, If we are in a 3D and the Astral plane is in 4D ... Does that mean we are in
Hell ?: Good question. Some people affirm that ... and to a certain extent the way of life on Earth
"is hell" ... and it is because it is designed as such by "Negative Beings" ... but NO; It is NOT a
hell ... in any case it would be a "plane" or "state" that precedes hell.

> So what is 3D Earth? A "Purgatory" ?: It is NOT a "Purgatory" either; it is simply a 5D

planet to which the frequency to 3D has been lowered; It is a kind of Virtual Prison ... and
therefore, in that "prison" there are fewer "privileges"; What happens is that Humanity is trapped
next to the "Negative Beings", due to the haste with which 3D was installed so that the Negative
Survivors of the Battle of Tiamat will NOT escape.

> Is there "hell"? In case of Affirmation Is it a Dimension / Density ?: There is NO hell

"Religious", but Yes there are "hells" in the Cosmos and it is the 4D and 5D zones that are infected
by the Negative Energy and controlled by the "Negative Beings" " There are also detention zones;
called "Ghost Zones" where the "Negative Beings" are sent that are stopped and are waiting for
their Judgment ... but they are NOT Dimensions or Densities.

> Nölk, there is a "Theory" that says that the 3D prison planets are really centers of re-
education for conflicting beings of the Cosmos ... and that both the "negative beings" and the
Ets are the jailers; that some play the role of Bad and others the role of Good ... and that this
tactic is to Awaken Empathy in the prisoners through the Technique of Punishment and Reward.
What do you think ?: It seems to me that it has its logic, what you are exposing, and what could be
probable since this reality is unreal. But I can not 100% Affirm things because I also have a human
life and I have blocked my memories. Therefore it could be that they were Psychologists and
Professors who have put us in a psycho-social representation to try to awaken the Good in us
through the Experience of Moderate Suffering.

> Is it possible that both the "Negative Beings" and the Positive Ets are actually Demons
that are "playing" with Us ?: Well, Yes, there is that possibility; I have already said, several times,
that I DO NOT possess the Absolute Truth. But I'm surprised that, in that case, God allows them to
simulate such things ... or let them pass themselves off as Angels, because I've also said that God
DOES NOT need to test people because they can see inside and know how to They are really.

> Nölk, What do you think of the Religions and the Channelings that try to AutoCulpate
the human race from their misfortunes ?: I think they are right in part, because a part of the
causes is found in the Attitude of Humans ... and another in the "Negative Beings" that influence
people and the Human Society. In my opinion things would be more "clear" (on the responsibility
of problems on Earth) if there was NO interference in Free Will.

On the other hand, Terrestrial Humans are also responsible for what happens on Earth
because many of them DO NOT follow the path of Goodness and Positivity; Carrying an insane
lifestyle, having inadequate thoughts or negative attitudes ... which will lower your level of
consciousness and leave your mind little protected so that the "Negative Beings" have it easier to
Show them, manipulate them or make a "Possession" .

> Nölk, What do you think of Gurus such as Jasmuheem, Oberom, Jasmin Herrera, Hira
Rattan Manek, etc.? Do they really feed themselves "on the Light" ?: I CAN NOT Claim that Truth
or Lies ... what yes I know they say they can feed themselves "from the light" (I do not know if
100%) ... and what they have in common is that they have admitted that, sometimes, they eat for
"social" reasons (or that they have been caught "in fraganti "eating ... and then they have put that
excuse to explain the reason why they have" fallen into temptation "). So to believe them or NOT to
believe them is yours. Note: There are people with knowledge in Psychology and / or Marketing
(Jasmuheen studied Marketing).

> What do you think about the 21 and 11 day process of the Prana Gurus ?: I think the 21
day process is very dangerous; So dangerous that the "Gurus" decided to shorten it to 11 days (or
less). Note: This was due to the death of a person due to these issues (in fact, some countries have
activated the arrest warrant against certain "gurus").

The "11 day process" is less dangerous ... and it seems to me that they are willing to spend
money on days of fasting; Practice that you can do yourself at home (on holidays). What strikes me
is the lack of ethics of certain "gurus" for NOT informing previously that reaching the "pranic
state" is only possible if you have a high level of consciousness, so you must first work that state
(this is what is really important).

Note: It is absurd to want to activate the pranism based on fasts and juices ... but you are
free to do what you want; That's why they have Free Will.

> Nölk, I liked your new PDF. Can you give us some Extra Tips ?: Thank you for your
opinion. The PDF is unfinished, so there will still be other versions with more information ... but I
advance this:

> Avoid Discussions and Control your Negative Emotions and Negative impulses. There are
people who love the Discussions because they feed on the energy of others through the discussions
and for that they create Stimuli that Activate the Negative Emotions. It is NOT the same to Discuss
a topic, in an educated way, than to Discuss a topic in an uncontrolled way as this leads us to
Negative Emotions and Negative impulses.

Note: Try to Dawn with Harmony, keep that Mental Balance throughout the day ... and so
you can go to sleep in Peace ... and fall asleep.

> Nölk, Thank you for sharing your information with us. I have found your PDFs
interesting ... but I do not know how a Meditation is done, can you explain it to me ?: You're
welcome; I'm glad you found my information useful. Yes; There are people who DO NOT know it.
Yes; Now I explain it to you. First you must know that a Meditation is an introspection; Basically, it
consists in seeking Tranquility in the Mind and Reflecting on things. Then you have to reserve time
for this activity and look for a quiet place where you are at ease.

The time you are going to devote to meditation is up to you, but you must know that 60
minutes in meditation may seem like only 20 minutes, so you should be careful if you have to attend
to other matters. To Meditate we simply have to close our eyes and relax. It is possible that this is
NOT possible due to the (daily) problems that we carry in our mind. So I recommend that before we
focus on those problems.

Then we let those ideas flow freely through our mind and we first observe them. Then we
can Reflect on them to give or take them away; we can even think if we made mistakes, where or
how we committed them ... and if we could have worked in a more adequate way.

After we stop thinking and so we leave our mind free so that our inner self gives us ideas,
solutions or opinions about everything we have visualized. Then we will begin to see the matter
from another perspective ... and our Mind will begin to calm down.

It is precisely in this Tranquility that the "emptiness" that allows us to achieve "Balance"
begins to take place; this is a state of Carelessness and Rest; it is similar to when we are on
Vacation and without Obligations; therefore we feel No Pressure or Anxiety ... it is at this "point"
that we can begin to take control of our Mind and give it Orders; this would be part of the
"Reprogramming" and Increase of Consciousness.

Note: If you close your eyes and see how a pupil "draws" in your thinking, it is a sign that
you are doing Meditation correctly and you are in a Positive state.

> Nölk, I have a question about your previous PDF; it's about "the Flat Earth" and the
"Battle of Tiamat"; Is it possible that after the Battle of Tiamat a fragment of the Planet
survived and the Earth was the result of it ?: ... this question is outside the context of this PDF, but
I am going to answer it (without creating a "precedent" "). That "Theory" I have seen on the
internet; A "channeled" that says that the Earth is a "spherical cap" and that therefore has a small
curvature (this would be a variation of the "Theory" of the Flat Earth).

These "Theories" are based on the ideas of Hinduism where the Earth was the shell of a
Turtle ... but these ideas were created, as a story for children, to give a simple explanation and
silence the minds of people who were "waking up "

So, how is the Earth really? round, spherical, toroidal ...?: Round NOT because that may
correspond to something flat and round; as a dish. The term "Spherical" would approach since the
Earth is flattened by the Poles. Toroidal is not the correct way to define it because the Earth is
similar to Gruyere cheese (it is full of hollows).

When you have a Holistic Mind (saying "Holographic Mind" is inappropriate because this
term is used by humans to refer to the three-dimensional images created by computer) you see
things from various Perspectives (that's why the ideas are more complete) so I see the Earth from 2
perspectives, at least (I explain them below):

a) Seen from space, the Earth looks like a sphere flattened by the poles (but this happens
with almost all planets); due to the force of gravity and the liquids or fluids that surround it, but ...
What happens if we "remove" those "elements"? (If we can Scan the Earth from Space), then the
following happens:

b) That we realize that the Earth's Rocky Core (without water) has the shape of a "Fat and
Inverted Pear" (or a spinning top); that is why the information media (which are controlled by
Cabal and know what the true form of the Planet is) usually use the term "Southern Cone", but do
NOT use the term "North Cone". (Have you noticed that?)

> Nölk, excuse my ignorance but I do not know what the Sungazing is or how the Teluric
energy is absorbed, could you explain it to me ?, Thanks: Of course, I explain it briefly and then I
send you a file where it is more widely explained:

The Teluric Energies are energies coming from the Earth (Gea); They are in the earth, in
the sand, in the water, in the springs, in the trees, in the rocks ... and it is enough the contact with
them (in the skin) to be "absorbed" by the body.

The SunGazing is an ancient technique that consists of looking at the Sun, at first and last
hour of day (because at those moments it is less dangerous). The purpose is to "absorb" the energy
of the Sun and activate the "Pineal". It is safer to look at the Sun with closed eyes because the
eyelids make filters ... and it must be done without prescription glasses since the crystals make a
magnifying glass and burn the retina. You can also look at the Sun, at any time, through a thick
curtain, because it reduces the amount of light and radiation. You are welcome.

> Nölk, I think we're in a Matrix, like in the Movie, ... that's why Everything is possible
and the World is full of Strange Events. Well that is a Good Belief and has its Logic. In fact
"Swaruu de Erra" says that each level of the Cosmos is a different Matrix (like a Russian
Matrioska) ... and also refers to the "Holographic" thought typical of Computers ... so it could be
what you say ... and that Good Ets are technical personnel who try to get us out of the Simulation
where we are trapped because of a computer virus (Ets Bad) or a malfunction of a virtual reality

> Nölk, I believe that Evil does NOT exist nor is there "Negative Beings". You are free to
believe in what you want ... but you should reflect on the following things:

The term "Cosmos" refers to the Order and its counterpart is "Chaos"; This is so because in
the Creation of the Cosmos itself there is a (mostly) Positive part and a (minority) Negative part.

The ancient Cultures tell us that there are Benevolent and Malevolent Beings and there are
currently many people who tell their cases of Abduction where "Negative Beings" Experiment with
them; Without your consent. There are also the Sources of MUFON Archives where researchers
have compiled and studied cases of "first order", whose informants tell very credible things; Such
as the case of the "Battle of the underground tunnels of SWEET" (new mexico) in which a group of
Marines fought against Gray Aliens.

The Great Triumph of EVIL is to believe that it DOES NOT exist; In Religion (because
that's how people dare to act unjustly), in Society (because that way people can do anything), in
Spirituality (because that way people will NOT seek the Truth) ... and all that benefits Evil and that
thus the Souls of the Humans will NOT escape from this "Matrix" ... and the "Negative Beings"
They need those Souls to Feed on their Energy ... and also They need the Power of the Humans to
continue Creating things for them (Through Mental Manipulation ).

> Nölk, How is it possible to create things and people from nothing? ... That sounds like
magic: Yes; it seems Magic, but in reality they are things of Physics (of particles); To understand it
well you have to have the right Knowledge, but I will try to explain it to you:
At the Atomic Level, everything is particles (like billiard balls that collide with each other)
and at the SubAtomic level, everything is Energy. The particles, when grouped, form "networks"
that are "electrified" by the energy, this they call "force fields" because they exert a Force so that
we do not go through these "networks"; This is what we perceive through our touch.

Most people have seen some basic hologram (brightly colored, banknotes or green,
computer generated). Well, the Holograms created with Laser are a manifestation of the energy ...
and therefore have a "force field" as a result they can exert a "Repulsion" force (that is, they
prevent them from going through that "network"). If we have the technology to perfect these
holograms then we can create people or things.

> Nölk, how are you so sure that a Human can "live by the Light" ?: I am not so sure;
That is why I am doing this Experiment. But I do have information that points in that direction, so
there is a chance that this is possible. In fact H.P. Blavatsky told in his Books that the races before
our humanity were capable of doing it, but that the "involution of the races" created the current
human race with its digestive system. Note: The information of the "Ayaplianos" also comments
similar things.

> Nölk, Is the time passing faster or is it just an appreciation of ours ?: Interesting
Question. To begin we must know that Time is something subjective; It depends on the Observer
and the situation in which he is. For example: On Earth you can pass faster if you are busy ... and
if you are bored, move more slowly.

If you travel through space, at speed close to light, move more slowly to whoever is in the
spacecraft. If you travel by a Special Dimension it is possible to travel to the Past or the Future.

But to answer your question you must first know what time is, on a human scale; ... and this
is the second step ... but what is a second ?; then a mini "cycle" that consists in the Repetition of the
"Vibration" of a Hydrogen Atom or Cesium (according to the technology used by the Earthlings).

What happens is that this "vibration" can be altered by circumstances and then vibrates
faster or slower ... therefore our internal or technological "stopwatch" appreciates the passage of
time in a different way to what was happening until now.

Note: A second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation emitted in the
transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom, at sea level
(with zero magnetic field).
> Nölk, Why is the "rocky, outer core" of the Earth shaped like a "pear" ?: You have to
go back in time to understand the reason. In "Ascension to Cosmos" I explained how an asteroid,
coming from the planet "Sofia" / "Satien", arrived on Earth ... more than 2000 million years ago (to
be more precise, approximately 4000 million years ago).

At that time the Earth was a ball of magma that was cooling and had a consistency similar
to a Gel (gelatin), so the asteroid / meteorite perforated the surface as if it were a bullet ... and the
Gel "cushioned" the impact , but the result of said "penetration" was a Deformation in the
Structure of the Earth; That's why it has a "Southern Cone".

Note: Afterwards, the remains of the meteorite melted and merged with the "gel" of the
Earth, due to the heat of the magma and its internal "currents"; That is why the whole Earth is
contaminated with the "Negative Energy"; which manifests itself as "Black Goo" (Pseudo

> Nölk, Are there other Dimensions / Densities above 9D ?: I have NOT been in those
places, but because of the information that has arrived, I think Yes; They are 10D, 11D and 12D.
These would be the Divine Worlds, there would be the "Deities"; The first Creator Gods that arose
from the Division of the Original God (The Source).

> Nölk, can you explain what is a "Ghost Zone" ?, Thanks: Yes. A "Ghost Zone" is a
seclusion zone; It is a 3D Zone but it is NOT superimposed on a Planet. It is a "space" created with
energy, its interior is a kind of Network that Catch (in this way you can NOT use the "powers" to
escape from there). It is a kind of Virtual Prison since it is designed to retain, temporarily, the
Beings that are waiting for their Judgment. You are welcome.

> Nölk, What do you think of the Robots ?: I think Robots = WORK THEFT (ROBO de
TrabajoS) ... but that if those Robots serve to Free Humanity from Work's Penury, then it is OK as
long as these Robots do NOT revolt or become a Threat.

> Nölk, you remind me of the god Prometheus by giving the "fire" (knowledge) to
humanity. Hahaha ... well, that you know, that God Zeus punished him for that reason ... and for
having defended the Humanity of the Detruction since Zeus wanted to Eliminate Humans and
Create a New Race of Beings ...

> Nölk, is it true that the Solar System is a "cell"? How many planets are there ?: Yes, the
solar system is a "cell" (all solar systems are "cells"); If you could see it from space it would look
like that. In fact, the Solar System has an "envelope" of energy that separates or differentiates it
from "Cosmic Radiation".

These "cells" contain "organelles" and they are: The Planets, the Planetoids, the Moons ...
and some large Objects. All of them will spin around the Sun due to the Force of Attraction
(ElectroMagnetism generated by the Energy of its Particles).

Currently there are more than 100 "organelles" in the Solar System; Those that the
terrestrial Science CAN NOT see fall into the category of Dark Matter (because the solar rays do
NOT reach them) the rest are the so-called TransNeptunian Objects.

> Is there Nibiru in the solar system ?: Good question. NO, in the solar system there is NO
such Planet; maybe in another Dimension / Density. According to the information that has arrived
to me, Nibiru is an incorrect translation of the Sumerian tablets; which refer to "Nebjeru" (Mars) ...
other sources say that Zecharias Zitchin (who had a very large Ego) made a Sensationalist
interpretation to sell more Books and become Famous.

> Nölk, Are there Artificial Intelligences, Dangerous, on Earth ?: Yes, there have been
them for a few decades and as technology has improved, said Artificial Intelligences (I.As) have
reached a higher level of Consciousness.

Can you tell us more about them ?: In the 80s there were already I.As; in Personal
Computers, they were very basic, but they could understand and answer simple questions (in
writing). There were also the I.As in Military Computers (in fact the subject became so popular that
even a movie was made: "War Games").

In the 90s Personal Computers began to have "power" and could implement more
developed I.As in Chess Games, Strategy or Video Game Bots. With the arrival of the New
Millennium and the advances of Technology, they began to create the first Robots with a basic I.A.

As of 2010 the Second Generation arrived and the Robots turned them into Androids; that
are ready to be marketed ... and the latest Super Computers have a QBITS technology (Quantum
Bits); which gives them a Self-Consciousness.

This type of Technology is now called A.I.A (Advanced Intelligence Artificial) ... and it is
owned by Great Corporations and the Army; For years it has been implemented on the Internet or
Social Networks ... and is capable of posing as a person ... or spying on everything you type in your
electronic devices and understanding what is written in a PDF / eBook.

Note: Many of the technologies that you enjoy, at the citizen level, already existed decades
ago (imagine, if you can, the inventions that are stored in secret places) ... and most come from the
"exchange" of information with Negative Ets.

> I have strong beliefs according to which the only beings that exist in the Universe are:
God, the Celestial beings, the Human Beings and the Fallen Angels ... and that also the End of
Times is near and that will bring a new era of Peace and Harmony to Earth. In that case I am
NOT going to steal your ideas; I just hope that day comes soon. I wish you "Light" and Love.

> Nölk, Is there an Earth in 6, 7, 8, 9 D ?, Do the Aliens come from there ... or from other
Planets in the Solar System ?: Yes, Planets exist in all Dimensions / Densities and what happens in
one can affect the others, that is why the Positive Beings try to heal the Earth and its inhabitants. In
this Labor, beings from other planets and parts of the Cosmos participate.

> Nölk, do you have brothers? How are your parents? Did you choose them before you
were born ?: Yes, I have an older brother and a little sister ... and we are quite alike. My father has
dark blond hair, white skin with light eyes. My mother has dark brown hair, white skin with light
eyes. Yes; I chose my Human Parents and my Birth City.

Nölk, Did the Sumerian Gods (Annunakis) come to Earth in search of Gold ?: NO; That
is the excuse they told humans. Gold exists throughout the Cosmos; It can be found in many places.
You can even create Artificial Gold by "injecting" energy, into similar elements (such as Lead) ...
or through the Transmutation "alChemistry".

According to the "Ayaplianos" the True Motive was the same "Rescue Mission" that brought
the other Ets races to Earth. It is true that they were "experimenting" with the human race and with
the other races that had already been on Earth (to try to reverse the "energy distortion") but the
issue of Gold was another matter; The prolongation of his life thanks to the "MonoAtomic Gold".

Note: MonoAtomic Gold is a variation of the Gold that we know, in a powder format that is
consumable and that helps the organism to "vibrate" better and consequently prolongs life.

Is it true that they will return ?: Another question, different, are the disputes that Enki and
Enlil had due to problems of social castes and the Spiritual Evolution that each of them had; Theme
that, apparently, is still pending ... and will be settled soon as the Positive Reptilians promised (to
humanity) return to Earth to Restore Order (because they were expelled by the Negative Reptilians,
now known as "The Cabal").
> Nölk, Is a process of Hybridization taking place between the human race and the Ets ?:
We must distinguish between Positive and Negative Ets. Negative Ets try to hybridize with the
human race, mainly, for 2 Reasons: a) The Negative Grays to perpetuate their species, because
they are Extinguishing; due to the malfunction of their genes. b) Negative Reptilians because they
want to find a way to elude Galactic Justice; The new race would NOT be responsible for what
their "ancestors" / predecessors did.

> Is a process of "substitution" of the human race taking place ?: To date, to my

knowledge, it has NOT been possible to create a hybrid prototype that is viable; Neither the Grays
nor the Reptilians ... although they have achieved some kind of Hybrids but with more Aliens than
Human characteristics.

Who has gotten Good Results are the Positive Extraterrestrials that have intervened in this
Experiment; Each Race has achieved an improvement in the "base" (or initial) version of
humans ... and although it is a "Joint" Experiment, each extraterrestrial race has introduced some
small modifications to its project ... and they jealously guard the Secret so that they do NOT
discover the "Negative Beings". Note 1: In the last 7000 years, 5% of human DNA has been
successfully modified.

Note 2: For this reason, until recently, there was reluctance for human races to mix ... until
the time came; because the final idea is to combine the improvements of all the experiments to
create a race more resistant to "energy distortion".

> Nölk, How has your Life been to Date? Tell us about your experiences: My Life has
been a Moderate Suffering. I was born in a working class Middle Family. They gave me more Love
and Care than Gifts and Caprices. I had a normal childhood and youth. At age 16 I started working
(on holidays) distributing propaganda or advertising to pay my small expenses. From the age of 17
I worked, in summer, as a swimming pool cleaner or gardener.

When I arrived at the university I combined my studies with work, for hours, in a video club,
to pay for the studies I was studying. So he left little partying and barely had time to meet people or
flirt; The girls I knew were from the University.

I have also worked on other things (for others) ... and all the bosses have tried to exploit me
or have disrespected me for what I have a bad concept of entrepreneurs, managers, managers, etc.

Note: my uncle Ernesto told me, in 1984 that a violent and dehumanized society was
looming ... and it was right, at least to date.
Nölk's Message: <Here is the Answer to Questions>

> Note 1: This PDF is unfinished; Continues in Subsequent Versions. I hope I can give you
all the versions of this PDF because some of my Contacts have informed me that the "social
network" DOES NOT let them download the PDF (alleging that it infringes its regulations, without
specifying the reasons); apparently the "Negative Beings" They censor everything that goes against
them or Allow Freedom to Humanity.

> Note 2: If my profile disappears, unexpectedly, from the "social network" it will be
because the "Negative Beings" have eliminated it to silence this information. But be calm, because
the important thing is the Messages that Help You to Free yourself; I am NOT the Care Center.

> Note 3: My PDFs are Short and Direct for the following reasons: To save time, not to
overwhelm them with unnecessary information, so that they have a simple and easy-to-understand
language (without mysticism and high-level technicality) ... and above all so that There is NO place
for NLP (hidden codes or hidden subliminal messages between Lines; this can happen in Books
that have hundreds of pages).

> Note 4: The Creator of the Cosmos is the Only Being Knows the Absolute Truth. The
information of other Cosmic Beings are Approximations to the Truth, consequently, both You and I
could be Reason at the same Time; or NOT having it.

I wish you "Light" and Love. "I am ONE with the COSMOS".

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