Trapped With The CEO

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Trapped with the CEO

Tian Jia Chong Qi • 天价宠妻:总裁夫人休想逃 • 天價寵妻:總裁夫

She was drugged by her ex-boyfriend and had her first night with a
mysterious man.

To revenge her ex, she married this man, starting a new life being
spoiled by his love.

They drew a line at their relationship, yet he ignored it over and

over again.

“From this moment on, I will give you what you want.” He
whispered in a soft voice, indulging her, until she found that his love
was not pure.

“Our marriage ends now.” After learning the truth, she stormed out
of him without hesitation.

But life brought her back to him a few years later, as her
reappearance amazed him. She doesn’t understand, why this man
keeps haunting and torturing her after he had got what he wanted
from her.

Author(s): Bai Cha, 白茶

Year: 2016
Country: China
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Mature, Romance, Shoujo
Tags: Divorce, Female Protagonist, Marriage, Modern Day, Rape,
Translator(s): MoboReader



UUID: 4a819950-1710-11e9-827e-57f4b181d0d5
USER: ayuninda
DATE CREATED: 2019-01-13

More info and chapters:
2 Report

Chapter 154
"Do you know she is at least three years older than you?"
Lola said while rolling her eyes at Joseph. She didn't want her brother
to be with Lillian. She wondered how did they know each other.

"Of course. But it doesn't matter! I don't mind that! Elder

sister is more thoughtful!" Joseph said.

Seeing Joseph's happy expression, Lola didn't want to hurt his

feeling. She then changed the subject while tidying her desk, "It's
almost noon. I gotta leave earlier to get the car. You go with

Then she picked up the car key and pulled Joseph out of the office.

On their way to the parking area, many colleagues peeped at

Joseph. Thanks God. All of them knew they were of the same family;
otherwise there must be rumors about them.

It was a newly-lunched white Maserati. Seeing Lola getting in her

new car and roaring away, Joseph was envious.

At that moment, Joseph figured out what he wanted. He wanted a

new car which was more expensive than Lola's new Maserati.

He came to his own Ferrari, which was worth just several million.
Joseph thought his Ferrari were not fancy enough so he was
determined to buy a new car!

He had to have his father's permission before that. What if his

father didn't allow him to buy? He was going to rebel! Depressed,
Joseph returned home.

It was Saturday. Harold and Angie were playing with Nicole in the
living room. "Father, mother, I want to buy a new car!" Joseph
3 Report
said decisively.

"Why? You have just bought this one. It cost three million!"
Angie said. To be accurate, Joseph bought the car months ago!

"Father, mother, I can earn money now. Could I make

decision by myself? Do you know Lola is driving a car worth
tens of million!" To get what he wanted, Joseph shamelessly told
Harold and Angie about Lola's new car.

Harold and Angie glanced at each other in disbelief. "Don't talk

rubbish. Your sister's BMW is only worth eight hundred
thousand!" Angie said.

"She just got a new car! Her BMW was crashed by her..."
Joseph pointed at Nicole, who was squinting at him, "her uncle
Harry the other day. So he bought her a new Maserati, which
is worth over fifty million." Actually, Joseph could easily earn tens
of million by filming movies and advertisements.

But his parents never allowed him to be extravagant. So sad...

"What happened? Is your sister OK? Why didn't her tell

me?" Hearing Joseph's words, Angie stood up anxiously and
walked to Joseph, who was reclining in the sofa.

"Don't worry. She is perfectly OK. She said it was because

her..." Joseph pointed at Nicole who was still squinting at him, her
uncle Harry wanted to save her and fought with the gangster that the
car crashed." After saying that, Joseph grimaced at Nicole.

"That's the best! Joseph, stay away from your sister's

business! Harry Si and Thomas Herren are not simple. Got
it?" Angie warned Joseph seriously.

Joseph rolled his eyes at Angie. Didn't she know his free time
was occupied by Nicole? He got no time to interfere in his
sister's business!
4 Report
Then he came to Nicole and grinned at her, "Hey, little rascal. I
am your uncle. I take care of you every day. Could you please
stop squinting at me in that way? My little princess?" "You
foolish!" Nicole said while keeping squinting at Joseph.


"Mother! How could she say that? Who teach her to say
that?" Joseph's whine and Nicole's giggle resounded through the v


At night.

Lola got off work one hour later deliberately. She hurried to her
new car after most colleagues had left.

Because she didn't want them to know she drives a Maserati;

otherwise there must be rumors that she is kept by a rich guy!

Her BMW crashed. She had no choice but to drive that Maserati!

Lola opened GPS and headed for Sea View Hotel. It was a private
hotel with several dozens of storeys and situated by the sea in the
west of A Country.

In the hotel, guests could hear the sound of wave breaking on the

After parking her car, Lola walked to the hotel hall with her purse.

"Hello, madam. Are you our VIP guest?" A young and beautiful
hotel greeter came to Lola and asked politely.

"No. I am not allowed to go in if I am not your VIP?" Lola said

while looking around the hotel hall, which was decorated in the style
of sea world.

"Yes, madam. We are open to VIP only." The greeter replied
5 Report

"Actually, my friend is waiting for me here. He is in Room

2308." Lola explained.

As Room 2308 was the presidential suite, the young greeter said in
a tenderer voice, "OK. Please wait a minute. I am going to have
a check."

Then she scooted to the reception desk, made a phone call and
scooted back to Lola in less than one minute.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, madam. This way, please."

The young greeter said while gesturing for Lola to follow her.

Great service! "Thanks! Lola smiled at the greeter.

"You are welcome!" After leading Lola to the 23rd floor and told
her the furthest room left was Room 2308, the greeter walked back
into the elevator and left.

Lola walked to Room 2308. Standing outside, she felt a little

nervous somehow.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Harry, wearing a
bathrobe, opened the door. He just finished showering.

"Good evening, Boss Si!" Lola displayed a professional smile

deliberately and bowed.

Harry pulled Lola in to the room, slammed the door and pushed her
against it. Looking down at the slightly blushed Lola, Harry kissed on
her lips eagerly.

Lola's purse dropped onto the ground. But neither of them took
notice of it.

Harry picked Lola up by her waist, walked to the French window
6 Report
and rode her.

At midnight.

Lola begged Harry to let go of her in a faint voice. Harry got up

from Lola and took her to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Lola was lying in the bathtub while Harry was
standing beside the bathtub and showering as several years ago.

Looking at Lola's sexy red lips, Harry revealed an evil smile. When
they first met in the hotel, they did the same thing in the bathroom.
But this time, Lola was sober.

Realizing what was Harry gonna do, Lola looked at that devil, eyes
wide open.


"Harry Si, you pervert!"

Lola muttered after Harry put her onto the bed finally.

Harry, in a good mood, hooked his arm around Lola's waist from
behind and fell asleep soon.

At dawn, Lola waked up.

She groped Harry's mobile phone on the bedside table. Then she
quickly took a photo of them, holding each other face to face on the

She opened Harry's Wechat and sent the photo to Yolanda.

Then Lola deleted that chatting message, put the mobile phone
back onto the bedside table and went to sleep again.

She thought Harry didn't realize what she was doing. But Harry
opened his eyes after she fell asleep.
7 Report

Chapter 155
Chapter 155 A Natural Intimacy Between Father and

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 6479

Updated: 2018-06-04 10:53

Harry checked his cell phone but didn't find anything unusual.
He didn't believe Lola used his phone just to see the time, but what
else could she do? Well, just let it be!

Although it was Sunday, Lola hurried to the company to attend the

morning meeting.

Harry wore a white casual shirt today with the sleeves tucked up
above the elbow. There was an precious watch on his left wrist, but
the right wrist drew more attention for there were two rows of bite
marks right on the middle of it.

Wasn't it left by Lola? Was it so serious? Well, although it

was no big deal, he shouldn't expose it… Lola pretended she
didn't see the marks while the others already knew what their CEO
had done last night.

Lola pulled her collar to cover her neck with embarrassment, for
fear that the mark on her neck was seen by others.

After the meeting, Harry glanced at the blushed Lola on purpose.

Lola looked away in a hurry. OMG! Why did she begin to feel she
was having an affair with him…
8 Report
At Crescent Spring.

After a busy day, Yolanda checked her phone casually and saw the
WeChat message from Harry.

She was so infuriated by the picture received that she smashed the
cellphone onto the ground and clenched her clothes with both of her

Harry slept with that woman again last night and the photo was
certainly not sent by him! It was sent by that bitch absolutely after
they had sex. Did she wanna show off? Lola Li!

She couldn't send Steven to deal with Lola now, but she
could ask Harry's mother for help!

She picked up the phone. Its screen was broken but she could still
made a phone call.

Before calling, she received a picture from Nael on WeChat.

In the picture, Harry was holding a little girl in his arms with a
tender look on his face. However, the girl was mosaiced and Yolanda
couldn't see her appearance.

How could Harry hold a child? The child looked three or four years

Whose child was this? Lola and Harry's? Thinking of this, Yolanda
felt freezing cold from head to toe.

No! That was impossible! If she was really Harry's child, he would
surely take her home!

Perhaps she was just the daughter of his friend. Yes, it should be.

She had known ten years ago that Harry wanted to have a child…

So it must be her that bore him a baby, not Lola!
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She had to find a way to bear him a child...

After the morning meeting, Lola was wondering whether she

should ask for a leave.

She hesitated because she had to deal with the endorsement of

Joseph and Yolanda. At last she made up her mind to leave since the
company still had CEO and general manager in charge after she got
days off. There would be no problem.

She sent an email to Harry, asking for a four-day leave from the
next day.

At noon, Harry replied, "Wanna go to X City? I'll go with you!"


It was a leave application to CEO, not a schedule to husband!

She refused of course, for she would also take Nicole there and
didn't want Harry to be with the little girl. There was a natural
intimacy between father and daughter. What if Harry found out the

But Harry's reply was even more simple: he wouldn't approve

Lola's leave if she didn't allow him to go together! He added he

ld pick her up in the manor of Li Family at eight o'clock tomorrow



Lola rubbed her painful temple and accepted. Anyway, it was

difficult for her to take a child to travel alone.

Lola called her parents in the army and the old couple both
supported her to bring Carl back.
10 Report
At night.

Lola lay prone beside her daughter who was playing the blocks.
Her earnest look reminded Lola of Harry...

"Nicole, I'll tell you something." Lola was going to tell her
daughter ahead of time to make sure she would be mentally
prepared for what would happen tomorrow.

Nicole looked at her and said, "Go ahead, mommy!"

"Tomorrow, mommy will take you to see your grandpa. I

was brought up by him." She would bring Carl to A Country if he
was willing to come with her. Therefore, she wouldn't need to worry
about him since they lived together.

"How many dads do you have?" That's a wired question.

Lola smiled, "Mommy has two dads! Grandma has asked a

leave for you and do you want to come with me?"

Nicole nodded and said docilely, "I'll go wherever mommy


She stroked her daughter's pigtail happily and said, "An uncle will
go with us. Will you mind?" She asked.

Nicole put down the blocks and asked smartly, "Is he the one I
see in your phone?" Of course, she'd love to go with daddy.

Thinking of Harry's picture in the phone, Lola nodded, "Would you

like him to come?"

Nicole nodded quickly with her eyes flashing with happiness as

soon as her mommy finished, "Yes! Of course!" She was so happy
that she could go with daddy!

Lola let out a sigh of relief after Nicole agreed. She was confused
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why Nicole was so excited. Maybe it was just because she liked
handsome uncle.

On the next morning, Joseph walked them to the gate of the manor
and found a Maybach parking there.

In the car, Harry looked towards Lola and Nicole in the light blue
mother-daughter outfits. That was so warm. In Harry's eyes, Joseph
beside was invisible.

He took a picture of them with his phone behind the car window.
Good one! It would be better if Joseph was removed by Photoshop.

In Harry's mind, Joseph was the person that shouldn't be

here. When Harry got out of the car, Joseph shouted with excitement,
"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!" His luxury car and villa were
around the corner!

Lola blushed and slapped his head, "Who is your brother-in-


As soon as she finished, Nicole loosened her hand and ran towards
Harry. "Uncle, uncle!"

Lola was so astonished, wondering why Nicole was so excited at

meeting Harry. Watching Harry pick Nicole up with a smile on his
face, she felt something was wrong. "Have they ever met each
other?" This question was for Joseph!

"How do I know that?" Afraid of his secret being found out,

Joseph looked away and headed to the Maybach with the small

"Will you go to see grandpa with me?" Nicole hugged Harry's

neck tightly, expecting Harry to say "yes".

"I won't tell you unless you give me a kiss!" He didn't answer
but kept her guessing.
12 Report
With no hesitation, Nicole kissed his face.

The sun rose in the east and shone on the gorgeous father and
daughter. The scene was amazing and nobody would take their eyes
off them.

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13 Report

Chapter 156
Chapter 156 An Eternal Picture

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 6513

Updated: 2018-06-04 12:29

Joseph caught the chance to take a picture of the father and

daughter beside the Maybach with his phone.

In the photo, two rows of Chinese parasols on the clean and broad
avenue of Li's manor were the perfect foil for the black Maybach, and
right in the middle, Harry in a white shirt was enjoying the kiss from
Nicole in his arms.

Harry put her down and fixed her messy bangs.

Joseph could never miss any wonderful moment. He photographed

it to make it an eternal picture.

Lola, who was immersed in the beautiful moment, recovered and

trotted towards them. Joseph was raising his cellphone, ready to take
photos of the whole family.

He made it! Harry didn't let him down. As soon as Lola reached
them, Harry hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

Nicole, with a bright smile, looked up at her father who was kissing
her mother.

The beautiful scene wasn't damaged even though Lola was

standing with her back to the lens.
14 Report
After taking these gorgeous photos, Joseph fled fast to the villa.

He decided to use the photos to ask Harry for something. What

should he ask for? He would think it over...

Harry's kiss made Lola blushed. She immediately pushed him away
and said, "Nicole is here..."

The smart Nicole covered her mouth, smiled and quipped, "I don't
see anything." Then she hurried to cover her big eyes with the
other hand.

"Awesome, Nicole!" Harry embraced Lola again, with the

slightest intention to let her go. Lola pouted, gave him a quick glance
and slapped his arm off.

She then bent down to pick Nicole up. "Are we going or not?"
She asked the man, who looked complacent.

Harry took over Nicole from her, opened the door of the back seat
and put her onto the new child seat gently.

Then he pushed Lola onto the front passenger seat. Lola looked
back at the child seat and mixed feelings filled her up.

"Hey, I'm going to see my father. What are you going for?
How should I introduce you? My boss? My boyfriend? Neither
is appropriate..." It had confused her for a long time.

Harry stared the Maybach and darted a glance sideways at her,

"I'll introduce myself!"

"How will you introduce yourself? That's the point!" Lola

took a glance at her daughter who was staring at them curiously.

"Does that matter?" Harry turned the Maybach round

indifferently and headed for the shopping center.
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Lola pouted, but didn't argue.

Harry took them to the supermarket to buy some water and food
for the trip. The charming family attracted a lot of admiring glances.

But they were not a real family. Lola picked things quickly and took
Nicole back to the Maybach.

Harry didn't force her. He went alone to the shopping center and
bought some gifts before he returned to the Maybach.

He then drove directly to the expressway. X City lied on the border

of A Country and D City. It would take five or six hours on the

Thanks to Nicole, the Maybach rang with cheers and laughter.

Staring at her daughter, who was singing with her head tilted to
one side, and Harry, who looked obviously happy, Lola felt unreal.

There were countless times when she dreamed of the happy family
at night.

She closed her eyes to hide her tears. Harry thought she was tired,
so he stoppe

d at the rest area.

He laid the back seat flat into a small bed, so that Lola and Nicole
may have a rest after they came back from the toilet. "We're
expected to arrive in less than two hours. You may have a

Harry put Nicole onto the seat. Kids were always energetic! Nicole
crawled happily on it soon after she took off her shoes.

After Lola lay down, she looked at Harry who was ready to go,
"Rest first. We're not in a rush!"
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It was very tiring to drive. She knew it well!

"No need. I'm not tired. Have some sleep and I'll wake you
up when we arrive!" Harry closed the door and went back to the
driving seat.

Nicole fell asleep fast, but Lola stayed awake.

She sat up. Noticing the violent shaking, she protected Nicole from
falling down with one hand.


He looked back through the rearview mirror, "Not sleepy?"

"No!" Lola fell silent when she looked at the man who was driving

She wondered if he was also taking good care of Yolanda. Would

he marry Yolanda if she didn't meet him?

She bit her lips and asked, "If it weren't for me, would you
have married her?" Was she a little sentimental?

Harry kept silent for quite a while before he replied, "I'm with you
now! So stop thinking useless thoughts!"

Lola didn't speak again for the rest of the trip. She only stared at
her daughter and the man in the front quietly.

Almost two hours later, it had past 2 pm when the Maybach got off
the expressway.

They had something to eat in a restaurant and checked the

guidance system. It was still a two-hour-plus ride from there to Echo
Bay where Carl lived.

Staring at the man who was having lunch elegantly, she felt lucky
that he drove them here. Or they would feel bad in the transfer of
17 Report

She asked after thinking for a while, "How about staying

overnight here and starting off tomorrow morning."

Harry thought about it and asked Nicole who was eating with
appetite, "Nicole, tell me if you feel tired."

Nicole nodded honestly, "A little." It was the first time that she
had been travelling in a car for such a long time!

"Okay. We'll check into a hotel then." Harry made a quick

decision and speed up to finish up his lunch.

Lola was speechless and took a look at them. All right!

They didn't find a four-star hotel recommended on an APP until

they drove around the city.

Harry kept Lola and Nicole waiting on the sofa in the hall and went
to check in.

He asked for a presidential suite and the greeter led them upstairs.

Glancing around the suite, Harry frowned. The room was even not
as good as a standard room of a three-star hotel in A Country.

But the good news was the bed was big enough for all the three of

After unpacking the suitcase, Lola asked the man who was still
playing with Nicole, "Don't you go back to your room for some

Harry glimpsed at her and asked the little girl beside him, "Nicole,
would you like to sleep with your mommy and me tonight?"

Nicole nodded immediately. Noticing her speechless mommy,

Nicole suddenly drew her arms around Harry's neck tightly,
18 Report
"Mommy, let's sleep together tonight!"

"Okay, Nicole, let's sleep together tonight!" They were

unified. What else could Lola argue?

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19 Report

Chapter 157
Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 5857

Updated: 2018-06-05 09:29

Lola stepped near Harry and gave him a pinch secretly.

Harry purposely contorted his face with pain. Seeing his agony,
Nicole put on a worried expression and asked, "What's wrong with
you, uncle Harry? Are you ill?"

Harry shook his hand, "I'm not sick. Your mommy was gonna
kick me out! Help me, Nicole!"

His pitiful look astonished Lola. How could he be so childish?

"Mommy, show some mercy on him, please! Let him sleep

with us, okay?" Nicole moved towards Lola and tugged at her
clothes pitifully.


At night, the three slept on the one bed, Nicole lying in the middle.

But at midnight, she was moved inside.

The others whispered. "Harry, stop it! Nicole's here!"

"Relax. I just wanna hug you. Don't mind me. Good night!"
Immersing himself in her fragrance, he enjoyed the serenity at the
20 Report
Would Harry just hug Lola to sleep? Of course not!

The man got out the bed and carried her by the waist to the

When they came out, Nicole was sleeping horizontally across the

Harry laughed, put Lola on the edge of the bed and moved the
sleeping Nicole aside.

Just as he settled Nicole, a muffled bang was heard.

Harry looked back to find the woman absent. Lola rose up and
glared at him, "How dare you kick me off the bed!"

The man held back his laughter and picked her up to the bed.

"I'm sorry! I forgot you, my sweetheart!" Harry helped her

knead where it hurt. After a while, he felt into the mood again!

Lola quickly pulled the blanket to cover herself. "Time to sleep!"

As he decided to let her go, he tucked Nicole in, cuddled Lola in his
arms and fell asleep safe and sound.

Next early morning, they set off for Echo Bay.

At Echo Bay Village.

Located in a desolate place with towering mountains surrounded, it

was an old village with a history of a thousand years.

To reach Echo Bay village, they must pass a long and tortuous
road. It had been narrow, but it was repaired to be a dual-lane road
by the government.

The road was so zigzag that they went round to get to the other
side of the mountain. With a wide open view, one could catch sight of
21 Report
the whole village with old houses orderly parting in two rows by the
wide Echo Bay.

There were dozens of mossy stone bridges over the bay. Now and
then a ship floated downstream.

Water streaming down along the steps could be found here and
there among houses. Since it was summer now, the waterfall were all
greeny under the verdant trees.

The overcast sky heralded the rain. The high mountains afar
immediately were shrouded in the clouds and fogs. The drizzles
stopped within ten minutes, as suddenly as it came.

Along the left of the asphalted road, they found the primary school
with a board "Echo Bay Primary School" on the door.

The school comprised tile-roofed classrooms. Harry's Maybach

became a real eye-catcher.

They asked a passer-by where Carl lived

and got the answer immediately. The school only had three
teachers -- two locals and Carl Li who was extremely famous across
the village.

Harry drove the car towards the east. He found the shop
mentioned by the passer-by. Next to the shop was a shabby two-floor
building. That was it.

Harry pulled over the car and carried Nicole out. Lola knew they
arrived and got out of the car.

Harry and Nicole walked in the front, holding hands. After they
walked off from the asphalted road, they found the road muddy as it
had just rained.

He held the child up and asked Lola to wait by the road before
22 Report
going to knock on the door.

Upon hearing the car whizzing, neighbors rushed out to see who
was coming. The car were immediately surrounded by children and
adults. Some stared at the car, while some stared at the three

It was an old man who opened the door with rough hands. Hoary-
headed and wrinkled, he wore a gray coat with patches.

"Hi, sir. Is this Carl's place?" asked Harry politely.

The old man pointed at his ear, indicating that he couldn't hear.
Harry cast a glance at Lola, " Let's go in!"

With mixed feelings, Lola walked into the yard where an old
Chinese toon was erected on the left. A dog capered toward them,
wagging its tail.

Nicole rejoiced at seeing the coming dog. Harry lowered Nicole

down to the clean cement ground.

A man with gingham clothes came out. As he walked, he said,

"Mother. I guess we have a guest. Let me see!" The familiar
voice made Lola burst into tears.

Carl stood motionless at the sight of the guests. His lips quivered.
After a long while, he said, "Lola!"

"Father!" Lola trotted towards Carl and hugged him who looked
much older than before.

Four years had passed. Lola choked with sobs and Carl's eyes were

"How could you leave me alone, father?" Lola gave vent to all
her grievance all those years in tears.
23 Report
Guilt filled Carl's heart after he heard Lola's complaint.

"Mommy!" Nicole's low voice came from the back. Lola let loose
Carl and wiped her eyes.

"Father, this is my daughter, Nicole Li."

Nicole Li? Harry slightly raised his thick eyebrows. "Thomas

Herren would allow his daughter to take her mother's name."
he wondered.

"Your daughter? She is such a big girl now!" Carl was

surprised to see the cute girl.

How time flies! His daughter now had a daughter.

"Grandpa!" Nicole greeted Carl sweetly.

Carl held Nicole up carefully. Nicole was so lovely and just looked
like the little Lola. It seemed that he saw her daughter's round face

Harry carried the presents from the car imperceptibly and

presented them to the nearby elder. He walked towards Carl and
said, "Nice to meet you, sir! I'm Harry Si and I'm chasing your

"Chasing her daughter? Isn't Nicole his daughter?" Carl was


Lola's face turned scarlet. He was brazen enough to blurt out


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24 Report

Chapter 158
Chapter 158 Being Parted From Her Daughter

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 6408

Updated: 2018-06-05 09:59

Harry Si! As the name sounded familiar, Carl lowered his head and
sank in thought. It took him a while to realize who Harry was!
"You're the CEO of SL Group?" Carl couldn't help but be

"Yes, I am. Sorry to drop in on you like this." The two men
shook hands politely. Hearing Harry's courteous greeting, Carl

"Come in, please!" Carl beckoned them into a two-story building.

The house was a bit old, but quite clean. They sat down in the
living room. Carl, holding Nicole in his arms, introduced the elderly to

"Lola, this is your grandfather. He couldn't hear since a few

years ago." Carl introduced the old man who had just opened the
door for them.

"Grandpa!" Although the old man couldn't hear, Lola greeted him
sweetly. She thought that calling "Grandpa" instead of
"Grandfather" would be more cordial!

The old man looked at her mouth and understood. He held her
hands and nodded with joy. "Good girl, good girl!"
25 Report
She had never seen her grandparents, because she was too far
away from them and they didn't approve her parents' marriage.

Later, her mother secretly left Echo Bay and never went back after
20-plus years...

At this time, an elderly woman in a homespun jacket came out with

a cane, eyes unfocused.

Harry, who was closer to her, helped her.

"Carl! Who is it?" Harry help her sit on the chair and sat back in
his seat.

"Mother, my daughter Lola, her daughter Nicole, and her

boyfriend Harry are all here!" Carl introduced to his mother. Lola
walked to the old woman with gray hair.

"Grandma! I'm Lola! Your granddaughter!" Lola greeted her

sweetly, holding the old woman's gnarled hands.

"Lola! Lavender's daughter!" The old woman burst into tears as

she thought of her poor daughter! She could never accept being
parted from her daughter.

After her daughter left home, she cried her heart out until she went
blind in both eyes!

Lola was grieved when she saw her grandmother crying.

After the tearful reunion, Carl walked out with Nicole. "You guys
go on catching up and I'm going out."

Lola and Harry had been listening carefully to what grandmother

talked about Lola's mother. And her grandfather was so gratified that
he could hardly take his eyes off them.

He laughed heartily, but Lola felt sad to see the remaining few
26 Report
teeth in his mouth.

When Carl returned, he was holding Nicole in his arms and was
followed by a plump woman. Puzzled, Lola glanced at Harry.

"This is Mrs. Niu, an excellent cook in the village. I have

asked her to cook a lunch for us!" Hearing what Carl said, Lola
was relieved.

Mrs. Niu smiled sheepishly. "No, Mr. Li is flattering me. I can

only cook some homely dishes!"

"Mrs. Niu, we have important guests today. Tell me if you

need any ingredients, I'll give you money to buy them! Buy a
few pounds of meat!" As grandmother stood up on the cane, Lola
hastened to help her walk to Mrs. Niu.

Upon hearing what grandmother was saying, Lola tried to grab her
purse, but Harry was a step faster.

"Mrs. Niu, thank you! Take this." Harry shoved a few hundred
dollar bills into Mrs. Niu's hands, which terrified her.

"No, no, no. One is enough!" Mrs. Niu pulled out

one bill and quickly returned the rest to the handsome young man
in front of her. She had never seen such a handsome young man!

"Take them and buy something else! Maybe we'll bother

you later!" The man put the money into Mrs. Niu's hands again
and calmly sat back on the stool.

"Mrs. Niu, take the money! He's wealthy! If you can't use
up, you can buy food for the children in the village!" Lola joked
with a smile while watching Harry. The man smiled as well.

Mrs. Niu held the bills with shaking hands. She had barely gone out
of the village in her life. Nor had she ever seen so much money, for
27 Report
she was born in a poor family. Having no idea what to do, she turned
to Carl.

"Mr. Li..."

Carl smiled and patted her on the shoulder. "Take them! Buy
some tasty food. And I'll need you to bring two new blankets
and quilt covers tonight."

Mrs. Niu nodded honestly, held the money tighter, and decided to
do as Lola said.

At noon, Mrs. Niu called in her daughter to help her. They made
eight special dishes of Echo Bay.

Looking at the brand new tableware and rich dishes, Lola was
moved. "If we didn't come, they would certainly not buy new
tableware and prepare so many dishes!" thought Lola.

It was a joyful meal. Carl and Harry drank a lot, and her
grandfather drank some as well.

In the afternoon, Carl didn't go to the school but talked to Harry for
a long time. Nicole, accompanied by Lola, had been playing with the
neighboring children in the yard.

Before sunset, Mrs. Niu brought two freshly made blankets, one
bright red and the other dark green. Lola couldn't help laughing at
the color of the blankets, but still helped Mrs. Niu to put the blankets
in the room that her father had prepared.

Before that, Carl had asked Lola how many rooms they need. Lola
answered with a blush. "We only stay for a few days. We will
share a room."

Then, she whispered in Carl's ear, "Nicole is his daughter, but

it is not the right time to tell him the truth. Father, don't spill
the beans." It explained the matter! Carl nodded with
28 Report
understanding and said no more.

As there was no entertainment in the village, they went to bed

early in the evening. That was how people there lived.

After washing her feet, Nicole fell asleep before nine. The two
adults were wide awake in the darkness. "You are not used to it,
right?" asked Lola.

Having lived an extravagant life for years, Lola was not used to the
life in here, let alone Harry.

The man moved the sleeping Nicole to the inner side of the bed
and held Lola in his arms. "No!" Lola protested in a low voice, as the
rooms here were not even soundproofed.

Harry smiled silently and said, "You think too much!"

She gave him a gentle pinch. The man snorted and said, "Since
you are seducing me, don't blame me!"

Lola quickly withdrew her hands and placed them on both sides of
her body. The bed was only enough for the three of them to lie down.

The man held her again in his arms. "The place is beautiful. I'm
thinking about investing and developing." He simply expressed
his thoughts.

"Ah? Investing and developing?" She was a bit surprised, but

the place was indeed beautiful with fresh air.

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29 Report

Chapter 159
"Yes. I need to go up the mountain early tomorrow morning
to check again and decide how to develop it." Echo Bay was a
remote village. Due to inconvenient transportation, schools there
seldom got financial aid. The original village must be of interest to
the people outside.

"How do I persuade my father to go with me? And how

about my grandpa and grandma? Will they be willing to leave
here?" Lola asked while lying in Harry's arms and stroking his chest.

Harry grasped her hand with one hand and pinched her with the
other hand. "Hey, stop!" Harry said in a hoarse voice. There arose
Lola's giggle at once. He knew Lola was seducing him deliberately!

"You can ask them first. It will be the best if they are
willing to go with you. If not, I can finance schools here to
improve father's teaching environment. And I can also
develop scenic spots to improve their living standard. After
all, Echo Bay is a good place for them to spend the rest of
their lives." Harry replied. If Lola liked, he would take her to live in
seclusion. No one would disturb them then. How wonderful it would

After thinking, Lola agreed what Harry said.

Life here was no so bad. She really enjoyed the peaceful and happy
life with Harry and Nicole here! How she wished this moment could
last forever!

In the Crescent Spring in A Country.

Yolanda had been keeping calling Harry, but his number could not
be connected at the moment.
30 Report
She had to ask Joey. According to Joey, Miss Li asked several days
off for personal business; Miss Tan would be responsible for their
cooperation with Joseph before Lola came back; and Boss Si went on
a three or four-day business trip abroad. But she found Harry didn't
book any flight at all.

"Harry didn't go abroad! Lola Li asked for a leave. There is

no such coincidence. They must be together!" Yolanda
thought angrily. But she couldn't find out where exactly they

She prepared candlelight dinner for Harry and bought his favorite
wine. But he was not in A Country!

Yolanda's face was distorted in anger. She picked up the prepared

take-out steaks and wine and threw them onto the ground angrily.

Harry never informed her where he was going. Who did he take her
for? Was she nothing to him?

In the daytime, She saw Joseph browsing his Wechat moment in

the photo studio. She glimpsed a photo. It was Lola Li holding a little
girl who took after her very much.

"Is she Harry's daughter? No. Harry would never let his
daughter live away from Si Family. Then whose daughter is
she? Anyway, no matter whose daughter is she, she is a
bastard. How could Lola Li keep seducing Harry when she has
a daughter?" Yolanda thought. She picked up her mobile phone and
called Rose Mu.

She concealed the fact that Lola was the daughter of the Li Family
in A Country. She just told her that Lola was still seducing Harry when
she had already had a daughter.

After hearing Yolanda's complaint, Rose Mu decided to fly to A

Country as soon as Harry went back. She couldn't believe that
31 Report
Lola Li was working in SL Group again.

Before 7 am next day, Harry got up. Lola felt warm and cosy in
bed, so she didn't want to get up. After wrapping herself in the quilt,
she moved to Nicole, hold her in arms and went on sleeping.

However, Nicole woke up too. "Good morning, daddy!" Nicole

grinned while looking at Harry who was putting on his jacket.

What Nicole just called Harry awoke Lola. "Nicole, he is your

uncle Harry!"

Harry didn'

t mind what Lola said. He smiled at Nicole, "Good morning."

Harry picked up Nicole, who was in pajamas, and seat her on the
edge of the bed.

Lola turned around and found Harry kept emotionless...

It was a little cold in the morning in the countryside. Harry fished

out a pair of small trousers and a thick coat from the suitcase.

Then he walked to Nicole, unbuttoned her pajamas and dressed

her clumsily.

Seeing that, the sleepy Lola woke up totally! "Straighten the

trousers first." She lay on the bed and instructed the unskillful
Harry who started sweating.

It was finally done. "Don't you get up? I am going up the

mountain. Are you going with me?" Harry asked while stroking
Lola beneath the quilt.

Lola pulled up the quilt to cover her head at once and bit Harry's

Feeling painful, Harry withdrew his hand at once. There was a row
32 Report
of slight bite mark left.

Harry kissed that bite mark in front of Lola. "You pervert!" Lola
rolled her eyes at Harry, but soon smiled.

Nicole kept shifting her gaze between Harry and Lola and asked
curiously, "Uncle Harry, are you playing with mommy?"

"No. Nicole. Let's go wash up!" Harry said while holding her

Minutes later, Lola finally got up. She went to the yard and found
Nicole was washing her face by herself under the guidance of Harry.

There was only one tap in the yard. So they used that tap for
almost everything, such as brushing teeth, washing face, washing
clothes, washing vegetables and so on.

Lola stretched herself and walked to them.

"Mommy. We have brushed our teeth! You are lazy!" Nicole

giggled while washing her face.

"I will hurry up!" Harry squeezed paste on a new toothbrush and
delivered it to Lola. Lola was a little bit surprised and take over the
toothbrush. She remembered that Harry also did that for her if he
didn't have to wake up early for work before they got divorced.

Mrs. Niu was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen and laid out
dishes on the dining table in the living room.

"Hurry up. Breakfast is ready!" Carl urged them. Hearing that,

Lola nodded at her father. Harry wiped his face with a towel and
applied some moisturizer on it. Then he helped Nicole wipe her face.
"Uncle Harry, help me apply some." Nicole said in a tender voice.

Harry rubbed some moisturizer in his hands for a long time while
staring at Nicole's little face. He had no idea how to apply it for
33 Report
others, especially for a kid.

"Uncle Harry, be quick!" Nicole said. Then she raised her face,
closed her eyes and kept her mouth closed.

"Just go ahead!" Harry decided. He walked behind Nicole,

squatted down and then started smearing the moisturizer on her

"Uncle Harry, you smeared it into my mouth! It's sweet.

Please smear some on my forehead..." Nicole's voice resounded
the yard.

Lola, who was standing nearby and brushing her teeth, was
amused by them. "Nicole, he had never done this for anyone
before. You should be content." Lola thought.

After breakfast, Harry told Carl he was going up the mountain to

check around.

Carl nodded and asked him to watch out. Then he went to the
school with Nicole.

Lola went with Harry. They went across a stone bridge, passed
several waterfalls and reached the foot of a mountain.

Harry held Lola's hand and climbed up the mountain.

It was in the early morning. There were dew on green leaves

around them. Several villagers carrying heavy bamboo baskets were
walking down the mountain.
34 Report

Chapter 161
Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 6706

Updated: 2018-06-07 09:26

Those days in Echo Bay left an indelible impression on Lola. It

carried her blissful memory. No strife and no scheme. She was
surrounded by pure happiness.

After returning to A Country, Harry went to the office soon. In order

to evade the unnecessary rumors, Lola spent another day with Nicole
at home and went to the company the next day.

In SL Group.

Lola walked towards the elevator after parking her Maserati at the
parking lot.

Someone squeezed into door before it closed. Lola was surprised

as it was the first day when she came back to work. "Good
morning, Mr. Si!" In a pink shirt and pink suit, Lola greeted him
with a professional smile.

Eyes glistening with delight, Harry pinned her against the wall and
lowered his head to kiss her on the red lips.


Was Boss Si in the mood in the early morning?

The elevator tinkled. The man unwillingly freed her and licked his
lips. Lola walked out of the elevator, "Have a nice day!"
35 Report
Flushed, she gave him a glare, bit her lower lip and walked to the

Seeing the coming Lola, Leo greeted, "Miss Li, you have a guest
waiting in the office."

A guest? Who would come this early for her? Puzzled, Lola nodded
to Leo.

After she pushed the door open, an elegant lady in a rose red coat
on the sofa came into sight. Her long black hair was worn in a bun on
the top. Her aloofness and arrogance was quite similar to the man in
the elevator!

This guest was not welcome. Lola smiled, "Aunt, long time no

Rose Mu stood up and looked her up and down. "Long time no

see! You still know the tricks to hook up with men!"

Lola deemed her as a well-mannered lady if she kept silent.

However, once she opened her mouth, her elegance was nowhere to
be found.

Luckily, she was no longer her mother-in-law, so there was no need

to please her.

"Aunt, thanks to your daughter-in-law-to-be, I'm single

now! Hook up with men? Your son? He badgered me at first!"
Lola said with a proud smile.

Rose studied the more mature and graceful woman in front of her
again. She did change a lot in the past few years.

Humming a merry tune, Joseph wearing sunglasses walked out of

the elevator and headed towards Deputy CEO's office.

Since the door was opened, he could clearly see who were there.
36 Report
Wasn't she mother's opponent in the university, Rose Mu? What
was she doing here?

Hook up with men? Damn! She must come here to make trouble!
As he knew, Rose My was born arrogant and was spoiled by her
husband after getting married.

He immediately called his mother to save the day.

In Li's Manor.

Thomas Herren came to the manor in sunglasses. Angie, who was

going to take Nicole to the army, was surprised to see him.

"President Herren!" She greeted respectfully.

Thomas Herren took off the sunglasses, and nodded to Angie.

"May I take Nicole out for some fun this morning?"

His request put Angie in a quandary. She was in the dark about
what happened between him and her daughter and she knew it was

As Angie was thinking, the phone rang. She took out her phone,
"What, Joseph?"

"Mother, do you remember Rose Mu? Your schoolmate."

Joseph ran to the corner and kept his voice down.

Of course she remembered Rose Mu, her biggest opponent in the

college. "What's the matter?"

"Put on your mighty army uniform, call in

your soldiers and come to Lola's company. She is picking on

my sister!" Unaware of what was going on inside, Joseph
knew his sister wouldn't get the upper hand.

"Rose Mu is picking on your sis? Why can't she quit rocking
37 Report
the boat?" Angie and Rose competed against each other in the
college for three years. After graduation, Rose married someone in C
Country and her son was really something! What was she up to? She
lost to Angie in the college and now went to trouble her daughter?

Angie flew into a fury. After hanging up the phone, she entrusted
Thomas Herren to take care of Nicole. "President Herren, Lola
needs me now. Enjoy yourself with Nicole!"

As the head of the state, he must be protected by bodyguards no

matter where he went. Nicole would be safe with him. She rushed
upstairs, put on the uniform and cap and rushed downstairs.

Thomas Herren and Nicole were getting on well in the living room.
When he watched she coming downstairs, he said, "Let me drive
you there!"

"Thank you. But I don't want to bother you." How could he

disgrace himself to drive her there? That was not a good idea!

Thomas Herren smiled, put on his sunglasses and held up Nicole.

"Let's go! Lola needs help, doesn't she?"

Since it was urgent, Angie agreed. She got into Thomas Herren's
car and headed to SL Group.

In SL Group.

Rose walked around in Lola's office, "Since you're so young,

you must have engaged in bunch of dishonest practices to
get the Deputy CEO title."

She throw a contemptuous glance at Lola who was preparing the

meeting files. Lola replied perfunctorily, "Sorry to disappoint you!
I never used the underhand means."

However, Lola wondered was it a dishonest practice to sleep with

her son?
38 Report
Rose put on a scornful smile and stepped towards her. "Lola Li, if
you leave SL Group now, I'll save your face; otherwise, I will
humiliate you in front of all the others."

Lola smiled, "Aunt, why should I leave SL Group? My father,

Harold Li, will not allow me to do so."

Her father, Harold Li? What happened?

Whatever! "You are not leaving, aren't you?" She asked for

"Yes! Unless the company will give me a reasonable

reason!" She scanned the phone screen to check the time. The
morning briefing would begin within five minutes.

Rose gave her a sideways glance and said, "Shameless!" Then

she walked out.

Lola clearly knew that Rose would not let her go so easily.

However, there was nothing to worry about. "Come what may, I

am not afraid!"

She walked outside after checking out the files again. Just when
she stepped out of the office, she was grabbed.

"What are you doing here? Looking for trouble?" Frightened,

Lola looked back only to find the sneaky Joseph.

Watching Rose go into the elevator, Joseph asked, "Did you piss
her off?"

She rolled her eyes at Joseph and said, "Don't poke your nose
into my business! Hurry up! You're coming to the meeting,
aren't you?"

As the studio shot was over, Joseph came to negotiate the next
39 Report

They went to the conference room together. When Lola pushed the
door open, she saw Rose Mu sitting on her seat and looking at her
with a smug smile.

Yolanda sat beside her like a goddess. All the other executives
remained silent.

Now she was alive to the fact that the two woman was going to
make trouble here.

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40 Report

Chapter 162
Chapter 162 Nicole's Grandma

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 6105

Updated: 2018-06-07 09:58

Joseph stood beside Lola and frowned at Rose.

Lola signaled for her brother to take a seat first and walked to Rose
unhurriedly and gracefully.

"Aunt, this is my seat. You're our CEO's mother and you can
sit here!" She pointed at Harry's seat.

Yolanda said flatly while playing with her phone, "Auntie owns
the whole SL Group and she can sit wherever she wants. How
dare you instruct her?"

Lola smiled, "Nice to meet you, our international queen. I'm

talking with Aunt Rose and why are you chipping in?" So they
were going to bully her together.

"You damn tramp. How can you talk to my daughter-in-law

like that?" Rose slammed on the table angrily and got up. It seemed
to her that Lola used to bully Yolanda!

Well, she would teach the tramp a lesson today!

"Can you watch your language? How can you take my sister
for a tramp!" Joseph stood up opposite, who looked serious at the
41 Report
Rose glanced at Joseph who was defending Lola and found him
somehow familiar. Had they met before? Oh! She remembered. He
was Joseph Li, that world-famous star.

"Joseph, sit down!" Lola glared at Joseph. She didn't want him to
butt in.

"Then ask your son to work somewhere else. It'll make the
best of both worlds." She put the files on the desk and put her
hands into her pockets. Lola had become a successful career woman,
which made Yolanda envious.

Rose was so infuriated that she couldn't even argue. If she could
control her son, Harry had already married Yolanda.

Rose walked towards Lola and pulled her outside. She would tell
everyone in the company that Lola was a tramp and kick her out!

Lola didn't struggle. However, Joseph stood up and grabbed

his sister's wrist.

"Where are you taking my sister?" If Rose weren't a woman or

an elders, he would have punched her.

Lola shook his hand off and said, "Good boy, sit back and butt

Other executives didn't dare to utter a sound. Julie Tan hardly

dared to speak, as she had seen how unreasonable Rose was.

Rose dragged Lola out of the meeting room and lifted her voice,
"Come and have a look. Your deputy CEO is a tramp!"

This morning, many departments were having meetings on that

floor. It had been quiet before several doors were opened.

Some employees came out in confusion and stared at the two

quarreling women.
42 Report
More people came out when Rose continued, "My son has a
fiancee, but your so-called deputy CEO seduced him! Now she
even has the cheek to work in SL Group. How shameless she

It was inconceivable and those employees stirred up a heated

discussion. Lola rolled her eyes, "Aunt, let go of me first! Please
prove your words, okay?"

After getting rid of Rose, she massaged her painful wrist.

An employee passed them, holding two cups of coffee in a tray.

Rose slightly lifted her hand and the coffee was spilled all over Lola's
pink suit.

Her suit turned brown immediately. The employee in glasses was

scared and apologized at once, "Miss Li, sorry. I'm sorry! I didn't
mean it!" Someone had pushed him.


's all right." She simply tidied her suit and ask the cleaner to clear
the coffee on the ground.

Then a woman's voice came from behind.

"I can prove it! Is it convincing?" Yolanda walked out of the

meeting room elegantly, but looked rather sad.

Joseph grabbed her wrist, pulled her back to the meeting room and
threw her onto a chair. "Just be the queen and keep silent."

Joseph said and pointed at her nose. Yolanda stared at her and
slapped his hand.

Just then, the elevator tinkled. A woman in an army uniform walked

43 Report
She walked directly to the noisy meeting room calmly and looked
coldly at Rose.

"Mother! Why are you here?" Lola stared at Angie walking

towards her.

Angie pulled her daughter right behind her and asked, "Rose, I
heard you were bullying my daughter!"

She looked imposing in the army uniform! Many employees

admired her at once.

Rose looked at Angie Gong angrily. So Lola was her daughter.

Angie Gong was hard to deal with! She had to concentrate. Luckily,
she had sent her son away with an excuse!

"Mother, stay out of it. I'm going back to the office first."
said Lola. Her suit was soaked with coffee and she had to go back for
a clean-up.

Angie let go of her and nodded.

After Lola left, Angie walked to Rose with a cold look, "It's been
years since we last met. Mrs. Mu, you're much more
pampered! You even take this to your son's company. Aren't
you afraid of disgracing him?"

Angie felt free to mock her, which greatly annoyed Rose.

"Mrs. Gong, take care of your daughter and stop her from
seducing my son. I didn't intend to talk about it in the

"Who is your son? Why don't I know my daughter has

seduced him?" Angie sneered and cast a stern glance at her son
who was standing at the door of the meeting room.
44 Report
Joseph felt innocent and rubbed his nose. He called her, didn't he?

"My son is Harry Si, CEO of this company! Your daughter

seduced him years ago. You know nothing, do you?" Speaking
of Harry, Rose almost had her nose in the air. Harry was the greatest
honor of her life!

"Harry is your son?" Angie looked obviously astonished. So this

woman was Nicole's grandma?

Rose thought she was scared and then sneered.

At the gate of SL Group, Thomas Herren was playing with Nicole

when he saw a Maybach screech to a halt. Harry rushed out towards
the company. "Does Lola run into trouble?"

At this thought, Thomas put on his sunglasses, picked up Nicole

and ran after him.

Angie and Rose were still in the standoff in the meeting room,
which was surrounded by many onlookers.

"Boss!" Somebody exclaimed. Then the greeting of "Boss" could

be heard continuously. All employees dispersed, hid in nearby
meeting rooms and held their breath.

Harry looked coldly at his mother and Angie Gong in the meeting
room. He didn't even need to ask before he knew what had

"Auntie! Sorry to have disturbed you." Harry nodded slightly

at Angie Gong. Rose was so annoyed that she glared at her son. How
could he say sorry to Angie?

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45 Report

Chapter 163
Chapter 163 Fighting for a Mother and Daughter Pair

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 5902

Updated: 2018-06-08 09:28

Angie Gong ignored him and turned away in a huff.

"Grandma!" Nicole called Angie while throwing herself into her


Angie Gong softened upon hearing the gentle voice from behind.
"Nicole, my sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Angie Gong
gently held up Nicole.

Rose looked at the pink little one in Angie's arms, full of envy.

When could she have a grandchild?

Sensing her envy, Yolanda felt hurt.

"Uncle Harry!" Nicole leant forward to Harry.

"Nicole." Harry took her over with a gentle smile. Though

reluctant, Angie didn't want to go against Nicole's will.

Nicole kissed Harry on the face. Unbelievable!

Even the people in the next room heard clearly that their CEO
spoke in a tender voice!

Yolanda clenched her fists as she always knew that Harry liked
46 Report
children so much.

Watching others' surprised look, Angie proudly said, "Do you

know whose daughter she is?"



Two men answered in unison. Thomas Herren took off his

sunglasses and walked up.

Harry and Thomas cast a glance at each other, both of whom were
brimmed with anger.

"President Herren!"

"President Herren!"

The greeting from Rose, Yolanda and Joseph deafened the whole
floor. Oh My God! This was President Herren!

The whole floor fell into dead silence. It never occurred to Angie
that President Herren would say that!

Those two powerful men standing on the top of the world now were
fighting for a mother and daughter pair.

The question was who her mother was.

"Nicole?" A soft voice broke the silence.

It was indeed their deputy CEO! Under the stunned gaze, Nicole
shook off their hands and ran to Lola.


The people was shocked again as they didn't expect that their
goddess had a daughter.
47 Report
What's more, the girl was her daughter with one of the big shots.

Oh, my god! Was it a dream?

"What are you doing now?" In perplexity, Lola glanced at the

mighty two standing face-to-face. Were they gonna fight? It was in
the company!

"Nicole, come here."

The two men said in unison again. All the others were stunned.

Seeing that, Angie picked up Nicole from Lola and said,

"President Herren, Mr. Si, we get going. Goodbye!"

Coldly eyeing the two men in confrontation, Lola asked, "You

have nothing else to do? Is SL going bust? All your
government affairs are done?"

Those employees gasped at her way of speaking. How impressive

she was!

As the coffee stain had not been removed, Harry knotted his

"Lola, let me drive you home to get changed." Thomas

Herren said with a smile. The clothes must have been stained just

Oh, my god! President Herren always showed on TV, but they

didn't expect that he could be so tender! To their surprise, it was
their deputy CEO who enjoyed such tenderness.

"Harry!" A soft voice raised goose bumps.

Here she was. Harry's fiancee.

Yolanda moved towards Harry and straightened his tie. "We have
48 Report
mother to pick wedding dress today, right?"

They are going to pick wedding dress? It seemed that their

wedding was around the corner.

After hearing that, Lola resolutely went into the elevator.

More surprisingly, both Harry and Thomas sprinted to chase her.

With a long face, Lola said to Harry who was holding her wrist, "I
am the tramp according to your mother, Mr. Si. Please get
your hand off me."

Then she turned to Thomas Herren with a smiling face. "Mr.

Herren, thanks a lot. I have to work now. We may take a rain
check some other day!"

In this way, the two influential and powerful men were successfully
blocked out the elevator.


Thomas Herren nodded indifferently. He put on his sunglasses, got

into another elevator and left.

Harry went back in fury. He stopped in front of Joseph without even

having a look at Rose. "Brother-in-law..." Joseph kept his voice
down when seeing his angry look.

With that, Harry's anger was seen to abate. "Give me your


Harry's phone had been power-off. Joseph passed his phone to


He opened the WeChat and sent a voice message to Lola, "Come

to the meeting room now! Or take the consequence
49 Report
Those present knew he was talking to Lola. Five minutes later, Lola
showed up, face being scarlet.

She glared at her brother who had betrayed her before going back
to her seat.

Rose had left. Everyone looked at Lola in amazement.

Noticing the coffee stain on her suit, Harry grabbed Lola's phone
and unlocked it.

Lola had no time to say no, face turning red.

Harry made a call to Joey. A respectful greeting was heard. "Hello,

Miss. Li!"

"It's me! Buy Miss Li a suit and send to her office right
now!" Blind to the stunned look of others, Harry put her phone back.

It seemed that they had witnessed a public display of affection.

Though nonchalant on the surface, Yolanda had already flown into

rage deep down!

Harry opened his mouth, "Miss Tan, please make an

announcement that if anyone spreads what happened, he will
be deemed to leak the confidential information of the


Julie Tan nodded and launched the announcement right away.

Now everyone knew one thing for sure. Their deputy CEO had a
daughter. But they were not sure who her father was.

Scanning the people present, Harry went on, "What just

happened is my private business. I didn't handle it properly. I
won't let that happen again. I will work for free for the next
50 Report
two month as punishment. Miss Li is the victim, but should
also hold responsible. Deduct one month's salary."

He then cast a cold glance at Yolanda and said, "Get the meeting

After calming herself down, Lola opened the files that she had just
brought in and started her presentation.

After the meeting was over, all the other executives left, leaving
Harry, Lola, Yolanda, Joseph and Julie discussing arrangement of the
last two days there.

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51 Report

Chapter 164
Chapter 164 Must Feel Terrible

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 6444

Updated: 2018-06-08 10:39

At last, Julie and Joseph left the meeting room. When Lola was
about to leave, she heard Harry hurl a question at Yolanda, "When
did we promise mother to pick the wedding dress?"

Lola turned her back to Harry and Yolanda with a sneer and walked
away, leaving them alone.

When she went back to her office, there was already a paper bag
on her desk, inside of which was a white smooth suit.

After locking the door of her office, Lola took off the stained clothes
and put it into the bag to get it washed at home.

When Harry and Yolanda went back to Crescent Spring from the
company, Rose was sitting on a sofa in a daze.

"Auntie, we are back now." Yolanda ran to Rose happily.

Holding Yolanda's hands, Rose hinted Yolanda to sit by her.

She then turned to Harry and gave a snort of contempt.

"Mother, what you did today has gone too far." Harry said
coldly to show his disappointment.

"Well? Are you questioning me?" Rose stood up from the sofa
52 Report
and replied sadly. She had no idea why Harry disobeyed her again
and again. She still believed that Harry loved Yolanda.

Sensing that Rose was in a bad mood, Harry turned his voice
softer, "It is not appropriate to make a scene in the company.
You have disgraced yourself." He was worried that Lola must feel
terrible now.

"Harry! I know exactly what I was doing. Pick a wedding

dress with Yolanda tomorrow. Yolanda's mother and I will
pick a date for your wedding. You should marry her soon."
Rose threw a name card of a bridal shop onto the table.

"I'm not gonna go." Harry refused directly.

That answer pained Yolanda. Looking at the man she loved so

much, she said, "Harry, we have been engaged for four years.
It's time to get married."

Then she put her arms around his waist from behind. His nice and
charming smell fascinated her.

Harry glanced at her slender hands and pulled them off. "I have
told you that I don't love you any more. Let's cancel the

Yolanda drew back and fell into a chair, crying in despair.

Harry turned around with a sigh and said mildly, "Yolanda, we

cannot go back."

They could not go back!

"Harry! Lola is an evil. She has hurt me several times. Why

do you want her? You have promised me that you will not be
with her! You promise me!" Yolanda yelled. She had an emotional
outburst and tried to stand up to jump into Harry's arms.
53 Report
"Harry, how could you say that?" Rose asked. Seeing Yolanda
break down, Rose felt sad. In her eyes, Yolanda was gentle and
generous. She must be heartbroken at Harry's words.

Facing the pressure and questioning from Rose and Yolanda, Harry
insisted, "End the engagement. It will be the best for all of

Realizing that Harry was determined, Rose took a fruit knife on the
table to slit her wrist.

"Mother! What are you doing?" Harry growled while grabbing

the knife from Rose. Again! He was so angry and distressed that he
threw the knife onto the wall. On the wall, the Chinese painting of
Catharine was cracked.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Yolanda showed concern over Rose and
hurried to check up on her.

Relieved, Rose confirmed her idea that Yolanda was a good girl
and was the best choice for her son.

Rose shook her head a

nd turned to Harry, "I will make an appointment with the

bridal shop tomorrow and you must go!" Her words gave no
room for negotiation or discussion.

Harry coldly looked at her, went out of the villa and slammed the
door, leaving Rose's yelling behind the door.

"Harry, get back here!"

When he came to the company, Harry took out his wallet from the
pocket. In the wallet, he still kept the photo of Lola, who smiled

Stroking the photo, Harry kept silent.
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After a while, he received a message in Wechat. It was a friend
request from Joseph.

Harry accepted that request and soon received a blurred image

and a message, "Brother-in-law, a Thunder Motor in exchange
for an original image, is it a deal?"

It was a photo shot of Nicole, Lola and him in front of the villa of Li
Manor. But, their faces were blurred by Joseph on purpose.

Harry replied immediately without any hesitation, "Done."

The original image was sent soon. Looking at it, Harry cannot help

In the photo, he was kissing Lola while Nicole was looking up at

them happily. The background were Chinese parasols and his
Maybach, which made the picture more aesthetic.

That moment was captured by Joseph purposely.

"Any more? One photo for one promise! I want all of them."
Harry types these words quickly.

Joseph was in ecstasy. After all, it was quite rare for Harry to make
promises at one time.

At the same time, Joseph realized how much Harry loved his sister.

He replied, "I have three more! Keep your words!"


Harry then got that three photos of Nicole, Lola and himself. They
were like a happy family.

He saved the photos on his phone, selected one as his screensaver

and had a backup in his private USB disk. Then he called Joey in.
55 Report
"Boss!" Joey knocked on the door and went in.

"I will send you some photos via WeChat. Have them
printed secretly." Harry's words confused Joey. "Secretly? Why?
Are those photos not presentable?"

When Joey walked out of the company, he received the photos. He

was amazed!

It was ... so beautiful.

His boss was gorgeous! The little girl was so cute! And the lady
who only had her back to the camera must be Miss Li!

They seemed to be a family!

Joey quickened his pace and found a shop to complete his task.
After making sure that there was no backup saved in the shop, he
went back to the company.

Harry was very satisfied with the printed images, "Good job. You
will get a pay rise."

Wow, this ... this was Harry's style. Joey got a pay rise in such a
way... "Thank you, boss." Then he came back to his seat, thrilled.

"Oh yeah, pay rise! Pay rise!"

Looking at the strange Joey, the other secretaries had no idea what
had happened but felt sorry for him, because they thought he must
suffer a lot from his boss just now.

It was past 9 pm. Lola walked out of the company finally. As she
had asked for a leave, she had to work overtime to get work done.

She was surprised to notice that Harry's Maybach was still there
next to her Maserati. "Is he still in the office now? Should I go
upstairs to meet him?" she wondered.
56 Report
Better not. After all, rumors about them had spread throughout the

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Chapter 165
Chapter 165 Their Well-planned Marriage

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 7118

Updated: 2018-06-09 09:27

Lola walked to her Maserati, but the door of the Maybach was
suddenly opened. She looked back from in and as she expected,
Harry was there.

"Get in the car!" He was leaning against the seat lazily,

surrounded by a faint smell of cigarette.

She took the passenger seat and closed the door.

The Maybach backed up smoothly and sped out of the parking lot.

The depressing atmosphere inside indicated Harry got into bad


Harry stopped the car at the gate of a shopping mall. "Go and get
me some ties and clothes. More is better."


Lola looked at his serious look. Though speechless, she still got off
and went into the mall as he required.

Was his bank account restricted by his family? Did he seem to

have run out of money?
58 Report
Confused, Lola walked into a luxury menswear store and picked
eight ties of various pattern and several boxes of underwear.

Two white casual shirts attracted her attention. As she could not
decide which fit better, she took both of them. After grabbing another
three crocodile leather belt, Lola walked to the checkout counter. She
couldn't help feeling awkward about the idea that others might think
she was seeing couple of men.

With several shopping bags in hands, Lola stopped at a store for

leather products. Recalling that Harry was still using the wallet she
bought him years ago, she walked in and bought a new one for him.
She couldn't put their photo in it this time, though.

Back to the car, Lola put all the bags in the trunk and sat on the
front passenger seat again. "These are enough to manage with
for a while!"

Harry didn't respond. Instead, he drove away. Lola heard the sound
of waves approaching. When she got off the car, she realized they
were indeed at the seaside.

They walked along the sea silently. Shells were left on the beach
by the flowing tides.

Bathed in the moonlight, Lola held a clean and opalescent shell in

the hand.

After a while, Harry suddenly lifted her up and carried her back to
the car.

After putting Lola on the backseat, he leaned towards her and

fetched a condom from nowhere.

The car rocked vibrantly by the seaside. Harry held Lola tightly,
kissing her ear gently. His voice was hoarse. "Lola, I am going to
pick wedding dress with her tomorrow..."
59 Report
Lola looked up, only to let tears drop along her long hair and melt
into the seat.

The shell, which she hadn't got time to throw away, was held
tightly in her fist. The rough edges cut her palm, with blood dropping.

What hurt her was not the shell, but his words.

Harry tried to wipe and kiss away her tears, but Lola kissed him
back recklessly.

She had no idea. Four years ago, she lost to Yolanda over and over

Today, she was doomed to lose this fight again even before she
got started.

How come? Why couldn't she at least have a chance?

She had been waiting for him in SL Group for three years. Now she
was strong and he was here. But he was now telling her that he and
Yolanda's well-planned marriage was going to draw an end to all her

She didn't want to give up!

With tears shedding, she stopped kissing him. "Harry Si, you
don't deserve my respect!" Because he gave up so easily.
Because he simply lost confidence like that. Because he was going to
marry the woman who murdered his own child.

Harry buried his head in Lola's neck, holding her tightly.

"Who do you take me for? Your call girl? Harry, I'm not who I
was. Pass on my warning to Yolanda. She knew what she
owed to me. I'll by no means go easy her, even if you

ask." Then she pushed Harry away, quickly straightened her
60 Report
clothes and left the car.

After taking several steps, she came back and opened the trunk.
Harry watched her throwing the bags into the sea, and the sea, with
its waves and tides, swallowed everything immediately.

As Lola went away sturdily, Harry straightened his clothes and

walked into the sea to get the bags back.

Yolanda owed to her? Did he make terribly wrong judgments at

that time?

Lola walked a long way before she could found a taxi, so it was
quite late when she finally made it home. All the families had gone to

Lola knocked at the door of Joseph's room. After some time, the
door was opened.

Joseph had been listening to music with headphones on, so he

almost missed the knock if not for the intervals between songs.

"Joseph, I need your help!" Lola said expressionlessly.

Joseph sensed that something must be wrong. "What happened,


Was it because of the incident this morning?

"It's alright. Help me find out where Yolanda is going pick

the wedding dress." She would like to make some trouble for

Joseph was disgusted to hear Yolanda's name again. "Lola, why

do you want me to do so? You know how I want to slap her
every time I see her!"

If he had known that Lola was his sister back in D City, he would
61 Report
have done that already!

"Will you help me or not?" Lola stared at her brother.

Joseph nodded without hesitation. "Sure! I'll give you the

location tomorrow!"

He usually said no to this kind of request, but his own sister was
certainly an exception.

Lola patted Joseph on the back. "Indeed my good brother! I'm

wait for your message!"

So if he didn't agree, he would not be a good brother anymore...

At Lu Family in A Country.

Zoe Lu was going anguished and furious in the room, while the
doctor outside shook his head to Andrew Lu.

"Your son is suffering from moderate depression. If he still

refuses proper treatment, I'm afraid..." The doctor sighed.

Hopelessly, he had witness how Zoe's mild depression developed

into moderate depression for the absence of treatment.

Andrew Lu's brows knitted in thought. Though Zoe was an

illegitimate child, he was the only hope for him at present. His other
two stupid sons were to blame for this situation!

"What kind of treatment does he need?" Andrew Lu asked. If

the worst came to the worst, he would announce his relationship with
Zoe's mother in public, though she had passed away.

Once again, the doctor sighed. "The treatment of moderate

depression is not easy. It includes the self-adjustment of the
patient, support of medicine, and professional psychological
counseling. You might need to talk him into this. Without
62 Report
proper treatment, it will develop into severe depression soon
or later. And that would be way too late!"

Then he left with Zoe's medical records.

Rich families tended to be of intricacy and misery. Zoe must have

been under so much pressure and worries, that he would be troubled
by depression at such a young age!

Andrew Lu pushed the door open and walked into a messy room
with the smell of alcohol.

"Zoe Lu, if you agree to take the treatment, I'll publicize my

relationship with your mother."

Zoe looked became emaciated. He had decided to leave this family

forever! Detached, Zoe defied Andrew, his so-called father,

"If you want me to accept treatment, get Don Lu out of this

family!" He gnashed his teeth at his father. Don Lu, Andrew's son,
had asked two men to insulted Zoe...

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Chapter 166
Chapter 166 It is the Show Time

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 7014

Updated: 2018-06-09 17:39

Damn it! Zoe swore he would take revenge one day!

Anger smoldered in Andrew's heart and his fingers could not help
trembling. Don was his favorite son. He could not stand anyone
offending his favorite son!

"You refuse to receive treatment? Fine! You like Lola Li,

right?" He saw several times that Zoe stared blankly at her photos
and giggled. His love for her was so evident!

The secret buried in Zoe's heart was exposed in broad daylight, as

if he was nude standing there. He stared angrily at his father. How
did he know?

Andrew ignored his angry look, "I warn you. You won't have
any chance. Do you know how gossip goes? Lola has a child
with either Harry Si from SL Group or Thomas Herren, the
President of A Country! Faced with these two ambitious
enemies, if you don't put yourself together, how can you
fight for Lola?"

Zoe was astonished. Lola had a child? And what's she to do with
the president? She still did not settle the things between her and
64 Report
For a long time, Zoe was numb lying there. His mother had gone.
Lola had found someone she liked. He felt there was no reason for
him to live on in this world.

He decided to go to see his mother in D City in a few days and

come back to visit Lola then. They were both the true love of his life.
If his life should continue in this way, why not choose to end it!

He liked Lola from day one. He didn't care to be her bestie and
would comfort her wherever she needed him.

He didn't take his family well, so he chose to hide from it for entire
ten years.

Without the strong family background, he was merely a poor boy

and could not bring her a wealthy life. When she lost everything, he
felt pain for her, but deep in his heart, he was also delighted,
because they were matched.

Her marriage with a rich man was a bolt from the blue for him.
From that day, he chose to hold back his love and remained her

Learning what she is doing and sharing her happiness would


His company was the confession of his deepest love, a kind of love
never spoke for itself. By her side, he never proclaimed his presence.
He would only secretly miss her in the middle of night, when the
entire world was asleep.

He was delighted to see her smile, and suffered at seeing her


He never blamed her for her sudden leaving.

Later, his biological father came. His family needed him. From then
on, he got a lot of things, but at the same time, he lost more.
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He couldn't find when he began to love her, but he knew he never
stopped loving her.

Now she became a mother. He felt happy for her, and he would try
to bury his love in the deepest corner of his heart.

"If I can't be with you for the rest of my life, why bothers to
be with others. They are all the same to me." He said to

Linda once said Zoe was the best actor in the world, for he had
successfully played the part of a good bestie in front of Lola.

It was said that if a man and a woman had become best friends,
one of them must be in love with the other.

"I'm glad someone finally know who I really am. I was so

tired for faking. I lost. Lola! I wish you happy!" Zoe thought.

A drop of tear fell on the pillow and disappeared.

In SL Group.

A taxi pulled over at the front gate. Lola, on black high-heels,

stepped out of the car.

She was wearing a pair of bright red wide-leg pants, with a black
limited edition handbag in her hands, and her lips applied with bright
red too, different from the norma

l light color.

Her black hair hung down loosely on her shoulder. The elegant and
approachable turned to be cold and sexy.

"Good morning, Miss Li!"

"Hello, Miss Li!"
66 Report
"Good morning, Miss Li!" Normally she would return their
greetings with a smile, but today she just nodded to everyone she

Seeing her walking by, everyone was whispering to each other.

"What happened to Miss Li? She looked different!"

"Yeah! She was sexier and colder than before!"

"Maybe it was because what happened yesterday?"

"Who knows? She changed. But she's still pretty!"

"Right! They all agreed on this. No matter how she changes her
style, she is always so pretty! And so elegant!

Stepping into the deputy CEO office, Lola put her handbag in the
cabinet, and began to sort out the files for the meeting.

Her phone rang. It was her brother. With a smile on her red lips,
she answered the phone.

"Lola, seven o'clock tonight, Best Love at NS Road." Said

Joseph on the other side. He was confused about what his sister
wanted to do.

Seven o'clock tonight? That should be after they got off work.

"Help me find a gigolo, and ask him to call me at noon!"

"What did you say?" Sitting listlessly on the chair, Joseph stuck
his finger in his ears and jumped up from the chair as he was afraid
that he heard it wrong.

The makeup artist nearby was so astonished that he dropped the

expensive eyebrow pencil and broke it.

What did she say? Lola wanted a ... gigolo? ... ...

Hearing the exclamation over the phone, Lola pulled the phone
67 Report
away from her ear and put it back after a while. "Stop screaming.
It's not for me!"

There was no way she would find a gigolo for herself!

Feeling relieved, Joseph sat back on the chair, "Fine. What's your
plan?" Out of curiosity, he asked.

Lola brought a wicked smile to her lips, "Well, Yolanda wants to

pick her wedding dress. It is the show time! I will let her
know who Lola really is!"

Joseph agreed, "Of course! My perfect sister, Lola! Fine. I'll

find you a gigolo! No matter what happens, Jordan and I will
always stand by you!" He patted his chest to vouch for that,
but Lola couldn't see it on the phone...

Lola hung up the phone and headed to the conference room with
the files in her hands.

There were only several senior executives in the conference room.

They greeted Lola and were returned with a slight nod. After seating
herself, Lola concentrated on her files.

More and more senior executives came. Some of them were

surprised at her make-up and even went blank.

What's wrong with her? She seemed odd today! Was it because
what happened yesterday?

They looked at each other. No one knew the answer.

In the last two minutes before the meeting began, Harry stepped in
the room at a smooth pace.

Everyone, including Lola, stood up to greet him. The tie he was

wearing seemed to be the one she bought yesterday....Lola was
startled and sat down.
68 Report
She remembered she had dumped the tie in the sea. Did he jump
in the sea and take it back?

Harry cast a glance at her and could immediately tell the


The meeting began. It was about the investment in developing the

Echo Bay.

Harry brought forward key points and left the remaining time for
discussion. Then all the other executives exchanged their ideas while
Lola kept silent all the way.

"Miss Li, what's your opinion?" Julie Tan noticed that Lola had
been staring at the same page for a while. She guessed she was

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Chapter 167
Chapter 167 Passed By Distantly

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 7113

Updated: 2018-06-10 09:26

Everyone turned to her instantly. Lola got her mind back and said,
"It's fine. I think we can build scenic spots without removing
any local facilities or residences."

She paused to look over the acquisition plans before adding, "For
the plant resources, I suggest we regularly harvest in bulk.
Don't give the others a chance. Thank you!"

When she finished, everyone talked over each other for a while.
They nodded in agreement. "Miss Li's suggestion is good!"
Jeremy took the lead in supporting her ideas.

"Yes, I think it's great."

More people followed suit. Harry announced, "All right, add Miss
Li's advice into the plan. I've contacted the government of
Echo Bay, and I'm assigning Jeremy to brainstorm with the
managers of the Design and Planning departments. I need a
new design in a week!"

Jeremy nodded eagerly. "Yes, sir!"

Jeremy was flattered that CEO had put him in charge of such an
important project.
70 Report
"Don't forget to coordinate with the head of the town. It's
wise to involve the locals in the construction. As to other
aspects, Jeremy and the Design and Planning department
managers can come over my office for a detailed discussion."

Harry stood up with a folder in hand. "Dismissed."

All the executives filed out, and Lola was the last to leave the
meeting room.

The Project Manager role should've gone to her or Julie Tan. It

didn't make sense.

Was CEO afraid that either women couldn't do it? Or did he

think they weren't as good as men?


A sudden pain in her foot interrupted her thoughts. Hissing in pain,

she held onto the handrail for support.

Damn! This was the first time Lola had ever worn stilettos, and she
twisted her ankle.

Harry glanced back before stepping into the elevator. He saw Lola
holding onto the handrail in pain.

On instinct, he wanted to approach her. But he hesitated before

finally entering the elevator.

Lola gently moved her ankle to check how bad it was. Feeling the
pain start to fade, she decided it wasn't serious. She took a few
careful steps, and nothing happened.

By this time, Lola was left alone in the conference floor. She moved
her ankle again before walking to the elevator.

No more stilettos for me…
71 Report
At lunchtime.

Lola set a meeting at a nearby coffee shop.

The stranger she had an appointment with was dressed in a grey

shirt and was about 1.9 meters tall. He was handsome, but looked a
bit feminine. He stood up upon seeing Lola, eyes alight in interest.

Lola was very attractive. He couldn't help fantasizing how great

she must be in bed. He'd love to pay for a night with her.

At his hungry stare, Lola looked at him in disgust. Not wanting to

spend any more time than necessary with him, she immediately got
down to business.

She took out a check for 20, 000 and pushed it towards the man.
"You'll get another 20, 000 after the job is done."

The man looked at the check hesitantly. He could make 40, 000
from this. Easy money! But the target was International Queen
Yolanda! He could end up getting murdered by her bodyguard or
someone else.

Lola sensed his doubt and reassured him, "Besides the

terrifying man with her, she won't be accompanied by anyone
else during her dress fitting. Don't worry!"

Without even taking a sip of the coffee served at the table, she
immediately left to return to the office as soon as the meeting was

She spotted Harry, who was on his way out. As they approached
each other, she deliberately looked at her mobile phone.

They were so close that their sh

oulders almost brushed. She could even smell his familiar scent.
Despite this, neither of them acknowledged each other.
72 Report
They passed each other indifferently. Nearby, Joey observed the
pair suspiciously. What's wrong with them? Fighting again?

At 7 o'clock in the evening.

Yolanda arrived holding a tall man's arm at a shop called Best Love
International Wedding Dress. The whole staff greeted them
enthusiastically. "Welcome to Best Love, Mr. Si and Miss Mo!"

Yolanda nodded gracefully to them, while Harry followed them

inside quietly.

"Miss Mo, Mr. Si, this is a new dress by French designer

Pitt. It took him 99 days to sew this by hand." The shop
manager introduced, getting a couple of assistants to push in a
mannequin wearing a white elegantly-laced bandeau dress.

Yolanda studied it and nodded in satisfaction. She turned to her

fiance happily. "Isn't it lovely, Harry?"

"Try it, " the man said without looking up. Yolanda didn't mind his
disinterest. She nodded to the manager and entered the fitting room.

"That's International Queen Yolanda! The stoic and classy

man is Harry Si, the CEO of SL International Group!" Several
girls whispered excitedly to each other at the other side of the fitting
room door.

Some covered their mouths in surprise. "A talented man and a

beautiful woman. Such a perfect match!"

"Doesn't the SL International Group have a wedding dress

line? It's called P&M Dresses or something, "

"Oh my god! P&M Gowns ?" squealed one of the girls. "Isn't
that the shop where the cheapest items cost hundreds of
thousands, and the most expensive ones are priceless?"
73 Report
"Yeah! Wedding dresses from P&M Gowns are all designed
by famous people!"

The girls started daydreaming, shooting Harry longing looks from

time to time. He was so handsome and stylish!

"Doesn't Mr. Si seem unhappy?" A girl whispered in another

one's ear.

The other girl looked at her in disapproval. "You don't know

that! Although Mr. Si is classy, they say he's a cold person. A
glare from him can apparently frighten a man enough to wet
his pants!"

"Wow!" The girl who was concerned about Harry stared at him in
awe. They were still gossiping among themselves when Yolanda
came out of the fitting room.

The sight of her beauty rendered them speechless. With a coy

smile, Yolanda turned to the man on the sofa still engrossed with his
mobile phone. "Harry, what do you think of this one?"

Harry raised his eyes briefly and nodded, "Looks fine." He

immediately turned back to his phone. "Show me the next one."

Meanwhile, a man approached the shop entrance and one of the

employees greeted him. "Good evening, Sir. We are already
closed today. Please come back tomorrow."

It was past closing time, but their manager said some VIP would
arrive tonight, so everyone had to work overtime.

The man raised his handsome face and charmed the girl with a
smile. "I'm actually looking for Yolanda. I'm her friend."

"Oh, my mistake. This way, please." The girl didn't question

the man and respectfully took him into the VIP section of the shop.
74 Report
At the VIP section, Yolanda was appraising the wedding dresses
being recommended by the manager one after the other. When the
newcomer saw her, his eyes lit up.

The man immediately put on an affectionate expression and strode

over, "Yolanda!"

Yolanda stared blankly at the stranger moving towards her. The big
hug he gave her shocked everyone into silence. Thinking he was a
passionate fan, Yolanda pushed him away in embarrassment.
"Excuse me, sir!"

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Chapter 168
The man looked at Yolanda affectionately. "I know you're angry
with me, but you're pregnant with my baby. How could you
marry another man, Yolanda?" The stranger held her hand,
looking at her emotionally.

Yolanda decided that the man was crazy. "What are you talking
about? I don't even know who you are!" She tried to shake
the man's hand off.

Watching the drama unfold, the shop assistants began to gossip.

The man continued, "Yolanda, how could you be so cruel and
leave me? I know he's richer than me, but you can't leave like
this!" He dramatically wiped his tears away.

Embarrassed, Yolanda exclaimed, "Security! Throw this man

out. I don't even know him!"

He must be delusional. Damn it!

Yolanda lifted the wedding dress and walked over to Harry, who
had remained silent. "Harry, please don't get me wrong. I don't
even know him!"

The stranger followed her and knelt next to Yolanda, shocking


"Yolanda, please don't leave me. I love you!" The man was
getting friendlier with his touches. Yolanda was an attractive woman,
and he wanted to sleep with her..

Yolanda couldn't help herself and kicked the man in the chest in
disgust. In a ruthless tone that Harry had never witnessed her use
before, she said, "Stop saying nonsense, or I will sue you!"
76 Report
What was this man doing? This was humiliating! "Harry, don't
believe him!"

The man looked at Yolanda desperately and looked like he had

more to say. Harry turned to Yolanda. "Go get changed, we're

Yolanda looked at Harry nervously and wanted to say something,

but she did as she was told. Before leaving, she glanced at the man
who was now making a scene, crying on the ground.

As soon as Yolanda left to get changed, Harry's face shifted. The

enraged expression he had frightened the shop assistants. Oh god,
what a terrible expression!

Harry glared at the man on the ground. "How much is she

paying you?" He saw right through his act immediately.

The man looked at Harry in confusion. How did he know that?

"What are you saying? I don't understand."

As he insisted on feigning ignorance, Harry gave him a sharp look.

Frightened, the man he sat on his legs and almost wet his pants in

"Answer the question." Harry said coldly, a harsh threat in his


The man raised his arms in surrender, "20, 000! I will get
another 20, 000 after the job!" Looking at Harry's dangerous
expression, the man decided it was a difficult job.

Harry took out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a check,
where he wrote down 400, 000. Then, he threw it to the man. "Take
it and leave."

The man looked at the check on the ground in shock. It was for
400, 000! And all he needed to do was to leave?
77 Report
The man grabbed the check and left immediately.

As Yolanda got changed, she got a bad feeling. The man must be
up to something.

After changing into her own clothes, she walked out. "Harry!

Harry stood up, interrupting her. He turned to the shop manager to

order, "Pack this wedding dress."

The shop manager took the wedding dress immediately and rushed
to pack it.

"Harry, that's not enough. I haven't picked the dress for the
wedding photos and the reception yet!" Yolanda grabbed
Harry's hand and blocked his way.

She originally wanted to have the wedding photos taken in C

Country, but she had to do it in A Country because Harry was busy.

Harry looked at her. "I have something to deal with at

work now. Come back on another day with your friend. Pick
whatever you like, and put it on my card."

He let go of her hand and went to the cashier to settle the


With the heavy wedding dress package in her hands, Yolanda

trotted to catch up with him. "Harry, how do I get home?"

Harry had brought her to the shop in his car. He took a look at her
sad face and sighed. "I'll give you a ride."

Yolanda happily put the wedding dress in the back before taking
her place in the passenger seat beside him.

Yolanda was alone in the villa. With a sullen look, she took out her
78 Report
phone and called Nael.

"Did anyone ask you where I would go wedding dress

shopping with Harry today?"

Nael thought about it for a while. Several people actually inquired

about it. "The members of the crew including the
photographer and Joseph's agent, Cassie."

That's it! Wasn't Lola related to Joseph? Damn it! "Ask the staff
of SL Group if Lola already left the office. If not, tell them to
keep her there. I'll be right there."


At the SL Group building, Lola rubbed her tired eyes. The clock told
her it was past nine. Why hasn't that rent boy contacted her yet?

She took out her phone to call him, but his phone was turned off.
She frowned. Did something go wrong?

Forget it! She would go home and ask Joseph to contact him. She
packed her things quickly and walked out of the office with her

When she got off the elevator, most of the lights in the lobby were
off. Outside, only one or two street lights illuminated the company's

A man with his suit jacket draped casually over his shoulder
entered the building.

Two pairs of cold eyes met. They walked in opposite directions.

Lola's heartbeat pounded in her ears as she rushed outside. When

she reached her car, she stopped at the door.

She walked to the front of Maserati and turned back, only to find
79 Report
the man had disappeared.

She was greatly disappointed, but it was good to break up with


On her way home, she stopped at a red light at an intersection.

She felt a light stomachache and realized she must be hungry.

She had to hurry home to eat something. So she stepped on the

gas and went on her way. She hadn't gone far when several strong-
looking men stopped her.

What bad luck! She took out her phone to call the only man she
trusted, her brother Jordan.

Lowering her head discreetly, she quickly told Jordan her location
and hung up the phone as if nothing happened.

After receiving the call from Lola, Jordan felt something was wrong,
so he gathered a force and drove several military vehicles to her
place immediately.

The Maserati stopped. A woman clad in a black leather jacket and

leather pants stood among the men.

Although she was wearing sunglasses, Lola could easily recognize

her. It was Yolanda!

She retaliated so quickly. That must meant the man was



Yolanda put her hands into the pockets of her jacket and walked
over to knock on the window of the driver's seat.

Lola rolled down the window and asked coldly, "What do you
want? Here to smash my car again?"
80 Report
Yolanda grinned. She was clever

"No. You hired a man to humiliate me, so I want to return

the favor with several men."

Lola didn't seem fazed. "You want to frame me the same

way you did years ago?" As they talked, Lola stopped the car
engine. If she didn't get away, Yolanda wouldn't let her go.
81 Report

Chapter 169
Chapter 169 Harry Si, Where are You

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 7686

Updated: 2018-06-11 10:51

The only thing Lola could do now was stall for more time and wait
for her brother.

Yolanda casually leaned against the car and said, "Using the
same old tricks will bring you down. You're not very
intelligent, are you?"

"I may not be that smart but Harry Si must be an idiot to

believe a wrench like you." Working in his firm, Harry sneezed. He
egotistically thought to himself that Lola must be calling him bad

Offended by Lola's remarks about Harry, Yolanda snapped. "I

won't let you badmouth Harry like that!" As she spoke, she tried
to open the door of Lola's car.

Lola took the opportunity and immediately rolled up her car

window. She locked herself safely inside.

Realizing the car was fully secure, Yolanda made a gesture to her
men and ordered, "Bring me a brick!"

She glared at Lola, saying, "You think locking yourself in the

car would keep you safe?" "We'll crack it open and get you
82 Report
A man approached the car with a brick he picked up by the road.
Yolanda quickly ordered, " Break the window open!"

She moved away and the man stepped in. Lola examined the
situation. If the window shattered, she would definitely get hurt and
her face would be scarred by the shards of glass. Lola quickly opened
the window in panic. "Let's not be rash."

Yolanda immediately grabbed her by the arms and dragged her out
of the car. The men surrounded her to keep her from escaping.

She needed to buy herself more time. "Yolanda, I know you

want Harry. Well, you can have him!" She casually dusted
herself off and tidied her clothes.

Yolanda got furious at her words. The fact that she had the
audacity to give Harry away as if he was insignificant made her snap,
"He was mine to begin with! You never had the right to give
him away!" She gestured to the men to take action. "This woman
is all yours now!"

The men moved closer. Lola straightened herself and firmly spat, "I
dare you!"

Startled by her cold look and severe tone, the men paused.

They looked at each other tentatively, feeling uncertain.

Lola carefully evaluated the situation and continued bluffing, "My

grandfather was the former vice president and my boyfriend
is the current president!" She thought to herself, I'm sorry for
using your name, Thomas Herren.

Yolanda laughed at her. "Don't listen to her bullshit. She's

delusional. Take her away!"

The men knew Lola's words held some truth, but they weren't
convinced that her boyfriend was the president.
83 Report
One of the men grabbed Lola by the wrist and tried to pull her off
the road. "Come on, girl! Let me take good care of you!"

Lola was such an alluring woman with a hot temper. He was sure
that she would be quite enjoyable.

"Let go of me! Damn you! If you dare touch me, I will chop
you up and feed you to stray dogs!" Her voice was muffled
through his hand. A greasy hand that reeked of cigarettes covered
her mouth. She almost threw up in disgust.

Where are you, Jordan! She thought desperately to herself.

Two men pressed her against the grass and started to strip her
clothes off. Lola felt so disgusted, she started vomiting.

Her hands were held tight, and she couldn't cry for help.

She thought about Mike and how he treated her last time. Fear
welled up in her chest.

Yolanda looked smugly down at Lola and enjoyed her distress. "You
want to pick a fight with me? Good for you! Let's see who has the last
laugh once these men are done with you!

You'll end up a dirty wrench and Harry won't like you


Lola was still fighting back against the men. Her efforts were futile
and tears streamed down her face. Who would show up now and help
her? A man's cold face came to mind. Harry Si, where are you?

Where are you? Will you show up in time like before?


At last, several military cars pulled over by the Maserat

i. A dozen of soldiers dressed in military attire walked out of the
84 Report

Jordan cast a harsh glance to the scene in the bushes. He noticed a

woman on the ground trapped beneath a man. The distressed half-
naked woman was none other than his own sister!

Another woman with sunglasses saw them coming and moved to

flee away from the scene.

Jordan raised his leg and kicked her right in the abdomen. She fell
to the ground and held her stomach in great pain.

The soldiers behind Jordan saw him making a move and followed
suit. They stepped up and joined the fight.

The men in the bushes were about to violate Lola, but realizing
they were outnumbered, they panicked and scampered away. But
Jordan's soldiers didn't give them a chance. They aggressively
charged at the fleeing scum.

One of the men was subdued in seconds. The rest of them quickly
let go of Lola. Looking at his sister, Jordan shouted to his soldiers,
"Stay back!"

The soldiers behind him paused, sensing their boss was dealing
with something difficult. Jordan quickly took off his coat and covered
Lola with it. He lifted his shivering sister and cradled her in his arms.

What happened? The soldiers studied the woman in Jordan's arms.

Her face was hidden by her long hair, so they couldn't tell who
she was.

"Gouge their eyes out! I will take full responsibility."

Jordan's voice was shaking in rage. He ignored the cries for
mercy behind him and stepped into Lola's car. With great care,
he gently laid his sister down on the back seat.

Outraged, Jordan had a difficult time calming himself down.
85 Report
He sat in the driver's seat and noticed his sister's phone was
ringing. He tapped the speaker button.

"Where are you?" a deep male voice spoke. The heavy weight on
Harry's shoulders lifted now that his call was finally answered.

In his office, Harry thought about Lola and started to worry that
something had happened when he sneezed.

He tried to calm himself down and concentrated on his work, but

he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. After
hesitating a while, he eventually dialed her number.

Not getting a response after calling her four times made him

Someone finally picked up on the fifth ring.

Jordan recognized the voice on the line and he started to feel angry
again. "Where the hell were you when my sister needed you
the most?" Jordan clutched the steering wheel tightly. He knew it
was irrational to blame this on Harry.

But still he wanted him to take full control of the situation and
bring justice to those responsible for his sister's ordeal. He was
Lola's brother, but Harry was her lover. It would be way more
efficient that Harry punished them for Lola. But if Harry failed to
handle things the way he sought fit, he wouldn't let him off either.

Harry sensed something wrong from Jordan's tone. Jordan was

always a composed man who spoke calmly.

What was the reason for him to lose his cool? Had something
happened to Lola? Harry stood up from his chair and grabbed his car
keys. He walked out of his office in a rush.

"Where is she now?" he asked urgently. He seemed agitated.
86 Report
"You need to get someone to clean up the mess at the
crossroads. I'll be waiting for you at the military hospital." He
couldn't send his sister to a regular hospital in her state.

Harry put down the phone and instructed Joey from the secretary
division to clear up the mess like last time. Without any hesitation, he
raced his car all the way to Jordan's army camp.

Jordan brought his shaky sister to his own quarters and called for
the only female doctor on camp to examine her.

He made the doctor sign a confidentiality agreement that made

her promise to keep anything she saw or anyone she met to herself.
He emphasized that she would face severe consequences otherwise.

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87 Report

Chapter 170
Chapter 170 Why Did You Slam the Door

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 6384

Updated: 2018-06-11 12:38

The lady doctor looked at Lola curling up on the bed. Although she
covered herself with the blanket, she could assume what happened
from her trembling body.

The doctor didn't know how to proceed. "Hello, " she said
tentatively. "I'm a doctor. Please allow me to examine you."

She patted Lola gently. Lola felt cold all over. Even the blanket
couldn't warm her.

"That's not necessary." Lola said, her faint voice muffled by the
sheet. Simultaneously, the lounge door slammed open from the

"Where is she?" Hearing the familiar voice, Lola burst into tears.

Harry came in and glanced at the doctor. The doctor gestured to

Lola helplessly.

"She won't let me examine her." The doctor threw up her

hands in surrender and was waved off by Harry.

Harry and Lola were left alone in the room. Studying the shivering
woman hiding under the blanket, he felt overwhelmed with emotion.
88 Report
After a couple of minutes, he gently pulled back the blanket. His
face turned stormy at the sight of Lola half-naked under the military

What happened to her?

He lifted her up gently and held her in his arms.

Lola left her arms hanging at her sides. She didn't know where to
put them.

Harry's hug made her feel warm. But he didn't know how dirty
she was after being molested by the men.

Abruptly, she desperately pushed Harry away.

Not expecting the movement, Harry was pushed a few steps back.
Looking at her crumpling face, he cautiously walked over.

"Calm down. I'm here." Harry wasn't angry. He took her in his
arms again and straightened her messy hair.

Lola couldn't bear to push him away again and fell into his arms,
crying bitterly.

Harry kept comforting her, making her feel much better.

"I'm dirty..." She whispered after a long time. At her words, Harry
lifted her face and kissed her.

Lola pushed him away. She felt so filthy. How could she deserve
such a decent man?

She covered herself with the blanket again. Harry pulled back the
blanket and saw her trousers were intact.

He leaned closer and turned her face towards him, kissing her
89 Report
"I don't care." He said softly in her ear.

Lola sneered, "You definitely don't care. You won't marry me

in the future!" At that thought, she pushed Harry away and got up
from bed.

Putting on Jordan's jacket, she said, "Damn it! I was

molested! I'll pay a dozen hired men to make her suffer!" She
stormed outside.

Harry heard her muttering and frowned. She seemed to know who
was responsible for this.

"Who did this to you?" Harry asked.

Lola rested her hand on the doorknob, "If I said it was Yolanda,
would you believe me?"

Harry's silence was very telling. She scoffed. She knew he

wouldn't believe her.

She slammed the door in fury. Harry called Joey for updates. "How
is it?"

Joey was still at the crossroad. The scene was horrible. The men's
eyes were gouged out. "It's quite upsetting here. The
situation's a bit tricky. A dozen of Jordan's men gouged their
eyes out, beat them to a pulp, and left. Before they were
taken to the police station, they confessed that Sara had
ordered them..."

... Sara! Why did Lola say it was Yolanda?

Lola closed

the door of the lounge. Jordan was smoking outside. As she

stepped out, he glanced at her.
90 Report
She had calmed herself down. Harry was a great help.

"Jordan, I want to go home." She wanted to take a shower to

wash her body clean.

Exiting the lounge, Harry offered, "Let me drive her home."

He had to convince her that Yolanda was not as vicious as she


"Jordan, I don't want him to drive me home!" Smoking

calmly in his seat, Jordan looked at his stubborn sister. Harry
didn't say anything else.

Harry took Lola's wrist and walked outside. When Lola squirmed
out of his grasp, he lifted her up and walked away.


Lola ducked her face to Harry's chest. Although it was very late,
there were still many soldiers on duty.

She didn't want to lose face. In fact, the soldiers on duty were
curiously watching them. The colonel took a woman in earlier. Why
was another man taking her out?

Although they were confused, they stood upright on duty and

acted as if they saw nothing.

Thrusting Lola into the passenger seat, Harry slammed the door.

"Harry, why did you slam the door? Stop being so arrogant!
I'd rather walk back than take a ride in your car!" Lola felt
mistreated. Since Yolanda appeared, she had suffered a lot.

She moved to open the door, but Harry grabbed her wrist. "Stay

Judging from his tone, he was also angry. This made her furious.
91 Report
"Why should I do as you say? Let me go!"

Lola leaned on his arm and bit it angrily. Although it hurt, he kept
his grip firm.

After biting his arm three times, she still hadn't worked off her
anger, and she glared at him.

"Are you satisfied now?" Harry looked at her coldly. The marks
on his arm were turning blue, but he ignored them.

Looking at the three obvious bite marks on his arm, Lola eventually
calmed down.

She turned her head to the window and didn't look at him.

Fastening the seatbelt, Harry started up the car.

It was very quiet in the car. Harry drove smoothly. Exhausted, Lola
closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat.

"I called Joey just now. They've been put in prison. They
confessed that Sara gave them orders…"

Lola interrupted him angrily, "Enough! Harry, I saw her clear at

day! It was obviously Yolanda..."

"Lola, do you have any misunderstandings about her? She's

not a bad person!" They began to quarrel again. Harry still
didn't believe her.

Lola unfastened the seatbelt. "Harry, if you don't stop, I will

jump from here!"

Harry stopped the Maybach immediately. Lola opened the door and
got off.

Unfastening his seatbelt, Harry caught up with her and hoisted her
on his shoulder roughly. Despite her struggles, he opened the door of
92 Report
the back seat. He got in after shoving her inside.

"Let me go! If you dare touch me, I will sue you!" Lola
pushed Harry hard, but he didn't move.

Harry pulled her arms, "I'll just do it anyway!"

"Harry, several men molested me tonight. Don't you find

me filthy?" The tension left her body, but Lola scowled at Harry.

Surely, he couldn't let the men go. It wasn't enough to gouge

their eyes out. They would only learn their lesson after they lose both
their arms and legs!

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93 Report

Chapter 171
Chapter 171 Sneaking Back Home

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 8373

Updated: 2018-06-11 14:43

"Hey, you're fine. It's all over now."

Harry's soothing tone comforted Lola and pulled her back to

reality. She unconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You are Harry, aren't you?" She urged for an answer and her
pale face was full of anxiety.

The man wiped away her tears and gazed at her pretty face with
sadness. "Yes, it's me." "Be still..."

Her stiff body slowly relaxed under his words.

She had only been with one man. That was Harry. Harry was the
only person who had touched her.

But this evening, her body was groped by other men. She could
still feel their phantom hands on her body.

"I feel dirty... I need to shower... They... Touched me...

Ugh!" The repulsive scene came back to her and she started
retching again.

Harry watched her with concern. She must feel really sick about
the incident. Silly girl, it's not as serious as she thought. But how
94 Report
could he comfort her?

Harry stood up and fetched a bottle of water for her. He helped her
sit up and held the bottle to her mouth.

She felt much more comfortable as he held her in his arms.

He took the water bottle from her hands, and put it aside. Leaning
over, he whispered softly in her ear, "Let me help you forget it."

His deep and alluring masculine voice captivated her.

She gazed back into his intense eyes and felt him slowly push her

It was getting dark.

Lola's clothes were in disarray. Fortunately, she still had

her brother's coat to cover herself up.

She coldly turned down Harry's proposal to check in to a hotel.

Harry berated her, saying she used him before ruthlessly ditching

Lola was still upset with Harry on her way back to the villa. For her,
Harry was just a second choice! He was just a man at her disposal,
ready whenever she asked for him. Apart from that, there were no
strings attached.

She quietly sneaked upstairs and returned to her bedroom.

The whole incident must be kept secret. She couldn't let her
family find out about it. She didn't want them to worry about

The first thing she did was to take off her clothes and throw them
into the bin. Then she prepared a bath.

In the bathtub, Lola scrubbed her body roughly. She cursed
95 Report
Yolanda numerous times in her head.

But she did feel better when Harry came to comfort her.

She spent almost two hours in the bathtub, staying until dawn.

She climbed out of the cold water and dried herself up. Then she
went to check on Nicole. When she returned, Lola closed her eyes
and rested for a while. Harry didn't believe her at all. She
couldn't count on him, so he had to leave him out of it and confront
Yolanda herself.

The next day, Lola came downstairs with bloodshot eyes. Her
whole family approached her in concern and asked her about her
swollen eyes.

She was deeply moved. Her family was her sunshine. They always
gave her unconditional warmth.

Lola beamed at them and pretended that nothing had happened.

"Good morning! I was quite busy with company work lately. I
stayed up late last night working on it. I woke up like this
because of sleep deprivation."

Jordan, who was eating by the breakfast table, paused at her

words. But he kept silent. It might be a good idea that the family
didn't know the truth as they would get worried. But he needed to
talk to his sister when the time was right.

Landon Li looked at Lola fondly and said, "Lola, if the job is too
difficult, just quit. We can afford to support you!"

Lola smiled back, her heart was filled with gratitude. "Grandpa, I
am fine. I'll balance work and leisure from now on. I want to
provide Nicole with better things. How can I not work?" She
helped her grandfather to sit more comfortably to enjoy his
96 Report
Her father, Harold spoke, "Something horrible happened on
the crossroad you usually pass by after work. Some men
were found lying there with their eyes gouged out. They were
put in jail, where someone also sliced their arms and legs off.
They must have crossed someone powerful. This thing is
huge, Lola. How about you let your brother pick you up from
work from now on?" He observed his son's face as he said this.
Rumor has that it was carried out

by Jordan's soldiers. But no tangible evidence could be found.

Jordan's face remained calmly blank. Harold couldn't read his

mind at all.

Even if their children are all grown up, they should still tell their
parents the truth if something had happened!

Lola quickly turned to her father and said, "Dad, no need for
that. Brother is busy all day himself. I will finish work early
and come home straightaway from now on. No more
overtime." Right, no more overtime! There was no way for Yolanda
to attack her at the crossroads anymore!

But it wasn't good enough. She should ask her brother for a
weapon later. If Yolanda crossed her again, she would deal with her

Harold looked at his daughter and noticed her expression. She

seemed different lately. Judging by her expressions, she looked quite
indifferent these days.

"Lola, if something has happened to you, you need to tell

us. Don't hide your feelings." Angie Gong put some food onto
Nicole's plate. She studied her daughter thoughtfully.

Last night, she caught her daughter sneaking back home in

Jordan's military coat. When she woke up at the midnight to go to the
97 Report
bathroom, she heard a noise downstairs. Curious, she went down to
find out what was going on. She saw her daughter in the dim lights.

She was wearing Jordan's coat and looked quite disheveled.

After what she witnessed the night before, there was no way
she'd believe Lola's words that nothing had happened.

She watched the morning news on TV. It was hard for her to not
piece the two incidents together.

But she felt quite relieved that her son was there. If her daughter
did not wish to talk about it, it was fine with her. As long as they were
alright, there was no need for her to question too much.

Feeling a bit guilty, Lola buried her face in the congee bowl. She
didn't want her family to worry about her. "Mom, I'm fine. I
have loving elder and young brothers. I won't cause you any

She meant that should anything happen to her, she had her
brothers to depend on. There was no need to turn to her parents.

"Alright boys, you need to look after my precious daughter.

If anything happened to her, I will definitely hold you
responsible." Angie glanced at her children and thought to herself
that Lola was her favorite. She was so lucky that she gave her a
sweet grandchild.

However, her eldest child was already in his thirties and had just
found himself a fiancee. It might take another several years until he
gave her a grandchild.

As for the third child... All he did was play around! Two days ago,
he got a luxury car out of nowhere. The Li family was known to have
strict discipline and rigorous education. Otherwise, she would have
come to the conclusion that he obtained the car through
underhanded means.
98 Report
"Mom, you really favor sister over us!" Joseph protested in
frustration, while Jordan nodded in agreement.

There you go. They were both her sons, but they behaved in
completely different ways. "Shut up! Why don't you go and give
me a grandchild as well? My sweet Nicole is so adorable."
With these words, Angie bent down and lovingly pecked
Nicole's chubby cheek.

Nicole happily grinned. "Granny, Nicole loves you so much!"

Angie quickly put down her chopsticks and hugged Nicole tightly.
"Of course, my little sweetheart. Granny loves you very much
as well!"

Joseph watched the two giggling girls and pulled on his brother's
sleeves. "Brother, why don't you marry your fiancee already?
That will get mom's attention off me!"

Lola nodded in agreement. Yes! He really needed to marry Wendy

soon. She craved for more companionship.

Jordan calmly wiped his mouth with the napkin and said, "Soon."
Turning to his parents, he said, "Mother, Father, why don't you
set a date for us?"

"Of course. I will discuss with your father and let you know
tomorrow." Angie nodded with great satisfaction. They met his
fiancee a couple of days ago. She was a nice girl. They didn't care
about her family background.

Their eldest son was an introvert. To be honest, they would already

be greatly satisfied should he actually get married and give them
some grandchildren.

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99 Report

Chapter 172
Chapter 172 A Beauty like You Dies Young

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 9206

Updated: 2018-06-12 11:52

Jordan nodded and then turned to his sister: "Lola, could you
please come to the study when you're done eating?"

Upon hearing this, Lola quickly finished her congee and wiped her
mouth clean. Then she bent over to Nicole, kissing her on her chubby
cheeks. "My dear baby, you sit here and eat. Be a good girl. I
will talk to your uncle and be back in just a while."

Nicole stared at her and just nodded indifferently.

In the study.

Hearing Lola's footsteps, Jordan took out a pistol from the

drawer, looked over at Lola and gave it to her. "Take it and
protect yourself. If you come across something that you
could not handle, let me know and I'll be there."

Cautiously, Lola quickly put the pistol in her bag. Her previous gun
was given to Harry.

"Brother, I'm quite anxious they would find out that you
were the one involved in the incident last night." She was
getting really worried about the issue.

Jordan took a deep glance at his sister. "It's not an issue
100 Report
anymore. He already took care of it."

"He?", Lola thought to herself. "Harry?"

"Also, the guys in jail confessed that they were sent by

someone named Sara." Without hesitation, he shared this
information to his sister to stop her from worrying.

Lola let out a bit of a smile and said, "Is this what Harry found
out in his investigation?"

Jordan shook his head and explained: "Well, he did say that. But
I also have some connections in the police station and it is
true that the criminals confessed."

Lola shook her head in disagreement. "Brother, I believe it was

not Sara. It was the woman you kicked last night. Her name
is Yolanda Mo and she is the ringleader!"

"Such cunning method of clearing off responsibility! They

even had the guts to pin the blame on Sara who prostitute
herself in D City!", Lola shockingly pondered to herself.

Jordan heard her words and frowned. He had recently heard about
Yolanda, an international celebrity, who was also the so-called
fiancee of Harry Si.

"I will go and collect the evidence for you."

Lola thought for a while and declined: "No need for that. I can
do it. Yolanda and I have a long history of knowing each
other. I will try my best to hunt her down myself!" If she could
not solve the issue, then she might turn for his help. But for now, she
did not want to risk her family by getting them involved.

Jordan looked at his sister who looked determined and calm, then
nodded in approval. "If you come across anything, just call me.
If I am not available, then call father! Your family will always
101 Report
back you up!"

In a gesture of appreciation, Lola went closer towards her brother

and gave him a big hug. "Brother, words could not describe how
thankful I am to you."

Jordan's lips curled up as he was rarely pleased like this. He gently

pat on her hand and said, "One of my boys drove your car back
last night. Now you should hurry to work!"

"Sure thing!" Lola hastily got the car key and ran out of the
study. After all, her family was the only thing she could count on! She
was already so lucky that her foster parents treated her as their own
daughter. Now her birth parents also treat her the same! This is so

In SL Group.

Lola entered the building and was at the lobby when her presence
was immediately felt by the people around her.

She wore a white top with a black plaid high waist maxi skirt and
black high heels which were further emphasized by her long white

Her eyes were a little bit reddish. Thanks to a thin layer of

foundation she put on, she was able to brighten her complexion.
However, her eyelashes were curly and long and her soft, red lips
were very enticing.

The deputy CEO was known for her high-end fashion taste.
However, due to her recent cold expressions, the staff thought she
resembled the CEO way too much now...

Some of them forced themselves to understand her well. They

believe that the reason for her to look so grumpy was because of the
CEO's mother causing quite a scene in the company.
102 Report
In the meeting room.

Aside from the senior management, both Yolanda and Joseph were
present. Lola dismissively looked at Yolanda. After a brief moment of
awkward connection, she then glanced away.

Yolanda made her suffer a lot last night. But she bet that Yolanda
suffered more from Jordan's kick!

It was indeed the case! "Ahem ahem ahem..." Yolanda turned

her back from them, obviously to let out a painful series of coughs.

"Miss Mo, how come you are not feeling well?" Yolanda
gritted her teeth and thought to herself, "Not feeling well? Thanks to
the wrench's


Last night, she was heavily wounded and could not even walk
straight. Luckily for her, Nael came in time and helped her to escape.
Otherwise, she would be sent to prison as well!

She put up a fake yet elegant smile: "Miss Li, don't read too
much on the situation. This minor cough is not something I
cannot easily handle."

Lola sat on her own seat and stared at her. "If you are suffering
from just a minor cough, you'd better not hang around
outside at night. It would make the cough worse. It would be
such a shame if a beautiful being like you dies young!"

A beauty like you dies young...

The senior management were all smart people. They instantly

understood the meaning behind their deputy CEO's words.

For a moment, the meeting room was dead quite. Yolanda was so
angry that she could not say anything back. Not even one in the
103 Report
senior management dared to break the silence. As far as they know,
these two ladies hate each other so much.

"Miss Li, don't you worry even a bit. I am in perfect health!"

Under the table, Yolanda clenched her fist in anger.

Pretending not to hear anything, Lola randomly scanned through

the documents and no longer paid attention to her.

After some time, Joey opened the door and Harry walked in.

Walking with an air of authority, he cast a glance at the crowd and

said, "Today is the last day we work in cooperation with these
two celebrities. All the follow-ups are to be done by the end
of the day."

Then he carried on, "From now on, your deputy CEO, Miss Li,
will be in charge of the morning meetings as I might return to
the headquarters in C Country sometime in the future. I hope
everyone can demonstrate your talents, as I know how skilled
you are. During my time here, I won't miss my chance
seeking some real talents!"

Was he implying that he would leave for C Country any day from

Lola blankly stared at the documents on the table and thought to

herself that under the pressure of time, there was nothing left
between them anymore. "No wonder he gave up and decided to
leave everything behind…", she muttered to herself.

Gradually, everyone began leaving the meeting room and Joseph

casually walked up to his sister who was not in her usual self.

"Sister, don't think too much. We don't know for sure when
he will leave!" Joseph knew very well what was on his sister's mind
and tried his best to comfort her.
104 Report
Lola shook her head. Too late, he no longer cared about her...

"Will Yolanda leave for D City soon?" She asked.

Joseph nodded: "She still has an on-going contract with the

company over there. So, I think that she must return."

She needed to take advantage of the remaining time. It might be a

good chance. But after everything that happened, she doubted
whether he would be willing to be close to her again.

"I just have one simple request. Go and send a bunch of

baby's breath to Yolanda. Make sure it is delivered to her in
person!" She heard that Yolanda hated baby's breath flowers
the most. There must be a reason.

Joseph was confused but he called his assistant and ordered a

bouquet anyway. He made sure that the bouquet would be delivered
to Yolanda in person.

Well, they immediately found out why. The delivery guy delivered
a big bunch of baby's breath to Yolanda's studio and chased after
her, trying to ask for her signature in the form.

Yolanda did everything to avoid being close to the flowers.

However, the delivery guy insisted that she hold the bouquet. He
caught her off guard and shoved the flowers in her arms.

Yolanda was sent to the hospital and everyone witnessed the


Harry and Rose immediately went over to the hospital to check on

Yolanda. She was in a lot of pain and looked completely ugly with red
rashes all over her body.

Yolanda was allergic to baby's breath since a child and she stayed
away from embarrassment by keeping it as a secret. Lying on the
ward bed and weeping really hard, she angrily accused Lola of the
105 Report

Harry remorsefully thought of Lola's temper and agreed that this

looked like something she would do. He remained silent while Rose
cursed her in great anger.

Hearing these hurtful words, Harry became uneasy and unwell. He

promptly stood up and was about to leave the room.

"Harry! Where are you going? Yolanda is still sick!" He

ignored Rose's words and left the hospital.

"Maybe Yolanda and Lola are just so opposite from each

other. This would always spell trouble and conflict between
them. What should I do?", Harry said these to himself as went out
the hospital door.

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106 Report

Chapter 173
Chapter 173 Be with Her Forever

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 7764

Updated: 2018-06-12 13:11

In the deputy CEO office.

Shaking, Lola tightly held the drugs that she just bought. "Should
she take them?", Lola was balancing.

Although Harry had used the condom, she was still worried about
it. However, if she took them, she knew that it would be bad for her
health. If she didn't take them, what if she got pregnant again? All
her plans in life would get shattered all over again.

"I should take these!", Lola tried to convince herself.

She casually put the drugs on the table, brought out a cup, and got
some water.

Just when she was done unwrapping the drugs, the door opened,
revealing a familiar figure.

Unexpectedly, it was Harry. He looked pale. Maybe he came to find

out the truth…

Lola hurriedly hid the drugs she was about to take so that he
wouldn't notice.

Harry looked at the trembling Lola, closed the door and walked to
107 Report
her. Lola was so afraid that he might notice the drugs.

Unfortunately, she forgot that there was still a box of drugs on the
table. He strode over and grabbed it.

"Return it to me!" Lola stood up, frantically trying to grab it.

Harry, who was much taller, lifted it high.

Her expression told that there must be something wrong!

"Contraceptive drugs!", Harry blurted out.

"Lola, who asked you to take them?" Harry threw the box into
the trash can and looked at her with rage.

"He had used the condom, right?", Harry tried to remember.

Lola pouted and said weakly, "Leave me alone! Get out!"

Harry was so angry that he felt a desire to strangle her. He looked

at the full cup and her clenched fist.

"Give it to me!" He angrily extended his hand, expecting her to

give him the drugs.

She pretended to be confused. "What are you talking about?"

Harry pulled her hand forcefully, took out the drugs from her hand
and threw them into the trash can.

"How stupid are you! I have used the condom, so you don't
need to take drugs. I'm worried that it might endanger your
health. You won't get pregnant. Unless..." He took a step
further, with a threatening look.

"Did you sleep with someone else, Lola?"

108 Report
The loud sound that her hand caused upon hitting Harry's right
cheek was followed by uncomfortable silence. Lola looked at Harry,
who turned his face to one side angrily.

Harry stared at her fiercely, "How many times have you

slapped my face? Huh, Lola?" She was the first one to slap his
face. And it was not the first time that she had done that!

She wiped her hands, and coldly looked at Harry. "You insulted
me as a woman! You deserve it!"

Harry took her wrist and pulled her closer.

"Lola, I was just worried about what happened to you.

Deeply worried. Yet, you slapped my face?" Well, fine!" He
threw Lola on the couch hard. Lola was unprepared, so she was
forced to lie on it.

Seeing that Harry was angrily walking towards her, she instantly
stood up and ran to the other side of the table.

"Harry, we're in the office. What are you going to do?" Lola
stared at Harry with contempt and fear. He was just like an enraged
and heated beast!

Harry smiled wickedly, "Well, we haven't tried making out in

the office yet. Let's try new postures."


"No! How shameless of you! Don't even try to come near

me!" Lola ran towards the door in a sudden attempt to escape.

Harry moved so much faster. He stopped Lola with his brute


Lola tried hard to free himself from Harry's tightening grip. Her
eyes became red in anger. "Bastard, go find your fiancee. What
109 Report
are you even doing here?"

Lola mentioned Yolanda, which reminded Harry of why he came


"Yolanda got allergic and is now hospitalized. What did you


Lola stopped struggling and stared coldly at him. She just sat on
the arm of the couch and raised her head proudly. "What will you do
if it's me? What if it isn't me? You have no evidence. Why do you
come to


She now has the upper hand. This was the time that she would
prove she could also play all the tricks that Yolanda did to her. If
Harry couldn't present any evidence, she wouldn't admit it!

Harry looked at the stubborn Lola and couldn't help laughing. He

raised her chin, rubbing it softly with his hand.

"Except you, I don't know who she is at odds with!"

Lola's skin was way softer. Even her chin felt very smooth.

Lola sneered in disdain, "You're to blame. Yolanda and I fight

fiercely for you!"

She stood up, stopped sneering and charmingly placed her hands
on Harry's neck.

Harry then realized that he was the main cause of all the troubles
and conflicts. He looked sadder than ever before. "Let it go!"

He decided that he must listen to his mother, who had raised him.

Lola was also deep in her thoughts. "Should she just let go?",
she asked herself. It is easier said than done. Lola loved Harry dearly.
110 Report
How could she give up that easy?

"Harry, I must be with you. I'll drive myself crazy if you

marry her!" Lola had never looked at him so sincerely.

Harry looked back at Lola with deep love. He also knew that he
wanted to be with her forever.

However, the reality was too cruel. He could never have everything
that he wanted.

He kissed Lola's trembling lips hard and held her tightly in his

He didn't know what he should do with Lola.

Right now, only Lola could make him happy.

Only she could make him feel every emotion. Only she could drive
him crazy.

He, who was always in the authority, was always obedient to her...

The office was silent. Only their rapid breathing could be heard.

After a long while, Lola loosened her hands from him and said
gently, "She will leave, right? After she leaves, could you be
with me? With all your heart only for me?"

She dropped her guard, unmasked herself, and looked forward to

his answer.

He was deeply moved and stroked her smooth face with his thumb.
"If I marry her one day, it will be unfair to you!"

What a silly girl.

They moved closer to each other, their foreheads touching softly.

She put her face in his chest and intimately enjoyed the smell of his
111 Report
body. "Harry, I don't care. I just want to be with you
regardless of anything that will happen."

Harry embraced her with every strength that he still had. He

should be the one to say those words. Now she condescended to say
that. He owed her too much love...too much time…

He lowered his head to kiss her again.

Harry and Lola reflected an image of the light of love. Their kissing
became deeper and more passionate

If only they could grow old together.

It was their only fervent wish.

She could feel his breath and his love.

In fact, she should be satisfied with this. But, she wanted more.
She wanted every bit of him. She wanted Harry to be with her and
Nicole and take care of them forever.

The three of them stay together as long as they live…

All of a sudden, the door of the office opened, breaking the

intimate silence that they both shared.

Yolanda, who covered herself all over to hide her rashes, saw Harry
and Lola in an embrace with her own bare eyes. She forgot her
physical pain as the breaking of her heart instantly consumed her.

Harry and Lola slowly separated from each other.

Glimpsing Yolanda at the office door, Lola happily looked at Harry,

an obvious sarcasm all over her face.

Her lipstick was a bit smeared. She smiled and wiped the hickey off
Harry's face gently with her finger.
112 Report
Harry took her restless hand and sighed, staying away from her.

Yolanda hastily walked in and stood in front of them. She quickly

raised her hand and slapped Lola in the face. "Bitch! How dare you
seduce my fiance!"

As soon as she stopped shouting, Lola slapped her face hard in

return, and her sunglasses almost fell to the ground.

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113 Report

Chapter 174
Chapter 174 My Daughter-in-law

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 8737

Updated: 2018-06-12 15:00

Lola stared at her in disbelief. What on earth gave her the guts to
hit her? Who did she think she was? How dare she bully her like this?
She would not let her get away with this!

"Yolanda!" Harry became serious as he quickly grabbed Lola

closer to his side and pushed Yolanda away.

With eyes wide open, Yolanda stared at Harry in dismay. Why was
Harry protecting Lola? What kind of spell did this wrench cast on

Harry gently stroked Lola's pretty face and frowned when he

saw the reddish marks left by Yolanda's slap. "I will ask Joey
to send you some ice cubes. You return to work first."

Lola nodded in agreement, obviously glad of Harry's unexpected


Harry cast a cold glance on Yolanda and uttered in a cold voice,

"Meet me in my office. I need to have a word with you."

The office went quiet again when both of them left. Lola held onto
her cheek as it was quite painful.

She thought about her slap on Harry's face. It must be quite painful
114 Report
for him as well.

She calmed down and decided to plan her actions. She did not
want Yolanda around, trying to sabotage her plans. She really
needed to take advantage of every opportunity she had with Harry.
She has to totally sway Harry into choosing her.

In no time, Joey entered the room and gave the ice cubes to her.
"Here Miss Li, please put some on your right cheek. I need to
share a secret with you. I overheard her arguing with boss in
the office. It was quite fierce and loud. But I am standing
firmly by your side. You need to cheer up!" Joey encouragingly
showed his support and dashed towards Lola's desk. He acted swiftly
and with purpose, just like a true assistant.

Lola laughed and replied, "Fair enough! Thank you for your
support. If an opportunity presents itself, I will make sure to
speak good things about you in front of the CEO."

Joey nodded in great appreciation. As far as he knew, the CEO

always took Lola's words very seriously. If only Yolanda did not get
involved, Mr. Si would definitely listen to Lola all the time.

Joey returned to the CEO's office and saw Yolanda walk out of the
room. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Inside the room, Harry was standing still, seeming looking out the
window and deeply lost in thoughts.

Joey silently closed the door left open by Yolanda and returned to
his seat at the secretary division to continue his work.

After a heated argument with his fiance, Yolanda returned to

Crescent Spring Villa and started packing her stuff.

Rose heard the noise and curiously went out to see what was
happening. She caught Yolanda packing her clothes into the suitcase
as she was wiping away her tears in great sadness.
115 Report
She walked up to her and asked her in a calming tone, "What's
wrong, Yolanda?"

Yolanda momentarily glanced away from her to wipe her eyes,

then turned around and forced a smile. "I am okay, Auntie. Now
that my job is done here, I need to leave for D City anyway."

Rose looked at Yolanda and noticed that most of her rashes had
disappeared. "Then why are you crying? Was it because of

Yolanda paused and hesitatingly nodded "Auntie, I am scared

that my relationship with Harry is over." The thought almost
killed her and she broke down into tears.

Rose quickly pulled her into her arms and said, "Please tell me
everything. What happened? I will try my best to help you

She knew it had something to do with that wrench!

Yolanda used some tissues to wipe her teary eyes and carried on,
"Auntie, I am really in love with Harry. I have never felt these
kind of emotions in my life. I do not what to do if I can't be
with him."

"I know. Haven't I told you already... That you must be my

daughter-in-law!" Rose brought more tissues to her.

Yolanda tried to calm herself down and was thinking hard on how
to explain herself better. "Harry once said that he only agreed to
be engaged to me because of you. He also said that I should
step away from Lola and avoid having conflicts with her."

She gritted her teeth in great anger as she remembered how cold
Harry was treating her lately. With all these harsh remarks, he
treated her almost like a stranger!
116 Report
He was behaving like this all because of that girl!

Rose looked at Yolanda's sad face and felt her pain. However, she
did not know what to say to her. She could only threaten her son wi

th her life. But wasn't that too extreme? She had no other

"The most horrifying thing is that Lola always tries to push

me to the corner. She is always testing my limits. I am trying
my best to stay away from her. But she would always try to
hurt me in any way possible. What else can I do?" With this,
Yolanda felt incredibly pressured and wept even harder.

Rose thought about her words and replied, "My dear child, don't
cry anymore. If I say you are the daughter-in-law of the Si
family, then you are! If you are leaving, then I shall be
leaving with you. I will go home and tell my husband to
arrange a wedding date for you two!"

Yolanda felt relieved inside as she wiped her eyes dry. "Thank
you auntie. You are truly nice to me!" She hugged Rose tightly
like a little girl.

Rose lovingly patted her on the back while being consumed with
mixed emotions.

When she was about to finish her work for the day, Lola dialed Zoe
Lu's number.

"Ahem, Boss Lu, how are you?" She tried to sound serious in
the phone as it was always fun to tease him.

When Zoe received Lola's call, he was just sitting anxiously in his
office staring at the documents that needed his approval.

On hearing Lola's voice, he felt delighted and quickly forgot about

all his worries.
117 Report
"What boss? Stop it! I am not a real boss. Can't you see
that I'm not even busy at the moment. Anyway, why did you
call me? You know how rare I receive a call from you." Zoe

Lola broke into a smile, "Don't be mad. I was busy myself. How
about a drink tonight? It's on me! You know I'm always up for
it. Any drink you want!" She patted on her thigh in excitement.
"Ouch..." That hurts a lot! She gently rubbed her thigh to ease the

Andrew stepped into the office and happened to see a rare and
genuine smile spread over Zoe's face.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise and had a vague idea who he

might be talking to. But he said nothing and sat down on the sofa to
wait for Zoe to finish the call.

"No problem. Just let me know the time and the place." Zoe
said with an obvious tone of excitement. Zoe noticed that his father
went in and his smile disappeared. He quickly changed his tone into
a whisper.

Lola thought for a moment and replied, "How about Lux Bar? I
will be off from work around six and will be there at half past
six. Will that be okay?"

"No problem. Deal! I need to go now. Talk to you later." Zoe

agreed without hesitation. Anything that Lola wanted, he would

Zoe hung up the phone and stared at his father. The anxieties and
the worries came back all of a sudden.

"What can I do for you?" His tone sounded stiff.

Andrew sensed a discouraged tone but he was not offended. He

knew Zoe too well. Instead, he smiled gently. "Lola called?" He had
118 Report
a strong hunch.

Zoe put away the documents from the desk and ignored him.

This irritated Andrew greatly as he shouted at him in anger, "I am

your father. What kind of attitude you have here!"

Such a rebellious child! I should have abandoned him when he was

still young!

And his vile mother, too! She seduced him. That was the only
reason why he had a child. He never wanted this!

"Well, I did ask how would I be of help to you. You did not
answer me and now you blame me for my attitude?" Zoe
agitatedly threw the documents aside. He was not in a good mood
whenever he saw anyone from the Lu family.

Andrew slammed his fist hard on the desk and pointed at him in
great anger. "Zoe! The only reason that you are now sitting in
this luxury CEO chair is because of me!"

Zoe stood and gazed deeply at his so-called father and scornfully
replied, "I don't care. If you want to take it back, be my

"You don't care?" "If only the other two sons of mine are
useful, I would never let you take charge of the company!"
Andrew sarcastically added. He had his reasons. He would
hate to see the company fall into other people's hands. He had
to acknowledge Zoe as his son. He just had no other choice.

"Oh father, thank you so much for appreciating me for who

I am. A CEO who did not even do anything to deserve what he
got." He put his hands into the pockets of his grey suit trousers and
leaned against the desk.

Andrew was utterly shocked that he could not say anything back.
119 Report
He pointed at the indifferent Zoe in dismay. What a bastard!

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120 Report

Chapter 175
Chapter 175 Tell Him to Pick Me Up

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 8156

Updated: 2018-06-13 09:48

"Zoe, I'm telling you. The Li family has strong connections

in A Country; they're quite a powerful force there. If you
could manage to marry Ms. Li, it would be terrific. Now that
Harry Si has a fiancee and Thomas Herren is impeached by
the officials due to Lola Li, it's the perfect timing for you to
get Lola" said Andrew. He had spent a great sum of money only to
get such poor information and this fact angered him greatly.

Zoe scornfully glanced at Andrew and said: "You shouldn't

bother yourself with all these things. You should better mind
your own health!" Andrew was now in the final stages of his
cancer and was scheduled to go into surgery in a couple of
days' time.

Zoe closed the CEO's office door and walked straight to his

He had already been in A Country for a couple of years, but for

transport he preferred the motorcycle over the limo the Lu family
offered him.

In Lux Bar.

Not so many guests were in the bar as it was still early, but the
121 Report
flow of soothing pop music songs which filled the air made Zoe feel
quite relaxed and at ease.

He found a quiet, discreet booth in a corner, sat down and ordered

himself a shot of liquor. Then he started texting his whereabouts to

Another half an hour passed and Lola finally showed up. Now the
bar was crowded and was almost full.

She found the booth Zoe was in, sat down and casually put her bag
behind her back.

"Hey Zoe, are you on a diet recently? How is it that you lost
so much weight?" asked Lola. Lola leaned over and carefully
examined Zoe under the bar's colorful lights.

Zoe touched his chin, which looked skinnier than before, and
shrugged his shoulders: "Maybe it's because of all the busy
work I'm doing that stresses me out and that I'm not used to
it quite yet!" He wouldn't mention the real reason to others.

Lola, on the other hand, was still as charming and delightful as he

saw her last time, a long time ago.

"You should eat more. You really lost a lot of weight! You
look way too skinny now!"

Zoe brushed her off by nodding his head and calling the waiter for
more liquor. He wanted Lola to order something to drink so that they
could avoid this topic.

Lola ordered herself a glass of Night Elf. The cocktail was low in
alcohol and tasted sweet and not very spicy.

She leaned over to him and whispered in his ear in a mischievous

manner: "If I'm drunk later, you can call Harry and tell him to
pick me up!" It was clear that she had it all planned out from the
122 Report
very beginning, even arriving at the bar by cab.

In the dim light of the bar, there was something strange in Zoe's
eyes. However, Lola didn't seem to notice.

"Good!" began Zoe, "How are things with you two now?" He
acted as casually as possible as he asked her.

Lola gave him a weary smile and her sad glance made Zoe feel
sorry for her.

"What's going on between you two anyway? Look at

yourself, I feel so sorry for you!" He curled up his lips in defiance.

Lola lightly smiled back at him and said: "A lot of things
happened, but I believe that eventually there will be a happy
ending between the two of us!" She would definitely have to
work harder for their love!

Zoe also smiled. In fact, as long as Lola was happy, he would

always feel rest assured that all was well.

Lola felt at ease now and was acting herself with Zoe, and the two
chatted happily for over two hours. She did not avoid talking about
Nicole with him. All night long she constantly mentioned of Nicole
and Harry.

She was so fixed on talking about her own issues that she didn't
pay any close attention to Zoe's appearance.

When Lola was on her third glass of Night Elf, her face was already
flushing red.

Zoe was listening to her with a gentle smile on his lips. He couldn't
help himself but think that Lola was such a beauty when she was
talking with such excitement.

But when she was sad and her eyes were full of sorrow he turned
123 Report
gloomy as well, as if he was sharing her state.

He enjoyed looking at her and listening to her with the utmost

interest. For him,

this was blissful.

"Zoe, I think I'm drunk! Make the phone call, now!" Lola now
leaned against the bar and took out her cell phone. She unlocked it
and handed it to Zoe.

The screen picture was that of a sweet girl with a beautiful, radiant
smile. It must be her daughter, Nicole! How cute she was! She looked
very much like her!

He flipped through the contacts and saw a number registered for

Si. He dialed it.

The phone was soon connected and Zoe heard a deep male voice,
but not as cold as it usually was. This really must be love, Zoe
thought. Harry was well-known for his ruthlessness, but now it
seemed that he treated his special girl with great gentleness and

"Lola's drunk. We're at the Lux Bar. You should come and
pick her up!" Zoe spoke with calm on the phone and his voice
sounded just like four years ago.

"Zoe Lu?" Harry's voice was not quite sure of who was speaking
on the other line.

How come Zoe was with Lola? For a moment, Harry thought he was
back at D City.

"It's me, " said Zoe. "Lux Bar, booth 9. She's already
asleep." A bitter smile spread across Zoe's face as he silently gazed
at the now sleeping girl.
124 Report
She looked both sweet and sexy.

Harry was working on his computer in the office lounge and wasn't
planning on returning to Crescent Spring this night.

As soon as he ended the call, Harry shut down his computer, took
his briefcase, and drove towards the Lux Bar in a hurry.

But before he arrived at the bar, Harry took out his phone and
quickly booked a room with the Sea View Hotel.

Lola was, indeed, quite drunk. When she saw Harry coming in, she
jumped up and down in delight and even dragged him on the dance

How was she drunk? Harry frowned and lifted her up. He found her
bag and was just about to leave the bar when he noticed Zoe.

"How about you? Can you manage yourself?" asked Harry. He

cast a cold glance at the indifferent Zoe, who instantly shivered when
their eyes met.

"Of course, of course. You'd better leave now." Lola was a bit
of a masochist! Harry had such a somber look and feel, and she
enjoyed being with him?!

Harry carried the restless girl in his arms all the way to his car.

He laid her down on the back of the car seat and went at a nearby
convenience store to buy some water bottles.

Upon his return, he found that Lola was now somehow out of the

She sat on the hood of his Maybach, and her long hair was flying in
the wind and her beautiful legs were swaying in a back and forth
motion, like a restless child. Outside of the bar, some men were
staring at her boldly and were just about to make their move.
125 Report
However, they all backed off when Harry returned and gave each of
them a fierce glance.

He pulled her off the hood and pressed her against sides of the car
to keep her in place. Then he opened a bottle and fed the water to
her lips: "Drink!"

Lola behaved and sipped from the bottle. Harry led her to the front
seat of the car and helped her to put the seat belt on.

She was so mischievous tonight that Harry took extra care of her.
Lola's face was flushed, and she leaned back on the seat and looked
at Harry with her drunken blurred eyes.

Harry knew of her condition and drove the car straight to the hotel.

He took out his cell phone and dialed a number. "She's with me
now" he said briefly.

Someone paused at the other end of the phone and then asked:
"Is she alright?"

"She's fine. But she's drunk and refuses to go home!" In the

corner of his eye, Harry noticed Lola biting on her bottom lip.

Jordan paused and then said: "Fine. You take good care of her.
I'll talk to my parents."

Harry curled up his lips. Both Lola's elder brother and younger
brother were his wingmen. How wonderfully convenient that was!

"Thanks! I heard that you wish to be promoted to the rank

of senior colonel. That'll be no problem. I will talk to your
general regarding this promotion." Harry knew quite well
Jordan's way of doing things. Jordan was never going to let his own
father do the talking with the general.

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126 Report

Chapter 176
Chapter 176 I Am So Flattered

Trapped with the CEO

By Bai Cha

Characters: 7605

Updated: 2018-06-13 10:04

As was expected, Jordan refused. "No, thanks. Just take good

care of my sister."

Harry made his promise and hung up the phone on Jordan.

Lola then closed her eyes, pondering with a throbbing heart. He

knew a general from the army? And it also seemed that they had a
nice relation.

At the Sea View Hotel.

Harry lifted her up into his arms as she got out of the car and then
walked together towards the Sea View Hotel. He asked the hostess
for the key and then opened the door of the presidential suite he had

Lola only had to bury her face in his chest on their way to the suite
so that no one would notice her in the corridor.

Not long after they entered the room Harry threw her onto the king
size bed, and flung his coat on the sofa.

Lola then sat up from the bed. "Hi, Mr. Si." She raised her little
hand into the air to greet him. Actually, Lola wasn't that drunk, just a
little bit dizzy, but only just a little bit...
127 Report
"How much have you drunk?" asked Mr. Si. He went to put on
his disposable slippers and noticed the woman's eyes roll in their
sockets while she was trying to remember.

Lola decisively raised three fingers in the air.. "Three!"

She then deliberately kicked off her high heels and said "I want
slippers!" It was so obvious that she was playing coquetry with him.

The man raised his eyes and looked at her. Good, it seemed that
now she had found the guts to command him.

Soon, a pair of disposable slippers was put in front of her. But

meanwhile she seemed to changed her mind when she was putting
them on. "I want to go out and see the sea!" she said.

The man paused as he unbuttoned his shirt.

He came over to her. "What's to look at there? You can

always just look at me."

He came over, supporting his forearms on both sides of her body,

his half-unbuttoned shirt revealing his masculine chest, making her
briefly gulp. Someone like Harry were designed for love making, and
she would have to apologize to his nice face and body if she didn't
bang him!

She grabbed his neck and pulled him towards her. With a scent of
booze in her breath, she whispered deliberately in his ear:

"Don't you want to play at the seaside, Mr. Si?"

The man's dark eyes were really attractive. Harry buttoned up his
shirt without saying a word.

But Lola grinned and grabbed the man's hand to stop him.

"Oh no, I've changed my mind now. I've got to take a
128 Report
shower now" said Lola naughtily. She wouldn't bang him now, as he
seemed to refuse her. Hehe...

Harry sneered at this. Did she really decide to make a fool of him
like this, or was she just drunk? Did she really start to make decisions
now and be in control?

He buttoned his shirt, crouched down, lifted the woman's little feet,
and put her high heels back on.

Lola looked in disbelief at the man who was half crouching in front
of her. Their CEO, Mr. Si, was helping her put on her shoes...

The faint sound of the waves breaking outside the window and the
man's serious face made her seem to be like in a dream.

Soon Lola was dressed back in her high heels. The man looked at
her stunned face and gave her a gentle smile and a gentle kiss on
her lips.

"You're welcome, " he said. Looking into her eyes, with a deep
smile, he was determined to be good to her for as long as he lived.

Lola flushed, and she pretended to despise him: "How very

narcissistic of you, I was not going to thank you." She then
suddenly jumped out of the bed.

Yet her forehead hit that of Harry's when she jumped off the bed,
and a muffled "dong" sound burst out as they collided with each

Lola's mouth was twisted, but when she looked at the man
immediately blowing air in her now painful forehead, all protests like
"Your forehead is so hard!" got stuck in her throat

and never came out.

At that moment he was so kind, gently blowing air into her
129 Report
forehead; they truly looked like they were a couple in love...

But, unfortunately, they weren't a couple. They were at their best...

Well... Friends with benefits!

Feeling that she was beginning to feel down, she immediately took
a deep breath and told herself not to think about the sad things.

In fact, as long as she could be with him, as long as she was happy
now, in the moment, it would eventually work out, no matter
whatever she was to him.

She grabbed his neck and kissed his lips: "Let's go out and
play!" Her eyes winked and sparkled like twinkling stars shining in
the night sky.

With a smile on his lips, Harry walked up to the phone and called
the front desk, asking them to bring to the suite a woman's
swimsuit and men's swimming trunks.

After hanging up the phone, he went back to bed and pulled the
little woman up to him, touching her loose long hair.

"Got any hair clips to tie up your hair? Or maybe a rubber


Lola nodded and quickly pulled out a black rubber band from her

The man took the rubber band from her hand and placed it in front
of the dresser and then stood behind her.

"You don't want to comb my hair, do you?" she asked. She

was surprised to see the man in the mirror nod as if he was saying
"of course".

"You should be honored. It's my first time combing a

woman's hair."
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Lola twitched her mouth to that and giggled. "Alright, great Mr.
Si, I'm so flattered! Now, do it quickly."

Harry smiled. Lola was stunned again. How was it that he had such
a handsome face! It was such a shameful waste that he didn't smiled
more often!

The man took the comb and brushed her hair, then clumsily held it
in his big hands. He tried to fix it with the rubber band, which sprung
uncontrollably from his hand and then off the table and onto the

Harry frowned at the vanished rubber band.

Lola chuckled, picked it up from the floor where it fell, and skillfully
pulled her hair into a bun on the top of her head.

Her neck was bare, and Harry kissed it from behind, and she was
frightened right away.

This man really knew how to hit on a woman. She was already into
him without even knowing it! "Well, I..." began Lola, who was now
completely sober but speaking incoherently.

The man smiled to her embarrassment as someone knocked at the


He strode to open the door. The bellhop had brought what he

asked for earlier.

He took the swimwear, leading Lola to the changing room behind

the hotel.

Lola was speechless as she looked at the black bikini prepared for
her. Did this now mean that she would be later be eaten up by the

Her only purpose this evening was to be alone with him, and she
131 Report
would not hesitate and turn back for nothing in the world!

She changed into the black bikini without hesitation, and put on a
white hotel bathrobe with a sash tied around her waist.

When she went out, Harry was also waiting for her in his hotel
bathrobe of the same color.

He offered one hand to her as she came closer to him.

Lola ran joyfully to him, put her hand in his and walked with him
along the beach.

She remembered that last time when they were on the beach he
told her that he was going to pick a wedding dress with that other

But she wouldn't let him go until the very last minute. She
just didn't know if he would also do the same thing as her...

But it was now getting late, and only two or three couples were at
the seaside.

The smell of the sea came up blowing along with the wind, and
then a wave lashed and wet her small feet. The sea water felt cool,
but not freezing cold.

Holding his hand, she remembered the time she jumped into the
sea a few years ago.

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132 Report

Chapter 162
Joseph stood beside Lola and frowned at Rose.

Lola signaled for her brother to take a seat first and walked to Rose
unhurriedly and gracefully.

"Aunt, this is my seat. You're our CEO's mother and you can
sit here!" She pointed at Harry's seat.

Yolanda said flatly while playing with her phone, "Auntie owns
the whole SL Group and she can sit wherever she wants. How
dare you instruct her?"

Lola smiled, "Nice to meet you, our international queen. I'm

talking with Aunt Rose and why are you chipping in?" So they
were going to bully her together.

"You damn tramp. How can you talk to my daughter-in-law

like that?" Rose slammed on the table angrily and got up. It seemed
to her that Lola used to bully Yolanda!

Well, she would teach the tramp a lesson today!

"Can you watch your language? How can you take my sister
for a tramp!" Joseph stood up opposite, who looked serious at the

Rose glanced at Joseph who was defending Lola and found him
somehow familiar. Had they met before? Oh! She remembered. He
was Joseph Li, that world-famous star.

"Joseph, sit down!" Lola glared at Joseph. She didn't want him to
butt in.

"Then ask your son to work somewhere else. It'll make the
133 Report
best of both worlds." She put the files on the desk and put her
hands into her pockets. Lola had become a successful career woman,
which made Yolanda envious.

Rose was so infuriated that she couldn't even argue. If she could
control her son, Harry had already married Yolanda.

Rose walked towards Lola and pulled her outside. She would tell
everyone in the company that Lola was a tramp and kick her out!

Lola didn't struggle. However, Joseph stood up and grabbed

his sister's wrist.

"Where are you taking my sister?" If Rose weren't a woman or

an elders, he would have punched her.

Lola shook his hand off and said, "Good boy, sit back and butt

Other executives didn't dare to utter a sound. Julie Tan hardly

dared to speak, as she had seen how unreasonable Rose was.

Rose dragged Lola out of the meeting room and lifted her voice,
"Come and have a look. Your deputy CEO is a tramp!"

This morning, many departments were having meetings on that

floor. It had been quiet before several doors were opened.

Some employees came out in confusion and stared at the two

quarreling women.

More people came out when Rose continued, "My son has a
fiancee, but your so-called deputy CEO seduced him! Now she
even has the cheek to work in SL Group. How shameless she

It was inconceivable and those employees stirred up a heated

discussion. Lola rolled her eyes, "Aunt, let go of me first! Please
134 Report
prove your words, okay?"

After getting rid of Rose, she massaged her painful wrist.

An employee passed them, holding two cups of coffee in a tray.

Rose slightly lifted her hand and the coffee was spilled all over Lola's
pink suit.

Her suit turned brown immediately. The employee in glasses was

scared and apologized at once, "Miss Li, sorry. I'm sorry! I didn't
mean it!" Someone had pushed him.


's all right." She simply tidied her suit and ask the cleaner to clear
the coffee on the ground.

Then a woman's voice came from behind.

"I can prove it! Is it convincing?" Yolanda walked out of the

meeting room elegantly, but looked rather sad.

Joseph grabbed her wrist, pulled her back to the meeting room and
threw her onto a chair. "Just be the queen and keep silent."

Joseph said and pointed at her nose. Yolanda stared at her and
slapped his hand.

Just then, the elevator tinkled. A woman in an army uniform walked


She walked directly to the noisy meeting room calmly and looked
coldly at Rose.

"Mother! Why are you here?" Lola stared at Angie walking

towards her.

Angie pulled her daughter right behind her and asked, "Rose, I
heard you were bullying my daughter!"
135 Report
She looked imposing in the army uniform! Many employees
admired her at once.

Rose looked at Angie Gong angrily. So Lola was her daughter.

Angie Gong was hard to deal with! She had to concentrate. Luckily,
she had sent her son away with an excuse!

"Mother, stay out of it. I'm going back to the office first."
said Lola. Her suit was soaked with coffee and she had to go back for
a clean-up.

Angie let go of her and nodded.

After Lola left, Angie walked to Rose with a cold look, "It's been
years since we last met. Mrs. Mu, you're much more
pampered! You even take this to your son's company. Aren't
you afraid of disgracing him?"

Angie felt free to mock her, which greatly annoyed Rose.

"Mrs. Gong, take care of your daughter and stop her from
seducing my son. I didn't intend to talk about it in the

"Who is your son? Why don't I know my daughter has

seduced him?" Angie sneered and cast a stern glance at her son
who was standing at the door of the meeting room.

Joseph felt innocent and rubbed his nose. He called her, didn't he?

"My son is Harry Si, CEO of this company! Your daughter

seduced him years ago. You know nothing, do you?" Speaking
of Harry, Rose almost had her nose in the air. Harry was the greatest
honor of her life!

"Harry is your son?" Angie looked obviously astonished. So this

woman was Nicole's grandma?
136 Report
Rose thought she was scared and then sneered.

At the gate of SL Group, Thomas Herren was playing with Nicole

when he saw a Maybach screech to a halt. Harry rushed out towards
the company. "Does Lola run into trouble?"

At this thought, Thomas put on his sunglasses, picked up Nicole

and ran after him.

Angie and Rose were still in the standoff in the meeting room,
which was surrounded by many onlookers.

"Boss!" Somebody exclaimed. Then the greeting of "Boss" could

be heard continuously. All employees dispersed, hid in nearby
meeting rooms and held their breath.

Harry looked coldly at his mother and Angie Gong in the meeting
room. He didn't even need to ask before he knew what had

"Auntie! Sorry to have disturbed you." Harry nodded slightly

at Angie Gong. Rose was so annoyed that she glared at her son. How
could he say sorry to Angie?
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Chapter 163
Angie Gong ignored him and turned away in a huff.

"Grandma!" Nicole called Angie while throwing herself into her


Angie Gong softened upon hearing the gentle voice from behind.
"Nicole, my sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Angie Gong
gently held up Nicole.

Rose looked at the pink little one in Angie's arms, full of envy.

When could she have a grandchild?

Sensing her envy, Yolanda felt hurt.

"Uncle Harry!" Nicole leant forward to Harry.

"Nicole." Harry took her over with a gentle smile. Though

reluctant, Angie didn't want to go against Nicole's will.

Nicole kissed Harry on the face. Unbelievable!

Even the people in the next room heard clearly that their CEO
spoke in a tender voice!

Yolanda clenched her fists as she always knew that Harry liked
children so much.

Watching others' surprised look, Angie proudly said, "Do you

know whose daughter she is?"


138 Report
Two men answered in unison. Thomas Herren took off his
sunglasses and walked up.

Harry and Thomas cast a glance at each other, both of whom were
brimmed with anger.

"President Herren!"

"President Herren!"

The greeting from Rose, Yolanda and Joseph deafened the whole
floor. Oh My God! This was President Herren!

The whole floor fell into dead silence. It never occurred to Angie
that President Herren would say that!

Those two powerful men standing on the top of the world now were
fighting for a mother and daughter pair.

The question was who her mother was.

"Nicole?" A soft voice broke the silence.

It was indeed their deputy CEO! Under the stunned gaze, Nicole
shook off their hands and ran to Lola.


The people was shocked again as they didn't expect that their
goddess had a daughter.

What's more, the girl was her daughter with one of the big shots.

Oh, my god! Was it a dream?

"What are you doing now?" In perplexity, Lola glanced at the

mighty two standing face-to-face. Were they gonna fight? It was in
the company!
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"Nicole, come here."

The two men said in unison again. All the others were stunned.

Seeing that, Angie picked up Nicole from Lola and said,

"President Herren, Mr. Si, we get going. Goodbye!"

Coldly eyeing the two men in confrontation, Lola asked, "You

have nothing else to do? Is SL going bust? All your
government affairs are done?"

Those employees gasped at her way of speaking. How impressive

she was!

As the coffee stain had not been removed, Harry knotted his

"Lola, let me drive you home to get changed." Thomas

Herren said with a smile. The clothes must have been stained just

Oh, my god! President Herren always showed on TV, but they

didn't expect that he could be so tender! To their surprise, it was
their deputy CEO who enjoyed such tenderness.

"Harry!" A soft voice raised goose bumps.

Here she was. Harry's fiancee.

Yolanda moved towards Harry and straightened his tie. "We have

mother to pick wedding dress today, right?"

They are going to pick wedding dress? It seemed that their

wedding was around the corner.

After hearing that, Lola resolutely went into the elevator.
140 Report
More surprisingly, both Harry and Thomas sprinted to chase her.

With a long face, Lola said to Harry who was holding her wrist, "I
am the tramp according to your mother, Mr. Si. Please get
your hand off me."

Then she turned to Thomas Herren with a smiling face. "Mr.

Herren, thanks a lot. I have to work now. We may take a rain
check some other day!"

In this way, the two influential and powerful men were successfully
blocked out the elevator.


Thomas Herren nodded indifferently. He put on his sunglasses, got

into another elevator and left.

Harry went back in fury. He stopped in front of Joseph without even

having a look at Rose. "Brother-in-law..." Joseph kept his voice
down when seeing his angry look.

With that, Harry's anger was seen to abate. "Give me your


Harry's phone had been power-off. Joseph passed his phone to


He opened the WeChat and sent a voice message to Lola, "Come

to the meeting room now! Or take the consequence

Those present knew he was talking to Lola. Five minutes later, Lola
showed up, face being scarlet.

She glared at her brother who had betrayed her before going back
to her seat.
141 Report
Rose had left. Everyone looked at Lola in amazement.

Noticing the coffee stain on her suit, Harry grabbed Lola's phone
and unlocked it.

Lola had no time to say no, face turning red.

Harry made a call to Joey. A respectful greeting was heard. "Hello,

Miss. Li!"

"It's me! Buy Miss Li a suit and send to her office right
now!" Blind to the stunned look of others, Harry put her phone back.

It seemed that they had witnessed a public display of affection.

Though nonchalant on the surface, Yolanda had already flown into

rage deep down!

Harry opened his mouth, "Miss Tan, please make an

announcement that if anyone spreads what happened, he will
be deemed to leak the confidential information of the


Julie Tan nodded and launched the announcement right away.

Now everyone knew one thing for sure. Their deputy CEO had a
daughter. But they were not sure who her father was.

Scanning the people present, Harry went on, "What just

happened is my private business. I didn't handle it properly. I
won't let that happen again. I will work for free for the next
two month as punishment. Miss Li is the victim, but should
also hold responsible. Deduct one month's salary."

He then cast a cold glance at Yolanda and said, "Get the meeting
142 Report
After calming herself down, Lola opened the files that she had just
brought in and started her presentation.

After the meeting was over, all the other executives left, leaving
Harry, Lola, Yolanda, Joseph and Julie discussing arrangement of the
last two days there.
143 Report

Chapter 164
At last, Julie and Joseph left the meeting room. When Lola was
about to leave, she heard Harry hurl a question at Yolanda, "When
did we promise mother to pick the wedding dress?"

Lola turned her back to Harry and Yolanda with a sneer and walked
away, leaving them alone.

When she went back to her office, there was already a paper bag
on her desk, inside of which was a white smooth suit.

After locking the door of her office, Lola took off the stained clothes
and put it into the bag to get it washed at home.

When Harry and Yolanda went back to Crescent Spring from the
company, Rose was sitting on a sofa in a daze.

"Auntie, we are back now." Yolanda ran to Rose happily.

Holding Yolanda's hands, Rose hinted Yolanda to sit by her.

She then turned to Harry and gave a snort of contempt.

"Mother, what you did today has gone too far." Harry said
coldly to show his disappointment.

"Well? Are you questioning me?" Rose stood up from the sofa
and replied sadly. She had no idea why Harry disobeyed her again
and again. She still believed that Harry loved Yolanda.

Sensing that Rose was in a bad mood, Harry turned his voice
softer, "It is not appropriate to make a scene in the company.
You have disgraced yourself." He was worried that Lola must feel
terrible now.

"Harry! I know exactly what I was doing. Pick a wedding
144 Report
dress with Yolanda tomorrow. Yolanda's mother and I will
pick a date for your wedding. You should marry her soon."
Rose threw a name card of a bridal shop onto the table.

"I'm not gonna go." Harry refused directly.

That answer pained Yolanda. Looking at the man she loved so

much, she said, "Harry, we have been engaged for four years.
It's time to get married."

Then she put her arms around his waist from behind. His nice and
charming smell fascinated her.

Harry glanced at her slender hands and pulled them off. "I have
told you that I don't love you any more. Let's cancel the

Yolanda drew back and fell into a chair, crying in despair.

Harry turned around with a sigh and said mildly, "Yolanda, we

cannot go back."

They could not go back!

"Harry! Lola is an evil. She has hurt me several times. Why

do you want her? You have promised me that you will not be
with her! You promise me!" Yolanda yelled. She had an emotional
outburst and tried to stand up to jump into Harry's arms.

"Harry, how could you say that?" Rose asked. Seeing Yolanda
break down, Rose felt sad. In her eyes, Yolanda was gentle and
generous. She must be heartbroken at Harry's words.

Facing the pressure and questioning from Rose and Yolanda, Harry
insisted, "End the engagement. It will be the best for all of

Realizing that Harry was determined, Rose took a fruit knife on the
145 Report
table to slit her wrist.

"Mother! What are you doing?" Harry growled while grabbing

the knife from Rose. Again! He was so angry and distressed that he
threw the knife onto the wall. On the wall, the Chinese painting of
Catharine was cracked.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Yolanda showed concern over Rose and
hurried to check up on her.

Relieved, Rose confirmed her idea that Yolanda was a good girl
and was the best choice for her son.

Rose shook her head a

nd turned to Harry, "I will make an appointment with the

bridal shop tomorrow and you must go!" Her words gave no
room for negotiation or discussion.

Harry coldly looked at her, went out of the villa and slammed the
door, leaving Rose's yelling behind the door.

"Harry, get back here!"

When he came to the company, Harry took out his wallet from the
pocket. In the wallet, he still kept the photo of Lola, who smiled

Stroking the photo, Harry kept silent.

After a while, he received a message in Wechat. It was a friend

request from Joseph.

Harry accepted that request and soon received a blurred image

and a message, "Brother-in-law, a Thunder Motor in exchange
for an original image, is it a deal?"

It was a photo shot of Nicole, Lola and him in front of the villa of Li
146 Report
Manor. But, their faces were blurred by Joseph on purpose.

Harry replied immediately without any hesitation, "Done."

The original image was sent soon. Looking at it, Harry cannot help

In the photo, he was kissing Lola while Nicole was looking up at

them happily. The background were Chinese parasols and his
Maybach, which made the picture more aesthetic.

That moment was captured by Joseph purposely.

"Any more? One photo for one promise! I want all of them."
Harry types these words quickly.

Joseph was in ecstasy. After all, it was quite rare for Harry to make
promises at one time.

At the same time, Joseph realized how much Harry loved his sister.

He replied, "I have three more! Keep your words!"


Harry then got that three photos of Nicole, Lola and himself. They
were like a happy family.

He saved the photos on his phone, selected one as his screensaver

and had a backup in his private USB disk. Then he called Joey in.

"Boss!" Joey knocked on the door and went in.

"I will send you some photos via WeChat. Have them
printed secretly." Harry's words confused Joey. "Secretly? Why?
Are those photos not presentable?"

When Joey walked out of the company, he received the photos. He

was amazed!
147 Report
It was ... so beautiful.

His boss was gorgeous! The little girl was so cute! And the lady
who only had her back to the camera must be Miss Li!

They seemed to be a family!

Joey quickened his pace and found a shop to complete his task.
After making sure that there was no backup saved in the shop, he
went back to the company.

Harry was very satisfied with the printed images, "Good job. You
will get a pay rise."

Wow, this ... this was Harry's style. Joey got a pay rise in such a
way... "Thank you, boss." Then he came back to his seat, thrilled.

"Oh yeah, pay rise! Pay rise!"

Looking at the strange Joey, the other secretaries had no idea what
had happened but felt sorry for him, because they thought he must
suffer a lot from his boss just now.

It was past 9 pm. Lola walked out of the company finally. As she
had asked for a leave, she had to work overtime to get work done.

She was surprised to notice that Harry's Maybach was still there
next to her Maserati. "Is he still in the office now? Should I go
upstairs to meet him?" she wondered.

Better not. After all, rumors about them had spread throughout the
148 Report

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