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The alphabet

Common phrases

Lhop – Hello
Thol – Bye
Rhame phoramis u’uvat? – What’s good?
S’saph mox phoram? – How old are you?
Rhame rhod phoramis? – What time is it?
Nokh phoramis ...? – Where is ... ?
S’soth ekhsaman – Name yourself (What’s your name?)
Tat’tokh phoram saph? – Who are you?
S’saph ekh saph pomath? – How can I help you?
Thok – zero ; Okh – one ; Mar – two ; Khre – three ; Thal –four ; Vaph – five ; Sal
– six ; Si’inth – seven ; I’ira – eight ; Vit – nine ; Darh – ten.
11-19: Darhokh, Darhmar, Darhre, Darhal, Darhaph, Darhsal, Darhi’inth,
Darhi’ira, Darhvit.
20-29: Mardarh, Mardarhokh, Mardarhmar, Mardarhre, Mardarhaph, Mardarhsal,
Mardarhi’inth, Mardarhi’ira, Mardarhvit.
30-39: Khredarh, Khredarhokh, Khredarhmar, Khredarhre, Khredarhal,
Khredarhaph, Khredarhsal, Khredarhi’inth, Khredarhi’ira, Khredarhvit.
40-49: Thaldarh, Thaldarhokh, Thaldarhmar, Thaldarhre, Thaldarhal, Thaldarhaph,
Thaldarhsal, Thaldarhi’inth, Thaldarhi’ira, Thaldarhvit.
50-59: Vaphdarh, Vaphdarhokh, Vaphdarhmar, Vaphdarhre, Vaphdarhal,
Vaphdarhaph, Vaphdarhsal, Vaphdarhi’inth, Vaphdarhi’ira, Vaphdarhvit.
60-69: Saldarh, Saldarhokh, Saldarhmar, Saldarhre, Saldarhal, Saldarhaph,
Saldahrsal, Saldarhi’inth, Saldarhi’ira, Saldarhvit.
70-79: Si’inthdarh, Si’inthdarhokh, Si’inthdarhmar, Si’inthdarhre, Si’inthdarhal,
Si’inthdarhaph, Si’inthdarhsal, Si’inthdarhi’inth, Si’inthdarhi’ira, Si’inthdarhvit.
80-89: I’iradarh, I’iradarhokh, I’iradarhmar, I’iradarhre, I’iradarhal, I’iradarhaph,
I’iradarhsal, I’iradarhi’inth, I’iradarhi’ira, I’iradarhvit.
90-99: Vitdarh, Vitdarhokh, Vitdarhmar, Vitdarhre, Vitdarhal, Vitdarhaph,
Vitdarhsal, Vitdarhi’inth, Vitdarhi’ira, Vitdarhvit.
100 – Okh Malhs ; 200 – Mar Malhs ; 300 – Khre Malhs ... 1000 – Okh Khom ;
2000 – Mar Khom ; 3000 – Khre Khom ... 10.000 Darh Khom ; 20.000 Mar Darh
Khom ... 100.000 – Okh Onth ; 1.000.000 Darh Onth ; 2.000.000 Mardarh Onth.
For numbers bigger than 9.999.999 we use the power of 10 ( –
10.000.000 – Darh nakh(towards) rhelha(power) Si’inth ( 10^7 )
(+) meb ; (-) itra ; (*) talh ; (/) vorh ; (%) okhoph ; (=) ponrat ; (√) solheth
Ex: Mardarh(20) meb(+) Darhokh(11) ponrat(=) Khredarhokh(31)


There is no rule for verbs, each verb is independent when conjugated, so the
downside is you have to learn them separately, not all of them but most. The
subjects and pronouns are as they’re given and there is no subject-verb agreement.
Pronouns: Ekh (me), Saph (you), Ara’a/Ara’ak (he/she), Nabh (we), Oma (you),
Volu’ut (they).
Common verbs:
A’ardath – to go ; Rhastit – to live ; Noma’ardath – to run (literally: to go faster) ;
Skhalat – to eat ; Nekroth – to learn ; Thernath – to speak; Dromath – to fight ;
Ekhra’at – to sleep ; Lhastro – to hear (listen) ; Varthi’ith – to see ; Di’irath – to
drink ; Phasenth – to be ; Thorma – to do ; Ora’ath – to write ; Na’akrath – to
choose ; Mekhroth – to come ; Ari’ithath – to love ; Rhostath – to have ; S’sarinth
– to know ; Menrath – to want ; Bokhra’at – to take ; Namorakh – to make ;
Lamroth – to tell ; Rhosi’ith – to give ; Rhot’takh – to write ; Pamroth – to wish ;
Rhoma’at – to bring.
Verbs have three tenses: past, present and future. For demanding something,
simply use the present form of the verb, 2nd person ( Speak! – Thernam! ). For
future tense we put an ‘a’ in front of the present form of the verb. A list of
conjugated verbs can be found in the other document. For now here is an example.
The future form is the same for every verb except those that start with a vowel.
Verbs that start with a vowel are going to be discussed later on. Notice that most
verbs end in –th or –t but that doesn’t mean that every word ending in them is a
Q: Okay, what’s the deal with the massive presence of the letter h?
A: The letter h is actually never pronounced. There’ll also be a section about that.
The more you see it, the less it’s there. You’re just paranoid.

Q: So... do you mean I have to learn every verb separately?

A: I’m afraid so... not really. Some verbs actually have the same conjugation so if
you have the will to learn you can make it.
Q: What’s the deal with the weird alphabet?
A: Honestly, that’s the easiest part about this language... except when you’re going
to practice handwriting. That’ll be a pain in the ass.
Q: What’s the handwriting like?
A: The handwriting has some rules that must be considered or planned before you
start to write out something. You may have noticed the dots around the letters.
Those dots represent the ways in which your sentences can be written. You can go
in any direction on the paper as long as there is a dot. The purpose of this is to
lower the word usage by passing over other letters. For example if you have
Menrath and Thernath you can do a trick with ‘ernath’ and ‘enrath’ so you only
write these letters once and the remaining T and M you put them somewhere
Q: Okay, I get it, but how do you know where to start reading?
A: Trial and error... no, actually there is a way to know but you must have a solid
Q: How

Phasenth(to be)
Past: Present: Future:
Ekh phasenthi Ekh phoru’ut Ekh aphoru’ut
Saph phasethi Saph phoram Saph aphoram
Ara’a phasenethi Ara’a phoramis Ara’a aphoramis
Ara’ak phasentha Ara’ak phorath Ara’ak aphorath
Nabh phasenith Nabh phormath Nabh aphormath
Oma phasenath Oma phoru’um Oma aphoru’um
Volu’ut phasenoth Volu’ut phormis Volu’ut aphormis

Thernath(to speak)

Past: Present: Future:

Ekh thernatha Ekh therena Ekh atherena
Saph thernas Saph thernam Saph athernam
Ara’a therni’i Ara’a theri’it Ara’a atheri’it
Ara’ak therni’it Ara’ak theri’il Ara’ak atheri’il
Nabh thernorath Nabh thernakhat Nabh athernakhat
Oma thernorith Oma thernari’it Oma athernari’it
Volu’ut thernakh Volu’ut therna Volu’ut atherna
Ari’ithath(to love)

Past: Present: Future:

Ekh ari’ithna Ekh ari’ithars Ekh nari’is
Saph ari’itha Saph ari’ithat Saph nari’iat
Ara’a ari’ithakh Ara’a ari’itho Ara’a nari’io
Ara’ak ari’ithokh Ara’ak ari’ithem Ara’ak nari’iem
Nabh ari’ithans Nabh ari’ithas Nabh nari’ias
Oma ari’ithna Oma ari’ithoth Oma nari’ith
Volu’ut ari’ithni Volu’ut ari’ithim Volu’ut nari’im

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