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Institutional Policy

An internship is a planned work experience that provides students an opportunity to gain practical, hands-on experience
in a particular field. Young Harris College encourages students to pursue an internship during their course of study.
During internships students can clarify career and educational goals. The experience allows students to connect
classroom learning with professional experience, enhancing academic, personal, and professional development.

Beyond the experience, students who complete internships gain marketable skills for the workplace. Students
completing internships have greater confidence in the job interview and are better prepared for the transition to the
workplace after graduation. Employers recognize the benefit of recruiting graduates with work experience.

An internship is a supervised experience that can be full-time or part-time, paid or unpaid. Internships may be approved
for academic credit or may be for non-credit. All students completing an internship, for academic credit or not, must
complete and submit this internship application packet to the Academic Success Center.

Internships approved for academic credit are conducted under the joint supervision of Young Harris College faculty and
an approved on-site supervisor. Internships approved for academic credit require 40 hours of minimum contact
time at the internship site for every one credit hour attempted (40 hours = 1 credit hour; 80 hours = 2 credit
hours; 120 hours = 3 credit hours, etc.). Maximum academic credit awarded for internships is six credits. The
faculty advisor will be the instructor of record for the internship course. To fulfill the academic component of the
internship, the faculty advisor of record should require, at a minimum, some form of final assignment. (This may be a
reflective piece in the form of a paper, journal, portfolio, or presentation.)

Registration Deadline Policy: To earn academic credit, the student should expect to be registered for the internship
course during the academic term in which the internship is being completed. The student must have the Internship
Course Registration Form and other application materials turned in before the close of Drop/Add Week during the
opening of each academic term in order to receive academic credit.

Internships should result in student learning and/or the acquisition of new skills. Internships are not unsupervised
volunteer experiences with routine, repetitive clerical duties.

Student Eligibility

Students interested in pursuing an internship

• must have completed their freshman year (or a minimum of 30 credit hours)*
• must have declared a major
• must have a minimum 2.00 grade point average*
• must have approval of faculty advisor and department chair

*Some academic programs may have higher minimum standards or additional requirements.

The Academic Success Center/Career Planning and Internships Program will:

• Collaborate with faculty advisors and internship sites to facilitate proper student and site connections.
• Maintain appropriate internship resources and listings.
• Assists students as they identify and prepare for internships.
• Collaborate with faculty advisors and internship sites to facilitate proper student and site connections.
• Will gather and maintain records for each internship experience - signed applications, participation and site
agreements, and evaluations – as data for institutional assessment and reporting

Please be sure to read the packet THOROUGHLY before applying your signature.

Steps in the Process

The Academic Success Center (ASC) supports this process by ensuring that all parties are in communication,
registration for the internship course is completed, and agreements and expectations are in place before the
student begins the internship.

1. The student will initiate a conversation with their academic advisor about how an internship can be
integrated into their academic study and career preparation.

2. The eligible student will meet with the ASC to begin the internship exploration, application, and approval

3. Once a site has been identified, the student will gather and complete the following documents and submit
them to the ASC for review.
a. Internship Job Description
b. Statement of Purpose/Goals (500 words maximum)
c. YHC Internship Application Form
d. YHC Student Internship Participation Agreement

4. The faculty advisor for the internship and department chair will review these documents to determine if this
is an appropriate internship site and experience for the student. If approved, they will also determine the
appropriate number of credit hours to be attributed to the experience, in accordance with the College
guidelines, and initiate the Internship Course Registration Form.

5. The student should acquire all appropriate signatures on the Internship Course Registration Form and turn
in the completed Internship Application packet to the Registrar’s Office. The student should expect to
register for the internship course during the academic term in which the internship is conducted.
The student is responsible for the tuition charges of the internship course, as well as other expenses
incurred during the internship. See Registration Deadline Policy and Internship Participation Agreement.

6. The faculty advisor will be the instructor of record for the internship course. They will coordinate with the
student (and site supervisor as appropriate) to ensure that requirements of the internship and course
credit are being fulfilled in a satisfactory manner.

7. The Academic Success Center will communicate with the host site supervisor and student to complete
evaluations at the end of the experience.

8. At the completion of the internship, the faculty advisor will evaluate the student’s performance, assign a
grade, and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.

Return this completed form to:   YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE   Attention:  Academic Success Center   *  

 P. O. Box 68   *   Young Harris, GA 30582
 Last updated 06/03/2019


Date: _________________________________

Student Information
Name: _______________________________________________   Phone:  __________________________________
YHC Email:    __________________________________________   Anticipated Graduation Year:  ________________
Major(s): _______________________________________   Minor(s): ________________________________________

Credit hours completed: _______ Current cumulative GPA: ________ Are you here on a student visa?  Yes  No

Faculty Advisor
Name: ________________________________________   Department: _______________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________

Site Supervisor Information

Name:   _______________________________________________________________________
Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________State: ________ Zip: ________________
Phone: _________________________________________   Email: ___________________________________________

Internship Information

Start Date: ___________________Completion Date:  ___________________
Number of hours to be worked each week: ________   
Is this a paid internship?  Yes  No  If so, what is the amount? ___________________________________________
Year and Term of internship course registration:  Year_____ Term_____
I understand that I can only receive academic credit for this internship in the semester that it takes place. I also
understand that I am responsible for tuition charges, if any, and other expenses incurred during this internship.
Student’s Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Return this completed form to:   YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE   Attention:  Academic Success Center   *  

 P. O. Box 68   *   Young Harris, GA 30582
 Last updated 06/03/2019

Internship Expectations


I understand that participation in the Program may require a standard of professional decorum.  Therefore, I indicate my willingness to 
understand and conform to the professional standards of the internship site in the community as well as to the core values of the College 
and to conduct myself with integrity, fairness, respect, and responsibility.  I further agree to comply with all of the policies and procedures 
associated with the Program or as identified by the Program Coordinator.  Finally, I agree that should the Program Coordinator decide that I 
must terminate my participation in the Program because of unacceptable conduct or conduct that might otherwise bring the Program into 
disrepute, that decision will be final and may result in the loss of academic credit.   _____ (initials of student)

My faculty advisor, _________________________________, has explained to me that confidentiality is critical to research, internships, 
community-based experiential education, and professional interaction with fellow students.  Ethical standards require that I never share 
confidential information that I may learn through my internship that is associated with an individual, agency or organization without the 
permission of that individual, agency or organization.  I promise not to discuss outside of a structured learning environment personal 
matters related to any client, individual or organization involved with my research or internship activity.  Further, I will not discuss any 
sensitive data discovered during an internship experience or research project, or share research results without the written consent of my 
project supervisor.  _____ (initials of student)

Setting internship goals should be a collaborative process resulting in outcomes that meet the needs of the intern, the supervisor, and the
sponsoring organization. This statement should be a brief summary of your goals, learning outcomes, and expectations of yourself, the site
supervisor, and faculty advisor. Your statement should be no longer than 500 words

Your Statement of Purpose/Goals should cover the following areas:
 General: What general knowledge do you hope to gain about yourself or about the community?
(Examples: you might learn about your career interests, or you might learn about a particular aspect of community life.)
 Specific/Pre-Professional: What specific knowledge do you hope to gain about this profession?
(Examples: in a social work internship, you might learn about how welfare reform affects the clientele your agency serves)
 General: What general skills do you hope to gain from this experience? (Examples: time management skills,
communication skills, team-building skills.)
 Specific/Pre-Professional: What specific skills do you hope to acquire from this experience?
(Examples: if you are doing a biology internship in a health clinic, you might learn how to read an x-ray)
 What are the values/attitudes that you hope will be shaped and deepened through this experience?
(Examples: You might want to focus on the way courage is demonstrated at your site, or respect, or integrity.)
 How will you assess and evaluate the work and the learning you do in your internship? The faculty advisor will work with 
the student to design an evaluation process for the internship. The evaluation may include journals, formal papers, 
interviews, oral presentations, etc. The intern’s ability to achieve the learning goals and fulfill the expected activities will 
become the basis of the evaluation.

I have reviewed this internship opportunity with my faculty advisor.  I understand and agree to the expectations regarding conduct and 
confidentiality and to these internship goals and objectives.   If pursuing academic credit for this experience, I understand that I am 
academically and financially responsible for the internship coursework in the term indicated on this application.  
_________________________________________________ ____________________
Intern (Signature)                    Date

I affirm that I have reviewed this internship opportunity and am in favor of this student receiving academic credit for this experience.
_________________________________________________ _____________________
Faculty Advisor (Signature) Date

Return this completed form to:   YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE   Attention:  Academic Success Center   *  

 P. O. Box 68   *   Young Harris, GA 30582
 Last updated 06/03/2019

Internship Site Agreement

This Internship Site Agreement (“Agreement”) sets forth the terms and conditions between Young Harris College (the
“College”)   and   _____________________________,   (the   “Organization”)   for   the   purpose   of   providing   internship
opportunities with the Organization to the College’s students.  Schedules to be attached to this agreement from time to
time must be signed by an authorized official of the College and the Organization, and must set forth:

1. A learning program for the student intern and a brief description of the work to be performed by the intern;
2. The   contact   information   for   the   individual   from   the   Organization   who   will   be   supervising   the   intern   and
evaluating their performance;
3. The hourly rates of pay, if any, for the intern;
4. The time period the internship will run and the average number of hours per week the Organization anticipates
the internship will work at the internship site.

Students may be removed from the internship by the College, either on its own initiative, at the request of the intern, or
at the request of the Organization.  
The Organization agrees to:

(1) provide worker’s compensation benefits for the intern;
(2) provide a safe workplace for the intern;
(3) ensure that no student will be denied work or subjected to different treatment under this agreement on the
grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex; and 
(4) comply with the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VII and Title IX of the Education Amendments
of 1972 and the Regulations of the Department of Education which implement those Acts.  

Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from their work assignments and will not be provided by
either the College or Organization.  

YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE _____________________________________

(Name of Organization)

__________________________________ _____________________________________
(Signature of Academic Success Center) (Signature of Site Supervisor)

Print Name:  ___________________________  Print Name:  ___________________________
Date:  ________________________________ Title:  ________________________________ 

Return this completed form to:   YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE   Attention:  Academic Success Center   *  

 P. O. Box 68   *   Young Harris, GA 30582
 Last updated 06/03/2019

Date:  ________________________________

Student Internship
Participation Agreement
(This contains a release, please read carefully)

Participation in the Student Internship Program (the “Program”) at Young Harris College (the “College”) is a voluntary
activity and the College does not control the way in which the internship work experience and the internship site is
structured or operates. The College affirms that, to the best of its judgment, the experience is an appropriate option for
students in a liberal arts program of study, but makes no assurances, expressed or implied, about any travel or housing
arrangements the student may make in connection with participation in the Program. The College does not knowingly
approve internship opportunities, which pose undue risks to their participants. However, an internship or travel to it carries
with it potential hazards which are beyond the control of the College and its agents or employees. Accordingly, all
students participating in the Program must agree to accept and assume the risks of personal injury and damage to
personal property and agree to release and hold harmless the College from liability for negligence or other acts related to
the student’s participation in the Program.

Assumption of Risk – General Participation in the Program

I understand that participating in activities as part of the Program may involve personal risks, and could be considered a
hazardous activity; however, I am voluntarily participating with knowledge of the dangers involved. I hereby agree to
accept any and all risks of personal injury and death resulting from, or related to, my participation in this program. I verify
this statement by placing my initials here: _________ (initials of student)

Assumption of Risk -- Automobiles and Driving to Internship Site

As part of the Program, students may have to drive or commute to the internship sites in the community and not located
on the College campus (“Internship Site”). I understand that I am responsible for getting myself to and from the Internship
Sites, and that the College does not make arrangements to transport students to Internship Site, nor control the way in
which students may travel to the Internship Site.

I understand that driving to the Internship Site or riding to the Internship Site with others may involve personal risk;
however I am voluntarily indicating that I may do so with knowledge of the dangers involved. I hereby agree to accept any
and all risks of personal injury and death resulting from, or related to driving to and from or riding with others to and from
Internship Site. I verify this statement by placing my initials here: _________ (initials of student)

Insurance Coverage

I have sufficient health, accident, disability and hospitalization insurance to cover me should I be injured as part of the
Program; I further understand that I am responsible for the costs of such insurance and for the expenses not covered by
this insurance, and I recognize that the College does not have an obligation to provide me with such insurance. Further, I
understand that the College assumes no liability for personal injury, which I may suffer in the course of my internship and I
agree to be responsible for ascertaining whether my internship provides workers compensation coverage for me.

I understand that I am not entitled to Unemployment Compensation benefits upon completion of my internship.

I understand that if I use my personal vehicle to travel to a internship site or as part of my participation in the Program, the
College has no liability for personal injury or property damage that may result from that use. I agree to rely solely on my
personal vehicle insurance coverage.
Return this completed form to:   YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE   Attention:  Academic Success Center   *  
 P. O. Box 68   *   Young Harris, GA 30582
 Last updated 06/03/2019

I further understand that if I use someone else’s vehicle or if I ride in someone else’s vehicle to travel to an internship site
or as part of my participation in the Program, the College has no liability for personal injury or property that may result
from that use. I agree to rely solely on either my personal vehicle insurance or the insurance coverage associated with
the vehicle I am using or riding in. _________ (initials of student)

General Release

As consideration for being permitted by the College to participate in the Program, I hereby agree that I, my assignees,
heirs, distributees, guardians and legal representatives will not make a claim against or sue the College or any of its
officers, trustees, faculty, staff, consultants, employees, agents, representatives, volunteers or affiliated organizations, for
injury or damage resulting from any of their negligence or other acts related to my participation in the Program.

I hereby release the College and its officers, trustees, faculty, staff, consultants, employees, agents, representatives,
volunteers and affiliated organizations, from all actions, claims, or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributees,
guardians and legal representatives now have or may hereafter have for injury or damage arising out of or related to my
participation in the Program.

It is further expressly agreed that the use of any and all facilities, including Internship Site, shall be undertaken by me at
my sole risk and that the College shall not be liable for any and all claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, or causes
or actions, whatsoever to me or to my property arising out of or connected with the Program, whether or not sponsored by
the College. Furthermore, I understand as an intern with an organization, I am not considered an employee of the

Knowing and voluntary execution

I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a
contract between me and the College, and I sign it of my own free will.

_____________________________________ ___________
Signature of Student Date

Print name

Declaration of witness

I certify that _____________________________________ (student’s name) acknowledged in my presence that they have
read and fully understand the meaning and consequences of the foregoing release, and signed it in my presence.

_______________________________________ Executed on_____________________

(Signature of YHC internship coordinator)

Print name

Return this completed form to:   YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE   Attention:  Academic Success Center   *  

 P. O. Box 68   *   Young Harris, GA 30582
 Last updated 06/03/2019

Internship Course Registration Form

Student Name: _______________________________________________________ YHC ID#:
1. Faculty Advisor
The faculty advisor will be the instructor of record for the internship course. They will coordinate
with the student (and site supervisor as appropriate) to ensure that requirements of the
internship and course credit are being fulfilled in a satisfactory manner
Faculty Advisor Signature: ______________________________________ Date:
2. Department Approval
o Internship credit is granted. Amount of credit hours to be received: _____
o Internship credit is not granted.
Department Chair Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date:
3. Course Registration

Course Course Course Name

Dept. Number

This course will:

_______Fulfill degree internship requirement
_______Fulfill an upper level major/minor elective
_______Fulfill general elective

4. Internship Coordinator Acknowledgment

I acknowledge that _________________________________________ has followed the necessary steps to
receive academic credit for an internship in ___________________ (Term) of ___________ (Year).
Academic Success Center: Date:

Registrar’s Record of Student’s Academic Record

After approval and addition of the internship credit is added to the student’s record, Registrar will
forward class registration information to the student, the faculty advisor, and Coordinator of
Career Planning and Internships.
Registrar: _________________________________________________________ Date:

Return this completed form to:   YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE   Attention:  Academic Success Center   *  

 P. O. Box 68   *   Young Harris, GA 30582
 Last updated 06/03/2019

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