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4 Observing grammar structures specific to the English language in short sentences

1.2 Distinguishing words which contain sounds and groups of sounds specific to the English
language in simple and familiar contexts. The words are pronounced slowly, clearly and repeated
several times

1.1 recognizing sounds and groups of sounds specific to the English language, pronounced in
isolation and in words, while listening.

1,3 Understanding the meaning of words in simple sentences while listening

1.9 Using correct grammar structures specific to the English language according to certain
models of simple short sentences in simple and familiar communication context

1,5 Producing certain sounds and groups of sounds specific to the English language in isolation
and in words.

1,12 Recognising words and simple sentences in printed and handwritten text while reading.

1.7 Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, following phonology rules(with appropriate
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups)

1.16 Writing legibly and neatly, respecting the rules of writing capital and lower-case forms of
letters, making adequate spaces between words and organizing a message on a page

1.14 Understanding the meaning of certain words and simple short sentences which describe
people, objects and familiar places while reading

1.13 Identifying the contextual meaning of punctuation marks

1.7 Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, following phonology rules(with appropriate
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups)

1.11 Recognizing letters, groups of letters, syllables in isolation and in words, in printed and
handwritten text while reading.

1.8. Using words and simple short sentences, which contain sounds specific to the English
language, in simple and familiar communication contexts, following models.

1.18 Filling out a certain simple form representing spelling norms specific to the English

2.1 Identifying the meaning of basic formulas of addressing, greeting people and other formulas
of politeness used in simple short messages to establish social contact

3.3 Integrating familiar for students linguistic structures in simple short real life conversation

2.4 Reproducing simple sentences, the formulas of addressing, greeting people and other basic
formulas of politeness to establish social contact in simple communicative situations.
1.9 Using correct grammar structures specific to the English language according to certains
models of simple short sentences in simple and familiar communication contexts

4.1 Identifying while listening and reading certain elements specific to the cultures of the
English speaking countries in the framework of classroom activities.

4.5 comparing certain elements specific to the cultures of the English speaking countries and to
the students own culture

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