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How front-end and back-end relate to presentation and application layerFront-End

and Back-Ends refers to the separation of concerns between the presentation

layer,application layer and database layer as well as in front-tend there is
application and in back-end thereare two layers i.e. application and database
layer. The three different layers of front-end and back-end are described below

Presentation Layer
Presentation layer is known as front-end layer that consists
of user interface and userinterface is graphical that can be accessible through
web browser and web application whichdisplay content and information useful to an
end user. Similarly, this application layer is builtby using web technologies such
as HTML, CSS and JavaScript and can be also built by usingframeworks and
communicate with other layers by using API calls.

Application layer
Application layer contains the functional business logic that
drives the core capabilities of anapplication which is mostly written
in Java, .NET, C #, Python, C++, etc.

Database LayerThe database / data storage system and the data access layer are
part of Database layer andexamples of these systems include MySQL, Oracle,
PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQLServer, etc. and Application layer accesses
data through API calls.

Presentation layer is mostly deployed to the desktop, tablets and phones either
through web browseror through web-based application utilizing a web server as
well as application layer is mostly hostedin cloud or in dedicated workstation
which depend upon the complexity and processing powerrequired by the application.
There are the different benefits of using three-layer architecture such as speed
of development, scalability, performance and availability as well as it also
helps to improvedevelopment efficiency by allowing team to focus on their core

Front-End Technologies
Front- End technology is a part of the website that involves the creation of a
website so that a usercan directly see and interact with it, as well as the
design, behavior and animation ofeverything that we see on the screen when we
open websites, web applications or mobile apps. Inaddition, there are different
technologies of front-end which are described below and I will alsodescribe
some of the frameworks like Angular JS, Knockout JS, and React JS,


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