Class 8TH English

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1. He is an ________ person.
a) honiest b) honest c) honast d) honust
2. The group of plurals:
a) Tooth, b) Tooth, leaf c) Teeth, d) Teeth, leaf
leaves leaves
3. Did you read _______ book that I gave you yesterday.
a) a b) an c) the d) any
4. How many syllables are there in the word “perfect”
a) one b) two c) three d) four
5. Identify the group of abstract noun:
a) Water, b) Soap, c) Friend, d) Pain,
air, light cream, teacher, happiness,
butter book respect
6. The opposite of “front” is
a) Bottom b) far c) Back d) Near
7. Ali is the ____________ intelligent student of the class.
a) Many b) More c) Most d) Much
8. He is ________ than his brother.
a) The wise b) Wise c) Wiser d) Wisest
9. The sentence having an adjective is:
a) This b) He is an c) The bird d) She has
house is intelligent is flying done her
ours. boy. work.
10. The people of __________ throw stones at him.
a) Taif b) Makkah c) Madina d) Jeddah
11. Who is Hazrat jibrael(A.S)
a) A priest b) An angel c) A pious d) A prophet
of man
12. Where had Qasam gone?
a) dubai b) Qatar c) Iraq d) Saudia
13. Qasam is not worried so much about:
a) Science b) English c) Maths d) Social
14. The opposite of “ TOUGH” is
a) Plain b) easy c) hard d) rough
15. Here “Hot and copper” means
a) Winter b) Too cold c) Copper d) Too hot
season metal and red in
16. The word MOTION refers to:
a) Movement b) Move c) Breeze d) Air
17. Everybody ________ for the sun to shine in winter.
a) waiting b) Will c) Was wait d) Waits
18. She is __________ her hairs.
a) combs b) combing c) have d) will comb
19. the name of a person is called:
a) verb b) noun c) pronoun d) adjective
20. she visited her friend ____________ lived in Islamabad.
a) who b) that c) she d) which
21. The correct passive voice sentence is
a) He drinks b) He is c) Who will d) Milk is
milk. drunk by drink milk. drunk by
milk. him.
22. The correct indirect narration of the sentence:
a) He said, “I b) He said c) He said d) He said
write a that he that he that I
book.” writes a wrote a wrote a
book. book book.
23. I want ____________ milk.
a) some b) any c) not d) don’t
24. we are going to have __________ I.D caed tomorrow.
a) a b) an c) the d) and
25. Magician is a person who:
a) Makes b) Run fast c) Shows d) Makes
houses tricks speeches
26. AUDIENCE is a:
a) Proper b) Material c) Collective d) Abstract
noun noun noun noun
27. I can do it ___________
a) myself b) yourself c) herself d) himself
28. Black sweater looks ____________ beautiful than white ones.
a) A lot of b) much c) the most d) more
29. we have been meeting ___________ a long time.
a) from b) since c) for d) till
30. There was ________ milk in the jug.
a) any b) more c) most d) some
31. I did not like the food you _________ yesterday.
a) cooked b) cooks c) cook d) cooking
32. He is showing is empty ___________.
a) box b) hat c) pocket d) bug
33. Aslam will bring ___________ in the exhibition.
a) coins b) pictures c) seashells d) post cards
34. Who is the model of tolerance?
a) The b) Hazrat c) Abu d) Hazra
Rasool(SAW Ayesh sufiya t Abu
) a n Bakar
35. The Rasool (SAW) never ___________ ill for anyone.
a) accepted b) wished c) supported d) favored
Q NO 1: Write an essay on “AN IDEAL STUDENT”
Q NO 2: Write an application to the headmistress for school leaving
Q NO 3: Write a letter to your brother congratulating him on his
Q NO 4: Write a story using moral “UNION IS STRENGTH”
Q NO 5: Write a dialogue of ten lines between two friends discussing
about favorite cricket player.
Q NO 6 Translate into English‫۔‬
‫کتا نہیں بھونکتا ہے‬
‫کیا وہ سگریٹ بیتے ہیں؟‬
‫میں سوال نقل نہیں کر رہا ہوں‬
‫کیا آپ نے بچھو دیکھا ہے؟‬
‫وہ نہا چکے ہیں‬
‫وہ کي دن سے مجھ بر مہربان ہے‬
‫کیا وہ بچبن سے الہور میں رہتا ہے؟‬
‫خرگوش جنگل میں غایب ہو گیا‬
‫کیا میں نے آپ کو دکھ دیا ہے؟‬
‫وہ ایک میٹھا سیب کھا رہا تھا‬
‫کیا مداری ایک گھنٹے سے کرتب دکھا رہا تھا؟‬
‫میں تاش کھیلوں گا‬
‫کیا موسال دھار بارش ہو رہی ہو گی؟‬
‫کیا رشیدہ چار گھنٹے سےاپنی انگلش کی کتاب پڑد رہی ہو گی؟‬
‫کیا ذاکٹر دو ہفتوں سےمریض کا عالج نہیں کر رہا تھا؟‬

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