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How to build a 7 Figure Agency by becoming the

Authority in your Niche

Choose A Niche
Establish Your Authority
 Put together your keynote presentation for that niche
 Record a video version of your Presentation
 Take the concepts from that presentation and create your “How to Guide for
marketing your niche”
 Setup your niche specific website
 Setup a lead capture mechanism on your site (Infusionsoft, AWeber, etc)
where prospects can download your guide
 Setup your follow up sequence for those download leads
 Get your first case study / testimonial (You need at least on avid fan that will
speak up on your behalf in that niche)
 Join the association(s) within your niche
 Write & publish your book
Put together your marketing strategy
o Use the great content from your presentation & guide as pages &
o Split up the video recording of your keynote into clips & upload to
YouTube & embed on your website
 eMail Marketing – Get a list of 1,000 or more prospects in your niche & email
them about your services
 Associations – Research the associations in your niche & exhibit at their
events (local & national).
 Speaking – Work the associations for speaking opportunities (Mail your book
with a description of your training and why it will benefit members)
 Strategic Cold Calling – Call association members and invite them to your
upcoming webinar (automated the webinar if possible)
 Direct Mail – Put together your 3 part mailing campaign and start mailing

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