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James Earl Catingan

Mary Mishael Escuadro

Ariel Taer


November 23, 2018


Kaayuhan: A Proposed Health Care Center for the Elderly in Cebu City


Elderlies play a vital role in society. They have once helped shape the society to what it is today.
Also, it is undeniably evident that with the advancement of science and technology comes the
demographic increase of elderlies within a community. Cebu City has indeed various health centers
however we cannot avoid the fact that the welfare of the elderlies has been slowly neglected. Other
healths facilities tend not prioritize on the elderlies. To address this issue, a health care center should be
proposed intended for the elderlies. The aim of this proposal is to meet the demands of the increasing
population and health welfare of elderlies within the city. The proposal will concentrate on the
development and facilities intended for elderlies and give the spaces required for their benefit. This
proposal aims to provide a user friendly and sustainable development considering other areas of


Growing old is inevitable. As much as families want to personally take care of the elders in their
home, elderlies does not receive proper care for most of the family members are either at school or at
work thus resulting to malnutrition and illnesses for the old people. Here come the health centers. Health
care centers will provide the elderlies the needed care and attention. Also, designing buildings to better
accommodate the elders will help create communities to be more socially connected and accessible.


Cebu City will be the based location for the proposal. The researchers will undergo a site
selection process within the city. Criteria will be made that lists the characteristics appropriate for the use
and function for the intended proposal.

The facility will be equipped and installed with technologies that could be of help with the welfare
and health of the patients and relevant to the proposal. Building systems such as electrical, mechanical,
sanitary, plumbing, security and others will be designed with outmost consideration to the elderlies.


The chosen site should consider the sensitivity of the target users. Elderlies are sensitive to
noises and the environment. They should be avoided to stress-related environments. The site chosen
should not be situated in a place where there is constant noise and irritably environment. It should be in
place that will not also make the elderlies comfortable but also requires easy accessibility to the outside in
terms of roads. Other disciplines such as sociology, psychology and other relevant disciplines will be
explored to gain better understanding and formulate architectural solutions to the underlying issues.


“The Frail Elderly: Problems, Needs, and Community Responses”, Carole Cox, 1193, Auburn
House Paperback

“Care for Frail Elders: Developing Community Solutions”,Walter N. Leutz; John A. Capitman,
Margaret MacAdam, Ruby Abrahams, 1992, Auburn House

“Concerns of the Elderly of the Philipppines”, Clarita R. Carlos, Ph.D, 1999


Researcher James Earl Catingan is residing in Upper Tabok, Mandaue, Cebu City and is born on
April 23, 1998.

Researcher Mary Mishael Escuadro is the second eldest of a family of seven including the
parents and is residing in Bitoon, Dumanjug, Cebu but currently boarding in Fatima St. Cebu City.
Escuadro has a special case of speech condition wherein she has cleft palate.

Researcher Arial Taer is the fourth child of their family and is residing in Pardo, Cebu City. Taer is
born on June 10, 1998.

All researchers of the said thesis are both 4th year students taking Bachelor of Science in
Architecture in Cebu Institute of Technology University at N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City. None of whom
are working scholars or of the sort. None are working and are full time students only. Aside from one of
the researchers having a speech condition which has little effect on the process of gathering data or in
making the thesis, all are healthy and are capable of doing the research.

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