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DATE: January 9, 2019 CONTACT: Bertha Holliday (2O2) 497-3996

Zach Sherif (917) 334-1488
Myra Dandridge (202], 675-1786

Bloomingdale Civic Association to Reveal Highly Awaited Architectural Designs for North
Capitol Promenade Project

Proposed Project Envisions Credtion of o Deck Over North Cdpitol Strcet in Elfort to Bring
Together Multiple Area Neighborhoods

Woshington, DC - The m uch-anticipated architectural renderings of the proposed North Capitol

Promenade deck-over will be unveiled during the project's third open community forum at St.
Martin's Catholic Church on Saturday, January 25. The project, directed by designer Zach Sherif,
is part of the Bloomingdale Civic Association's (BCA) Bloomingdale Village Square (BVS)
lnitiative. ln partnership with North Capitol Main Street, the deck-over project will help to
reconnect residents and businesses of the abutting neighborhoods of Bloomingdale, Eckington,
Edgewood, Stronghold and Bates/Truxton Circle by creating a neighborhood park. (Please lind
dttached a copy of one of the project's drchitecturol drowings.)

Developed by Chris Somma of ZGF Architects LLP, the design details a deck-over that will cover
a throughway submerged portion of North Capitol Street and create a surface-level park that
will reconnect the east and west sides of North Capitol Street. The park will extend from
approximately V Street to Seaton Place and will feature history timelines of abutting
neighborhoods, an amphitheater, a children's water feature, a streetcar caf6, a Capitol dome
overlook and other proposed amenities.

"The once elegant North Capitol Street was turned into a semi-highway to facilitate suburban
commuting in the 1950's. The submerged highway sections divided residents and tore apart the
fabric and connectivity of the surrounding neighborhoods," stated Paul Cerruti, BVS historian.

The open forum will give attendees an opportunity to learn more about the project, provide
feedback on desired park amenities, and comment on the park's architectural designs.

"The Bloomingdale Village Square seeks to ensure a diverse, multicultural/multiracial, inclusive

neighborhood through use of neighborhood history, architecture and design and civic
engagement," noted Bertha Holliday, community psychologist and co-chair of the BVS initiative.
'The North Capitol deck-over project will incorporate all three elements and be intentionally
welcoming to all."

Forum attendees will also be briefed on deck-over advocacy efforts that will be targeted to
inform and seek support for deck-over funding from DC government officials. Attendees can
also sign up to volunteer for this effort. Last year, Ward 5 Councilman Kenyon McDuffie
proposed S4O million be placed in the DC budget for the deck-over, and has indicated a
willingness to include a similar proposal in his Ward 5 DC budget proposal tor FY27.
Representatives of the civic associations of abutting neighborhoods will also be encouraged to
serve on the project's advisory steering committee.

The January 25 forum will take place from 2 - 4 pm at St. Martin's Catholic Church (Pioneer
Room), located at 7 T Street, NW (corner of North Capitol and T Streets, NW). The press is
welcome to attend.

For more information on the forum or the North Capitol Promenade Project, please contact
Zach Sherif (917) 334-1488, Bertha Holiday (2OZl 491-3996, Myra Dandridge (2O2) 675-1786 or


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