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Changes at Adventist Today
Keith Colburn, Secretary{freasllter
Raymond Cottrell

Donna Evans
Gary Fraser, Advisory Council hope that you like the new look of AT! For the cover, we sought a cleaner design. Inside, we
Chairperson are striving for a more readable, lively format. Colleen Moore Tinker and Richard Tinker are
John Jones doing the production and design beginning with the present issue.
Jim Kaatz
Ervin Taylor, Chair At the Adventist Today quarterly board meeting in September, several significant actions were taken
James Walters to make our fledgling publication stronger.

I suggested to the board that it is time to divide up the administrative and editorial responsibilities
ADVISORY COUNCIL that I have been carrying during our formative I8 months-one can carry multiple responsibilities for
Jo & Ken Abbott only so long.
Gary & Jeanne Bogle
Antonius & Lilia Brandon New board leadership. At the beginning of any effort, enthusiasm and long hours can substitute for
Todd Burley formal organization. But as we move to a long-term, sustained publication, there is a need for more
Charlotte & John Cassell deliberate and mature organizational planning. Therefore, the board invited Ervin Taylor, who has
Judy & Keith Colburn served as secretary/treasurer, to immediately take over the role of chair. Taylor accepted the invita-
James & Kathryn Dexter tion. I will continue to serve as a board member but will concentrate my energies toward the editorial
Donna Evans side, with Taylor focusing on the day-to-day administration, magazine promotion, and financial devel-
Douglas Ewing opment. Keith Colburn will assume the position of secretary/treasurer.
Beverly & Donald Farley
Gary & Sharon Fraser The board voted developinent director Dean Kinsey a special stipend for a major push to get Adventist
Annette & Gary Frykman Today well funded for the long haul. The development plan involves a push for new subscriptions, the
Richard Green launching of an endowment fund, and a large phonathon.
Kathi & Richard Guth
Jackie & Jim Henneberg Editorial staff changes. Delwin Finch, our able managing editor, will be taking a church as solo pas-
Dennis & Jolene Hilliard tor and has resigned. We wish him well! Cherie Rouse, who has served well as copy editor and assis-
Susan & Wayne Jacobsen tant editor will assume the role of managing editor. Joining her as assistant editors are Jim Stirling
John & Judy Jacobson and Cheri Lynn Gregory. Jim has recently served as copy editor and will continue to rescue us from
Elton & Marga Kerr errors great and small. Cheri is a twentysomething mother of two preschoolers who wrote her first
Janis and Richard Larsen book at age 12!
Florence & Ken Lorenz
Don & Penny Miller Steve Daily, chaplain at La Sierra University, is joining AT as an editorial advisor, and Larry
Rick Murray Downing, pastor at the Anaheim Adventist church, is joining us as an editorial consultant. I will
Thaine & Wanda Price assume the title of executive editor. As editor, Ray Cottrell will continue giving overall direction.
Gary & Ruthe-Marina Raines
Judith Rausch We think these changes will make Adventist Today a stronger and more mature publication. As we
Joyce & Phil Reisweig grow, we hope you will send us your comments and suggestions.
Gordon & Judy Rick
Missy & Richard Rouhe
Cherie & Glenn Rouse
Don & Ursula Shasky Jim Walters
James & Maryan Stirling
Ervin & Marilynn Taylor
Bob & Karen Torrey Jim Walters, teaches ethics at
John & Nancy Yogt
Loma Linda University. In his
personal time, he helps teach a
David Yan Putten
Sabbath School class. He also
James & Priscilla Walters
hikes amfback-packs with his
Betty & James Webster teen-age daughters and plays
Stephanie & TIm Welebir tennis.

2 November-December 1994 Adventi.\[ Today



6 Sanctuary in the Year 2000 Glen Greenwalt

9 Sweet in Our Mouths and Bitter in Our Bellies Maryan Stirling

Glen Greenwalt 6
10 Sanctuary of Hope: A Response to Glen Greenwalt Roy Gane

11 The 1919 Bible Conference: An Excerpt From the Debate About Ellen White

13 Ellen White: 75 More Years of Role Confusion Bert B. Haloviak

16 A Maturing Church at 150 Years James Walters

CREATIONISM Bert B. Haloviak 13

17 The Search for Alternative Solutions Clyde L. Webster, Jr.

19 Science Faculty Vary in Views on Creationism Floyd Petersen

20 Before Adam Ervin Taylor

24 Adventist Creationism
Clyde 1. Webster, Jr. 17
25 Holmes' Iceberg
25 Gregery's Good News, Bad News

4 Annual Council Moves Toward Ordination of Women Skye Bartlett and Barry L. Casey
21 Administration Seeks Greater Control
28 LLO Explores B.S. Program
28 Swiss/Canadian Cultists

27 Thanksdoing Bonnie L. Casey
Bonnie 1. Casey 27

EDITORIAL ADVISOR: Frank Knittel, La Sierra University

Unsolicited submissions are POSTMASTER
Steve Daily Andy Nash, Andrews Unitmiry encouraged. Payment is competi, Send address changes to:
DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT: Beatrice Neall, Union College tive. Send a self-addressed Adventist Today, P.O. Box 1220
Vol. 2, No.6 Dean Kinsey Joel Sandefur, La Sierra Unilmiry stcllnped envelope for writers' Loma Linda, CA 92354-1220
November/December 1994 OFFICE MANAGER: Lynn Sauls, Southern Colkge guidelines. Telephone-(909) 824-2780
Hanan Sadek Larry Downing, Anaheim Ad"enri"Church, CA
Fax-(909) 824-3880
Annual subscriptions:
EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Richard Tinker Published bimonthly, Adventist
James Walters $18 for individuals
Colleen Moore Tinker uxla)' rcp()rts on clmtctnlx)rary
MANAGING EDITOH: EDITORIAL CONSULTANTS: issues of importance to Adventist $12 for students Copyright @1994 by
Cherie Rouse Antonius BranJon, Loma Linda Universit), church members. Following basic $29 for institutions Adventist Today Foundation, a
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Barry Casey, Columbia Union Colkge principles of ethics and canons of nonpnlit organization dedicated
Cheri Lynn Gregory Glenn Coe, South \lJind.,or,Cmmecricur journalism, this puhlication strives Add $10 for addresses outside to fostering open dialogue in the
James H. Stirling Donna Evans, Cmcade Christian Academy for fairness, candor, and good taste. North America. Adventist community. ~

Adventist TiJday November-December 1994 3

Annual Council Moves Toward
Ordination of Women
by Skye Bartlett and
Barry L. Casey C alled by God, yet restricted by stereo-
typical views held by fellow believers,
Adventist women have for a number
of years asked the Seventh-day Adventist Church
to ordain women as well as men to the gospel min-
called by God to enter the ministry should be rec-
ognized, regardless of who that person is." The
commissioning service has been seen by many to
be a half-hearted response to the pressing need for
ordination. Habada notes that "a person called by
istry. The recent Annual Council meetings took up God to be a minister should be ordained and not
the question with the full backing and support of commissioned." Charles Scriven, president of
key General Conference leaders. As a result of Columbia Union College, has stated that the

"T careful planning and some adroit maneuvering, the

stage has been set for a decision at the upcoming
church must either "die or defy" the present direc-
tive regarding the ordination of women.
l.he commis~ General Conference session in Utrecht, Holland, The increasing support among both administra-
in July 1995, that would permit the North tors and laity for the ordination of women brought
sioning service has
American Division to ordain women. the issue last month to the agenda of the 19941
In 1990 the General Conference session in Annual Council Session in Washington. At the
been seen by many
Indianapolis debated the topic of ordaining behest of Robert Folkenberg, president of the
women, but cast a negative vote. The meetings, General Conference, and Al McClure, president of
to be a half~heart~
however, did introduce a way that women pastors the North American Division, a proposal was
could be recognized by their congregations in a introduced to vest each division with the ability to
ed response to the
substitute for the ordination service. A determine its criteria for ordination, thus permit-
"Commissioning Service" for women in ministry in ting any division to disregard gender as a criterion
pressing need for
the North American Division was developed for qualification.
which gives the candidate authorization to perform Elder Philip Follett, vice president of the
ordination. "
baptisms and marriages, and to receive a financial General Conference, views this as an opportunity
package, including benefits. These two ministerial for reconsidering ordination in a new context:
functions are equivalent to those performed by an "This issue ought to be addressed again," he says,
ordained clergyperson, and they provide women "as it is appropriate in the context of different divi-
and others presently ineligible for ordination some sions' needs."
recognition of their ministerial responsibilities. One conference president who has been open to
The 1990 action was perceived as a stopgap ordination of women in the Adventist church
measure by those in sup- believes that Folkenberg and McClure were mas-
Skye Bartlett is a first-yearjour- port of the ordination of terful in shepherding the issue through the North
nalism major at Columbia Union women, while those who American Division session and then through the
College. viewed it as abandoning Annual Council. When it appeared that the
the scriptural interpreta- atmosphere on Wednesday, October 5, was not
tion of the Seventh-day conducive to success, they delayed action until
Adventist Church were Sunday. With Calvin Rock, one of the vice presi-
pleased that the request for dents of the General Conference, presiding at the
full ordination was denied. Sunday session, the pieces began to fall into place.
Pat Habada, Curriculum Rock read a statement of his own and then intro-
Barry L. Casey is chair of the Specialist for the duced McClure, who gave a masterful speech to
Division of Arts and Department of Church fellow division presidents. "We in North American
Communication at Columbia Ministries at the General have a problem," McClure said, "that concerns
Union College, and associate Conference and a long- equality with regard to women in ministry."
professorof communication, time leader of T.E.A.M., a Reaching back to the Mohaven Conference,
journalism, and philosophy.
lay organization working McClure reminded the delegates that in the inter-
for equality for women in im the ordaining of women as local elders had not
ministry, says, "A person ruined conferences, unions, and divisions. Stressing

4 November- December 1994 Adventist Today

that the problem concerned the North American lished policies. In addition, where circum-
Division, not just a local conference, McClure stances and practice do not render it inad-
appealed to fellow division presidents around the visable, a division may authorize the ordi-
world. "You've had problems in your divisions and nation of qualified individuals without
regard to gender. (GC L 45)
we helped you," he said. "Now we have a problem
and we need your help." Rock then opened the
A major issue to many church administrators
meeting up for speeches in support of, or against,
and members is maintaining unity throughout the
the proposal.
world divisions. Allowing each division the oppor-
Penny Miller, the chair of Southeastern
tunity to determine its own criteria may lead to
California Conference's Gender Inclusiveness
more diversity. Some ask whether the church can
Commission, and an observer at the Annual
allow for this much variety in adhering to ordina-
Council, noted that in two hours 23 speeches were
tion criteria.
given by delegates, most of them positive on the
Phil Follett recognizes that the time is right for
measure. "It feels like they're with us on this
moving ahead with the issue, but is also concerned
point," she says. Whether the delegates and divi-
to preserve church unity. "The church truly needs
sion presidents were acting on personal conviction
to settle this issue to move on in a way that will
or were finding it politically expedient to get on
reflect the church's respect for all people, but also
the bandwagon is debatable. A suggestion by
preserve the identity and unity of the world
Robert Folkenberg that the session be videotaped
church. I personally hope," he says, "that the
was flatly refused and the cameras were removed.
preservation of church harmony will be considered
Miller was disappointed. "They could have made
in making this decision."
such a wonderful video," she says, "that could have
Gary Patterson, field secretary of the General
gone out all over the world. So much that was
Conference, viewed the North American Division
good was said."
While the vote for support was overwhelmingly
positive, no one is discounting the struggle ahead.
"We have a tremendous job of education before
Utrecht," says Lynn Mallery, president of the
Southeastern California Conference and a leader
in promoting women's ordination. Nevertheless,
the backing of key regions such as the Inter- "rr
American Division is cheering to those who sup-
ported the measure through to the vote. "I would-
1.he North American Division took a giant
n't have thought these things [were possible) a year
ago," says McClure.
step forward for womankind in placing this
Pat Habada was impressed with the way in
which the issue was presented and believes that
request positively,"
this is the first time since 1973 that the request for
ordination has been verbalized in a positive tone.
"The North American Division took a giant step
session as showing surprisingly overwhelming sup-
forward for womankind in placing this request pos-
port for the ordination of women and stated that
itively," she says. She asserts, as do many other
the argument against women's ordination on the
concerned observers, that women should be
basis of creating disunity "is blown out of propor-
affirmed in their service to God through the full
tion," and such a policy "will create disunity only
rite of ordination. Many believe that when inter-
if people are determined to create disunity."
preted and applied properly, the Scriptures teach
Ultimately, the criteria included within the
the full partnership of men and women in the
ordination process must be assessed, so that the
identity and unity of the Adventist church world-
The final vote of the Annual Council for 1994
wide is maintained. By being indecisive the church
was to channel the matter to the General
is becoming divisive. Whatever the decision made
Conference session in Utrecht. The full recom-
at the General Conference Session, it will affect
mendation, as passed, reads:
the good of the church worldwide. But if the ordi-
The GC vests in each division the right nation of women is approved, Pat Habada speaks
to authorize the ordination of individuals for many when she states that "when a woman is
within its territory in harmony with estab- ordained I want to be there." ~

Adventist 1(Jcia)' November-December 1994 5

In the Year

W e as Adventists must be excused if

we approach the l50th anniver-
sary of our origins with a certain
amount of fear and perplexity. Longevity is not
something for us to celebrate. In song and story,
by Glen Greenwalt
future? Adventists have yet to systematically
address this question. My own re-visionment was
prompted, interestingly, by Harold Bloom's best-
selling book The American Religion. Bloom holds
open the door, if only a crack, for a genuine
we've reminded ourselves that the world is not our Adventist contribution to the social and religious
home-that Jesus is coming soon, very soon. As a world, and he does this by calling Adventism back
result, the most troubling question facing to its prophetic roots. Bloom is highly critical of
Adventists today is not whether Adventism can
survive. The real question is whether a movement
based on the soon rerum of Jesus has any reason
to survive as long as we have. To remember our
"L . 'berals, in
the voices within Adventism who, wittingly or
not, would turn Adventism into another liberal,
mainline-Protestant denomination. According to
Bloom, the prophetic vision that gave rise to
past reminds us that we live beyond the security of
their quest for the
Adventism will wither and die if it is absorbed
our own charts and timetables. On the other into the desert of middle-class morality. Bloom,
hand, to plan for the future casts doubts on our
present truth of
like Schleiermacher, insists that religion is more
belief in the soon coming of Jesus. This central than ethics. Bloom predicts that either Adventism
dilemma threatens our very identity as
Adventism, tend to
will return to Ellen White and recover her vision
"Adventists." of a prophetic people, or "it will vanish from
The conservative and liberal boundaries of
overlook the rele-
among us except as a vast medical legacy."
Adventism are defined by this dilemma. For con- Ironically, Bloom insists on defining Adventism
servatives, the celebration of 150 years of
vance of
by the very event that a growing number of
Adventist heritage recalls the fulfillment of the Adventists wish quietly to forget, namely, the dis-
time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation in the
Adventism's past."
appointment of 1844 and the theology construct-
life of the church. Yet a prophetic date 150 years ed to explain it. For Bloom the essence of
old is hardly present truth. On the other hand, Adventism must be traced to the experience of
liberals, in their quest for the present truth of disappointment. The pain of disappointment
Adventism, tend to overlook the relevance of demanded some supernatural evidence of consola-
Adventism's past. Without a past, however, we tion, and there were only Ellen White's visions to
have no criteria for measuring new truth, and our provide that. While Ellen White lacked the reli-
future direction is left to fate, to caprice. gion-making imagination of Joseph Smith, some-
How are we to go beyond this dilemma in our thing else "stubborn and complex" took its place.
celebration of our past and (Jur anticipation of our You might call it Ellen White's "desperate will-to-
health," a "quest for survival" amidst every kind of
disappointment, secular or spiritual. It is the exer-
Glen Greenwalt, Walla Walla College theology professor,
recently read a paper in Switzerlandon sanctuary.He is cise of this will, visible still among Adventists
writing on "Creation as Dance" for the book Why I Believe around the world, that gives reason for Adventists'
in a Creator, containing contributions from theology,sci- continuing existence as a resource of religious
ence, and the arts. vitality in the world. Adventists are people who

6 November-December 1994 Adventist Today

found in Ellen White the prophetic resources that prophetic witness against our contemporary
sustained them. America, then it would be to some purpose; but
On this reading, Adventism is a message for they have ceased to see it as a criticism of
disappointed people. Its theology not only assured American life in terms of real injustices and
the disappointed that God had not abandoned amoralities. AIDS, crack, and homelessness are
them, it catapulted them to the center of the not cleansed by Christ, despite the Adventists'
divine plan. This is the reason why dates and time abiding concern for their own health, and to some
charts have so captivated the Adventist psyche. degree, for the health of the nation.
As Bloom points out, Adventists, for all of their The challenge Bloom poses for Adventism to
time charts, are not really interested in dates or succeed is so daunting, one wonders if he made it
even the patterns of chronology, for that matter. in jest. For Adventism not to vanish from among
Definite numbers are an amazing comfort to mil- us except as a vast medical legacy it must (a)
lenarians; numbers convey illusions of power and recover Ellen White's version of the prophetic
knowledge that shield believers against the capri- spirit, (b) move beyond literalization of the rituals
cious turns of fortune. Unlike others, Adventists of Leviticus, which according to Bloom makes
"know" God's will. Through the visions of Ellen Adventist doctrine the most convoluted of
White, we have followed Jesus into the inner American faiths, (c) provide real resolutions to
sanctum of God's sanctuary, where God's most real injustices and amoralities, and (d) supposedly
secret plans have been made known to us. remain a coherent organized body throughout all
Bloom appreciates the fact that disappointed
people require attention, even if it is negative.
There is no shame in this. It is a law of life. Still,
"B loom raises
of this. Would this be possible?

A Prophetic/Social Vision of Adventism

Bloom finds something "dangerously unamiable" the specter of the Long before I read Bloom, I concluded on my
in the Adventists' rationale of their disappoint- own that a revision of Adventism along the lines
ment. Although Ellen White was a kind and gen- dark psychological he suggested is not only possible but is implicit in
tle person, her diction, according to Bloom, was the texts of Leviticus from which we Adventists
that of "a Maine lawyer's office." Jesus had not consequences have derived our self-understanding. The claim I
returned to rescue his forlorn followers in 1844 as make in my own re-visioning of the Adventist
expected, but had rather entered the Holy of sanctuary doctrine story is that 1844 represents a prophetic fulfill-
Holies up in heaven as the "Great Accountant." ment of a pattern of presence/defilement/restora-
Since 1844, Jesus Christ has been at work in the has 1uu1for tion that has existed from the moment God first
heavenly sanctuary blotting out sin, which, made a covenant to dwell with his people. On this
according to Bloom, turns out to mean something Adventists, espe, reading, Adventists need not appeal to cabalistic
very different from forgiving sin. Rather than numerology to demonstrate their place in the
removing sin from the universe, or even relieving cially their chil, divine plan-they can appeal directly to the pages
the consequences for those who suffer under sin of history. Moreover, this vision brings the
and evil, Christ is in heaven transferring sin onto dren." prophetic and the social dimensions of Adventism
the head of Satan, the universal scapegoat. into a united whole.
Eventually Christ will descend again to earth, as it
was initially hoped he would do on October 22, Presence
1844. Whatever else the sanctuary may have meant
In this disquieting misreading of Adventism, to the ancient Hebrews, Leviticus 26: 11 says that
Bloom raises the specter of the dark psychological a sanctuary is a place where God dwells among his
consequences sanctuary doctrine has had for people. It is a place of divine presence. It is the
Adventists, especially their children. A "Satanic tendency of Western theology in general and
scapegoating," Bloom warns, can lead to horrid Adventism in particular to separate heaven and
figurations. Examples are: parents teaching chil- earth. This is not biblical. If human beings are on
dren that failure to keep the seventh-day Sabbath earth, God is in their midst. If God is in heaven,
will bring upon them the mark of the beast, or human beings sit on heavenly thrones (Eph 1, 2;
that attendance at a theater leaves one a captive Heb 4:16; Rev 5). That is the biblical logic of
of Satan. sanctuary. Earth and heaven are mirrored. The
There is, according to Bloom, another path transcendence of a sanctuary is never of separation
Adventists might yet take, if only they were not and distance, as if the business of the church and
engaged in such a maddening literalization of the God are separate. The work of heaven and the
rituals of Leviticus. If Adventists were to employ work of the earth are one.
their vision of the cleansing of the sanctuary as a As such, the biblical world, with its celebration

Adventist Today November-December 1994 7

of divine presence, stands in sharp contrast to the Lewis, perhaps more than any other Christian
secular world, where people find themselves cut writer, sought to recover the wild in his Narnia
off from meaning at every hand. Formerly, people series, where he identified Christ with AsIan, a lion
possessed some founding belief, or myth, or story not really tame. The wild of which I speak is what
that provided meaning and direction to their lives. one writer has described as a great beauty that goes
Today, however, we live in a world marked by rad- beyond the predictability of a machine. The wild
ical fragmentation. Large numbers of people, espe- animal, especially one on the search, alert and free,
cially the young, have given up the quest for deep, moves with an agility that chance and law alone
internal continuity and meaning in their lives. cannot describe. To be attuned to the wild is to be
A re-visioned story of the sanctuary would in harmony with the Word beneath the waters; it is
recall a more feminine perception of God-a God to hear the Singing that called forth the stars and
who is not finally lost in abstraction, but One sets our steps to dancing; it is to respond to the
whose transcendence is encountered by our enter- Voice that speaks to us out of the silence. Above all
ing through the veil into the depth and profundity else, then, to know the wild is to be reminded of a
of the divine presence in the midst of our very sacral power greater than ourselves-a power that
world. As Adventists we have learned the value of pulsates and gives meaning to all of life. Without
sacred time. Now we must learn the value of sacred such recognition, our own reckless use of power
places. Israel's sanctuary reminds us of the reason threatens not only the spotted owl, or children
why a wilderness needs more than the Sierra Club sighted in the cross-hairs of a sniper's scope, but life
itself on this planet.

Secondly, the sanctuary doctrine of Leviticus

"1 t is the tendency of Western theology in general and

speaks not only of presence, but also of defilement
and judgment. The judgment, however, is not that
of indictment, but forced withdrawal. According
to Leviticus 26:31 and following verses, God can-
Adventism in particular to separate heaven and earth. not abide in a polluted sanctuary. To be sure God
remains as long as he can, but there comes a time
This is not biblical." when God is forced to abandon his sanctuary and
leave it desolate. Not even God can live in a pol-
luted environment forever. Just as surely as toxic
to survive, why a church is always more than a waste forced the evacuation of Love Canal, so too
soup kitchen, and why care always entails more murder, idolatry, greed, oppression of the poor,
than universal medical insurance. Only when the lust, and infidelity forced God to abandon his
sacred dwells in a place is it really a sanctuary. The dwelling in Israel. As the renowned Old
unholy alliance of ownership, consumption, and Testament scholar, Jacob Milgrom, notes in the
domination that controls secular society is no acci- April, 1993, issue of Bible Review, the primary
dent. Humanism pushed to its conclusion results in function of the blood sacrifices of the ancient ser-
an anonymous world constructed in the image of vice was not to cleanse the worshipper but the
our own isolated, harried selves. sanctuary. As Adventists have long taught, sin
Here, the modern city, with its stupefying same- inevitably defiles God's meeting place with human
ness and its mechanical destruction of all that was beings. A sin committed anywhere will generate
once alive and wild, is the ultimate symbol of this impurity that penetrates the sanctuary in propor-
progressive desacralization of the world. A church, tion to its magnitude. Involuntary personal sin
in the midst of whom God made his dwelling, reaches the courtyard; involuntary communal sin,
would become not only a refuge to the oppressed, the Holy Place; and brazen unrepented offense
the hurting, and the disappointed, but it would be reaches as far as the innermost Holiest of Places.
a reminder of the Wildness at the center of things. How, then, would the old priests see our
Now admittedly, any real memory of the wild is world today? Milgrom has little doubt of the
almost totally lost in our world today. In the secular answer. Certainly, they could easily label the physi-
world, something of the memory remains in our cal pollution of the earth. Oil spills, acid rain, strip
attempts to preserve remote areas of "wilderness." mining, ozone depletion, nuclear waste are evident
In the Christian world, memories of the wild are everywhere. But even more to the point, according
kept alive almost solely in circles of artists and writ- to Milgrom, they would be aghast at the moral pol-
ers who cross over the borders of orthodoxy. C. S. lution of the earth: the brazen slaughter of thou-

8 November.December 1994 Adventist 1()day

sands in Bosnia, Somalia, Sudan, Timor, Armenia, ecological and political sanctuaries are easy targets
Angola-millions dying of hunger, while the free for chain saws and political ambitions.
world, involuntary moral sinners silently observe Does Adventism have a right to survive?
the carnage, and with a vague guile and impo- Certainly, if we are a sanctuary of divine dwelling
tence, change the channel. How long before God in the midst of a troubled world. Without question
abandons his earthly sanctuary?

Fortunately, for us the explanation of the sanc-
tuary in Leviticus does not end on a note of pes-
simism (Lev 26:42 and following). The polluting
"D oes Adventism have a right to survive?"
effects of sin are dutifully recorded, but a promise
of restoration is also kept alive. God will shame-
lessly seek out Israel even after she is abandoned by this would mean that the church would become a
all others and will again dwell with her. At that refuge for all God's creatures great and small. A
moment the entire cosmos becomes a dance of cel- place where the hurting, the marginalized, the dis-
ebration. Rivers flow in the wilderness. The vine appointed could find safety. A place where people
and the field flourish. Justice is reestablished. And, could openly express anger and fear and doubt, and
there is no hurt in all of God's holy mountain for even heresy--{)therwise the church will always
God again tabernacles with his people. remain a court of law rather than a place of safety.
Here the visions of contemporary ecological But for the Divine to dwell in our midst would
and political prophets don't hold a candle to the mean far more than this. It would mean that the
wonder evoked by their ancient mentors. Modern church is the place where magic books are opened
visions are darkly pessimistic. They are not apoca- and young men and young women see visions, and
lypses of hope. Trees are commodities of com- old men and women dream dreams that come alive.
merce, and the death of a child is the factored cost It would be a church that frees the imagination and
of waging war. Only the divine presence can cre- inflames great passions. Only in such a church can
ate a peaceable kingdom. Without a sense of the the human soul find sanctuary. Only in such a
sacred at the very center of things, modern-day church can the divine dwell. ~

potential for generating bitterness. Bitter con- nightmares with judgment-terrors.

Sweet in Our Mouths flict. Bitter pain. The verses in Daniel 8 that set us up for dis-
and Bitter in Our Bellies Those dear farmers and tradesmen proof- appointment in 1844 also took us to Glacier
texted themselves into thinking they knew more View in 1980. At issue was how the sweetlbitter
hy Maryan Stirling than had been revealed. It was a tlawed method book ought to be understood. Maybe it always
of Bible study that brought the bitter disappoint- will be sweet in our mouth and bitter in the

"' "1 7 e've been a church with a bitter belly

ment in 1844. Jesus didn't come. And the digestive process. If that's true we're going to

VV for a century and a halF now,

method that brought them to the bleak dawn of
October 23, 1844, still plagues us.
have to have a lot of grace as we disagree about
methods, but love each other anyway.
October, 1844 to October, 1994. Happy anniver-
Let me share a telTible thought: A woman I get a lot of help from the kindly words
sary! In all those years, one thing hasn't
who left Waco, Texas, beFore the stand-otf of Vilfredo Pareto: "Give me a fruitful error
changed: Daniel's little book that was so sweet
reflected on why so many of our sisters and any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own
when we first tasted it (Rev. 10) is still sweet in
brothers died there. Through her tears, she said, corrections. You can keep your sterile truth
our mouth. We talk about the image. We talk
"They were all sadly, sadly misguided. I believe for yourself." He's talking, I think, about a
about the beasts. It's mouth-sweet. Another
we should-we should know how to-we grace that lets the errors stand and works
thing hasn't changed: That little book still has a
should be taught how to read the Scriptures." around them. Those dear people were so
(Samples, Prophets of the Apocalypse.) Had excited about seeing Jesus that they forgot he
Maryan Bauer
they been taught, would they have rejected was already there! He watched the New
Wilkinson Stirling
Koresh's proof-texting, and would there have England skies with them that autumn night.
has contributed to
been fewer fiery deaths? He was there when they "wept till the day
Adventist publications
for 50 years (under all The proof-text method, widely used even dawn." Their little mistake about his coming
of these sumames). She today, holds us back From welcoming women was a fruitful error. And the fruit still hangs
writes now from south- and men equally to the gospel ministry. The over the wall of our history, full of seeds, full
em California. same method continues to fill our children's of tolerance and very good to eat!

Adventist Today November-December1994 9

Sanctuary of Hope: A Response to Glen Greenwalt
by Roy Gane ogy on its head. If 1844 fulfills such a pat- no indication here that the sanctuary is
tern, to which part of the pattern does the cleansed at this time. In Leviticus 16, on the
1844 event belong? Greenwalt does not say other hand, the sanctuary is cleansed from

G len Greenwalt addresses a question

in which all Adventists have a
vested interest: What happens to our origi-
it, but the most obvious answer would be
"restoration," because Daniel 8: 14, from
which we get the date 1844, refers to the
all the sins of the entire community which
have accumulated in the sanctuary during
the year. How did the sins get into the sanc-
nally apocalyptic movement in view of the restoration of the sanctuary. Greenwalt tuary? They must have been transferred
fact that deliverance from this world has makes the unbiblical assertion that judg- there as God accepted the sacrifices of the
apparently been delayed for 150 years? ment should be defined only in terms of people throughout the year. He gave cleans-
Greenwalt cites Harold Bloom, who per- divine withdrawal (see, however, Lev 23:29- ing by taking defilement to himself, but he
ceives the importance of our 1844 theology 30). Therefore we infer that a restoration in did not keep it forever. He had it removed
and our need to preserve the prophetic 1844 meant the return of God's presence to from himself on the Day of Atonement.
voice of Ellen White and to extend the his people (the church) after a time of judg- Greenwalt's idea of a single-phase atone-
sanctuary doctrine from theory to everyday ment during which his presence had been ment is based on a theory ofJacob Milgrom,
life. However, Bloom's suggestion that we withdrawn. There is no evidence, of course, my teacher and friend, who holds that sins
move beyond maddening literalization of that the sanctuary in the context of Daniel or ritual impurities automatically penetrated
Leviticus betrays his failure to understand 8: 14 is the church rather than God's sanctu- the sanctuary from afar, and sacrifices
ary in heaven, but if Greenwalt is correct, throughout the year purged the sanctuary
Seventh-day Adventist sanctuary doctrine.
Agreeing with Bloom in principle, 1844 would represent not the beginning of from these evils. At least one problem with
Greenwalt properly identifies two major a judgment, as taught by the Adventist this hypothesis is the fact that sins reached
themes of the ancient Israelite sanctuary: Church, but the end of a judgment! the sanctuary from afar only in some excep-
the presence of God, and God's withdrawal The radical nature of Greenwalt's revi- tional cases when flagrant violations of
of his presence, which indicates judgment. sionism is confirmed by his theology of divine commands could not be atoned for by
Furthermore, he points out the contempo- atonement, which has Israelite sacrifices sacrifices (Lev 20:3, Num 19: 13, 20).
rary need for God's presence and uses the throughout the year cleansing the sanctuary
rather than persons. The implications of
sanctuary as a metaphor for the church.
Through this profound idea, all three-the
church, the sanctuary, and God Himself-
become more "friendly" to us and to our
this idea for Christian theology are shock-
ing, suggesting first that Christ's blood does
not cleanse us, flying in the face of I John
T he sanctuary doctrine may appear
complex, at times to a "maddening"
degree, but this is so because it unpacks the
1:9 for example, and suggesting also that as rich, multifaceted ministry of Christ for us,
children. I think Greenwalt would agree
our high priest in the heavenly sanctuary which now continues an important phase
that this concept need not diminish our
from the time of his ascension onward (for begun in 1844: the cleansing/vindication of
appreciation for the kingly aspects of God,
example Heb 4: 14-16), Christ was cleansing God's sanctuary in heaven (Read Dan 8: 14
to whom we have limited access until
the sanctuary from the sins of his people. in light of Job 4: 17). This can be under-
"atonement" is completed and divine-
Therefore, there is no need for another stood as the vindication 'of our salvation just
human coexistence can carry on without
cleansing of the sanctuary in a pre-advent before Christ's Second Coming. We have
boundaries necessitated by sin.
judgment beginning in 1844. Again, the this hope, not this disappointment!
Greenwalt writes beautifully, almost
effect is to wipe out the historical Adventist In the final analysis, Greenwalt's superfi-
poetically. However, his development of the
understanding of Daniel 8: 14. Again, the cial biblical interpretations appear designed
main idea that "1844 represents a prophetic
interpretation is unbiblical. to serve a sociological agenda to redefine
fulfillment of a pattern of presence/defile-
There is abundant evidence in the Bible Adventism. Our religion has important
ment/restoration" is hard to follow, unbibli-
for the Adventist view, namely that the sins sociological implications, which should be
cal, and turns Seventh-day Adventist theol-
of God's people are removed in two stages, emphasized, but when it comes to defining
Roy Gane teaches in the first from the individuals themselves when Adventism, the only basis which we have
seminary at Andrews their sins are transferred to God's sanctuary, acknowledged is biblical theology. We must
University. He holds a and then trom the sanctuary. The most continually re-evaluate our theology and its
PhD. from U. C. Berkeley
important passages on this subject are relevance, but Greenwalt's approach creates
in Near Eastern studies,
specializing in Hebrew lan- Leviticus 4, which specifies sacrifices offered more problems than it solves. ~
guage amI literature. Dr. throughout the year for purification from
Glen Greenwalt believes his res/Jondent misunder-
Gane is patticularly inter- sins, and Leviticus 16, which outlines the stand.s both his beliefs and his intentions. Greenwalt's
ested in the sanctuary and yearly rites of the Day of Atonement. In reaction will a/J/Jear in the next issue of Adventist
Leviticus 4, persons are cleansed. There is Today.

10 November-December 1994 Adventist Today

The 1919 Bible Conference

In 1919, four years after the death of and put 111 proper grammatical
church cofounder Ellen G. White, about shape ....
50 Adventist editors, teachers, and church Now with reference to the evi-
officers gathered to discuss, among other dences: I differ with some of the
topics, the role that should be given to the brethren who have put together proofs
writings of the church's /rro/)hetess. Below or evidences of the genuineness of this
we have jJUblished a brief excerJ)t from this gift, in this respect,-I believe that the
candid discussion, which was lost for some strongest proof is found in the fruits of
60 years. For a more com/)lete excerjJt, see this gift to the church, not in physical
Spectrum, May, 1979. The full text is and outward demonstrations. For
housed in the de/Jartment of archives in the instance, I have heard some ministers
General Conference building, Silver preach, and have seen it in writing, that
Strring, Maryland -editors Sister White once carried a heavy
Bible-I believe they said it weighed
forty pounds-upon her outstretched
hand, and looking up toward the heav-
Arthur G. Daniells, General ens quoted texts and turned the leaves
Conference President: As I said, I over and pointed to the texts, with her
have met things that were hard to be eyes toward the heavens. I do not know
understood, but time has helped me to whether that was ever done or not. I am
understand them, and I can honestly not sure. I did not see it, and I do not
say this morning that I go along in this know that I ever talked with anybody
movement without any doubts in my Arthur G. Daniells that did see it. But, brethren, I do not
mind. When I take positions differing count that sort of thing as a very great
from other men, that is not proof that proof. I do not think that is the best
I am a doubter. I may be a doubter of
their views or their interpretation, but
that does not make me a doubter of
the spirit of prophecy. I may differ with
"1 believe that the strongest proof
kind of evidence ....

C. L. Taylor, head of the Bible

department, Canadian Junior College:
a man about his interpretation of the is found in the fruits of this gift to ....We will suppose that a student comes
Bible, but that does not make me a for help on a certain scripture, and
doubter of the Bible. But there are the church, not in physical and wants to know what it means. Is it prop-
men who just hold me right up as a er for the teacher to explain that scrip-
doubter of the Testimonies because I outward demonstrations." ture, with perhaps other scriptures illu-
take the position that the Testimonies minating the text, and then bring in the
are not verbally inspired, and that they spirit of prophecy also as additional
have been worked up by the secretaries light on the text? Or take still a third

Adventist Today Novemhcr-Dcccmhcr 1994 11

case: Suppose that two brethren, both of them believ- pretation through the spirit of prophecy and then take
ers in the Testimonies, and of course believers in the it to them? That is heathenish! ...
Bible primarily, have a difference of opinion on a cer-
tain text: Is it right for them in their study of that text W. W. Prescott, former editor, Review and
to bring in the spirit of prophecy to aid in their under- Herald, then a field secretary of the General
standing of it, or should they leave that out of the Conference who had helped revise The Great
question? Controversy: How should we use the writings of the
spirit of prophecy as an authority by which to settle
Daniells: On that first point, I think this, that we historical questions?
are to get our interpretation from this Book, primari-
ly.I think that the Book explains itself, and I think we Daniells: Well, now, as I understand it, Sister
can understand the Book, fundamentally, through the White never claimed to be an authority on history,
Book, without resorting to the Testimonies to prove and never claimed to be a dogmatic teacher on the-
up on it. ology. She never outlined a course of theology. She
just gave out fragmentary statements, but left the
W. E. Howell, editor of the Christian Educator: pastors and evangelists and preachers to work out all
The Spirit of prophecy says the Bible is its own expos- these problems of scripture and of theology and of
itor. history. She never claimed to be an authority on his-
tory; and as I have understood it, where the history
Daniells: Yes, but I have heard ministers say that that related to the interpretation of prophecy was
the spirit of prophecy is the interpreter of the Bible. I clear and expressive, she wove iLinto her writings;
but I have always understood that, as far as she was
concerned, she was ready to correct in revision such
"llT statements as she thought should be corrected. I
VV hat do those people in China do? Can't they under- have never gone to her writings, and taken the histo-
stand this Book only as we get the interpretation through the ry that I found in her writings, as the positive state-
ment of history regarding the fulfillment of prophecy
spirit of prophecy and then take it to them? ....• Sister White ....1do not know how others may view that, but I
never claimed to be an authority on history ... " have felt that I should deal with history in the same
way that I am exhorted to deal with the Bible,-
heard it preached at the General Conference some prove it all carefully and thoroughly....
years ago, when it was said that the only way we could
understand the Bible was through the writings of the C.A. Shull: Just how shall we use the
spirit of prophecy. Testimonies in the class room? What shall be our
attitude toward them in the line of history, especial-
J. N. Anderson, Bible teacher at the Washington ly? ...Now another question, on the taking of
Foreign Mission Seminary: And he also said "infalli- Babylon, Mrs. White, in the spirit of prophecy, men-
ble interpreter." tions that Babylon was taken according to the histo-
rian, by the turning aside of the waters. Modern
C. M. Sorenson, history teacher at Emmanuel scholarship says it was not taken that way. What
Missionary College: That expression has been can- should be our attitude in regard to such things? ...
celed. That is not our position. Daniells: I think this, brethren, we ought not to
let every little statement in history that we find lead
Daniells: It is not our position, and it is not right us away from the spirit of prophecy...J do not believe
that the spirit of prophecy is the only safe interpreter that if Sister White were here to speak to you today,
of the Bible. That is a false doctrine, a false view. It she would authorize you to take a historical fact, sup-
will not stand. Why, my friends what would all the posed to be a fact, that she had incorporated in the
people have done from John's day down to the present book, and put it up against an actual thing in history.
if there were no way to understand the Bible except We talked with her about that when "Great
through the writings of the spirit of prophecy! It is a Controversy" was being revised, and I have letters in
terrible position to take! That is false, it is error. It is my file in the vault there where we were warned
positively dangerous! What do those people do over against using Sister White as a historian. She never
in Roumania? We have hundreds of Sabbath-keepers claimed to be that. We were warned against setting
there who have not seen a book on the spirit of up statements found in her writings against the vari-
prophecy. What do those people in China do? Can't ous history that there is on a fact. That is where I
they understand this Book only as we get the inter- ~~. ~

12 Novcmhcr-Dcccmber 1994 Adventist T()(lay

75 More Years of
Role Confusion
~~L\ ~
l ~
re we going to allow our conclu-
sions from the Bible to be
blocked?" Arthur Daniells,
Indeed, Willie White, Ellen White's son,
observed that during the 1888 session the antago-
nists seemed less concerned with the new position
General Conference president, asked the delegates to on Galatians than with the supposed detrimental
the 1919 Bible Conference. effect a change of position would have on the
Daniells was referring to a basic question about prophetess's influence. Willie, in a letter to P. T.
interpreting Ellen White. Was it the role of Ellen by Bert B. Haloviak Magan, also observed:
White to act as a theological umpire within the
Adventist church? Did Ellen White through her They did not regard the new doctrine
writings determine doctrinal positions for Seventh- itself as of such serious importance, but they
day Adventists? believed that the old positions had been
The issue had and would continue to surface peri- sanctioned by the Testimonies, and to make
a change would unsettle the confidence of
odically. Some 30 years earlier it had disrupted the
our people everywhere in the Testimonies;
1888 General Conference session. Sixty years after
and this they regarded as the most serious
1919, in 1979, the issue would resulface when feature of the whole question.
Desmond Ford challenged the traditional interpreta-
tion of the Investigative Judgment. And 15 years Although several Ellen White books supported
after that, even in our day, the issue seems to create the past position on the law in Galatians 3, she
diverse camps within the church. Our struggle with would proclaim that she had no burden on that
this issue almost seems foretold in Revelation! subject and would urge that such theology be
It is the purpose of this article to briefly examine A stamp collector and resolved by conclusions reached solely from the
those periods in Adventist history. We shall observe classical musician, Bert Scripture.
how various alignments formed over the question of Haloviak teaches Daniel
The question of Ellen White's doctrinal authority,
Ellen White and doctrinal authority. and Revelation plus
however, became so divisive in 1888, that the crucial
Adventist history at
Columbia Union College message of justification by faith was not even per-
The Issue in 1888 ceived to be the issue of the time.
and also serves in the
The year 1888 started somewhat inauspiciously church's Office of Archives
for Adventists. George Butler, president of the and Statistics. His academ- The Issue Rediscovered: 1919 Bible Conference
General Conference, sent a New Year's letter to all ic specialty is 19th century Preliminaries. A theological debate on the mean-
Adventist workers and ministers. Butler declared, religious history. ing of the term "daily" in Daniel 8 provided the
"Seventh-day Adventists have never taken a stand backdrop to the Ellen White issues raised at the
upon Bible exegesis which they have been compelled 1919 Bible Conference. As in 1888, Ellen White
to surrender; but, on the contrary, the lapse of time had commented on the subject in one of her books,
only strengthens their positions." Because the church and the "pioneers" rallied to Ellen White's defense,
had Ellen White, Butler reasoned, theological posi- viewing her doctrinal authority as the crucial issue.
tions were divinely confirmed. George Irwin, past president of the General

Adventist Today November-December 1994 13

"Ellen \~lhite llTgecl ,a..h~a..
Ll ~lL the qlles h
L lOn L e

Conference, stated the position these pioneers rallied It is too bad that the editors of these
around: [EllenWhite] manuscriptsshould try to settle
some of these controverted questions""A
largerquestion than the question of the mere
It is from the standpoint of light that has
detail of a correction or of an erroneous
come through the Spirit of Prophecythat the
statement is the question as to how we shall
question will be considered,believing as we
treat these matters that have been passed
do that the Spirit of Prophecy is the only
through the hands of the variouseditors.We
infallibleinterpreter of Bibleprinciples,since
have had quite a battle, some of us, for sever-
it is Christ through this agencygiving the
al years,trying to make the brethren see that
real meaning of his own words,
it wasnot right to claim any extraordinary
authority for matters of this kind. While this
According to Irwin and the many others in his is conceded freelyenough privately,the diffi-
camp, the Lord, through Ellen White, updated the culty has been, it seemsto me, that courage
New Testament, making it relevant to the situation has been lacking to take a straight and con-
of the times, In 1907 pioneer Stephen Haskell wrote sistent position.
regarding this to W, W, Prescott, General
Conference field secretary and major participant at The Conference Itself
the 1919 Bible Conference: At the 1919 Bible Conference, Rufus
Underwood, president of the Central Union
We ought to understand such expressions Conference, observed that Ellen White was not to
[as"daily"and "Babylon"]by the aid of the be considered as equal to the canon of the Scripture.
Spirit of Prophecy,This is the way many He used an experience from the 1870s as confirma-
expressionsin the Old Testament were tion:
understood in the daysof the early disciples; He along with George Butler and J. H. Morrison
that is,by the Spirit of Prophecy in the New
studied tithing from the Biblical standpoint and
Testament, For this purpose the spirit of
made a proposal at a General Conference session to
prophecy comes to us, It is from the stand-
point of the third angel'smessagewith the adopt it. Such pioneers as Stephen Haskell and J. O.
spirit of prophecy,all points are to be solved, Corliss, however, argued against Underwood's pro-
posal. Their opposition centered upon Ellen White's
Haskell believed that just as the New Testament endorsement of the systematic benevolence plan for
magnified the Old Testament, so did Ellen White financing the ministry that had been adopted in
magnify the New Testament, He wrote A. G. 1859. Because of their argument, Underwood
Daniells that Ellen White's writings "will settle near- observed, biblical tithing was precluded from the
ly every point that people question at the present Adventist Church for several years. Eventually,
time concenling the message." however, Underwood prevailed, and he observed
General Conference leadership disagreed with that "the support of the gospel ministry could be
that position. Prescott considered that the Bible clearly sustained from both the Old and New
should be its own interpreter and that appeal should Testaments, and that the source from which we
not be made to some other "visible authority" to were to gather our instruction for the guidance of
interpret the Scriptures, Such methodology would the church was primarily the Bible and not the
lead the church step by step to substitute Ellen Testimonies."
White for the Bible. He thus opposed submitting As in the case of the law in Galatians, the "daily,"
theological questions to Ellen White for her deci- and in other issues of theology, Ellen White urged
sion, In the 1909 Review and Herald, he said he did that the question be resolved by study of the
not consider that it was Mrs White's "province to act Scriptures, not her writings.
as judge in mere matters of historical or Biblical" Although that issue was openly discussed at the
interpretation, 1919 Bible Conference, the heated response of those
William Spicer, General Conference secretary, in we have called "pioneers" and their second genera-
a 1914 letter to L R. Conradi, starkly addressed the tion progenitors resulted in the decision that the
question that would later come to dominate the papers and minutes of the conference would not be
1919 Bible Conference: made publicly available. Here is how General

14 November-December 1994 Adventist U)(iay

the not her
Conference president Arthur Daniells expressed it in ed the relevance of the issues discussed by church
a statement at the Bible Conference: leaders in 1919. Desmond Ford, charismatic theolo-
gian and teacher at Pacific Union College, challenged
I think that our brethren who have exer- traditional Adventist teachings on the Investigative
cised so much freedom, and have cut away Judgment, prominently discussed by Ellen White in
from their mooring places, ought to consider her writings. Such retired denominational workers as
the trouble that it is going to make ....1 con- W. B. Ochs, E. E. Roenfelt, D. A. Ochs, G. M.
fess it is going to take more wisdom than we
Mathews and others signed a statement that they sent
have to pilot our way through without dam-
to the General Conference opposing Ford's position:
age to the work ....All of us have had good
Christian experiences and have led thou-
sands of people into this truth. But now the Dr Ford [also] claimed that certain trans-
result of such freedom which has been taken lations of Hebrews 9: 10 could mean that
has brought us into a perplexing situation, Christ went to either or both apartments
and now we must have wisdom to go upon His return to heaven. However when
through. I sometimes think it would be just the Spirit of Prophecy explains so distinctly
as well to lock this manuscript up in a vault, that it was not till 1844 that Christ went
and have anyone who wishes to do so come into the 2nd apartment we accept the Gift of
there for personal study and research. Prophecy for making clear what is not fully
explained in the use of the Greek ....
If the Gift of Prophecy through Mrs
So the transcript remained in the General
White does not give us insights by which
Conference vault. When the General Conference
ambiguous points are explained more fully,
Archives was established in 1973, Archivist Don then the gift is robbed of its value. The Holy
Yost inventoried all the materials housed in the Spirit has always been necessary to an under-
vault. Don Mansell, then a book editor for the standing of the Scripture ....When men and
Review and Herald, in his work preparing articles for women were under the direct influence of
the Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, inquired the Holy Spirit they were preserved from
about the Bible Conference and in 1975 described delivering error to the people. Only by the
Holy Spirit is one able to differentiate clearly
the discovery of the minutes in this manner:
between truth and error. The Holy Spirit
gave us the Written Word and He now helps
The materials which Dr Yost found were
us interpret it.
wrapped in two packets approximately 9"x
12"x 4". He opened these packets and hand-
ed the materials to me. As I rapidly scanned What About Today?
the yellowed sheets of transcript and papers, I What have we learned from the cyclical replaying
realized that we had found more than we had
of the issues addressed in I 919-indeed, addressed
hoped to find. Since their discovery, I have
throughout Adventist history? Mrs. White herself
examined the materials more closely, and I
believe that they contain valuable materials consistently refrained from using her writings to
of interest to SDA researchers and historians. resolve theological points of dispute. She always
expected to learn more and more.
The Issue Made Public: 1979 In 1890 Mrs. White became a student at a Bible
Copies of the Bible Conference transcript were school conducted for denominational workers. Here's
made available to various White Estate Research what she told her fellow students:
Centers, and in 1979 publication of the essential "You must go to the scriptures for yourself.
Ellen White portions was undertaken by Spectrum. You must search them with humble hearts. If
you are just full of prejudice and your own
This refocused the issues discussed in 1919 and this
preconceived opinions, and if you entertain
time gave the church at large opportunity to see past
the idea that there is nothing for you to
generations wrestling with issues that were yet cur- know, and that you know all that is worth
rent. Seventh-day Adventist theologians in their knowing, you will not get any benefit here.
annual meeting in 1979 selected the theme, "1919- But if you come like children, you want to
1979: Sixty Years of SDA Theology." learn all that there is for you. If the God from
Yet another episode occurred in 1979 that illustrat- heaven has sent anything for me, [ want it."

Adventist Today November-December1994 15


A Maturing Church at 150 Years

I 1
s 994 a year for celebration-or
mourning? Celebration because the
denomination is 150 years from its ori-
sanctuary compartment-not
October 22, 1844. And these
believers, including Ellen and James
lion members over the years. And
through our schools, hospitals and wel-
fare work we have aided scores of mil-
gin? Or mourning because our move- White, became the nucleus of Seventh- lions of people worldwide. Now that's
ment has been stalled in this dreary day Adventism. something to celebrate!
world awaiting a delayed second 1919. Seventy-five years later the However, as denominations go, ours
advent? Church policy and practice Adventist church had grown to is in its adolescence. Our birth was
would suggest celebration, but tradi- 175,000, and many believers, like their most difficult. And our childhood had
tional Adventist understandings would Millerite forebears, desired simple, its bumps. Like all adolescents, we want
suggest mourning. Many Adventists supernatural answers. to difficult ques- to be liked, but this desire should not
speak of the second Advent as "immi- tions. The popular Adventist mind had keep our maturing church from candid-
nent," but our actions often suggest a already begun to make Ellen White and ly admitting our shortcomings.
thousand years. One hundred and fifty her writings into a paper pope that had The 1919 Bible Conference partici-
years is a long time to claim the second more real authority than the Scripture. pants, personally acquainted with Ellen
coming is imminent-without an The 1919 Bible Conference transcripts White and her ministry, since she had
increasingly educated just died four years earli-
segment of Adventism er, charted an enlight-
becoming a bit dubious. ened view of how God's
"T revelation of his will has
The year 1994 is an 1. he popular Adventist mind had already
both a divine and a
appropriate time for
Adventists to reflect on human side. They avoid-
begun to make Ellen White and her writings into ed the easy way out-to
our understanding of
scripture and Ellen make Ellen White and
White's relation to it.
a paper pope that had more real authority than her writings or any reve-
This year is not only the lation wholly divine and
150th anniversary of the the Scripture." thus simply to be taken
Great Disappointment, at face value.
but it is the 75th Divine revelation, like
anniversary of the monumental Bible show church leaders, from the General the church itself, has its thoroughly
Conference of 1919 and the one-year Conference president to college religion human side. This sobering truth is not
memorial of the disaster at Waco. professors, grappling with a continuing easy for some in our adolescent denomi-
1844. One hundred and fifty years dilemma: how to relate, to the popular nation to accept. However, there is a
ago some 100,000 folk in New England Adventist mind that demands certainty, joyful side to this admission: each of us
accepted Baptist-farmer William that which knowledgeable people know is thoroughly human, and yet the God
Miller's conclusion that Christ would about God's revelation. of the universe can as surely dwell in
return to earth that year. Perhaps the 1994. Today we Adventists like to our hearts as he dwells in the words of
most noteworthy clergyman following feel good about ourselves-and there is the prophets! Regardless of when the
Miller was Joshua Himes of Boston. But ample reason for celebration on our Second Advent occurs we must not
afterward it was a group of laypersons 150th birthday. Adventism has brought mourn but celebrate, because the Spirit
who regrouped around the vision that a higher quality of present life, and of Ellen White and of all prophecy lives
Christ was to appear in a heavenly hope of an eternal life, to over 10 mil- in all God's children. -James Walters

16 November-December 1994 Adventist Today


Four layers of sedimen-

tary rocks (1-4) with
two bodies of extrusive
lava (C and D) and two
bodies of intrusive lava
(A and B).

fering times throughout these millions of years. For ing within the magma chambers, from which the
me, this is totally incompatible with the absolute igneous material originates. These processes change
time frame of the creation week. Therefore, I must the characteristics of the igneous rocks in such a
examine the data and search for an alternative solu- manner that the magma flows issuing from the
tion. same source at nearly the same time can exhibit
The standard time scale is based on radiometric widely differing radiometric dates. Also, it is not
dating, structural relationships and fossils. An exam- uncommon for fresh lava to have very great "inher-
ple is given by Chester Longwell and colleagues in ited" ages. It is not unreasonable to question the
the book Physical Geology (1969). Longwell shows acceptance of the standard radiometric dates. I
an area with four horizontal layers (see the simplified must hasten to add that there are other radiometric
drawing on this page). Two bodies of igneous (vol- questions which must be addressed-such as why
canic) rock extend vertically up through some of the do the lower layers tend to date older than the
layers from below, and two sheets of igneous rock upper layers? But, even here, helpful information is
extend part way into the area horizontally above and available from the study of volcanoes.
between the layers. Geologists infer the ages of the My understanding of Scripture attributes death,
layers from the fossils found in them and from their of human and all other life forms, to the sin of
structural relationships, but also depend heavily on Adam; and so the interpretation cannot be true
the apparent radiometric dates of the igneous bodies. that death, as recorded in the fossil record,
Thus they conclude that the ages of the layers range occurred over millions of years. And any hypothe-
from 20 million to 30 million years (top layer) to sis which implies that death was present before the
more than 60 million years (bottom layer). The fall of Adam would in fact render the Creation
authors point out that dates from other localities and package null and void. Also, if the Creation pack-
from other igneous rocks are needed to give a clearer age is broken, even the words of Christ ultimately
idea, and, on page 130, they state, become untrustworthy.
And yet, while searching for alternative solutions,
We do not wish to give the impression, I constantly evaluate my position with respect to the
however, that the column is calibrated thor- creation week time period, the origins of life, and the
oughly.Some units are bracketed more close-
destl1lction of the world by the Flood. I appraise the
ly than others, and there are long gapswith-
direction in which my studies are taking. If I find sci-
out reliabledates. In time, however,the gaps
will surelybe filled in. entific interpretations leading to conclusions anti-
thetical to my world view, I then must reevaluate my
In examining the scientific data and the under- thinking. In this whole search, I attempt to ever
standing of igneous processes, one can find at least keep in mind Job 40:8 (NIV), where God asks Job,
the potential for partially resolving the conflict "Would you discredit my justice? Would you con-
between the apparent old ages of the volcanic demn me to justify yourself?"
material and a belief in a recent creation. In jour- In closing, I would like to state that the scriptural
Clyde Webster's article was
nals such as Nature, Journal of the Geological Society world view of creation and salvation presents the
/Jresented at the April/Jane!
discussion on Adventist of London, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, most holistic approach that I know. It is my prayer
creationism slJonsored by Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, and others, scien- that we will never adopt a position that places
Adventist Today. tists have reported chemical fractionation and zon- human reason as the only arbiter of truth. ~

18 November-December 1994 Adventist Today


h The

A n interesting question was proposed to
me recently by a non-Adventist friend
during a discussion of why I do so
much traveling. The question was, "Why bother
searching for alternatives when it's obvious that sci-
Clyde L. Webster, Jr.
Creator's hand, with humankind the ultimate
being created "in the image of God ..."
3. The total world was destroyed by a flood at
some time after Creation.
These three points are addressed not only by the
ence has the answers for the real prophets and apostles but by
world and that the Bible only Christ himself. The only major
addresses love and salvation?"-
an innocent, sincere question, but
one that strikes at the very heart
"1 came to realize that for Jesus to be my
time issue involved is the absolute-
ness of the seven-day creation
week. Other time issues are either
of my beliefs. In answering this
question I know that I am pre-
Savior Ihad to also accept him as my Creator." inferred or deduced but are not
senting my world view and its cor- In my study of Scripture I am con-
relation to my philosophies of sci- tinually challenged by texts such
ence and religion. I also know that my choices con- as Proverbs 3:5,7, which tell me not to trust to my
cerning the interpretations of evidence (scientific or own understanding nor to be wise in my own eyes.
scriptural) are a result of rather than an argument for In 2 Timothy 2:15 I am admonished to study and
my particular world view. rightly divide God's word, while in 1 Thessalonians
My answer goes something like this: When I first 5:21 I am also told to prove all things and hold fast
elected to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior I still that which is good. Finally, I am again reminded in 2
held on to some evolutionary views. However, dur- Peter 3:5,6 not to deliberately forget that the world
ing my continuing studies I came to realize that for was destroyed by water and in Revelation 14:7 that
Jesus to be my Savior I had to also accept him as my God is the Creator. So, for me, Scripture does
Creator. At this point I had to decide how God cre- involve more than love and salvation, it establishes
ated and interacts with my world; but where my world view. For me, the origin and diversity of
should/could I turn for this information? The logical life are not open for alternative solutions because I
place was Scripture, not science. In searching the accept God as Creator of all life.
Scriptures for answers I came to three points that, to One area which does present a need for alterna-
me, are consistent from Genesis through Revelation: Clyde L. Webster, Jr., is
tive solutions is the standard interpretation of the
Senior Research Scientist
I. God created life and living systems in six 24- fossil record found within the geologic column. This
at the Geoscience
hour days, adding a seventh day as a memorial interpretation implies a time frame of several hun-
Research Institute in Loma
to his creation, and for rest. dred million years for the existence of life and
Linda, California.
2. The great diversity of life came from the implies that various life forms existed at widely dif-

Aat'entist u,c1ay November-December 1994 17

Science Faculty Vary in Views on Creationism
by Floyd Petersen of specialization was the life sciences, 37.2 an answer or indicated they had no opinion.
percent the physical sciences, and 9.1 per- As to area of academic specialization, 18.2
cent some other area. percent declined to answer; 7.4 percent did

A dventist Today recently asked the

Center for Health Research, Loma
Linda University, to conduct a survey of the
Of those giving their age, the mean was
50.2 years, with the youngest being 31 and
the oldest 79. Of the 112 who reported
not indicate their gender. As to origins of
non-human life, 9.9 percent had no opinion.
On origins of human life, only 2.5 percent
views on life's origins held by members of their gender, 8 percent were female and 92 had no opinion. Only 1.7 percent indicated
science faculties at Adventist colleges and percent were male. no opinion about the nature of the Bible,
universities in North America. The accom- It was interesting to note that younger and as to views about the flood and the fossil
panying graph shows their responses. respondents-under 50-tended to be more record,S percent had no opinion.
We mailed 200 questionnaires to teach- conservative than older ones. Those who The results of our survey show fairly close
ers identified from the Seventh-day had not attended Adventist schools and also agreement on the nature of the Bible, but
Adventist Yearbook and from telephoning did not have Adventist parents appeared, significant variation in views on the other
the colleges, and promised to keep answers overall, to be slightly more traditional than topics. Perhaps the biblical account of so
confidential. The response rate was 60.5 others. Some attendance at Adventist momentous an event as creation is purpose-
percent, or 121 respondents, considered schools, as a factor by itself, did not seem to fully brief, allowing us the freedom to strug-
good for this type of survey. Of those return- make much difference, nor did having an gle over a universal reality. We might all be
ing a completed survey, 83.5 percent held a Adventist parent, as a single factor. surprised when someday we hear the details
doctoral degree; 35.5 percent said their area In each area, some respondents omitted explained by The One who was there.

Adventist Today heard from 121 science faculty members in Adventist colleges and universities. The graph below shows the percent who selected
each item as closest to their views.
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
• God created live organisms during 6 days less than 10,000 years ago.
. 43.0
• God creared live organisms during 6 days less than 100,000 years ago. : 19.0
• God created over an unknown period within the last 100,000 years.
• God created first life millions of years ago & guided its development.
: 18.2
• Life shown by fossils evolved for billions of years by natural means.
• God created the first human beings less than 10,000 years ago. 44.6
• God created the first human beings less than 100,000 years ago. 26,4
• 0 one knows when God created human beings. 16.5
• Humans developed over millions of years with God's guidance.
• Humans developed over millions of years without God's guidance.
• Bible is actual word of God, to be taken literally word for word.
• Bible is God's word with human thought forms & perspectives. 92.6:
• Bible is ancient book of myths, history, and moral precepts.
• Most fossilsresult from the world-wide, Bible flood. 64.5
• The Bible flood took place only in the Near East. 21.5
• The Bible story of the flood reflects a myth.
• Life represented in the fossil record was created by God. 23.1 Floyd Petersen is assistant
professor of biostatistics in the
• Some forms in the fossil record were created by God; others evolved.
School of Public Health at
• Some fossilizedforms created by God, others are Satan's attempts. 15.7 Lorna Linda University. He is
• Fossilsshow life God created and then guided as it evolved. also Mayor pro tern of the city
of Loma Linda.
• Neither God nor Satan made nor guided life shown in fossils. 6.6

Adventist Today November-December 1994 19



Ervin Taylor.
The dialogue currently under way in the Seventh-day
Adventist Church concerning the Genesis cre-
ation narrative has understandably focused on the
creationism has typically involved accepting the
view that the beginning was not more than 6,000
to 10,000 years ago. As other authors in Adventist
geologic time scale since it presents such a con- Today have already noted, there is overwhelming
trast: the "about 6,000 years" of Ellen White ver- evidence, collected over the past two centuries in
sus the billions of years of the geological record a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines, showing
and hundreds of millions of years of the fossil that the time frame for the fossil record should be
record based on various isotopic geochronological measured in hundreds of millions of years. Within
techniques. the last century, impressive evidence has also been
However, it is not just the geological and fossil collected suggesting that the time frame for
record that are at issue. The facts of the archaeo- human-like fossils (hominids)-and the artifacts

"T here is one

logical record-principally those of prehistoric
times-are totally at variance with traditional
Adventist understandings concerning the age of
they fabricated-extends back hundreds of thou-
sands and even seyeral million years.
Complementing these geologic and archaeological
point that appears the earth and humankind upon it. In this discus- data, biblical scholarship over the last 100 years
sion, I would like to briefly address the question of has revealed how the ancient biblical writers
not to be at human "origins" from an archaeological perspec- thought and wrote about the past and has suggest-
tive. ed that, read in terms of their times, world views,
issue-our belief There is one point that appears not to be at and intentions, these writers should not be quoted
issue-our belief in a Creator. All in our commu- to support a claim for short ages.
in a Creator." nity of faith would probably agree with the state- There is ample reason why our church founders
ment that the ultimate source of the universe and in the mid-19th century may once have had a
life within it is the God represented in the biblical problem with such a time frame measured in mil-
narratives. For our church the problem is, What lions of years rather than a few thousand years.
exactly is meant by "creationism"? There was the concern expressed by Ellen
In traditional Adventist thinking, a belief in White-probably echoing the fears of early
Adventist church members-that the viability of
the Sabbath might be compromised. However, it
Ervin Taylor is professor and chair seems to me that competent theological and his-
of the Department of Anthropology torical scholarship published over the last two
at the University of California, decades by Adventist scholars has effectively dealt
Riverside. He is a specialist in radio-
with this theological problem. If I understand
carbon dating.
their statements correctly, these scholars argue
that the integrity and validity of the Sabbath con-
cept does not require a literal, fundamentalist
interpretation of Genesis.

20 November-December 1994 Adventi"t TiJday

As to the statements of Ellen White, it appears cerning the vast age of the fossil and archaeologi-
that the problem is solved once one moves beyond cal record. I find this approach to scientific
a fundamentalist understanding of the prophetic research very reminiscent of tobacco interests
voice. Once we understand that even "inspired" which seek to discredit evidence that the use of
people can be wrong, many apparent tobacco causes lung cancer.
problems-such as the age of the earth-can be I fear that if church leaders insist on adopting a
resolved, and we as a church Gin move on to more literal, fundamentalist biblical interpretation in
important things. this matter, they will demonstrate that they are
In a way, Genesis does present literal, historical turning their backs on "present truth." It does not
truth. The ancient Hebrew writers describe the have to be that way. There are other perspectives
first humans as practicing agriculture-growing which would allow us to take both the biblical
domesticated plants for food-and possessing and scientific data seriously. The Genesis narra-
domesticated animals. Adam was given a garden tives assume that humans from the beginning had
to till and keep, and Abel tended sheep. From agriculture, they domesticated animals, and they
what we now know archaeologically, the biblical lived in cities. At the time it was written down,
time frame for plant and animal domestication is this was a fully justifiable conclusion-there was
in the right ballpark. Plant domestication did go no contrary evidence.
back only a few thousand-perhaps as much as However, archaeologi-
6,000 to 7,000 years-before the time the original cal scholarship of more
core of the Genesis narrative was first written than 200 years in the
down. And one of the earliest places in the world Near East and else-
where plants were domesticated was in the Near
East. Scholars who work in the Near East now
where has documented
that before cities,
1. of
he approach the Geoscience
have a reasonably good handle on exactly how before agriculture, and
long it took. It is to be measured in units of thou- before domesticated Research Institute to scientific research
sands-not tens of thousands-of years. Those animals, there was a
who wrote down and edited the oral traditions very long period when
is very reminiscent of tobacco interests
recorded in the Genesis narratives got the timing humans were typically
about right on this, and they got the right place. nomadic hunters and
The Biblical writers also thought of cities as gatherers. Just as which seek to discredit evidence that the
existing from the time of Adam or at least within ancient Hebrew writ-
a few generations of his time. Cain's son Enoch
built a city. Cities go back only a few thousand
ers generally assumed
that the earth was
ofuse tobacco causes lung cancer.'"
years from the time of the earliest texts that fixed in space, they
became part of the Genesis narrative, and it is in also assumed that peo-
the Near East where they indeed first appeared. ple had always lived as
A significant part of the data for this chronolo- they did in "biblical times." The writers of
gy comes from the application of a dating method Genesis reflected the best information they had.
that can be applied to samples of organic Why should we expect more of them than that?
(carbon-containing) materials. In the case of the How are we to deal with this apparent prob-
Near East agriculture, these samples were excavat- lem? Might I suggest that the Hebrew writers of
ed by archaeologists from the sites where humans Genesis assumed that the first people were fanners
first domesticated plants and animals. The method and soon lived in cities; they also assumed that
is radiocarbon (14C) dating, a technique which the first people communicated with language.
uses the decay of 14Cas a "clock" to assign age to Genesis says that the earliest human pair had a
organic materials' in the age range of about 300 to conversation with God, and later with a serpent.
40,000/50,000 years on a routine basis and up to Then they did some very unfortunate things. On
75,000 years using special equipment. I mention the other hand, the Hebrew account says they
the 14Cmethod in this context because I have expected to become like God, knowing good and
been told that the introduction of radiocarbon evil.
dating in the late 1940s was one of the main The idea that people have always been
things that prompted the General Conference to sapient-that is intelligent, talking as we do (in
start the Geoscience Research Institute (GRr). some language) was not just a tentative belief to a
As I understand it, one of the responsibilities of Hebrew-anything else was simply inconceivable.
the GRI is to attempt to gather information that No ancient Hebrew writer would have had any
refutes the mass of existing scientific data con- inkling or hint of any other reality. To them we

Adventist uxlay November.December 1994 21

were and always had been what is now labeled discuss the issues of "freedom," "truth" and "love"
Homo sa/Jiens. Language has helped shape our with creatures that could now "think God's
unique brand of intelligence, and from the begin- thoughts after him."
ning, as the Bible narrative views it, made possible Might I suggest that the current dialogue in our
an active exchange between a Creator and denomination concerning the age of the earth and
self-conscious creatures made in his image. the fossil record, reflects the increasing degree of
What about this thing called language? pluralism Adventists now manifest in their inter-
Anthropological and archaeological interest in the pretation of the Bible. How we interpret the Bible
origins of language has always been intense. One is the primary issue; related to this is also the
view that continues to have wide support is that problem of how the church is to deal with the
human language is relatively recent-within the views of Ellen White on this and related topics.
last 100,000 to 150,000 years. It may be that lan- The main reason for the pain and discomfort
guage systems are associated with only our that we as a church community are experiencing as
species-anatomically modern Homo sa/Jiens. we work through this problem is that some church
Some also argue that the critical impact of lan- administrators, with training in areas other than
guage on human behavior becomes apparent in theology and science, tend to ignore the views of
the archaeological record-in the form of elabo- our best-trained scholars and scientists. Instead
rate tools, art, and the they uncritically accept and promulgate fundamen-
burial of the dead- talist interpretations as if these were settled doc-
only during the last trine. To resolve our current question of what

"T hese traditional understandings

50,000 years.
The point is that while
earlier hominid forms
appropriately constitutes an Adventist creationism,
our church's dialogue on this topic should be
focused on theological, not scientific, issues. The
had certainly existed, main question is whether the Adventist church
are in the process of changing, and
the Genesis narrative wants to move away from a fundamentalist
and the remainder of approach for interpreting the Bible.
thoughtful people should be allowed the the Judeo-Christian At some point, I am confident that our problem
corpus deal with topics will be resolved, just as the church resolved the
and issues that have problem of the "shut door," "the daily," and the
freedom to explore the truth."
meaning and signifi- "king of the north." However, while the question is
cance only to beings being discussed, the most critical issue is not who
that have consciousness will "win" or "lose" in this debate. It will be how
or "mind." As far as we can tell, the only beings church authorities and college boards and presi-
on earth that exhibit this characteristic are Homo dents treat those employed by the church who hold
sa/Jiens. It can be argued that non-sapien views that do not coincide with our current tradi-
hominids, such as the various forms of the tional understandings of this topic, as a recent poll
Ervin Taylor /JYesented this Australopithecines, who lived several million of our college and university science faculties has
paper at the April panel dis- years ago, had no language as we know it and indicated (page 19). These traditional understand-
cussiun on Adventist cre- therefore had no capacity to deal with topics of ings are in the process of changing, and thoughtful
ationism sponsored by ultimate significance. It was only with the emer- people should be allowed the freedom to explore
Adventist Today. gence of Homo sapiens that God was finally able to the truth. ~

In future issues of Adventist Today

• Evangelists and Russians weigh evangelism in Russia

• Report details Adventist decline in tithe, giving

• Former Adventists look back

• Adventists explain current views and practices regarding jewelry

22 November-December 1994 Advenrist Today

between levels of church organization, and for upper

Administration Seeks levels of the denomination to have greater formal and

informal control. Minutes of the final week-long session
of the commission dealing with these sensitive matters

Greater Control were never given to commission members. Most impor-

tantly, the final commission report--eontaining explicit
recommendations on linkage-was not even seen by
the entire commission until it was distributed to the

Annual Council.
last month's Annual Council of The document called for "landmark changes in
Adventist church leaders a housewife from church management," according to the Adventist
hio, Susan Sickler delivered the only Review. Folkenberg did not reveal how and why it came
speech that drew applause. Sickler admitted that per- into final form without discussion and a vote from the
haps she appeared confused, along with other members commission.
of the church's Commission on World Church The Annual Council voted down one key "linkage"
Organization-a group appointed to study the effective- advocated in the commission report: that the ministeri-
ness of church governance. The reason for their confu- al credentials of the local conference officers be autho-
sion was that there were discrepancies between the spe- rized by the union conference. If passed, this recom-
cific recommendations which the commission had "T mendation would have made local church leaders more
voted and the official commission report that was now 1.he devil is in formally beholden to higher leaders, and less account-
presented to the Annual Council. In fact, the commis- able to either the conference delegates that voted them
sion members had never seen the report in the form the details," said into office and/or to the local conference executive
presented to the council delegates. The report gave sig- committees.
nificant details on how church authority should further Sickler. "1 can see
be centralized; these were new to commission members. Centralized "Problem-Solving"
''The devil is in the details," said Sickler. "I can see one thing that Another recommendation made to strengthen cen-
one thing that could unite the North American tralized control would effectively give the relevant
Division: The same headline will be run in Our Finn could unite the "higher organization" power to dissolve or merge a
Foundation and in Spectrum-'Welcome to Babylon!' " lower organizational unit if a problem were perceived.
This speech not only took the assembled world dele- North American This recommendation was referred for later discussion
gates by storm, but former General Conference presi- at the spring administrative meeting of the General
dent Neal Wilson rose and said that the current Division: The Conference-a meeting that includes fewer local con-
General Conference president, Robert Folkenberg, ference presidents and hence a higher proportion of
should hear it. Accordingly, General Conference secre- same headline will General Conference personnel. At present, many local
tary Ralph Thompson fetched Folkenberg, and Sickler conference constitutions allow union conference lead-
repeated her remarks. be run in Our ers to call for a constituency meeting of the local con-
Commission members later learned that in mid- ference if a problem is perceived. However, the com-
August, the report in its revised form had been sent to Firm Foundation mission report states that the Union Conference "shall"
those commission members who are also members of consult with the relevant Division of the General
the General Conference Executive Committee and and in Spectrum: Conference if a serious problem arises with a local con-
who would attend Annual Council, but not to the ference that may warrant disbandment.
other commission members present at Annual Council, 'Welcome to Admittedly, a church of such economic, education-
including Sickler. al, racial and cultural diversity as contemporary
Church governance thus dominated discussion at Babylonl' " Adventism needs well thought out ways to keep the
Annual Council, which met for the week beginning denomination together-as well as to protect and foster
October 3 at the Adventist headquarters building in individual members, congregations and local confer-
Silver Spring, Maryland. ences. We need to rethink the organization laid down
Three years ago General Conference president in 1901, when the denomination had only some 60,000
Robert Folkenberg set up and chaired this international members world wide, but the delegates to last month's
commission to study governance. They had four meet- Annual Council had second thoughts about attempts to
ings, the last in March, 1994. slip the denomination into a more hierarchical mode.
In the rousing discussion, Herman Bauman, Arizona
A Call for "Linkage" conference president, said that the commission report
The commission's work proceeded smoothly until was spelling "linkage" with the letters C-O-N-T-R-O-L.
the Gettysburg session last spring. At that session, cer-
tain church leaders stressed the need for close "linkage" Continued on /Jage 26

Adventist Today November-December 1994 23

Letters to the Editor

ADVENTIST CREATIONISM ing declaration: that science today is more and Your fall issue boldly fronted the dilemma in
more affirming God as Creator? "Adventist Creationism." I found it both reward-
I have noted the controversy following the Phyllis William.~-Vineyard ing and disturbing.
Creation/Evolution panel with great interest, and Anaheim, California To increase the reward and diminish the dis-
not a little sadness. turbance, I suggest that we consider the following
It seems plain that in the context of the The recent uproar about the creation panel facts which until recently at least have been
Adventist church at large, "historicity of Scripture pushed me to write you (AT editor). I came to axioms for most Seventh-day Adventists. (I)
and the Genesis account of creation" mean a six- PUC in 1950, having arrived from Europe only in Satan fervently wants us to believe in evolution
day fiat creation a relatively few thousand years January of that year. One of my first exposures was rather than celestial creation. (2) Fallen Lucifer
ago. Given this, the G.c. president's report was to the Daniel and Revelation class you taught. employs, in order to deceive, any and all power
precipitous and ill-advised, but addressed to Only years later did I realize that during the same permitted him by God. (3) If permitted, he (the
SDAs, it was hardly an unfair characterization of time you had memorized Daniel and Revelation devil) will obfuscate, indeed rearrange, the "geo-
Dr. Hammill's (as well as Ed Hare's and Ervin in their respective languages in order to under- logic column," the decay of uranium, the O2 iso-
Taylor's) view of creation as I understand it. It stand better the meaning of the text. This and tope record in ocean sediments, and all the rest.
troubles me that your editorial in the recent your absolute loyalty to the Adventist church, in (4) God hasn't promised to remove all doubt for
Adventist Today presents Elder Hammill's position spite of theological disagreements, made me all persons, always.
in such a way as to obfuscate rather than clarify respect your teaching as well as your ministry. The Bible is the beginning of all science. It
the issue. More about loyalty. The people I am going to leaves little place for serious doubt concerning the
The statement that all panelists "believe there mention have made my own loyalty to the origin of our global environment.
is full and complete harmony between the Bible Adventist church import~nt to me. Peter Hare Raymond O. West
and confirmed data of the natural world when was a classmate of mine. One of the reasons he Belfair, Washington
both are rightly understood" is so broad as to went into physical chemistry was the Carbon- I 4
cover everyone from Duane Gish to Howard van issue that was prominent in the 50s. He wanted to I enjoyed your series on creationism, after lis-
Till, to say nothing of Robert H. Pierson and prove that the C-14 dating was wrong. It did not tening to the tapes. I think the letter of Alvin J.
Richard Hammill. How does this statement con- tum out that way. But Pete, as we called him, Ratzlaff on page 22 sums it up quite well. Unless
vey any useful information to your readers? In the remained loyal to the church. we approach truth with humility, admitting that
SDA subculture it is a formulation I have most My wife's uncle, Dr. Murdoch, was visiting us we, as individuals, and as a church, may be in
often heard used by traditionalists to express faith in the 70s. He told us that some of the church's error, our "studies" take on the character of the
in a literal reading of Genesis, with the expecta- dogmas were not stressed at the seminary any prayer in Luke 18:9- I 2.
tion that proper understanding of the empirical more. When asked why nothing had happened in Arlin W. Baldwin
data would be forthcoming. Using it in another the church, he said that it takes time to turn the Coarsegold, California
sense, even one that may be appropriate in a dif- Queen Mary. But Uncle Billy, as we called him,
ferent venue, does not seem helpful in resolving a remained absolutely loyal to the church. The essays on creation in the Sept/Oct'94
misunderstanding (or dispute) among Adventists. We became acquainted with Des Ford after he issue were excellent, but why have SDA scholars
Every view of creation contains factors which moved to Auburn. There is hardly an Adventist been virtually silent on the subject for most of the
are difficult to explain, whether from the spiritual that lives a better Christian life and who has 20th century? Such discussions have rarely been
or the scientific side. It seems to me that we remained loyal to the church. welcomed on SDA campusesThose who dared
would all be better served by straight talk about It was our privilege to get acquainted with suggest an "open theolo!,'Y," in which the Creator
our own views, and open discussion of both kinds Smuts Van Rooyen. We have heard him preach was BIGGER than Genesis, were regarded with
of problems, rather than by listing awards and in the Riverside church and again in the utmost suspicion.
accomplishments, or by lawyers' arguments about Carmichael church. His loyalty impresses us. Two essay authors, however, made comments
the rights of the accused, or by careful language I recall Dr. Heppenstall at one of the Forum meet- which revealed that a degree of traditional SDA
conveying misleading impressions. ings in Angwin state that he really did not believe "cerebral stenosis" persists. One author implied
Plainly, I was really disappointed in your edito- that Christ was going around in heaven lighting that since the other writers of Old Testament
rial. I have held you in high regard for a long the candles, and heard a lady gasp, "But Dr. books did not expand upon the subject of creation
time, at least since your reporting on Glacier Heppenstall, how can you say that?" we can assume that it must not be very important
View, but now I'm feeling something very close to If we were to put all of these people in one and need not concern us. The other author stated
a sense of betrayal. Can you help me with this? room there would be quite a discussion and proba- that abandoning a literal Genesis creation would
Earl Aagaard bly considerable disagreement. But all of them weaken faith in the Bible and God. Neither com-
Angwin, California would be loyal to their faith. ment makes sense to anyone who has studied his-
The issue of loyalty should have made all of the tory, science, and the Bible, and managed to keep
The six-member panel of scholars plus the frivolous arguments raised about the intent of the an open mind while doing so.
moderator, which assembled to discuss creation- meeting in Loma Linda superfluous. From the list of The question of origins is THE fundamental
ism at Loma Linda on April 2, gave a masterful the participants it seems clear that all of them are question asked by all humankind. Each of us wants to
presentation, from beginning to end! I was there. loyal Adventists. When one begins to think that we know the answers to: "Who am [I" "Where did I
And each speaker reaffirmed his continued belief have developed a sufficient amount of tolerance come from?" "Why am I here?" Genesis is not a scien-
in the biblical concept of creationism. and, more than that, have developed a security in tific account and only hints at the answers to these
How then, after the panel's compelling discus- our faith, this happens. Don't lose faith in the mem- questions. Genesis is unique among biblical books in
sion lasting four hours, could anyone there assume bers of the church. Many of us support you. that the authorship is unproven, it was written mil-
that an attack had been made on the historicity of L. Arno Lejnieks lennia after the event, and is based upon a collection
Scripture, especially after having heard this excit- Sacramento, California of ancient Mesopotamian myths and legends.

24 November-December 1994 Adventist Today

Letters to the Editor

It is illogical that a believer's faith would be of Christ, have been around as long. And the ry that would place the blame for her actions at
shaken when scientific discoveries suggest flaws in church cannot tolerate a portion of its age 16. Really, should ADVENTIST TODAY give
Sumerian mythology! Each new discovery on the educated, thinking body that wants to see appro- credence to the modern psychiatric theories
creation of the universe and life should result in priately talented women utilized and recognized wherein mental probers find excuses for adult sins
an expanded faith and wonder at God's creative equally with men? It's a doctrinal/biblical authori- in a supposed forgotten molestation in infancy?
masterpiece--not less! Let's have more on this ty issue?Come on. Let's grow up! Professional men are more and more coming to
topic. Frank R. Lemon look upon the current craze of blaming infancy
Vernon P. Wagner Beaumont, California events for adult or teen-age sin. Where in the
Huntington Beach, California Bible or the Testimonies do we find support for
Re: the synopsis of Holmes' book. Most who such reasonings? Christ is the only answer to
write on the issue of ordaining women tend to problems like her's.
HOLMES' ICEBERG treat a different issue--whether women should Lloyd Rosenvold
serve as elders or pastors. Already,throughout the Hope, Idaho
Since Holmes "approves the arrangement" of world and in every congregation women serve in
the digest of his book (Tip Of An Iceberg- ordainable posts, though they are seldom In the September/October, 1994, Adventist
Sept/Oct 1994) it seems fair to criticize both the ordained. These are our female deacons, usually Today, Cheri Lynn Gregory tells the story of how
book and his position from that arrangement. Dr. termed "deaconesses" and treated separately from suppressed memories of sexual abuse occurring at
Holmes plants his feet firmly in mush as he the male deacons. the age of five ostensibly caused her to suffer eat-
equates belief in male ordination only with "com- The Greek term diakonos (deacon) is a neuter ing disorders and other behavior problems in her
mitment to biblical authority" and proper "inter- term and is used for deacons of either or both gen- teens and early adult life. As a retired Child
pretation of Scripture." The matter is at so grave a ders. I reference the interested reader the com- Protective Services worker who has investigated
"crossroads" that it may contribute to eventual mentaries on Romans 16:1 by L.Morris (1988, pp. many cases of child abuse over the years, I agree
schism! 528-529), EE Bruce (TNTC 6, [963, p. nO),and that sexual abuse of children undoubtedly occurs,
Sadly, planned or unplanned, the book comes for those who do not mind the historical-critical and that it can cause many problems later in life.
out all too typically as yet another narrow, chau- method,]. Fitzmeyer (AB 33, 1993, p. 729). It may very well be the case that Ms. Gregory
vinistic, legalistic defense of one element of the Under the ostensible issue of whether women has found the true causes of her difficulties,
status quo in the SDA church. Those who do not should serve as elders or pastors is the more impor- through competent therapy, and I do not presume
share Holmes' viewpoint are, by definition, tant issue of whether women are spiritually signifi- to judge her case. But as the title of her article
rejecters of the Bible as the Word of God. We cant enough to be ordained as deaconesses.!n this puts the matter, there is "Bad News, Good News"
must see and interpret it Holmes' way, reach his issue we see just how far our church departs from about this subject of suppressed memories, child
conclusions, or we are obviously wrong. To clinch Biblical authority. As Holmes focuses on the office abuse, and testimony of children.
the matter, leaving us on the outside looking in, rather than on ordination itself, he is the one who Your readers need to be aware there is a
he notes that he represents the "majority view." treats the tip of the iceberg. downside on this subject, and a growing national
So the book then is also about who has, and who Jim Miller backlash. This is detailed in a current article by
will get, power and status--via the"majority." That Madison, Wisconsin Martin Gardner entitled "The Tragedies of False
is a very troublesome focus for any church found- Memories" in the fall, 1994, issue of The
ed on the "Rock Christ Jesus," rather than on "the Skeptical Inquirer, published by the Committee
majority." GREGORY'S GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the
History is littered with the wreckage of Paranormal. Gardner cites numerous recent
churches and other groups that followed a "major- We received your attractive magazine books and articles on this subject, with case stud-
ity view" even when it was wrong. In this (September-October issue) and were aghast to ies, and says" Books on both sides of the bitter
instance, Adventists everywhere are called to con- read the account on page 23 where the writer in controversy are proliferating." He refers readers
fonnity with what is just a third world cultural effect extols the modern psychiatric method of interested in up-to-date information to the False
custom, not to unity with each other in the cen- convincing young adults that somehow they were Memory Syndrome Foundation, 3401 Market
tral Person and thrust of Scripture. sexually molested in infancy but had simply for- Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, which publishes
Holmes seems, in all this, a good representa- gotten it and the psychiatrists manage to dig up a newsletter. Interested readers of Adventist
tive of the ATS (Adventist Theological Society) their hidden memory and now they understand all Today are advised to carefully investigate both
he has led. ATS has blessed us in the past with its about what troubles them. [t was not their own sides of this subject before entering therapy or
clear descriptive identification of "real fault at all. Just something that maybe a dirty old advocating it.
Adventists," and by implication the non-real. In r,lan did to her when she was age 5. Arlin W. Baldwin
context, I feel the chill of a different kind of "ice- Early in the article she describes how at age 16 Coarsegold, California
berg" that mashes dissent, squashes local/regional she was into a halfhour's"steamy" relationship
ways of doing, all on the basis of dubious and per- with another boy in her car and if we can believe
sonal biblical "interpretations." her words they must have gone "all the way" into
The church has always had a "pluralism" of fornication, if we understand her prose.
views, thank God. Some are markedly more pene- In any event what was wrong with her is made Letters to the Editor
trating than this one. Perspectives ranging from clear in her article that she had a deep feeling of Adventist Today
rank legalism to purist "faith alone" have survived guilt after her steamy episode. She was old enough P.O. Box 1220
together, with tension to be sure, as have even to understand right from wrong at age 16.
Loma Linda, CA 92354-1220
more sharply divisive viewpoints for over 100 A true conversion could have cured her emo-
years.Different views of inspiration, or the nature tional ills, instead of finding an elusive lost memo-

Adventist Today November-December1994 25

age," states Sickler. "And for our computer-loving,
Administration Seeks Greater Control information-highway, baby-boomer President
Folkenberg to push for such control is the height of
Continued from page 23
incongruity. It doesn't compute."
Certain elements of the commission report were
Another conference leader was overheard to say, welcomed and overwhelmingly approved. The General
"This is purely a power grab." Conference Executive Committee membership will be
One General Conference staffer, in a private com- reduced to about 240 and will better represent the
ment, stated that "What the Catholic Church took 300 world field. Because of expense, the General
years to achieve, we are doing in 150." Conference Session delegate attendance will be capped
at either 2000 or 2,650. These actions, along with other
Keeping Unity commission proposals, are recommendations for consid-
The Folkenberg administration is clearly looking for eration by the General Conference session in Utrecht
top-down ways to keep unity in the church. Folkenberg next summer.
is said to be particularly concerned that persons such as
Desmond Ford are still church members. Ford is the Membership and Publishing
theologian of Glacier View fame who runs his own Although the commission report dominated several
independent ministry. days of discussion and set nerves on edge, other matters
In discussion, the example of John Osborne, director were discussed and reported:
and speaker for Prophecy Countdown, in Mount Dora, • In 1993 world church membership rose 5.57 per-
Florida, was cited. Despite the fact that Osborne is cent for a total of 7,962,210 members, but per capita

under church discipline, his church membership has financial support declined by 2.8 percent, or $4.76 per
been adroitly moved about by sympathetic churches- member, for a total "loss" of $35,693,588. On June 30,
from Florida to the Troy, Montana church, now dis-
nother con~ 1994, the church membership stood at 8,173,663, a pre-
banded, to the Village Church in Angwin, California. liminary estimate.
Accordingly, the commission asked three individuals . ference leader was • The publishing work of the church will be substan-
each to write a paper that might marshall support for tially opened for competition among its different pub-
hierarchical control of local church membership. lishing houses. In North America no longer will Pacific
However, Paul Gordon of the White Estate, Bert overheard to say, Press be somewhat restricted to marketing in the west-
Haloviak of the General Conference Archives, and Raoul ern states and Review and Herald to the eastern states.
Dederen of Andrews University independently and from Further, interdivision competition was blessed. The
different perspectives, agreed that the Adventist and 'This is purely a church's publishing houses will "have access to other ter-
Protestant traditions oppose such controls. ritories outside their divisions to market their products."
For example, Inter-American Division publishing houses
Ironic Move in Adventism
power grab.' " may now compete with Pacific Press, the long-standing
The commission report is ironic in several ways. The publisher of Spanish books for North America.
commission was first billed as a mechanism for empow- • The 1995 General Conference budget was
ering the local church units and decentralizing authori- approved, totalling $129.8 million, down nearly $7 mil-
ty. Further, when autocratic control is waning in gov- lion, due to decreased giving by members.
ernments around the world, it is noteworthy that a • For financial reasons, study is being given to mov-
church that long prided itself on "representative" ing the Adventist Media Center from Newbury Park,
church governance would now make moves to weaken California. Five finalist sites are being considered:
democracy in a system whose higher administrators are Berrien Springs, Michigan; Boise, Idaho; Chattanooga,
many levels removed from individual church-member Tennessee; Keene, Texas; and Lincoln, Nebraska.
votes. Ted Wilson, president of the Division that Throughout the Annual Council many references
encompasses Russia, is reported to have said at one of were made to the church's challenges and also to the
the commission meetings that he would have difficulty Lord's blessings. Sickler made perhaps the most memo-
selling some of the contemplated recommendations in a rable speech on the council floor, but her comments
country that had just come out of communism. expressed sympathy and faith in addition to criticism of
The telecommunications revolution taking place hierarchical control. She expressed sympathy for "those
worldwide appears to fly in the face of centralized To prejlare this story, the edi. trying to lead a maturing church in this chaotic world."
church control. The new CompuServe network set up WI'Sconsulted official Annual "It is a hard job, but remember that what holds us
by the General Conference, with 900 members and Council documents as well as a together is the Holy Spirit," she told the delegates. "We
diverse group of l'er5Ons who
open to all, is necessarily open discussion of Adventist are not a Fortune 500 company where the CEO bosses
attended, including the staff of
business. "Today, organizations are scrapping hierarchi- General Conference />resident, the employees. We choose to stay together, and the
cal control because it doesn't work in an information Robert Folkenberg. Holy Spirit keeps us together." ~

26 November-December 1994 Adventist Today


W hen I was a small child growing up

in California, Thanksgiving was a
huge, multifamily event involving
days of shopping and cooking, and advanced plan-
ning to rival the invasion of a small Caribbean
Bonnie L. Casey
nence in my spiritual armament. And I guess that
needs some explaining.
When you think about it, what in the world do
optimists have to feel grateful for? If things turn
out swell, it's only what they expected all along. In
nation. Until I was old enough to handle sharp their roseate world view, good things are just
knives and a deep fat frier, my job was to arrange bound to happen in the natural order of the cos-
the centerpieces for the long adult table and the
smaller (and much-dreaded) children's table.
I enjoyed this job and took the responsibility
very seriously. It meant going outside on crisp
"1 . used to stand
mos. On the other hand, good things don't even
have to happen to make a pessimist grateful. If
calamities simply do not occur, a pessimist heaves a
great sigh of relief and breathes a prayer of thanks-
Thanksgiving mornings to gather crimson and gold there with my eyes giving to God and all the angels.
leaves from the sugar maple trees in our yard, clip- Which is how I've earned my credentials as a
ping bunches of red-orange berries from our pyra- clamped shut spokesperson on gratitude. A lifetime of bleak
cantha bushes, and cutting long tendrils of expectations and heartfelt sighs of relief have led
grapevine from the vineyards near our house. I thinking, 'Well, me to conclude that there is a very good reason
would arrange these, along with yellow chrysanthe- why we celebrate Thanksgiving (active) instead of
mums and whole walnuts, around tall milk-glass really! Ididn't see Thanksfeeling (passive). As a feeling, gratitude has
candlesticks. It was lovely. a short shelf-life. It either dissipates or changes
And so were the smells that drifted from the God's oven mitts into something less attractive.
kitchen where women labored apron-to-apron Gratitude only works if it becomes a way of
while the men watched football and drank apple hanging by the gas being or doing, not merely feeling. I'm not advo-
cider. There were savory entrees, three vegetables, cating a passive attitude wherein you thank God
two salads, rich gravies, warm breads, and heavy range!'" for whatever happens, whether good or evil. I
desserts. I loved the celebration of Thanksgiving, mean behaving as though you were grateful for all
but I learned early that if you were female, it that you have and are, even if you don't necessari-
meant an awful lot of work. ly feel like it. It can take the form of doing some-
Which is why I often had to struggle with very thing as simple as recounting all the small things
unspiritual feelings when, just before the meal in your life that make you happy, and remember-
began, some man would have us all bow our heads ing that things could always be much, much
while he thanked God for the meal we were about worse. Seeing yourself relative to a very large uni-
to enjoy. I used to stand there with my eyes verse of human suffering and achievement lessens
clamped shut thinking, "Well, really! I didn't see the tendency to think that your pain is the worst
God's oven mitts hanging by the gas range!" anyone has been asked to bear, and softens the
It was, perhaps, an uncharitable sentiment, but internal clamor that comes from constantly seek-
it illustrates what a slippery thing this emotion of ing your fair share of life's goodies. It fosters con-
gratitude can be. No other emotion is theoretically tentment.
more selfless, yet wherever you stand in relation to Living gratefully implies a level of spiritual
it - giving it or expecting it - none is more like- maturity that I reach only fitfully. The circle of
ly to foster feelings of resentment. Gratitude can friends with whom I celebrate Thanksgiving has a
embitter you if you are in someone's debt for too tradition of beginning our meal by taking turns
long. And a generous impulse turns sour if you telling what we are thankful for. Years ago I went
don't receive the thanks you believe you deserve. through a time so seemingly bereft of hope that all
I've been thinking a lot lately about gratitude Bonnie L. Casey works as I could think of to say when it was my turn was,
- what it means and how to keep it free from a freelance writer and as an "I'm grateful for indoor plumbing." Every year
creeping embitterment. Perhaps this is because, for editor in a Washington, since then, I've been grateful for the opportunity to
me, a lifelong pessimist, gratitude has taken promi- D.C., law firm. improve on that answer. ~

Adventist Today November-December 1994 27

As We Go to Press

LLD Explores somewhere near Princeton University on

a list of schools having the largest per-
tions. LSU had planned a large capital
campaign for funding a new science com-
B.S. Program centage of graduates who go on to med- plex that now would be in jeopardy if
ical school (the great majority of such indeed LLU should have pursued the

L oma Linda University's Board of

Trustees voted on October 17 to
"empower the university to develop acad-
PUC graduates attend LLU).
La Sierra's new president, Lawrence
Geraty, says that before he came last year
proposed undergraduate degree program.

emic offerings to support and undergird from Atlantic Union College he sought
and received assurances from LLU's presi-
the health professional and research-
dent, B. Lyn Behrens, that LLU would
Swiss/Canadian Cultists
based biomedical programs." This action
was taken in light of a recent decision of not be initiating a B.S. program in the
the Annual Council of the Adventist
church to cut back its subsidy to Loma
Linda-about 10 million dollars annual-
foreseeable future. As a result of intense
discussions since the board action, it now
appears that the administration will look
N ews accounts of the recent deaths of
some 50 members of the Solar
Temple in Switzerland and Canada drew
ly-by more than $400,000, funds ear- for other options than the four-year parallels between this group and Jim Jones'
marked for the school's graduate biology broad-based biology curriculum. followers in British Guyana as well as David
program. The board, not desiring to dis- Relations between LSU and LLU Koresh's followers in Waco, Texas. All three
solve its graduate biology program, have been somewhat tense since the groups held fatal apocalyptic visions. Their
looked to possible development of a biol- divorce between the two campuses in origins were diverse, the Solar Temple cult
ogy-oriented bachelor's program as a way 1990 (formerly both were part ofLLU). finding its roots in ancient mysticism and
of retaining its graduate biology faculty, The fall opening of LLU's graduate psy- New Age practices. No one had an
although other options were also consid- chology program that employs some of Adventist background among those who
erect It also stipulated that the university LSU's former faculty further agitated rela- perished in the recent Solar Temple group.
should seek the advice and consent of
other Adventist institutions of higher
learning that might be affected. Grat~i~tude n. An appreciative awareness and thankfulness, as for kindness shown
All Adventist colleges could be signif- or a gift received.

icantly affected if LLU developed a B.S.
program in medical science. Students s Adventist Today finishes its second full year of publication, there is much to
who desire to pursue a specialized post- thank God for and many people to whom we want to express our gratitude.
graduate health care program at Loma Many of you have shown kindness. You have written letters to the editor. We appre-
Linda, like medical school, might per- ciate both positive and negative feedback in those letters. You have helped advertise
ceive that their chances of gaining Adventist Today by sharing it with your friends, resulting in some new subscribers. You
admittance would be enhanced by get- have written articles and opinions which we have published.
ting their B.S. at the same school. The And many of you have given gifts to help us expand this ministry. While we
two other Adventist institutions of high- express a special gratitude for advisory council members because of their substantial,
er learning in California-Pacific Union ongoing gifts, we are very thankful for a new and even larger donor base. To those of
College and La Sierra University-would you who responded to our phonathon letters and phone calls, we express here a very'
be potentially affected most. PUC heartfelt "Thank you." We are very grateful for your pledges and gifts.
recently has run a very catchy full-page If for some reason, you were not asked to become a donor and you would like to
ad in denominational periodicals that be one, we apologize. But it isn't too late. Our gratitude for unsolicited gifts knows
proclaims itself nationally recognized, almost no bounds!


Loma Linda, CA 92354-1220 CA

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