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Portuguese Lab Podcast | 114 | Mini-story - ao + infinitive


O piloto leva a nave até ao planeta Vuxi e ao aterrá-la no terreno irregular

perto de uma cratera funda, vê uma sombra a esconder-se atrás de uma pedra.
Veste o fato de exterior e ao andar até à cratera, ouve ruídos estranhos a
vir do seu interior. Ao aproximar-se, retira a sua arma do fato e aponta-a na
direção do fundo da cratera. Mas ao descer, tropeça e rebola até parar numa
zona escura. Sente alguma coisa atrás de si e ao virar-se dá de caras com uma
criatura de boca aberta e uma fileira de dentes afiados a tentar mordê-lo.
Grita e, ao tentar fugir, é agarrado por duas garras e arrastado para dentro
de um túnel.
Ao voltar a sair do túnel após meia hora, a criatura arrota satisfeita. Depois
olha pensativamente para a nave parada ao longe.

English translation

The pilot takes the ship to the planet Vuxi, and as he lands it on the uneven ground
near a deep crater, he sees a shadow hiding behind a rock. He puts on the exterior
suit, and as he walks to the crater, he hears strange noises coming from within. As
he approaches it, he removes his weapon from the suit and points it towards the
bottom of the crater. But as he goes down, he trips and rolls until he stops in a dark
area. He feels something behind him, and as he turns, he comes face to face with
a creature with its mouth open and a row of sharp teeth trying to bite him. He
screams and, as he tries to escape, he is grabbed by two claws and dragged into a
As it comes out of the tunnel again after half an hour, the creature belches in
satisfaction.Then it looks thoughtfully at the ship standing in the distance.

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© 2019 - Portuguese Lab

Portuguese Lab Podcast | 114 | Mini-story - ao + infinitive

ao (a + o) + infinitive/personal infinitive (as + verb) [= quando (when) / =
enquanto (while) / = gerúndio]

Learn more in the Portuguese Lab Academy

1) Download the MP3 file of this episode.

2) Solve the exercises relating to this episode and learn how to use ao +
infinitive/personal infinitive and transform sentences using quando, enquanto and
the gerund.
3) Learn when and how to use the personal infinitive.
4) Learn when and how to use the present tense.

© 2019 - Portuguese Lab


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