Vanity Publishing Vs Self Publishing

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Are you ready to publish? Vanity Publishing Vs. Self Publishing? The difference between the two is straightforward but significant. Self Publishing means that YOU (sel!) are the publisher. Vanity Publishing is paying another publishor to publish your book ... pay to play What does this REALLY mean for you ed Author Beware Se ey ed Vanity Publishing Also known as Author Services, Predatory Publishing or Author Solutions 1LYaniy Press is the publisher 2.Vanity Press om the ISBN 8.Vanty Press manly uses @ POD PRINTER (LSI) 4 Vanily Press outsources o: controls team related to publeation (ating, cover, frnating, layout otc) 5 Author pays - Venty Pross owns the pining fos ‘Author pays Vanity Press owns e-book fies 7-Author pays al the production cocts ‘Author buys books from VP at inflated prices 9 Author pays for channel dstbution 10.Author pays for book marketing ‘Author eas a royally (usually 50-80%) 12anity Press coniols the book / e-books price 18.Vanty Press oame tho publichers proft cS Oye CMP WIC) SS Memb UL el “Stop praying for a publishing contract Pac Self Publishing ‘Also known es Author/Publisher, Indie Publishing 4 Authoris the publisher 2.Author owns tho ISBN (ard thoretor lights) ‘Author mainly uses a POD PRINTER (Lightning Source) “Author outsourees or controls team related to publietion (editing, cover, formatting, layout ete) ‘Author pays - Author owns the pnting fils ‘-Author pays ~ Author oan e-book files 7-Aulhor pays al the production cocts(@ reduced cost) ‘Author buys books ftom Printer et COST {@.Author pays for channel csiroution (no fees Involved) 40.Author pays for book marketing 11.Author sans royalty (100%) 42,Autho cortrols the book / e-books price 48 Auth ears te publishers profi ‘ww. hing industry works Atiue traditional publisher has a business model to make a profit on book sales.The vanity self-publishing companies (author services) have a business mode! to make money trom authors at beginning, middle and end of your publishing Journey-The self publishing madel controls the publication process, eams more on the sales and limits ‘author set up costs, You are an Author/Publisher business, Outsource to professionals and seek assistance ~ ose ee eee ce Tae ec eed hat company name) + Better Businoes Bureau (for US companis) (That company name) + Scam; (That (That company name) + Ri a fee for service, do your research. Underiake a Google search for:

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