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Setting SMART Goals

The key to setting goals is to stay focused on where you want to go; the destination. Only after the goal can you
start thinking about how can start achieving the goal. The SMART goal setting model that follows is a sound,
structured way to work through the goal-setting process.
The SMART format is one of the most widely used goal-setting tools. It walks you through the goal setting process
in a way that helps you maintain “clear, timed, important and reachable objectives” (Stoltzfus, 2008).
The following information on SMART goals has been directly extracted from Stoltzfus, 2008 (p. 37):

Specific: You can state clearly where you are going

 What exactly do you want to accomplish?
 What will it look like when you reach your objective?
 Choose a time frame that makes sense for this objective, and tell me exactly what you want to have
accomplished by then.
 Be mode specific: what is the outcome that you want?

Measurable: You’ve included a way to measure progress

 How can you quantify this goal (put it into a number) so we’ll know when you’ve reached it?
 You said you want a ‘more balanced life’: define what you mean by ‘more’.
 How could you state this objective so your progress toward it is measurable?

Achievable: It is within your capabilities and depends only on you

 Is this goal within your capabilities? Is it reasonably possible?
 Are there any barriers or circumstances that preclude reaching this goal?
 Does this goal depend on anyone else’s choices? How can we reword it so it depends only on you?

Realistic: You can care enough about this goal to make it a priority
 Why is it important to you?
 What are you willing to let go of or cut from your schedule to work on this goal?
 On a scale of one to ten, how important is it to you to reach this goal?

Time Bound: It has a deadline

 By when will you reach the goal? (Or by when will this be an established habit)?
 When will you start?
 What is your deadline?
My Personal Learning Goals Student Name: Tutor Group:

Goals Achievement Starting Goal Reflection

(set your goal using the SMART guideline What does it look like when I have achieved this What do I need to do to start achieving this
above) goal? goal? Check-In # 1 Check-In # 2 Check-In # 3

Become more organised for class When I get good grades, and Prioritise study ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
and not leave studying to the night understand the topic Needs
On Track Needs
Achieved Needs

before Write the progress you have Write the progress you have Write the progress you have
made towards achieving this made towards achieving this made towards achieving this
goal. goal. goal.

Improve my understanding of When I understand what I am doing  Ask more questions ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

certain topics in maths and no longer need to use notes  Attend help sessions Needs On Track Needs On Achieved Needs On Achieved
Attention Attention Track Attention Track

Write the progress you have Write the progress you have Write the progress you have
made towards achieving this made towards achieving this made towards achieving this
goal. goal. goal.

Improve understanding of grammar Get an A or above  Ask more questions ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

patterns in Japanese  Prioritise study and become Needs On Track Needs On Achieved Needs On Achieved
Attention Attention Track Attention Track
more organised
Write the progress you have Write the progress you have Write the progress you have
made towards achieving this made towards achieving this made towards achieving this
goal. goal. goal.

Student Signature: Tutor Teacher Signature: Parent Signature:

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