Dropzone Commander V2 Units

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Grav Cannon Chart

Table 1
Kodiac A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special
9” 4” A 4 105 Vehicle Command 1 a3

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Tactical Orbital Strike 13 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 0” F/S/R IF, Areas-S, Demolisher 2

Pheonix Command Gunship A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 16” A 9 190 Aircraf Command 1 L N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Missile Battery 10 1 3+ 36” 9” 4” F L-2, Area-L
AA Battery 6 2 3+ 36” 9” 8” F/S/R AA
Minigun Triad 12 1 3+ ∞ 12” 8” F/S (Lef) N/A
Minigun Triad 12 1 3+ ∞ 12” 8” F/S (Right) N/A

A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 16" A 9 220 Aircraf Command 1 L *Advanced Command Suite NB: Uses Sam Hellburn mini

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Missile Battery 10 1 3+ 36" 9" 4" F L-2, Area-L
Missile Pods 9 2 3+ 36" 9" 8" F SC
AA Battery 6 2 3+ 36" 9" 8" F/S/R AA

Minigun Triad 12 1 3+ ∞ 12" 8" F/S (lef) N/A

Minigun Triad 12 1 3+ ∞ 12" 8" F/S (Right) N/A
Minigun Triad 12 1 3+ ∞ 12" 8" F N/A
*Advanced Command Suite: Any Commander mounted in a Super Phoenix automatically increases his Radius value to 48"


Eagle Heavy Gunship A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 18” A 3 100 Aircraf Support 1 L N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin Heavy Railguns 11 2 3+ ∞ 24” 6” N N/A
Multi Missile Pods 9 2 3+ 36” 6” 6” F/S(Right) N/A
Multi Missile Pods 9 2 3+ 36” 6” 6” F/S(Lef) N/A

Ferrum Class Drone Base A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 3” A 5 155 Vehicle Support 1 a9 Drone Base*, Rare

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin UM-5 Gatling (Left) 3 4 4+ 24” 12” 3” F/S (Lef) N/A
Twin UM-5 Gatling (Left) 3 4 4+ 24” 12” 3” F/S (Right) N/A
Point Defense Launchers 6 2 3+ 36” 9” 3” F/S/R AA, SC
* Special Rule - Drone Base: During it s first act ivation a Ferrum Class Drone B ase may deploy a squad of up to eight Starsprit e Drones ( the normal rules for Transports apply). However, if the Ferrum is destroyed t hen all Drones onboard and thos e deployed by it are
inst antly dest royed as well. In s ubsequent act ivations, the Ferrum may replenis h up to four losses from the Drone Squadron by deploying new ones at the start of its act ivat ion, before existing Starsprite Drones ac tivate. It may deploy an
unlimit ed number t hroughout t he game, but only eight may be in t he air at any one time. The newly deployed Drones do NOT have to fly into coherency wit h previously deployed Drones.

Longbow Howitzer A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 0” A 1 30 Vehicle Support 1-4 Standard b2 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Armour Piercing 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 0” F Alt- 1, IF
Daisy Cutter 8 1 2+ ∞ 24” 0” F Alt- 1, IF, Area- M, Defoliator- 3
Smart Smoke N/A 1 2+ ∞ 24” 0” F/S/R Alt- 1, IF, Smoke*
* S pecial Ru le - Smart Sm oke: This abilit y counts as a weapon shot and follows all t he normal rules for weapons . This weapon may also be fired agains t friendly U nit s (in other Squads) , in which case the R(f) value may be used against friendly Units with Active
Count ermeasures. A successful hit affects t he entire Squad t o which the t arget ed unit belongs. Weapons fired by units in this squad suffer a +1 Ac modifier. Weapons fired against unit s in t his squad suffer a +1 Ac modifier. This effect is
cumulative up t o a maximum of 2+ and normally remains in effect until t he Longbows squad is next activated. If every Longbow in the s quad is destroyed then the effect is removed inst antly. The effect may be removed prematurely from any
targeted friendly unit s at any t ime during their activat ion.

Fireblade Light Tank A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 6” A 1 35 Vehicle Support 3-9 Standard a1 Smoke Launcher*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Flamethrower 4 6 3+ 6” 6” 6” F/S/R Flame
* Special Rule - Smoke Launch: Onc e per game, when no units in t his squad have shot , the s quad may instead use its smoke launc hers during it s activation. Weapons fired against unit s in this squad, and other units within 2” of any unit in this squad, suffer a +2 Ac modifier
unt il it is next ac tivated. Using Smoke L aunchers does not c ount as shooting.

Crossbow A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 0” A 1 20 Vehicle Support 1-4 Wide b2 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Sharpshot Laser 10 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 0” F Destroyer 6+

Falcon A A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 24” A, E+2 1 40 Aircraf Support 1-4 Wide S

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin UM-28 Gatling Cannon 11 1 3+ ∞ 12” 12” N
Twin UM-5 Gatling 3 4 4+ 24” 12” 12” F N/A

Falcon B A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 24” A, E+2 1 50 Aircraf Support 1-2 Standard S N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM90 Multimissile (AP) 8 2 3+ 36” 9” 12” F Alt-1, SC

UM90 Multimissile (Airburst) 6 2 3+ 36” 9” 12” F Alt-1, AA

Rapier A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 4” A 1 45 Vehicle Support 3 Wide a1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Vindicator (Focused Pattern) 7 3 3+ ∞ 18” 4” F/S/R Alt-1, AA, Articulated
Vindicator (Wide Pattern) 4 8 3+ 24” 12” 4” F/S/R Alt-1, Articulated
UM-50 “Equalizer” (UM-18) Machinegun 3 2 3+ 24” 12” 4” F/S

Hazard Suit Team A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special
4 1” N/A 3 35 Infantry Exotic 1 3+ 2 B2B c1 DF, Hazard Suit*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Light Rail Guns 6 3 2+ ∞ 24” 0” F/S/R Focus-2, RW-1
*Special Rule - Hazard Suit: Hazard Suits were des igned for heavy, labor intensive environments. While they can take incredible punishment and s till be viable, t hey are not nimble or fast moving. C ollat eral Damage only happens on a roll of 6+ agains t a f eature.

Praetorians A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

2 2” N/A 5 48 Infantry Exotic 3 3+ 2-3 B2B c1 Dodge 4+, Fast Roping 4”

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-3 SMG Special 2 10 2+ 12” 6” 2” F/S/R RW-2


Broadsword A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 4” A 4 75 Vehicle Heavy 1-3 Wide a3 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Mythslayer Railguns 11 1 2+ ∞ 36” 4” F/S Devastator-2

Gladius A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 3” A 2 55 Vehicle Heavy 2-6 Standard a1.5

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin UM-100 “Avenger” Railguns 10 2 2+ ∞ 24” 3” F/S/R Articulated
Twin UM-55 Gatling 4 4 3+ 36” 12” 3” F/S

Scimitar A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 3” A 2 50 Vehicle Heavy 2-4 Standard a1.5

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UMX-1 “Marksman” Laser 11 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 1” N Destroyer 6+

Twin UM-55 Gatling 4 4 3+ 36” 12” 3” F/S


Katana Light Tank A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 6” A 1 35 Vehicle Standard 3-9 Standard a1 Smoke Launcher*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin Cannon 9 2 2+ 48” 18” 6” F/S/R N/A
* Special Rule - Smoke Launch: Onc e per game, when no units in t his squad have shot , the s quad may instead use its smoke launc hers during it s activation. Weapons fired against unit s in this squad, and other units within 2” of any unit in this squad, suffer a +2 Ac modifier
unt il it is next ac tivated. Using Smoke L aunchers does not c ount as shooting.

Sabre A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 4” A 1 35 Vehicle Standard 3-9 Standard a1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-100 “Avenger” Railgun 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S/R Articulated
UM-50 “Equalizer” (UM-18) Machinegun 3 2 3+ 24” 12” 4” F/S

Praetorian Sniper Team A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special
2 3” E+2 3 35 Infantry Scout 2 3 2-3 B2B c1 Dodge 4+, Infilitrate- 18, DF

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM- 1Sniper Rifles 4 3 2+ ∞ 18” 0” F/S/R Sniper, RW- 1, SA- 7*
* S pecial Ru le - Precision Praetorian Snipers are expert marksman armed with heavy calibre, high velocity rifles. As such they can be a threat to loitering aircraft by targeting poorly armored, vulnerable areas. When using the Small Arms (SA) rule, this weapon may us
Sm all Arm s:

Starsprite Drones A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

3 30” A 1 N/A Aircraf Scout 8 Standard Tiny Cloud Formation*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM- 110 Golden Arrow 6 1 3+ 24” 6” 15” F Focus- 3, AA(May not reaction fire)
* S pecial Ru le - Cloud Starsprites fly in tight , close format ion in order to combine fire and share targeting informat ion. Any AA weapon wit h multiple shot s firing against a squadron of Starsprit e drones in coherency may allocat e each shot to separate targets within
Formation : the s quadron. Normal rules f or range and line of sight st ill apply.

Wolverine A A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 9” A 1 18 Vehicle Scout 4-8 Standard b1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-303 “Punisher” Minigun 6 1 2+ 36” 12” 9” F/S/R AA

Wolverine B A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 9” A 1 16 Vehicle Scout 4-8 Standard b1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

“Phoenix” Missile Launcher 9 1 2+ ∞ 9” 9” F/S/R SC

Wolverine C A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 9” A 1 20 Vehicle Scout 4-8 Standard b1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Flamethrower 4 3 3+ 3” 3” 9” F/S/R Flame

Legionnaire Mortar Team A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special
2 2” N/A 6 35 Infantry Troops 0.5 5+ 2 B2B c1.5 DF

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Hi-Ex Mortar Round 6 1 3+ N/A N/A 0” F/S/R SC, Alt-1, Barrage-3, RW*, ***
Concussion Round** N/A 1 3+ 48” 18” 0” F/S/R IF, Alt-1, ***
* S pecial Ru le - Weapon s Team (loade r): This weapon reduces its Barrage value by 1 for every 2 damage points s ust ained.

** Special Rule - Concussi on Barrag e: If a Feat ure is hit by this munition AL L inf antry are pus hed back inside, and no Infantry c an go t o t he walls or edge of that Feat ure for t he remainder of the t urn.
*** Special Rule - Mortar: This weapon count s as A rc - Front when firing from t he windows of a building.

Legionnaire Flak Team A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

2 2” A 6 35 Infantry Troops 0.5 5+ 2 B2B c1.5 DF

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-17 Anti-Air Cannon 6 3 3+ 30” 18” 0” F/S/R AA, RW*
* S pecial Ru le - Weapon s Team (loade r): This weapon reduces its Sh value by 1 for every 2 damage points sust ained.

Legionnaires A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

2 2” N/A 5 22 Infantry Troops 1 5+ 2-3 B2B c1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-3 Assault Rifles 3 4 3+ 36” 9” 1” F/S/R RW-1, SA-6

“Phoenix” Missile Launcher 9 1 3+ ∞ 9” 0” F/S/R SC


Albotross A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

5 18” A 6 65 Aircraf Transport 1 A9 L N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-50 Machineguns (Left Battery) 4 4 4+ 36” 12” 9” F/S/R (Lef) N/A
UM-50 Machineguns (Right Battery) 4 4 4+ 36’ 12” 9” F/S/R (Right) N/A
Twin UM-5 Gatling 3 4 4+ 24” 12” 9” F N/A
*Missile Pods 8 1 3+ 36” 9” 9” F SC
* May take missile pods for +5

Condor A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

5 18” A 3 30 Aircraf Transport 1 A3 L N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin UM-5 Gatling 3 4 4+ 24” 12” 9” F N/A
*Missile Pods 8 1 3+ 36” 9” 9” F SC
* May take missile pods for +5

Raven A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

Raven A 5 24” A 1 25 Aircraf Transport 1 C2 S N/A
Raven B 5 24” A 1 15 Aircraf Transport 1 B2 S N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin UM-5 Gatling 3 4 4+ 24” 12” 9” F N/A
*Missile Pods 8 1 3+ 36” 9” 9” F SC
* May take missile pods for +5

Bear A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 15 Vehicle Transport 1 C3, a1.5

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin UM-5 Gatling 3 4 4+ 24” 12” 9” F N/A


Seraphim Retaliator A CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

7 A 2 25(230) Aircraf Airstrike 1 L Lumbering

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Heavenfire (Focused) 12 1 2+ 6” 6” N/A F(N) Alt-1, AB

Heavenfire (Firestorm) 4 4 2+ 6” 6” N/A F(N) Alt-1, Flame
Missile Cluster 10 1 2+ N/A N/A N/A F(N) Alt-1, Barrage-3*, L-3
* S pecial Ru le - Indep ende nt Firing: Multiple Ret aliat ors in the same squad do not c ombine their barrage values when firing and resolve their shot s as if they were separat e squads .

Saraphim A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

7 A 2 30(260) Aircraf Airstrike 1 L Lumbering

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Heavenfire (Focused) 12 1 2+ 6” 6” N/A F(N) Alt-1, AB
Heavenfire (Firestorm) 4 4 2+ 6” 6” N/A F(N) Alt-1, Flame
Bunker Buster Spread 11 2 4+ 6” 6” N/A F(N) Demolisher 3

Archangel A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 N/A A 1 25(160) Aircraf Airstrike 2 Wide S

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-50 Retribution Cannons 7 2 3+ ∞ 12” N/A N AA

Table 1

Oppressor A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 8” A 5 135 Vehicle Command 1 d3 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Electroweb Caster 12 1 2+ 9” 9” 4” F Tech Killer

Plasma Carbine 11 1 2+ 18” 18” 4” F/S Alt-1, Demolisher-2

Plasma Carbine 11 2 2+ 9” 9” 4” F/S Alt-1

Plasma Carbine 11 1 2+ 18” 18” 4” F/S Alt-2, Demolisher-2

Plasma Carbine 11 2 2+ 9” 9” 4” F/S Alt-2

Razor Claws 10 2 3+ CC CC 4” F N/A

Desolator A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 12” A 7 140 Aircraf Command 1 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Ion Storm Generator (Wide) 11 1 * * 9” * Alt- 1

Ion Storm Generator (Focused) 11 3 2+ 9” 9” 9” F Alt- 1, Destroyer 5+, Flame

* Structures & Forests: Within 6” lose 3DP and gain a Fire Token, within 12” lose 3DP

* Vehicles & Infantry: Within 6” hit on 3+, within 12” hit on a 6+

Overseer A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

6 12” A 7 190 Aircraf Command 1 L N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Ion Cradle* 6 6 2+/6+ 9” 9” 9” F/S/R AA, Strafe

* Special Rule - Ion Cradle: This ability effects and friendly Scourge weapons containing the word ‘Plasma’ in their name that are within 9”. When an affected squad activates they may choose to gain one of the following modifiers to their Plasma weapon profiles, either 6” to their R(f) and R© values OR they may double their Sh value but suffer -1 to their E value and lose any Demolisher and Devastator special rules they may have. Weapons with a range of CC are unaffected by this rule. This may not be combined with the effects of another Ion Cradle and does not prevent the Ion Cradle from firing.


Annihilator A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

Ground Mode 7 2” A 6 140 Vehicle Support 1, Standard N/A Walker, Transition
Flight Mode 5 18” A 6 140 Aircraf Support 1, Standard L Transition

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Bombard* 12 1 4+ 24” 24” 0” F IF, Area-L, Demolisher-2, Alt-1

Plasma Bombard* 12 1 4+ 24” 24” 0” F IF, Area-S, Devastator-2, Demolisher-2, Alt-1
* This weapon may not fire in flight mode

Reaver Heavy Gunship A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 24” A 2 55 Aircraf Support 1-4 Standard S N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Hose (Spread Pattern) 4 3 3+ 6” 6” 12” F Alt- 1

Plasma Hose (Concentrated Pattern) 9 1 3+ 6” 6” 12” F Alt- 1

Plasma Lance (Left) 10 1 3+ 12” 12” 12” F/S N/A

Plasma Lance (Right) 10 1 3+ 12” 12” 12” F/S N/A

Ravager Pack A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 4” A 1 40 Vehicle Support 3 Wide d1 Walker, Infiltrate-8

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

AA Weapon 6 2 3+ 48” 18” 4” F/S (Right) AA

AA Weapon 6 2 3+ 48” 18” 4” F/S (Lef) AA

Razor Claws 10 1 3+ CC CC 4” F N/A

Screamer A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 6” E+1 4 40 Vehicle Support 1 s1* Rare, Abhorrent**, Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Huge Claws 11 2 2+ CC CC 6” F/S N/A

* The Screamer must use the Raider as its Transport

** Special Rule - Abhorrent: If the Screamer is within 6” of enemy infantry (or within 6” of a building or Forest containing enemy infantry); they suffer a +1 modifier when searching for objectives (to a maximum of 6+); they suffer +1AC to all their weapons; they reduce their CQB value by half rounded up to the nearest 0.5; and they halve any points they would contribute to focal points or ground control (rounded up). This rule only applies if the Screamer is not embarked in a transport.

Corruptor A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 24” A 2 80 Aircraf Support 1-2 Standard S Rare

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Hose (Spread Pattern) 4 3 3+ 6” 6” 12” F Alt- 1

Plasma Hose (Concentrated Pattern) 9 1 3+ 6” 6” 12” F Alt- 1

Razorworm Pod* * 1 3+ 6” 6” 12” F/S/R L-3

* Special Rule - Razorworm Pod: If this weapon hits a structure, the structure suffers 1 DP (if it is able to take damage), resolve falling masonry and then place a base of razor worms in the building, these razor worms are worth 25pts for the purposes of focal points and kill points. If there are multiple razor worm bases in a building then they form a single Squad and therefore make a single roll for objectives. This weapon is able to target a structure that contains friendly models. As long as this weapon hits, it will deploy a base of Razorworms, even if no damage is done.

Reaper A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 9” A 1 39 Vehicle Support 3 Wide a1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Arc Caster 8 2 2+/6+ 9” 9” 9” F/S/R AA

A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

NB: Uses Jungle Devil mini
10 8" A 5 145 Vehicle Support 1 d3 Rare, Walker, *Active Camoflage

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Electroweb Caster 12 1 2+ 9" 9" 4" F Tech Killer

Plasma Fusillade 7 4 3+ 18" 18" 4" F/S AA

Plasma Fusillade 7 4 3+ 18" 18" 4" F/S AA

Razor Claws 10 2 3+ CC CC 8" F N/A

*Active Camoflage: The Erradicator gains E+2 if it did not move or fire in its previous activation and E+1 if it fired but did not move in its previous activation.


Eviscerators Pack A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

4 2” P4+* 3* 50 Infantry Exotic 6 2+ 2 B2B c1 DF, Tough*, Rare, Bloodthirsty, Reckless**

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Glaives 8 3 3+ CC CC 2” F/S/R RW-1

* Special Rule - Tough: Eviscerators are extremely resilient, large targets. Collateral Damage only happens on a roll of 5+ against a feature.. Destroyers have a Passive Countermeasures save of 4+ to represent their ability to shrug off apparently mortal injuries with distain!

** Special Rule - Reckless Abandon: Eviscerators add +1 when rolling to search for objectives (to a maximum of 6+) and -1 when searching for Intel.

Destroyers A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

4 2” P4+* 3* 50 Infantry Exotic 3 2+ 2 B2B c1 DF, Tough*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Shard Cannon 5 6 3+ 36” 12” 2” F/S/R RW-2, Alt- 1, **

Plasma Charger 10 3 3+ 6” 6” 2” F/S/R RW-1, L-1, Alt-1, **

* Special Rule - Tough: Destroyers are extremely resilient, large targets. Collateral Damage only happens on a roll of 5+ against a feature.. Destroyers have a Passive Countermeasures save of 4+ to represent their ability to shrug off apparently mortal injuries with distain!

* Special Rule - Blast their way in!: Destroyers may enter a structure through any wall, whether it has an entrance or not and may enter even if enemy troops are manning the wall. They may also fire weapons when entering, either at troops on the wall of the building they are entering or against the structure itself. They may do so if not normally allowed to and even when disembarking directly into the structure from a transport (measure line of sight from the transport when doing so - not that that’s likely to be a problem!). If the building is destroyed in the process, then the Destroyers are all killed instantly.


Slayer A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 65 Vehicle Heavy 2-6 Standard *E1, a1.5 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin Plasma Cannon 11 2 2+ 12” 12” 6” F/S/R Demolisher-2, AB

*Each Slayer comes with a single unit of Razorworms for no additional cost

Tormentor A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 65 Vehicle Heavy 2-4 Standard *E1, a1.5 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Acid Streamer 4 8 3+ 6” 6” 6” F/S/R Flame

*Each Slayer comes with a single unit of Razorworms for no additional cost


Hunter A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 9” A 1 35 Vehicle Standard 3-9 Standard a1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Cannon 11 1 2+ 12” 12” 9” F/S/R Demolisher-2, AB

Stalker Pack A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 6” A 1 25 Vehicle Standard 3-9 Standard d1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Electroweb Caster 12 1 2+ 9” 9” 4” F Tech Killer

Razor Claws 10 1 3+ CC CC 4” F N/A


Minder A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

3 4” A 1 8 Aircraf Scout 4-8 Wide b1 Tiny

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Micro Arc Caster 6 1 2+/6+ 6” 6” 4” F/S/R AA

Monitor A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

3 4” A 1 10 Aircraf Scout 4-8 Wide b1 Tiny N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Self Destruct* 10 1 * * * 4” F/S/R Alt-1, Area-S

Twin Shard Cannons 5 4 2+ 36” 12” 4” F/S/R Alt-1

* Special Rule - Self Destruct: This weapon may only be used by a single Monitor in a squad per turn. Place a small area marker over the center of the Monitor instead of rolling to hit. Once the attack has been resolved, remove the Monitor from play.

Prowler A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

5 6” A 1 9 Vehicle Scout 4-8 Standard b1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Proboscis (Inject) 11 1 3+ CC CC 6+ F Alt- 1

Plasma Proboscis (Spew) 4 3 4+ 6+ 6+ 6+ DF Alt- 1

A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special
Warriors 2 2” N/A 5 25 Infantry Troops 1 4+ 2-3 B2B c1
Aged Ones 2 2” N/A 5 35 Infantry Troops 2 2+ 2-3 B2B c1 Bloodthirsty

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Rifles 3 5 3+ 12” 12” 2” F/S/R Alt-1. RW-1, SA-7

Plasma Rifles (Focused) 11 1 2+ 12” 12” 2” F/S/R Alt-1 *

* This weapon may only be fired if the unit has 3 or more DP remaining


Harbinger A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

6 18” A 4 45 Aircraf Transport 1 D3, V2 L N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Bombs 11 1 5+ 3” 3” 9” R Demolisher 2

Mini Arc Caster* 7 1 2+/6+ 6” 6” 9” F AA

* Mini Arc Caster Upgrade: A Harbinger may be upgraded with a Mini Arc Caster for +15pts

Raider A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

5 18” A 5 70 Aircraf Transport 1 S1, V4 M Rare

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Acid Hose 4 5 3+ 6” 6” 9” F/S (Lef) Flame

Acid Hose 4 5 3+ 6” 6” 9” F/S (Right) Flame

Despoiler A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

5 18” A 5 72 Aircraf Transport 1 A9, V4 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

*Twin Plasma Cannons 11 2 4+ 12” 12” 9” F/S Dem polisher-2, AB

*May take twin plasma cannons for +30pts

Marauder A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

5 24” A 3 40 Aircraf Transport 1 A3, V2 M

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Hose (Spread Pattern) 3 5 3+ 6” 6” 12” F Alt- 1

Plasma Hose (Concentrated Pattern) 9 1 3+ 6” 6” 12” F Alt- 1

Intruder A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

Alpha 5 30” A 1 36 Aircraf Transport 1 C2 S
Beta 5 30” A 1 24 Aircraf Transport 1 B4 S

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Hose (Spread Pattern) 3 5 3+ 6” 6” 12” F Alt- 1

Plasma Hose (Concentrated Pattern) 9 1 3+ 6” 6” 12” F Alt- 1

Invader A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6”* A 2 15 Vehicle Transport 1 C3, a1.5 Skimmer
*Speed Boost: The Invader may move an additional 3” when it is able to move at its normal maximum speed. This does NOT increase its MV value however, so cannot take effect when disembarking/embarking etc.


Corsair A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 - A 1 35(170) Aircraf Airstrike 3 Wide S The White of Their Eyes*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Plasma Cannon 11 1 4+ 12” 12” - N Demolisher-2, AA, AB

* The Whites of Their Eyes: The Corsair only suffers a +1 modifier to its AC value when reaction firing from a distance of 6” or less.


Vampires A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

2 12 E+1 1 10 Aircraf Grasping* 1-4 Standard v1 Rare

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Cutting Harness 6 1 2+ 2” 2” 9” F (Focus-2), AA, (May not reaction fire)

* Special Rule - Grasping: Vampires do not take up a slot in the standard army roster. Instead, assign a squad to one dropship in a battle group. This squad counts as sharing that transport for the duration of the game. They activate with their assigned battlegroups.

Razorworms A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

3 3” N/A 3 25* Infantry * 4 1+ ** e1 Dodge 5+, Living Weapon

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Teeth & Claws 7 3 2+ CC CC 3” F/S/R RW-1
* Razorworms are only ever taken as part of other Unit choices (Such as Slayers). As such they do not have a Category. Their points cost is already added into the Transport cost.

** If there are multiple razor worm bases in a Structure or Forest then they form a single Squad and therefore make a single roll for objectives.

Table 1

Type-2 Zeus A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 2” A, P3+ 2 81 Vehicle Command* 1-6* a1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-1 Railgun Pair 11 1 2+ ∞ 24” 2” F/S CA-1
RX-20 Minigun 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 2” F/S CA-1
* Any Type-2 Squad that contains one or more Zeus counts as a Command Choice.

A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special NB: Uses Aurellia Felix mini
6 16” A 6 190 Aircraf Command 1 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Super Heavy Rail Cannon 13 1 3+ ∞ 36" 6" F Devastator-2

Super Heavy Rail Cannon 13 1 3+ ∞ 36" 6" F Devastator-2

Stealth Missile Battery 7 1 3+ 36" 12" 9" F SC

Nemesis Command Walker A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 4” A 8 190 Walker Command 1 a6 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-L Railgun (Left) 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S (Lef) N/A
RX-L Railgun (Right) 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S (Right) N/A
Nemesis Laser 12 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 4” F/S Devastator-2

Hera A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

Ground Mode 9 6” A, E+1 3 95 Vehicle Command 1-2 Standard a1 Walker, Transition, Guardian*
Flight Mode 7 24”** A, E+1 3 95 Vehicle Command 1-2 Standard a1 Transition, Guardian, Short Hop**

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX 1-L Railgun Pair 10 2 2+ ∞ 24” 12” F/S N/A
S pecial Ru le - Retinu e: Hera may t ake a Ret inue of up to 5 Apollo-A Strike Walkers ( up t o 4 if a Guardian is chosen) at the c ost of 40pts per Apollo-A.

* S pecial Ru le - Guardian: If taken in a squad of 2, the s ec ond Hera costs 66pts. Commanders may not be mount ed in a Guardian U nit.

** Special Rule - Air Drop : When Disembarking, its parent dropship may use it s full Mv value and does not have t o land ( the usual rules apply when Embarking). Note that this does not count as using Flight Mode, since it is a Disembark plac ement.
*** Special Rule - Sho rt H op: The Hera’s jump jet s can only be run intermittently and c annot be used in sustained flight. As such, it MUST end its move in Ground Mode and may not use Flight Mode on turn 1 of t he game or in t he same t urn as Embarking or Disembarking.


Apollo Strike Walker (A/B) A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

Ground Mode 8 6” A 2 40(A), 35(B) Vehicle Support 1-6 Standard a1** Walker, Transition
Flight Mode 5 24” A 2 40(A), 35(B) Aircraf Support 1-6 Standard a1** Transition, Short Hop*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX- 1 L Railgun (A) 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 12” F/S N/A

RX- 1 Manslayer - Slug (B) 7 3 2+ 48” 12” 12” F/S Through Cover, Strafe, Alt- 1
RX- 1 Manslayer - Airbursting (B) 7 3 6+ 48” 12” 12” F/S Flame, Alt- 1
* S pecial Ru le - Short Hop : The Apollo’s jump jet s can only be run intermittently and c annot be used in sustained flight. As such, and Apollo MUST end it s move in Ground Mode and may not use Flight Mode on t urn-1 of t he game or in t he same t urn and Embarking or Disembarking.

** Special Rule - Air Drop : Apollo Strike Walkers routinely use their jump jet s to aff ec t a rapid deployment from t heir parent dropship. When Disembarking, their parent drop ship MAY use it s full Mv value and does not have to land, however in doing so the Apollo forfeits its abilit y t o drop and shoot. Not e t his does not count as using Flight Mode, s ince it is a Dis embark placement.

Erebos Strike Walker (A/B) A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 40(A), 35(B) Vehicle Support 2 Standard a1 Walker, EM*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX- 1 L Railgun (A) 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 12” F/S N/A
RX- 1 Manslayer - Slug (B) 7 3 2+ 48” 12” 12” F/S Through Cover, Strafe, Alt- 1
RX- 1 Manslayer - Airbursting (B) 7 3 6+ 48” 12” 12” F/S Flame, Alt- 1
* S pecial Ru le - EM Disru ption Fie ld Generator: This device severely disrupt s the target ing devices and opt ic s of enemy units in clos e proximit y t o the Erebos. All enemy weapons within 12” of the Erebos suffer a +1Ac modifier, a +2Ac modifier if wit hin 6”, and a +3Ac modifier if wit hin 3” (t o a maximum of 6+) . M easure this dist ance as you would measure weapon range. This effect is cumulative if mult iple Erobos es are in range. In order for the Em Disruption Field Generator t o t ake effect, t he Erobos must NOT be Embarked on a Transport.

Aether Jetskimmer A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 45 Vehicle Support 2 Standard a1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Black Nanomachine Surge* 10 1 2+ 18” 18” 6” F/S/R IF, Area-S
* S pecial Ru le - Black Nanom achin es: This weapon c annot target or damage st ruct ures

Helios Jetskimmer A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 60 Vehicle Support 2 standard a1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RXs-5 Galaxy 6 3 3+ 36” 12” 6” F/S/R AA, SC, CA-1
RXs-5 Galaxy 6 3 3+ 36” 12” 6” F/S/R AA, SC, CA-1

Taranis A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 6” A 2 55 Vehicle Support 2-4 Standard a1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Constellation Missile (High Explosive) 10 1 2+ ∞ 18” 0” F Alt-1, IF, Demolisher-3

Constellation Missile (Penetrator) 12 1 2+ ∞ 18” 0” F Alt-1, IF, Destroyer 5+

Constellation Missile (Daisy Cutter) 5 1 2+ ∞ 18” 0” F Alt-1, IF, Area-L, Defoliator D3+2


Medusa A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

1 9”* E+3 10 100 Infantry Exotic 1 2+ 1 m1 Rare, DF, Dodge 3+, **

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Black Nanomachine Surge 6 10 2+ 9” 9” 9” F/S/R Alt-1, Focus-2, Strafe, RW-1
White Nanomachines*** N/A 1 1+ 9” 9” 9” F/S/R Alt-1, IF
* S pecial Ru le - Levitated : This unit may move over terrain/buildings under 6” inc hes high. It does not count as an aircraft while doing so.

** Special Rule - Drone Command : Once per turn, when the Medusa is within 6” of a building and not embarked in a t ransport or structure, one friendly infantry squad in t hat building may gain an addit ional 5 dic e t o their CQB pool.
*** Special Rule - Wh ite Nanoma chin es: This abilit y c ounts as a weapon shot and follows all t he normal rules for weapons ( Line of sight et c). It normally hits on a 1+ (i.e. automat ic ally) and may only be fired against damaged friendly units. Its acc uracy may be modified by such things as command cards and indirect fire in the usual way. A s uc cessful hit replaces 1 lost Dp from the target Vehic le Unit.


* A Type-2 Squad mat contain any combination of Odin, Enyo, or Hyperion, or Zeus. Any Type-2 Squad that contains one or more Zeus counts as a Command Choice.

Type-2 Odin A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 2” A, P5+ 2 65 Vehicle Heavy 1-6* a1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-1 Railgun Pair 11 2 2+ ∞ 24” 2” F/S CA-1
RX-20 Minigun 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 2” F/S CA-1

Type-2 Enyo A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 2” A, P5+ 2 65 Vehicle Heavy 1-6* a1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-1 Railgun Pair 11 2 2+ ∞ 24” 2” F/S CA-1, Demolisher-2

RX-20 Minigun 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 2” F/S CA-1

Type-2 Hyperion A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 2” A, P5+ 2 59 Vehicle Heavy 1-6* a1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-1000 Battlefield Laser 11 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 2” F/S CA-1, Destroyer 6
RX-20 Minigun 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 2” F/S CA-1

Hades Type-4 Walker A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 4” A 8 190 Walker Heavy 1 standard a6 Rare

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Super-Heavy Rail Repeater 12 3 2+ ∞ 36” 4” F/S Strafe, Articulated
RX-30 Minigun (Left) 6 3 2+ 48” 18” 4” F/S (Lef) N/A
RX-30 Minigun (Right) 6 3 2+ 48” 18” 4” F/S (Right) N/A
Black Nanomachine Swarm* 10 1 2+ 18” 18” 4” F/S/R Alt-1, IF, Area-M
Repair Nanomachine Swarm** N/A 1 1+ 18” 18” 4” F/S/R Alt-1, IF
* Special Rule - Black Nanomachines: This weapon cannot target or damage structures

** Special Rule - Rep air Nanom achin es: This abilit y c ounts as a weapon shot and follows all the normal rules for weapons (line of sight etc) . It normally hits on a 1+ ( i.e. automatically) and may only be fired against damaged friendly unit s. It s ac curacy may be modified by s uc h t hings as c ommand cards and indirec t fire in the usual way. A successful hit replaces 1 DP f rom t he target unit . The Hades may t arget itself with this weapon.

Thor Bombard A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 6” A 2 40 Vehicle Heavy 2/4 Standard a1 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Mjolnir Artillery System 11 1 3+ N/A N/A 0” F/S/R Barrage-2


* A Type-1 Squad mat contain any combination of Ares, Phobos, Menchit, or Menchit A2.

Type-1 Ares A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 3” A 2 40 Vehicle Standard 1-6* a1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-1 Railgun* 11 1 2+ ∞ 24” 3” F/S CA-1, Scanning Array*

RX-20 Minigun* 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 3” F/S CA-1
* S can ning Array: This weapon’s AC value may never be modified by more than +1 total. This rule does not take effec t in t he same t urn as Embarking/Disembarking from a Transport.

Type-1 Phobos A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 3” A 2 63 Vehicle Standard 1-6* a1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-1R Rail Repeater 7 3 2+ ∞ 24” 3” F/S CA-1, AA
RX-20 Minigun 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 3” F/S CA-1

Type-1 Menchit A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 3” A 2 45 Vehicle Standard 1-6* a1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-666 Flamethrower 4 8 3+ 9” 9” 3” F/S CA-1, Flame
RX-20 Minigun 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 3” F/S CA-1

Type-1 Menchit A2 A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 3” A 2 45 Vehicle Standard 1-6 Standard A1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-666 Flamethrower 4 8 3+ 9” 9” 3” F/S CA-1, Flame
RX-20 Minigun 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 3” F/S CA-1
Foeslayer Missiles 10 1 3+ 48” 12” 3” F/S CA-1, L-2, Devastator-2


Type-S Janus A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 1 20 Vehicle Scout 2-6 b1 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

AA Capable Stealth Missiles 7 1 3+ 36” 12” 6” F SC, AA
RX-20 Minigun 4 2 3+ 36” 12” 2” F/S

Mercury Scout Drone A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

4 6” A 1 15 Aircraf Scout 4 standard b1 Scanner*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RN-5 Skyhammer Missile** 11 1 2+ 36” 12” 12” F/S/R L-2, IF

* S pecial Ru le - Scan ner: This unit may contribute its points c ost to determine who holds a Focal Point despit e being an Airc raft. AnyU nit searc hing a building for an objec tive that is within 6” of a Mercury Drone receives a -1 M odifier to the roll, t o a minimum of 2+. This is not cumulat ive with other Mercury Drones and c an only effect 1 Feature per turner Merc ury Squad. When any unit within 6” of a Mercury Drone rolls for a piece of int el, they may re-roll a roll of 1 once per int el. Note: This modifier does ac cumulate wit h t rans port s, and/or Occupiers Advantage to a minimum of 2+ ( e.g. if you are searching for an objec tive with a Merc ury Drone within 6”, a Trans port wit hin 1”, and Occupiers Advant age your roll t o find t he object ive in a Large Feature would be 3+).
* * Triton A2 Missi le Upgrad e: This weapon upgrade can only be purchased for Trit on A2’s carrying M ercury Sc out Drones . This upgrade c os ts +0pts and may be t aken in place of t he minions upgrade. This weapon can only be fired if the t arget is within line of sight of a Mercury Drone.

Valkyries A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

2 9” E+1 5 50 Infantry Scout 2 3+ 2 B2B c1 Dodge 5+

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RXP-9 Submachine Guns 4 10 2+ 18” 9” 9” F/S/R RW-2
* S pecial Ru le - Jump -Jet P ack: This unit may move over t errain/buildings under 6 inches high. It does not count as an aircraft while doing so. Further, drop s hips do not need to land when Valkyries embark/disembark. All other rules for embarking/disembarking apply as normal.

* S pecial Ru le - Jump In, Jump Out: This unit may move it s full dis tanc e when entering/abandoning structures. Eac h entry or exit c ounts as one embark/dis embark movement . The rule may not be used in a turn where the unit interact s wit h its t ransport in any way.


Immortals A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

3 2” - 5 32 Infantry Troops 1.5 3+ 2 B2B c1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

PRXp-57 Assault Rifles 3 8 3+ 24” 9” 1” F/S/R RW-2, SA-7
RXp-14 Longreach Rifle 7 1 2+ ∞ 24” 0” F/S/R SC, Sniper

Sirens A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

1 3” - 3 50 Infantry Exotic 5 2+ (?)2-3 B2B c1 Dodge 2+, Fast Roping 6”

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RXp-44 Autosensing Magnums 5 6 2+ 12” 6” 3” F/S/R RW-2

Immortal AM Rifle Team A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

3 2” E+1 5 45 Infantry Troops 1 3+ 2 B2B c1 Rare

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RXP-14 Longreach Rifle 7 5 2+ ∞ 24” 0” F/S/R SC, Sniper, RW-1


Poseidon A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

6 16” A 6 70 Aircraf Transport 1 A6 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Stealth Missile Twin Battery 7 2 3+ 36” 12” 9” F SC

Juno A1 A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 20 Vehicle Transport 1 C2, a1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-90 Hunstman Cannon 8 1 2+ ∞ 18” 6” F/S/R

Juno A2 A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 15 Vehicle Transport 1 C2, a1

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin RX-20 Miniguns 4 4 3+ 36” 12” 12” F

Neptune A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

6 16” S 3 38 Aircraf Transport 1 A2 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Stealth Missile Battery 7 1 3+ 36” 12” 9” F SC

A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

Triton A1 6 20” A 1 29 Aircraf Transport 1 C2 S
Triton A2 6 20” A 1 18 Aircraf Transport 1 B2 S

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Stealth Missile Battery* 7 1 3+ 36” 12” 9” F SC

Twin RX-20 Miniguns* 4 4 3+ 36” 12” 12” F
* May take Stealth Missile Battery and/or Twin RX-20 Minions for +5pts each

Angelos Jetskimmer A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 30 Vehicle Transport 1 a1, C1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-1 20 Smoothbore 10 1 2+ ∞ 12” 6” F/S/R Demolisher 2

Triton X A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

6 20 A 2 40 Aircraf Transport 1 M1 S N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Black Nanomachine Wave 10 1 3+ 12” 12” 10” F/S/R IF, Alt-1

Repair Nanomachine Wave N/A 1 1+ 9” 9” 10” F/S/R IF, Alt-1

Twin RX-20 Miniguns** 4 4 3+ 36” 12” 12” F N/A

* S pecial Ru le - Rep air Nano Machine Wave: This ability count s as a weapon s hot and f ollows all the normal rules f or weapons. It normally hits on a 1+ (i.e. automat ic ally) and may only be fired agains t the Medusa that it was brought as a transport f or, addit ionally t he Medusa must be damaged. Its accuracy may be modified by suc h t hings as command c ards and indirec t fire in the usual way. A successful hit replaces 1 lost Dp f rom t he target Medusa U NIT; The Medusa’s Evasion Count ermeasures are ignored when rolling to hit t his weapon.
** Can be upgraded with Miniguns for +5pts

Angelos A2 Jetskimmer A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A 2 30 Vehicle Transport 1 a1, C1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

RX-666C Flamethrower 4 6 3+ 6” 6” 6” F/S/R Flame

Njord Assault Dropship A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 16” A 6 110 Aircraf Transport 1 A4 Assault Transport*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Heavy Stealth Missile Battery 10 2 3+ 36” 12” 9” F/S/R SC

Heavy Stealth Missile Battery 10 2 3+ 36” 12” 9” F/S/R SC

Stealth Missile Battery 7 1 3+ 36” 12” 9” F SC

Athena A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special
6 - A 2 40(300) Aircraf Airstrike 1 S Supercruise

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin RX-1 R Rail Repeaters 7 6 4+ ∞ 24” - N AA
Stealth Cruise Missile 12 1 2+ ∞ 12” - N Demolisher D3+1
Stealth Missile Battery 7 1 3+ 36” 12” - N SC

wit h t ransports, and/or Occupiers Advantage to a minimum of 2+ ( e.g. if you are searching for an objective with a Merc ury Drone within 6”, a Transport wit hin 1”, and Occupiers Advant age your roll t o find the object ive in a Large Feature would be 3+).

Table 1

Coyote A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 4” A,P4+ 4 95 Vehicle Command 1 a3 Walker, Eject*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Gauss Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S (Lef) N/A
Gauss Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S (Right) N/A

Command Module A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 0” A,P3+ 1 0 Vehicle Command 1 A1
* Special Rule - Eject!: If this unit is destroyed, roll a D6. On a 2+ place a token on the battlefield anywhere you can place a Small LZ template within 4D6” of the destroyed Unit, no more than 6” above ground level. If the token cannot be placed, it is destroyed. This token counts as a Command Module.

Puma A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

NB: Uses High Warchief Ramses mini
9 4” A,P4+ 5 145 Vehicle Command 1 a3 Walker, Headdress*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Gauss Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S (Lef) N/A
Gauss Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S (Right) N/A
Sonic Cannon 8 1 3+ 36” 24” 4” F/S Demolisher-D3+2
* Special Rule - Headdress: Headdresses are worn by battle proven High Warchiefs to signify their great victories over many battles. High Warchiefs believe themselves to be unbeatable on the battlefield and therefore have replaced their escape module with a Sonic Cannon, and Headdress upgrade which increases its DP value by 1. In addition they gain clairvoyance allowing the controlling player during the Draw Cards step of the Initiation Phase to reveal the top two cards and either decide to keep them, or discard any number of them (this only applies to the first draw of the phase, any additional cards drawn will be done so normally).

Gharial A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 6” A,P4+ 4 110 Vehicle Command 1 a3 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Heavy Microwave Cannon 12 2 2+ 12” 12” 6” F/S Alt-1
Heavy Microwave Cannon 5 6 3+ 6” 6” 6” F/S Alt-1, Flame
Neutron Launcher (Left) 10 1 3+ 12” 12” 6” F/S (Lef) L-1, Demolisher-3
Neutron Launcher (Right) 10 1 3+ 12” 12” 6” F/S (Right) L-1, Demolisher-3

NB: Uses Seti The Kinslayer mini

A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special
5 20" A, P5+, E+1 6 175 Aircraf Command 1 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Disruption Cannon (Far) 10 1 3+ 48" 48" 10" F Alt-1, Area-S
Disruption Cannon (Normal) 10 1 3+ 24" 24" 10" F Alt-1, Area-M
Disruption Cannon (Short) 10 1 3+ 12" 12" 10" F Alt-1, Area-L
Dragon Cannon (wide beam) 4 12 3+ 18" 18" 10" F/S/R Alt-2, Through Cover
Dragon Cannon (concentrated beam) 9 1 3+ 9" 9" 10" F/S/R Alt-2
Foe Crusher Cannon * 3 3+ 18" 18" 10" F (use Gravity Cannon table)


Dreamsnare A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 4” A, P5+ 4 85 Vehicle Support 1 Standard a3 Walker, Shield Boost*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Dragon Cannon 4 12 2+ 18” 18” 4” F/S (Lef) Alt-1. Through Cover
Dragon Cannon 4 12 2+ 18” 18” 4” F/S (Right) Alt-2, Through Cover
Concentrated Beam 12 1 2+ 9” 4” 4” F Alt-1&2
* Special Rule - Shield Boosting Relay: This device improves the effectiveness of Shaltari energy shields. All friendly Shaltari units within 6” of the Dreamsnare (including itself) gain a -1 modifier to their Passive Countermeasures value (but only if they have one). Measure this distance as you would measure weapon range. This effect is NOT cumulative if multiple Dreamsnares are in range.

Kukri A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 9” A, P5+ 1 40 Vehicle Support 3 Wide a1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin Ion Cannons 6 4 3+ 18” 18” 4” F/S/R AA

Firedrake A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

5 20” A, P5+ 5 135 Aircraf Support 1 Standard A3 L Auxiliary Gate*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Disruption Cannon (Far) 10 1 3+ 48” 48” 10” F ALt-1. Blast-S
Disruption Cannon (Normal) 10 1 3+ 24” 24” 10” F ALt-1. Blast-M
Disruption Cannon (Short) 10 1 3+ 12” 12” 10” F ALt-1. Blast-L
Dragon Cannon 4 12 3+ 18” 18” 10” F/S/R Alt-2, Through Cover
Concentrated Beam 9 1 3+ 9” 9” 10” F/S/R Alt-2
* Special Rule - Auxiliary Gate: The Firedrake incorporates its own integrated teleport Gate system. At the beginning of each turn, nominate whether the Firedrake will be activating in ‘Normal’ or ‘Gate’ mode. If in ‘Normal’ mode, the Firedrake functions as normal this turn. If in ‘Gate’ mode, the Firedrake functions exactly like other Gates in respects and may not shoot that turn. Since it’s an auxiliary system, the Firedrake ignores the Charged Atmosphere and Prudent Pilots’ rule.

Totem Warspire A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 0” A, P5+ 4 50 Vehicle Support 1 Standard a3 Lightning Reflexes

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Energy Beam 12 1 2+ 12” 12” 0” F/S/R Alt-1
Energy Shield N/A 1 N/A 6” 6” 0” F/S/R Alt-1, Shield*
Energized Atmosphere 6 3 3+ 6” 6” 0” F/S/R AA
* Special Rule - Structure Shield: This ability counts as a weapon shot and follows all normal rules for weapons (Line of Sight etc). It hits automatically. A hit grants a Structure, Forest, or Barricade a 5+ Passive Countermeasures save until the Totem is next activated or Dematerialized. This effect is removed instantly if the Totem is destroyed.

Birdeater Battle Strider A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A, P5+ 2 45 Vehicle Support 2 Standard a1.5 Walker, Climber*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin Ion Cannons 6 4 3+ 18” 18” 6” F/S CA-1, AA
Laser Pod 7 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 6” F/S CA-1
* Special Rule - Climber: Instead of making a normal move, this unit may climb/descend to/from the roof of a structure less than 7” high if it is within 2” of any wall. To do so, place the unit on the roof/ground and within 4” of its starting point (measured along ground level). This counts as a 6” move.

Firebird A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 20” A, E+2, P5+ 1 40 Aircraf Support 1-2 Wide S N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin Disintegrators 10 1 3+ 6” 6” 10” F/S/R Devastator-2

Thunderbird A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 20” A, P5+, E+2 1 38 Aircraf Support 1-4 Wide S

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Short Barrel Guess Cannon 10 1 3+ ∞ 18” 10” F/S/R


Ronin A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

5 4” A*/P6+ 1 15 Vehicle Exotic 3-6 Standard a0.5, b0.5 Lightning Reflexes

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Gauss Carbine 9 1 2+ ∞ 12” 4” F/S/R SC
* Heavy Warsuit: These Active Countermeasures only take effect against weapons of E6 or less.

Firstborn A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

4 3” A* 3 48 Infantry Exotic 4 3+ 2 B2B b1 Warsuit*, Dodge 4+, Incapacitate**

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Energy Swords 6 3 2+ CC CC 3” F/S/R RW-1
* Warsuit: This unit’s Active Countermeasures only take effects against weapons of E6 or less. In addition, hit from Collateral Damage will always damage this unit on a 5+.
** Incapacitate: Firstborns may use their Wave Pistols to render opponents helpless during CQB’s. You may discard 2 dice contributed by Firstborns in Step-1 of a CQB fight sequence in order to negate 1 dice of an enemy base in that fight sequence. This may be done up to 3 times per Firstborn base.


Caiman Heavy Grav-Tank A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 6” A, P5+ 4 100 Vehicle Heavy 1-3 Wide a3 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Gauss Triad 10 3 2+ ∞ 36” 6” F/S N/A
Laser Pod 7 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 6” F/S (Right) N/A
Laser Pod 7 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 6” F/S (Lef) N/A

Leopard A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 4” A, P5+ 4 85 Vehicle Heavy 1-3 Standard a3 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Dragon Cannon 4 12 2+ 18” 18” 4” F/S (Lef) Alt-1. Through Cover
Dragon Cannon 4 12 2+ 18” 18” 4” F/S (Right) Alt-2, Through Cover
Concentrated Beam 12 1 2+ 9” 9” 4” F Alt-1&2
Thermal Lance 12 2 2+ 9” 9” 4” F/S/R N/A

Panther A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 4” A, P5+ 4 125 Vehicle Heavy 1-2 Standard a3 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Particle Triad 8 3 2+ ∞ ∞ 2” F/S/R AA, *
* Special Rule - Slow To Traverse: When this weapon reaction fires, it suffers a +4 modifier to its accuracy modifier rather than the normal 2+.

Crocodile A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 6” A, P5+ 4 115 Vehicle Heavy 1-2 Standard a3 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Partical Cannon (Low Power) 10 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 6’ F/S/R Alt-1, Demolisher-2, Awesome Power*
Partical Cannon (High Power) 13 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 4” F/S/R Alt-1, Demolisher-D3+2, Awesome Power*
* Special Rule - Awesome Power: This weapon ignores ALL countermeasures including passive and evasion.

Jaguar A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 4” A, P5+ 4 110 Vehicle Heavy 1-3 Standard a3 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Gauss Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S (Lef)
Gauss Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 4” F/S (Right)
Twin Ion Cannons 6 4 3+ 18” 18” 4” F/S/R AA

Ocelot A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 4” A, P5+ 4 95 Vehicle Heavy 1-3 Standard a3 Walker

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Partical Cannon 13 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 2” F/S/R Demolisher-D3+2, Awesome Firepower*
* This weapon ignores ALL Countermeasures, including Passive ones!


Tomahawk A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 9” A, P5+ 1 35 Vehicle Standard 3-9 Standard a1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Guess Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” 6” F/S/R

Tarantula Battle Strider A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 6” A, P5+ 2 50 Vehicle Standard 2-6 Standard a1.5 Walker, Climber*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Gravity Cannon (see chart under Grav Cannon Chart tab) ** 1 2+ 18” 18” 6” F/S CA-1
Laser Pod 7 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 6” F/S CA-1
* Special Rule - Climber: Instead of making a normal move, this unit may climb/descend to/from the roof of a structure less than 7” high if it is within 2” of any wall. To do so, place the unit on the roof/ground and within 4” of its starting point (measured along ground level). This counts as a 6” move.

** Special Rule - Gravity Cannon: This weapon has no energy value - when rolling to damage use the table on the right. Shots against Skimmers gain a -1 modifier to this roll.


Samurai A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

5 4” A*/P6+ 1 20 Vehicle Scout 3-6 Standard a0.5, b0.5

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Bio-Atomiser 5 2 3+ 6” 6” 4” F/S/R Flame
Energy Blade 10 1 2+ CC CC 4” F/S/R N/A
* Heavy Warsuit: These Active Countermeasures only take effect against weapons of E6 or less.

Yari A A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

5 12” A, P5+ 1 20 Vehicle Scout 2-8 Standard a1, b1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Microwave Gun 4 6 2+ 12” 12” 6” F/S Through Cover*
* This weapon ignores Soft Cover

Yari B A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

5 12” A, P5+ 1 25 Vehicle Scout 2-8 Standard a1, b1 Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Light Ion Cannon 6 1 3+ 18” 18” 6” F/S/R AA


Pungari Auxilleries A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

1 2” N/A 5 20 Infantry Troops 0.5 6+* 4 B2B b0.5 Horde**

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Discus Launcher 3 10 5+ 18” 6” 2” F/S/R AB, AS-7, RW-2
* Special Rule - Subservient: While in the same building or within 3” of another, Non-Subservient Shaltari Infantry unit, this unit has it’s fortitude changed to 3+.

** Special Rule - Horde: While this squad has at least 3 units remaining, it may roll an additional die when searching for objectives and receives a +1 modifier when searching for intel. Once this squad is reduce to 2 units or less, this bonus is lost.

Braves A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

4 3” A* 3 35 Infantry Troops 2 3+ 2 B2B b1 Warsuit*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Discus Launchers 3 8 3+ 18” 6” 3” F/S/R RW-4, SA-7, AB
Gauss Rifle 9 1 2+ ∞ 18" 0” F/S/R SC
* Warsuit: This unit’s Active Countermeasures only take effects against weapons of E6 or less. In addition, hit from Collateral Damage will always damage this unit on a 5+.


Eden A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

4 20” A, P5+ 3 40 Aircraf Gate 1 A3 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Charged Atmosphere 6 3 3+ 4” 4” 10” F/S/R AA, Side Effect*
* This weapon may only be fired as Reaction Fire against Aircraft in the air.

Gaia A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

4 20” A, P5+ 5 70 Aircraf Gate 1 A9 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Charged Atmosphere 6 3 3+ 4” 4” 10” F/S/R AA, Side Effect*
* This weapon may only be fired as Reaction Fire against Aircraft in the air.

Spirit A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

4 30” A, P5+ 1 40 Aircraf Gate 1 B2 S

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Charged Atmosphere 6 3 3+ 4” 4” 10” F/S/R AA, Side Effect*
* This weapon may only be fired as Reaction Fire against Aircraft in the air.

Haven A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

7 9” A, P5+ 2 20 Vehicle Gate 1 B2, a1.5 S Skimmer

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Charged Earth 3 6 3+ 4” 4” 9” F/S/R


Warspear A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

5 - A, P5+ 1 45(230) Aircraf Airstrike 2 Wide S

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin Heavy Ion Cannons 7 4 3+ 18” 18” - N Alt-1, AA
Gauss Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 24” - N Alt-1

Table 1

M3 Alexander A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 2” A 5 115 Vehicle Command 1 b3 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

220MM Equaliser Cannon 12 1 2+ ∞ 18” 2” F/S Demolisher-3, Devastator-2, Toughened Shells*, CA-1
Maelstrom Grendade Launcher 10 1 2+ 12” 12” 2” F/S CA-1, L-1, Defoliator-4
Chaingun 7 3 2+ 36” 18” 2” F/S N/A
Chaingun 7 3 2+ 36” 18” 2” F/S N/A
* S pecial Ru le - Toug hened Shells: These are so resilient that Active Countermeasures take some t ime to dest roy them. This weapon may choos e to reduce it s E value by 1 and inc rease its R(c ) by 6”. This may be done multiple times .

NT-5 Thunderstorm Custom A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C Special

8 10” A 9 205 Vehicle Command 1 Hovercraf, Command Transport**

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Looted Plasma Cannon* 12 1 2+ 18” 18” 6” F/S/R Demolisher-2
Looted Plasma Cannon* 12 1 2+ 18” 18” 6” F/S/R Demolisher-2
Looted Plasma Cannon* 12 1 2+ 18” 18” 6” F/S/R Demolisher-2
Looted Plasma Cannon* 12 1 2+ 18” 18” 6” F/S/R Demolisher-2
* S pecial Ru le - Overloaded : Is 2 or more of these weapons on t his unit roll a 1 t o hit in t he same t urn, t his unit automatically suffers an energy 12 hit

** Special Rule - Comm and Transport: The Thunders torm may be upgraded tp carry 12 Warlords Ret inue Technic als for +168pts. Their st at s are shown Below:


Storm Wagon A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 6” N/A 2 20 Vehicle Support 3-12, Standard B2 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Multiple Rocket Battery 10 1 4+ N/A N/A 0” F/S/R Barrage-1

Flame Wagon A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 6” N/A 2 20 Vehicle Support 3-6, Standard B2 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Flamethrower 4 4 3+ 6” 6” 6” F/S/R Flame

Barrel Bomber A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

6 16” A 4 65 Aircraf Support 1 L Rare, Feral

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Frag Barrel 10 1 * 6” 6” 8” F/S/R Alt-1, Area-L, Frag 4+, L-2
Goliath Bomb 13 1 5+ 6” 6” 8” F/S/R Alt-1, Area-S, L-1, Devestator D3, Goliath**
Missile Battery 8 1 3+ 36” 9” 8” F SC
Heavy Machine Gun 5 2 3+ 36” 12” 8” F N/A
AA Cannon* 6 2 3+ 36” 18” 8” F/S/R AA
* AA Cann on Upg rade: The Barrel Bomber may be upgraded wit h an AA Cannon for +15

** Special Rule - Goliath: If t his weapon hits a structure when fired at it direct ly, do not roll for damage. Instead, t his weapon automatically inflic ts 7+2D6 Dp t o t he building ignoring all modifiers.

AH-16 Cyclone A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

6 16” A 2 60 Aircraf Support 1-4 Wide M N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Hornets Nest Multi Missile System 10 1 3+ N/A N/A 12” F Barrage-1

Beowulf Missile (left Pylon) 10 1 3+ 36” 9” 12” F/S (Right) L-2

Beowulf (Right Pylon) 10 1 3+ 36” 9” 12” F/S (Lef) L-2

Light Chaingun 4 4 3+ 36” 12” 12” F/S N/A

Thunder Wagon A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 6” N/A 2 25 Vehicle Support 3 Standard B2 Rare, Battery*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Golgotha Missile 11 1 3+ ∞ 36” 0” F/S/R IF, L-1, Area-M, Demolisher-2
*S pecial Ru le - Batter: Due t o t he size and nat ure of this weapon, only a single Unit in t his Squad may fire a weapon each turn.

Typhoon A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 16” A 2 70 Aircraf Support 1-4 Wide M N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Azrael Chainguns 10 3 3+ 48” 12” 12” F Strafe, Weight of Fire*
Light Chaingun 4 4 3+ 36” 12” 12” F/S N/A
* S pecial Ru le - Weigh t of Fire: Due t o the sheer volume of fire, rounds from this weapon are able to punch through t he defenses provided by Ac tive Count ermeasures. This weapon may c hoose t o reduce its Sh value by 1 and inc rease its R( c) by 6”. This may be done multiple times.

Hellhog B A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

6 36” A 3 140 Aircraf Support 1 L Rare

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

75MM Satan Chaingun 7 8 2+ 36” 12” 12” F(N) Strafe, Focus-2


Attack ATVs A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

4 9” E+1 3 35 Infantry* Exotic 0 4+ 2-4 B2B d1 Subterranean, DF

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Grenade Launcher 4 3 2+ 9” 6” 6” F Focus-2, SC, RW-1, Alt-1
Chem Grenade* 4 6 2+ 6” 6” 6” F Flame, RW-2, can’t start fire, Alt-1
Incendiary Grenade 1 6 6+ 6” 6” 6” F RW-2, Alt-1
* Th is u nit may not e nter
structu re s
** Special Rule - Chem Grenade: This weapon damages unit s via use of chemicals and therefore c annot start fires, but all other rules for Flame weapons apply.

Sappers A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

2 2” N/A 3 35 Infantry Exotic 1 2+ 2 B2B c1 Subterranean, Rare, Infiltrate-18

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Trigger AT IED 11 1 3+ ∞ ∞ 0" F/S/R Alt-1, L-1
Trigger Demo IED* 10 1 2+ ∞ ∞ 0" F/S/R Alt-1, L-1, Demolisher-D3
Trigger Cluster IED 9 1 4+ ∞ ∞ 0" F/S/R Alt-1, L-1, Area-L
* S pecial Ru le - Demo IED: This weapon may only target a Feat ure

Occupation Veterans A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

2 2” N/A 5 40 Infantry Exotic 2 2+ 2-4 B2B c1 Dodge 5+, Subterranean

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Overcharged Plasma Rifles 4* 5 2+ 18” 18” 2” F/S/R Alt-1, RW-1, SA-7
Overcharged Plasma Rifles (Focused) 11” 1 2+ 18” 18” 2” F/S/R Alt-1
* This weapon may only be fired if the unit has 3 or more DP remaining.

Berserkers A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

1 2” N/A 5 30 Infantry Exotic D3+1 2+ 2-4 B2B c1 Dodge 5+, Subterranean, Reckless Abandon*, Feral

* S pecial Ru le - Reckless Aband on: Berserkers suffer a + 1 modifier when rolling to find objectives ( to a maximum of a 6+) and a -1 modifier when rolling to find int el (t hey are more likely to stumble over a booby t rap and will never find an object ive).

Marine Force Recon Team A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special
2 2” N/A 5 60 Infantry Exotic 3 2+ 2 B2B c1 Dodge 3+, Fast Roping 4”, Allied

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-3 SMG Special 2 10 2+ 12” 6” 2” F/S/R RW-2


A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C Special NB: Uses Rakkon Krell mini
Pizarro Class Walker
9 8” A 5 95 Walker Heavy 1 b6 Rare, infiltrate-12

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Azrael-L Chainguns 10 3 3+ 48” 18” 6” F Strafe
Industrial Cutting Claws 10 4 2+ CC CC 8” F

M9 Hannibal A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 3” A 2 40 Vehicle Heavy 2-4 Standard a1.5 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

120MM Punisher Cannon 10 1 2+ ∞ 18” 3” F/S/R N/A
90MM Cannon 9 1 2+ ∞ 18” 3” F(N) N/A
Machine Gun 4 3 3+ 24” 12” 3” F/S/R N/A

M20 Zhukov A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 3” A 2 70 Vehicle Heavy 2-4 Standard a1.5 Rare

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

32MM Rail Cannon 8 1 2+ ∞ 24” 3” F/S AA, Devastator-2
90MM Cannon 9 1 2+ ∞ 18” 3” F(N) N/A
Machine Gun 4 3 3+ 24” 12” 3” F/S/R N/A

Mehmed Siege Tank A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 3” A 2 50 Vehicle Heavy 2-4 Standard a1.5 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Hammer Of Constantine 11 1 2+ 12” 12” 3” F/S Demolisher-4
90MM Cannon 9 1 2+ ∞ 18” 3” F(N) N/A
Machine Gun 4 3 3+ 24” 12” 3” F/S/R N/A


Rocket Technical A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

5 9” N/A 1 10 Vehicle Standard 6-12 Standard b1 Subterranean

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Rocket Launcher 7 1 2+ 18” 6” 9” F/S SC, Focus-2

Gun Wagon A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 6” N/A 2 25 Vehicle Standard 3-6, Standard b2 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

AA Cannon 6 2 2+ 36” 18” 6” F/S/R AA


Gun Technical A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

5 9” N/A 1 10 Vehicle Scout 6-12 Standard b1 Subterranean

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Heavy Machine Gun 5 1 2+ 36” 12” 6” F/S AA

Freeriders A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

3 12” E+3* 3 35 Infantry Scout 1 4+ 2-4 B2B e1 Subterranean, DF, Bikes**

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Sticky Mine 9 3 3+ CC CC 9” F/S RW-1
Machine Gun 3 3 3+ 24” 9” 9” F/S/R RW-1
* Freeriders lose Evasion Countermeasures when in a structure
** Special Rule - Bikes: This U nit does not c ount as having moved when abandoning a struc ture, but it does c ount as having made one Disembark operation (and t herefore can only move a maximum of half its M V value for the rest of the turn).

Scout ATVs A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

4 9” E+1 3 40 Infantry* Scout 0 4+ 2-4 B2B d1 Subterranean, DF

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Disruptor Array** N/A 3 2+ 24” 24” 6” F/S/R RW-1
* Th is u nit may not e nter
structu re s
** Special Rule - Disru ptor Array: This weapon does not roll t o damage and Passive Count ermeasures can’t save against this hit. Every hit from t his weapon inflicts a +1 Ac modifier (to a maximum of 6+) t o each of t he t argets weapon profiles unt il the Scout ATVs next activat ion. If t he entire squad of Scout ATVs are destroyed then t he effects end.
S pecial Ru le - En hanced Targeting Array: Any Friendly IF weapon targeting a unit within line of sight os a Sc out ATV Unit receives a - 1Ac modifier t o t heir Ac value.


Resistance Fighters A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category CQB F S+C T Special

2 2” N/A 5 25 Infantry Troops 1 3+ 2-4 B2B c1 Subterranean

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Assault Rifles 3 5 3+ 36” 9” 1” F/S/R Alt-1, RW-1, SA-6
Homemade RPGs 6 5 3+ 18” 6” 0” F/S/R Alt-1, RW-1, SC, Focus-2, L-1


NT-4 Leviathan A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

7 10” A 9 90 Vehicle Transport 1 B24 Hovercraf

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Multi Rocket Battery 10 1 3+ N/A N/A 6” F/S/R Barrage-4
AA Cannon* 6 2 3+ 36” 18” 6” F/S/R AA
AA Cannon* 6 2 3+ 36” 18” 6” F/S/R AA
AA Cannon* 6 2 3+ 36” 18” 6” F/S/R AA
AA Cannon* 6 2 3+ 36” 18” 6” F/S/R AA
*Qu ad Ca nnon Up grade: The Leviathan may upgrade its Multi Roc ket Battery to 4 AA Cannons for +30pt s

NT-1 Kraken A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

8 10” A 4 35 Vehicle Transport 1 B6, D4 Hovercraf

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

90MM Cannon 9 1 3+ 48” 18” 10” F(N) N/A

AT-77 Lifthawk A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special

6 16” A 4 55 Aircraf Transport 1 A3 L N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Missile Battery 8 1 3+ 36” 9” 8” F SC
Heavy Machine Gun 5 2 3+ 36” 12” 8” F N/A
AA Cannon* 6 2 3+ 36” 18” 8” F/S/R AA
* AA Cann on Upg rade: The AT-77 Lifthawk may be upgraded with an AA C annon for +15

Battle Bus A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 6” N/A 4 15 Vehicle Transport 1 C4, d2 Firing Ports*

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Rocket Launcher Battery** 6 3 2+ 18” 6” 6” F/S SC, Focus-1
Heavy Machine Gun Battery** 5 3 2+ 36” 12” 6” F/S AA
* S pecial Ru le - Firing P orts: Infantry Units may shoot from t his vehicle but s uffer a +1 Ac penalty (measure line of sight and range as if the Bat tle B us is shoot ing). Change all firing infant ry weapon”s Mf values t o 6” when doing so.
** Weapon s Up grade: A Battle Bus may be upgraded with a Heavy Mac hine Gun Battery for +15 or may be upgraded wit h a Roc ket Launcher Battery for +10pt s.

MT-90 Jackson A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

9 6” A 1 15 Vehicle Transport 1 a1,C2 N/A

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Deluge Grenade Launcher* 7 1 3+ 18” 6” 6” F SC
* S pider Lau nch er Upgrad e: A half t rack may replace it s Grenade Launcher wit h a Spider Launcher for +5pts. One friendly infantry squad in a st ructure within 3” of the Jackson may gain an addit ional D3 dice to their CQB pool per turn.

Raven A/S A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

5 24” A, E+2 1 35 Aircraf Transport 1 C2** Allied

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Twin UM-5 Gatling 3 4 4+ 24” 12” 12” F N/A

Misile Pods* 8 1 3+ 36” 12” 12” F SC
* Missile Pod s Up grade: A Raven A/ S may be upgraded with miss ile pods for +8pts.
** Special Rule - Elite Carg o: This Transport has to be init ially filled with Marine Force Recon infantry to be t aken. It may be utiliz ed by other infantry units after it deploys AL L Rec on unit s it start ed with(see the T stat for all legal infantry that can utilize this Transport ).

Skulltaker Assault Transport A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

6 24” A 4 90 Aircraf Transport* 1 C4* Feral

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Upgraded Heavy Machinegun 5 4 3+ 36” 18” 8” F N/A
Double Rocket Battery 8 2 3+ 36” 9” 8” F SC
Flame Thrower 4 4 4+ 6” 6” 8” F/S Flame
* S pecial Ru le - Horrific Cargo : The Skullt aker must initially t ransport 1-2 Squads of Berserkers (M aximum 4 units) to be taken. It may be utilized by other infantry unit s aft er it deploys ALL Berserker units it st arted with(s ee the T st at for all legal infant ry t hat c an utilize this Transport).

NB: Uses James Rodiguez mini

A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T+LZ Special
6 24" A 5 120 Aircraf Transport* 1 C4, E4 L

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

Ground Attack Missiles 9 6 3+ 36" 9" 9" F SC, Strafe
* Assau lt Transport: The St rikehawk may be chosen as a Transport option for t he Following Squads: Occupation Vet erans, Resistanc e Fighters, Freeriders and any other infantry t hat st at es it as a transport option. It does NOT have to be filled, but must t ake between 2-4 bases total.


Hellhog A A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C LZ Special

6 N/A A 3 45(200) Aircraf Airstrike 1 L Interceptor

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

75MM Satan Chaingun LM 7 4 3+ 36” 12” N/A F(N) Strafe, Focus-2
Cobra Missile 8 2 2+ ∞ 12” N/A F/S AA

Archangel Pathfinder Squadron A CM DP Pts Type Category S+C Special

5 A 2 30(250) Aircraf Airstrike 2 Wide Interceptor, Allied

WEAPONS E Sh Ac R(f) R(c) Mf Arc Special

UM-50 Retribution Cannons 7 2 2+ ∞ 12” N/A F(N) AA


Model 109 Breaching Drill A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special

10 0” A 5 50 Vehicle Drill* 1 Subterranean Rare

Model 209 “Bertha” Breaching Drill A Mv CM DP Pts Type Category S+C T Special
10 0” A 8 100 Vehicle XL Drill** 1 Subterranean Rare NB: Uses Jesse Adams mini
**The XL Breaching Drill follows the same rules as the normal drill except it allows three squads to deploy per t urn rather than t he usual one

Table 1
Target Damage TARGET ARMOR
Points (original)
1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

1 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+

2 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+

3 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+

4-9 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+

10+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+


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