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August 30, 2019 [LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE 9]

Summative Assessment

I. Objectives:
 Recall the lessons about the Electronic Structure of Matter.
 Answer the summative assessment with accuracy for the module.
 Exhibit honest and self-reliance during the test.
II. Subject Matter
1. Topic : Electronic Structure of Matter
2. Reference : Teacher’s Guide page 89
3. Materials: Test questionnaires, ball pen, paper
III. Learning Task
1. Review
Conduct a short review. Call the first learner to answer the first question.
2. Motivation
 Provide to the students the following rules for the assessment.
3. Lesson Proper
3.1 Activity
Ask the students to arrange their chairs and prepare themselves for the assessment. Provide
them the general instruction of the test.
3.2 Analysis

I. Multiple Choice: Select the best/correct answer.

1. Who proposed the probability that electrons will be found in certain locations
around the nucleus of an atom?
A. Neils Bohr C. Ernest Rutherford B. Erwin Schrodinger D. J.J. Thomson
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the atomic model of Bohr
A. The hydrogen is made up of a positively charged nucleu B. The electron
revolves around the nucleus in a circular orbit. C. The energy of the electron in a
given orbit is not fixed. D. An electron can absorb or emit a quantity of radiation.
3. Which orbital designation has the highest energy?
A. 2s B. 2p C. 3d D. 4s
4. Which statement is incorrect?
A. Orbital is a region in an atom where an electron can be found.
B. An electron can absorb energy when it jumps to a higher energy level. C. An
electron can emit energy when it jumps to a higher energy level. D. Filling of electrons in
an atom starts from a low energy level to the highest energy level.
5. What occurs when an electron moves from high energy level to a low one?
A. another electron goes from a low energy level to a high one B. the atom
moves faster
3.3 Abstraction C. colored light is given off D. this process is not
The teacher will…
6. Which combination describes the flame color of the compound when heated?
A. sodium Discuss –and
 chloride differentiate C.
orange food chain from
potassium food –web.
chloride blue B. copper(II) sulfate –
violet  Discuss the components
D. boric acid – red of a food chain in an ecosystem
Write thecorrect the transfer
electronic of energy of
configuration through the trophic
the following levels.
1. carbon
2. calcium
3. chlorine
4. aluminum
5. titanium

3.4 Application
IV. Assessment
After the allotted time, ask the students to change their papers. Lead the class in checking
their papers.

V. Assignment

Have the learners prepare for the next module.

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on

the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial work? No. of
learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which
I wish to share with other teachers.

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