T232 First Steps For Customers PDF

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First Steps: Installation / Upgrade of SAP IS-U LOCINCS 6.0

This First Steps document gives you an overview of the various sources of information that are
available for the delivered SAP product. It contains important information and current
amendments to existing documentation (such as SAP Notes and Internet addresses).
Furthermore, you find a short description on how to access SAP Service Marketplace and where
you can find help for the delivered SAP product.

A) First Steps to Installing and Upgrading SAP IS-U LOCINCS 6.0

 A user ID is requested to access all SAP information and support channels. If you do not yet
have a user for the SAP Service Marketplace, create one as described in section B.

 The platform availability of SAP IS-U LOCINCS 6.0 is described in the SAP Support Portal on
the SAP Service Marketplace. See section B.4 for more information.

 Run the installation or upgrade of the software components as described in the

installation/upgrade guides or installation/upgrade notes.

B) Important Information and Sources

B.1) Prerequisites for the Use of the SAP Service Marketplace

Requesting a User ID for the SAP Service Marketplace

Your user ID enables you to access all SAP information and support channels. To request a user
ID for SAP Service Marketplace, see http://service.sap.com and on the top “Registration”
Note that you need a valid e-mail address and the customer or installation number, which you find
on the delivery note of this shipment.

Your user ID also enables you to create customer messages. For more information, see the SAP
Support Portal on SAP Service Marketplace at http://service.sap.com/message. You can
access the SAP Support Portal directly via http://service.sap.com/support.

B.2) License Keys

When installing an SAP system, a temporary license key, which is valid for 28 days (90 days as
of release SAP NetWeaver AS Java 7.10 and SAP Netweaver AS ABAP 7.11), is created
automatically. You must apply for a permanent license key immediately after installing your SAP
software (for more information, see SAP Notes 94998 and 870871). Together with your
permanent license key you will get the Maintenance Certificate, which is a prerequisite for
updates. For more information on the Maintenance Certificate see section B.3). To do so, see
SAP Support Portal at http://service.sap.com/support  Keys & Requests  License
Keys or at http://service.sap.com/licensekeys. You need the authorization LICENSE
KEY ASSIGNMENT (for more information, see SAP Support Portal at
http://service.sap.com/user-admin). If you have any problems or questions regarding
license keys, create a customer message for component XX-SER-LIKEY, in case of problems
regarding user administration create a customer message for component XX-SER-SAPSMP-
B.3) Maintenance Certificate

As of 2008, SAP requires a Maintenance Certificate for the installation of SAP Support Packages.

The Maintenance Certificate is valid for 3 months and enables the software logistic tools (e.g.
Support Package Manager) to identify your SAP system and the exact scope of your
corresponding SAP maintenance agreement.

The Maintenance Certificate can be obtained as follows:

1) It can be obtained automatically via SAP Solution Manager. This is the preferred option as it
ensures regular automated updates of the Maintenance Certificate.

2) It can be requested via the SAP Support Portal at http://service.sap.com/licensekey

and distributed manually within your system landscape. However, when using this option, the
Maintenance Certificate is valid for 3 months only and needs to be requested again after this

For more information on the Maintenance Certificate refer to:


B.4) Documentation

Release Notes

The Release Notes for Mobile services for Utility Companies 6.0, Localization for India,
which describe the new functions and changes, is available. You can access the release note
through transaction "so99" in your ISU add-on system. On executing transaction so99, the "Find
Release Note" screen appears. On this screen choose, Selection by mySAP Component
option. The Release Note Selection screen appears. On this screen, under the tab Release
Selection tab choose, component name as "LOCINUTL". The system displays the relevant
release note.

Platform Availability

For a list of all supported combinations of databases and operating systems, see the SAP Service
Marketplace at http://service.sap.com/pam.
B.5) Support and Maintenance

SAP Notes

The SAP Service Marketplace contains SAP Notes detailing solutions for known problems or
providing additional information. You can search for and read SAP Notes at

Customer Messages

If you encounter problems when installing, upgrading, or running SAP IS-U LOCINCS 6.0 create
a customer message on the SAP Service Marketplace at
http://service.sap.com/message using component BC-UPG-ADDON.

Maintenance Strategy

Mainstream maintenance for SAP IS-U LOCINCS 6.0 ends on Dec 1, 2018. For more information
about the maintenance strategy, see http://service.sap.com/maintenance.

Support Package Stacks

All available SAP Support Packages and patches for SAP IS-U LOCINCS 6.0 can be downloaded
from the Software Download Center on the SAP Service Marketplace at
http://service.sap.com/patches (see below).

You are advised to always install the latest SAP Support Package stacks, which group a set of
SAP Support Packages and patches.

Support for Partner Products

While running SAP software, you may encounter errors that are caused not by the SAP products,
but by the database, operating system, hardware, or other application products.

Note the following when requesting support for such problems:

 Case 1: The product was purchased through SAP

This includes the following: Java Virtual Machine CrEme for PocketPC, specific mobile device
drivers approved by SAP, the database IBM DB2 Everyplace for SAP MI 2.5 and the
databases MS SQL Version > 7, Oracle RDBMS, Informix Online server, DB2 UDB or
application products. In this case, SAP is your contact for support and we assume
responsibility for finding a solution together with the product vendor within the scope of the
SAP Maintenance Agreement.

 Case 2: The product was not purchased through SAP

1. This applies to all other products, such as all operating systems and hardware, as well as
the database IBM DB2/400, non-SAP application products, and database administration
tools/functions, if applicable.
The contact for support for these products is the product vendor. If the error was originally
reported to SAP, SAP Support forwards the message concerned to the respective
partner’s support organization. SAP has agreements with all partners that clearly define
the procedures for forwarding these customer support messages.
Note that the partner only provides support if you have a valid support contract with the
product vendor for the product in question. Note also that the service times (weekends
and nights, for example) are an important component in this contract.
2. Check whether your support contracts match our partners’ recommendation or the above-
mentioned conditions and, if required, contact the partner or service-provider for the
partner products directly.

B.6) Software Download

SAP Software Download Center in the SAP Service Marketplace

You can download software, such as SAP Support Packages, from the Software Download
Center. To access the Software Download Center from the SAP Service Marketplace homepage,
http://service.sap.com, choose SAP Support Portal → Software Downloads → SAP
Software Download Center.

Quick links:
 Software Download Center: http://service.sap.com/swdc
 Installations and upgrades: http://service.sap.com/installations
 Support Package and patches: http://service.sap.com/patches
 Support Package Stacks: http://service.sap.com/sp-stacks

If you have any problems or questions relating to the download, create a customer message
under component XX-SER-SAPSMP-SWC.

Maintenance Optimizer

All Support Packages (Stacks) for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 and subsequent versions, as well as all
applications which are based on this software (including SAP Business Suite 2005), released
after April 2, 2007, will be available exclusively through the Maintenance Optimizer in SAP
Solution Manager. Further information is available at http://service.sap.com/solman-

SAP Download Manager

You can use the SAP Download Manager to download software from the Software Download
Center. It is available on the SAP Service Marketplace at
http://service.sap.com/download-basket → Get Download Manager. If you have any
problems or questions relating to the SAP Download Manager, create a customer message under
component XX-SER-SAPSMP-SDM.

Ordering Software on CD or DVD

As an alternative to downloading software from the Software Download Center, you can also
order software on CD or DVD from the SAP Software Shop on the SAP Service Marketplace at
http://service.sap.com/softwarecatalog. If you have any problems or questions
relating to ordering, create a customer message under component XX-SER-SWFL-SHIP.
B.7) Special Information for Ramp-Up Customers

If you encounter any problems in the <Name of Shipment> Ramp-Up phase, report them as usual
as customer messages by using the SAP Message Wizard in the SAP Support Portal
(http://service.sap.com/message) and indicate the messages as Ramp-Up message.
During the Ramp-Up phase, technical support is provided directly by the SAP development.

For information about the Ramp-Up process, see the SAP Service Marketplace:
http://service.sap.com/rampup. If you have particular questions concerning the SAP
Ramp-Up process, enter them in a customer message using the component XX-SER-RAMPUP.

For a successful implementation of your project we offer our Ramp-Up customers to take
advantage of the related SAP Online Knowledge Product for free.
SAP Online Knowledge Products are online-training materials for the latest SAP Solutions and
They contain delta knowledge on new functions of the software, implementation knowledge and
guidelines for your project.

You receive role and task-specific online learning material for the implementation of your project,
such as
- Live sessions with SAP experts (WebEx)
- Online demonstrations (SAPTutor)
- Presentations with recorded audio speech (eBooks)
- Documentation
- Self tests
- Notice of recent updates of the content

How to subscribe for the SAP Online Knowledge Product:

- Send an e-mail to rkt@sap.com.

- Name the product/solution you are implementing.
- Provide the S-User IDs (for SAP Service Marketplace) of up to 10 of your consultants engaged
in your project.
- Access to the SAP Online Knowledge Product is then granted immediately

B.8) Miscellaneous

Information for Asian Language Version

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