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Drug Epidemiology Diagnosis VF Transmission Clinical Txt Info

N. Gonorrhea Higest rates: -Growth on thayer- 1. Pili: 1. sexual 1. Urethritis: men only, dysuria purulent Combo therapy List various mucosal epithelial
M=F martin chocolate agar attachment to (extra/genital) discharge, symptomatic of Ceftriazone sites affected w/ N. gonnorrhoaeae
Age: 15-30 plate mucosal cell can be 2. Cervicitis: purulent vaginal discharge, IM dose and - urethra, cervix, rectum, pharynx,
AA 10x than -oxidase + surfaces asymptomatic dysuria, intermenstrual bleeding, 50% azithromycin eyes
whites - gram negative of 2. IgA protease: 2. newborns symptomatic PO -->PT co-
urethral discharge hydrolyze IgA through birth 3. PID (pelvic inflam): ascending infxn infected w/
- (NAAT) nucleic acid made by host canal from cervic to upper genital tract, asymptomatic
amplification test (swab 3. LPS like symptoms are cervicitis, abdominal pain, chlaymidia
mucosal area/ urine test endotoxin fever, scarring leads to ectopic
for both gonorrhea and damages pregnancy, infertility
chlamydia) epithelial cell 4. extra genital infxn: pharyngitis and
- g- dipplococci (kidney proctitis (rectum) asymptomatic/
beans) in IC neutrophils conjunctivitis (symptomatic) for adults or
5. Disseminated gonococcal infection
(DGI): bacteremia, septic arthritis, rash
1. clinical: 90% asymptomatic, less
discharge than gonorrhea when
1. genital 2. Infections: urethritis in men (non
infections: gonoccoccal urethritis (NGU)), Cervicitis,
sexual PID
transmission/ 3. Risk of rxtive arthritis (not caused by
neonatal in birth chlaymdia but caused by body's
Highest rates: - obligate IC bacteria canal inflammatory response to bacteria)
women age 15- - Gram neg but too small (asymptomatic) 4. Extra genital infections:
Single dose More often asymptomatic,
25 to seen micro 2. rectal/pharyngitis asymptomatic
Chlamydia azithryomycin/ 1 including PID
AA 6x more - grows in IC inclusions Conjunctivitis: 5. Conjunctivitis: symptomatic,
trachomatis week Can cause trachoma
than whites - Diagnose w/ NAAT w/ neonates during cobblestone for adults, bloody
doxycycline Linked to rxtive arthritis
Rising faster in swabs of mucosal delivery/ adults mucopurlent discharge for newborns
males surface and on urine (auto 6. lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV):
inoculation) chronic infection to lymph --> genital
3. Trachoma ulcer with inguinal lymphadenopathy
(finger-eye (buboes), can cause proctocolitis (infxn
contact, of rectum and colon due to MMS)
fomites) 7. Trachoma: asymptomatic infxn in kids
--> scarring and blindness in adults,
mass treatment of entire community

Clinical timeline: (early

neurosyphilis at any time:
- thin walled flexible
asymptomatic, meningitis, stroke,
spiral rods, grows slowly 1. sexual
ocular involvement, ear infxn)
(treat prolonged period) transmission via
1. painless chancre, spirochetes
--> infects endothelium of abraded skin/
disseminate via lymph and blood,
small vessels --> mucus
Highest rates: 1. due to in utero infxn chancre resolves (2-10 wks)
endarteritis membranes Penicillin (IM), if
MSM, age 20- 2. clinical findings: saddle nose, frontal 2. rash, MM lesions, resolves (1-3
T. Pallidum - Diagnosis: T. Pallidum 1. motile via with spirochete neurosyphilis:
30 bossing, saber shin, deaf, hutch teeth months)
(Syphilis) can't be cultured, use axial filaments containing IV penicillin 14
AA 5x more (indents and wide IPS), mulberry molars, 3. Latent period (months - years)
dark field microscopy, lesions days
than whites still birth asymptomatic
conduct 2 serology tests 2. (congenital
4. Tertiary: gummas (granuloma in
- Nontreponemal syphilis)mother
skin, organs), aortitis, late
serology tests to child
neurosyphilis (yr-decades)
- treponemal (specific for transmission
develops in 1/3 untreated pt -->
syphilis) serology tests
tabes dorsalis (loss of position
sense), general paresis (dementia)

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