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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

12 January 2020 BAPTISM OF THE LORD Year A

Jesus, the Son/Servant of the Father

and Our Brother

esus’ baptism in the Jordan River is the second “epiphany” – the
second manifestation of his identity and mission. The Father’s voice
reveals that Jesus is the “Son/Servant,” the man filled with the Spirit
of the Lord, sent to “establish justice on the earth.”
His mission will also entail taking upon himself the weight of man-
kind’s sinfulness, as foretold in the last of the Servant’s Songs.
Jesus’ baptism reminds us of our own baptism when the Father
pronounced over us the most affirming sentence we will ever hear:
“You are my beloved child!” It is this unparalleled dignity which entitles
us to participate in the Eucharist, the Banquet of our Lord. Let us do so
today with gratitude and love, in full awareness of what this entails.

to atone for our sins. Lord, God, Son of the Father, you take
have mercy! away the sins of the world, have
All – Lord, have mercy! mercy on us; you take away the
P –Lord Jesus, at your baptism sins of the world, receive our
Entrance Antiphon you were proclaimed God’s prayer; you are seated at the right
(To be recited only when no Entrance hand of the Father, have mercy
Hymn is sung.)
beloved Son. Christ, have
mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
After the Lord was bap- All –Christ, have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
tized, the heavens were opened, alone are the Most High, Jesus
and the Spirit descended upon P –Lord Jesus, at your baptism
you were anointed with Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
him like a dove, and the voice of in the glory of God the Father.
the Father thundered: This is the Holy Spirit. Lord, have
mercy! Amen!
my beloved Son, with whom I
am well pleased. All – Lord, have mercy!
Collect (Opening Prayer)
P –May almighty God have
Greeting mercy on us, forgive us our sins, P –Almighty ever-living God,
and bring us to everlasting life. who, when Christ had been bap-
P –Grace and peace from God tized in the River Jordan and as
our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, All – Amen!
the Holy Spirit descended upon
and the Holy Spirit be with you him, solemnly declared him
all! Gloria
your beloved Son, grant that
All – And with your spirit! All –Glory to God in the high- your children by adoption, re-
est, and on earth peace to peo- born of water and the Holy Spir-
Penitential Act ple of good will. We praise you, it, may always be well pleasing
P –Coming together as God’s we bless you, we adore you, we to you.
family, with confidence let us ask glorify you, we give you thanks Through our Lord Jesus
the Lord’s forgiveness, for he is for your great glory, Lord God, Christ, your Son, who lives and
full of gentleness and compas- heavenly King, O God, almighty reigns with you in the unity of
sion. (Pause) Father. the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
P –Lord Jesus, by your baptism Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- and ever.
you showed your readiness gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of All – Amen!
* The voice of the Lord is P –The Lord be with you!
over the waters, the Lord, over All – And with your spirit!
vast waters. The voice of the P –A proclamation from the
Lord is mighty; the voice of the holy Gospel according to
1st Reading Is 42:1-4.6-7 Lord is majestic. R. Matthew
What we are about to hear is All – Glory to you, O Lord!
the first of the four “Songs of the * The God of glory thunders,
Servant of the Lord.” All Chris- and in his temple all say, “Glo- Jesus came from Gali-
tian generations have seen in the ry!” The Lord is enthroned lee to John at the Jordan to be
“Servant of the Lord” a figure/ above the flood; the Lord is baptized by him. John tried to
prophecy of Jesus of Nazareth, enthroned as king forever. R. prevent him, saying, “I need to
the one in whom alone the Father be baptized by you, and yet you
2nd Reading Acts 10:34-38 are coming to me?” Jesus said
is fully pleased.
The passage we are about to him in reply, “Allow it now,
R – A proclamation from the to hear proclaimed contains
Book of the Prophet Isaiah for thus it is fitting for us to
the beginning of the discourse fulfill all righteousness.” Then
Thus says the Lord: of Peter in the house of the Ro- John allowed him.
“Here is my servant whom man centurion Cornelius. This After Jesus was baptized,
I uphold, my chosen one with text is used in today’s feast he came up from the water
whom I am pleased, upon because of its reference to Je- and behold, the heavens were
whom I have put my Spirit. sus whom God “anointed with opened for him, and he saw
He shall bring forth jus- the Holy Spirit and power.” the Spirit of God descending
tice to the nations, not crying R – A proclamation from the like a dove and coming upon
out, not shouting, not making Acts of the Apostles him. And a voice came from
his voice heard in the street. the heavens, saying, “This is
A bruised reed he shall not Peter proceeded to speak
to those gathered in the house my beloved Son, with whom I
break, and a smoldering wick am well pleased.”
he shall not quench, until he of Cornelius, saying: “In truth,
establishes justice on the earth. I see that God shows no par- The Gospel of the Lord!
The coastlands will wait for his tiality. Rather, in every nation, All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
teaching. whoever fears him and acts Christ!
I, the Lord, have called uprightly is acceptable to him.
you for the victory of justice, I You know the word that Homily
have grasped you by the hand. he sent to the Israelites as he Profession of Faith
I formed you, and set you as a proclaimed peace through Je- (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
covenant of the people, a light sus Christ, who is Lord of all
– what has happened all over All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
for the nations, to open the eyes ther almighty, maker of heaven
of the blind, to bring out pris- Judea, beginning in Galilee
after the baptism that John and earth, of all things visible
oners from confinement, and and invisible.
from the dungeon, those who preached, how God anointed
Jesus of Nazareth with the I believe in one Lord Jesus
live in darkness.” Christ, the Only Begotten Son
Holy Spirit and power. He went
The Word of the Lord! about doing good and heal- of God, born of the Father be-
All – Thanks be to God! ing all those oppressed by the fore all ages. God from God,
devil, for God was with him.” Light from Light, true God from
Responsorial Psalm Ps 29 true God, begotten, not made,
R –The Lord will bless his peo- The Word of the Lord! consubstantial with the Father;
ple with peace! All – Thanks be to God! through him all things were
made. For us men and for our
R. M. Velez
Gospel Acclamation Mk 9:7 salvation he came down from
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
  
Eb Bb All – Alleluia! Alleluia!

  
The heavens were opened Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
   and the voice of the Father gin Mary, and became man.*
The Lord will bless his thundered: “This is my be- For our sake he was crucified
loved Son, listen to him.” under Pontius Pilate, he suf-

    
Ab Eb Alleluia! Alleluia! fered death and was buried, and
 
rose again on the third day in
Gospel Mt 3:13-17 accordance with the Scriptures.
peo-ple with peace. The baptism of Jesus marks He ascended into heaven and is
the start of his apostolic life. As seated at the right hand of the
* Give to the Lord, you sons he enters the waters of the Jor- Father. He will come again in
of God, give to the Lord glory dan River, he receives the formal glory to judge the living and the
and praise, give to the Lord the investiture as the long-awaited dead and his kingdom will have
glory due his name; adore the Messiah/Servant on whom the no end.
Lord in holy attire. R. Father’s favor rests. I believe in the Holy Spirit,

12 January 2020
the Lord, the giver of life, who Jesus, our brother and Lord. Memorial Acclamation
proceeds from the Father and All – Amen! P –The mystery of faith!
the Son, who with the Father
All – When we eat this Bread
and the Son is adored and glori-
and drink this Cup, we pro-
fied, who has spoken through
claim your Death, O Lord, un-
the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, cath- til you come again!
olic and apostolic Church. I Preparation of the Gifts
confess one Baptism for the P –Pray, brethren . . .
forgiveness of sins and I look All – May the Lord accept the
forward to the resurrection of sacrifice at your hands, for the
the dead and the life of the world praise and glory of his name, All – Our Father . . .
to come. Amen! for our good and the good of all P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
his holy Church. All –For the kingdom, the
Prayer of the Faithful power, and the glory are
P –Today, we recall Jesus’ for- Prayer over the Offerings yours, now and for ever.
mal investiture as “the Servant
of the Lord” who will take upon P –Accept, O Lord, the offer- Breaking of the Bread
himself the sins of the world. ings we have brought to honor All – Lamb of God . . .
With gratitude for God’s gener- the revealing of your beloved
osity, let us pray: Son, so that the oblation of your Communion
faithful may be transformed into
All –Merciful God, hear us! the sacrifice of him who willed in P –This is the Lord Jesus, the
C –For the Christians of differ- his compassion to wash away the Lamb of God who takes upon
ent traditions: May they find in sins of the world. himself the burden of our sins.
the common baptism the source Who lives and reigns for ever Blessed are those who are called
of their unity and cooperation. and ever. to his Supper.
Let us pray! R. All – Amen! All – Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under
C –For Pope Francis and all my roof, but only say the word
Preface of the Baptism
other religious leaders: May they of the Lord and my soul shall be healed.
successfully pursue the efforts
to reach an ever greater unity P –The Lord be with you! Communion Antiphon
around Christ, the Son and Ser- All –And with your spirit! (To be recited only when no
vant of the Father. Let us pray! R. P –Lift up your hearts! Communion Hymn is sung.)
All –We lift them up to the
C –For those who have forgot- Lord! Behold the One of whom
ten the meaning of their baptism: P –Let us give thanks to the John said: I have seen and testi-
May the Holy Spirit renew in Lord our God! fied that this is the Son of God.
them the fruits of His presence All –It is right and just!
and make them once again active Prayer after Communion
members of the Church. Let us P –It is truly right and just, P –Nourished with these sacred
pray! R. our duty and our salvation, al- gifts, we humbly entreat your
ways and everywhere to give mercy, O Lord, that, faithfully
C –For the poor, the sick, and you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
the jobless: May they find in the listening to your Only Begotten
almighty and eternal God. Son, we may be your children in
Christian community the sup- For in the waters of the Jor-
port and help they need. Let us name and in truth.
dan you revealed with signs Through Christ our Lord.
pray! R. and wonders a new Baptism, so All – Amen!
C –For all of us gathered here: that through the voice that came
May we always be aware that we, down from heaven we might
too, are God’s adopted children come to believe in your Word
and strive to please Him at all dwelling among us, and by the
times. Let us pray! R. Spirit’s descending in the like- P –The Lord be with you.
ness of a dove we might know All – And with your spirit!
C –Let us pray in silence for our
that Christ your Servant has been
personal intentions. (Pause) P –Bow your heads and pray
Let us pray! anointed with the oil of gladness
and sent to bring the good news for God’s blessing. (Pause)
P –Father, at his baptism, Je- to the poor. May the Holy Spirit con-
sus accepted to carry the crush- And so, with the Powers of stantly guide you.
ing burden of our sins. May we heaven, we worship you con- All – Amen!
lighten that burden by honoring stantly on earth, and before your P –May He mold you into ser-
the commitments of our baptism. majesty, without end we acclaim: vants of the Lord.
We ask this through the same All – Holy, holy, holy . . . All – Amen!

Baptism of Our Lord

P –May you honor the commit- Son, and the Holy Spirit.
ments of your baptism all All – Amen! Listen to
the days of your life. “BISPERAS SA VERITAS”
All – Amen! P –Go in peace, glorifying the
Lord by your life! Tune in to Radio Veritas
P – May almighty God bless All – Thanks be to God! (846kHz) every Saturday
you: the Father, and the from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.

The Prophetic Meaning of JesusÊ Baptism

• Jess P. Balon

e say that people make a “prophetic ges- That was exactly Jesus’ mission. The prophet Isa-
ture” when they do something striking that iah had already foreseen this when he announced
is also a sign of greater things to come. that the mission of the “Servant of the Lord” was to
Those gestures reveal the depth of their commitment; bring “justice” (that is, holiness) to the nations. Of
they are meant to shake people and somehow force him God the Father said, “I set you as a covenant of the
them to make a choice, either for or against certain people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes of the
vital issues. blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement, and from
In his lifetime, Jesus made many “prophetic ges- the dungeon those who live in darkness.” (See today’s
tures” such as driving the traders out of the Temple, the First Reading.)
self-invitation to have dinner in the house of Zacchaeus, In his life, Jesus “actualized” such a liberating
and the forgiveness of the sins of a paralytic. All those and sanctifying “immersion” by associating with
gestures were “spectacular” in their own way. They at- sinners and even seeking their company. His
tracted the attention of the crowds, who wondered what association with “public sinners” was bound to tarnish
their “meaning” could be. his reputation as his opponents pointed out on several
There was, in the life of Jesus, a “gesture” which occasions. But his “immersing” himself in the crowd of
was not spectacular at all: his baptism in the River sinful mankind cost him much more – it cost him his
Jordan. That gesture was something that almost
very life, for he was put to death to atone for the
everybody was doing or undergoing in those days, in
sins of all!
response to the exhortation of John the Baptist.
But Jesus’ entering the waters of the Jordan, Jesus’ vicarious self-offering was so power-
and his joining the crowd of sinners seeking for- ful in its effect because of who he was – God’s
giveness, had a depth of meaning that made them beloved Son, on whom the Father’s favor rested!
two of his most dramatic “prophetic gestures.” Such a solemn proclamation of Jesus’ divine identity
That unassuming event became the occasion for and saving mission soon after his baptism balanced,
the revelation of his concealed divine identity and so to speak, his hiding himself among the crowd of
of his mission. sinners at the River Jordan. It also completed the
The “prophetic dimension” of Jesus’ action “prophetic nature” of what happened on that day –
was not so much in his entering the waters of the God’s very Son coming to save all mankind by
Jordan, as his immersing himself in the crowd of
sharing fully its predicament of misery, in order to
sinners. Only God’s incredible love for every human
being and all mankind could have conceived such an transform it from within through the superabun-
“immersion” which was so involving as to be a dant holiness that only God is.
total “identification.” That was the reason why the
incarnate Son of God had come down from heaven Whether you’re 5 or 105 years old,
and had undergone the fullest “immersion” in the
ocean of misery of mankind and human history. you’ve got a little treasure for you:

My Pocket Prayer Book!

Through that “immersion/identification,” the
totally sin-less Jesus became a part not only of
the relatively small group of sinners gathered by
the banks of the Jordan, but also of the immense This booklet includes:
crowd of sinners that is the whole of humankind. everyday prayers, devotions to O.L. of
And just as his presence in the waters of the Jor- Perpetual Help, the Sacred Heart, (Way of the
dan sanctified them, so did his presence among Cross), the Holy Rosary, and a confession guide . . .
the crowd of sinners bring them purification from This handy booklet fits perfectly your pocket and
sin. your budget! . . .

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
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WORD & LIFE Tel. Nos. 8894-5401; 8894-5402; 8892-2169 • Telefax: 8894-5241 • Website: www.wordandlife.org
PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: marketing@wordandlife.org; wordandlifepublications@gmail.com • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, A. Vergara, V. David, D. Daguio, R. Molomog
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco, J. Feliciano • Circulation: R. Saldua

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